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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1919)
MONDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1919. PAGE FOUR. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL I i ; i i .i . ; ft hi Cbc plattsmoutb Ipurnal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at rostofflce, PlattBmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 The coal mail is busy. -:o: People are compelled to have fuel. -:o: The profiteer is the busy mail. The schools need attention by tha It dature. -:o: Lives that lift are a blessing to any cominunuy. -:o:- The president of Mexico has veto ed the salary grab. Good for Car ranza. O . Yearly every time an auto is stuck in the mud or a wheel is broken it leads to a load of booze. The distiller might turn some of their plants into orphans' homes. They are responsible for lots of them. :o: The Brooklyn Eagle impertinent ly asks how the "drys" wi'l cele brate. The Topeka Capital replies, "lioil the water." :o: It is hard for a tender hearted man to keep from j-miling at the plight of the New York bartender who has Just invented a new cock tail which ordinarily would bring him a fortuae. :o: It looks as though Texas would never get back to sleep again. The war awakened the old state and kept It up a long time, and now just about the time it gets back to Meep somebody strikes another oil well. There are too many people in. the county who think they know Presi dent Wilson, and every time they open their mouths they sny things that is not in the least beneficial to the government or President Wil son, either. :o: The commander-in-chief of the Russian forces operating from Arch angel has compelled the woman commander of the Battalion of Death to put on woman's' clotlus. We welcome this news of real ac tivity on the part of the Kussian forces. :o: Old man weather can put on the most disconcerting frown imagin able when t lie mood seizes him. but he has gone clear th-oush January without throwing a tit in th'.s lo cality. Only old settlers have seen such a January as that of 1010. Fifty per cent ot the feed has done the work, as compared with the quantity that would l.ave been needed bad December and January been severe, and almost the same ratio would hold in the amount of fuel consumed. :o: The navy is America's first line of defense. It ought by all means to be adequate. Hut in providing for a nay we must not lull our selves into the idea that ships make us secure without tje need of mili tary preparedness. We have just had a striking illustration of this fact. The war was a defensive war for America, but it was fought three thousand miles from home The navy was useful. But the war was won by the army. A battle fleet is essential, but it is i.ot enough. There is more. Catarrh In this section of the country than al other diseases put tcjether. and for years it was sup poped to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failine to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, preatly inftuerctd by constitutional con ditions and tiiercfoie requ..cs constitu ' trcatr. -T.t. II'Il's Catarrh Modi cine. rr:. nufacturod by JF. J. Cheney & Co To. -do. tir'o. is a ont-utuwonai r.n.1 a t3 tfcr'i the tli Mr.v!js :ur faces if ii. tired L liars re c-ts that Ha!!: 2. Send l'o I 'J. vstira'.'Jii. PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A little winterish. The truth is the best thing to be lieve. -:o:- The more men know the 'hey live. :o: better The legislature is movinf flowly but wisely. . :o: along Creeds are a blessing when used as sliping stones, but a curs if used to lay progress. :o: Winter is about half over, but there is nothing strange about the coal men hustling as usual. :o: It is high time to begin beating your corkscrews into gimblets and your bug starters into potato mash ers. :o: The boys keep coming home from France, and the camps in this coun try, and they all seem v. ell pleased to get back to their frknds. :o: I f this hasn't been an open winter we don't know what you would call it. The farmers have certainly saved considerable feed this winter. :o: The cost of living Is coming down step by step. Why not re move one rund from the ladder while no one is looking and maybe the h. c. I. will take a fall? . :o: It would seem that nearly every body in the state was In favor of a new capital building. But maybe those who are more directly inter ested in the matter have not woke up yet. :o: It seems there has been no way provided for the members of the. legislature