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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1918. PlATTSHOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURIIAC. TZhz plattsrnoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at I'ostoffice, 1'lattsmoutli. Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 KAISERLINGS! In my garden patriotic things al ready are chaotic. Though I planted when the moon was rijiht. I vow; And I've followed all the rules bought a ccllarful of tools S. in. I itiics even paid a guy to teach how! Wit it the sunniest of smiles. I have hoe. I and raked for miles; And I've studied all the catalogues they print. Ia (lie daylight -saving scheme, mak ing hours not what they seem. I have spaded till my instep needs a splint! tl en 's no use giving up and I'll drain the bitter cup 'I'll tin fool administration edicts cease. ltMi if rcr war is done -1 will bet my hot toni one -T!-at tlie buiis will try to dictate rtr.o of peace! (h. if - luiu :. on--.--. Imcs, from the time we b'-af the rugs Tti l!'.- we : uccc ?a: li the liual bean. When it tuTiifs f i . turn to die, all I a-k is ju.-t to ',n a !ii-tery full of paris green. Wall r S. (irt i-iicuuh in Farm Life. :o:- .M.'k" Thrift icir bv-word. -:o:- c'loir for the bovs "over there." -:o:- Tbe sportit'g editors tell us that the football season is about to open. Auvbodv to offer a kick on that? :o:- The r. pui t that lUndcnhuru i- ah'.e be.:i"t iri'ire-t it- fj the least 1" r i c r got ) I'pri-, and never Will. : o: Mo-.v old kaiser P. ill's heart will thump as he counts his boys as they cross ti c Khitie on the run on tbir home-cominir. :o: j Since the birth of Christ there 1 te teen more than five billion t'l-'ti slain in battb And still the ti 1 1 1 i 1 1 ir uoes on. :o: Frank If. Unhl. the millionaire: .--'eel magnate who di: d recently, left j. .,ini!).i,iii to war sufferer. in north ern France ;:iid ISelgium. :o: l'.itrioiic Americans arc preparing to go jOrt!i am! make the Fourth I.i;irJy Loan Drive ;i greater success than any of the previous campaigns. :o: Possibly you have suffered some d i --comfort from the heat the past f-w weeks, and you have imagined that nu bad troubles of your own. We m give some cunine exper ience on tin- "prickly heat" terror, the only thing that makes w i.-ii for cold v eat her. ,tff McLrmore and rome other congressmen who wanted all Amer icans to stay at. home, and avoid the war have been taken at their word by their constituents. They will now- stay at home and will not be subject to any more attacks as con gressmen. A reprcreiitaf ive, in the national congress s-hould be 100 per rent. American or he should bo de feated for re-election. Catarrh Cannot lo Cured with LOCAL AI'I'I-t'-ATlNH, a4 th7 rarnol r"acit Me to'.'ii of tlie (tineas;, i -atarrl! U l.! disczse. greatly tn V. i need ti coesi"Jte:;.il on-tition', ana in order to cure i ymj must taio a.n l-prnal rer-.i;' liar's catarrh Medi ' taken internet and acts thru lb" rriucou Hvrtao.'.i of, the fvs.(.in' Hall's ''Htirti! .Mr ..peine wm r,r se. ibe-I by e.fio f : be'-t physician: Jp "m "n!niry f,,r y-jis. it is com posed of some of tl." re-t's known -i.mVn-d vith .o;n cf the h-at blood ni-'-i'ierr," Tie; perfec' co-nbinition of rev'Aks in'caf.yrhal conditions, ten-l for JJ.f-:'-.n:as. tree. . , ?::CHr.rv iCO.. rrcps.. Toledo. C. PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The primary over. -:o:- Alicns have no right to vote. -:o: Old Settlers Reunion at Union next Friday and Saturday. Nothing a thing that happens extensively in most of our lives. :o:- Jveep your Liberty Boml and money working to help Uncle Sam -:o: (live up your luxuries that the Kaiser may be made to give up his ambitions. Luxuries as usual means a vic torious Germany. Save and buy War-Saving Stamps. :o: 'ongress is preparing to tax ev erything except the fancy dog iu the motor car, and the Saturday hair cut. -:o: (live the teachers a royal recep tion in I'lattsmouth next week. They are the pride of Cass county and de serve a cordial