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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACTA TBM2L 8 " fc k a MANLEY STATE BANK 1TANLEY, NEB. MURRAY STATE BANK MUERAY, NEB. BANK OF CASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. BANK OF COMMERCE LOUISVILLE, NEB. FIRST SECURITY BANK CEDAR GREEK, NEB. :o:- :o:- :o: :o: :o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $13,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $15,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $80,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $23,000 CAPITAL AIID SURPLUS $10,000 :o:- :o:- -:o:- :o:- -:o:- THTJESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1918. OFFICERS FRANK STANDER AUGUST STANDER AUGUST PAUTSCH THOMAS K. PA KM ELK) WM. J. HA U. Our Facilities Enable Us to Handle Your Business in this County Promptly and g Economically and on this Basis We invite Your Patronage. S Tv: complete E'ccMjc L:sht and U Pcwe; 1'iant I'lenty of bright, safe clean -lec-tri lirht. No more hot, smoky lamps. ESRa , l - -. t- V i r" r- M I SY 'ROSENTHAL. T.-l. 1). ir.C Omaha, Neb. U MURD0GK ITEMS -v. Miss Mary Hush is with relatives in Omaha. Matt Thimgan was in Omaha last Wednesday. Kmil Knehn ami family motored to Ohaha Friday. Gordon Block was In Klrawood Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rueman were in Omaha Sunday. Mrs. K. T.Tool is visiting relatives at Shellsburg. Iowa. Win. Rush and wife were shop ping in Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. Wrn. Gehrts and daughter. Miss Ida. were in Lincoln Friday. Miss Gladys Sorick is visiting with relatives in Red Oak, Iowa, for a few weeks. William IJourke and Grover Otte were at Herman, Ner.. on last Sat urday. Miss Louise Thimgan. of South Rriid. is visiting with Matt Thimgan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mossmiller. of New York City, are visiting at the Fred Othme home. Fred Gorder and family of Weep ing Water, were Sunday visitors with relatives here. O. A. McDonald and family mo tored to Murray Sunday Where they pent the day with relatives. Mr. :rtd Mrs. Fred Cordes anl in TO THE r RDOCK MEAT MARKET Dealers in Fresh MURDOCK, We dress our beeves cattle are cheaper, so save money and buy the best steer beef at these prices: SIRLOIN ) PORTERHOUSE V J ROUND ) A full line of Sausages and I GORDON DIRECTORS CHAS. C. PARMELE, President. FRED NUTZMAN, Vice-President. W. GLEN P.OEDEKER. Ccehlfcf. fant son. Orville Fred, were Sunday guests of August Panska and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn and family of South Bend were Sunday guests at the Wni Gehrts home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kreuger, of West Point, Nebr., were visiting rel atives and friends here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gurr left Sun day morning for Milford to spend a few days at the Y. P. A. convention. Ed. Brunkow and family and Ferd. Brunkow and family motored to Union Sunday to visit with rela tives. Miss Lydia Ruenielin, of Crab Orchard. Neb., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Cordes and other relatives here. Adolph Bockelman, Will. Irwin and Walter Heir and Warren Rogers motored to Plattsmouth Thursday evening. Mrs. Chas. Lett and son Kenneth returned to their home at Council Bluffs after two weeks visit with relatives here. Mrs. M. Shriek accompanied by little Miss Harriet Lawton went to Mcdale, Iowa. Monday for a vist with Mrs. Sorick's mother. Miss Redmond, of Lincoln, was a Sunday guest at the Sorick home. Miss Eva Sorick accompanied her to Lincoln Sunday evening. Clark Newlon and sister, Kate Xewion. of Weeping Water, also Mrs. Gorley, of Washington, were visit ing with friends here last week. Iouis Bornemeier, August Pans ka. Ed Thimgan and Harry Gillespie motored to Omaha Thursday, and Mr. Panska drove home a new Kissel car. of the sedan type. Mrs. L. Nietzel was in Havelock. a few days last week. Her daugh ter, Mrs. Jay Hitchcock and baby returned with her on Friday and will visit for several days. Miss Lillie Amgwert returned last Wednesday to Council Bluffs, after! a two weeks vacation spent at home. Miss Lillie will finish her three years course at the Jennie Edmondson hos ital March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and sons, Harry and Donald, also Miss Nora Rush all of Elgin, N'ebr., returned to their home via the auto route' PUBLIC! and Cured Meats NEBBRAKA oTrni( 30c Per Pound I PULi Cold Meats of all kinds. BLOCK, Prop. on Monday after a few days's visit with friends here. Frank Rosenow and family, Mrs E. W. Thimgan and childrenauto ed to Milford Saturday where they will spend several days visiting relatives, and attending the Sunday School Conventioni Early last Wednesday morning the stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jumper and left a charming little daughter with them. The proud parents are very happy over her arrival and little Edward, jr., thinks she is wonderful. Everone who were present tn joy ed the