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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1917)
I'OSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1917, PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. IWGK 5. i 1; i 4 . i i ', ' It or retSsrVis mm? "SEE HOW SHE ANSWERS r. THE THROTTLE" "It's the good Red Crown in the tank that does it." Your engine picks up eagerly pulls smoothly when throt tled down. Look for the Red Crown sign. Polarine Oil stops power leaks. Lubricates efhckmly Hi r 1 . f - :. xii- i..w fe at ail times. t st? .--j 6 cm) SjJv- ?, rv?. ' t' - A -J? a r ' -'V i? i - f :" Vi -V i i j. Well, what are we going to do about Labor day? Have a ball g:an and call it done with? Other towns; celebrate the occasion in a becoming manner, and why not Plattsmouth ? This day is set aside for the laborer, and we are all laborers, it matters' not whether we labor with our mus cles or with our minds, or a combi nation of the two. In fact the lat ter class catches most of us. And when a day has been set apart for the observance of the promotion of the best interests of labor, we all should try at d get together and see what we can do for the benefit, of 11 kinds of labor. A strong pull, a lens pull, and above all a pull to gether makes a proposition lighter. Why cannot we get up a program vhich will be fitting to the occasion? The arranzements should be made it once. Who will make a motion to appoint :x committee with power and i disposition to make Labor day a real success in Plattsmouth? IN EISTFJCT CGUIil. SELLS BUSINESS HEKZ. 'r.-n I':i..y"- Hail v. A . i! avti.-M v. u'.vli no I u JcV.ii N't ;:uvz d 1S- 1: rc'ir-fy . a : i:-r: t it :e .-.:i--c. ; : i. v. ! ; h K." v. ;r.; V. TLi.M-a: !' .1." Murii ;.,r;-;' Ir. ri,ht t-uii IV: or tlalu'tr vvr tor r. ;-'.iry i-: ::: :. ut : uno.' '. k a!;i ia v j- ' ur.v-ai as : i.i ; i'U-iiu' - i..-r.' to Mr .iiv'..I. v.I.o cor d acts tin ; lu ;. k-v. ili': couth sulo of Mai M:. a:; tifiii :11 ;:u,rt'y re- .1 a ! i::.- I:;---, -"ou to t';- :te,v. Irisi- -ier-d. a: ia;; ! -.. .: v.'i-t-re Mr. ..-;v.eU ha u.-. I . n i .: in ir.g ; ' e l.iiacv.?. c-.n i: , . '... '! -at -. ..1.-,l to t .. ! ii, t ri.-r I .1-. . i: : an; :i"l i" ;.'iO".it I-Liii'd to ll- ic.i.rt y th: d'.feii-laat. iVtcr (Ja-.e- a v i 1 v i ! !- a 1 t'..r r.. tic t v.-o lines ana enlurg- n er;ra.-c-l In li'i'io .; here far .. 1:- i- -1 i.rn'J."i h 5 ti -:t f n . liv;rc-.- f r:u! J:i- v.-'i'--, r 1 l ;. a: !. -. h'.-!v- ;:l-vl bu. i:ie-.-:. in a:; . t .'!. in 1 1- r roar.di- .-f :' re'r.r . i-.i vo :,r-..l:-,t he will in.-tt with I cr-N'!;y ar..I thf-at-'iiirig :.- me. . ; r'ac-c i t. m r.evv vt-nlure. --!Mva :-tate. ;h.;! they w are i.iiit; 5! r'-.;T:.a.'-,' May ;;!;. 1 In..:, a;, luive fi..- niir.c r i h;ld: an. EUSniLSS AT IsEBHASICA city. l-r.!?i J't i.'. i vV t a i'.y. ":l!it Tim'.' ". .'.;,) is ii'!i-ri'.i': iri .if.'.:-.; ia I'.is own ac- Mint r.t Ne 1 k:i City, a;' t a ipi.".; r ' f the Ovi-"hrt! a :!.' at thai vlace. has a hia . Hul here in his w r-I.u-e -'i i-u-ia s - ae.i will ake daw n ?:c:;ic at wezpii:g wateh. W . i' rday thare was a larae i nn. il v.Avd ih-' Fraieiiai! i'io-iie hel.l a! : --idav Wa'er, and at which ('. A. lh., Is (i thi city ra.ade the prin"i-I-al ad'Ire-a The picnic included all the fraternal societies and a lari nuh'.ivr are rcy. relented at v.'V-aiap i;t-.r. T'-e Wepli.g Water band fur- 'h ' i" :.'-.