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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1917)
PAGE fi. PLATTSMQTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY, JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917. mmer Goods Time is Here! 9, So E3 -rr. v"J w ! , M. J 77ie "Impossible to Do Without" Accessaries! Dainty Summer Parasols New ruffled and bordered effects of silk a splendid variety of charming summer colors and smart novel handles. DRAFT EXEMP TION LAWS AS ARE ADOPTED Rules of Procedure in Case; Appealed to District Hoard From County Boards, Which Can He Taken. WILL PROTECT PUBLIC FRO 'PROFITEERS War Industries Hoard Announces People Not Allowed to Ik Victimized. . , i n wm . .hi li eJll Ob SILKS! Fancy Silks from $2.00 to $3.00 Plain Taffettas from 1 .65 to 2.00 Georgette Crepes plain $2.00; fancy. . . 2.25 to 2.50 Crepe de Chine in all colors. ALLIES BUV ON SAME BASIS AS UNCLE SAM I.ovett Gives Out Statement Declar ing War on Kxce.ive Prices For Supplies. KDITORIAL. Tho local examining boards, - who have charge of the matter of granting exemptions from service, are required to certify to the district board above them the names of all persons who have been rejected on account of not passing the physical examination; also, the names of all who have passed the physical examination, and which U'oo , .ir..fnn Tl r A,, O r.f At l i i I ' ' -r r. weil- wnci.iit.-r mey nave passed successiui-I ,, . . , ... . " I nite assurance that the American pub- Jf 11IC VAUIIIUIUUUIl HI IlUt. Ill IIM-Il:,. ,.,..l 11, I . manner the local boards are required f ir i n..:f.. 4V, , teenng and that the allied govern- , , , A, , , , . ments will get their war supplies at ueen caue 1 uy mat ooani ana wno the s;lme ieeg ftg the UnitfJ g have not been examined, with their ia contained in an announceincnt to. addresses. night of the administration's war pel- uiuc lit 1 nift iay. . 7 , . Tlie pronouncement was made bv m mreo uays, subject to appeal as the new war industries board, form provided, each claim for exemption or Ld last wcek :iS a part of the counci uiM-iiarKe uieu wun me respective nf n-.tnn:.l ,l0fn , vx,.,, fl,i, 5 all Park Plattsmouth, Neb. Chamlis Giants vs. Red Sox 1 3 v. f This is the team which played last Sunday, and which put up a good game, they will be here for next Sun day, and will insure you an enjoyable afternoon. Come, you will not be disappointed. GAME CALLED AT 00 local boards within three days after the affidavits in support of the re spective claims shall have been filed. Issue Certificate. Each local board shall issue a cer- of the government's war purchases. It made clear the administration's de- A. - jI lerminaiion mat mere snail be no exorbitant war profits and at tin- same time stated the government's in- IIOU THE LITTLE RIPPLE CKOWS! It you cast a stone into a pool it starts a ripple, that expands in con stantly widening circles. How like thai stone is this store, and how like the pcol is this community in which its fui tunes are cast. Our little circle on entering has v. idt-ncd and widened, and is still wid ening, and as it increases, so does this stre expand to accommodate its broadening trade. Kut we've only begun. We expect t grow broader, biger still, with your help, cf course. To earn this help, we pkd?e you the same fair dealing, the same fair service, the same splendid alucs that have been a part of our sDre keeping system since the first ripple t:irtid. ' Silk Hosiery $1.25 to $1.50 in black, white and beautiful plain colors for sum mer and the smartest novelties in plain and fancy weaves. Every pair of durable quality with double heels, soles, toes and reinforced garter tops. B v 1 B Phones 53 and 54. We Like to Serve! wiUR&ikY (Continued from Page Three.) required everal stitches to close up. It is supposed that some careless hunt cr was nearby and a stray bullet . truck the little girl in the hand. It was indeed a narrow escape from ser i ::;s injury. Miss Margie Walker entertained a number of lady friends Monday af ternoon at a kensington party. An invitation to the Walker home is an sissurance of a good time and this oc-c;.