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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1919)
j J r 'j "i t i ' I r I I f AQE FOUE. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Cbe plattsmoutb Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at rostolTice, FUttsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE DEEPLY INTERESTED. DO NOT GRUMBLE. Quiet endeavor is what makes it; Save your breath for breathing hard You can do some real, hard labor If you do not kick too hard. And vour friends will like you better And will haln you "turn the wheel" If you'll "buck in" and get busy Without a murmur or a squeal. :q. A negro woman, in New York re cently died leaving a million dol lars, from the sale of a hair restorer she had made. :o: An American captain' in CJlad- bock. Certnany. was wi popular with the people that he was elected burg omaster of the town. He declined. :o: If we had been robbed of fifteen suits of pink underwear and 4 SO quarts of whisky, as a Toledo man was recently, we don't believe we should have reported the matter to the police and let it get into the newspapers. :o: Aurora will celebrate the Fourth of July with a home-coining cele bration for the soldiers ami sailors who have returned from war ser vice. The Red Cross organization will, in a large way. finance this celebration from funds that it has at hand and that it has been hold ing for this purpose. :o: The business men of DeWitt have reorganized their commercial club with a inember.-hip of US and com mittees will double this membership in the near future. One of the first things taken up by the new organ ization was a Fourth of July cele bration. J. A. Sire was elected president of the club, and Floyd Lea per, ecrctary. :o: The West I'oint city council h is t-ecurcd L. M. Wessbr. city engineer of Fremont, as special engineer to supervise the laing of the pave ment in that place. The workis expected to le started at once, six teen blocks comprising the iirst paving district and the estimate of the cost is $123,000. : o: - Columbus is to have a new hospi tal. The Misses Matzcn. all experi enced registered nurses, have pur chase the property in that place which will be converted into the Columbus general hospital. The equipment has also been purchased so that the hospital can be opened at once. -One of them there airplanes cut capers over my place tuther day i-oiotoi cian Johnson. It circled a U vmmr and flapped and corkscrewed and squirmed around in the air to beat the kingdom. You never seed any body as interested as my fourteen children were. All the time the show was going on they stood still rooted to the spot, as It were, with their mouths open and their ears throw ed for-ard. plumb forgetting MONDAY. JUNE 23. 1919 Fire losses in ID 18 aggregated $ a head for every person in the Unit-I to scratch their chiggers. And it ed States. :o: was fully half an hour after the flying machine had slashed on out of sight before they really came to life and began to claw theirselves again with anything like their us ual ferocity." :o:- AMPLY QUALIFIELD. ian communists. San Francisco labor council votetl. 124 to 40, against joining a strike in behalf of Thomas J. Moon- ey, the condemned bomb-thrower. o: Several girls, accused of making tri-color rosettes for the counter revolutionists, were recently shot to "initios and irentlemen" sonor death m Uudapest by the Hungar- Dusly began the Hon. Buckram Bragg, addressing the beauty and ' OZ Mv-ilri' rt TnmHn vltle. Ark., in ad vocacy of his candidacy for the leg islature. "I am one of the plain people. I was born right yur amongst you. and nerer wore a b'iled shirt or tasted store terback- er till I was of age, and earned them luxuries by the sweat of my own hands. That there venerable stump that stands antigoitcllin across from the postoffice Is all that is left of the honest old tree that The bolshevik! bombarded the Y. M. C. A. and Ked Cross workers in Moscow on the ground that they were capitalists and all capitalists must be put down. :o: Methodist women in the south are saving all the eggs laid on Sun day, in their poultry -yards to do nate the mto the centenary cam paign of their church. :o: Eight hundred and nineteen of m Pa" ol ,,,s three, four other fellers tied me to when they put on me my first pair The Boosters club of Fairbury is lining up a number of evening ex cursions to advertise the forthcom ing Fourth of July in Fairbury. The plans are to make automobile trips to nearby towns on different even ings, taking the band and a few speakers along with thern and build up enthusiasm for the tele bration. :o: The city commissioners of Beat