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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1919)
THURSDAY, JANTrAP.Y 2, 1019. pl attsmo urn srTii-wrrrcLY journal. PACE TITHE n riiTTrrnuraiiTiii nirrij-rnTt-TnnVtni M- tr nr run in n-nrni- JWrhlr.-iTnrOnf-mm o -ii'mri r-rr-i unrn-'r-i t - w .Y. :f. 3fi i. NEWS FROM ALVO Audrey and Orville Quellhorbt have the flu. Walter A. Ilardnoek motored to Lincoln Monday. M. ('. Keefer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Boyles. Miss Aurel Foreman visited in Lincoln from Friday till Monday. Mrs. Jesse Hardline!: was a pas senger for Lincoln Saturday even ing. Glen Foreman and brother Car roll spent a few days in Lincoln last w eek. Herman Borm meir and Wayne Swarts were in Murdcck on business Friday. Miss Laura Vickcr visited her sister Mr.?. Walter Jaeobmeier, of Kagle. last week. Ilev. M. K. Stair and wife mov ed into the Alice Kellogg residence property Monday. .Viis Blanches Moore visited with friends in Ie-; Moines, Iowa, from Friday till Sunday. Htanley Hall and hbr father were Christmas quests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fitch of Elmwcod. As I am going to Perkins County, Xtb., next spring. I will sell at I'ublic Auction at what is known as the Geo. M. llild farm, seven miles west and three miles south of IMattsraouth, and a half mile north and one mile west ' of F.ight Mile Grove cemetery, beginning, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., on TUESDAY, JANUARY 14TH, 1919. The following described property: 12 Ilead of Horses. One black mare, 4 years old, wt. 1500, with foal. One bay mare, S years old, wt. lf.00, with foal. One bay tiding. 5 years old, wt. 1700. One bay gelding, 7 years old, wt. ir,oo. One black gelding, smooth mouth, weight 1400. Ore bay mare. 6 years old. wt. 1 200. One bay gelding. 1 year e!d. One suckling colt. One team bay geldings, 11 and 12. wt. 3200. One dapple gray mare. f years eld. wt. 1500." One black gelding, 3 years old, wt. i:.oo. 12 Head Of Cattle. Three milk cows, two fresh, one fresh soon. Three heifers, one and two years old. One Shorthorn bull. thirteen months old. One Red Polled bull. Four bull calves, four and five months eld. 17 Head Of Hos. Sixteen head of Duroc-Jersey brood sows. One pedigreed Duroc-Jersey boar. Farm Machinery. One Newton wagon. One Mitchell wagon. One spring wagon. One hay rack. One McCormick mower. One pres drill. One John Ieer seeder. One C-section harrow. One center cut disc. t One stalk cutter. One King cream separator. One tank heater. Five dozen chickens. One Acme hay rake, nearly new. One Sattley gang plow, almost new. One new Moline riding lister. One Moline combined walking lister. Two New Departure cultivators. One GO-gal. kerosene tank with pump. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch Will Be Served by W. A. Scott TERMS OF SALE All puvos un der $10. cash in hand. On suni3 over 10 a credit of six months will be :riven on bankable note bearing ?ght per cent interest from date. Xo property to be removed from the promises until settled for. JOE BIERL, Owner. W. n. YOUNG, Auctioneer. LOT'IE FRIEDRICH, Clerk. PUBLiOMCTIOM! Alfalfa-Molasses Feeds! The best and most economical feed for live stock. Write us for description and prices. Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co., Omaha, Nebraska John Foreman and his uncle Met Prouty went to Lincoln Sunday, re turning home Monday. Fred Weaver of South Bend spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. Miss Lola Keefer is helping in the bank a few days during the ab sence of Mrs. Dale Boyles. Mr3. Arzilla Foreman and little daughters visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman. Miss Ruth Vincent came home Wednesday from Unauilla, where she has been the past six weeks. Mrs. Clara Prouty of University Place visited at the Geo. P. Fore man home Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Robertson and children visited Grandpa and Grand ma Fen toman in Elmwood Monday. Rev. C. E. Connell and family moved into the E. M. Stone resi dence property the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott of Elm wood and Mrs. Percy Slothower. were Christmas guests of J. H. El liott sr., end family. Mr. and Mrs. Alej: Eullard of Ft. Madison, Iowa, came in Sunday vis iting their cousins'Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keefer until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Parriot, of Lincoln, spent Christmas with the former's sister, Mrs. Chas. Edwards and fam ily. They returned to Lincoln Thursday evening. Mrs. Geo. Hall returned Friday, from Murdock where she has been taking care of her daughter. Mrs. Louie Bornemeier, who had a se vere attack of influenza. Lt. and Mrs. C. D. Ganz left Thursday to visit Lt. Ganz's parents at Dunbar, returning here Tuesday for a few days visit before return ing to Ft. Riley. Ke:ns. Mrs. Jake Forsylhe of Lincoln, came down Saturday visiting Mrs. Sam Cashner until Sunday, going to Eagle Sunday evening to visit at the Henry Snoke home. Santa Claus was just real " busy Xmas eve filling the numerous Xmas trees in this vicinity, which were placed in readiness for him, bring ing muelK joy to the little folks. Sunday School and Church servic es were held in the M. E. Church and the Church of the Brethren last Sunday for the first time for eleven week as 4he flu ban is now lifted. Grandma Boyles left Thursday for Lincoln to spend a few days with hen son W. O. Boyles and wife and from there she will go to Over ton to spend the winter with anoth er son. Mrs. Dale S. Boyles received a telegram Thursday announcing the death of her uncle J. V. Hyder at his homes in Taccma, Wash., on Dec. 25. Mrs. Boyles left Friday evening to attend the funeral ut York, Neb., his former home. School opened Dec. 30, afer sev eral weeks vacation on account of the flu. The attendance is exceed ingly good considering the preva lence of the flu, though some who have thus far escaped it, are keep ing their little folks at home for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vickers of Dubuque. Iowa, spent Xmas with t lie former's brother Joe Vickers and family and thetr mother Mrs. Mary Vickers and sister Miss Laura Vickers. They will visit relatives at Eagle and Greenwod before re turning home. Sunday evening guests at the Geo. P. Foreman home were. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linch and Mr. and Mrs. John Linch. Miss Cox and Miss Eva Linch of Lincoln. Mrs. Mable John son of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linch of Chappell and Miss Gladys Appleman of this place. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keefer re ceived on Xmas day two letters from their son Maurice Keefer who is now in Belgium. He was in some of the fiercest battles and came out unhurt. He lost everything he had but the clothes he was wearing, when his headquarters were shelled. Christmas tide at the S. C. Boylea home was very happily spent by all the Skiles relatives who could be present. The tree which seemed to hold no end of presents, brought joy and happiness on Xmas eve. A delicious Xmas dinner was enjoyed after which a very entertaining pro gram was rendered, each one pres ent taking a part. Mr. Chas. Skiles of David City composed appropriate poetry, and Dale Boyles composed a song both causing much merriment. Those present were Chas. Skiles and family and Mrs. Swar of David City, i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole of Lt. and Mrs. C. 1). Gar.z of Ft. Riley. Kans., Mrs. Clara Prouty and (laugh ter Margaret of University Place. 