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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1919)
THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1919. PAGE FOUR. rLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Che plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntered at PofitofTice, F'attsmouth, Neb., as second-class mull matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Cheer up! :o:- Farewell, Old Year. :o: Out goes the old year. :o: Tho days are setting longer. :o: A model husband can't help it. :o: To understand how to manage a man. madam, is not to understand a man. :o: As creeds get more and more lib eral hell becomes harder and hard er get into. It is better to be called than re called. WHEN GERMANY WROTE A PEACE :o:- Give us more snow to make going better. :o:- Indications point to a line crop of wheat next year. :o: Don't forget to turn over new leaf you promised to do. :o: Lot; i radical. of millionaires are c;uite really, in their studies. :o: In 1S71 Germany wrote a peace and imposed its terms on France. In view of the estimates that the war expenditures of the allies have been $120,000,000,000 what Ger many did is of interest. At the beginning of the war, in July, 1870, Germany had 384.000 then under arms, and by November by which time she had won deci sive victories, she had 423,000. Lat er the enrollment in her armies was raised to S35.000. Of these she lost 28,000 in killed and 101,000 wounded and disabled. What did this military effort cost, and what did she ask in payment? According to Sir Hubert Gin'cn, a that ' hisb. statistical authority, her di rect expenditures on her military establishment were $;!30.000,000. She handed in and collected a bill, no German property having been destroyed through invasion, for S 1 ,000.000,000. No wender Maxi- without legal forms and simply as an act of war. The point is an interesting one, and since both side: agree that the ex-kaiser must be punished, the outcome of the discussian can be awaited with equanimity. There is another point, however, that also appears to have a bearing. Charles and Napoleon both were in the hands of their enemies, while Wil liam has sanctuary. Before he can be punished, either with or with out a trial, the Allies must get pos session of him. And it may be sus pected the fugitive himself will prove a great stickler for law on that point. K. C. Star. :o: THE GREAT DELUSION. i It lock - as if a lon and terrible pis co may be approaching for Eur- ni'l.iu Harden, in the days, whe-i Ik ' Bandit ; cat do :o: Bob i. V. a headline. rvof 1L A case I r :o: :o: . ..!? tl- )! i! .: ln-viki no only ! n- t Know 'viiat they wan but d'ja'r v.uiit (o ";now. :o: Tii siutoUts and farmer.-" should j husiness be-ia to think about better as early in tie spring, be worked. "A wi.i:,- chri.-rm j-ir.." It . Hi- .; or.: . N i.i : n cm I ., 1 1 , s n:.i'...-s a lean Ii"jK'd til'.' old v.-;:-. uniting t;. rr.iany to ;.; to v. a ;.iair.. . xelainied : Th-' n:.i.-t pro; ; ;:! ! achievement of the (Ijrman-; ii th.' in .' (eulury v as th wi i l eal as l.e! sT'J." Not sat I-died wit;, t l.v i i,:nre of two of the richest prov ,;n i.T France. Gr:na:iy comp-.db.-d :o.- a.i tiiey can riattsmout h is a good town now, nt l.-t.s r.ake it a gr at deal better J in Ibl'J. No, thank you, sir. We are ready for any reasonable task, but not the one of teaching the Turk3 the art of government. :o: After a man succeeds in printing one kiss upon a girl's lips it's an easy matter to run off a large edi tion. Ask your wife. :o: The flu has abated fcomewhat in IMattsmouth in the past week. And we hop- it will continue in th? Kod work, "until the last armed foe has expired!" :o: Remarkable, isn't it, the number of dolls that got into stockings this Christmas, considering that Ger many was the only country that knew how to make 'em. :o: No room for slackers when our boys across come home. They will all get their old jobs ir they want them, and the most of them will be very apt to want them. :o: It is officially announced that there will lie no more Red Cross drives so let us make it our business to see that every person in Cass County enrolls as a member in the last drive. All you need is a heart and a dollar. :o: The Indianapolis Star suggests that the shipment of 119.000,000 cakes of soap to Europe "sounds as if we are preparing to get into con tact with the Bolshcviki." No doubt the Bolsheviki may be hung ry euough to eat it. :o: A model young man was Hev. J. M. Ilelezrne. fonio.