greeting. -:o:- It now begins to look that licking tlii" Huns is eoing to wind up just like licking one of these new 3 -cent postage .tamps- a one-sided affair. -:o:- .Mexico is about to bring on anoth er crisis. Some diy Mexico may get its fingers ton close to the buzz saw, and the services of a doctor will be required. :o: The ruling in Washington to the effect that newspaper men are es sential is regretted by a lot of crook ed politicians and grafting office holders. :o: Almost TO pep cent of all the sugar consumed in this country is used in the households. So it is up to the women to make the sugar go round. :o: At first glance, a 510 occupation tax on a newspaper man seemed pretty steep, but if it applies to White House suffrage pickets, too. we believe wt -an raise it some way. :o: For awhile it was the Russians who were troubled about the loss of some of their provinces; now it is the Hun who is beginning to worry. It is not h1 ways the stolen fruit that :s the sweetest. -:o:- Gce whiz, hut things do happen. Over in Wiconsin where booze lias made its biggest cities famous, the official decree has been issued an nouncing that saloons are not essen tial Industries and barkeepers are ordered to work or fight. :o:- Tbe Cass County Teachers' Insti tute will tiu-et at the High School building next Monday and remain in se-sion until Friday, inclusive. Miss Alpha Peterson, the county superin tendent bad made, a special effort to arrange a program of special inter est to the teachers, all of whom should attend. :o: The German .strategy in France has' been placed in the hands of Gen eral Von Poehn. a "retreat special ist." The patient is regarded as very low. The crown prince, an ev en more famous defeat, specialist. may be called in consultation soon after which the undertaker will be telephoned for. :o: Once more. General March asks that the soldiers in France be not railed Sammies. He distinctly points out. that our boys over there are not that, kind of soldiers. The boys have asked this favor before. So have Pershing and March. If any persist after all these requests. why not turn the offenders over to General Crowder. He is always obeyed. THE SUBMARINE FAILURE. The German submarines did a good deal of work during July. They sank several fishing boats, an an chored, unarmed light ship, and a hospital ship, which feats have no doubt been reported to Berlin and the heroes of these actions duly honored, but during that time more than 300,000 iueu', with their arms and ammunition, were safely trans ported to France. These Teutonic naval heroes did not risk their lives in attacking any of these ships, for there were men and guns aboard ready to light. Nevertheless these "chivalrous" naval heroes have not escaped, although they have con lined their attacks, mainly to mer chantnien, light ships, fishing smacks and hospital ships. Lloyd George reports that more -than 1T0 of them have been sunk by the little chasers and other war vessels that have been out after them, seventy-five of them being sent to the bottom during the last year. That these piratical submarines have been able to destroy a good deal of property and the lives of a good many noncombatants. includ ing nurses and other women and children, is not denied, but. their in terference with the transportation of troops and munitions to France has been very slight indeed. General March staled to the senate commit tee that "General Pershing has in his own area as his own force, not brigaded with the British over 1, 000. 