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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1917)
i. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAr.E 5. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1917. Murray Department mmm .pewgi I . J ' W will ap- Ij Jrf5 V ' lAvfettH' fihlt ffleA fvV B ' pear under this heading. We II tIJy &S V SdT Sri I 1 1 MM , . want all news Ueu.s Editor I "Siiw&J fflffif- ' fes-vCtf TSjv K Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers ' I stjx IfV K 7 TT jfV 7T r fT r lb f TT W Y " - - -- - J Wmw- DIrM& ojr JrJILL i 5 i If . . . - -- i - J tit i r. . ' li i t (Jlj Be Ready For ' 4?jSJI An Opportunity ptyj) ' One often hears, "If I only ejgj? had a little money I could make &juy2tv &y$ a fortune." jflsalil Why not be ready when op- portunity knocks at your door ? ts Plan to place in the bank a yS rgp cericin percentage of your sal- rrT (hw ar2' or business profits. tffl Then vohen the main chance Aj & comes along you'll be ready X 0 for it. tyff Banking in every form. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits ere protected by the State Guaranty, Law. frllBSlRAY STATE. BAKK Al Bartlett was an Omaha visitor last Monday. Arthur Crunk and family spent Sunday with A. Wilson and family. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lon. Stock, r.n wdr.psihv. Sentember 19th, a baby hoy. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks were Miss Bertha Nickels was among i looking after matters cf business in the PlaUsmouth visitors last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wehrbein were calling on Plattsmouth merchants Tuesday. Leo Nickels and sister. Miss Etta, were Plattsmouth visitors last Sat urday afternoon. . Mrs. Henry Creamer and family were transacting business in Platts mouth last Saturday. il. C. Creamer, who has been re ceiving treatment for stomach trou ble, returned home Monday. Mrs. J. A. Walker and Mrs. Walt Minniear were guests of the K. N. K. at Lowiston last Thursday. Mrs. A. F. Boedeker, from near Nehawka, and Mrs. II. II. Webke, of V.'ausa, Neb., were Murray visitors for a few hours Wednesday after-1 noon. There will be no services or Sun day school at Lewiston next Sunday, September 30th. owing to the ab sence cf the minister, Rev. W. A. Taylor. , Mrs. II. F. Wcnke, cf Wausa, Ne braska, is in this vicinity visiting with relatives at the old home, be ing a puest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Boedeker, southwest of Murray. Bert Cook, of Hoskins, Nebraska, who has been for the past week vis iting with relatives and friends, de parted Wednesday morning for his heme. He was accompanied by his uncle, Joseph Cook, who will make a few days visit at the Cook home near Iloskin?. Plattsmouth last Friday. Robert Good and wife and Gussie Pullen and family were Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday afternoon. Neisou Berger and mother, Mrs M. A. Berger, of near Nehawka, wore transacting business in Platts mouth last Saturday. JefT Lewis and wife and son, Lloyd, and daughter, Mrs. Merritt, were visiting with Plattsmouth friends last Saturday afternoon. . Mrs. Dave Lloyd, who is still in the hospital at Omaha, writes home folks that she is improving slowly and hoxes soon to be able to return home. Henry Long, who is out on his farm in Furnas county, writes home folks that he is up to his eyes' in the fill whMt nlantinc. He has in 85 acres, and is still sowing. We are indeed sorry to learn that our excellent old friend, J. A. Walk er has been quite sick for the past few days. He is reported as being on the read to mend at thi3 time. There will be a meeting of the Murray Red Cross society held at the Murray Library rooms on Fri day afternoon of this week. The meeting is called for two o'clock and all those interested in the Red Cross work are requested to be present. Also, bring all the old sheets, bed quilts and spreads that you have cast aside, but are washed clean and pressed, and will be suitable to send to the proper headquarters for army purposes. , A Store Full of Big Values Invites Your inspection! night now, when the High Cost of Living is attack ing j on on all sides, is the time when YOU should care fully investigate and compare values. That's what ve urge you to do. Big Values in Sweater Coats I.-uies wool .sweater coat, belt "all 'round CQ QQ color, cardinal V ! .acres wool sweater coat, belt all 'round, Cjj QQ color, green : Ladies silk finish sweater, large white CO 7C colar, belted, color, old rose VJilw Ladie3 silk finish sweater, large colar and Sid flfl belted, color, blue Infants silk -finish sweaters in blue, old CI "7C rcse and white for Miccc-i f.-eatcrs, large, color, old rose, iu CQ QQ rizes 2S to 3 4,. . 