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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1918)
MONDAY, AUGUST 12. 1018. PLATTSMOUTH SE5TI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. RED GROSS WARE- ISE 0 FINISHED Pleasant and Plattsmout h. They are doing splendid work and are working with a vim all the time. Chapter F, P. K. O. society of this city offered to tai:e the July Quota of Comfort hits. They have not onlv made hut have filled them with the necessary articles and they Ofl TO THE RHINE THE ALLIED CRY WAREHOUSE OPENED YESTER DAY WITH POOR SH0WN1G IN ATTENDANCE. WAKE UP! ment. Mrs. J. K. Wiles as chairman and Mrs. Fannie Dickson as her assist ant. The Red Cross Workers are very much pleased with the quota of Trom Friday's Iaily. I Comfort Kits ami the work arcom- Vosterdav afternoon, between the I niuhed bv the P. K. O. Ladies is . . - - hours of 2 and 4, the Warehouse of very much appreciated by the Red the Plattsmouth Red Cross Chapter J cross v;?s open to the public. During the The Red Cross Workers in charge appointed hour, there was a number 0f the Warehouse yesterday after fmm thit ritv. ns well as from the nnnn were Mesdames C. A. Rosen i. let a oml rndv for shin- The work was in charre of wixv jx,u.c v jus xv j& rormin NEAR TURNING POINT. announced that by a series of drives she was going to get. to Paris and win the war this year America was a telling factor. The general view in the allied camps last March was that if the allies could hold Ger many this year oil would be well. (Serinany has been more than held. The kaiser knows this and he is a force of half a million Flower of His Fighting: Flock to Number of Half Million Being Formed to Resist Invasion of German Soil. men to lie his "old guard" which will make for him the last stand of Prussian militarism behind the Rhine. OLD SETTLERS PICNIC. The Old Settlers Picnic will be held at Union, on August 23 and 24, and the usual big time is in store With the American Armies, for every member of the family. arious chapters throughout the rrars. J. S. Livingston. T. E. rami- Aug. S. From sections of the fier- Part ies desiring concessions for these . . . . . I . . . , i . i n I . r i.iyi tliapn otk twinicr jlrnwil ft I itni'Q ivill ninion rwlil riicc f . If 1 T n (ftiintv were visitors ar tr.e u are- fit", um. r.airu, r. u. uonennau, r . ami,) m-i n. ......... ,....,., ..... ..o, ....... P house, bin not as many as therein. Dunbar and Miss Minnie Cuth- certain proportion of officers and J ton, D. A. Fat on or F. W. Young, of - hould have been to view the splen- man. Tliev were very willing to sturdiest soldiers lor t lie iormation onion, wno win give tiiem all the Mrnnmnnt and thp enormous Uhnw the Jul v uuota and answer of a force of half a million which desired information amount of work that is being done anv questions in regard to this is to haveceive special training and by the chapters throughout the quota or the work that one might nave special orj;aiii;ui iun. nine r. . iuunKl mini iu-ui iimm. COlintV including I'lattSmOUttl. 1 lie I aSlt. ill S U Of IIU I UR-S ui .UMlittiia n I vaa in i lunainuiiui iasi uruncauaj, ,,,,(. rhntprs nnrchace their ma- tins army, hut only iignters mat tne ana was a pleasant caner at ine t. rials from the Plattsmouth chap- WILLJUT IN 1G0 IN WHEAT. Kaiser believes can be trusted to the Journal ohice. and while here order t r and when the work is coniplet-I last. This (iernian force is not to I ea tne imis tor tlie uia settlers ric d it is sent to the chapter in this! From FrM-iy's ijiiiy. lie used as a hammer in any new I nic, that will be held at Union, on ritv to be shipped to Omaha. I J- 1 "lgey wno nas oetn in me drive for fans, not to tie useu in August z.i anu 24. i reu says tney ii.-, MC;nn Mr Vm P-n'rd XVPStern Irtion of the state ior any j,iow against the British, not to are going to exert every effort to had very kindly brought some plants from her home, which had h.-.-n placed in very decorative posi tions and which added cheer to this h'i:-y work room. This room, which is the first door outh of the Prase Millinery shop, has b-en renovated, repapered and ii.ost thoroughly cleaned and made very sanitary for packing the var ious Surgical Dressings, Knitted ar ricles. hospital and refugee garments for shipment. As you step in and Mirn to the south, you will find a .-how cas", containing beautiful I. cf cf fancy work ar.d other ar "If. which were left from the Elks Fair, which was held during the arly part of the summer. This t.tney work and articles will be .-; Id at any time for a nominal price and the money realized from thee ales is placed in the Red Cross Fund. Next to the show case, you will find the desks of the Chairman f the Plattsmouth Chapter. Mrs. F. II. Dunbar and her assistant, Mrs. C. A. Roencrar.s. On the walls have h.