000. The number of men em barked during the month of July. just closed, was over 300.000. That breaks the record; the previous high record was in the preceding month, when we reached 27;.000." It may be truthfully said that the subma rine campaign, as far as preventing the transportation of armies to Frauce is concerned, has been a failure. World-Herald. NOT AN EXAGGERATION. The London Times takes excep tion to the statement- by General Smuts that at a time not far dis tant the American army in France will equal the combined strength of the French and British armies. The statement is charged as being an exaggeration, however, by making a few qualifications, there is nothing overdrawn about it. General Smuts no doubt made thir. assertion with the belief that the war will not end in the near fu PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Tbe following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full. Is submitted to the electors of Ihe State of Nebraska to be voted upon at tbe general election to bn held Tuesday, November 5th, A. D. 1918: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of tbe Constitution of tbe State of Nebraska. Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section One of Ar ticle Seven of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be and the same hereby Is amended by striking out tbe following words: "Second. Fcrsons of foreign birth who shall have declared their inten tion to become citizens comformably to tbe laws of tbe United States, on tbe subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an election." And Inserting In the place of th words so stricken, the following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have become citizens of tbe United States by naturalization or otherwise conformably to the laws of the United States at least thirty days prior to an election. 1 Sec. 2. That at th general elec tion nineteen hundred and eighteen1 (1918) there shall be submitted to the' electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed1 amendment to the constitution relat ing to the right of suffrage. At such elerrtlon. on the ballot of each elector Toting for or against said proposed amendment, shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amend ment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage." and "Against said proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suffrage." Sec. 3. If such amendment shall be approved by a majority of all electors voting at such election, said amendment shall constitute Section One (1) Article Seven (7) of the Con jtitution of the State of Nebraska. Approved, April 9. 1318. KEITH NEVILLE. Attest: Governor. CHARLES V POOL Secretary of State. ture, and if peace does not come be fore 1920, the American combat forces in France will no doubt be equal to the combined combat forces of Frauce and England on the west ern front by that time. The mili tary strength of France is on the decline and France will have far fewer troops in action a year from now than today. Britain will of course be able to maintain here mili tary strength, but her forces are scattered and her troops in France do not represent 100 per cent of her total strength. It is estimated that France and England each have about one and a half million soldiers on he western front. America now has more than a million men in France. If the war continues another year and a half, as General Smuts believes it will, this country will be the only ally capable of greatly increasing its combatant strength. American troops will continue to go to the western front as long as the war lasts. It seems certain that the United States will have three mil lion men in France by 1020 it the war continues until then. Ami in- as much as Franco and England cannot hope to have more of their own troops on Ilie nattieiront a year from now than they have to day, it appears that the noted South African's statement is not an exag geration at all. He is merely pre dicting the war of lillH). Lincoln Star. : :o: RETURNS TO HIS WORK IN NAVY Frm Monday's I 'a it v. Ben Windham who. has be n visiting here for a week at the home of his father R. P.. Windham. of this city departed yesterday af ternoon for his station, in the east where he goes to join the ship on which he is stationed again. his furlough being over in a tew days now. isen was away ior some si.- een months, or just one third of the term for which he enlisted, when he went into the navy. notici: .Ii.lin Tilil. Tilli" TmM. Snsio Kiim- v. Jn'S V . Mimsiav, .:ii.n;i ..