The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1917.
Che plattsmouth journal
Etered at Postofflce t Plattsmouth. Neb., a second-class mall matter
Everybody is very busy.
He who loafs is net patriotic.
Many farmers were in town Satur
day. -rot-
There are too many conflicting: re
ports. :o:
One day you set a battle report
and the next day it is denied.
What we need in congress is less
hair-splitting and more rail-splitting.
Are you doing your share of pa
tiiotic gardening? If you are not, get
to work.
The prices of foodstuffs is getting
to be a good deal of a luxury, even
in cornmeal.
:o :
The man who really recognises the
good qualities of ethers is never with
out them himself.
Love in a cctlage is ideal when
the cottage contains something more
Mi'oslantial than love.
The girl who is unable to find an
ideal man is generally willing to ac
cent anything she can get.
A gun ha:i more than ordinary in
telligence. It seems to .always know
wh. n a fool rrc ts at the right end of it.
-tot- us al! hang Old Glory to the
ii:ee:'.e on
oration day, in com-
n nio! at ion of tho:e. who saved the
to t-
The piicc of gasoline keeps going
up. but then anyone who owns an
auto is always supposed to have
money to burn in this manner.
YViih eggs in danger of going to a
dollar a dot'.en the next winter, a
flock of laying hens will mark the
owner as a potential millionaire. Have
voa'the hens?
After returning from a marketing
tiip the other morning, a lady re
marked to us that the old-fashioned
notion that two can live as cheap as
one, needed considerable alteration.
. Keep it constantly in your mind
that the Plattsmouth Chautauqua be
gins Thursday, June 2S, and will con
tinue for six days. The attraction?
are first class in every respect, and
arc guaranteed to satisfy.
There is a lift in every lute. His
torians now say that one of the rea
sons why ('oorge Washington smiled
fo seldom was caused by the fact that
lie bail such poor teeth. But he didn't
win the war of the revolution with
his teeth.
The man who makes potatoes grow
where weeds used to grow is as much
a patriot as the man who makes shot
and '-.hell or bayonet. Edison and
Purbank are better men for their
country than ten Hindenburgs or
"False economy means stagnation
failure and defeat of the very aim-;
for which the government is striving,'1
raid John G. Shedd, president of Mar-
: hall Field & Co., in an address at
the spring meeting: of the NationaJ
Dry Goods association in Chicago last
A number of business men of tho
neighboring towns have adopted the
cash system altogether that's han
on the fellows who want their spare
change to tend to the mail order
houses and wants the horns merchant
to carry him along until the oats are
threshed. However, the cash system
is the best, if people could only be
come educated to the fact.
No American citizen respecting
himself and respecting his country
would desire to see the United States,
involved in the world's most terrible
war, play nothing more heroic than
a sutler's part.
On our entry into the war we real
ized that it was the British fleet that
was protecting our commerce from
certain destruction and our shores
from possible invasion. We realized
that it was the line of British and
French troops extending from the
North Sea to the Swiss mountains
that stood as a shield between our
selves and the most formidable mili
tary power of history. Realizing, we
have strained every nerve and muscle
to provide the needed materials for
the great democracies whose blood is
flowing like water in championship of
the cause that is also our cause. We
have given generously of our great
wealth to provide huge loans for the
nations whose own resources have
been so frightfully depleted. But,
though our national sympathy and
moral support have gone with our
our contributions of money and mate
rials, we have known that the money
was lent at interest and the materials
sold at a profit much of it, indeed,
at a scandalously high profit.
No so could this mighty republic be
content to limit its services. It would
be shamed forever to leave the sacri
fices to be the undivided lot of others.
A war that is worth entering is worth
fighting is worth the libations of
blood and tears that are demanded of
ill whose hearts and souls, whose
possessions and liberties and ideals,
are tied up in it. He would be a
sorry arid base champion of any
cause who would choose to remain
safely in the rear of the line of dan
ger, profiting by the business that
rew up as an incident to the
struggle, and counting that business
as his sufficient contribution.
This is the all-sufficient reason for
ending our troops to France and
Belgium, our warships to European
waters, our engineers and hospital
corps and marines to serve where the
need is great. But even if it were
not, there is another reason, plain as
the blazing noonday sun, why the
might of our mahood must follow our
money and our wheat and our muni
tions to the scarred and blood-soaked
soil of France. It is that our troops
are badly needed there, and those
who are fighting our battle are urg
ently calling for us to come before
their own strength is spent. Russia's
virtual detachment from the war for
months at least, possibly for good,
has enabled the kaiser so to strength
en his western line with guns and
men that the entente cause is jeop
ardized on land the same as on sea.
