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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1917)
TAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1917. The EMiehawka Mills are now Rolling and Manufacturing the fifi Utter Bdl" IFIiw' "Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting, For on the top shelf it now is roosting. The best cooks wherever you go Use this famous flour, you know. They just set their yeast and go to bed, For they know on the morrow they will have good Bread. J. M. C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop. JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller. For Sale by All Dealers M1LUK0FF QUITS RUSSIAN CABINET, FOREIGN MINISTER Provisional Government Unwilling to Admit Soldiers" and Work men's Element. IVtroprriul, .May K?. Paul X. Milu kotF, minister of foreign affairs, has resigned, leaving the cabinet alto gether. 31. Tereschetenko, minister of fin ance, has been appointed foreign min uter, and A. F. Kerensky, previously minister of justice, has been named minister of war and marine. Having discussed the conditions under which representatives of the council of workmen's and sailors delegates would consent to enter the decided today that it was unable to ac decidd today that it was unable to ac cept the first of these conditions. This called for the enunciation as a fundamental principle of a foreign policy openly pursuing the aim of leaching as soon as possible a gen eral peace without annexations of in demnities, on the basis of the right of nations to work out their destinies. The provisional government was unable to agree to such a principle because it did not consider possible any renunciation of principles set forth in its proclamation of April 9. The provisional government thinks it necessary to confirm the unity of all allied fronts and insists on an ener getic struggle against anarchy. To the financial and economic reforms mentioned in the council of work men's and soldiers' delegates the gov ernment raises no objections, regard ing it as part of its task to realize such reforms. The executive committee of the duma has approved this decision of the government. The composition of a coalition cab inet proceeds. U. S. First Loan to Russia. "Washington, D. C, May 1 . The government today made its first loan to Russia, $100,000,000, bringing the amount thus far advanced to the al lies up to ?i;2."),000,000. The American commission is going to Russia in what amounts to be a race against time, with only two ob- GIVEN T, J. E3 Saturday EVERYBODY INVITED ADMISSION Gents 25c; Spectators 25c; Ladies Free BRANDEIS BLDG OMAHA, NEE. AN office smitarjum fully equipped with every modern electrical and scientific "apparatus ustful in the treatment of all non-contagious diseases. Especially helpful in rheumatism, neuritis, disease o' the kidneys, liver, tomach. and other internal organs. All treatments and baths given tinder direct supervision of physician by grad uate men and women nurses skilled in sanitarium work. Careful examination of all cases" made before treatment is undertaken. The Solar Sanitarium offers trert ments equal to any along: similar lines, and may be had at moderate cost. Kndorsed by leading physician. Write for full inform ation. Address H. A. WAGGENER, M. D. 410-418 BrandeiaBMff. Omh.Nb. .in jects in view, it was stated on the highest authority today. These ob jects are: The convey to the Russian people the gratification of the United States at the transformation of the ancient despotism into a republican form of government, and to render any help ful service it can to aid the new gov ernment rising from the ruins of the empire. The commission has no purpose to sway the judgment of the Russian people, as to which faction shall con trol in the organization of a perma nent government. This statement was made to meet sinister misrepresentations by Ger many in Russia which are calculated to provoke some of the Russian fac tions into making a separate peace before the American commissioners can arrive in Petrograd. To Prevent Self-Poisoning. Bowels clogged with waste matter poison the whole system. Foley Ca thartic Tablets work gently but sure ly; do not gripe nor couse nausea. Recommended for indigestion, consti pation, sick headache, bloating, bil iousness, sour stomach, gas on stom ach, coated tongue, bad breath or oth er conditions caused by disordered di gestion. Sold everywhere. When baby suffers from eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. 