1 f" hcai7 $6,00, $7.50, $8.50 : stich sweater coats v 1 1 v ' Men's cotton mix heavy rope stich sweat- CO CP ers coats on sale at " ' The largest line of Hockey Caps we've, Ci KQC RQC evercarried, beautiful colors and trim u and uu INVESTIGATE THIS LINE BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. i Hi ATT & TUTT, MURRAY, : ' : : NEBRASKA Mrs. Balfour, of Wyoming, was visiting in Murray for a few days I ast week. Minford & Creamer shipped a car of hogs to the South Omaha market last Friday. Earl Amick is sporting a new Ford car that he purchased through the Pollock agency at Plattsmouth this week. i. M. Minford went to Lincoln on last Saturday evening to spend Sun day with his family in the capital city. Mrs. H. L. Oldham and daughters. Miss Pauline and Fay, were Nebras ka City visitors Tuesday of this week. A. L. Baker departed on schedule time last Sunday morning for his trip up in the northern part of the state. There will be preaching at the Christian church in Murray on nxt Sunday morning and evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Herman Smith and family and Mrs. T. B. Smith drove to Havelock Wednesday in Herman's new Ford car, where they will make a brief visit with relatives. Searl, Troy and Frank Davis pass ed through Murray Monday enroute to Dayton, Ohio, via the auto route, where they will spend a few days visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Murray, of Alva, Oklahoma, are in this com munity visiting with relatives and friends. They are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Murray. Remember the Red Cross meeting on Friday afternoon at the Library rooms. Make arrangements to at tend. All those interested are re quested to attend the meeting. S. O. Pitman, George Nickels, L. H. Puis and W. G. Boedeker went to Omaha last Saturday to return with the fine new Super-Six Hudson car that Mr. Boedeker purchased through the Puis agency. The work of picking the apples In' Frank Moore's big orchard was started this week. Frtink leased the orchard to Omaha parties this year, so as to avoid the difficulty of mar keting the crop. He will have about 8,000 bushels. Clarence Moore and family, who have been working and making their home on the Win. Schlichtemeir farm, moved back to Tlattsmouth on Wednesday afternoon, where they will make their home for the win ter. Ezra Albin, who was taken to the hospital last week, where he was operated upon for appendicitis, is getting along very nicely at this time with excellent chances of permanent recovery. He is at me si. josepu hospital. The Frau-en-verein met at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hild on Wednesday afternoon of this week. There were quite a number of the ladies from Murray in atten dance, and a very enjoyable after noon was spent at the Hild home. W. G. Boedeker and wife and son, Charles, Ted Barrows and family, W. T. Hutcheson and family, W. S. Smith and wife, Wm. Carey and wife and Wm. Oliver and wife drove to Nebraska City with well filled baskets last Sunday and took their dinner, in the Morton park. Mrs. James Root has been very sick at the home of her daughter. Mrs. William McDaniels, in Ne braska City for the past several days. She came down from her home in Lincoln for a few days' visit with her daughter, where she was taken ill. Dr. B. F. Brendel was called to the city Tuesday to see her. Mrs. R. A. Bidwell and Charles Davis of Bolkow, Mo., drove up from their home Monday for a few days visit with friends and relatives, and are guests at the W. G. Boedeker home. Mrs. Bidwell is the grand mother of Mr. Boedeker and a sis ter of Mrs. Anderson Davis. Frank Root, of Lincoln, was in Murray for a few hours Wednesday of this week visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel. He was called to Nebraska City owing to the serious illness of his mother and took advantage of the occasion to pay a brief visit at the old home in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Troop and Har mon Beck passed through Murray Wednesday afternoon in Mr. Troop' auto, enroute .to Cddar county, in which section they will visit a few, days with relatives and friend3. Mr. Troop has a sister, Mrs. Lewis, of near Coleridge, where they will be guests for a time. CLAYTON STAPLES ENJOYS CANOEING Clayton II. Staples is a lover of na ture, and every boy especially will be interested in seeing him and his pro gram a program portraying the most beautiful things in life Nature. Staples is a lover of nil outdoor sports nnd especially of canoeing. He ways: "Of all the out-of-door pastimes, I derive the most benefit from canoe ing. Here I get a chance to exercise my muscles and broaden my mind In my line of work. The pleasures I have on these trips cannot be excelled or equaled. It was during the summer of 1115 that I took a loO-mlle trip down the St. Croix river, which I shall al ways remember. The first day out the young man with me succeeded in shoot ing five ducks and eleven snipe. .J caught one "musky" and we felt highly elated over our first day's sucj cess. But that ended it, as our