(l 1 1ir fes vlLif.t. fi-a'-; her car vhUh he ; :: her-' M:i.,v-a: ' up w i: 'i a in which a ;-iii-"!!i'M. ? Jr. "i'ower sure hao..:' lart:' :.:!..: r ? t he youiur ptoyde I !!, : ; r-... : si : a he'e tar the ball. aisi: ia al! ;:v ; r.a: T; ' ! ; J. S. KIGLLY IIIPSOVING. i lie- ; ad i well (;;! iped to care ler , :arai -. h-'i ia which. !:" is iei-; a rK - ' iea. V.'e art' j-'.aa -ed " "" hin: a -.-t i : v into b:i!m-: .-' 1" Xebr... ka t'itv ara lot l i n:-:i ia- : iht .o ir.'i e i-: t i ' - - ji... ; J-.diU ii.''i-on. a step-; on ot Mr. ii ! i , . . , j;. iiiauy v. as r.t tne .ietno- , ;d:si la- 'eital wh.ere .Mr. lligley is re- '.i-a ii. - . i t ii uiiv iii , a u . -i 1 1 w i .v Mr. C. Tyh r a a I l-,ri"- - ll'r ,,:!ia!Ui- l" ,inys aao he was op-rated upon for ai ell U1C an ,o ae.ea..aa-. u..j,,,, ,ronM-. and fS he IS' illl nil,. n t'l" e -'h' ' r Mr. I r s , an-. ,l..;n'- tairlv well. Mr. -i I Mr.- ' '- ' ' ' I J "... - ..., ,; 1, , . ! r7 to 11 IS i ami V !.:;.". o; thaa' -a. to I;er lioai 11 iiai. t lUai-a" the: . ahe has been i--i:rg at the home of her irraudpa'-t ats here. Obey the Law. Order your O.-good Lens. I'lattsmouth Garage. All sizes. friend- who have been solicitous re eard.r ; hi; condit ion. saying he ap arer'aits very much their feeling of iar Miners. It i- not eNpeetod that . - will he : hie to ledc the hospital ;'or ica.e time. ."V.- -... ... ... , ,.v j ' " ' ' "" ......... t: -.; iofcj M;irn rnl InJ eL Y; ryyt? 't?i;HJf . i im( h ipki mn im ii in i . i :.)3 j- F h a f 5- E I'iOIVJlC c. OILS i B 1 f hi Mi Mi w g n fq m te ri COMFORT You keep your car for your comfort avoid th trouble and expense of a friction-crippled motor by using 1 THE STANDARD OH- FOSILL MOTOR3 Holds its body at any cylinder heat or engine speed. Ends carboni zatirn, overheating, and scored cylinders. Every drop pure. Look for the Polarine 'pn it stands for a reliable dealer who will give yea what you ask for. ,Ue Red Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuei. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA 51 RL Ji LABOR DAY SOON HEKE. Berliner s Will as r ties in Winter Cold llATHmOlAL MARKET GOOD. From Friday's Iaily. James Xeil?on. 'of Mianeapjlis, Minn., slipped down herv yesterday md in broad daylight tiecured a li- .ense to wed Tdiss Katherine Ic- .Jonald. and Miss McDonald being lloag they v. ere married by the ar able jiiuge and away they went ar.d v i 1 1 ai'.iprite their friends when they ;et hoiiie. Besides this couple there .vere t'no following who applied for md obtained permits to marry: liow lrd L. Ankeny, aged 2G, of Lincoln o marry Miss Abbie L. Judkins. age lo. o: Xehawka. Then came Ceorge Villiam Xelwon. of tJrecnwood, a..k- ng liberty to wed ?diss Emma Uaur rs of the rarae town, and they wer. oih 2 4 years of age. Francisco Ko niiu-z, asred 22 wai-ttd a wife, and ;ent a letter asking permission ake unto himself a life partner. Miss iuaueta Ventura, aged 2-". The lat ter couple live at Elmwood. All the .-etiuests were granted and tlie var e-us pa.rties concerned seemed to be iappy. rOY EIDESG IN A FORD. '"rc-ir. Friday's Dailv. (t:o Muchellette. who fortnerl: lived in i'lattsmouth. but who left lore about twelve Years ago. crime in .esierday afternoon in his i-'orI car .::! is visiiiag with, hi:? parents, Mr :nd Mrs. Win. Muekcllotte, of th's ity. He is accompanied by hi; wife and three children, Wayne, Al ce and Carl. They departed, this af moon for Auburn, where they will visit over Svmdav at the home of Mrs. Muchellotte's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E;ail 1'orter. When Otto vent ;v.ay he was a boy and now he re n-n- marrie I and with a f.irai'y. lie ports things looking well at hi. nrae. Venus, Nebraska, where he is ngaged in