3 MURDOCK ITEMS 4 . flf . r It . . I.. niimil.r I irV'U sick with the flu. C. Mooney is among the sick, as is also Mrs. Win. Lau. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schewe were in Lincoln last Friday. Miss Ida Cehrts of Lincoln spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Landliolin spent, several day-; in Omaha las week. Miss Rose Amgwert of Council Ulufi's spent a few days at X:nas time. Herman Rornemeier and Wayne Swartz of Alvo were in town Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelly of Li-;-ccln were over Sunday guests of O. E. McDonald and family. Ferdinand and Albert Reichman also Mrs. Otto Reickman drove to shland last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mills and ion James were Xmas dinner puo-t? of Ed. Jumper and wife. ' ,t ii. Tin t on,oii i iir. ami ;i i javr. uini. wi ipeut Xmas with the iatter's par- j building program, tue ecr-t ary urr ents, Wm. Rush and family. cd a provision f .r r.iK'n.-iou of c .n Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schleitter jr., - struct ion rtthe or-l.-r of :he IT--.! i .. C3.,n,iv v. ttti Henry Schleuter sr., and wife. 1r n?nt Trc I!nv Parcel! '.'.' -J. 1-iiiiri.ffkrc ri"d Doris snont Siiti- dav with John Arries and wife. Mioo T iUin An-o-,frr rnt-ir',i-- n Council Bluffs Sunday after sp nd- navy recond to !n th ing a few days here with relative?, j if n intt mat tr:bunal Mi T.-ktin Slin :n nf nn'ir I.'iv)e;- ' DOVVtT to enforce its villo spent Monday n ri-truorl: to become a rta.y. where he whs transacting bu5r.----?. j Eritair.'s 2T"vv Still T-rrert Mr. and Mrs. O. Miller and Mr. Tho recretr.ry sr.l:n:iied t- and Mrs. Chas. Long were Sunday rf.nmittee r rer---rt s!. - ir, -dinner guests of Emil Millor and J present compart:,., -trc-r.gti-..-? -f xt-ira Mrs. Hamilton Hall of Mir-ne- Rritain hay i:i r.jK-rrt io:: or- h apolis. Minn., who has been vkitia i hv.; CI ba'ti-j.i:---. 1". battle "datives here went to Omaha in : "1 heavy ci-.tisor, 111 Sunday noon. cruisers. 2T.i patrrd and -'!"i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hacker.-.eyt r I 409 destroyer? . 19 rr.: ia-; i i--and sons Harvey and Jesse of Elm- ! torpedo boats. flotilla laa wood, spent Christmas with Mr. an'!"'' airship.-: ana SS7 ni- '.la:: Mrs. Chris (lurr. L. M. Amgwert and son Henry Tnd daughters Misses aMrgaret and , end largest r.avy in. tli? v.v::-.. ir.. Lillie were Sunday dinner gu-st built cr projected .",9 battl- .d-ip.--of John Amgwert and family. 8 battle crulrc-rr, S rn.vvod ("".it- Misses Trout and Doltius of Lin- j ors. 40 i::ht cruor; r,i? --troy coin returned on Xo. 3S Sund-iy 1 frs. IS I su'.nia:-inT:, I" tc.-t for from their Xmas vacations ar.d r a- sumed their school duties on Man- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Kruogcr of West Point, who are v i -i t ing friends and relatives here wera STirdav quests of t'onrad Paumprnrfn. r :ii'l family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tinmen:! a:i 1 riiiMron i'i,rnM , passencerr, to Lincoln Saturdav evr-ninsr on Vn f mi nm ; , v -f.-, . (jav " j Miss Lucile McKinnon who bar' been staying at the Harold Tool ! linmo loff ClmiJii' evft'iitif. klllUMU I 'h l.ll II VI i. i .. ... Fchool as it reopens aJn. 1. Mrs. F. Rambolt of Grand I-land. N'ebr., is here with her sister Mrs. A. II. Schwab who has been real sick but we are plad to write ! cruisers, is some better at present time. ir-t rover Our youns follcs are enjoyin;? mnri,ic" themselves the?e evoninps at sha t-i sf lS ins parties. A larp.e number r.nih- ered at L. M. Amcwcrfs lr.-t Fri- day eveniusr, where at a- nearonabln uuui iiui cocoa. r.n'i cooiue- '.vcrr served and all enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. Ernil Kuehn and family l ave va cated their residence which they sold some time a?:o, and are with Mrs. Kuehn's mother, Mrs. JO. T. Tool until March 1. when they will move to their farm in Johnron county. We hate to .