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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1917)
V t - I- THURSDAY. MAY IT. 1917. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACT! 3. iwtsiwii.uar. ALVO NEWS ITEMS i-i i ! I i 4 i ; 4 J I ) u ?? J) f krvjAjS? foi . w mm 4 A eS&i MM te?KrjJk4&i' -i.:f tx!;& K'tr.'T.i 1 J k -i V-f5 fiat kK vess& fe-a. lassy jsl iy ..a. Non-AIcoholic: The a 3 Hoppy" Drink 3 fs 7 T naj p mm fiouit Gases Solicited! 01.- im ntiosniuui ED. MASON, Proprietor Garage Phone 394 - - Residence Phone 229 b Unbeatable l'?ed the World Cv-er- - Used by U.S. Government 77c Ord Rcliabfe 7ht fJev.rr Fails - 5 c. 25 c. At Druoaistn THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD-AVOID SUBSTITUTES A IN CAMERAS aSFEEDEXHLT i HE ideel rnmliinnfinn i; nn Ansco Camera, Ansco Specdex Film and Cyko Paper. An Ansco Camera, because no ether makes picture-taking so easy and pives such splendid results ; Speedex Film, because it is dependable and fast; Cyko Paper, because it brings out ei'erythi;:r in the negative. See our assortment of Ansco Cameras from $2 to $55 and Ansco Photo Supplies. F.G. Fricke&Go. Telephone IG 4 No. l AFoWine Ansco. I'rnfs. JR.. $17.50. riourrs. x 4 irri-nrs. 1 - a real mm will enjoy. tie or two of PABLO, cheese, crackers and some sandwiches. PABLO added to the lunch or dinner means more happy fellow ship. Its delightful'hoppy" flavor adds a snap and zest that everyone enjoys. Get PABLO, ice cold, at any place ill at sells drinks or lv the case : You'll 'like PABLO. It is healthful and refreshing. tiixjiSla Made by J. E. YTy ) . J. E. McDAMEL, If your car is not fully efficient, bring it to us. The very best of mechanics in our employ. Our business is to give full ef ficincy. We are fully up to the work, and prepared to remedy any and all trouble. We like to have our expert workmen on their mettle. Our storage facilities are the best. Our charges are reasonable. Your patronage is solicited and will be appreciated. Call cn our new location, South Fifth St. yarage Exterminator ( 1 Hp W Here is treat that you A ccld bot- Pabsi at Mil waukee McDAMEL, Distributor. GRAND ARMY Assembles at Columbus With Five Other Patriotic Societies in Joint Session. Prominent Ofiicials Present Hot Race Expected for Department Commander. Coiuml us, Nt'l., M:iy l'. M rr.hcrs ni the Grand Army of the Republic, Veb:rnska department, or:u!i:oi here todr.y to teg-in their forty-flrat r.r.nur.1 ircrmprr.cnt, meeting in conjunction with the United Spanith-American War Veterans, who are hoklir.i? their tenth annual encampment. The se:; ions are to continue until Friday nijrlit. In view of present national condi tions, the encr.inpmer.t-. this year have attracted more veterans than hitherto, and the three days' program i.s crowded with speeches, drilling exhibi tions by the local members of the Boy Scouts, and "camp are" talks by the veterans. If the weather permits the encampment will conclude with a mili tary drill by all members present who will shew '"how they did it in 'ul and '98." The speakers for the sessions have been chosen from men well known by 'ho soldiers. Commander-in-chief General William J. Patterson cf Pitts buiirh, Pa., has accepted an invitation 'o address the veterans tomorrow. Governor Neville will be here Thurs Jay nipht. as will Chief Justice Mor rissey, who is a veteran soldier. Other speakers include: V II. Stewart, de partment commander of the Grand Army of the Republic; Colonel John G. Maher, department commander of the United Spanish-American War Veterans; W. T. Church of Chicago, and Mrs. Ida K. Martin, national vice ire-ident of the Woman's Relief eorps, of Minneapolis. Mrs. Martin will be the jruest cf the corps at Omaha the ns t of the week. A spirited contest is expected in the ace for department commander, can didates for which office are Colonel Wilrcn E. Majors cf Peru and J. S. Uoajrlarid of North Platte. Both men are prominent in Grand Army circles, ar.d each has a. larpre following. Today's session is to be given over entirely to the reception of visitors. A large delegation came up from Oma ha this morning. Hard work for Women. It is doubtful if there is any work harder than house work. Overwork tells on the kidneys, and when the kidneys are affected one looks and feels older than the actual years. Mrs. A. G. Wrells, R. R. 5, Rocky Mount, N. C, writes: "I cannot praise Foley Kidney Pills enough for the wonderful benefit I have derived." Sold everywhere. ENGAMFIEPIT R. W. Stewart ha i bu-iness in Oma ha Friday. Mrs. IL A. Bail y vvss in Omaha last Friday. Dale S. Bowles hud bu-ir.. -: in Oma ha Monday. Sam Cashner was in Omaha cn busi ness Tuesday. Little Eula Biiu is or the sick list at this writing. Mrs. R. F. Johnson was trading in Lincoln Monday. Geo. Brown was in Lin. day on business. Mrs. Chas. Avers was trading in neo:ri v. e' The Alvo Tckphun-.