50c a box at all stores. AT THE UMJL Evening, 094h Local News From Tuesday's Dally. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was in the city today looking after some matters in the district court. W. F. Moore of near Murray mo tored up this morning to spend a short time looking after a few matters of business in the city. Adam Meisinger and wife of near Cedar Creek were in the city yester day for a few hours looking after some matters of business. H. C. Creamer of near Murray mo tored up this afternoon to look after a few matters of business in the city with the merchants. Ed S. Tutt of Murray was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of business and visiting with his friends. Constipation causes headache, indi gestion, dissiness, drowsiness. For a mild, opening medicine, use Doan's Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. Wendell Heil of nea r Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours looking after some business matters and calling on his friends in the coun ty seat. Wendell Heil, of Cedar Creek, was attending to some business matters and visiting friends in this city to day and while here was a pleasant caller at this office. James Terryberry came in yester day afternoon from his home near Cedar Creek to look after a few mat ters of business and call on his many friends in the county seat. R. W. Hyers, former sheriff of Cass county, and one of the pioneers of this locality, came down this morning from Lincoln to enjoy a visit here with his old friends for a short time. Mont Robb was a visitor in the city today with Mrs. Robb and Miss Gus- sie, as guests at the home of Mrs Mary B. Allison. While here Mr Robb was a pleasant caller at the Journal office. -' Jesse Perry, Frank Barkus, C. C. Wescott, Dr. T. A. Truscott, C. A Rawls, Rev. H. G. McClucky, E. C Hill and Hallie Perry were amonp those going to Union today by auto to attend the meeting of the First dis trict Sunday school convention. John A. Doughty and daughter. Mrs. A. J. Tucker, of Nehawka, mo tored to this city yesterday after noon for a short visit with friends and to attend to some important busi ness matters. While here thev took time to call at this office and Mr Doughty had his subscription extend ed for another year and had Mrs. A J. Tucker placed on our list, in order that she might be kept posted on happenings throughout the county. From "Wednesday's Daily. J. M. Palmer, D. D. Adams and George Marks of Nehawka were in the city last evening to take part in the meeting of the Royal Arch chapter of the Masons. Roosevelt has the consent of con gress to enlist as many soldiers as he may need to go to France. Now, let's hear from Mr. Bryan. E. A. Kirkpatrick of Nehawka came up last evening to attend the Masonic lodge and visited over night at the P. E. Ruffner home, departing this morning for Omaha to spend a few hours. Edwin Jeary, of Lincoln, came down this morning to spend a few hours looking after some business matters at the court house. The man who persists in not send ing his children to school ought to be fined. The law in this regard is very strict, and punishable by a fine. John A. Whiteman, of Nehawka, was in the city today for a few hours, looking after a few matters of busi ness and visiting 'with friends. F. J. Hennings, wife and son, Her man, came in last evening from their home near Cedar Creek to share with the members of the Hansen family the deep grief that has been visited upon them. Charles S. Stone, the Elm wood banker, was in the city yesterday for a few hours visiting arid looking after a few matters of importance in the county seat, motoring down from Omaha in a new Buick. Peter Gradoville, Frank Ashenbren ner and Julius Kalasek departed this morning via auto in company with Tom Svoboda to Omaha, where they will look into