-ion was in ro way contrary to the eypectatiwn of all the ladies present. At the usual hour dainty refresh ments were served. Those present were Mesdamcs Dick Pitman, Sam Pitman. (). A. Davis, G. H. Gilmore, Anna White, W. S. Smith, W. G. Boe i ker, James Prown, E. M. Steiner, ef Lincoln; James Holmes, of Platts rr.'Hith; All wine, of Omaha; and Mis ses Fay and Pauline Oldham, Ger trude Long, Villa Gapen, together with Mrs. Mattie Kamstra, of LaFay rtie, Indiana. be kept in remembrance of the occa sion. Those present from a distance were Mrs. Jay Grow and daughters, Geor gia and Susie, of Mansfield, Texas; Miss I.ovy and the Misses Marjette, Anne and Martha Hiatt of Sidney, Iowa. IX MEMORY OF C. If. VALLERY. PLEASANT AFFAIR AT THE MARK WHITE HOME At the beautiful country home of Mr.rk White, Mrs. Mark White and Mrs. Anna White received Wednes day afternoon about " ladies of Plattsmouth and Murray and vicin ;. The event was a reception ten dered the ladies in honor of Mrs. Jay Giow of Mansfield, Texas, who is a granddaughter of Mrs. Anne White. The White home, which has long been famed for its hospitality, did ample justice to that term on this oc-ca.-iion. The house was artistically coratcd with patriotic emblems and wild flowers. A program of classical music furnished the major part of the entertainment and was a royal treat to the ladies. This program was r. rfc red by Mrs. Asch, of Murray; Mrs. Grow, the guest of honor, and her daughter, Miss Georgia Grow, and : Marjette and Anna Hiatt, of Sidney, Iowa. Another pleasurable feature of the tertainment was the delicious three hrse luncheon served by .Mrs. Mark ite with the able assistance of r Frank Gobelman and Mrs. -e Ray. Mng the early part of the after aec festivities, Mrs. Grow was pre t rt. tT.ltvith a diamond watch by her r. Mark White, as a gift to I A HOUSE PARTY AT WHITE'S. Mr. and Mrs. Mark White have been entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. Grow and two daughters of Mansfield, Texas, and the Misses Anna, Martha. Marjette and Lovey Hiatt of Sidney, la., and Mrs. F. R. Gobelman of Plattsmouth, at a house party at their pretty country home, from Tues day to Thursday. STRAYED. From my farm at Mynard, one male hog, weighing about ,100 pounds. Phone R. L. Propst, No. 54S, who will call and pay all damages. JUDGE PROBST IN TOWN. Judge James W. Probst of Louis ville, was a business visitor in the city today - having business at the court house, and while here called on the Journal. Judge Probst is a very clever gentleman, and in conversation with the Journal man,-he said that business in his line was very quiet; in fact he declared that he had had only fined one man this summer, and that man was one who was before him last February for drunkenness. This man had been allowed to go, so he could earn money to pay his fine, and he hed left, and returned later, when he was called upon the carpet, and a fine and costs were put up. Rosencrans makes another trip to Chase county Sunday evening. Are you prepared to make the trip with him this time? You will see land sell ing for a price that is well worth the money. 1 J. JUNK WANTED. -I- If you have anything that is J classed as above, bring it to our $ -1- yards, or phone 505. Maga--l zines, rags, rubber, metals, and ! iron. Highest crsh market price I paid. Plattsmouth Junk Yards, La.coln avenue. Ben H. 'ITar.k- J iiison. ! tificate of discharge to each person tention to see that industry receives uy or 10 wnom a claim tor discharge fair prices for its products, has been filed, in accordance to those I Price? Declared Excessive. iu.v.-, u.m resuiuuons, u in me opinion 1'rices now charged for materials ot the local board, such claim has necessary to the industrial life of the been substantiated as required by the nation are out of all proportion, tho ruies ana regulations ami the right to statement said, to the cost of produc n cevt ifien it if A i cVi n ycra Kunn rjK I 44TT ii r L .. inuiu- hum. u neoiiscionauie proucs, it is hshed. These certificates may be ab- declared are made on national re solute, conditional, or temporary, as sources entering into the manufac- a uie case may require. tnre of articles consumed by the pub- Cerufy Last. he. The local boards shall certify to Already the administration is pre- iVta. illf f.A I. . .-. , . 