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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1917)
: R'IAY, MAY 3. 1917. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Murray Departm If any of th ifadf-rs of th Journal know .f any ocia! event or item of inn ret in t)n.- vi -irii y. ami vil n;ail sauif lo t his rtfhff. it will ai-r-ear under iliis li-aiiir sr. We want allutwsiteaiS Lditob 1 Sob Ktf V gj - AT MURRAY- Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers v !,!SWa The 17th episode of An-iy Cample!l was vi iitirar in Mu:-j C'-I'.r.e! Sey!)uit was shr.kin: hands i L L w - iberty ray Monday. Mr. a;id Tslrs. Georue Kay were ?Iur with h:. ntar.v cettnty scut fi lends on ' Monday. &A1 ii?y visitors Tuesday. Miss Vera Moore waj an Omaha in two reels 31tcinij Well Attended. visiter last Saturday. i , . 1 j ! c s!i Tiir psniiiro p ln T Kanyoftrrsof ,h. Ill I HI1 ftfl 1 I If I ST A K i W - 5 ild Up Your Bank Account Take time by the forelock. Don 't be satisfied with a small balance in bank. Deposit every dollar that you don't require for your actual needs. Money is safer in the bank than in your pocket or in your heme. $3 ce rrzore latn t draw a cheen than spend the cash. Scs us about an account. We do all kinds of banking. Four per rent interest on time deposit?. Our deposits are protected by the State Gunrantv Law. e a &r ; an Omaha vis- A.thur i'vunk was calling on Union k-p.i:s Mniiiiay. L. Al. rc 'n as I.e-cn viitinr with Lin (ir: fri i-d.-- for the past week. OiTer $lM.0t for your car if stolen., if you are insured by J. W. Holmes. II. R. Nickels was transacting busi : in I'Littsmouth Monday of this v. eek. i'i.jnt Wii-ci looking after ' U..sincss matters in Murray Monday. ' r.oi.eit (iood ar..l Gus roller, were ; ra'iipe o:i Plaitcmouth"m?rchants on .nday. Wm. Xickeis was iookinp: after some .natter-- of business in Plattsmouth TiK -'iay. Fnrii.- went to Omaha Tuesday t consult a spi'eialist in regard to his h.alth. ' i--f"-'.re -Xiel::!s. Albei t Your.jr and O. Pitman were Nebraska City vis itors la-t Saturday. H. Creamer has been havinpr P' -.a earr enter work done at his farm homo east of Murray. Ceoipre Shrader anl John Hob-:a;-a idt were Piattsmeuth visiters Mt-:i.iay of this week. C! ;is. Carroll has rented a farm T' -ar Weeping Water and has com-pu:-el his spring work. A ' ::!bo?i was seen passin; over '.-rv.-.y Tuesday, supposed to have b.f-n sent from Port Crook. M:. Xoi-a Walker ami children dc ;:::! the first of the week for Ulit . vhrc her husband was called 'vim- to the illness of Mr. Walker's 1 n-the". Mi Ma' eie Walker was a:' Omaha visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leach were Omaha visitors Tuesday. John Van Horn was transacting business in Plattsmouth M or. lay. Walter Sand was looking after busi ness mtUteis in Omaha Monday. Offer $100.00 fer your car if stolen, if you arc insured by J. W. Holmes. Miss Ciara Young: was visiting with relatives? and friends in Plattsmouth Tuesday. The rain and snow of the pa.-.t week is causing a great deal of delay in farm work. L. D. Hiatt was looking after busi ness matters in Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolfe were quests at the home of Homer Shrader and family last Sunday. j W. P. Moore and Lee Parriou were; visiting with O. E. McDonald at Mtir- : In fir n few !nvt: Inst wocl- ' momr. The Missionary societv will ie- en- ' -1: If. Irlll t'Il IIV lilt' '.J'llllll' il 1 f . I I '. ' ' T T : A i ' l-i T7" 5 'III n.r- ' I us be' ed with the sicl: t .iks in this neighborhood are uijred Xkl: ErifdrJi-h made a business trip ; t . Cf(R,0. Next Sund.jv the services to Omaha lasr Saturday. will l e as fellows: Hi'de sehoo! ai Alt'. Can.-emer made a business trip: -j::0 p. m.; j ublie wo., hip. ;::.v.. R1-j and so".:, liealey, '-vhen the' se: men to::c will be "I'a- ti letisr.i. ' to Plattsmouth Mondav. Mrs. Lot-is Puis were Omaha visitors Tuesday. ! : Wm. Pulr. sr., was visiting with! "'- 'i'his Oat It U Worth Money. countv seat friends la.;t M.o?a:a Io:rt Miss Ti -Cat t.