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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1917)
PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THt'RSDW, MAY 191- E. VV. THiiVSGAH, Cass County ft Also agency for DODGE BROS. for Elmwood, Stove Creek and east half of Tipton precincts. For demonstration phone 35 - E. is MURDOCK, NEBRASKA, or JOHN GAUER, Cedar Greek, Nebraska GERMANY WILL NOT SUBMIT PROPOSALS Address Iy Imperial Chancellor Yon Bethinann-HulUt g Slated fcr Thursday is I'ostpontd. REGARDED AS A FEELER. Copenhagen. May 2 (Yia London). The speech which wa? to have been r.'.a ie in the reichstag by Dr. von Ecthrr.ann-iloliweg. the German chan cellor, ha- been postponed to a more fitting occasion, according to word re ceived here. At a caucus of the majority socialist- in the reichstag. the group that supports the policy of not embarrass ing the chaneelU-r and the govern ment, it was decidel to defer an in terpellation that had been proposed regarding Germany's peace plans un til a more, suitable occasion. German System a Failure. Am.-terdam (Yia London), May 2. Th- Ih.mhurtrer Fremdenblatt has cme to tiie concha -ion that the Ger man political sy.-tcm is a failure and nu-t be changed.. The paper says: "There i- no use theorizing. There is something wrun with our govern mental yten, as is clearly proved by ('.-, political failures, an! in fact by the whole war. "Fresh blood must be infused in the government." The Fremdenblatt advocates the re moval of the bureaucratic harriers in -.rder to allow the parliament and government to work in harmo.iv. ITS NOW ComfOTt A tad A ride in any of the Willys-Overland models will enable you to understand the luxurious riding qualities of these cars. All details having bearing on the comfort of these cars have been har moniously balanced. ample wheelbase and large tires shock-absorbing cantilever rear springs deep so ft upholstery roomy body with with side seats proper balance in construction Each one of these features does its important part in absorbing the jolts of rough roads. You ride smoothly in solid comfort. Every model in the comprehensive Willys-Overland line is built to a rigid standard of performance, appearance and comfort. Each car is, we believe, the dominant value among cars of its kind. ( ( ( ( ( ( Plattsmouth, Oars Murdock, Neb., ft ft gency of cither car call or C, or write 8 ft ft 5 Scries cf Feelers Expected. Washington. May 2. Reports of fresh peace offers from L'erlin hi ought forth the statement from the British niission todav that a series of feelers were expected during the next few months as an immense amount of quiet peace efforts had been under way by Teutonic emmissaries. Germany was stated to have made advances proposing surrendering its conquests in the cast and west on con dition of retaining its Balkan way to Bagdad and Mesopotamia, but the al lies hae been more united against that plan than against any other pro posal. WILL SEND ARMY TO THE FRENCH FRONT Washington, May 2. The French commissioners today had assurance that the American government is willing to send troops to France one of the urgent recommendations they brought to tliis country when the allies believe they can afford to spare the necessary ships for transporting an army and its equipment across the Atlantic. The administration has put aside the objections of the army general staff to sending any troops to 'the battle front until a big force has been raiser and trained for nearly a year and lias decided that for the sake of the moral effect on America's actual participation in the trench battling, a small contingent shall go forward a s soon as possible. This will be seen, it is believed, al though the government is mindful that nearly ."oo,u)0 tons of shipping would be required for a regular army unit of l!i,HiiO men amount would have from carrying food. and to b that this . diverted Light Fours Touring ; $GG5 Roadster $G80 Country Club $795 Rig Fours Touring $900 Roadster $885 Coupe $1250 Sedan $1450 Light Sixes Touring $1025 Roadster $1010 Coupe $1385 Sedan $1585 AGE MAY BE 21 TO 35 IN CONSCRIPTION LAW Indications That the House and Sen ate Will Compromise in This Way. House Not Expected to Agree to the Roosevelt Expedition Propo sition. Washington, I). C, May 2. House and senate conferees today began the task of adjusting differences over the annual army appropriation bill and as soon as settlement is reached, they will seek to reach an agreement on the army bill, repassed by the senate yesterday, over which there are more serious differences. An early agreement on both measures is hoped for so as to send them on to President Wilson for his approval this week. Prospects are that the house con ferees will refuse to agree to the sen ate amendment which would permit Theodore Roosevelt to raise a volun teer expedition for foreign service. Most of the other major differences are beliewed to be susceptible of ad justment, including those on ages subject to selective draft and the sen ate army prohibition amendment. The senate bill specified the ages sub ject to draft at from 21 to 27 and the house at from 21 to 40 and indi cations are that a compromise will be effected fixing the minimum age at possibly 21 and the maximum at 35. The war emergency bill carrying ?2,S27,n-.