--n placed appropriate pictures and posters bearing various nation al mottos. which are an encourage- fernjsome time, looking after some lands J e utH "to punish" Americans, but J have a bigger time than ever be- which he h3s in that place, arrived I according to information reaching I fore. They want everybody, both home last night from Imperial. Mr. the r.lli?d commanders it is being I young and old. far and near, to be Clugey is greatly pleased with the formed for no other purpose than to I with them on these da3's. country out there, this being b stand back of the Rhine against an first trip to Imperial. He has just invasion of German soil. It so hap- had a quarter of a section of new pens that any allied approach upon lands broken which he will put in- ti,t. jh:ne would be through Alsace- Lorraine, on a large part of which American forces stand. It is this force the Americans will face when the French we get ready ta "take the war to Germany." Come what tion to the matter of the display of niay between now and that time, the V" Vi-Uv" na.s in cuy un nit- "umhn kaiser wants to lie sure to have the houses' and homes. The lack of frf.P with whiih to make a stand UAIG'S FLANK MOVE CLOSES ON HUNS London, Aug. 9. The Canadians have taken the town of Beaufort, two and a half miles southwest of Rosieres. The Australians are fighting fur ther north, along the Somme. Small parties of Germans are re ported to be still in Rosieres, three and one-half miles west of Chaulnes but the British are all around them and their life as fighting men prob ably will be short. . The figure of 17,000 prisoners tak en embraces the number that had been counted. Of these the French reported that they had taken more than 4,000 while the British total at. noon was more than 13,000. The French have been doing good work today on the south of the new drive and probably have taken many addi tional prisoners there. to wheat t!:is fall. HOW AE0UT SOME FLAGS? One of the citizens called atten- I.KfiI. XOTIC'fT. Tli1 Stnte of N-brjiska. Cass fminty. ss. in tho ( ouiitv I'niirt. In tlie Matter of Instate of Adam V. Mt-1: singer, Iipwisfd. To tl Crt'.litors of Said Fstato: on arc Ilcrchy Notified. That I will it at the untv I'oiirt Uoum in I'hi t tsniitiit ii in said Conntv. on the !Hh dav of September. 191 S and on the lOtli lay of Oeeember. 1!1K. at 10 o'cluek A. M. of caili dav to receive and ex- Gerrnans Realize Danger. such a display is evident to one who for thfl f;ltiu.riand himself would pass around through the town, many places the colors are out. and as so cared for that they are perserved in tlu-ir beauty, other places they are put out and allow ed to take the weather, the rain, the sun and soon pre-ent not tho proper That the formation of such an army, for such a purpose, and at such a time when the kaiser needs all the available forces on the west ern front what could better show com- alloWHiiee. The time limited for tin nresen la t ion of elaims against said Kvtate is .! months from the full dav S.- teinher .. I (. l'Jlv, and th. time limited for pavmerit of tlebts is One ear from said :uh day of September 1M. Witness my hand and the seal of said f'onntv Court, this "th dav of Ai'srust ifis. .i.:.i:x J. MKICSON, i St-ali r"ountv .In. lyre. r.v Florenei White. I'lerk. Mrs. Eurns' Letter. Here is a letter that Is certain to If like in the day of the going out from Egypt, every one who is an American had to have a flag out there might be many who would rot he passed over. ment to the Ladies as they work On the south and north side of the REPLACING LOST MAN POWER room sht-lvinsr has been arransred in I TO BE TAUGHT AT STAT.L. fi .n r.a rt ment s in whirh thp month's FAIR. iu.-.Ta is placed and kept until ship ped. Kaeh chapter m the county I How Nebraska farmers can com 1 ... . . . 1. 7 .. . I . I q.iMiaia..u.u.i.u ... c .. , . v t , h t h 0erman hlgh . n I are none ;u au. , ,. ,t.. t.i - I ... . . . ... i ui-iiiu ii'uu iiiai int.- imic tyj ..n orove oi interest to people in tnis vi- ahout to turn, if indeed it has not -inity, as cases of this sort occur in already done so. One miy not say Umost every neighborhood, and pe that the war is almost won. nut one oJe si10u!d know what to do In like may say that the sun now shines on I circumstances: our side of the fence. Up to three weeks ago for months the allies waited to see what the Germans were doing; wondered where they wr-uld strike next. Now it is the German who wonder? where the al lies will strike next. The war con tinue to be thus. Far more in value Close Up Salient. The present advance has already had an important effect upon the strategic situation. German forces at Montdidier are now in a very uncomfortable salient with only one line of railway to supply them and that line under crossfire from allied guns. It seems likely that a withdrawal from Montdidier may be necessary if the Germans cannot force the French and British back from the ground taken by them during the past two days. -T. H. Pollock Oarage- STORAGE, REPAIRS, COMPETENT MECHANICS We have received a car load of Mobile and Polarine Oils and are making special