-ily of Louisville, who di-d from the (fleets of an op eration for appendicitis. Death truly loves a shining mp.rk in th" pacing of this yunr-'r 't an. A t be dealt!, or even if in the same : i vr prostrate enemy to pay her f.jr every $1 the highway undertak ing had cost. If the Allies were to compel Germany to drink as she mixed when she had a chance, every German acre, every German factory, every German machine would have an alien owner. -The pro-German remnant in this country speak of reimbursement for war expenditure as implying a puni tive indemnity. It would not bo punitive. To levy a punitive inuen nity it would be necessary to do what Germany did in 1S71. when. after deliberately provoking the war, she exacted three times as much as sho spent. So far no one has even suggested a punitive in demnity to be paid by Germany. :o: ' OF INTEREST TO MR. We have heard of mechanical milkers, but annexing a dictagraph to the cow is a new style in agricul tural science. :o: Has Mr. McAdco's live year "non- political" railroad plan any refer- ence to the fact that there will be a Presidential election in 1H24? :o: The long range bombardment of I'aris reaped 19 lives for its ICS hots. But the final cost to Ger many will not be measured by the expense of making the gun and its shells. : :o: The question these days is not so much what your income is as how I l)is:cussion in England of the fate of the ex-kaiser, which is occupying ious as the stuff thev sell. :o: b.iuli : Cd l.-im. prosp-ro lut :!:, aw.T -tor- It .'.hoa'd haw ',,-i-u pointed in' to M" ix-k.ii.-.-r V. :i . - I v thV. while l;f v.s ei! i i.i: bis C!:risn.y dinner in exile n,::::y mi'.-s from Paris. th President if t!o- Fnlteu States raipht have eaten his in Ger many, only Mr. Wilson di'Tu't con sider Germany any piace to be eat ing a Christmas dinner. Btte of Ohio. City of Tcle Jo. Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Cs.. doing business tn the City ct Toledo, County and Etate aforesaid, and that eaid firm wiil pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DCLLAPS for each and every cose uf Catarrh that cannot re cured iy the use of If ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before i.-io a-r.-i subscribed In my rresence. Cta coy of December. A ID . ISSi A. V. CL2.1SON. Si-at .eta; Public. Hail's Cat'. rh LTo i'lnijt is taknn In ternally and rr, : ' t":e Klood on the ilucoun Serf.' -t tao Li.-s.tixn. Send far ta'Urrorlt :. V J. a: ::;" - -o.. Toledo. O. 8eM ir .'. .:: - . Htn :' "t3..?atlon. much beyond it you have to livo to ; a prominent dace in the uress of keep alive. We often wonder what that country, has developed a divi the butchers buy one-half so prec-lsdon of opinion over the rather im portant point, as it would seem, of whether he should be tried and punished or punished without trial. The paradox of the controversy is that those who contend that there should be no trial assert themselves as sticklers for forms of law- and present solid argument to show that those who are for what appears, on the surfcae of it, to be the orderly procedure are, in reality, urging a process outside the law. The advo cate? of the first proposition con tend that inasmuch as there is no law and no tribunal that can reach the culprit, the supplying of them would be a violence to law, an ex post frcto process, that would be a scandal to justice. Nor, their reasoning runs necessary to iro to these lensrths to execute justice upon Wil Armistice Wins King a I)rin"i George V. Has First Champagne Since 1915. Headline. His Ma jesty should come to this country on a lecture tour next summer and tell just how a real drink tastes. :o: A conservative and our radical friends say we are a Conservative is a person who is so fundamentally radical, so instinctively primitive, that he wishes to see the present condition of anarchistic capitalism continue. :o: Border reports have it that the resurrected Villa is planning a raid into the United States to "try out the temper of the Government- If he does he may learn what the peo ple, instead of the Administration, think about it. President WiN'ui is 'mailing a hit Ai:ii ih.