France's 17-year-old boys and 50-year-old
men all that sho has left
have been placed on the battle front,
and if these be overwhelmed then
France is lost. Great Britain is hard
put to it to keep her present forces
replenished and supplied. If as a re
suit of this most totanic battle ever
fought a battle that promises to en
dure for months.--the sullen gray tide
ci the German hosts should flow over
the annihilated armies of the en
tente, then there . would be nothing
and no one left to help us in the fight
for democracy. The burden would
full all on our own shoulders, and we
would have to arrange for long years
of war involving the loss of possibly
millions of American boys before the
v f
world could be saved and made safe
f r democracy.'.
And so we are putting our very
h"cs into the w,ar, (as we should,
prompted not only by self-respect and
honor, but by considerations of vital
pclf-interest. The president is losing
not a moment of time to make our
strength' apply where it will count
quickest and count most. He is un
willing to make any dubious experi
nients. Ho is sending to the front not
untrained ..volunteers under an un-
trained soldiery under a veteran gen
eral, a grim and brave and experi
enced warrior whom all the world
knows and respects. He is planning
to follow this first expedition with
others just as fast as the men can
be gathered, trained and equipped.
It is not politicat warfare, but scien
tific warfare, that the president pro
poses. It is warfare with the whole
power of the republic behind it.
The German government, that ex
pected and invited war with the
United States; that discounted it on
account of our unprcparedness and
weakness, as it thought; that has
sneered at our military strength and
dreamed we would -fight only a paper
war that government is about to
learn of its serious mistake. The
United States is neither puerile nor
pusillanimous. It has the capacity
and the courage to make itself mighty
in war as it is in peace. In the su
preme and awful crisis that is test
ing the nations, that is proving out
the ideals of the world to decide
which shall live and which perish, the
United States will not be found reck
less nor its ideals those that are des
tined to death. To establish that this
is true we, as citizens, must devote
ourselves unitedly, counting no price
too great to pay to keep the Stars and
Stripes floating, no secrifice too costly
to preserve democracy as the hope
and inspiration of all the peoples of
the earth. World-Herald.
Another thing that has been largely
responsible for the sensational price
boosts in most of the staple foodstuffs
has been the dope sent out from Wash
ington. Almost every day the papers
carry articles bearing Washingtor.
date lines telling of the present and
prospective shortage in grain and live
stock. Naturally these alarming semi
official statements carry considerable
weight with the country and the ten
dency is to aggravate an already bad
condition. With a little sensible econ
omy on the part of the people no ont
is going to need even go hungry.
Food is coiner to cost a lot of money
during these war times, but theA; i?
going to be enough to go around an
abundant opportunities for everyone
to- earn the moneys to purchase food.
It's a good time to do a little level.
headed thinking and figuring and nc
time to get panicky. South Omaha
Journal Stockman.
The Blair Pilot throws this monkey-
wrench into the wheels of the gringing
machinery: "How about all that talk
that preparedness was to keep us out
of war?" Riverton Review. Tht
president urged preparedness and its
friends said and believed that if we
were prepared it would keep us out of
war. The trouble was we had a lot
of sapheads who fought it and defeat
ed it and we have war because wo
were unprepared and the kaiser knew
we were unprepared and he did not
count us any factor to be taken int'f
account. It will now take us at leas
a year to be fit to join the battle in
France. We have men plenty oi
them brave men, too, but that is not
a modern army. We must do what
we should have done two years ago
prepare." Orleans Chronicle.
The smiles on your face and the
kind words you have spoken will stay
on earth when you have passed over
to the Great Beyond. This will be a
good thing to remember.
With a favorable season it can reas
onably be expected that 5,000,000
bushels of corn will be produced from
Cass county farms this season, and it
may reach 6,000,000.
Mark the prediction., When the re
cord is made up for 1917 it will be
Nebraska that heads the list of states
that produced the foodstuffs for the
U3e of the allies.
When you get the worst of it, ac
cept the situation calmly, because tho
chances are that you can't do anything
about it, anyway.
That was some rain Monday night.
Somewhat cooler, in, fact, too much
The rain was general throughout the
A good mule is like a good rulc-
! it works nicely both ways.
Ireland can have home rule wheu
she prepares herself for it.
Get ready for chautauqua, which
begins Thursday, June 28.
No need to tell your neighbors who
and what you are. They know.
It will take a lot of "booze seekers"
to exhaust the invisible supply in Ne
braska. -:o:-
There are, however, many kinds of
slackers those in your home town,
for example.
The rain Monday night is just what
the farmers needed, if it was a little
more than necessary.
Blessed is the man who uses your
telephone and does not mark up your
wall with a lead pencil while talking.