-n,G5., was taken up in the house today for final action and its prompt passage with but few dissent ing votes virtually was assured. The bill appropriates $2,320,591,- 907 for the army, $503,339,073 for the navy and the balance is to meet extraordinary expenses of other de- partments arising chiefly from the war. Debate on administration espionage bill continued in the senate today and will be kept before it continuously until disposed of. Senate leaders hope to pass the measure by the end of the week at the latest. A similar pleasure is pending in the house. The senate already has voted approval of the so.called censorshin section of the bill, although there is nothing to pre vent its consideration again. Strong opposition is looked for over a provision wnich would authorize the president to declare an embargo on exports that might go through neutral countries to Germany and Austria. PREACHING AT CEDAR CREEK. Rev. A. W. Reinhard will occupy the pulpit of the Cedar Creek church on Sunday morning and evening, May 13. On Saturday evening, May 12, .Mr. Keinhard will give a stereopticon lecture on the Holy Land, preceded bv a humorous set of slides with a good moral. Willys-Six Touring $1425 Willys-Knights i Four Touring . $1,395 Four Coupe A. $1G50 Four Sedan t. $1950 Lour Limousine '. . $1950 Eight Touring 1 . . $1950 Advance in price, Big Eour and Light Six models, May 1st next de ferred until that date account too late to correct advertisements 'appearing in magazines circulating throughout the month of April. All prices f. o. b. Toledo Subject to change without notice. OF STATE M. W. A. OPENS AT NORFOLK Norfolk, May 2. One thousand Modern Woodmen are arriving in Norfolk today to attend the annual stato camp meeting. Three forester teams from Lincoln and the crack team from Omaha are among those arrived. State Deputy Wester, of Lincoln, arrived in Norfolk Monday to look after, the preliminaries for the big day Wednesday. N. C. Pratt, chairman of the law committee, of Omaha; A. R. Talbot, Lincoln, head consul; E. U". Cook, Plattsmouth, medical director; J. G. Ray, Lincoln, assistant to head consul; Ralph John son, Lincoln, Ijead organizer; S. D. Woodley, Lincoln, special deputy; A. P. Martin, Chadron, special dep uty; C. E. Renter Lincoln, lecturer; C. E. Rullock. F.dncoln. district dep uty; Col. J. C. Elliott, West Point, state consul; W. F. Hitchcock, Ster ling, state clerk, are among the dis tinguished visitors already here. Wei. come signs floated from various points in the city and special efforts have been made for housing the dele gates. Special trains have come from Lincoln and Columbus and will return Wednesday after the session closes. , CARD OF THANKS. To the many neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us. and for your words of sympathy extended to us during the illness and death of our beloved daughter and sister, and for the beautiful floral tributes, we wish to extend our most sincere thanks. Your kindness will never be forgotten. J. P. Schroeder and Family. P. Schrocder and Family. H. Schroeder and Family. L. Keil and Family. ATTEND FUNERAL. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Schroeder of Wymore, Neb.; Mrs. Rert Lansen and son, Milford, of Rellevue, Neb.; Mrs. M. Paulsun and two daughters of Omaha; Mr. Walter Martin and Mr. McDermott of Rellevue, Neb., were here Wednesday in attendance at the funeral services of the late Anna Schroeder, which was held Wednesday afternoon. Had a Yery Bad Cough. This letter should interest every reader: "Last winter I had a very bad cough. I used medicines, but they did me no good. I took one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it cured me. (Signed) Y. DeKeuster, Amberg. Wis.' No substitute is as good as Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold everywhere. A large assortment of all sizes of American flags can be secured at the Journal office. Call in and see them before buying. ) : Nebraska 00 TOMS IPS SUN! il ft ROT UfCrif r i w r r w Destruction Threatens Existence of England and France and Alarms the