- Freiifh. ilis ii!-;ils for h ' ' , The corresponded' of the London ; Times with the Briiisii army of oc cupation on the Rhine reports that; agents who have lived in England' are at work di.-sciiiinaiing bolshe- vik doctrines anions the troops. The j !':t may bo accepted without, at-; tributing any of the responsibility K 11. i present German governnie:i ". which is battling for its life against 1 t-i -ihevisTn ;.t ho:a . It not neccs- rny for the Germans to preach bed-t s I- v ; - :n to the British troops. There, a:o plenty of British eoli-lieviki to. d t iso work wiliingly and gladly. Bolshevism is the one overshad owing issue which. Europe now con fronts. Everything else is second ary. German militarism has been destroyed, but it was not destroyed until Europe was exhausted econom ically, and bolshevisni is the direct product of economic exhaustion. The Central Powers broke down before i any of the allies except Russia went under, but tho difference in time was not so great as it might ap pear. Except tor the economic pow er of the United States, the allies j would have collapsed first and Ger- , many would have been nominally the victor, but even in that case the bolshevik problem would have been the same. Civilization cannot destroy all its accumulated wealth and wreck all it.s resources without paying the H0HENZ0LLERN I I,nce and bolshevism threatens to I be the price. It will inevitably be the price unless there is enough statesmanship in Europe to deal wisely and sanely with a situation that increases in gravity daily. Bolshevism cannot be checked by impassioned harangues about the sacredness of property. Millions of men have "been engaged for more than four yeas in destroying both life and property under orders from their governments, and they are no longer impressed with the sacred ness of either. No government any where has as yet presented a recon struction program that makes any real appeal to them. The one defi nite thing that, they understand p that food is .scarce and that some people are much better off than oth ers. It was a de-perate German autocracy which first invoked the spirit of bolshevism. aided and abetted, to be. sure, by the dinlo- is it i malic stupidity of the allies in deal- wit h the Iiusian revolution; I Go Ahead With Your Plans: That is the advice of the War Industries Board. Maybe you have hoped that another 3 ear would see your plans of a new home realized Those hopes can be a reality Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On All farm and ranch buildings All schools, churches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than $25,000.00. All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00 Now is the time to plan. Let us help you do it. S3 3 THE f.IELTLw POT. Among the many post-war prob lems which tonfront. the nation one of the most important is the Amer icanizing of America. The war has made painfully evident the danger ! which threatens from the masses of foreigners within our denvrs. While there are many agencies that can be employed for amalgama tion the press, the rostrum, pat riotic societies the most powerful and natural agency is the public school. There, "all children must in the future be taught what it means to be American citizens, the priv ileges that citizenship confers the duties it entails. They must be made acquainted with the frame work of American institutions and instructed in their workings. They must learn the story of the slow development through the centuries of the principles of liberty, the struggles it has entailed, the sacri fices that have been made for it. They should be made to understand how