farming and stock rais- ';:g at which he is succeeding very nice RETURNS FROM LONG VISIT. Fiom Friday's Iaily Miss Alma Waterman, who has fir 'he past two months been a guest at '.he home of her sister, Mrs. Ida Wagner, at Detroit, Mich., and also it the home of Mr. Chester Warner md wife, the latter being a nephew ;f Miss Waterman's, returned home vesterday afternoon. Miss Water man tells of Detroit being a great 'easiness place, and that her nephew Earl Wagner, as lie is known, is an employee of the Ford Motor com puny there. His business is the tak ing of photographs for the illustrat ing of the many advertising publi rations which are issued bv the Ford Mofr company. Mr. Wagner ha with him five assistants and receives -even dollars per day for his work HERE FROM HAMBURG. Escaped Prisoner Teils of, Starvation and Vice, Which is Sweeping Over the Fatherland. Chicago, Aug. Shot through the arm nine wee its ago. escaping across the Holland border from Ger many, tiller being a prisoner o: war f'jr more than two years, Joseph ilehr 2,'J years old, is in Chicago. He ap peared before the federal authorities at the postothco and asked how he could get into the United States army. lie was examined by the recruiting officers and turned djwn. About half of his teeth are mis.-: in jr. the -Ot- pounds that he v. eiuhed at L'l, are d.runl: to lot) and his stomach "has not got used to food yet," he says. He fled from Ilerlir. in April and says that conditions were fright fill there at that time. Short cl" Food. From Friday's Daily. James. Andrews, who is located at Hamburg, Iowa, in the garage busi ness, went to Omaha yejturuay with car lor repairs, and thought to see his brother. Will, who wrs operated upon at the Immanuel hospital for appendicitis. James did not knew at v.h'uh hospital his brother was, and teh phe'iod to several but did not lo cate him, .-o eiecided to run down to Piatt. mouth ;rnd find out from his folks here. On arriving here he tmna our that they had not re- e turned noiii'1 lrom Omaha last even ing, so t'ailiug to find ernt he departed for Omaha again this morning. At the liurlir.g'on station this morning he met the folks and found out his !-.ol-.-T- v. ;it h r. Tin rr ii ii hp 1 l.Mn- eltal. where he hoped to be able to see him tins morning rietore having to depart for his home a": Hamburg. Iowa. "If this is a coll v.ints the peo ple in Germany will die like flies. TAKE VACATION THIS WEEK. From Friday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. Clautie C. Smith de parted yesterday afternoon for Wa hoo, where they will take up the time of Mr. Smith's vacation visit ing. Mr. Edwin Fricke will have to depart for Ft. Snelling on Saturday, where he will go into training as an officer of the army, and the matter coming so quick causes Mr. Smith to hurry to get in his vacation in time for Edwin to get away, so Mrs. Smith was pressed into service $o assL-t him in enjoying the few days he will be able to get away from business. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hasting;;, or Council Muffs, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason, late of Wis consin, were in the city for a few hours yesterday visiting at the Lcrae of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rawls. Mrs. Mason is the daughter of air. and Mrs. Hastings. Mr. Hastings being an old friend of the Journal man at the time we resided in Silver City, Iowa, we were greatly pleased with the brief visit made at our office dur ing the afternoon. ir mi! v T aues- When I left the h:1 naid and then they will