-at this Slip, p A Political Tramp j$ a one reel Nestor comedy 1 Shadows of Suspicion Bl Ili.v.-avc) Gmv.-s w ttacractt , - 7 , -'M SleHieM Ave.. Chbvge, I!!., wntinp: d your r.r.n:e and u-.ur- .-ss eieailv. Yc fa a one reel Laemele drama ousiness in tiie countv seai .ionti:t i Eiunso!i Kiine was looking aft-:ri prne matters of business in Murray ' Ttifsday. 1 rj- i . - i . i i 1 C .acK rv-aoer r.ippeu a ia.r w- o. , .,r,ovnd r c-uvhs. roids an 1 hegs to th- S-Uith Omaha market j t., (U;,,; Toh v Kb'ney Pills, and Foley edne.-uay. j Cathartic Tablets. S , John Yardlev was looking a fur I :(:?:taa; i one; ,.,v c ti.' -;--'V-v-!-.rTr Saturday Evening, a-v ;k --t some matters of ':;.; -ine -m Piatis met'ih Tuesday. Ki;iii. h:; was w-il rep: -v--' ;ted in Piatismoath Mon la in spite of the rainy wiather. O. A. Davir wa. looking al'Lv-r .-:ino' i . :.. .i . .. ,4. C uus:iivo iiu'.iie! i:i lot. luuni r-tv.i. Monday morning. Wm. Troop riveived a sc. t ut in his ri.uht han.l Thursday, which severed an nriery. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cam; bell spent Sunda with Mr. raid Mrs. An !v Christian Church Ch'ne; 'Where A,e ibr in of M, :i M-n-t ; ti.'d in the PildeV w:!! be the ser nvn r--p"e !' next Lord's day. The evening t : t d v. il! be "The Xe- ty ' and Importa-a.ce of the Xew Pi:th." T! ( v rnrr 1...!.. Mot! rr-' ,':-v " 'irv.l San hv in e- :-(av be;ri:i at he 1 5 served the lav. Campbell and family. UlUQ fif Terr. Sm'th was leskiag aftt;- some! htrviCj 5j i - sJ-H rj f i. ? - v - c. r r j t t business mutter:; m the coaaty seat fo" a few hours Monday. Mrs. Wes Hiii and Mv. U 1 vir.t Jo Omaha Tuesday to ca;ul: Dr. Clifford in legard to their eye . Frtd W. Meisinger went to Plaits irotith Vedr:esday -" this wool;, -.vile: e he nr.'.lc a fev.- hours visit with covn ty eat friend.-. Mr. and Mrs. Cir a ley W.dfo and Mr. and Mrs. A i thin Frei.-e .-pent the Thef?-, ( :-read Crnsump tion h . -;. t.iis '. i;c-T'o-jrlh. day la-t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader. Mr. Petty, our M. P. agent, vvh. has been away on a short vacation, rotuned home Tr.-.-aav and will take a linpi r'ar- 0;yr.aians Are Report td F'mm Ihe aront in France. up his duties at tl-e denot. TLf-v. .T.a-- .fin :;i-.d v ''o d. nrl:-d p 1 - i ta o' TiHiisday for Watei ho, la., w here they wi re called to the i cLdde of i.r'i M:i;c -. King Geor:;e has jd-rr.-.'d a p' oelamat't-n exhorting the to ie-'-en tae ccisumption o; wac aii'! to the greatest daughter, who s eangeroa- ecanomv rabtv in the use oi !V P W. J. Phiipct d. v ; u.i Pri all other kinds of grain. 'fhe rroclamat'en particularly urge? for Arnold, Cu ter county, i the population to rtdtce the e-n.- and Oldham one week from next Fri day. Make arrangements to attend. L. II. Puis is putting a new floo in his storage room that he pti '. chased from O. A. Davis a short time ago. Louie believes in having everything around him looking up-to-date, and in good repair in every particular. Colonel Seybolt came very near ex periencing a runaway as well as con siderable excitement one day last week, when a colt he was driving got tangled up with the tongue rf the vehicle and started for home, but it did not take the colonel long to get the young animal straightened out and to working like an old head in the ! harness. Martha Washirssiori55 a name which sounds good and the shoe it applies too, is as good as the name. It's solid comfort for the ladies' tired fect. ftladc in many styles, and carried exclusively at the store of Miat Tutt rVJURRAY, NEBRASKA ykn, whe' at ming he went to p. ok : ft' nneh interest- t:i bv at least one-fourth that 1 ocali. Omar Yardley n;ade a 1 usiness trip of the quantity consumed in normal time -. Th fourth an ! largest budget of to the county ;-at Monday, and. whiie i the ar my has I..