to receive their first month's pay, and they are tossing complaint from pillow to post among the officers to see who is at fault, j They want and need their money to i pay their board. :or (let the habit f boosting for your town. Strangers to whom you boast will think inure of you. They steer away fi;i the fellow who knocks. Nobody has any use for a knocker, so the fellow who knocks on his own town belittles his own self when he dens it. :o: It Is about time that the admin istration, senate and house of rep resentatives were making up their minds to the condition of affairs in this country. The I. W. W. and Retrogrades who have slipped in here from Europe; are inciting the people to their prpoagandas. There should be no more soldiers dis charged in this country until quiet reigns here. :o: We are informed that over on the west side there is an old German, who has been in this country for many years, who lias never taken out his naturalization papers. And that he has a son who has never been naturalized, and is now serving &s road overseer in his district. This is America, and to serve in office a man should at least be a naturaliz ed citizen. :o: Reports from, government sources indicate that 50,000 American sold iers are victims of shell shock and kirdred disaster and that about thirty per cent of this number are probably permanently insane. If this estimate is correct and Xebras ka has her share of these unfortu nates, one thousand of our boys will come home in this condition and three hundred of them will be insane. Horrible to think 'about, and another good renson why we should "forget the past and forgive the Hun!" WILL IT BE APPROVED? The people of Nebraska have vot ed for the holding of a constitution al convention. The plain purpose is the preparation of a constitution which will serve the state better than the present document, forty four years old. To gain that result, two things are necessary. First, the convention must be composed of men wise and fair, who wil interpret the need and the mood of the people into a con cise, plainly stated, well balanced organic law. Second, the people must approve the work of the con vention. The second task may be harder than the first. The adoption of a new constitution is not an easy mat ter under any circumstances. Men who oppose one feature incline to vote agpinst the entire document. That has been the experience many times. It was Omaha's experience i:i the kindred matter of a "honi" rule" charter. To succeed, the new con stitution must be submitted under the most auspicious circumstances and it behooves all men interested in the success of the movement to con sider how public confidence in the convention and its work may best be secured. This consideration is of much im portance to the legislators who are about to decide how the members of the constitutional convention shall be selected. Let us assume, for the moment at least, that partisan election of con vention delegates attended by par ty lineups throughout the state bas ed in part, at least, on principlesr of national government not involved in state affairs will result in the selection of men just as wise, just as honert, just as able as would re sult from a non-partisan election. Let us assume that a convention under partisan influence and con trol, republican or democratic, will produce just as 'good a constitution as a nonpartisan body. What about the people's approval of the propos ed constitution? "Partisanship is partisanship. It is not always wise; it is sometime blind. Democrats will be inclined to look askance at the work of a convention avowedly republican. Re publicans will hardly feel their hearts beating in unison with a con vention admittedly dominated by democratic partisans, elected and working as democrats- The work of the convention should stand on its own bottom, but, human nature be-. ing as it is, partisan politics being as it is, that result will be impossi ble. . The result can only be one thing. If the convention be a partisan re publican convention, there will be democrats who will be prejudiced thereby; if it be a partisan demo cratic convention, there will bo re publicans who will be prejudiced likewise. In either case, this means, that there will be a partisan vote opposed to the constitution to be added to the vote which will oppose it for what is In it. The chances of the constitution's success aro weak ened to just'that extent. If the present Nebraska legisla ture really wants its work to count, if it. wants the proposed new consti