-ee this csli mabile family move from cur raid t. but our very best wishes o with them to their new home. E33 NOTICE. There will be tt. social dance at the Elks Club, Friday eveninir. Jan. 3rd. All Elks and their familic; are cordially invited. 2-ltw2td HAlTaS SELI' TO AVOTTl TT.Tr ' ! citney mnde last v.-inter had cincc News from Eagle tell3 of L'enry ' l'een omitted by the adminictra Ileinrichsen, who had the influenza, t,cn in tho enactment of the Over and became discourajred, as to his man law. recovery, and thought what's the i "Gotl cnl' 1:nows how n'.any lives use", so went to the upper room, have bocn sacrificed needlessly due where he wa3 staying and changed uupreparcdncss. even up to tlie doctors, by firing a shot into liis j time the armistic was signed." Ren head with fatal results. j ator Chamberlain said. . "Tbe charge of trecahery wa ? IARM FOR SALE A good Improved 220 acre farm 2 miles east of Murray, what is known as the F. M. Young estste. Good improvements. Possession can be had March 1st, 1D1S. En- quire of Lloyd Capen, Murray, Ne- braska. 23-4wksd&w Si THV lilt f A COO-TvIIILION DOLLAR EUILD- IIT-3 PR0GRAI.I PRZSEmZD UV.-l.i.4 1.1.Ui(. FORWARD IS THE V7A7GKWGRB TJ. S. Should Be Prepared-to Share in Policing Wcild or to Ctantl .Atone Geciviary Says. Washington, 1 c. no. Appear ing before the House Xaval com mittee today in behalf of the new GOO-millioii-doilar 3-yt-r.r b'.ahliiig program, Seen ry Daub-I-; .-aid it' a league of nations v.a re or ;ani;-.. !: the I'liPed S-ate--. should be procur ed to contribute a.-- I a rye p. v, ni'. as any other r.ati- i t- uu it.ieri'LL tional police fo.rt.', u;vi t hut with out an int .-rirat io:;;'.l : ' grt r.t for redaction of ar;:::i:!r?j't:, ti e .-.lo-ri-can policy oi" k.yu! exclusion .h;!tlt. be continued ind'-iiniie'.y. A Provision ror l.c:iiic1i:-n. Inriirnvillv .u !;-.: V in "T t no i - - - - ilor.t whenever an ititrrra-insial ! agreement is made :";r ;u i::a:a .V. re- ' dnct ion. ! Mr. Daniels raid - i'. r Ii ! States, having ple-Irea i;s su; lirsrt MO f Hiail IK'.H(;:i . S.I- )Uld b . , : a '.V! irl-l v. it a f.Vile 1 ! i k-rtre navie-? of t he- h t r. fhips. T!ie T'ri'ed Str 'r j P'' vessels, 17 t t j ve3cl?. j n-incs Ilola" rJ.i-'u Frm-e !:..; 29 battl" rhip, j crui;.?"s, fdght V.rS'.t crr.i-ers, i dc.t rcyer--. 121 torpedo boat--, .1 ' -v- 2 1 'man nor. j other cn-.ft. It: !y lit!-? IS batti 'ships, 7 crni-er. 1 l:r! t reiror. ' monitor.' r. flotilla ivj. r -! :' ." ru-.j- i dost rover?. PJ torpedo l o- ! marine?. .M airship celbineous versrls. nssia- l:cf-r(V -,,-,i5n-? thn v-'i;r' had 1S 1 trn:- I r, 12 heavy ar.d' li it rnierr i -. - i '.-iinivprs. .1 i s':i,e;.i .;.'.. toroodo boats, 14 sisrships f!l mi-;cellane.T.:s ve -eis Before he armistice v,b si fien-iany had 47 battle: 4iip r. C b tt!a d je 51 other cr;:i??rs. 1 7T torprrbi ! at., and ."!;: mic.-Uan. j Q lf .S3 Q f 'T r,J,i B A 5, !; 1; ; 2 i if rjn m si. -fa vet risaw i f; 3 , : h- w a . r. i ir r f? ' v i. . I. s w 5327AT0r. CHAIIEESIAIN 0? OREGON SC3HES A.'TD war depahti.jent ror. INEFFICIE-TCY. AVapiiinr,ton. Deo. 00. -Sen at -or Chamberlain of Orc.Tcn, chairman tf lhe :iit.?ry committee, declare in the rr-r.ate today that the Tniud States was a.n unprepared to take care of returning wounded soldiers as it was unprepared to enter the ! war. lie iid charge of ineifi- leveled agajnst some of u- v-ho criti- cized. I pacred under the yoke, bvt if my criticism has saved one life of a soldier in France I am willing to give up my seat in the United States senate." Regarding American casualties Senator Chamberlain said: "Take the number of men on the front and wounded the casualties the and m 1 s-s i n g- t here h-a bev'i "r'-tiv':. !!;.