M. E. Sunday school picnic held last Tuesday evening in Shewe's grove. Owing to the threatening rain several members were not pre sent. Games were indulged in. and the picnic supper was served and all treated to ice cream. OTTO WURL BACK IN AMERICA. From Thursday's Daily. Last evening a message came say ing that Otto Wurl had arrived at New York, and a night letter came this morning telling that he would arrive in Plattsmouth tomorrow af ternoon. As the regiment to which he was attached in France was in the hardest of the fighting rn the western front, in the Picardy sector some apprehension was had as to his safety, and when the telegram came telling of his arrival the folks hae" some grave misgivings until they had known the contents of the mes sage and its good import. Otto bar been taking some intensive train ing, and has just completed his ex aminations in all the modes of war fare, and passed with excellent cred and his returning to America, where he is to be placed at Camp Dix, N. J., is supposed that he is to be an instructor, but it is not known. Otto will have a seven day fur lough, and will certainly enjoy it with the family and friends here. Plattsmouth will surely welcome her son home again if only for a short time. EXCELLENT REASONS. If a remedy has been in favor with the public for thirty years, there must be excellent reasons why the patients placed confidence in that remedy. Tri tier's American Elixir of Bitter Wine enjoys the greatest popularity for three dec ades. Why? Because it never dis appoints, is very palatable and at ' the same time highly efficient. It cleans the intestines, sharpens the appetite and helps digestion. All stomach troubles, constipation, in digestion, flatulence. headache, nerv, general weakness, etc. will disappear. Our motto is: We can always look you in the eye. We are using best bitter herbs and ex cellent red wine for Triner's Ameri can Elixir. That is why it has so many thousands of friends. $1.10. At drug stores. Triner's Liniment ; is also a remedy without equal. Try it for rheumatism, neuralgia, lum bago, sprains, swellings, etc. 35 and 65c at drug stores. Bv mail ! 45 and 75c. Joseph Triner Com pany, 1333-134?. S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111. Stationery at the Journal office. DR. H. C. LEOPOLD . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN prrlal Attention to Ilrinr- f Wonirn ACUTE DISEASES TREATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Hours and Sundays by Appointment. 8:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 Cm hll "lo Plattsmouth, Neb. OFFICERS CHAS. C. PARMELE JACOB TRITSCH TrfOMAS E. PARMELE R. l PATTE51SON. F. G. EGE.NBERGEH X X NEWS FROM ALV0 & t if. 1 L. II. Mickle and family a u toed to Avoca .Monday. Mrs. Hazel Fox left Thursday for her home in Chicago, 111. A. I. Bird was in Omaha on busi ness the last of the week. (Jeo. Hall was a business visitor at Weeping Water Saturday. Chas. V. liosenow motored to Rokeby Saturday on business. Dr. L. Muir and family motored to Omaha Sunday to visit relative.-:. Fred Weaver of South Bond spent Sunday afternoon with J. A. Shaffer. G. P. Foreman shipped a car of hops to South Omaha markets Tues day. Ray Clark and Verl liosenow are grading for the 11. I. H. K. near Rokeby. Wayne Swartz. Roy Coatman, J. W. Vickers and Archie Miller went to Ashland Thursday. Mrs. Ralph Chley of St. .Toe. Mo., has been real sick with appendicitis but is better at this, writing. Mrs. Emmett Friend left on Xo. '5, Saturday to visit ber brother. J. B. Skinner at Ft. Dodge. Iowa. Mrs. Minni? Whitman left Tues lay for her home at New Orleans. I. a., after a visit here with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Suavely have turned from Shell'Lake. Wis., and .vere calling on friends here Satur lay and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rathbun anrt children. Miss Bertha Bucknell and Alva Skinner were Ashland visitors Saturday evening. Albert Foreman, of Valparaiso -pent Sunday with his parents and "eo. jr., of Valparaiso spent Satur day with home folks. Mrs. H. A. Bailey went to Lin coln Monday evening to visit her -laughter Miss Grace who has been visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Robertson ire rejoicing over the arrival of a twelve pound baby daughter at their home Monday, Aug. 19. Mr. and Mrs. James Pilkington ind Mr. and Mrs. Stevens left Fri day for a fishing trip on the Elk horn returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Godbey and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse were in Lincoln Friday and Saturday hav ing gone via the auto route. Mrs. Ray Clark and daughter and brother Elmer Rosenow went to Rising City Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sutton to make a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parsell and family and Miss Emily Strong and Ray Parsell and family autoed to Ft. Dodge. Ia., Saturday to visit Ralph Parsell. Sunday guests at the Rouse hom were Mr. and Mrs. L. Uhley of