- -r. Win .V tVIiz. j. Virlor Tliom iM.ina, X.lla Kast- ninn, .10:111, riyivm ih"-ii. ml 1 .:i wri-Mi i- Hoofer. !ef eml:i n ' --. will t;iko notir' Hint on tho i'.-iv or .inly. km, iiiirry n. 101m n;tin- Hff. Iierein. til-.l his petition in the 1M--triet eonrt of Cass county, Nel-r;is!i, jiiiinsl saiil lef omhiii t s hii.I nllins, the ol.joet .-iriil I'nivor of which ji re t(. liliet the title in the ln in till to tie Siiithwc.-t ijnniter. S l-t or tie S-oit ne:ist ijii;irt-r SK 1- l of Sec tion Thirty :;o. Township ' '"" tl'"'. Kitntcc Kom Ic.-n 1 ill, in ass ( ni:inv .Vein aska. (in tlie uronnils th:it sa;'l tract of lnii'l was erroneously oniit- tcil front a !ee.l thereon tiy J. 1 To.hl. sr.. to Ms wife, L,yli.i Totl.l. if ilate of .Inly L'iUIi, 1!5. ami recor.loil in lM.k tiae UT. atel al so for the reason that plaintiff iirnl Ins pioilecessors in title have hail actiiii. open, exclusive aim anversc oi,c- ion f sanl real estate tor more turn ten years last past. You are rcinireil to answer s.ihl pe tition on or hefore the lt'ith iay or Sept em her, 1 '. 1 S. Iatel this ,:ist tay or .iniv, i:m. 1IAUKV ;. Ti.. I'laintilT. i:- 1. U. inVYKi:, His Attorney. i.i:;i, Noxit n. To I'anline nidhain. us Ail mi n i:-t I a - trix of the estate of UiMirpn J. ohlham. lcceasel: Kieliaril 'onway ohlham: Cuzza J. Maker: Lacuna nnal!y: I'aulino Vil'lliam: Kay OI.Huiin: John .:. Ohlham: Jessie I . Snviler: Kltison I. Cmlhain: James W. ouiham: Vera 11. t)l.l!iani: I'nllv (Hilliani: Mary 1.. t 'rai-r. i ml all persottN interesloil In tlie estate of Jackson !. Ohlham. I asel, in- t lulling creditors ami claimants. You are herehy notitleil that on tins th dav of Mav f.HX. plaintilf lilcl a petition iu the District I'niirt of Cass County, Nehraska, prayini? amoiif; oth er thinws for an order to he entered hv the court directing the n dm in is t ra -trix of the estate of (loot-Re J. Oldham. deceased, to convey to plaintiff th Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section thirty-one i.Tl Township eleven (1I llaiiKo fourteen (III Cass County, Nebraska, upon the payment of tlie halance of the pur chase price in accordance with the contract entered into between tin; Plaintiff and the Maid Oeorce .1. Old ham, dtirinir his lifetime, on the l.Mli d.iv of January, 1!l. and to have the title to said land (piloted as aKaiti'-t the defendant. All persons interested In the estate of Jackson (1. Oldham. deeeasid, including creditors and cla i ma n t s. Yon are further notified there will bo ; liearinK upon said petition at the IMstrict Court llnnm In tlie Court House, at JMaJtsniout h Cass County, Nebraska, on the :ird day of September 1'JIS. at Hie hour of ten (."clock A. M. to all of which, and the allegations of the petition, you will take due notice. C. A. KAVI,S. FIJANK J. LIM.1K, Attorney. IMaintilT. J2L'-6wks i,i;;i, MiTifE. Tlie Kf.afe of Xehtiiska.. Cass Count;,', So. In the County Court. In the Matter of instate of Adam W. MeisiiiKer. Deceased. To the Creditors of Said Kslate: Yon are Hereby Notitleil, That f will sit at Hie County Court llooni in I'lattsmouth in said ''"iinty, on Hie 9lli day of September, 10IS and on the 10th day of tK-eeinber, 1 !H S. at 10 o'clock A. At. of each day to receive and e amirje all claims against fuid lOstato. with a. view to tneir adjust ment. end allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against Fail Kstate is 3 months from the !th dny of September A. 1 . 1!1S, nnd the time limited for payment of debts in One Year from saiii 9th day or September 1918. Witness my band and Hi? seal of said Countv Court, this r.tb day of August l'J18. ALLEN .T. BIOESOX, (Seal) riinh' Judge. By Florence Wliite, Clerk. Miss Agnes Kresek, who has been staying at Tobias, for the past sum mer, returned home last evening. I.UCiAI, XOTICK. Notice to Resident DefenJants, their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in their estate. To David Stotler, if living, if deceas ed, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in his es tate; George Stotler. Nettie Slotler. Walter Slmler, Klla. Wayant. Clarence