anyway. government wa-i g'v!:g each person i half pound of be;-!' and a half pound af horse meat a week, according ;o ;he food, cards. Dv.i of! en even that wasn't to be had. "The food cards showed each per son got three pounds of poi aloes a .veck. I he truth is taey got potatoes for one week .and then went fc r two weeks without. Two and a half pounds of bread was allowed a week, a 'juarter pound t,f "ole " -b ter wasn't to be had ai I one pound of marmalade every lift eon days. Grind Up Eones. "Often sausaue was substituted fo meat and the were ground up ia the sausage. Th? only fats to 1 had are cattle fats, there being no fats of anv kin i Chicken b ar.Iy for millionaires. I've heard that ; two-pound bird is worth $7.". Each fifteen days a pers..;i gets t hree-quar '.T.--. oi -i T.oiMol ( I sOL-.-ir .-'lid toe e.t- fifteen days a half pound and so on alternately. "M ral conditio;:.-? are wretched. l ne ka'ser gives a :; reward lor every boy baby born arid the ma nar" law is forgotten. I'ernn u- tilled with crippies and you 11 see hundreds of wemaen to every physical ly sen: n d man. Women become mad iy jealou.i over the men. Girls con sider it an honor to have a male : legitimate caild. Men live first in ne hemse and then another." Bom in Poland. Ilehr is a Jew. born in Ku-sia: Poland. When the war started h, attached himself to the Hessian He' Cross. He had lived in the United btates lour years, and was home em a visit to his fa' her and mother, wl we re well to elo. "If t-hev are alive todav, thev arc living in a hole in the ground." ho said. After his Cloture by the Ger mans at Pokolow, r.inofy miles fron Warsaw, he was taken te Siettin Germany, with lea others, locked in cars like cattle ami put to weirk in an aute factory. "Many of the party died of ill treatment, starvation and eiverweirk,' he said. "At t lie end of six months only forty-two were left eiut of the 104. Some were taken to hospitals. We heard that '.hey died. The story got around that they were poisoned I don't know. "Germany is teeming with elisea.'-e and I have seen cholera ejtiaranti nes with soldiers tin guard to shut edT the trallic." OAKLAND Farewell to the Soldier Boys in Friday's Daily. District Judge I. gley departed last evening for I'apillion where he is to give the leading address at the farewell ceremonies v hich. l ave been arranged for the boys of Sarpy coun ty who have enlisted in the army." The above is a news item which appeared in yesterday's Journal. It would have been doubly nice, if the .-:a::: e could have been said truly e.-f the i;ovs who have already gone to :"ne service fre-ai this county. 1'latts ;: :::;:. yes this town, wiiii its boast ed ic-c.grerc-ive spirit, had the oppor- : unity to have given its boy-, and ay the boy.; of Cass county who have t .l'dr profitable avocations, who have "Yer'd the ties which bound em to ki udrr 1. to iri'tnus. anu to sweethearts, and who have gone to he defense of their country, a royal aoo-lbve. but thev did not. and we lure not beard thai they expect to up to the time of going to press. Now there is another large bunch of the 'Mower of young manhood of Cass count v' soon to be sent away to canionmeut camp- tor training, some f w will doubtless never re 'rrn, while o;he-rs may come back w ear.ded. but we hop? the lar.;er pi rt at lea-t will cor e back cafe .a-.i -our;:, as when they depart. It look:; like the citizens through some organization (the commercial I f) if- the" tie-dro: something else Known To The Nation As The Sensible Six $945 F. O. B. FACTORY. Possesses important feature of design