rice awarded the paving contract for the large south Beatrice district to the Abel Construction company of Lincoln, the company's bid being approximately $4L00O. Asphaltlc concrete will be used In part in, this iaving and the contractor stated that the company plans to rush work as rapily as possible. :o: I Additional paving ordinances are being created at Central City and in the near future the engineer will make estimates and plans will be submitted for the work. At. this meeting a representative for Central City wa appointed to attend the Lincoln Highway Association meet ing at Kearney. This meeting is for the purpose of looking into the question of how title to right-of-way property may be secured. the G.150 Methodist preachers in the south receive less than $400 a I i . . -. r , f- a year and more than one-fourth of UI ine Ul me toiai less man t,v. i :o:- :o: IT RESTS WITH YOU. The strike and lockout of 3.000 milk wagon drivers in Chicago was I Generally sneaking there are settled by conceding an advance in! three attitudes for people to take: wages, and the price of milk thel The first is the destructive attitude. next day was raised one cent ajthe second the obstructive, and the quart. third the constructive. The kind of o: I person you make of yourself depends Congressman Fitzgerald advo-on which of these three attitudes cates making $2.2C the 'maximum J vou adopt. You can find good price for wheat this year as well a j enough reasons, or excuses, for tak- the minimum price, and predicts anting any one of them increase of $2 a barrel in the cost I If you choose to be a chronic of flour. j kicker, a. croaker, a malcontent. VOU :o: can find plenty of things to find citizens of Trumbull are antici-1 fault with and to vent your spleen pating electric lights in the near future through connecting with the Hastings municipal light plant and having electricity carried by trans mission. The village of Trumbull voted $0,000 some time ago for electric light service and if this is not sufficient funds to equip the distribution, private subscriptions will be taken for tho work. :o: Stingy Tightwad says that he owes much of his success in life to his wife, who has never been a spendthrift. That Stingy is not un mindful of his wife's help, it may be noted that last week he pulled two of his wife's teeth himself, thus saving her the trouble of going to the dentist. Stingy thus saved one nervous shock in the family the one that would have occurred when Stingy handed over his dollar to the dentist. :o:- At the noon-day luncheon of the Friend Commercial club last week, it was unanimously agreed that Friend will hold an old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration and make it a home-coming event. Commit tees have been appointed and speakers and other attractions will be secured at once. The town of Friend will make the effort to In terest people for a distance of fifty miles around to join in making the celebration a great success. -:o:- Hay ward Park will be one of the new improvements at Nebraska City; plans for this park are being drawn and will be submitted to the board of education, the park being an improvement, in connection with one of the school buildings in that place. In the center of the park there will be a baseball ground, football ground and tennis grounds and a track for track teams. A large amphitheatre will be erected and in connection with that will be shower baths and a swimming pool. The park will be onn of the most modern improvements in connection with the public schools in the west. on. If you are only inclined to "think neutrally" and if you lack the force to be either positively destructive or poslitvely construct ive, you can take the attitude of mediocrity; you can be a dror.e In the hive; you can be simply ob structive; you can get in the way of progress and stay there, like a balky mule on a railroad track; you can play the role of the dog In the manger unable to eat the hay but yelping at those that could eat It. The third alternative is to be eontructive, and this is the privilege of every individual, low or high, poor or rich. You can take the constructive attitude if you so de cide. You can be a builder, a pro ducer, a doer. And it Is this type of men that have made civilization advance. Real Life. :o:- HIS FATAL ERROR. "Poor old feller " sympathetical ly said the landlord of the Petunia Tavern, as a funeral procession trailed by. "Ho was our last ling ering horse doctor. For years he went around hauling open horses' mouths and wagging his head as if he had discovered something abso lutely unheard of In the annals of horse history. Probably he