tution to have a chance to stand or fall upon its own merits if, in others words, the legislature wants to do real service to the state, it cannot reason otherwise than for a nonpartisan selection of convention delegates. World-Herald. :o: ; Four companies carried insur ance on the life of Theodore Roose velt in the aggregate sunr of $85, 000 which sum was paid promptly. Another example that Mr. Roose velt was looking ahead for Ihe comfort of those left behind. :o: . The legislature should make some necessary changes in the road law. The roads, and good ones', too. are as necessary as the vehicles that are driven over them. There should be no bad roads in Nebraska, and good road supervisors can make thTi pood. Th trouble Is su (Helen t. salary is not paid (he road overseer for his attention and trouble. 1TVOTICE Or SVIT TO fltlET TITI.I In the district Court of the County ol Cass, Nebraska. Albert Timnias, I'lalntlft Mrs. James O'Neill, first real name unknown, ct Defendants. To tlio defendants. Mrs. James O'N ill, first real name unknown, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Thomas H. Cordon, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all otlier persons interested III the estate of Mrs. Thomas 15. Cordon, lirst real name unknown, deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested In the estate of John W. Clark, deceased: Mrs. John A. Dole man, first real name unknown: the un known heirs, devisees. legatees, per sonal representatives and all other Tier sons interest! d in the estate of John A. Doleman. ile. eased: the unknown heirs, devisies. legatees, personal rep l esental ives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Mrs. Jolm A. Doleman. first real name unknown, de eeased: Mrs. Krancis A. West, first real i:a:ne unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of I'raueis A. West, de . . ;ix-d: tlx- unknown heirs, devisees. . e,alees. ersonal representatives and . other persons interested in the es t -ile of Mrs. Fi.-.nrin A. West, first real nam.- unknown, d'-rc:-vert : the unknown 1 eirs. devisees, te-.-ate.-s; personal l'p tesentatives ;in.l all other persons in terested in th- estate of James -Mm- Uell. deceased; the unknown heirs. ,i isees. levat..--, persona! represent;-- I IV .,,.1 ..II !,..- t-rso:is m i '! -s i ; i the e ' of .1 alio i e:. ved : t ' t. !: no wn I. Virn!ieil. d- heirs. devis-. es. legatees. p 1 .- t : a 1 rtpivs ntativew ami II ol ' i r s sen i :i' '-resto-d in the : i .ne ot Anna i. .v i :n-1 ' oei.-.i-.e.. ... . . . - . . i . , . .1 ! 1 . ..v. .,..,. i, ,.(, d..vUees. leuatees. per sonal represent'." ivc and all other pe! -ii.ieiesi..,! ii: the estate of Mary f Cooper, .1. . eased: the unknown heirs, devisees, personal representa tives and all id iter persons Interested ii the estate or ( '. I.. Cooper, nrsi 1e.11 name unknown. deceased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives end all other person.-.- interested in the estate of Sarah K. Hinimin, deceased: the unknown I eirs devisers, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in trcsted in the estate of P.. I llinman. tirst real name unknown, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, leiratees. per sonal representatives and all other per- li.'iis interesieu in me esi.nt- .m ...... f. tee be. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legates, personal representa tives ami all other persons interested iM the estate of David 1 tee be, deceased; Simon l'. Ficiiadoin: Mrs. Simon I'. Ilenadoin. first real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other 0. -.rsons interested in the estate of Simon I". i'.ena loin, deceased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees. per sonal representatives and all othr per sons interested in the estate of Mrs. -simon 1". Ilenadoin. tirst real name un known deceased: Jacob l'.eam: Mrs. .la cell l'.eam. first real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other 1. ersons interested in the estate of Jacob l'.eam. deceased : the unknown h, irs. devisees, legatees, personal rep i . sentatives and all otlier persons in- i. rested in the estate of Mrs. Jacob lb am lift real name unknown, de .(j.sed; Ihins I. Sunileil; Martha Sun-.i.-ji: KroiiLih: Mrs. Joi n Krough. lirst leal name i nknown: the unknown Irii-s devisees, legatees, persona! rep-' -.-sen'ta t i v-.-s and al! other in terested in t!i- estate of John Kroiigh.. deceased: the U.'lKlloW.l Heirs. oe isees. legatees, personal representatives ,-irnl tl! oth.r pec-ens interested in the es t in- of Mr-. John Krone!'