priceless is this gift which has been handed down to them. :o: TIME TO APPE0ACH MEXICO. lawless j in- Lee surrendered in April, 1,S 65; in November, IS Go, Seward brought friendly pressure to bear on Na poleon III. to effect the withdrawal of the French from Mexico. In January, Napoleon agreed to a gradual withdrawal of the French troops. No sabre clanking was heard. All passed in an amicable spirit. But if Seward had made a similar move in 1S6:J. when secession's successful armies stood between Washington and the Mexican border, would Na poleon have shown the same obllg ii'g spirit? Seward and l.lnruln certainly thought mt. The lesson of thi.' bit of history bears on the importance uf li.uut ling the Mexican ioi-r t inn ulieu arms are in our l:aiols. When tun available force i: u in ln-i t wnnti iSii.t (i)0 regulars, niitlur llm-iln ih.i Villa nor 'airaiia till mt lull in nit no German autocracy was need- i r(,ii.siler liam. Ilis punishment can be ic-j,( to spread the fire. The danger v;-n lenee .Xlliilir.iu li,.,ln t'l With t.r 1 1 coniplishcd as an act of war. Fer j 'i-.- .steadily increased since juuker- ; :-!ii; trn . -. nmb r ,u n.u (.. this '!'v cite the proceJ'-nt of Na-l-nm v:is overthrown, and in resist-!, p ,, ilt iiii. .,f ii... - BEATEN. The German people seem to rest under the remarkable delusion that when the armistice was signed their armies had not actually been beaten in the field. They still possessed some speakers and writers say. many lines of defense to which they could have retired, and had not revolution at home forced surrender they could have fought on indefi nitely. This attitude is similar to that of the Confederate soldier who remarked to his captors at Appomat tox, "You all think you have beaten us, but we have worn ourselves out beating you all." All evidence tencs lo show, all jiilitary authorities agree, that the second week of November found the German army thoroughly defeated and facing complete destruction. The unending series of hammer blows which Marshal Foch had dealt it, one after the other, with out cessation for four months, had mauled it into complete submission. Its unprecedented losses in men. in ordnance, in munitions, the capture of its most important strategic posi tions and of one of its two main lines of communication had made further resistance impossible. The Germans surrendered because they had to surrender, because to fight on would have meant annihilation. ilad this not been the case, had it been true that Hindenburg was capable of keeping the field indefi nitely, surely it would have been a strange psychology which made the German people see in this a matter of pride. To contend that their army tamely laid down its arms, that it admitted that it had had enough, before it was compelled by defeat to do so, is to accuse it of cowardice, of the worst kind of cowardice, of that moral cowardice that never manifests itself In the hour of victory but cries out In fear upon the approach of adversity. The world has never beheld a more pitiable spectacle than the tame surrender of the powerful Ger man fleet; can the German people find comfort in accusing their army of a Lke craven spirit? Far better would it be to face the truth and admit that their boasted army, the military machine upon which their whole system of autocracy and. im perialism was based, had been final ly and decisively conquered. :o:- An idea is not always to blame. for the people who believe in it. :o: Next spring's hats, the milliners says, are to nave wide, noppy brims and are to be "trimmed with stripped pattern, or bearing a broad saving propaganda? :o: CLanberlain' Cough Eenedy. Before using this preparation for a cough or cold you may wUb to know what it ha done for others. Mrs. O. Cook. Macon. III., writes. "I have found it giTes the quickest re lief of any cough remedy I have ever used." Mrs. James A. Knott, Chillicothe. Mo.. say "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy cannot be beat for coughs and colds." H. J. Moore. Oval, Pa., says "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy on several occasions when I was suffering with a settled cold upon the chest and it has always brought about a cure. i-j.o) :: France. Boih la'-tiVg p"ac.