1 , f . "iin.i uuuius, i ne names anu i paring ior drastic action to reduce addresses of all persons drawn by prices, if negotiations with manufac such local boards who nave not been tuters fail to produce results. Robert exempted or discharged; also, they IS. Lovett of the war board, who made shall furnish a list to the district public the statement, declared t!i boards of those who were called by government was ready for such a con- the local boards and who have been tingency and felt confident it could exempted or discharged. meet the situation. If possible, he said, File With District. it hoped to achieve success without The local boards shall file with the resort to legislation, district board each claim for exemp- What Food Bill Does, tion or discharge, together with all 1" the senate today Senator Pom- affidavits and papers filed in tonnec- erene introduced a bill to authorize is a simple atachment to oro on Fords (or other cars) to con tion with such claim for exemption the president to fix the prices of iron, vert tiem into pract;cal tractors. " ui-uiaigr, iiieiuumu me rCCOrUS I "' ". mJ meir pi ouucis ::na -pi r ,1 l i . r f i i n- pi iv-c ui mc: taiiacuiiieiiL is j i ij on roras, ITiuCll FA Sp-Jfi.JtxWNi" I S 1- XJ - vr-. :,r. -,.tv .isim The Puilford $145 INSTALLED Dear papa, we hope that thou art not dead, But sleeping in quiet rest. Many are the tears that are shed while we Hope that thou art supremely blessed. e . l i . .. . . lt i ... i A- , , ui me pnysicai examination, and also l" ieguiaie men- prouuciion and sale a copy of each certificate of exemp Thou art gone from us below; We hope a crown thou will obtain, Although we weep we bid thee go, For we hope to meet again. tion or discharge issued by the board. Publish Names. Within two days after certifying such list to the district board, the local board shall post a copy of such list in its office, in a place accessible to the public view. It shall give an- The administration attitude in de manding that American manufactur- a request for publication. District Boards. District boards will hear anpeals our dear children. whil thpv from the local boards, and MPrf.;.- must think original jurisdiction in matters cf Of you while in Jesus thou dost claims made for the discharge of ner- other copy to the public press, with crs se to the "Hies at the same And prices as to this government is that since there is a common purpose and since the allies are buying their sup plies with American money, justice requires that costs be equalized. Two restrictions, however, will be sleep. A little babe has gone on before, High up in that heavenly land, And we do hope to greet thee With that heavenly, happy band. Thy sister's tears are flowing, too, While thy brothers, they must weep; Thy Savior called and bid thee go, Now free from toil and pain. And your many friends, I know, Are thinking of you when in that Beautiful land you soon shall see, and the Face of your Lord you soon shall be hold. Written by His Wife. sons engaged in certain industries, in cluding farming. Notifying the Persons. After the closftg of the cases the district board shatl notify the person of their decision. If the decision I.e. against the person he shall stand called to military service. Should the decision be that the person be dis charged, a certificate shall be issued to that effect. Heat Prostration. FEDERAL AGENTS TELL OF GREAT EGG WASTE All medical authorities agree that one of the principal factors which governments force their own produc- operate to produce the various forms ers to sell to other governments at of heat prostration is constipation. If the same prices charged at .home is you attend to your bowels regularly, to protect this government and at the you exclude one of the most import- same time to establish a system to ant predisposing factors. Triner's prevent any of the allied nations from American Elixir of Bitter Wine is the profiting at the expense of its asso- best remedy you can use. It is pal- ciates. atable and its effects in case of con- A Harder Problem. Lincoln, Aug. 8. Federal agents) stipation are quick and sure. It gives I The war board believes that Amer and inspectors of the Nebraska food I relief without griping and debilitat- I iean