which are found also in those higher priced cars as embodying the very latest and best engineering practices. These superior features, which for two years have distinguished the Oakland Six as a car of unusually advanced design, and which are now employed in the latest models of many of the mere costly cars, not to be found in their entirety, in any of the other cars in the Oakland price-class. As a result, the Oakland Sensible Six, in the estimation of the buying public, is raised above the plane of its price, and naturally is compared to and competes with cars of considerable higher price than its own. and Mo Oosnpan; ... ... -:- -:- NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTH in Tin-: iiiTKU"r cm ht or thij- Cut .T OI-" C.Vo.i. M:il!tSK V. Wiliiain r. Dnijri:ty. l 'iaint i !V VJ, Saluh .1. Iult1:Iv, 1 . f cinl:i n t . olit- ii a a for Iliir--. T. C- iKteiid; at. Siiar- .1. -al. t : Vi.-i jn-f l:fr-!n- re'iiii'd tieit 'M the itU i ".ay f May. IfMT. phiiiitifi' lio-vi bis ; liii"a in i . District '"utt :' e'a.-s itenty. Xel.vaka. 1 1 olee-t wre.l ' i f wliidi is to s,-t asii!.- th" bon!s 1" miitiim :iy now -xistintr l-OW'-t-n iiOUt :ina m i i iiila n t. an. I J'.ai'i- ;ni)!:it oi' m:m; wo mitici: i i-' 1'iiom u: or wiix. 5:nti' of Nte.raskui :i!ii:ty of diss i ss: lis ti e C unte Coai L of Ca.-s e'oanty, V!.r;:-i;a. To al! j.ersor.s- iio. rest'.l ia Co '0-' f V-ln.--:-i.t V. I..- it ; I i . ii'-n':i.-i'il: On rcatiirr-r l'- ict:tln!i f l:os;, ,. oia; ie.-r ti.a! ll-- i a.-t M in lids i-i'-iit on t!,.- :: day !" July, 1''17. :"id l" l-o II ' lM vi'i a!il t I h no n t !' l!" said O. -fit sod, may l': j.'ioo-l an! al'.ou,il. U' I'-eoi.' d i's tie ; s t w i ! I and t-s- lr :;i 1:1 o! ; iiisrii v . !'!!; !':. . ..... , i . i ; . .. , , , I U1 ll O I ; lUM II . I j :i i. I : . 1 t '1 ua ... K,ve, nr. alisol: .,- . n ... i : ,.n I . , ;l.i:ni:o-.: f. oe-cd.-mt. an.! for sr.,- . u' vl loliof as, t" , , a..d tl so : e.i a i : : a t : . ,.f a. fM.alai,.- U, the premises. l.VAl.. !t. to Ko.-a A. l.e.o.atd Tins notae is made imrsuant to tee ( s ,..4....; ,rix ,,, , .. 1 fois.'.as iat.i.sie.l in s; r im tr.e i-i.;irt. You are vei' ii -! to a;isv. r J.,. " , . .... , - a..r., o will ?'' ,!"- aoi-a: ''. l. - V . I'.. I- II. N'lll ... A.tV ..... i : . i . . ....... 1 I . .. . . : I ' U ! 1 " 1 . 1 I I li'ti ,iii. j f :" ail of which you will take due j u . 1. !.-,.. I Dated tliif 1th dav of -'-est. i:17. V. U.I. 1AM S. I ( tt ii'l V. Plaintiff. v. A. i:.d: .s. : i'"-sv I v. -tty. i"or I'laintilT. ii:i(a i. i n r.. S I ve.-tr-r T. Sit'.-v arid uiikr.invn la ima r.t s whose real naraes are iin Known to t!.- sou t l:-:i si on -f ' r 1 h of Section -. Township 11. liantf" 30 10a?t, e'ass eio;:ity, N" i raska. :et'i tueirts. will tsike notice that on the 17th lay of L is- here .y onleied that ytoi and : !! PllltllT. 1)1.1 , t the County Court l' t-e held i-i aivd for s;;id ounty. on t1-- da.e if, A. 1 . 1!!., at u o", J..i k a. in., to show ean.- -. it anc tht i e he. v. hy li .- i ray.-r of Uu- pet 1 ti hit .--hoiild not ! -ra:;te.l aioi t hat rot iee of lhe :.'! ,.!-. i " of" petit loll a ad ti.i.i t!'e"i:.: t' t--..f l.o j;:y. n j ail persons i :: t -r-s I .1 in said l .er h" ptihlisi-.i'ij; a copy of t ::s r in tie . ',a 1 1.. -eoiit e .P-niiia:, a .-mi-- .' i:iy newspaper print. -d ia sael eui " '.or t hi .-e yin -.i-ssiw .-, e,ks prior ft ?r.:d i:i" oi hcarinc Witness in . hand, and s. al of sai l court, this 1st dav of August A. 1 . ali.i:x .i. us: i n. (f(-:i!i Coi::;ty Judf-'e. need be aid take str-is i'li- :n diately to tender some kind of a Tarewell ivr thee boyr.. thct will at 'ea.