-tall ins: a new twit:-hi c m a r. v i i a - ,.,) L-e Clark a .id V.Vdr.esd .r. in Omaha 'i ues Mr. and. j : o ' j t v were Omaha Monday and Mr. art: Mrs. L. B. Appk-man w-;o t jading in Lincoln Saturday. Mi:-. Fred Dc:kman and daughtc-,-were Lincoln visitois Sr.turtiay. Ed White and uaiij hii r, from south of town, -.ver.' hi Omaha Saturuay. Mis. I',ra Shatf-T a'ai daughter were Lincoai vi.-iton: W ednesiiay. Fred Prcuty shipped two carloa '.s of cattle to Squill Omaha Monday. Will Sutton was looking at automo biles in Omaha Friday of hast week. Ban: S. C. Bovks was i7i Lincoln Tuosdav a::i Vv eur.c on bus:n John- Murtey fhipped a cr.rk a each of cattle and hogs to South Omaha on Tuesday. of Nashville. Teun., tonk dinner Wtd with Tur. and Tdrs. J. A. Sn oh was i i Ch. part of la -i Ct: Nib., the latt a i-w da vs. and Mrs. Cle -r.oe BucIimH of Univeisity Piaco s icrt Sua lay wi.h : clatives here. Mrs. Dak- S. Boyl.s sotui r.ed fr-m Lincoln Men Jay. alt- r a tew tiays' vu it wi.!i r iati es. Mrs. r.z a i "owi-. ot ,-! a:aiai is vi-- king with R. F. Juhn-.n f..r a few ilay. this wee;-:. Paul Froh'ka of Ib.iir.: and i.ifr.:!.- S W 1. it- C. Bucknoil ing his dau;?htrr, Mrs. t i ; i v tras wee :: r.n Geo. P. Ik reman ar.d Aurcl, mo- son, Chas.. ar.d daugh;. tcred to Lincoln Saturday. Favh;. r Higgins and his mother, of, an 1 Mrs. W. K. Saso-y of Omaha, and her !;c, rdr... I'anitls, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chv.k. Mks Laura Parsoli and Kari lh earner spent Yues day evening with Mr. an.: .Irs. (kr.a Lewis. Cha. V. Raseno'.v an J fami'.y nto torc ! to Murdtck Sunday otning. vis iting his brother, Frank Rj.-euow and family. Mis. Sally Waldchlagor of Hannibal. Mc, retained Monday, after vi king h.r aunt, Mrs. E. L. Up.e r!,ve, the ast wetk. - Mrs. Frances Ca,h and baby c I rivmouth visited hum Saturdaiy till luesdav with her V-TirerU. , -Mr. Mrs. A. N. Myers. Mrs. Eimer Barre.t and okiidrc-n of iluvck'.-k, r; turned r me Saturday after rpending the week with her mother, Mrs. Joe Armstrong. Chas. I'. Rosenov and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ciark and daughter motored to Elmwood Saturday to visit Ciar.dpa and Grandma Roser.ow for a few hour.-,. Mr. and Mis. Ray Clark, Elmer r.-'.-cno-.v a;ai Karl Rosenow, and Mr. :a- 1 Mrs. Clarence Prairie Home So: ball game. Buokr.el! autoed to lav to witness the FOUNTAIN PEN TO GIVE DRINK ZEST Omaha, Neb., May K.. Reports have been coming to pel ice of near beer topers who cairy fountain, pens filled with r.lekhcl. It is said that these near-beer drink ers carry the fountain peri in their vert pocket, ar.d :'..ui.e it over the alass of alcoholics.-; suds at a near- b :-er fountain to ;ut th- eld-time kick .io tne oevi After the-" -ge. stir up the near-beor and alcohol, they have real beer oT 3, i or G per cent, according to how lore; t-hey shake th? fountain pen. The av eiagc shake of a pen over a glass is said, to put one and a half per cent a'cobcl in the drink. The police are trying to find where the leaded pens are sold. IOlt SALE. A number of buggies, horses and light harness; in order to make room fr other wagons. M. E. Manpoaker. u - ct Cc er, '!nb V 1 z ar.a iioieery Misses Dra- MiDDYS We e f. . iu ring tne e-liss ,-u" Muklvs and Middv Suits. All mat, rials are of the v- ry best a; d the colors are guaranteed workmanship cf -sa-'-.-rlor kind. Origina.l and clever designing, including i.o cities that you find i.uwhere else; including new rumb.