One fine thing about being a mili
tary hero en tour is the fact that so
many pretty maidens offer their
One thing sure, when Uncle Sam
wants the services of experts, in al!
lines of human endeavor, he can have
the pick of the best experts in tho
world in the west.
The secretary of labor in the presi
dent's cabinet, officials of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor and tho
Council of National Defense have had
to work together to avert a threatened
strike in the Pennsylvania coal fields.
They appear to have succeeded
through some promises of better
wages and improved conditions, but
there is no way of enforcing volun
tary agreements brought about by
official intervention and influence.
In a time like this, when so much
depends upon regular and well con
ducted means of transportation and
distribution of many kinds of supplies,
there ought to be some authoritative
and effectual way of preventing
strikes in employments affecting im
portant public interests. We are now
in the war and the government needs
a fidelity to its interests and its sup
port that can be enforced.
Great Britain at the beginning of
the war had much difficulty in putting
a stop to strikes which were costing
lives and large losses of property, and
imperiling national interests of great
moment. There had to be imperial
legislation in what is known as the
defense of the realm at to put a stop
to this. With a good deal of difficulty
the object was substantially attained
But there have just been some local
strikes in munitions works which
brought out a warning from the sec
retary of the ministry of munitions
created early in the war, of the seri
ous consequences that may be incur
red. Those inciting or leading to a
stoppage of work in munition factories
in England are liable to a penalty of
servitude for life, or a shorter term
at the discretion of the court.
It is to be hoped that workingmen
of the United States will vindicate the
principle of democratic self-government
by showing fidelity to it and giv
ing it loyal support in a time like this.
In doingso they should be fairly sup
ported by their employers and not
have to be subjected to compulsion in
the face of any reasonable demands
Employers and employes ought to be
at one in supporting the government
in the exercise of its war power.
New York Journal of Commerce.
Another good and inexpensive sub
stitute for tubers carrots. Add a
dozen eggs, a quart of molases, five
pounds of sugar, five ounces of salt, a
pound of rice, a square foot of beef
stead and you will have an appetizing
and delicious dish and feel that you
are doing your bit for your country.
. :o:
Be kind to everybody, and you can't
help but be happy.
Wiffr reference to the Liberty loan,
all of the bonds will be fold to a cer
tainty. They provide an investment
such as wealthy men are always seek
ing. Aggregated wealth stands ready
now to take the entire issue of two
billions. If wealth is allowed to ab
sorb these bonds the poor men of the
Lcountry will pay the cost and the rich
will get the advantage.
What the government is trying to
do is to induce the people everywhere,
the poor man as well as the moderate
ly well-to-do, to buy these bonds. This
is the government's desire for at cz.r.'
two reasons. One of them is that it
tends to quicken the popular interest
in the purposes and progress of de
mocracy's war. The other is that if
the people universally subscribe fo
the bonds they will cjnoy the invest
ment benefits and will not feel that in'
the issue of these bonds the govern
ment is lashing a burden upon their
backs by fastening a great annual in
terest charge upon them for the bene
fit of the rich purchasers of the securi
ties. The popular repugnance for bond
issues is due to the consciousness that
the government bond is a device hi:
which wealthy men exact tribute fron
the masses. This will not be the case
if the masses possess themselves of
the bonds and enjoy the interest that
accrues therefrom.
Clever financiers are always maneu
vering for bond issues, so that they
may buy the bonds and exact the inter
est. The 3V per cent which thes'i
bonds will beat does not look large
to the average man, but the clever
financier recognizes the worth of the
investment. lie knows that-the im
munity from taxation they enjoy aT
most doubles the interest rate.
Besides the government has pro
vided that these 32 per cent bonis
may be exchanged for any bond the
government may issue hereafter 1 ear
ing a higher rate of interest.
The absorption of this bond issue by
the. mases is desired chiefly becausi
it will be an expression of popular
approval of the war for democracy.
Two kinds of bonds are to be issued
bearer bonls and registered bonds.
The first, in denominations from '.rC
to $1,000, will have coupons attached
for interest installments, which may
be torn off as they fall due and cashc,1
at any bank the same as a United
States note. The registered bonds, in
denominations from $100 to $100,000,
will draw interest payable in govern
ment checks sent out semi-annually tr,
those holding them.
Anybody with $."0 in money o.
credit at a bank can buy a bond ami
get the interest on it, instead of help
ing to pay that interest to some cap.
: :o:
We would all get along better if
we would attend strictly to our own
Burlington employes receiving less
than $250 a month, excepting those
whose wages are fixed by agreement,
and laborers whose wages recently
were raised, will receive a 10 per cent
advance. This announcement wa7
made by President Hale Holden.