Elm- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lynch oT University Place and Mr. and Mr?. L. B. Appleman. Mrs. Waugh of Des Moines, la., and her son Ben Waugh of Omaha, and his daughter Miss Pearl Waugh of Lincoln visited briefly in Alvo Tuesday with old friends. Mrs. A. Dier and children of Has tings, who spent the past week with her sister Mrs. J. A. fobaffer left Monday evening for Lincoln to visit a few days with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kelly and fam ily of BToadwater, Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fairfield of Univer sity Place visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fairfield a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rathbun entertained at supper Sunday even ing, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skinner and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and daughter and Alva Skinner. OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE. President. CHAS. C. PARMELE. Vice-President. PAUL FITZGERALD, Cashier. RALPH R. LARSON, Asst. Cashier. ('has. F. Rosenow returned from the rural carriers stale convention held at Fremont last week and re ports a good time. Several candi dates for nomination for congress, and for governor and other offices spoke before the convention. Mr. Rosenow rode home from Fremont as far as Lincoln with Congress man Chas. H. Sloan of Geneva, in the latter's car, which gave him a good look at the corn crops along the way which he reported as "being in about the same condition as they are here. L 0 G A L NEWS From Monday'? Dnilv. Glen Perry from south of thi3 city was a business visitor in Oma ha this morning going on an early train. Julius Spreick and family of Pil ger. Xeb.. motored to this city Sat urday afternoon for a short visit with relatives and friends. Miss Bernice Xewell was a pas senger last Saturday evening to South Bend where she was a visitor with R. H. Xewell and family over Sunday. Sam Hackenberg and two child ren arrived in the city from their home near Cedar Creek this morn ing and are visiting for the day in the city. Harry L. Kruger departed last Saturday evening for Gretna, where lie and family visited for over Sun day, going as far as Louisville and driving from there to Gretna. M. Wolf and son Burl and Gene Applegate from near Union were up in their car this morning and were looking after some business for the day. in the city and also attending to some matters in the county seat. Mrs. J. L. Stamp of Omaha, ar rived in this city last Saturday, coming to visit with her parents, W. A. Taylor and wife who live a few miles south of this city. Mrs. Stamp was formerly Evelyn Tay lor. Henry Gakemeier and son Aug ust from near Murdock, and Rev. Cm. W. Walters and wife, the latter a daughter of Mr. Gakemeier, who are visiting with ber parents from Arlington, were visitors in this city today, doing some trading, and to look after some business. A. R. Young who is the manager of the elevator at Waterloo, accom- L panted by Mrs. oung were in the city yesterday to consult with their physician T. P. Livingson, regard ing Mrs. Loung's health. They were in the city but a short time having driven down with their car, and re turned in the afternoon. W. L. Bryan of Wheeling, West Virginia, arrived in the city today. cumin?; lu viaii wiiu ma uiuuici -in law, county attorney A. G. Cole of this city. Mr. Bryan who is an eastern man is greatly impressed with this country and thinks it is a great country, we are like Mr , . . . . Bryan, only we know this is a great i country. From Tiippday's Dally. John Hirz was a passenger last evening for Cedar Creek where he is doing some carpenter work. Mark. "White from near Rock Bluffs was a visitor in this city this morning, having some matters of business to attend to here. Miss Bernice Newell who has been visiting since last week at the home of her brother R. II. Newell, near South Bend, arrived home this morning. Misses E. T. Smith and E. G. Given, both of Sutton, who have been the guests of Postmaster and Mrs. Will Smith of Murray, depart- ed this morning for their home out in the state, and were brought to the station here by their uncle Will Smith of Murray. Mrs. R. W. Curtice departed this morning for Merna, where she goes to visit with a son of her's F. M. Mildred, who is engaged in farming near that place. Frank Schlichtemeier, of near Ne hawka, was on the market today, having some hogs on the market which he took from his farm and feeding lots hauling them there with his trucks. Mrs. Grace Simpson of York, who has been visiting at the home of her parents A. W. Smith and family over night, coming from Omaha, where she is with her sister, Mrs. Mait Boruff, returned to the bed side of her sister this morning, Mrs. Boruff is reported as getting along fairly since undergoing the operation. From Wednesday's Dally. ' Allen Land from southwest of Mynard was a business visitor in this city this afternoon. W. E. Hand was a visitor In the city this morning from