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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1919)
1ICNFAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1919. i J-ATTSMOUTII SOII-WEinvLY JOURNAL. PAGE FIVE. 3 ft P6 LT ta for Early Spring! 1 CHRONICLES An extremely early sea son calls for smart shapes pj in Georgette Crepes, p Braids and Satins. We k are showing these from IT EAND up The unusall amount of work required on our better hats makes it necessary to employ a special designer, so in addition to our regular designer from GAGE BROS., we are fortunate in securing the services of Miss Omeara, who comes to us from Thiele-Schaif s designing department. PASSING ( TED JEARY ELJIW00I LEADER-ECHO TELLS ' went and they were legion. Ted was always welcome among: them for h? brought happiness and joy. he being of that sunshiny nature which was always popular with his friends. He is pone hut he will never be forgot ten for we can say of him that he was a good man willing to accom modate, to serve and do good where ever he could. Funeral services were held from OF LIFE OF THIS WELL KNOWN MAN. FORMERLY IN ELMWDOD BAKK Edward Seed Merchants ariM be 1 Co Nebraska City, Kebr. Quotations are subject to market changes and goods being unsold. Prices are F. 0. B. Nebraska City unless otherwise specified. Bags extra. Ask for prices on items not quoted. the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jeary, at Greenwood, and choice were conducted by J. H. Dicknell, of 1871 Brand I Hul li i n v oftur uhirh tlio romainc'u. XJ. t. were brought to Elm wood for burial in the Elm wood cemetery. j The Masonic lodge of this place Intended in a body and had charge TTTe c Tnr in Tnolond VpptIv "Fnrtv'cf tlie services at the grave and the TIMOTHY Itu. 5.40 . 5.65 RED CLOVER KKt Him $12.00 12.55 Years Ago Came to Cass Count in 1905. From Sutimluy's I"ai!y. This community was shocked Monday morn in? to hear of death of Ted Jeary, who lived Greenwood, on Sunday morning. regular program was carried out. Eliuwood Leader-Echo. Ted Jeary w as well know n in this j iiv, mid had many friends here on ' who were greatly attached to him for the his warm friendship and sterlins loy- at airy. He was known here as a fine His young man and fortunate was the Our Gage Weekly Service E gives us a shipment each week of the very latest GAGE HATS. Let Us Show You What Is New! friends ha'1 known that Mr. Jeary man who was his friend. had not had good health for some itime but it w as not known that his j HAVE A NEW SUPERINTEN- i condition was so serious, j EENT AT MASONIC HOME I Edwin John Jearv, son of Mr. and ' .Mrs. YVm. J-ary. v as born July t'.rd. a. Steiham. England, and de- ' parted this life February 2nd. 1DH t; mouths und H day.-. ( , , . ,, ...I., i : mm j i rsuiyj j;iiij. uierica to make i ... - s-aniuei . ncoi.i, o: omaaa, irart been selected to succeed Col. W. S. Askwith. who has been in charge of M:tsrinic limic here for h lnini- been preieuecl to tins country i; nis uncles. Edwin Jeary un.i Kobt. Jeary Samuel W. Scott, of Omaha, Has I been Selected to Succeed Col. i W. S. Askwith Here. aii"U Its- ":ir: In 1 1 . J :i he came to his future heme, being the first of his immediate family to cross the ocean. He had. however, already Only Dependable Goods! mm pease Telephone 352 'and his aunt. Mrs. Elizabeth Stan-; 'ton. After working a .the Iiurnr.gton railroa er of years and has been highly suc cessful in the administration of its an i -1 time for id in Lincoln. in Chirac", he came early SUFFERS A SEC OND STROKE OF PARALYSIS Nebr 5&iin li':- to Elmwood in ''as county.' .--4ljP'lJ,g tfl i Nebraska, to work in the Firs; NV Tifta thin k ti mm Xf iona ; This position he held! for St vera! years. It was in this! town that he met Miss Clara Det!-! man- 'o v -r 1. !!'