Incl? ceased with the first day. The second day it rained. How many of you ever made camp In a rainstorm, in a strange country? Well, that night and the foN lowing night we had to. It was nearly dark before we could find' a desirable place to enmp. As we were chilled through, we first nmdo a good fire. Though It still mined, this brightened things up a great de::l. I remembered as we were packing our luggage up to tne'caniping site, noticing a haystack on the opposite side of the river, we decided to have one eomfort at least, a hay mattress. While arranging our bed n large lizard was discovered in the hay, causing n little excitement for a few minutes. The third day the Let them remind you that it will soon be time to decide about that new range. We sell and recommend above all others the Monarch Malleable Range We don't ask you to buy it because we say it's good, but be cause you can see with your own eyes why it is better than others. Look it over and you will agree with us that No range made of grey or cast iron can possibly be as good and no other Malleable Range is made as well. Even apart from it's solid construction, every woman would choose it because of its delightful cleanliness. Think of what it would mean. No stove blacking needed. No smutty kettles to scour. No dust and ashes spilled around. No fancy carving to collect the dirt, etc. Let us show you this splendid range. Murray, Murray Hardvaro and Implomont Company, Nebraska DEATH OF MRS. JOHN W. EDMUNDS mmmmsm 2v lii&ar ft : nv-- 'i.-. v-j '".V CLAYTON H. STAPLES. Crayon & Sar.d Artist. " rapids afforded .their share of excite ment, and, though we broke three -ribs in the canoe, we hnishod our trip with no further loss." On just such trips as this one Mr Staples says he has great opportunity to stndv nature at all times of the day, as It actually Is. Chivton II. Staples is a Landscape Artist, not a Cartoonist. To Undergo Operation. We are indeed sorry to learn of our mighty good friend, J. A. White man, from near Nehawka,- being taken to the hospital, where he will be compelled to submit to an opera tion for tumor of the bladder. He was taken to Omaha last Saturday, where he is at the present time in the Wise Memorial hospital and will be operated on Thursday of this week. Mr. Whiteman has been suf ferlng with rheumatism for the past few months, and the Journal joins with his many friends in hoping that the operation may prove bene ficial to both troubles and that he will come out of the trying ordeal as good as new. Sunday Picnic. There were six auto loads from this community who went down to the banks of the Weeping Water. on last Sunday and spent the day in picnicking, taking with them all the good things to eat that could be pre pared at this season of the year Those in the party were: W. H. Puis and family, L. II. Puis and family Philip Hild and family, Fred Lutz and family,-Fred Meisinger and fam ily, Louie Friedrich and family and Henry Zuckweiler and wife, Dewey Zuckweiler and wife and Mike Lutz and wife from Plattsmouth. Elizabeth Ferguson, daughter of William and Agnes Crystal Ferguson was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, August 1, 1S39. When nine years f age she came with the family to America, locating in Cambridge, Ohio, where the mother died in IS 61. They resided there until Ap ril 19, 1S69. when she with the rest of the family came to Nebraska City and locating on a farm north west of that town in Wyoming pre cinct, where the father died in 1877. She kept house for her brother Rob ert C. Ferguson until her marriage to John W. Edmunds of Murray, Nebraska on March 3, 1SSG, where she has since resided until her death in the Clarkson - Hospital in Cnaha at 12:15 a. m. September 26, She leaves to mourn hoi death the husband Mr. John W. Edmunds of Murray, three step daughters. Mrs. Homer Miller of Plainview, Ne braska. Mrs. Will Sporer and Mrs. A. G. Long of Murray, two brothers Mr. Robert C. Ferguson o Nebraska City. Nebraska, and Thomas R. Ferguson of Evans, Colorado, be sides numerous neices, nephews and grandchildren all dear to her heart. She was the eldest of seven child ren, having six brothers ot wnicn only the two brothers remain. She was a Christian woman and a great favorite with both young and old. She uniled with the United Pres byterian church at an early date while in Ohio and has remained faithful to the church of her heart all her life. She was a teacher of a class of little folks in Sunday School who will miss her greatly. She will be missed by all, but we are satisfied to know that she has gone to the home sh has always looked forward too and we hope with tears in our eyes to meet again when all will be well in that better land. She was laid to rest by loving hands amid a profusion of lovely flowers, in the old Wyoming ceme tery by the side of her father, on Thursday Aug. 27, 1917. The fun eral services were held at one o'clock