-en prepared by Chan- ihere found time to call at the Jour nal ofaee and, enroll his name for a year's subsci iption. "has Herrtn and Frit;: and Otto Lutz. son..- of th.- -.(.--.' ;;i!r..-.-. ,,r ii.r. i.:.ia;n to sidi of Fight Mile, passed through out little berg in route to the county seat la- t Monday. Jonn W. Thonrns was visit!::'1- with county seat fiiends for a few hours Monday, an ! dropped into the Jourtrd office to e-n-oll his i-ame for a year's subscription to the paper. Last Ft -day Dr. and Mrs. Jackson departed for Wateilon. la., to be Hare before the arrival of their daughter, Mrs. Few Mt:nn. on S.vturday. from Alhuqacriu'c, X. M., v.'ne'e she has sper.t the wi'itr r in a sunltarii:-'. I);-. Jacks(.n expects to i-onirn a.bout Fri day. an x lie ' rerrai wr l.ii-t ur.-s eellor Fomnav law for ir.tro luction in the house of Commons today. Although ihe ioi rvention of America in the war i ; ix pet ted to reheve Great largo extent t-f the ne- ee.-.-ity f fin i7u i::g her allies, the govctnment's exni .'ulituses for the pTosent year, if the war continues, p' f '.rHy v. iU "xcecd the cost of pre ce ling years. Xew sources of revenue raa-t be found. The charges; on war di.l t are increasing and. excise returns cc diminishing on account of the restriction-- phv-d on the liquor trade. The house is prepared for an increase of the levies on excess pi out;?, tobacco and a m u s e m e n t s . London, Ma.y 2, p. m. -Foth th- artilleries were active during ihe i number of points on oar ri-r will occapy hi : pulpit next j frJT t st. 'Quentin and L-n- sr.vs todav's efucial -taterr.cnt regard-J at ! :n - r.i"'v 'lii on iho ! 'rnncn-Ilc 1 rr n n l' i i - i -it i u.s v .-i-ramer! Tuesday fro?, t. -Jn the m ig'd.ot hood of Fau- interest. ng. The bod erie-e-t:., G-man hiding partly was a earner permit tcii ! u' a few to at tend. When "the end" and "r.ood nieht" wr.s thrown en the screen, a --cry -fe' e-ting a'-grr.v ?-t took d:;ee oetweon .he hoys ro v.Toppc. .en a?:d n i t " .. repulsed. Otherwise nothing srecial occinre'-." J y Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp FURTHER CHANGES ABE PROMISED IN FRENCH BODIES Pari-. April 30. The appointment of G moral Petaln as chief of staff is gene- al'y welcomed as a timely re form, which has. long been advocate:! by military experts. General Fetain, as technical adviser of the govern ment, will occupy vi-tually much the same position as General Sir William Rtbeitson in London and will be re- snrn.-ible for the general conduct of operations wherever French troops are engaged. In addition to this appointment, it is understood that the government contemplates various othre measures of reorganization, ba.-eJ on an exam ination of the military situation and the le-sons taught by the recent op erations. Petit Parien says that cer tain services, whose working has been shown to be defective, will be over hauled and that changes will be made among leaders, whose talents could be more judiciously used. Are you going to need a corn planter this spring? If you are let us call your attention to the new John Deere No. 999 planter with a few of its many distinctive features: Well braced steel frame; quick detachable steel runners; entirely enclosed oil-tight gears; durable roller clutch; var ible drop; foot drop; simplified check heads; reversible pul ly, in fact this is one of the best planters for this locality you can buy. We have only a limited supply in stock and will be glad to supply you while they last. ftl ur ray Hardware and Implement Go. MURRAY, riHORASKA 5 GOOD PROGRESS iH RE CRUITING FOR THE NAVY AND THE MARINE CORPS 11 W J , Hard work for Women. It is doubtful if there is any work harder than house work. Overwork tells on the kidneys, and when the ki.inoys are affected one looks and feels older than the actual years. Mrs. A. G. Wells, R. R. 5, Rocky Mount, XT. C, writes: "I cannot praise Foley Kidney Pills enough for the wonderful benefit I have derived." Sold everywhere. FOR SALE Fggs for hatching. Single comb Rut? Orphington, $1.00 per setting or Jo.Oi) per 100. Samuel Goodman, Mynard, Xebraska. Itch! Itch! Itch Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try Poan's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. 