Wayant, Mary INipe and Joseph Cope. Yon anil eacn of you are heit hy noti fied that Carey I,. Stotlor. a.s plain tiff, on the 0th day of .Inly 1 !H S. tiled his petition in the lUstrlet "iiirt of Cass County, N hraska, wherein you and eaeh of you are defendants; the 'diject and prayer of which petition is for the partition of The Kust thirty-live f""1 neres r the Northeast Quarter of the South east Viuarter of Section nineteen (l!t Township ten (10 Kansre fourteen CH Kast (ith 1". M. Cass County, Ne hra ska. and the adjusting of the claim of plaintiff for improvements hy him placed upon said promise:. Yon and each of you are further untitled vim are required to answer said petition on or hefore Monday the L'.'Ird dav of Septemh. r. 1 !' I s. CAKKV U S'l'i iThKC. C. A. 1IAWI.S, Plaintiff. At torney. i.i:; i. notici:. To Pauline Oldham, ns Administra trix of the estate of to ore .1. Oldham. Ieccased; l.'hhard Conway Oldham: Cux..a .1. i:.tkcr: Lacuna Connally: Paulino Oldham: Fav Oldham: John J. Oldham: Jessie l Snyder: Kllisou 1 Oldham: James W. Oldham: Vera If. Oldham: Pollv Oldham and Mary I.. Cra Ik: You are herehv notified that on the I'l'nd day of May PUS. plaintiff tiled a petition' in the I'istiict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, praying amone; oth er things for an order to he entered 1- the ccurt directine; the administra trix of the .-state of Ceoie .1. Oldham, dei.ased, to convoy to plaintilf lads one ( t and two ( ) and all of I.ots three ?) ami four (I) not taken hy Chicago Avenue, in I.'.'.oi U ( ne Hundred Sixty-four Mi'il) City of Plattsmout h, Cass Countv, Nebraska, upon the pay ment of the habitue of (lie fHiieha-e prico in accordant-1 with the contract entered into between the plaintiff and the said Ocorire J. Oldham, duiieir his life time on the lutli day of September i : 1 7. Von are further notified that there v ill be a hearing upon said petition at the liistrict Court Room tn the Court Mouse, at Ph'ttmouth. Cass County. Nebraska, on the :!rd day of September Mils, at the hour of ten o-, lock A. M. to jill of which and the ,n I lei: a t ions of the petition, von will lake due notice. JuliN II. 1 1 A LI.ST ROM. C. A. i: W.'I.S. Plaintiff. A t torney. J.'2-fi wks. latllXTI M, ttH'.MMIIAT.S TO I K i.i: i oiti-nii vi ix or IIWK III-' Ml IIIIIM Iv, OK Ml IIIIIK K, M.lllt K . I. II. A. i ,ii thniann. C-i ,i . : ..f I ! Hank of Mr.rdock. of Min-ilm in the unity of Cass, and the :-"t;-1e of ' - hiask.i. do hereby c.-rtify mat t Hi" r(-gular annual meeting of tie- Sto-U- .l.bis of tic said bank held on the lilst tlti dav. of Juls. r.HS. at which pi tin:: i j : i - - than two-thirds of t!"- : pit a I Sfo( k was r..-present d, fi mo- Iihii was mad.'. "( i , i I and litiatn- i.asl e.iiii'd. tl'.it Articles n umber lit-, Si and Might of the Articles ol I rieot I'n a t of o said bank be ani(ii lil to read as follows: AKTH'I.K Number Four: -The auth orized amount of capital stock of this torpor.-! t ion shall bo twentv lio thousand dollars f$ di- ided info two hundred and fifty shares, of ion- l.iuidred dollars each, $:'i!. em! of which shall be paid in." Al:TICl.K Number Sit 'The indebted ness of t! is corporation shall at no lime eviecil the amount of its paid in capital and surplus except for ili'imsifs." AIJTIt'l.H Number Kiuht. "Tho a f fairs of this corporation shall be un der the control and management 'f a hoard of directors consisting of not l"s than three nor more than live sha I chojdet s. whose term of ofTiee shall bo for the period (if olio vear. or until their Miccessors are ceiel and qualified, not less than a majority of whom shall bo resi ili nfs of tho county in which tho bank is loatd or counties adjacent thereto. It shall be tho duty nf thc hoaid of directors to elect from their a president and secre tary, and .