didn't really know much about horses, but he loved to associate with them. After he had outlived his usefulness and almost outlived horses he would go poking, around among the Ford cars and mattering. And day be fore yesterday, when he found one standing alone and unhitched, he went In front of it and tried to open its mouth, or something; anyhow, it gave a snort and ran over him, and fetched his checkered career to an end. Well, Doc was a pretty good sort of a feller, and ho didn't owe me but $8 that I remember of." uk it Kit ok hi:hi; and oiler of I'robntt- f Will In the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. State of Nchiaska, County of Casai, 's : To all persons interested in the KxtiiJe of John KJwIn Barwick, dc ceaseJ : On reading the petition of Hilihi Coffmun pruving that the instrument fite.l in this "court on the lHth day of .June. 19 Hi, and purporting to he the last will and testament of the said deceased, mav he proved and allowed, ami recorded as the last will and tes tament of John Kdwiri Hal wii k, de ceased; that said instrument he ad mitted to prohate. and the administra tion of paid estate he granted to V. A. Kohertson, as executor; It is herehv ordered that you. and all jK-rsons interested in said matter. may, and do, appear at the County. Court to In- held In anil for said coun ty, on the lyth day of July A. J. VMM at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there tie, why the prayer of the petitioner should not he granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof le given to all persons interested in said matter hy publishing a copy of this Order in the I'lattsmout li Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said countv, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said Court, this 19tli day of June A. . istia. ALLKX J. HKKSON. Countv Judc. I'.y FLOKKNCK YV1UTK. () J23-aw. Cl. rk. O It I Kit OK HKltlN; nml oll-e of I'rol.nlf nt Will III the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. Mate of .Nebraska, County of ass, ss : To all persons interested in the Instate of Michael Tlmmas, deceased: on reading the petition of Kosina Tim in as praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 20th dav of I line. l!l:'. mid pat port ing to he ti last will and testament -of the said deceased, may le proved and alloweil mil recorded as the last will and tes tanient of Michael Timinas. deceased that said Instrument be tidinitlcd to probate, and the administration of aid estate tn granted to Kosina Tim mas. as executrix; It is hereby ordered that vou. and all persons interested in said matter may. and do, appear at the Countv Court to be held in and for said conn ty, on the lth dav of July A. 1 . 1 ! 1 ! at 10 o clock a. Vn., to show cause, i any there I.e. why the prayer of tit. petitioner should not be granted and that the hearing thereof be given t all persons interested in said matter I'V pu il isn ing a copy or this Order in the i'lattsmout h Journal, a semi-week ly newspaper printed in said count for three successive weeks prior to iiiil'l day or rearing. itio'ss my hand, and seal of said Court, this ''Otli dav of June A. I ALLKX J. I'.KKSoX. Countv Judge. i:y KLoKKNCK U HlTK. (Seal! j.'.T-;!w. Clerk. mTmTTT V I Jl " I II ,L pp m 1 I I ".j ''. it -A - 1 ....i.iif- - - I U -"Y ri I I jet-. 7 AH " i, 1 1 i Don! Decide Until Yon KnowThe Owen The Owen costs one-fifth as much to operate as other Units. Cheaper per horsepower than kerosene lamps 3 INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying P. t i : m "c m ia mounts or PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bld'g, Omaha, Neb. otk i; ok jiKiti; I "or Drtrnnlnn t Ion f IIHmliiii In the County Court of tfte Countv or t .Ni'tiraskn. In re Kstates of Jacob Carper. Onev I. Carper. Anderson Lee Carper and irreil l.emmel nrper. each deceased The State of Nebraska, to all prisons Interested in said estates, cieditois and heirs take notice that Mattie J Porter lias tiled her petition alleging that Jacob Carper, a resident irnd in- aMtnnt of tl:e ounty of Cass. Nc. luskfl. departed tiiis life intestate on or about the llth dav of November f. leaving him surviving as his sole nd only heirs-at-law, his widow, (imv . Carper, and the following nnmedl lilldren. to-wit: Anderson Lee Carper. i son; Annie Louise I'ltman. nee Car per. a daughter; Alfred Iemmel Car per, a son and Mattie J. i'orter. nee arper. a daughter; that said Jacol arper was the owner in fee of the ollowing described real estate, sitti- ted In the County of Cass. Nebraska: The south half tSi of the southeast piarter iSK'i) of Section Town liip 10. Kamre 1.1. east of the I m. .in