., .first real name unknown, deceased: the unknown p.-irs. devisees, legatees, persona! rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Thomas C. Palmer, deeeas.-.l: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatei s-. personal representa tives and all otiVr persons interest d i'l the state of Mrs. Thomas C. Pal mer first real' name unknown, deceas ed YV S lira IT. first real name un-T-n'own: Mrs. W. S. Craff. lirst real ..line unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and nil othe-- persons interested i i the estate of ". S. Cr:iT. first real n; ii-e unknown, deceased: the unknown h. irs. devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and aU other persons in teevted in the estate of Mrs. W. S. Craif. first real name unknown, deceas ed- M W. Creen. hist real name un known: Mrs. M. W. llreen. lirst real -ame unknown: the unknown heirs, d -visi es. legatees. p rsumil repres.-n-f . lives and all other persons interest ed io the estate of, M. AW Creen. lirst name unknown, oec-asen. me un known luirs. devisees, legatees. iei- sonal representatives and ail oiner p' . -sons interested in the estate of Mrs V W Creen. iirst rial name unknown. .Vec.-i'sed: Joseph MeCrearv: Mrs. Jo seph McCrcaty. lirst real name un known: the unknown heirs, devise s. i. ..riles personal representatives and all" tuber persons interested in the es tate of Joseph .Mccroarv, oec.-ase... the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. I ersonal representatives and all oilier neisons interested in the estate of Mrs. Joseph McCtcaiy, first real name un known, deceased: .MIS. c-cumei iiaooi. lirst real nam- unknown: Mrs. Samuel I! Kihcrt. first nal name unknown: lb'.- unknown hei.s. devisees, legatees, per.--em! repres-t ntat ives and all other I isons interested in the estate of Sam uel II. Klbeit. deceased: the unknown I . irs. devisees, leeatecs, personal rep resentatives and all other persons iii t. rc-t.-.i in the estate of Mrs. Pamucl II Kihcrt. first real -name iima-mt,; ceea.-o.l: the unknown heirs. Hvises per-onal representatives tir-l all other persons interested in the es t.t.. ..f i:-niik. deceased; tie 11, know n heirs. devisees. legatees. ;ei-.,i,al representatives ami all oth.i T.i..ns intt r-s. .1 in II"' .state ... I'lora Imogen- KeinicU, deceased: tie inknoun 1: i -s, devisees, legatees, t'cr--onnl r pre-onla-ives and al! other persons int. i sLc ! in the estate " Sooner S. Piilin:.-. also known as S. S l:l!ings. deceased: the unknown h.irs devisees, j a t oes. personal rep resentatives and al! other persons in terested in the est-ito of I.e. ltida li-igs. deceased: KI iza het h Irene Mur phv widow: the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, p ersonal representatives and all oth r persons interested in the .-state of Jab.-. Clinton Hillings, de ceased: KHa Maria Hillings Spencer: vilen Spencer: C.rac.e Darling I.M iings Copeland: Ceorge Copeland; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all oilier per sons interested in fhe estate of Ceorge pen-cr Millings-, deceased: Addle Hilt er Hillings, widow; Samu 1 Hillings: Clinton Pollings: l.onis Hillings: !ra -lev Hillings; Kern Hillings: Mora I. ti lings: Jack Hillings: W. D. M. i riaiu. first real name unknown; Kiith C. Mer riiim: the unknown heirs, devisees legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Intel ested in the es tate of W. D. Mcrriam. first real name unknown, defense!: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatee, personal I . -preset-tall ves ami all other persons interested in the estate of Kuth C. Mcrriam. de fense!: l.vdia Mcrriam. widow : Die unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all othel persons Interested h" estate of Seldon N. Merriam. also known as S. .N. Merriam. deceased: William l.ushinsky: " . ini.i lot I 'lienor l'('llill' i M.i.invio : Marina i.oesn.-i I'.ulTl'tt. ni'M r-il 1 Iiuine in known: the unknown heirs, devisees, levalees. jM-rsotml representatives and i(ll t-th. r i.ersoiis interested in the is fH 4,r !...rrett, first real name ,,..L ...,1V .1 deceased: " l.roWO. HIM real j-unie ii!:kn"'-li.di-s. i!o Is es. I -gate Ihe unknown personal rep resentatives and other pel so 1 it 1- lerested In the estate ... lirst real :: nk nown. :a-relt lit own. a .partnership eom- r,;,'Jd of IM-rett first teal nan . I.nknown. and ..own. flist .-. name uukmoM.: A ShJumaJi. H'-' " 1 f.nme unknown: tii- uitUnown tolls. I..V is....s li :il..,.s. p.