the possibilities of being enrolled in the band of the Fourth Nebraska infantry. Martin Frederick was out in the country for a few hours yesterday visiting at the farms of his sons and assisting in the planting of the corn crop. He was accompanied back to this city by Mrs. Louis Frederick and children to visit for a few hours. I. W. Wolf came down this after noon to enjoy a visit here with his friends at the Masonic Home for a s!:.rt time. C. F. Harris, assessor of Liberty precinct, was in the city for a few hours today looking after some mat ters at the court house. S. W. Orton of Weeping Water was in the city last evening attending the meeting of the Royal Arch Masons at the temple in this city. H. R. Neitzel of Boise, Ida., was a visitor in the city over night with relatives and friends, being en route to Detroit, Mich., where he was called on some matters of business, depart ing this morning for the east. O. P. Newbranch and wife, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Earl R. Travis and family, for a few days, departed this afternoon for Omaha, where they will visit at the II. E. Newbranch 'home in thatcity. Edwin Jeary, an attorney of Lin coln; J. II. Rogge, lumber and grain man of Elmwood, and C. S. Aldrich, cashier of the American State Bank at Elmwood, motored to this city this morning to attend to some important business matters and visit friends for a short time. They were pleasant callers at this office. From Thursday's laily. Ben Beckman, of near Murray, was in the city today for a few hours, looking after a few matters of busi ness. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy ife, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price $1.00. James Forgcrty of Havelock ar rived this afternoon to spend a short time here visiting with relatives and friends in this city. Frank McNurlin, wife and daughter, Miss Dora, came in this afternoon from Mt. Pleasant precinct to visit for a few hours with their relatives and friends in this city. F. J. Hennings and wife came in this morning from their home in Eight Mile Grove precinct to attend the funeral of Henrietta Hansen, which was held this afternoon. . Mrs. I. M. Howard cf Sac City, la., who has been bet e visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Hayes ar.d family, for a short time, departed this morning for her home. She was accompanied by her granddaughter, Jane Hayes, who will spend the .summer in Sac City. Mrs. Franc'.1.-, Higgir.son and little son, who have been here enjoying a visit at the home of Mrs. Jacob Yal Iery and other relatives and friends, departed this morning for Denver, where they will make their home. They were accompanied to Omaha by Miss Mathilde Vallery. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Light Brahma eggs, $1.00 per $5.0(1 per 10i. Telephone Murray 1121. Mrs. J. W. Stones, Mynard, Neb. 4-10-1 mo wkly FOR SALE OR TRADE. Hupp roadster for sale; or will trade for livestock. Inquire of Ray Smith, or cail Phone No. :J422. i-30-ltwkly :o: SOCIAL DANCE. The Cosmopolitan club will enteitain at a social dance at Coates' hall, Saturday evening, May 10th. Everyone is cordial ly invited to be present and en joy a good time. Music will be furnished "by the Holly Saxa phone orchestra. Admission, gents, 50c, ladies free. Free check room for the ladies. t t AUTO AT AUCTION. We will sell at public auction in front of the Plattsmouth garage, n Monday, May 21, at 2 o'clock p. m., one Hudson automobile, taken for storage and repairs. The Plattsmouth Garage, one-half block outh of Bank of Cass County. FUNERAL OF J. li. TIPTON. The funeral services of the late James B. Tipton will be held tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. II. G. McClusky, and the in terment will be in Oak Hill cemetery. SUGAR AT $9.30. We got in a carload of sugar and are selling it at $'.).50. The sugar is nice and fresh. No fire in this sugar. Don't forget we brought sugar down $1.25 per sack. We are trying to treat the people to reduced prices on every thing. A. Palmer, the Fire King. 5-lG-tfd CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3 O Years Always bears the Signature of 7 - ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE DOES IT When your shoes pinch or your corns and bunions ache so that you are tired all over, get Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the footbath. It will take the sting out of corns and bunions and give instant relief to Tired, Aching, Swollen, Tender feet. Over 100,000 packages are being used by the Allied and German troops at the front. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. SUGAR AT $9.50. We got in a carload of sugar and are selling it at $9.50. The sugar is nice and fresh. No fire in this sugar. Don't forget we brought sugar down $1.25 per sack. We are trying to treat the people to reduced prices on every thing. A. Palmer, the Fire King. 5-lG-tfd TO TRADE. I have a good Shetland pony, 2 years old, that I will trade for a good work horse. Inquire of W. R. Egen berger. 4-20-tfwkly Display the American flag, all sizes and prices can be found at the Journal office, when desired. How's This ? TVe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cace of Catarrh that cannot be cured by JlaM's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sutTiTers tor tin- past thirty five years, and lias become known a.3 the rr.ost re-ltrhlo remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medh-ine acts thru the Blood on the Muco'js surfaof-a. expelling the Toi son from the Blood and lioaliny the dis eased portions. Alter you have tnlcen Halt's Catarrh Medicine for a short time yen will see a sreat improvemev.t in your general health. Start takinrr Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and pet rid of catarrh. Ser.u icr t'sti'nrinbUs. free. F. J. CIIrJ.SKf & CO.. Toledo. Ohi-.. Sold by all Drupcists. 75c. HE PORT OF THE CONDITION r Tl! K Plattsmouth State Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska Charter No. 7'' IiH-o!lt)::i!'d in tin1 stale ..f N-lra-i!.i. at the cl . f 1'iisiiM ss. May Tih. I:: .". i:E.on:rr:s Loans and discounts ?-";:. i:'t; r-i vMilr;itis l.):- 4 4 1 5oi ii is. si cur; tics, judgments. claims t l.' :! 1 : a 1 1 U i i iir lii'ii-'.f ii riw 1 1. t- and li t uivs 1.4711 eo Current expenses. tu.cs and inU-iesl na'.d 4.-": o:: Cash items . . .. :. :: 1 ;e f mm nalicnul and st site banks. . i'.s.-17 44 Ch'-cks and iic:i:s cf cvlinne ... Currency tiold coin S-ilver. nioUcU and cents 1 .." .'I' .;imi ii I.;. n: ;; Total i . .1 4 i.i.r.ii.rnr.s Canit al si.m-u- paid in c.'MUW 00 Mirplus fund ii.i'ee 00 I 'iidi v ided piutils ?.!." i; 1 1 1 1 i i i ii a t deposits Miiijict tu check 1 i; I in) lifUKiml cert iticates of deposit 1.1m lit Time cei l ;:i, a:-s if deposit ' K.t'.-" (''.' t ':t-!i it-:-'- checks out t :i ndi nr .0 Noti'i am! Iill re discounted Nom Kills p;iy;ille None 1 epositor'.s guaranty fund t Total :i.-c.::rj Statt ok Nkiiihska. o: . i y uk C ass I I. .1. M. Kobei t caMiur of he alHivc nami-d hank. li hereby swear that the a!oc statement, is a co-n et onil l rue copy of the letnit t made to the M ate Itaiikin' lioatd, .1. M KoiiKitTS 1'a.sliier A 1 1 est : j.i. It. Mkckkii. Ihreetor. I. Pai.tkii. lMrector. suiisci jlicd and sworn to before me this l."th lay of M ay. P.M7. K. It. Winoiiam. Notary Public Heal My commission expires Del. I'.'. K'l REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the Bank of Murdock CHARTER N'O. CIS Of Murdock, Neb., Incorporated in the . State of Nebraska, at the close of business, May 7th, 1117. i:r.sori:cr lyonns and discounts f i:u s-v. 4t t vcriraf is l!ankin house, furnlturu and fix tures Current ex peuses, taxes and interest paid 4 000 0 7"0 4. Hue from nat'l and state hanks Thtt.lij hi Cheeks and items of ex change 7 T" Cut i-enc.v :i.-7-' i'i Cold coin niO en Silver, nickels and cents. r' .:: 10. ;;s.i s Total fcUSSO: 10 I.IAHIMTIKS Capital stock paid in ?i:..ono 00 Surplus fund .'" 0) I inlivided profits L'.U.".!" : Individual deiosits subject to check II1,0'.'S p-j Timo ff.vt w of fle- Cashier's checks outstanding :S.