- 17. (i per (' at of j the boys on the front IrHied. v. : j ed or iaisiii-." H Turning t the hr!?:e-f.'ni:ng ! wounded he continued: k HospUU What I criticize, ;-. the tact, tha we !i;i v. i i: the ho'--pi'al !a'i!it ies. If tho Wv.r (l"p;:rttv.-.'?it paid civ- half the uttention t: preparations for rtceivitig theo boy.; a-; t:ey aro j '.. ge; f i?:g l.,:;.l-siatioa t :!' .t?-,h con-: gr( .-u? ia ordc. to protc-ct cmt ;(. tcr.-t win i mad" lor wrr yupphos ; over tlio t! U -.liiOTK ':x vi'i-ition of, law, this ir.ctter wivtid soon be set-j tbd." j Sen-. or l',:h:d; vter V.'avhi ng- i ion ;r !a d if it wr re. :.o a fa;'f taat j the p--a: ident v.-a.; rc-ps r..?ible fvr the ar-tr. of ti'e e?:"- :l i uepnrt- inert.-:. S-'.a:-;.- ChrMi'I 1 1 lain replied j tliat tiv :;rc;i' rr co'i'-l rv.r be 1,'-M ; r all t!; o! ? i in fr.iln . to pay ? f:M! IT'.' to c ant ( we r-e-: iii v.: truct d I'vr.m .-olJii-r.-- :., Ib'j ho,--T;ita,.s, v.-(!'.i!-i l!:e president reiady t i;--1 whole mat- S-.nator I'oi :i-.s-. :' or a .ked. . -." tai l t Orc-g-ii r--"-:irtar. word tV.o rc?rotr:iy r co'iM r' ".ie;!y it a!.-u, ar.d i .1 word that I r.r.i tr;.i:ig to of V get.' I;,. of t':n T-i.itd o T"; know th i-.-cr.r. v- of 7-!r. !'oind'-xer insist rcT. ;a I-et r ;.- ;-t. a :-C -r. th pr- "1 Vani i i " re. .:t re- ar. r C-:: -A:'-. ( r: ;( a -?r arnt's 1 " e" e- elieva i-i!i;ri-th.e iug to 1 ' :- id v:::s the raver: failure to formulate a d(-ll i. nohilix'jtion jia'iy rn a ba-'i?." He fid :;e did ::ot -Ti,-r.. .- l-.fH'l'.l 1,0 l.f. ty u-'ir 1,... .j,! ..,! c.y. rr?r-y Ux is r V.r.nprn to the:a. c: t r ::i . n. '-a ; :".i!,n. ha . a" ':' ('' ' i! :- hould ma' r fcr Clar- ' ;r i. c!!-"1! vr.P. ;li l a ( - e :; a :t i rr r.e an I ' v.-iirl.iaai. !:::. h,-: ; a .- - c i : i - :d W el! o.iriiii'-d i ' 5:ent!':r.-: a. an 1 is a.- wrli. There i.: joy in t;o l-.omc-s cr.'I double joy at the home of the Holra v-.-o irtan o'f William It. llolmcr, for the storl: ye.tcrdi.y brought a brt:i;ci::g bai'y boy to them, w h i cl i ir the deliaht of the fcr.d mother ard -rc'.-.d father. I'. Ia roported that Mr. ITolmes a! of i so plea:. e. I over the arriv new bit of sunshine that ran roe him smile, in tho dark. CIIHI3T & GIIKI1T, pjiotojr"P:ers. I-Iuko a specialty of To enlarging, ccpy r.nd colored v.rcrk. Kodak finishing;, etc. Wo e-unrnccc ell work. sittings by anc-inlrasi.'; we . ere always ncre. 'eisphm? 615. Flattjmcuth, Crates Elock. Nebraska. ?S0?0SE ALLIES ENTLPv SEEIi:i Washington, Dec. :10. A rr-:ol i lion proposing that an army of al lied and 1'nited State- troops tri i'.ii;p!:an:ly enter Berlin to imprers if pen (he minds ot the Ccrman-; th" '.'act that Germany has been decis-i'.i-ly defeated was iniroduced today by Representative Uolitt'e, of ICaa :as, a democrat. Our old friend. J. T. Porter, from near N'ehawka, w;w in PhittLr.iouTh one day lro-t. week and paid tin.- Jour nal otiiea a brief call. Jolm i- ai Vi'.jo a mighty welcome visitor aror.nd the Jotirn?! headquarters. For baby's croup, Willie's daily cats and r.rubc-.-:. ivicti:. r's . sore throat, -vi andm"'.; lameness Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oilthe house hold remedv. and GOc. If you war.i to heir win tb? war w a Liberty Bond und do It today. i ' -v' -L.-zor.Giny Y'JJr'xrx Every Cr.'sc hr.Uh dead. j . ; J "The mortgage that never ccmes due You pay no commheion. Capita! $250,000.00 THE incoInJointStockLandBank Of LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Organized and operated under the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan vet. or Farm Loans See CHAS. ,C PARMELE, Representative . Plattsmouth, Nebraska OULEI-t OF IZ2AKIKG .-.!(,. -v! I'i-l!lif t-r Svillt'-r;u-ii( 1 re-.. nl. Til t ".l. edr.lity, e it , , 1 1 '." . s s ' 1! i!.te-- l!l .Me:, .-I!!'