-elect a vice president and cashier, and they may also select an assistant cashier and such other !i Iks- ami assistants as tho busi ness of the corporation may rouuire. The term of" oft iee of tho officers of this corporation shall bo o:n; year, or until their successors sire elected and qualified. The board of direc tors may adopt such by-laws for tho regulation and management of the affairs, and business of tin- i orpor at ion as is mav dec'Tl proper." And I do further state under oath that the paid in capital stock of said hank was at said meeting by ;i unani I'lo is Vote of all the stock represented increase. I from $ 1 "..OmMMI authorized to $ J.".,( liKi.dd authorized, of which $jiMiiin shall bo paid in. and that the full amount of said increase viz. ."..(inn has hot ii pa id in. tl. A. ( ! I'TI I M A N N "ash icr. Slate of Nebraska, Counts- of ('a-s. ss Subscribed and sworn to before tin' by II. A. Ciuthiuanii. Cashier of the Cank of Mnrdoi k, of l unlock, Nebras ka, this .".th dav of August, 1 ? I S. JKIJKY I-:. Milll'C.H Notary I'n Idle. (SK. I.I My commission expires March ".", 1 ! 1! o. mitk i: ( iti:i)inu:s. The Stall of Nebra-ka. ('ounty of ass, s s . Ill the Matter of tho i;; et Mumm. deceased: late of Margar- In (iniuly t'ourt. To the Creditors of saiil Oeceascd: Vim are hereby notified that I will sit a i the County Court room in 1'latts luouth. iu said county, on the first dav of September. Illls. and on tlie 2d day (comber. Jills, at nine o'clock a. m. of each ilas- to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tho time limited for the presentation of claims against saiil estate is three months from the first day of Septem ber. A. 1 )., lnts. and tho time limited for the payment of debts is six months from yaid first dav of September, lit IS. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this :!1st dav of July, 1'JIS. ALLEN J. HHESON, County Judge. Minn: oi- iii;hiv(;. In the County Court of Cast; County ebrnskn. In the MiHer of th E.'-tule of Ma tilda Kseick. Ieceased: To all persons interested in said es tate. Creditors and Heirs a law: You are hcrby notified that William IS. Hssick has filed his petition ir; this court, alleging that Matilda Essirk. late of said county, died intestate, in said county, on or about, the "d day of September, 191S. being a resident and inhabitant of said enutity aed the own er of the following described real es tu.1e: Lot elcvfn (11 in block three (3 1 in th village of Mauley, in Cass county. Nebraska, ami leaving as her solo and only heirs at law, the following named persons, towit: William li. Ivsiok. husband, Minnie L. Coon, a daughter. Helen L. Coon, a granddaughter. Mable Coon. a. grand daughter and Halpli Coon, a grand son, who are interested in said prop orir awnnllm to the decedent laws of the state of Nebraska, and praying fori fc If,- li .- ii-V' VI t-aVi'il O'hiha. $imm ChiSdress Cry The Eind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ia use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of " and has been made under his per s 77Z sonal supervision since its infancy. vus" Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Julunls an.'! Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A v.aatoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops an.d Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains jceithcr Opiurri, Morphine nor ether narcotic substance. Its s'.se is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has poen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising uw""ii vy ic&uiauug me oiomacn ana noweis, aias the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and aauiral sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. JO i Bears, the Ib Use For Over 30 Years The tvind Vcu Wave Always Bought :rNTAun cortcuNV, MrwvrsK : TV a tlett m i na t i"li of the time of the .bath of said Matilda K.-sitk. deceased, the panics of her ht-irs at law and the dcrri e of" kinship thereof, and the ri'-'i.t of descent of tho real property belonging to said ih cedent in the state oi' Nebraska, and for ai order barring claims cgnin-d said estate, and for -in h other and further orders as may he luctssary for a cornet disposition of .sn id matter. . Said matter has n set for a hear ing at the county court room in f'latts month, -aid county on the I'Mh day of Aiigu-t, 1 ! I s. at tho hour of nine o't !o K a. tn.. at which time all per sons interested ni.iy appear and con test -aid petition. 