-rsonai ' ii.. intei ested lives lllio all Olliei ...I tlio estate of A. fcinpmau, m iiimii i ii Tin II III b. Y 'r'f r4 jaju y y. ' it.-f-if. wi2 ?u r ; 3? ia-Vi 4'Snt K52rjW name unknown, deceased: Annie 1. i-.l- lison; the unknown heirs, devisees. itees. personal t -epresen ta t i ves ami all other persons interested in the es tate of .iinie i KUison, leceasel: Kr riest I-;. Kllison: th' unknown heirs. iivisci's, legatees, personal representa tives and all otlier persons interested in the stute of Krncst K. Kllison. de fused: Kd.lie i: Kllison; the unknown first Ievises. legatees, personal rep- ' esenta t ives and all other persons in terested in the eslale of Kd.He II. 101 I'son. deceased; t','. unknown heirs. lev isees, legatees peisonal represen tatives iitid all other persons interest ed in the estate of M. K. Kllison, first real name unknown. leceased: the un known owners and the unknown claim- mts of lots- one i 1 ). two (2, three '!, four (f). five i."l. six 6. seven 7 . ight nine 9i. ten 10), eleven (111. twelve l-2, thirteen tl:!). four teen till, fifteen il'i). sixteen l)i, s..-. iiteen I IT I. eighteen (1S. nineteen il'.'i, twenty ijai, twenty-one f21. ;w-n v-two I '-'.i. t-wentv-t liree 2:: mil twent.v-f..ii- l. in Idock nine 1 9. in T hou, pson's Addition to tl'.e 'itv of l'ialtstiiouth. Nebraska and lot one hundred five 10.,). being a snh- livis-inti of the northeast quarter (NIC T,i .f the nortiiiast pi.-irt-r iNr.'. I ol C( linn nineteen (l!i, ami !t num "leied twntv-two (I'il, a su'i-.ii vision of bivernm nt lot mimhered ten llin, f S-ctio!i eighteen si.,:ill in Town--lii'i twelve 1J". north Kange four teen (111. east of the 0th I. M.. im th" I'niinty of Cass. Nebraska: You are hereb-,- notified that on the 1st dav of Kebruat-y. plakntiff filed '.is suit in tl;e Iistrict Court of the Count v ..f C;.-s. Nebraska. to .uiet laitil! IT'S title to the above described ' in d. to-wit: !-r,'j "ne 1. two 'l. t ::., four ( tiv f"i, six 'd!', iivi'ii 7. eight im. nine Co.-lrn l'i. "l.-veti till, twelve 12. thirteen t:ii. '"ourt.-.n (111. tifte;i 1 . si -.-n (l'V), -event' -n (17b tdghteen (1m. nine teen (1:. twenty ti'Oi. twenty-one -1 . twetdv-two (2-'. twenty-three ( -M iiil twentv-four i J I I ill block nine (ill. oi Tlinni pson's Addition to the City of I'lat'smonth. Nebi-aska. and lot one hundred live (Ti.'i). being a subdivision f the norlh.ast iuarter ( N I0 1 ot tie northeast iuarter fNI"', of See ion :'. on ili'l. a"d lot nunibr-d Iweiitv-twn (L'-l, a s u bd i v i s i m of !v 1,1 i,,t ten i I'M. of Section eigh teen 1M. all in Township twelve il-'i. 1, l.'.-.nge fourteen (111. :ist of the fith 1". T . in the county of C.iss. Ne-lr.-ska. been use of tile adverse jiosses si,.n I..- !.i:nself a:il hi- g r:: v t .rs- for np-.'-e than ten years prier to t i.e co't.-i-i.-n vio.-n; of sai.l suit and !" enjoin r;.,!. and i.M of you from baing ir flai:i:i:i" ativ tight, title, lien or in ter, st. eiti". r lgal or e.tultable. in or lo sab" l:-, or any pait thereof: t" woulr. o"i to s"t forth your r'lht. it' ;.i--:. ii.'ii or interest t!er"i;i. i: ; t ' c v ' 1 a 1 nr .-in: : t a I .p.. a'ld to l,; . t! . mmc adjudged i-.f. t'in- to the tii.. ef id-: in.t i'T and for gener;! table r.lief. This not'ee is made pur-M'-int to the order of the court. You are required to answer sai-1 p i it ion on or i.efon- Mondnv, March 17. I'UP, or default will be duly entered I herein. ALUKUT TIMMAS. I'laintilT. ". A. Kobortson, His Attorney. mi i n i: In the of Cass, Uilliam Ol' SI IT TO Ul 1KT TITI.K. tiistrict Court tif the County Nebraska. A. clalloway, riaintiff Almond 1 nidge. Kxeeutor of the Inst will and testament of Amatioa Koi bes, deceased, et al. 1 lefendants. To the .lefendants. .Almond Dodge, executor of the last will and testa ment of Amanda Forbes, deceased: Sey mour Dodge: Thebe Moore; Ihe un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives ami ail otlier pei. sons interested in the estate of manda Forbes, deceased: A in. .1. ut ter: the unknown heirs, devisees. lega tees, personal representatives and all otlier persons interested in the estate of Wm. J. Cutter, deceased: Margaret K Cutter: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees.- personal representatives and nil fit her persons interested in the es tate of Margaret K. Cutter, deceased: Win If. Kmeriek, .Ir: Mrs. V m. H. Knierfek. Jr.. first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all oth. r persons interested in the estate or Y ni. If Kmeriek. Jr., deceased ;' the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the ota-te of Mrs. Win. M. I'inerick Jr. first real name unknown, deceased: C ". King, first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees legatees, personal representatives and Mil other persons interested in the ts l..le . C. VY. Kilis, lit s.l. real name un known, deceased: Harriett King; the unknown heirs, devi-oos. legatees, per sonal TVpres ntatives and all otlier persons Interested in the estate trf More than four thousand Delco-Light plants were de livered for war work. They were used to supply elec tric light in camps, storehouses, hospitals, Y. M. C. A. huts, airplane hangars, sub-chasers and other branches of the service. In Red Cross hospitals ai tfce front, Deco Light operated life-saving X-ray apparatus. Delco-Light was specified by the Government because it is dependable, efficient, simple to operate, requires little attention, and because it is AIR-COOLED. The result of Government tests and the satisfactory use of Delco-Light on over 60,000 farms ar your as surance that Delco-Light will give you the same de pendable service. It betters living conditions, increases farm efficiency, and soon pays for itself in time and labor saved. ISY ROSENTHAL Phone D. 5093 Omaha, Neb. THE DOMESTIC ENGINEERING CO, Dayton, Ohio Mtkara of DELCO-LIGHT Products , :3?a f- .ry,- " g -a i --y. r- 1 w . W A , J I lilt. I I IIBW i i c . ij . f . - . . - - Harriett King, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the. estate of Anna Si liul dice, deceased: ami the unknown own ers and the unknown claimants of lots three 3 and eighteen US), in Section seven (7, Township twelve 1, North Mange fourteen (Ul, east of the fith 1 M.. in the county of Cass, Nebraska: You are lierebv notified that on the 1st day of February, A. D. !1!. plain tiff filed his suit in the District Court of the Countv of Cass, Nebraska. to piiet plaintiff's title to the following described land, to-wit: T.os three ( .'. and eighteen (ISl.-in Section seven (" in Township twelve (12). North Kange fourteen (Hi, east of the 6th I'. M .in the county- of Cass. Nebraska, because of his adverce possession by himself and his grantors for more than ten years prior to the .commencement of said suit and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title, lien or interest, either legal or eipiitable in or to said land or any part thereof, and alleging that none ol you are mi the military or naval ser vice of the. Fnited States of America; to require you to set forth vour right. title, claim, lien or interest iherein. if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the Fame adjudged inferior to the tit I of plaintiff and for general equi table relief. This notice is made pur suant to the order of this Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Mondav. March 17, A. I . 1H1S, or your default will be duly entered i herein. WILLIAM A. GALLOWAY. Plaintiff. W. A. ttobertson. Attorney for Plaintiff. GOOD WHITE SEED CORN. I liave an abdndance of good white seed corn, Walford Xord, riattsmouth.- Xeb. S-tfd&w Specials for 2 cans Hominy for 4 25c cans Tomatoes for. . Puffed Wheat or Rice Dried Peaches, per lb Prunes, per lb Apples, per peck Sweet Cider, per gallon Aerolene Milk, per can 2 lbs. Rice for. Best navy beans, per lb 1 quart jar Mustard for 1 can Cleveland Pork and Beans TELEPHONE NO. 4 OR 5 ..HATT Alfalfa-Molasses Feeds! The best and most economical feed for live stock Write us for description and prices Omaha Alfalfa Milling Go, Omaha, A, ci.v- tr'beS Pliii.i i.-i'iJ'i- r-j WILL VISIT IN CALIFORNIA From Thursday's Daily. In a few days. S. O. Cole, wife ami daughter, Opel, will depart for Los Anseles, California, where they will visit for some time, and will also see much of the western coast coun try before they return to their home here. They will expect to spend the remainder of the winter there and enjoy the mellow winter climate of the west. Mr. Cole and wife have been plan ning on a trip to the wen coast for some time, lut have always had so much to do that they could not get away conveniently until now. FOR SALE JACK AND STALLION I have for sale or trade, one five- year old jack, sure foal getter, and one Tercheron nine-year old, 1,700- pound stallion. Sound in every par ticular. See Minchau &. Sacks. East Side garage. Eagle, Xebr. fG-Sw For Pale: House, outbuildings. fruit and three acres of land. Cheap and easy te-ms if taken this wetk. K. 'A. Frans. 4-d&v this Week! . . . . . .25c .... 18c .... 20c and 20c .... 85c .... 70c .... 15c . . . .25c .... 15c . . . .35c 10c 15 8c SON.. Nebraska I, ! i i i V i , in 1 r