- :-e::i to coincide vjrh the;r'. , ::.'! hi:: si;:i!- i, tl.( talk of :ft and 'Toddy were :' meth yl of voiein. ti:i I r exuberance, s it loi-kK as if tliis is the land of "suji!i:;g Pr'-sHon's." Wil--on's smile is gracious, Taft's was jovial, while 'Teddy's' was "delightfully" force ful between his teeth. :o:- Tl.e story that the Czar is still alive has been a bit late In appear ance, but it was to be expected. For the next fifty years the "late Ci;ar" will turn up, here in Europe, in more than fifty-seven varieties of reincarnation, both as lunatic and plain fraud. The opportunity is greater than that of the "lost 1'," or even the famous Duke of Bilgewater. But most of the world will be ready for him. It has lost a good deal of credulity in the last half century. in o -v. in Tit . lie 1.1! LriM.-li iviTiiiii : 'incut . wii hour ; lie . t r i - . . d the and !'ii. ;,''!,('' vi ! ia-r i: n y !: w ."i lint p'm or I-riiu-ihg him any tr.M-un il. military or civ il v. ii houl even pre ferring any ciiarg- .z.-.inst him thippe.l him off to lifelong c:i!e. Tills was an of -the rip'nt and power of the victor in war and was not pretended to be under legal forms. As such it stands in history in much better liyht than the meth od by which the jui'ea of Charle. I accomplished his punishment. He could have been put to death as an act of war, for his person was In custody of the victors of war. In stead, they sought to reach th-ir ends by legal procedure and tried him under a law that didn't exist and before a triburfal that was it self illegal. Ilis beheading. al though it followed a trial, was more lawless than if it had been done lg the criM.ciy Li'!var.-e or the Fbert bolshe vi: p jvcrmn - ni 1 !! o-Tf-irjulng as ureal ih" British, t In Illans as it L a service for French and tli performing for i- -eif. The problem belongs to no country. In the broadest, vense It i: iniversal. and is making itself Un common issue of the war. There is no a responsible states man in Kurope who does not realize the gravity of the situation, bur neither is there a responsible Ktafes :nan who has yet formulated a bf inite program for dealing with it. Most of them are trying to convince themselves that if they can liain enough economic advantages out i f the peace conference the danger will disappear so far as their own eoun fries are concerned, and the red of th world may .safely be left to llf for itself. This Is likely to prove the great delusion of the peace foufertiitce. -New York World. Crlirfn IliVt" en. I N :!.!.! Ml III i a K"l ei ii hi t hi .1 v. hi. Ii li..,i ii 1.. hade I I, i: I. ,itt. ii of I Oil, tlllili I t ; :: I..-. i. I.,. i 1 1 i i 1 1 in .i .i ii t . , ..i.i. .'I. ,i. ,, ... i . in. 1,1 l t in) iii. .ii. Id. i. i.i i ..l.. .i ( iii. ..ii. ...ii .1 by iiiti iii(iin,i lin. .vl..iii..i. Ii, ,. !,(! a;.. I I In ;il ciiiui; no Hilii a pit; ej..... it I dtfiilior. Tin: j.... i. on i! Li Mekil.K hao ij.:.. I tot " ) ittk1r- el u iif.i miiii I i y ii j. in. ijt ...l lull. I Olio' Ml, lit. I.t A i . . t . 1 1 ... Im.'I'MMi j, i,i, v iiit-,4,.1.1 j,i i ki.iij'ilollei! A Hi. I ii .1 ii (U ill Hi-li. Iiua opiMl . I it iioiii ii-r jii.ii in!, i k, i,.i i. o . any i. in! i.f li.ill th. m m IVnilo, iiimI l.iia ( lorn;.! :ii (hi Hut v, .iue lically, In A nni le.i n limb' nml i n l.:l'prine Tin; let hi I loll e l.:lll,3 Ml NiD Till' I't'pollHll il iia I'll lli itvlliim tueuatntt i filial and UiiHO'illile u : AlitlolW, the smhIIii'I' olimxa it litlpllll l Upimil lull liiMltnl I lie l Oil I I. ill. WE WISH YOU A Happy New Year Witt lw open after supper this evening, but closed all Jay to-morrow. .. H ATT & SON.. DnS.'MACII & r.lACII, THE DENTISTS Tho lariiest ami best Hjuippea ii-ntil oflWei in" Oniah Kxperts In charge of nil work. Lady attuUnt. MQDKRATK TKICEa PorcUin rilling Just liU tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized ulter utting. ' iTHIRD FLOOR, PAXTOH BLOCK, OMAHA 1 Arr !?tuln-Pay When'Cured .r t(t.i.iiui u4