-!'J 0I- .'7.M:! H 1MIMIS " Ueposiloi s truaranty lunu I .til Tii Total 10 STATF. Ol-'NETlKAPIvA l ' County of l ass t 1. Jl. A. rJuthmaiin. Cashier of the above named bank, do hereby swear thai the above statement i a correct ami iruccop. oi the report made to the stale isantiim; iv.aru. II. A. Gl'THMANX. Cashier. Attest. , ' Henry A. Tool, director. .1. K. (iuthmann. director. Subscrtled and sworn to before nie this I-'tli daj of . 'j.'K''p Notary I'uhlfe Seal My commission expires March Xo. ly'O CHICHESTER S PILLS Wrv TIIK IIAMM ltKAM. A Ladies! Aon. y our I'ruceUt iT t lil-cbca-ter'a innmonu isrand 1'illa in Itt d and iol4 mrt illic I'oics, sealct with Rl'ie Kilibon. Take no othrr Hut of vonr Itruffe-Ut. A,kfor'IU. IIKa.TEITS lli l.lM II F A N l IM1.I.S. for iii tn ye s known as Best. Safest. Always Reliable SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE "Show lour This is patriotic week in Plattsmouth and every citizen should display the flag on every hand. Fling Old Glory to the breeze at your home and place of business show your colors. Wc have Patriotic Ties, Patriotic Caps, Patriotic Hats, Patriotic Hat Bands, Patriotic Pocket Flap, White Silk Handkerchief with silk flag embroidered, Black Leather Belt with flag buckle, Flag Buttons and Flag Stickers. Always earliest with the latest! Wesett's United We sell for less be- Qotlife cause we buy for less MURDOCK. (Special Correspondence.) -: Mr. Calvin Feuhrcr spent Sunday with his parents at A roller, Xeb. Leah and Louis Smith and Mr. and 31 is. C. Miller and Mrs. M. Thimiran left Monday for Hastings to attond the funeral of a relative Tuesday. Miss Eva Sorick spent Sunday with home folks. Mrs. Carl Coll. of Blue Hill, was the truest of Miss Lottie Colby last week. Gladys Sorick Mas unable to work at the of lice this week on account of the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. J. Forma n and .sons, of Alvo, spent Friday niyht with Mr. and Mrs. Rush. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. MePonald were in Omaha seveial days the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gaur and family spent Sunday with Mr. and 31 rs. Dan Pan ska. 31 r. and 31 rs. Westfal spent Sun day with 31 r. and 31 rs. Henry Schleuter. Mrs. II. F. McDonald and children spent the week-end at Sprinplield. Anna Scheil underwent an opera tion I'.ir appendicitis last week in Omaha and is reported improving nicely. Ida IJornbeck made a business trip to Missouri this week, returning on Wednesday. Miss Rolle Hullish spent Saturday and Sunday in IMattsmouth. hi VERY J- K ' , VJ: . oi oar windows to see those engaging new Stetsons. Then they come in to buy scores of them. One of our customers said he had intended wearing his last year's selection in spite of the way hats were'goin; but one of the Stetson's in our window "got him." And then he picked out two for us to send home. Come in and try on several of them. We'll not be disappointed if you are not ready to buy. I till in cJiuiviui!' u 13 r 31:. T. T. Yoiiii., oi" Ashland, w;s in ti.wn Wednesday. Andrew Schliefer, little son -if An drew Schliefer, had the misfortune, to break his arm this week. Hi-rold Tool was in Alva Wnlr.e---day. 3Iiss Hoy Canaday ,spent Saturday and Sunday in Water. 3Iiss Tillie Rornemeier. i.ecom by Mrs. Campbell, came imnie from Des Moines. Ia., Thursday to spend a few days with homo foil s. She returned the latter part of the week; where she is attending the con servatory of music at Highland Park. The 31. W. S. of the German F.van church met Sur.d afternorn at ti e church for their monthly busi ness meeting. 3Iiss Catherine Tool, accompanied by one of her teachers, 3Iiss Hummel, of - WeepiiV' Water, snen: the week end with her parents. 3Ir. end Mis. William Rikli and Mrs. spent Sunday with Rev. and 31 rs. Schwab. 3k Kay Veachc. of Dos Mob es, la., was the jjuest of 3Iiss Tiliie Ror nern eier this week. A number of .Murdoch y uint; folks atter.ded ihe Louisville Hi.-h Scho d play Tuesday niht. X'fver can tea wln-n you'ii irah a lir.uer or suffer a cut, b.uise, 1 urn or yeah I. Re pivp.-i: ed. Thi..-anls rely on Dr. Thf.mas Kckviie Oii. Your druj.ri.-1 .ells it. H.V and o"c. C:fTce will be served at th market of i-i. -Mary's Guild ne:;t Saturday afternoon. Drop in and enjoy a rare treat in this delicious renast. U hour throngs of men li ana young men stop in ironr ! 3 41' f