in the United Presbyterian church at Murray, Rev. Jackson officiating and were attended by numerous friends and relatives. The pall-bearers were Messrs. James Brown, Chas. Spangler, Will Smith, Mont Robb, Dick West and William James. Entertained Friends. Mrs. Mary Wilej and Mr. and .Mrs. George Park entertained last Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Algeran Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiley, and daughters. Carota, Velma and Nellie, and Miss Grace Dexter, all from Humboldt, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wi ley and daughters, Sarah, Elizabeth and May, George Wiley and Helen and Rose Read. The party from Humboldt drove up in their car on Saturday and returned home Sun day evening. They reported the corn crop fine all the way up. They also reported a good wheat crop in their locality. RETURNS FROM EAST. Mr6. E. S. Tutt and Mrs. O. A. Davis were in Plattsmouth Monday. Wm. Oliver and wife were Platts mouth shoppers last Saturday af ternoon. . Dr. G. H. Gilmore made a trip to riattsmouth Tuesday, where he was called on business connected with the County Defense League., Jack Philpot and wife and Lee Brown and wife passed through Murray Monday enroute to Omaha, at which place they spent the day. The fine new farm residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dill is now near ing completion, and under all fav orable conditions will get moved in to in about two weeks. Oldham Stock Farm made another shipment of pigs Thursday. This shipment went to Colorado, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska. This will be the. last shipment until J3ecember, as it takes all the gilts they have. They still have a liberal supply of males of all sizes. Rev. Dr. Jackson returned home from Battle Mountain, South Dakota, last Saturday, where he has been for the past two weeks receiving treatment . for rheumatism, with which he has been troubled for some time. We are pleased to state that he was given a great deal of relief by the stay at the sanitarium in this place, and we trust he will continue to improve until restored to his for mer health. From Wednesday's Daily. Mrs. Oscar Gapen, who has been in the east for the past week, re turned home this morning, having visited at South Haven, Michigan, with her father, Roscoe Dean, and also at Chicago with her half broth er Clifford Aagard. Mrs. Gapen was also at Niagara Falls, and visited some in the Dominion of Canada, and says that in all the country that Nebraska and Iowa presented the appearance of enjoying the most prosperity. Even in Illinois, where she traveled, the frost had bitten vegitation badly. In Canada she saw the country looking not as well as here, as the crops had been nipped with the approach of winter. Her son, Oscar, was with her but had returned home before she left, and was here a few days !n advance of his mother. BUYS A PEACH OF CAR. Obey the Law. Order your Osgood Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes. From Tuesday's Dally. Glen Boedaker, of Murray, the genial banker of that thriving vil lage, has just purchased a new car which is a thing of beauty and we hope will be a joy forever. The purchase was made from L. H. Puis, the dealer in high grade cars, and the one purchased by Mr. Boedaker, was Super-Six four passenger speed ster. This car is indeed a fine look ing car, as well as being one of the best and fasetst of that class of cars, and will be one which will afford Mr. Boedaker and family much service and pleasure. Paper Plates and Picnic Sets at the Journal office. Subscribe for the Journal. POULTRY AND EGGS WANTED! If you have no time to bring them in to us, we will call. Just use your telephone. Highest market price paid at all times. J. G. WHEELER, MURRAY NEBRASKA The first number of the Murrajt Lyceum course will be given on Fri day evening:, October 5th. Clayton H. Staples will be the first entertain er of the season's program, an nouncement of which will be found in another column of this paper. The ticket committee has been doing a fine business for the past few days, and the people are responding read ily to their invitation to buy. Re member the date of the first num ber and be present". GO HAVE A LOOK! Call Plattsmouth" Garage for serv ice. Tel. 394, also livery. J. E Mason, Prop. Vallery and Cromwell leave Plattsmouth e'very Saturday night at 7:45 for Keith. Perkins and Chase counties. They have the good level black soil thai is raising all kinds of small grain, corn and alfalfa. . Nobody has any lower prices and better soils. Ask those who have been out. 17-swtt Subscribe fox the Journal. Our Fall Line of Goods are Arriving Daily!- Watch for our largo lino of SCHOOL SHOES for the Children and FALL SHOES ' for Grown People. School Supplies of all kinds. Sec us for prices that aro right on these lines. Pels & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska. ? f r .1 1