-rs. trimmed with the now- " 1TC Sl.85-S3.09 fV!Z3 VALUE! fitr pin? u 3 PTiS'! "nfi'i Ikesident Anxious lor Laws Dealing .Vj'.h Ccntro! and Pro duction. ashir.gtcn. May Members of at Ion to stop speculation in. com- kgh r.titt kae- toda: rejio ted to Cvi- that President Wilson Ij un eaxious for early passage of ion to ston fv-eculation m f'.Kds eTulate proc ion and distril-u- t'on. Tne food situation innks second only ) ihe army and navy in im portance for the war, the president told the committee members at a White House last night. It seemed probable today that all ."cod legislation non-ling in congress j will be re-arranged in three adminis tretion bills one providing for a food survey and stimulating production, al ready raider C'Oi-ideratior. in the sen o:e an other regulating distribution and prices; and the third authorizing a system cf preferential shipment?. Attorney General Gregory today dis arred s of the federal investi gation into high food prices with Rob ert W. Child..-? and Geo-ge W. Ander : en, special assistants in charge of the inouiry. The Balanced Life. Re ing in the bc.-t humor and feeling fit for woik is a sign that you are loading a well balanced life. Such condition " of unimpaired vitality in creases the iesistar:oe to attack of disease?. Take Triner's American Eb:'r cf Ritter Wine to invigorate your intestines, nerves and the whole 1 adv. It stimulates the d.gcstive or gan: to normal activity. You cannot get anything better for constipation. headache, flatulence, nervousness, all ,-tomaeh troubles, general weakness. etc. Trice C-1.C0, at drug stores. Tri-:;o;-s Liniment brings into your home di -r)r' da'de remedv notli tor serious '.raatism, nenra: or ac- . and for simple lefroshme-nt'of ivscles ami feet. Pi ice 23c ami tlicd ( ;k-. Ji.s. T-irer, Jlf?. Chemist, 1333 S. Ashland" Ave., Chicage, 111. For Rent Five-room house. All mo.k'in except heat. Will be vacant aft?! 1st. One block from Main street. Call cn William Barclay. For Sale or Rent 5-rccm house with V '2 let-, on Wintcrsteen Hill. Call Phono 1 ".:?-J. 5-8-1 wkd nowias 9 The new lingerie is cecided!' attractive this reason and is here in full assortment end brightest attractiveness. 7 he Mnveiope Chemise are cf sheer fine mate ria!?, soft and daintily trirr.rr.eci back an:l front. Wonderful values at. .$1.00 to $2.50 i he Night Gowns are of fine nainsook, and cambric; ali 1 1 stvles trimmed .G5c to $2.00 White Petticoats, newest styles, with embroid ery or iace trimmed flounce 50c to S2.00 laboraLeiv trimmed v.rnh ribbon and 25c to trimmea with I'tce ana 25c to Re productive for your coon try. Make yonr own ce thes at home. This is the example sot by the noode women of Fraiice. Duc tcrick Patterns give you icknt- icaliy the same smart, simple worn .:aire 1 V Fasith Paris. our jur .-a-ieei; row Buiterlck Pattern Department PySn 1 QUALITY! I 1".XJ!; j-tigfi.i- CXiZ5 strip strci'At b v. r& s. - is now in excellent pcGllicn for d hinds of repsir .vork, hsvins secured tho cervices of an export mechanic with ton yesrs experi ence who v.'l'A hrA'c charge of this depart ment. and a Complete Line of Goodrich gf Michelin Tires Also Tires for AH Give Us a Trial on Ycur Car Needs! How : the -TV Grace of .Youth May he yours Lalie?, tliis nr"V snpportinp; corset is a wonvler! Tho Spencer Io jtivcna Corset gives even tlie mafund, stout 'figure the lines of leauty and ?tle the erect, trim carriage of vouih. A Epnal Design for In this corset ou unconsriouslv ftraiaht'm np. Yoa f'-ol crcrt and eav ; and ycu 1-jftk it. Lath Kejaveno is made e-ocially to your ni-i-urc and it must fit yon rrfeclly lx fore you c;v.i line it. At the Panama-Pacific Kxpo!:!tii it was awarded the Gobi rMetlul ihe highest avi.ird. It supjxirls and reduces the rbdon.t-n in surh a healiidul way, and froia pruves the circu lation that physicians recommend it. MATERNITY AND SURGICIL CORSETS A SPECIALTY. rrirr t ! 1 nr n Tnnlr-rti!tv rfirift- PtDPi-i.TlIv dr:i"'nr.'? for r.icb ?rririli " client, wish ihe abdominal Support that may Gies normal ti.iirc, cor.dort an.i salcty. ii.iii-i.p rS:pi.In lifni.r"' f..-r (Tiiwln'r and nii.- l't'ib!e ytm ev.r saw. We doin a special corict for jour daughter S to meet her individual needs, without extra charge. MRS. EVA REECE, Telephone 3 J .rh- crepe, Tiretiiiv $1.50 m - $1,00 FREE! One regular -l.'c free with every Vizard P-.di.--h. a-uaranteed. tndk- T)Li-ter itisA ct i.ri sei've the lik- of your 1 i ri n by usin.r w Inhadeum Laijuc It rlso lvf'v.-her.s tl.o iir.kli a ir.i id! r. All oe r, 25c to $1.00 r'1 y J5 VP a SERVICE! t ra t J All Kinds of Repairs. 'if 1 (Lersct Ejrh i be raised or lowered as repaired. Jj W onrj-s A T-onT rnrcrt vrt if Tilifct T HM CORSETIERE 547 LJ Li o r 7T