!. tv.u childrt-r.. Isla and Kathl-?en. The d laes a wife, a fa: her ar. ' . t wo children. two listers. COL. YOUNG'S SALE DATES. hoi.i h' v.;: married Juiyj To this union were born i Ilcdstein Sale. Omaha. Feb 11. Feb. and 3 4th Imperial. Neb. ! ,ece; J. C. Sexson. Grant. Neb. Feb. IT. r.i i;i Matthews Hog Sale. Malvern, li TEST TJ TIP AY I7EAR THE NOON K0UE. THE ATTACK WHICH smites SAs::rs Peter son. COXES. two uncles. K.dit rt Jeary of Sev.i'rd (and Euw-iii Jeary of Lincoln and an IS. James Johnson. I;U!!;, irs. Siarton. of Eeihany, Kroni sat :ruav s rni". ". Easmus re"r.-on. v.ho would i-.ave be n T years of age May 12. next, was smitten w:;h a .stroke of paruiysis. as he was ahoa: hi? daily occupation. He had sufered a slight stroke some time .ire-. fr.;n which h partially re covered. Tlie (.'tie which ctiut yes terday v. a- one i.i nn-re grr.vity. acd ui:!-li rendeied him almost help-by.-;, and partially unconscious. M-.di.-al assistance is rendered to the fv.iiec-t evteiit if. the hrpes that he may shew some rallying strength l.i.t as of this kind. but little is known a to what the out duje will be. liopes for the best eiiT'Ttained. and all is being iu.i" posj-iblo. i Feb. lth. i Tuesday. Feb. j Wnauo. Neb. ' John Wiles, r. Fiuitsuiout h, Feb. 1 1 ! I h . Orto Schafer. Ued Sow SaLe. Ced ar Creek. Feb. 2("th. Ilugle &. Sprecher, Xehawka, Feb. 21. Sexton's Horse Sale, Hurray, Feb. o - Mrs. L. T. Holland, Neb. City. Feb. 24. Fred Koss. Xehawka. Feb. 2."ih. Wm Gillispie. Mynard, Feb 2'.;rh. Kay Pollard, Hamper ire Sal?. Feb. 27th. Car Schrader, limpshire Kaln Avoca, Feb. 2sth. March ::. Ed. Kohreil, Netjraska City. March 4. Todd Pros., Xehawka. March 0-7. Will Kasniu-sen. Brunswick. Neb., ilea Sow Sale. March ll. Kitchen Ac Ellington, Prunwick, Xeb. i affairs. Col. Askwith has had his resignation before the board of cmi ! 1 rol for several months, but until j tist lately they were unable to find j - r.yoi.e'u) fill the position acceptably. t lie election of Mr. hcott to the posi i..n at this time relieves Mr. Ask v.ith and wife of further duty with the institution, and they will make heir home in Omaha for the pres nt. where they have an decant ret- I 'dence which they will occupy. Mr. Scott comes well recommended ad will no doubt prove an excellent 't.'an lor the nosition tn which lie as been selected. itu. Kiollio Poor Grade S $ Fair IS. 00 30.00 Choice v 24.00 40.00 1S71 Brand 25.00 41.70 It. B. K 25. SO 43.00 WHITE CLOVER Fancy, per lb bOc MAMMOTH CLOVER j 50c per bushel higher than Ked j Clover. ALFALFA Itu. M llN Fair $10.00 $16. C5 Choice 12.50 20.80 1S71 13.50 22.50 B. B. B. 14.00 23.35 ALSIKE CLOVER lin. imiihit Choice $ $ 1871 Brand 22.00 3G.G5 WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER II II. KM) 1IM Choice $17.00 ?2S.30 1S71 Brand, hulled 17.50 29.15 Unhulled 20.00 ! KENTUCKY ELITE GRASS One Grade Only 1 1 II . Kill II:m B. B. B. S 3.90 S2S.00 MIXED LAWN GRASS B. $ 3.90 ?2S.0O B. B. ORCHARD GRASS B. B. B. $ 4.20 MILLET iiu. IMI li $ 6.5" S3 0.00 Itu. nut iii- ? 4.:.o RYE GRASSES English and Italian live grasses for lawns, pastures and field uses, pe 100 lbs ?2o.i0 RED TOP 1871 Brand ? $19.00 Meadow Fescue Per bushel Soy Beans Cow Peas Canadian Field Peas. $3.C5 Ask for Prices Ask for Prices Ask tor Prices SLED SPRING WHEAT FOR SALE. l ) i .-1 1 U e ated .bout Mar a in 0 0 bushe s of the beardle-s spring wneat. atiu a tjoiit nusntia ui toe be.-.rd"d sTr;nc wheat similar to the' l"e st":n variety, for sal? on my farm near Mynard. Excellent quality an iv. of foreign seeds. Sherman Cole, phone 4014. Call daw Farcy stationery at this office. GHRIST & GHRIST, Photographers. Make a specialty of good traits. po: and a host of relative and frb i: 1 who itmjrii hi. h.