manufacturers will accept the commission say a recent investigation ng. Also for indigestion, headache, suggestion concerning prices to the has shown a waste of 20 to 30 per sleeplessness, nervousness, general allies without the use of force. It cent in gathering and transporting weakness, etc. Triner's American feels that the knowledge the govern-effs- Elixir is sincerely recommended by nient already has power, or can pro Five per cent waste in shipments thousands who know its reliability. cure ifc from congress, will be sufil during hot weather should be the Price $1.00, at drug stores. Triner's cient to persuade producers to follow maximum, according" to federal agents Liniment helps you to do away with the board's suggestions, who said criminal prosecution may rheumatism or neuralgia. It is ex- The subject of prices to the public be brought as a result of the inves. cellent for stina snrains. cw0ti,nr.-c presents a harder problem, but ad- tigation. nnd foliAvoa Via rotio-na ftf I ministration leaders hold that the re They said similar conditions pre- feet. Price 25c and 50c, at druir duction of prices charged the govern vailed at Omaha, Lincoln, Beatrice, stores: by mail. 3"c r.ndv50c. Jos. ments in itself tends to lower prices fremont, Falls City and other shin- Triner. Manufacturing Chemist. 1333- generally. ping pomes, iney blamed the farm- 1339 5?. Ashland Ave. Chiratro. Ti er ior not gathering eggs regularly unci Keeping them in cool places. . I . .1 .1 -.1 through the federal trade commis- cneaPer inan anY other similar attachment. sion. Full power to control the sale The Puilford will do the work of four horses and does and distribution of foods, feeds and not eat when it is not working. If you could buy four orood St? wV7n ,to the government to- hcrses far $145 you'd think they were mighty cheap. day in the final passage of the food rr . i i lL r i r nr i control bill. or Practical work on the average farm the Puilford is the very best investment the farmer can make. It will pull your binder, do your plowing, discing, har rowing, pull your manure spreader, haul your heavily loaded wagons to town; in fact, it will do about all the work your horses will do except planting and cultivating your corn. The Puilford will pull any load that your two best teams will pull and do it easy. Pleace Write or Call on Us for a Demonstration. enforced in selling to the allies. One is that the allies themselves must ap ply the same rule in selling to eacli other and to the United States and the other is that the arrangement must be limited to articles actually G. H. Reese, Agent for Cass County usea ior war purposes. Restriction Necessary. Officials hold that the last restric tion is necessary as a protection to American industry and intend that no raw materials shall be sold abroad at low prices to be made up into manu factured goods and sold back into the United States in competition with American dealers. The requirements that the allied ass Oounfy Puilford Company, Plattsmouth, Neb. DELCO-LXGHT . I ' MMtHI I H SELf-CRANKING I (J J SELF-STOPPING i 1 D 11 j jgf f fj BALL-BEARINGS I Mn- H f AIR-COOLED 1 I rnbkt' t BURKS KER0SEH2 j , . l fl II H I - fj frjft ' ' DELCO-LiGHT BATTERY m fH4Sff if 'DELCO-LIGHT D. OF H. TEAM NOTICE. THREE GIRLS WANTED. Call at office during: day, or be tween seven and eight o'clock in eve 2- 1- X 2- -f I fI J I X J. ning. Olson Photograph Co..: 8-7-4fdjto .be present. ' ! The members of the Degree of Honor drill teamiwill meet Thursday evening:, August 9th, with Mrs. John Claus. All members are requested ... 8-7-2td CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears , the Signature of works for me every day in the year, furnishing electric light and power! We have had our Delco-Light in operarion nearly a year, and it has not given us a minute's trouble and costs very little to keep up. Last fall when husking corn, it was before day light and after dark, when we were doing our chose, that the Delco-Light came in handy. It is the best light any farmer can get. WM. PORTER, Union, Neb. Thirty thousand other users deriving pleasure and profit from Delco-Light. Two sizes, $350 and $420 f. o. b., Dayton, Ohio. ISY ROSENTHAL, 538 South 25th Ave, - - N - Omaha. Neb