United States. Appalling Rate of Loss Made Known at Conference With Governors. Washington, D. C, May 2. Secre tary Lane told the governors confer ling here today with the Council of National Defense on the part shtte governments will take in the war, thav the federal government had lieiird 400,000 Ions ef shipping bad In en sunk in the last week by German sub marines. The destruction, Secretary Lane said, was not only thi eateivrig the ex istence' of England and France, hut was alarming the United States. Study of inventions to combat the j submarine menace i- being diligently pursued in th- interior department, he said. The United States must build shipe as rapidly as possible, he tc!d the dele gates. "If we don't fight the war on the other side," he raid, '"we .shall fight i'. oil this side of the Atlantic." Thinks Long Mar Ahead. Secretary Lane declared he believed the war would la.-t several years, and that every resource of the country must re i-.rought into place, m order to bring it to a successful coriclusi.-.n. "'Many perrons thouirht." said Sec retary Lane, "that all we had to eo was to issue bonds and that Germany would bow her head in submission.. Nothing ecu hi be farther from the truth. We do not know when t'ri war will end. It may n t be a one year war. Personally, I believe it will last several years. Herbert C. II cover savs Germany has food enough to a-t two years, perhaps longer. '"(lei many has put up the greah fight of history and she lias the r vantage of now i!e.'!itin" a u fen- sive warfare. Don't g back h' rre and inspire your people with the thought that immediate action can bring this war to an immeliat- end. Your people must look to this yeai's crop and next year's crop and the next after that. "We can't alfoid to f-ii in this war. Every man in this country is involved in this work and every man in this country is a soldier." MISS WHITE HONORED. Miss Rertha White of Omaha, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Francis E. White, foimerly of this city, has been selected as treasurer of the Crche :. Omaha, which position has beer, held by Mrs. C. Dahlman. Mis White has been ejuite prominently identified with this line of work for a number cf years and has been very active? in the Creche, and the recogni tion of her services by the society is well deserved. TEN GIRLS AND ROYS WANTED. In each t:mn and school district, to re!! our popular American flag stick ers and pins. Send us ycur name and address, plainly written, and we will send yea a supply of these to sell to your friends and neighbors, and when soTd we will paj' you in REAL MONEY. This is a fine chance for hustlers to make some spending mon?y. Send us your name NOW and he the first in ycur neighborhood to sell this popular novelty. OLSON SALES CO.. Bex 320, Plattsmouth, Neb... 2twklv ROSE COMB R. I. EGGS. Best strain; fertility guaranteed; $1.00 for 15; $5 for 100, F. O. B. Union. Call or write. L. R. Upton, Union, Neb. 3-15-tfw A large assoitrrcnt of all sizes of American flags can be secured at the Journal office. Call in and sec them before buying. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Light Brahma eggs, $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100. Telephone Murray 1124. Mrs. J. W. Stones, Mynard, Neb. 4-19-1 mo wkly GASTO R 1 A For Infants and Children. 3n Use For Oyer 30 Years Always beans the Sitftiaxure cS 400.0 SH nn: -z We wish to extendfa special SsivstatioBi to our friends and patrons To look over our nice new line of Aladdin Aluminum. There are many new pieces that you have not seen or heard of before. The cooking utensils are all made of Aladdin Aluminum of extra heavy gauge and special analysis. In design and practicability the utensils are a revelation. ALVO NEWS ITEMS Pel IV. Ed Nickle v.- nt to Lincoln Mon- 'nJemar as iii Lincoln Mon- George II: il ) d busine-s in Lin en n Mi riiur.'de.y. . M-.d Mis. Die): Eili ii were L. La ant- vn was in Lincoln on busire-s Monday. George Shocsley was in Lincoln on business Monday. (kill Gar.z, of Lincoln, visited with friend- ever Sunday. Kme-'l Wo d spent Monday ami '"ee.-d-.ty in Lincoln. Dcam Kamm went to Lincoln Tuesday ".i bu-ine-s. Dr. L. Muir was in Lincoln on pro fessional business Thursday. Dale S. Boyl"s was transacting business, in Lincoln Mor.eiay. Mr. and Mrs. Orvidc QucUh'or.-t vt re shop!iar in Lincoln Monday. Mrs. Harry lV'-vIl entertained the Ladies' R-adir-g club last Thursday. TTe'.ry Clapp and ClitTord Apple man were Lincoln visitors Monday. .Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse were .orpin-:' lit (kipi'al City Thurs. cav, Lick Davis wr - at Lincoln Thurs for the Alvo Grain dav on busines Co. Rev. and Mr?. Wagr.e home Tue-ckiv from a few returned ;vr," vbit a' Hastings. C. O. Morgan, of Line dn, town this week helping datk at the elevator. is in Davis ). a. ;kh nth.d. of 1 coin, was in iing to Ids vn '. e..not-(!aiV atu bu hwrs interests here. Miss Rachel Stanley, of Louisville, vis!i .d Saturday evening and Sunday wit:: Mho Marie Stroemer. Glenn Weaver, of South Rend, vis ited Wednesday with his cousin, Mrs. .1. A. Shaffer and Mr. Shaffer. C. II. Jordan was in Malcolm from Monday till Wednesday. He attend ed a sale of tine cattle Tuesday. Chris Dreamer went to Lincoln Sunday to visit his brother. Ferd Dreamer, and family, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey are home from Lincoln, where Mr. Mur tey was a member of the Nebraska legislature. Lincoln I,. B. Appleinan was in Friday. His daughter, Miss Gladys, accompanied him home to remain un i :i -: in -Sunday. La Yerne Stone is home from the State university for this term and will assist his father on the farm this summer. Mrs. Will Lewis and father, Dave into, left Monday for their home at O'Neill, Neb., after visiting here the ppst couple of weeks. Fred Weaver, of South Bend, was in town Friday getting some work cone at the blacksmith shop and vis iting at the J. A. Shaffer home. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hardnoek- were in Lincoln Tuesday, purchasing fur niture for their new home, which they will occupy the first of next week. Joe Foreman came down from his ranch near Stewart a"d spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Foreman, returning home Friday. Alvin Cashner, of Lincoln, was vis iting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner, last Sunday. His cousins, the Misses Yera nd Marie ; Proutv, were guests also. wilSnm E G.ov. of Southland, although he was disappointed ' Mr; Side. Omaha, and her mother, Mrs. Daniels, of Nashville, Tcnn., UV n have been visitintr friends here, re turned to Omaha Friday evening. May being Mi.-:.-: Aurel Foreman's fourteenth birthday, the members of the f: ehman and sophomore clas.-es tendered her a surprise. There were eighteen present and they spent a very enjoyable evening. MURDOCK. . V (Special Correspondence.) John Gakemier left Sundav for Iowa. -Mrs. H. Reeve went to LincVdn Wednesday. Mrs. O. W. Gillespie is on the sick list "this week. Mi.-s Eva Soriek spent Sunday with her parents. Catherine Tool spent the week end with her parents. Mr. M. Sorick was a passenger to Lincoln Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Schwab spent Tues day with Leo Ricklis. Rev. Martin, of Canada, is vi.-it. ing in Murdock this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Bronko were Omaha visitors Tuesday. Al I'ersion and Warren Rogers were Omaha visitors .Monday. Miss Belle Bullish was in South Bend between trains Saturday. 31 r. Mclntyre was a passenger to Lined n the first part of the week. Henrv Renter and Calvin Teuhrer were in Linvr In between trains Tues day. Charley Schafer spent Sunday and Monday in Omaha, visiting his brother. A number of pupils have been out of school this week on account of sickness. Some of the Murdock farmers re ceived $2.C5 per bushel for their wheat this week. Mr. Louis Amgwert was in Omaha and Council Bluffs visiting his daughters last week. The elevators handled about 100, 0o0 bushels of corn this month, pay ing out about $1"0,000. Fred Stack and John Gust in were among those who shipped cattle to South Omaha this week. Emil Miller sold his property to John Amgwert. Mr. Miller is mov- j ing this week into the Pickle house. Mr. May, of Chicago, was in town this week disposing of some corn ;.. .i-i. u.. i,.,,i ...i f. ca.hIi .r I vA'r.l)nsh. He received per WHICH lit Il.tvi tn litn Jill 111 .t..i bushel. Will Gakemier, of Chicago, is vis iting at the home of his pa rests Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gakemier. Mr. Gakemier and Will were Omaha pas sengers Monday. News came to us last week that .uiss i loy tanauy n;ui n .-... principal of the Avoca schools and Miss Belle Hulfish as grammar teacher at South Bend. .Mr. Crabtree, of Weeping Water, was in town this week looking for a black shepherd dog, which was lost last week while Mr. Crabtree was hauling corn to Murdock. The musical program given by the Y. P. A. of the German Evangelical chinch Sunday night was greatly ap preciated by all present. A sum of money was raised to help pay for their new piano. John Krueger returned the latter part of the week from Omaha, where he went to join the navy. Upon his second examination at Omaha it was found he was unable to pass on ac count of an accident while in youth. in not getting to go, we are glad to -,lV . - - - - - wate&