-s. (::e si ter ia 'alllurnia and oi. uncle in Florida were unable to a: -1 tend t he f unt ral. Nearly two years ago lie bean work for tlie Burlington railroad. Last Sepen:'er he wer.t to ('!; yeniie, V.'yomlng to work f.r the 1". P. By. Co. It was his hope to ! transfer red t Omaha, where he had plan- t'-d t: make his future home. It was! here t' :.t lie wns overtak-n by hi-' last i;i!:-s. His frail bodv couid : end tire t strain no longer. lie was ta!-.en t a I e pi : li 1 iii Cheyenne and later moved to the home of his par ents, w here his last days were spent. Ted. for that is what we called hint, v.a- a s-'O!!.'! friend to everyone. He was always ready to help anyone in need. The "cold shoulder" was not a part of his nature. Ho was forgivinc and kind and tli is was true not only among his as sociates, but in business and in his 'home. He never had a coarse .'.mi.imi .t.ii..iiiii.n.ii Pri.m Thursdays I'allv. Louis Minner. tlie fifth son of Mrs. Charles Minner. formerly of Glen wood, Iowa, but laiely of Council 'duns, was discharged from the ser vice at Camp Hodge a few days ago nd lias returned to his home in the ! Pdufls, w here he is again engaged in plie barber business in the shop mi ter the First National bank of that 'i'y. It will be remembered that Mr. Minner. before going into the service, was a resident of this ciiy and worked for C. E. Martin and al : o for Earnest Dul'ois. ARE ENJOYING EXAMINATIONS L'o eniarzirrr, copy -ork. Kodk finishing, etc. We guarantee all work. Sunday sittings by appointment. We are always here. Telephone 645. Coates Block. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. to say at out ainoiie. lie was ener- nd colored i Ket ic to the full limit of his ability. lie worked till he could go no longer. His cheerful face and his kind word will be missed not only in his home but by all his friends. Ted has gone the wpy t hut we all must m. jt j.s Ood"s own appointed way. 'J'vd made friends wherever he Proru Friday's T:ii!y. This being the close of the first . emester of the scnool year, the stu dents are enjoying the delightful so li gation of going agfinst the problems which they are supposed to have word i aiastered during the past few months of school work, and which they in a way feel themselves capable of do ing, ali the while however feeling a little shaky about the matter until the ordeal is over and the uncertain ty safely passed. Z3 ECEZ2 1 4 52 -.1 to huy that Overcoat and Suit you have delayed buying thus far this season. Many have taken advantage of our twenty per cent discount offer on all winter weight Suits, Overcoats and Ladies Coats. Acting upon the very best judgment we can form from these who l ave always been authorit' or. the clothing markets we advise you to buy any articles of clothing or woolen underwear which you may need for the remainder of this season and next. We have tried to give 3 0U the "right hunch" concerning 3 our clotliing purchases, and our judgment from time to time has been confirmed by history of the past two years. WANT GOVERNMENT OWN ERSHIP OF RAILROADS I"!'. ui Saturday's tiiiliy. A petition is being circulated which is asking for the government io take oer permanently the rail roads, and to continue to conduct the same, as it is believed by the ones circulating the petition that lift ter results will maintain where the roa,ds are owned and operated by tlie government, than otherwise. The petition is being circulated by committees from the Workmen's organization, and is pretty general ly being endorsed wherever presented. MriK 1: Tit iiiainoRs A good weight fleece lined unionsuit $1.50 r Xtra heavy fleece lined unionsuit Standard Cut Everet Blue Bib Overall $1. 75 v I $2.50 -tvx s C. E. Wesco a . --liiS r- r'iT-i.1 The State of Nebraska, fuss eourit'. !m the ('niiritN '"il't. In in.- iiu. iter 1" the Kslate of I tu. -il St-iiler. In ased. To the creditors of said Kstate: You.:ii. heiehv t:otifieil. Tliat I wi'l .-ii. h x he toiint "oiiri room in Hlutts "oui'h, i!i s;iid c'nihtv. on the -tth i!"iy of March. 1 !i 1 ! and .".lh day of .tunc. !:'!''