-t .shove n:ne anpreciatinn of the acrli!cr tlii-y are makins" for the ; :ul cl" the country, ami which those who t!o not have to .to shall enjoy, he? rpiiartntly elo not appreciate. Fora united, rpee.'y action in thi.? ::i.nter is jrreatly nee!e'il. SLITS ONE OVER ON FFJEIJDS. Obey the Law. Order your Osgood Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes. rt) F.ONEOUSLY REPORTED. Sonic few elay; a;ro the Journal made nientiem eT Hertuan P (hiire mer taking his little son to Omaha for the treatment eif a broken arm, ami placing him in a hospital in that eity. The Journal reporter stat ed in his article that the member was not correct iy set at the time of the accident, which is the erroneous sec tion of the report. According to the examination of the local physician, lostdher with an X-ray examination nude by Dr. J. S. Livingston iu this city and ore by the rpecialist at the hojpital, the n: sinter was eorrecliy replaced and was doing nicely at the time of the second injury, which was located 'near the first break. Thi3 is simply an error that f omet ereep;5 into newspaper columns thru the careleja and eager dr-rdrc for r.e.v.:; on tho part of the informant and the reporter on the pa nor, and not to in jure any one in the lea;t. i-'i f'm Friday'.-, Paiiv. On Jniy l-Itli E'jpene Prady and Miss Kllen Lcyela. while in Omaha, e ynred a marriage license, and were united in inarr:ace by the Rev. 15. II. Yenderlii ;e, of the United Prc hyterian tlmrch of that city. They !!:'i;i,;!!t they would have one on ' 1 . e : r friends and diel not say ar.y-thi-.i:, about the marriage on their return, koeping t!i matter secret t:n il alont a week age when they first made: known the facts to their re ; active families, and which was a meat surprise to their. Last even ing the recently wedeled pair ele perted fer Omaha, from whence they went to Kansas City, and from there to Norhorne, ?.Io.. where Mr. Urady has some fedks. They will be rjono about a week. Mr. antl Mrs. Hra-ly are well' known here and have a host of friends who will join with 'lie Journal in wishing them a joy- oj'3 journey through Jiio. Anyrii t, 1IM7. Alhert Z. Lake, puntiiTi her. in. l:!e, his petitii.T, in the J'istriet -iU)i:it OI' HKMMMi I M) MeilfJ o-,;! t of Cass eountv. Neleasl.n. against or I'lhMtl'li; or Will. ; I- fi-..l:i..i t .'.i:-i-t ii :i 1 iii-.iv . . ..." . . 1 i i i j m -.. T.i l-.-T - . . .--- e t I; e i-l t 1 from and -rii. t the iu!- t.. tie soo t h - ; ea.-t o-iart-r is. 1-1. ction tw'r:tv- j live !'-". Towrishin .levin till. J tn nvrc i ' ; ,, ten i 1 " ' lhisl. Cass eoiinty, elr;jsk3. and ihut the ii.f.ndants he i n...i n.-d i ho:n claiming any interest in said pien:i-.s. Yon ai-- mired to answer said pe tition on or before the 1st day of Oc tober. 1U1T. .Li:i:r:T i:. t.vki:. Plaintiff. Ky: T. S .M.hli.v. IJis Attorney. i:iii!y Co".. rt i'i Ctis i-.u..t hi :-.: k:i. e' y of e-.i: Mi'rici-: ri "i:i:nii ims f J. 1 it li- j Ti-t Slate of Nebraska-! 'ass e "o a n 1 ;.- ss : lit J he m:iiI 4 nrt. I -l tie- .Niarei- -f tie l-Isi .- M.-is-n-j. r. I . e.--,ed. '!" u.e C: -.! to-.-s of Said lis";..;.': V. a ere here y r:- tiii.i th.U ? viil i sit at the County Co.iit !;nn:;i in Pie. .ts- iron 1 1., in .-.'.el t-";: i",, on t!,,- :Jn; oa f S.-ri.-!i:!ii r, 1!'7, and u tin- l!"r.I j , T- a!! j-.-.-s-ois i::te;. ;..! in t'-- , . tale o" A'.-ry !". W- !: . I . as. e: Mi r. i.iinie the p.-t:;..n ni Ci al ! - l.ln it" ' t J ill"" t .: I the il-SS f'-!l. : ! :i .-.1 in ii on I !. . J;,.! .hi v .