prices. We carry a large stock of TIRES, TUBES AND AUTO SUPPLIES! We have just received A CAR LOAD of FORD BODIES, and are prepared to rebuild and remodel old Ford cars into 1918-F D Active In Italy. London, Aug. 9. British nivi sions on the Italian front carried out eight raids against Austrian positions between Asiago and Can ove on Thursday night capturing 315 prisoners, according to an ofTicial statement on British operations in Italy issued by the war office today. Every farmer should have a Ford Truck and Fordson Tractor! Come in and let us talk it over. We have a few good used cars for sale. Our government want Garages to close their shops at 6 p. m. week days and not open shops or filling sta tions on Sundays. WE ARE OBSERVING THIS REQUEST! Our Garage Will Be Open Day and Night! lias its o a n compartment, their work I pensate for the farm labor last in is placed in their compartment and the war will be shown at the State than the terrain won back from the the name of their chapter has been Fair which opens September 1st in Hun in the last three weeks is that piaced at the top of the compart-I the wonderful exhibits of imple ment. In order that the Surgical I ments and farm machinerv which Dressings and Knitted articles rcr.y will be found on Machinery Grounds be protected from the dust, white in the east part cf the Fair Grounds curtains have been placed at the top The 191S machinery exhibit will b? of each compartment and when the j the biggest and most complete ever ladies have completed their work, shown at the Fair if earlv indica- the curtains are drawn and in this tions are to be accepted. Over 100 way the work is kept cean. The per cent more of such exhibits have materials are placed above and be- he-en booked than at this time la-t t.eath the shelving. For the Yarn! year iri-y nae arraneu an liiaepenoeni With the shortened man power wooden frame, which is a more some substitute must be found for eonvenient way of caring for the the needed laborers if nrounction is I - yarn. On large tables placed in the to be maintained at its former center oi ine room as iounu a most i levels. with the urgent necessity excellent display of Hospital and for increased production it becomes Refugee garments. Mrs. F. H. Gobel- doubly imperative that facilities he man is Chairman of the Hospital obtained for doing the work. New and Refugee Garments Department and improved machinery is the only :ni .Mrs. j. v.. uoor.meyer. nor as- solution r,f the problems. The wide M.-fant and they are to t.e com- awake farmers of the state will be mended on their splendid work and found at the Fair this fall studvin-' untiring efforts as their displny of the July quota was a most excellent one. Ther are 19 Red Cross Chapters in this county, namely. N'ehawka, Alvo, Greenwood, Union, Cedar Creek. Mynard. Avoca. Murdock, Iouisville. Eagle, Elmwood, Fair iew, Manley. Murray, Weeping Water. Wabash. South Rend the exhi'ufs on Mirhinery Ground and profiting as well as enjoying the good things the Fair has to offer. PETE SMITH HERE. WHY E3 Buy Flour and Substi tutes when you can get y Tirirrt PURITAN, VICTORY AND RYE P. R. Smith, who fcr the past num ber of years has been making -hi3 home up near Wausa. was in Platts- J mouth last Friday evening, visiting a brother, and went from here to Murray, where he will spend a few days visiting with his mother and brothers. Fete has been very pros perous since moving to the northern part of the state, and has done quite well. He has grown good crops ev ery year, and this dry one will be no exception, so he says. His corn crop never looked better, and the day he came away they were enjoying a good rain. He says Mrs. Smith's health has not been very good for the past few years, but is improv ing at this time. you will save money and time try it! FOR SALE 8Y HATT Si S FOR SALE. 1 team of mares "4-and 5 years old. 1 team of geldings, smooth mouth. Inquire of Herman Engel- kemeier, 6 miles west of Murray. CALVES TAKEN UP. Estrayed, four spring calves, tak en up on my farm. 4 miles north west of Murray. Owner can have property by proving ownership and paying expenses. C. F. DeJung. Read the Joamal Ads It Pajx General Foch is taking the initiative which, with the help of American, French and Rritish trcops he will maintain. Certainly the sun shines on our side of the fence. Fcr the first time since Russia broke down the allies no whave a numerical superiority of the effectives. While for some little time the number of Americans in France have given our side the su periority as to actual numbers, the recent fighting has brought into line and support positions Americans in sufficient numbers the presence of whim, coupled with the German losses of the past month, have plac ed us in a position of superiority in men ready to fight. It cannot be said that the American army just now is as good a fighting machine as tlie Germans, but we have the makings all ready and seasoned. To carry this to a revelation of num