. nt lu o'clock a. in. on cm-h of s:iid dnys to receive iilid examine alt ehiinis j.uiiinst said cstaae. with a view to their adjust meiit iiud -allowance. The time limited for the tiresentat ioti of hiifns ataiTit-t said Ks'.ate is ttire months from the t!li day of March. A. 1 . 1M!'. ami tlfl- time limited for pay ment of dehts is one year from said r.i'tl day or .taiiunry. lMf. Witness hv liiind u:ol the .seal of said Co u ii tv i.'ourt tiiis :;"tb day of Janu ;tv. l."l!. ali.i:n pi: i-:s" x. ; SeaU -f J- 1 1 w. County Juilt. Mrs. Nelson Jones who lias been visiting in the city for the past week with relatives and friends de ! parted this afternoon for her home TIMOTHY-ALSIKE Per bushel t 4 5 lbs. ) TIMOTHY RED CLOVER Per bushel 45 lbs) $G.' ''i fi. l cent in Weight is ited Clover GRAIN BAGS With an order60c Money refunded when bags returned, j Home Xemahu Valley White no days lii'.l! Yell. ioo-iiodays low,-', Silver mine, v.nite. ia days. Keid s ellovv Dent, t io da Xiiietx Dav Corn SPRING WHEAT Home Crown A si: for Prices Marquis Variety, Northern SEED GRAIN llu. JtU lit Rye. Winter $ . Rye. Spring Parley 1.50 Speltz Sweet corn Puck wheat ;j.5o Sunflower seed lo.OO SEE! OATS grown Kherson variety HOC Golden Common Siberian Hungarian Japanese or Pillion Hol lar grass. 11 Ask for Pric CANE Amber Orange Sugar cane KAFIR CORN Per 1"' lbs $4.: TETERITA Per bushel Mi In Maize - SUE AN GRASS Per 11). Per 1 oo !,.-. . SISeo DWARF ESSEX RAPE Per lb. K'C Per Hot lbs .14 ."( Cop corn. car. per Hot, ilis fio.eo Pop corn, shelled. 1 0d lh.-.? 1 -'' FEEDS Tankage, Km lbs 5 Tankage. l.ohO lbs .51.."c Tankaue. ton $KL'.iot M i:.ed seeds, i t.o lbs Eur corn, for feed Shell corn, car load lots FERTILIZERS For corn, wheat. pT ton 75 For potatoes, loo lbs 2 75 For lawns. iK'i lbs "." Seed cleaners, freight paid J4 '. Seeders. Cvclone " "(' 1 SEED CORN $3 59 per bushel, shelled and graded, or ear corn. Bags extra. J Our two Brands: B. B. B. (Bartling's Best Erand) and 1S7I Brand rep resent the Highest Quality for Purity and Girminetion. BARTLLTTG'S TANKAGE is a perfect balancer of bog rations: it i solid, rapid, growth. It develops sf,-:-, tractive, fattened finish not produced by with sou:d none, .,t!:. r fe.-ds. am rat. grow and fatten ..ttadily. rrain ration. e raj, ! iiiy tiiun P.y tl.e Ui-e of r,iii al! elenien's re-puired for health;-. ;ens tnaturity and imparts a sletk. at id tankage, lo gs will obtain much do '''ill on a raigh: grain ration. Tit -y aniiage. pork ordinal ily can be produced 5 greater benefit from the food eattn. and do not get "oh" feed." but to Su ptr cent cheaper tlian o:i all Address EDWARD BARTUNG SEED CO., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR. First Annual -OF- PHI llresrlFP vs? '01 '3 ja lows OTTO 'AN GIVEN BY PHILIP Si i at the homo of Otto Schafer, near Cedar Creek, Nebraska, Thursday, February 20th, 1913 The Sows arc all immuncd and guaranteed to be just as repre sented in the catalog. Write for catalog to OTTO SCHAFE CEDAR CREEK, NEB. 1R RETURNS FROM BURYING HER BROTHER IN IOWA From Friday's Daily. Mrs. Henry J. Streight, who has been at Osceola, Iowa, for tin? past week, being called there on account of the death of her brother. Captain J. P. Wells, who passed away last week at the advanced age of bG years, returned home last evening. Mrs. Streight remained for the fun eral which was held a few (lavs ago. You tell 'em we keep all kir ds 0 stationery at the Journal. W. A. R0EERT30N, Lawyer. Eardt of Kiiey Hotel. Coates Clock, Second Flcor. SOCK PECIAL ALES have been good. The reason is, that I we are mve 30c 35c and 40c values at B 9C i You are free to come and look. W e live in Plattsmouth; We sell nothing but quality goods. We stand back of everything we sell. Our prices are not higher than elsewhere. Winter is with us you should be. EVERVBODVS STORE in Omaha.