1". v the Court. A I. LION J. KKKSO.V. County Judge. Male'. Julv 'JTIh. 1!US. John m. i.i:yia. Attorney for IVtit inner. oi m i: to i(i:orroits. Xali of elirjikn. CnH (iii(, km. In tlm Matter of the Esta; of (Jallant Hakes, deceased: To i ! o Creditors of said Estate: Ye-.i iir hereby tiofjiii-.l that I will sit at the County Court room in I'latts mouth. in said county, on tho liuh day of August, and I'Mh dav of November, A. I, li'l.. at nine o't lock a. m.. of oh dav. to receixe and examino all tln'ins again- t suit! estate, with a view to tit it- i.dji.-tm. nt and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is thrie nionii . from the l"th day of August, A. I'.. l:il. and the time limited for paVnunt tif tit bts is one year froi'i said 'j:t!i day of August. l'.i 1 V Witness my hand and the seal of said CoiMitv Court, this ""th day of Julv, ,MS. ALLEN .7. i:i:i:SON. C'uinty Judge. Popular definition of a coinci dence: (u)Tlic raise in price of a sulistitute at the same time it is recommended by tlie Food Admin istration; (M The increase in raies by a public utility after a wage in crease has been granted. -:o: Now kick, if you want to. A (CP fi , -5 U li r . j C?-''"-v-. iLy Ci-- ,;-r',-.ft j i r SSjk&'b- .X& - x-.'SS DID YOU EARN THAT MONEY? WELL YOU WORKED FOR IT. DIDN'T YOU? WHY CAN'T YOU PUT SOME LITTLE PIECE OF IT IN THE BANK EACH PAY DAY, SO THAT SOME DAY IT CAN WORK FOR YOU? YOU WON'T ALWAYS BE ABLE TO WORK; EVEN IF YOU ARE WELL. THEN IT WILL BE A FINE FEELING TO HAVE THE MONEY YOU BANKED, WHILE YOU COULD WORK. WHICH IS NOW. BANK IT. WE ADD 3 1-2 PER CENT -INTEREST ON SAVINGS Af COUNTS AND H PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. armors THE NEW OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 700 TO 9;00 .( in ii frill I lialiMMMMM for Fletcher's TOR! A ALWAYS Signature of .jgZS&rwmsae. oi:m:it oi-' m:Hir; o ii:tit!o."V I'OH IT(IIM KM' OK AIMIIMVIII ATOIt Tie stale of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss. lii County Court. In the Matter of tho Instate of. Wil liam K. l-'ox, deceased: (hi reading and tiling tlie p.-tition of I-:. C. I iiey AL- Son. praying that Ad ministration of said estate may bo granted to John M'Nurlin, as Adminis trator. ordered, that September 1 ; til. A. P. l!Ms. at lo o'clock A. M., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per rons interested iu -aid matter may appta:- at a County Court to lie held In and for said ("ounty, ami show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not he granted; and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho healing thereof be given to all persons in i el est oil in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the l'latts inoutli Journal, a. semi-weekly news pa her printed in yaid county lor three sueeessiw weeks, prior to said day of hi a ri ng latcd August 11th. 1918. ALLEN J. BEESON Countv Judge, l'.y Elorence White, Clerk ( S- a 1. I Mlllli; TO CKKIMTORS he State of Nebraska. Cass Coiltl- in t ;. . ss. In the Coimly Court. I M the Matter of the Estate of Nannie (iilisiin. deceased. To. the Ci editors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified that t will .-if at the County Court room in I'ittts Moiith in said county, on the 1'jth day of September, mi's, and on the lith day of I el-ember, 1!HS, at :00 o'clock A. M.. on each day. to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for tho presentation of claims against said estate is four months fr.Tii tli l.'Hi day of August, A. H., 191$. and tho time limited for payment of debts i.- one sear from said Jth dav of Au gust. l'Jls. iSness my hand and the seal of saM County Court, this 2 -1 1l day of Au gusi, ms. ALLEN J. LEEcSoN. County .ludye. Pel or F. (loivs, tlie hotel man, i.s trying farniinjj some today, having gone out to di some plowing:. 14 i oiate Bank BANK. t -iSi - n y 1 I .Vfv.-i um