-; x:.:-n. 1 1 7 . : - i . 1 ii ;p. o ! : n -.: ! he t I last vi!! ai;il te.-ia.n.-i'.t . "." l;.. sai.l . i.;; he proved an I aii"..,;, a:i.l ;e,,ir'.e.l a.s the !: t w i i 1 and :.l!!elil tf --hirv i"'. -'i-!i. ! e -.!. ; t1:::! said i a -1 i n n:.-n t he admin, d ! J rohate. and the a de: : n i ! r a ' i ; of said .-late I e granted l '!.nr'- I.i'- - 1 .Tl. as ee. liter: It is !,.!,-( orii.-r. d t: :it oe. a::-.i .dl p. is..-.. , .1 i.i said 'in; iter. reav. ami :. aip. ai a; l! C'.'iiity Cm l lo ho held mi aid !" said .-:ntv. on i ! .. th ."a v of s"-p-::;! 1-4-r, A. I .. 1 : ! 7. al ' o", io.-k a in.. v canyc, if any t! err I -. iv : i ver .-f l'e )..- i : oi r sh-odd :ei he piai led. ;:l-l that nVIo- of I! e p. .'ef:' -v of said pet'tio.. an.", t i, ;. .rtr.c t'.- ! of '. Ki en to :: u ;.rso;. :;:!e.-et, .: mrf. r 1 .v ,...! i - . - I eopv o- this (o-.i.-r in tl,.. I I . i T I - - i . .- r m , i , i.. i , ...... i i- J 1..H1 i 1. 1 i . a i.v n v. 1 - a : i. r ;;;,.rIM.:: ,! & i T ;.;..,., i..,- v,r' si, id .vi" -ill , i.,:v. --r. -: ,t I i'o.-j.- v.teks pier to sanl day . ' j he; and examine all la i ins ;:i:a:ast a ,et .;.t ,ii..,,. 'I-:,.. ,,'i.-. oiiess nv I and., and of sad . : for tl.e ,.,w.;,i,,(,,, oV e'!.-,OnV':'rt t!lS --J1! ''" ui -.-USt, A. i ... nerainst said Ksdate is six months from j t.-". :i! lhe -.1st day of September. A. 1 .. iyi7. and the ume limited for payment of debts is one vein- f i oni said Jlsl d;:v of August. 1H17. Wifuss t:!y and the of said Countv C-mrt. this 'J. '. .- t ia of A i: ires'. P.il7. ALLlhX .1. l'.KKSOX. Sra! County Ju'lja-. John Lusche, of near Cedar Creek, moiored to thit city Saturday after r.oon te) attenel to some business mat- .i. kki:s. 'u:ity .1 ud WILL ANDREWS IrOING NICELY. Will. Andrewr, v !i i as ojiera'el upon at the Iannaiiuol hspi:al at Dmaha day before ye.;terday, is re ported as getting along nicely. Ki mother returned frein !is -dsid this morning and said that he was ters and visit friends for a short i getting along real well, thou :!i h time. Mr. IUische was a plearant caller at this oflice and while here had his subscription extended for an either year. j had been ratlier sick a poriiem t f the time since the operation. Subscribe for the Journal. IE. G. S. BARGER. Dr. T'. W. Cook ha.s disposed eif his practice anel eifllce to Dr. J. S. I'.r.rger, of Raymond. Illinois, who comeu we'll recomnientled and has had twenty years of successful practice. Dr. Harper will be here to take up his practice about September first. SEASON IS HOW ON! We are prepared to take care of meat and grocery or ders. Just call us up and let us know what time you want it and will have your order ready for you. Don't forget ins for the past season with Clleujtllis is 'Your - Market and Perry, on the farm south of riatu-; p v ji - nut h V nr'l Til" fr nfrod otirl i v.-ill return to toven. where hs "Rill probably engpga with the Eurlias- tcn agaiu. Sam D;;:n, who has been work- FLU t r ti i A, THE UNIVERSAL CAR Wc handle a complete line of Auto Supplies and GOODRICH TIRES! Our competent Ford Mechanics insure prompt repairs! WELDING A SPECIALTY! On July 1st all cars must be equipped with headlight lenses which will conform to the new law. W c sell OSGOOD LENSES The Best In the Market! Wc Will Take In Your Old Ford Car On a New One We Will Pay You Spot Cash For Used l ords Come in and give us your order fora New Ford Before the Price Goes Up. T. H. Pollock Auto Ooc? FORD Authorized Sales and Service, 6th St , PiatUmcmth. Nth Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. SS. r "iiif r