Greenwood, coming to bring in the returns from lhat place. Carey and Loren Stottler were in the city this afternoon from Union where they are looking after some business matters. George Olive of Weeping Water was in the city this morning coming to see about some business at the office of the county clerk. Wm. Wollen, of near Weeping Water was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to look after some business in the city. rnnntv aarent L. "R. Snipes of Weeping Water was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to look after some matters at the county- seat. John M. Meisinger from south west of Mynard was a visitor ic this city this morning, coming ,to look after some business for the morning. Simon Schlueter and son Will of urnrdnck were attending to some business matters in the city Mon day. They were pleasant callers at this office. John McKay, one of the judges of the election board in the second orl rt Waonino' Water, was In tills morning with the returns from hat place. Fred easterns from the other side of Weeping Water was a visitor in the city this morning, coming to look after some business at the court house. Mrs. Ellen Olson and son Morris and Edward LaRue from Union, were in the city yesterday afternoon looking after some business at the County seat seat. n steffins of Nehawka was a visitor in this city this morning, coming up from his home at Ne hawka, to look after some business at the court house C. M. Whitehead and wife from Nehawka were in the city this morn ing looking after, some business matters and doing some trading with the merchants. J. V. McCartney and son Ted and Walter Franks all from east of Al vo, were in the city this morning coming to look after some business at the office of the county clerk. Mrs. John Theirolf and little child was in the city this morning from their home near Cedar Creek, and were the guests of the parents of Mrs. Theirolf, C. E. Dasher and wife. Andrew Benson and wife accom panied by their son Albert all of Weeping Water were in the city OFFICERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, President. W. H. LOHNES, V!ce-Presldnt. THOMAS E. PARMELE, Director. this morning and were looking af ter some business matters at the court house. C. F. Harris of near Union was a visitor in the city this afternoon looking after some business at the office of the county clerk, and also was looking after some business matters in the city. Attorney Dale Boyle of Alvo, was a visitor in the city this morn ing coming with some parties from Lancaster county, who were inter ested in some school matters in the west end of the county. Mrs. Alfred Stroemer and Miss Clara Dickerson both of Alvo Were in the city yesterday looking after some business at the court house and consulting with the, county superintendent of schools. John Godway and Wm. Kitsell, both of Alvo, were in the city this morning, bringing in the returns from the primary election, from Elrawood precinct end were looking after some other matters in the city. E. E. Marshall was a visitor in PlactFrnouth and was looking after pome business at the court house, having brought In the returns from . the First Ward, Wreeping Water, for the primary which was held yester nay. M. C. Whitehead of near Ne hawka came up to this city on the early morning train to attend to some important business matters and visit friends for a short time. He was a pleasant caller at this office. David Wallengren and wife re ceived a card from the government at Washington a few days 6ince tell ing of the safe arrival of their son Earnest, over seas, as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. George Stoehr from near Cedar Creek was in Omaha this morning with a load of cattle and was ac companied by Adam Meisinger, they found a good market, disposing of the cattle and returning here on the noon train. Mrs. Charles A. Vallery who has been visiting In this city and at the home of her father Henry Eiken berry, southwest of the city, com ing here to visit with her father and sister Mrs. J. J. Johnson, de parted for her home at St. Joseph last evening. PUBLICJALE! Pursuant to the order of the court the Administratrix of the Estate of Adam W. Meisinger, de ceased, will sell at public sale, on Saturday, August 24, 1918, at KOO o'clock P. M.t at Mynard, Nebraska, the following personal property, to wit: 1 black mare, 5 years old. 1 black mare, 4 years old. 1 sorrel mare, 4 years old. 1 bay colt, 2 years old. 1 yearling colt. 1 corn sheller. 1 mail wagon. 1 lumber wagon. 1 spring wagon. 1 set of light single harness. 1 set buggy harness. A number of bridles, collars and halters, carpenter tools, and num erous other small items of personal property. Terms of sale are all sums less than 110.00 to be cash, sums of $10 and upwards bankable notes, bear ing 8 per cent Interest on six months time accepted. Remember the date of the sale. August 24, 1918 at 1 o'clock P. M. METTA MEISINGER, Administratrix. REX YOUNG, Auctioneer. GEO. 0. DOVEY, Clerk. P