me county of t ass. Nebraska: Hint said land was the homestead t.f the ss id Jacob Carper at the time of his death and descended to his said hildren In cmial shares, each an un divided one-fourth, subject to the dow er and homestead right of his said widow which terminated at her death on Mav 1.:, i:19; that administration proceedings were duly had in the es tate of said Jacob Carper, deceased. iiy petition filed In the Countv Court f the Countv of Cass. Nebraska, on the 22nd dav of November, 1S72. un- ler which said proceedings notice to creditors was duly given and final set tlement dulv made, but that bv rea son of failure of said court to make a finding as to heirship and assign ment of said estate. it is necessarv that lielrshji, in said estate be estab lished; that thereafter on or about the 1Mb day of April, 1 !;, the said Al fred Lemmei Carper, being the owner of an undivided one-fourth of said real estate, departed this life Intes tate, leaving him surviving as his sole and only heirs at law. his widow. Laura Carper, who departed this life on or about the ltth day of June. l!l i. and two children. Lee Carper, a son. who departed thU life May 14. l!i:. unmarried and without issue, and Lena Carper, a daughter of lawful ae. residing at Fairfax. Missouri, and by reason thereof, the said Lena Carper is now the owner of an undivided one fourth of said above described real es tate; that thereafter on May 10. 1H1.".. the said Anderson Lee Carper, being the owner of an undivided one-fourth of said above described real estate, departed this life intestate, leaving him surviving his widow. tWtrude Carper and three minor children, to wit: Lucian Carper, age thirteen years: Har.el -Carper, age eleven years and Inleene Carper, age four years: that by reason thereof, the said Cert rude Carper, widow is now the owner of an undivided one-twelfth of said real es tate and each of said minor children, to-wit. Lucian Carper. Hazel Carper and ir)eene Carper, are entitled to an undivided eleven thirty-sixths of said estate. And that by reason of the foregoing facts the paid Annie Louise Pitman, nee Carper, and the said Mat He J. Porter, nee Carper, are each the owners of an undivided one-fourth of said real estate That on Mav 13, 1919. said Onev I. Carper departed this life Intestate, "eing a resident and inhalltant of the Countv of-'Cass. Nebraska, and Htossessed of personal property there lnNf approximately the value of Four Hollars (J40n, which san property was exempt from the levy of attachment, execution or other mesne processvand oiot subject to the payment of anv riehts of said deceased, and t!:at at the t'rr.e of t.he death of said Or.ey I. Carper, she left hr as her sole and onlv heirs at la-R-. her daughters, Annie Louise Pitman, of Bradshaw, Nebraska and Mattie J. Porter, of Union, Nebraska, and the At last farmers are able to secure the per fected Light and Power. This plant is the Owen. Until the Owen came, farmers had to be content with makeshift units. Crude, too small, expensive to operate Still many bought these temporary units. They could no lender content themselves with kerosene lamps and the lack of electric power. Many hesitated, waiting for just such a plant as the Owen. Now those who have already bought units are replacing them with this final-type plant. Each day we are receiving or ders from farmers who have been waiting. The Owen's success has been instant. It is a new conception. It offers you betterments such as have never been offered by any other plant. The Owen starts and stops itself. It is completely automatic. No running down to the cellar to turn it on or off. When the batteries are partially discharged, the engine starts automatically. When they are fully charged, it stops automatically. When you require more current than the batteries va X4 should care for, the engine starts automatic- i ally. Even the lubrication is automatic. Aside from the matchless convenience this automatic control offers, it also multiplies the life of the batteries overcoming costly replacements formerly necessary. As a result the Owen costs you but one fifth as much to operate as other units. It offers you illumination and power at less per candle-power than kerosene lamps. The Owen has a "si lent valve" engine which ; cannot leak. Compres- 1 sion remains perfect. Grinding of valves and scraping of carbon are unnecessary. It will light as high as 100 lamps without flick ering, it nas more ca pacity for running a water system, churns, cream separators, washing machines, milk ing machines, electric fans, irons and toasters. Dozens of such reasons as this should urge you to know the Owen before you decide. Come in and let us explain the many Owen features to you. A post-card or a telephone call will bring us to call on ycAj. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. Agency of Cass and Otoe Counties Office Phone No. 650 Residence Photic Nos. 487 and 50; t Mr. Fnffl v - - In May, lSiil. IS. H. Compton of t'etlar Creek foiniil a land turtle on his plate ami carvctl the date on its shell. Twem y-ono years later he found it a sain and added 1912 to this shell and released it. Five years later he found the same turtle iduddinir along" and added 191? to the list. On .May ::o this year, following n;iF!nl gi a ndi-h i Id i en : i.u- ciau Carper. Iln.d Carper and I -lc -to- Carper. i -! o! a deceased son. .n- lersou Lee Carper, and Lena .n daughter of a deceased son. .Ml led l.ennio 1 Carper; ti.iit the said -yrue Louise i'itman and Mattie .1. I'm tor iind the said Lena Carper are e.n li entitled to an undivided one-fourth of the estate i.f "in-v 1. Carper. ie--cas ed, and the said Liicuin Carper, Haze! Carper and 1 eU-ene c.i i per are cm li entitled to an undivided one-twe'ft-i of said estate; that more than two years have elapsed since the litath el oaf I: of said decedents save and ex cept the said onev I. Carper, whose state was exempt 110111 the Icy m ittacl.ment. execution or other mesne process: tl:at no application lor :m ministration of said estates been had in the State of Nebraska: that each of said decedents were r ,-iilen ; .-. of the County of Cass. Nebraska. : t rTTtttt'tth'iAlSBSSiSl the time ot their death and posscss-Mi , bi .1 : I ,.l ... if 01 piOM'll lliCICJJl. illlO III. II .-.tin 1 tltioner as the daughter and sister 01 lid lecdents is entitled to an un divided ono-foirvth of all the said prop erty, and praying for a determination of the time at the death of each of said jiersons, to-wit: Jacob Carper, onev- I. .Carper, Anderson aipei and Alfred Lemmei Carper, ea li ile- ceased; a determination of their l:eys. the decree ol kinship and the riht 01 dcsient id" the real piopeitv lieloiiu ing to said decedents in the Siate ,e- nrasKa, aim lor sin n oicei 01. 01.- may be neo. ssary i:i the prcmisi .-, wnicii sunt peimon nas i.een .-i hearinir on the .::rd tiny of .1 1 : 1 . I.'!.'. at i a. m.. at tile County Jiolircs of-; lice in the court house at I '1 .1 1 1 -1110 a 1 1 ., Cass county, Nebraska. ' liated at i'iattsmoulli. .e ni u.-i.a. this "0th day of June A. I. I''!:. .I.LI:.. .1. nr. r..- '. County Juili;c. i5v floiu;nch U1IITI. fitulinpr, he found the turtle ol more and atlded 191J to the dal He discovered the turtle within radius of a quarter of a uiilc e time. Some fast life a turtle Iivl :o:- twenty-cislit years after the first of his relatives An old man who recently died liurlinKton, vt left $14,000 t college and 10 cents apiece to (Seal) j-3-oW. Clerk MITICI-: TO lti:lMTHS The State ff Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: In the Count" conn. In the matter of the estate ot li-i- nian Kupke, 1 leceased. ...... To the Creditors ci sain . Von a i-,. lien bv notified. That I m sit at the County Court loom in I niiis.- mouth in said county, on the da if Julv, 1 f 1 'J. and on tin- i-m ;i October, 191!. at 1i o'clock j lav. to receive and examine ; iwainst .said estate, wiin a Li;' II il(I,MIl Micill cin- - time limited tor the pi c.-eu . . ...... claims H'.'iiinM sail oi"" n i!tr. and tiie it.n UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION AS USUAL The entire attractive scheme of Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast Summer Tours is now available, wilh circuit routes that embrace the West's mag nificent scenery. COOL AND SCENIC LUv?MO tour of Jane. limited lor moment of 1'''VsT.'r.,.. said nun oay oi ........ Witness mv liaiel and tho said County Couit, tins June, 1D19. (Seal) J14-4W . il of lotli day ot ALLKX J FKKSO.V County Judb'c- m m m W. A. ROBERTSON, f Lawyer. V . v Est cf Rney HolS. V Coates block, , r Second Flcor. Cut a few hours to Denver, Colorado Springs and I'm Mo, the gateway to hundreds of mountain vacation resorts and for automobile tours. Very favorable fares. THE BLACK KILLS A HO WYOMING RANCH RESORTS Touiibt fares to the Hot Springs resort of the Hills, to Sheridan and Handiest er, in the Hip Horn mountains, and to the Cody Way ranch reports. PACIFIC GQAST TOURS The whole Pacific Slope is embraced in 'the Summer tours. Vou can so direct or include the Pacific Northwest. The world's greatest summer rail tour is available, just as usual. i ck jour local ticket agent to help you plan vour trip .and' furnish you with descriptive booklet of points in which you are interested. '