bers would not do at this time. Scarcity of Fighting Material. The German army morale is un questionably weakening so far as certain elements which make up a large part of the army is concerned. Rut disregarding that and putting all the boches on an equal plane, when the Germans started their drive cf July 15, Ilindenburg had some seventy divisions in reserve with which to batter his way to Paris. In the fighting to date since then the seventy-three German divi sions have been identified, of which forty-eight were brought up from the German reserve. Of these eighty sixteen were so decimated that they cannot be used as shock troops for at least four months. Sour of these were put out by the Americans. The Fifth guard division, Fourth Prus sian guard, Twenty-third and Two Hundred and Sixteenth. The Ger mans now face the problem of build ing up these divisions with a great scarcity of first class fighting material. Hindenburg had to draw heavily on his reserves, it is thus seen. On the other hand, Foch hardly touch ed his. Germany now has twenty frahs divisions. She can use these for her promised drive against Rritain. Rut will she? I think she will not. Ilindenburg dare not take the chance with these twenty' new divisions. It would leave him strip ped of shock troops to meet another allied attack. In boastful . terms Germany had flux (dysentery). I had another at tack of the same complafnt some ihree or four years ago and a few doses of this remedy cured me. 1 have recommended Chair.nerlain'3 'olic and Diarrhoea Remedy to doz ens of people since I first uted It." MITII'i: TO CHKOlTIUtS. Sttifr ,f C'iimn County, mm. In th Matter of the Ktas of Gallant I takes, deceased: Ti) t'.e Creditors of said I.state:. Yf.ii ari hereby notified that I will. t at the Conntv Court room in Platts-i iimijth. in said rniinty, on the l'9th ilav f August, and L'fHli dnv of November.' A. 1 ).. 1 1 S. at nine o clock a. in., of neb dav. to receive and examine all claims asrainst said estate, with a view' to their adjustment and allowance.' I The time limited for tlie presentation months, from the 29th dav of August, A. !., ID18. and the time limited for pavment of debts Is one year fror. . . sai l :!Uh dav of August, 191S. ,lay of July. 191S, Harry G. Todd plain- Witness my hand and the ..-al of tilT. herein, filed his petition in the IMs- .nid County Court, this 2."tli day of Savannah. Mo., Oct. 12. 191G. 'I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about 1 of claims against said estate is three nine years ago and U cured me of Our New Filling Station is Now Open and We Solicit a Share of the Business. CASH PAID FOR OLD FORDS! WE DO A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS! T. Ii POLLOCK GARAGE, Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth, Neb. Mrs. A. M. Arrie3 was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon where she is spending a few hours. .Inly. '.!is. AI.T.FX J. RKKSON'. County Judg-e. I.KfiAt. NOTICK. John Todd. Tillie Todd, Susie Kincrs lev. Jim es V. Kinsrslay, Halena Cos -lizer. Win A. Coprlizer, Victor Thom as. liana Thomas, Zella Fast man. John Kastman. Sylvia Hoefer, anl Lawrence Hoefer, defendants, will take notice that on the 31st trirf court of Cass county. .eurKa, against said defendants and others, the object and prayer of which are to quiet the title in the plaintiff to the Southwest Quarter. (SV l-4 t the Southeast Quarter (SK l-l of Sec tion Thirtv 30. Township Ten (10). Kanjre Fourteen (U. in Cass County Nebraska, on the grounds that said tract of land was erroneously omit ted from a deed thereon by Levi J. Todd. sr.. to his wife, Lydla Todd, of date of July C6tb, 1905. and recorded in book 45. page 127. and al so for the reason that plaintiff and his predecessors in title have had actual, open, exclusive and adverse possess ion of said real estate for more than ten years last past. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 16th day of September, 191S. Luted this 31st dav of July, 1918. HAIfrtY ti. TODI), Plaintiff. Hv P. O. IiWVKn, His Attorney. Patriotic crepe paper decorations it the Journal office. "Odds and EmA S Wash Materials for Cool, Summer Dresses at these THREE Exceptionally Low Prices: Voiles and Tissues, 36 and 40 inches wide, very special at 19c Voiles and Tissues, 36 and 40 inches wide, very special at 29c Voiles, Tissues and Silk Marquisettes, 36 and 40 inches wide, at 39c There is no question as to the desirablility of this merchandise, and with the certainly of very much increased prices next season, the thrifty and prudent purchaser will certainly appreciate an opportunity such as this. Special in Men's Underwear! All Sizes in Men's Separate Summer Underwer: Balbriggan and Black and White Mixed, per garment, 19c Balbriggan, extra good quality, per garment, 39c Balbriggan, best grade, per garment, 49c These are exceptional values and offered to you at these prices for just one purpose to reduce our stock. !lOS!E0 CALL PHOKES 53 and 54.