1 :o:
The lawyers tell us that ignorance
of the law excuses no man. And then
we are solemnly informed that th
law making bodies of the country,
state and national, have passed no les .
than 02,550 laws. WV11 plead guilty
to the charge, whatever it is.
Californian Had
Kidney Trouble
Jack Maltos, Copperopolls. Calif.,
pays: "I had such a severe case of
kidney trouble I thought I would have
to sell out my business. I took three
bottles of Foley Kidney PlDs which
entirely relieved me and I have had
no recurrence of kidney trouble since
Some days It seems a3 If you can
no longer bear the pain and misery
?ou suffer from kidney and bladder
roubles. The ache across your back
grows worse "with every move you
make and every step you take. It
Just seems to rob you of all strength
and energy. Your head aches, you
are nervous and worn out, sleep poorly
and have no appetite, stomacii is up
set and bowels Irregular. I
Foley Kidney Pills lessen the pain, I
until It Is finally gone entirely. They
give strength and tone to the kidneys 1
make them strong, active, their ac- !
tion becomes resular a-n d normal
again, and your health srowg better
each day you take this great healing t
medicine. j
And Druggists Everywhere. . j
rirst -security Ban!
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which lias readied nearly $1,- N
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER, President
W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Caahier
No frost yet, for a wonder.
The farmers are busy planting corn.
The potato crop will be immense.
Thc? blackmailer is worse than the
midnight assassin.
A small flag is just as indicative of
loyalty as a large one.
A man strictly loyal to his country
is the noblest work of God.
The salaried man can't stand aroun )
and talk and earn his wages.
Decoration day next Wednesday.
Decorate your placs of business in
honor of the soldiers who sleep in Oak
Hill cemetery.
Cut out the luxuries, eliminate the
costly potato and buy rice. In a few
weeks it won't cost more than twice
as much as :;puds.
Most people in this city have ceased
discussing the war in public. But
there are a few slackers who still in
sist on doing so.
The cyclone season is on, and this
section of Nebraska has escaped any
indications of this kind so far, and we
hope, for all time to come.
Keep in mind that Plattsmouth's
first chautauqua commences on Thurs
day, June 28, and that every attrac
tion is guaranteed in every respect as
first-class and up-to-date.
''crmary is reported to be facing r.
coal famine unless conditions change
before next winter. The German peo
ple will not be alone in feeling the
pinch of a coal shortage unless condi
tions in this country are changed.
A Washington dispatch says that
the federal law has been cistrued to
prohibit the wearing of the flag stock
ings. Possibly it was held that in
these tiying times there is enough al
ready to distract the attention of tho
average man from his patriotic duty.
Auto : Bwer
wi tlx. present coric?iiions at the various factories exist
ing and the scarcity of freight cars in which to trans
fer autos, it is a cold fact that a great many buyers will
be disappointed at the inability of agents to secure cars
with which to fill orders already sold. We anticipated
this condition early and bought a supply of cars of both
"Studebaker" and "Maxwell" autos and can make im
mediate delivery to you. Think this matter over care
fully and call on us or write and ve will be pleased to
give you a demonstration of either make.
There is a raise in price of both makes which we
can avoid if you will act quickly. Subject to stock cn
Studebaker 6-50, f. o. L. Detroit $1,250.00
Maxwell 4-40. f . o. b. Detroit 940.00
Maxwell 4-30, f. o. b. Detroit 635.00
El f3233
Cedar Creek
Yil t h !
A half million dollars worth
of perfectly good farm ma
chinery is thrown in the scrap
pile every year in Nebraska.
Farm work is the hardest
work there is on machinery.
Castings break, bearings
wear out, shafts bend and
break. Things get dull and
pill hanl, gears rattle, smash,
bang and crash, paint gets dull.
Many farmers throw away
machinery and buy new, be
cause they are not aware that
we can in nearly every case re
make such machinery equal
and in many respects better
than new.
We do not care how bad your
machinery is smashed or worn,
they all look alike to us; we re
make them as good as new and
save you money.
A dollar saved is a dollar
earned; keep your money at
home and you may get it back
again, besides it helps us to
employ home labor.
Put your machinery troubles
up to us; we have the best
equipped machine shop in the
country; if you don't believe it,
call and see us. Visitors are al
ways welcome.
We make everything in
metal. Now is a good time to
cvcrhaul things for the spring
L. C. Sharp.
Plattsmouth - Nebraska
If white flour is too expensive, buy
brown flour. It doesn't cost much
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
Don't Miss J'his Cut out this Slip,
enclose with oc to Foley & Co., 2835
Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing
your name and address clearly. You
will receive in return a trial package
containing Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound for coughs, colds and
croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley
Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
s In This-B