. i : i . ii oi .s . ii ! ; ' ' I' 1:1' ut a nil :i:t t:I "! in 1 i i-- ... i I .e.-eai ! I , ef i.-:!r;! aa! 1 ! ;i. a i ' , I "t.i, i'i f:ii..l i-;i.' '! ma-, ,..,.-, ;-t t;.'- I'liniy I.'iniit tu ; i, lei s;i id i'(n;:i! v nil tile i i' .i.i,i-K.r -. . 1 i. )ila, :it tTi i a. ' s:,i.-.'. i;ii'.:-... if a;iv s : I I..- ji'-avei- ef t!,e peti-,-.:'i ei i-.- ;;i ;i i.t el. luiil 1 1 :;i T II,-- j i . I . -1 i - (if :--;iiil ietitiiiii of vivo ii t. an i , I 1 ,-. t, .'. i:i -:i,l nialter le - .i i,f t.' .s er.l.-r in 1 l.e ut ii .le'.rn:!', a s -n i - v. c,-k 1 v -.- i ria'.- il in iniimv, fur ; r i ii si ill 'lav ef h'-a t inta ,i--s -.vli.-i-efi: , 1 haw !,'- n-iail'i ,:i il aial the Seal of sai.l I'onrt lav e' I r.a:,.-!-, A. I . ! '.i 1 . .lli:x i. !'.i:i:.- . '(junly .Juu'-O. :tg7 cake the test. Nov.- came t lie tet. Last three mo:nhr; gave th.? moyt convincing proof of the popularity of Triner's AtraTir-an Illix ir of P.ittcre Win thr.::r-hout the United states and . a a . The enormous demand for tbi- rrr.-ody :reK- I ro-ords. And v.i:y? icc-vj..e tiii:- remedy cleans he r:t-.-1 inos in the rirlit way. lt n;)0tl. r::- .;i-iaf " in- a jiat'.? rl :i:.d ary bo-vl oiave-n-'ii t, "-ith- rui pains and v.ilaoiit subseouent i;- on i -tipatio!!. Thii nc rmal -.n-acMtion is fi.e r.reatest need in ti e:-" of t-r-idomic stress. -ri,.- ,(.,. . m . : I i ir. -.-i-j: r: lejt-'.i tin ju ;.! in nut?. ; ":'i: .t as good" and insist upon Tri- i a-r mer?can i.Iixir of Pit ter ! -Mia-. Ar all !rti;r stores, SI. 10. In -?.se ot rneitmai.c or neuralgic rain, praius. swellings, etc., Triner's Lin 'meTit ir the remedy which may be always relied upon. 33 and (iac at Irug stores. Py mail 45 and 75c. v h-h you a happy Xew Year! .Torore. Triner (a.mpan.v. 133-13 1" 3. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. III. loiM'j.rii Wn r.t-A'.ls rey' B&m HAVJB. CLUES . -r - tr v. THERE IS NO EF.SIER OR SIMPLER METHOD OF GFTTING MONEY THAN BY JOINING OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB. YOU CAN START WITH 1f CENTS, B CENTS, 2 CENTS OR 1 CEMT AMD INCREASE YOUR PAYMENTS THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. IN 50 WEEKS: 1Q-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.50 5-CSNT CLUB PAYS 63.75 2-CENT CLU3 PAYS 25.50 1-CEMT CLUB PAYS 12.75 OR YOU CAN PAY IN AN EVEN AMOUNT EACH IWEEK, 5C CENTS, $1.00, $5.00 OR ANY SUM YOU WISH. COME IN AND JOIN TODAY. IT IS THE ISURE WAY GF GETTING AHEFD YOU WILL HECEIVE 3 PER CENT INTEREST i t armers PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA PAUL GAPEN WOUNDED IN USE FIGHTING ;ut and nov aeie TO BE ON WAY HOIIE. NOW AT HEW YORK CITY. 0?ear Gi.pon has just received a letter from hi:; cousin, Paul Capen, which was written on his landing at Now York City, on his return from France at which place he was wounded on October 11th, in action. The Utter tells of Paul, who is a na of W. E. Gapcn of Long Pine, a brother of Oscar Gapen ft., of foutii of this city, having been wounded, but does not say how bad he was injured, but did say that he was getting along nicely, and that he soon expected to be home again. The friends here are wondering how oriri: tbe wound was, but are re joicing that the s-trurr.h' is over, nd that liability for n recurranco of the injury has gone. They take it that on account of his being brousht br.-me he was rather orioirdy wounded, though it might , Iook jl;G he WOunds vere not so j fPvrrP as was able to travel. j ,.vhich would be coir-trued as good 1;eV.. t I Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! K-nirli! Scratch! The more you srratch, the worse the itch. Try TJr,an's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. COc a box. . R. P. WESTOVEtl PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Coites Block. Ees. 513 PHONE 0fF.ce 647 V Julias, mm mi ! 1 . 1 . il estate ank i t.