50c a box. Roof & Parks, Oooirecfofs and Builders r Paiis, Mey 2, L:0T p. m. The Gcr- ; m-m-: mad-- s-.-v ral nttackr. Jast night dav's o file, a I an- ie.e i ori ine Ai:-:v front, i ar;s, of nounecmeut savs tin v were partially oi r."e younger boy. "The Arne: e.wse came the rey-ly. The L.r.,-S j rr?uUv;L In (he Champagne, the were both boys. The German-: ' F-h ,a r.vo.r,P in trus section are P'O t.,o- f.,.T ,-. v l"1 iie.-uate lo make their stand clear-cut. The appearance of thr nd'.iiarv balloons in the er-.-.tern t-i - Tii" JIO!!i; SOFT DIMXKS. In this city "King Pablo" seems to have surmounted the throne held by mornmg about 10:10 o'clock mude us j "King Alkey," as a number of the new jea.ize that war is a reality. Every- U-ft drink establishments have in body m town, all th- child-ut installed the hanrv -hoppv" bcrage. school tooK a good long view at thee K Donat is one of the latest to han- ouccr looking obic-'? in t!1" In,.,..,.,, ai ,v, r .- i 1 1 i i . j----- in i... oa u.en.-. ! (Ac the teaming brverafc, and Adolph lhCir USlance from town Was f.Sti-' G-iro hi..; ,ib:o ,.t'rn inff. nrlix-o wnrl: jmated from five to seventy-fivo mil- j with the soft love rare, as well as Lew wnuc in tact one came wbhin thrc-e Euasell. and their natrons find them and a half miles. Vd-rn at:.- c n -. "-s a.i ea me joo as oi yore. i No Job too Small cr to Large! Phone 40 or 25 fViurray, -:- Fcbrsska dismissed school in her room to take If op! Look! Listen! You may need an Auctioneer if so . w. n. mum s still in the ring You-will find on the Murray Exchange. Reverse A!! GaHs! Salisf action Guaranteed Rates Reasonable 'Address a look at th? big gas bae-s I'tJ a - ...:n i, i. it. i tie fellows started the rumor that i cgulated fr.milierkcen' Dr. Thomas' Bjj,? frmr.M.ll fohmEra they. were German Zeppeiyns. and that ! Eclectic Oil for such emergencies. Two . 1 laUolllOllIll , 1180510 Wa.shingtont I). C, May 1. The enlisted, strength, of the navy now has leached 8o"2o, within less than Too of the full war quota authorized. The marine corps has already com pleted recruiting its full authorized strength of 17,100, but both services will continue recruiting campaigns without modification, as bills pending in congress are expected to give the navy an authorized strength of 150, 000 and raise the marine corns; to ''',-000. Trouble Entirely Disappeared. Knudt Lee, Wannaska, Minn., writes "For several years my daugh ter had a bad chronic cough. Xot un til we tried Foley's Honey and Tar "did anything produce any great relief. In a few days the trouble entirely disappeared and has never returned." Contains no opiates; a safe, reliable remedy; children like it. Sold everywhere. Coughs W orse at Night The simplot aid cuicker.1 v ;y to vt fid of a ve;:ria. r.:tkii il i. Xl't couj.ii, tickling throa'f l:oar.-et vl.ciiv brs.a-,i-ir. is to take Foley's Honey and Tar. In it, you get the curative intl-it net- of the piru" ff.r i;nJ other hcahr incid ents, loe'thtT with the- laoilitj i.i a.iJ laxative action of hftney. .Jiror C. T. Mi"er. Carnrl-rn, I-J. 3 Quirfrl writes: "I trot.: It, wh broi- cS.tal affec?:n 3" 4 rfi:Jhr J c""?nlv d.'v stJ niht. I rook Ko!cv Hrtrv r.r Tar 3-.1 ( rf KeJ. It i' ire nf lor brnnrhii! cnij ar-.J c' " 1.1 irirrc and I ront!ii.l r' -jt1, , re. ;r. Ii-c-rcss, ticklir-C throat, aro all yjick'y trlirvrd. And I)iui:i.-U lAeiywhoi e. Remember the Journal carries the finest line of stationery in town, and can please all in this line of goods. W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. J A k . . ' i - 1 ' i " A " . iA . 11 East of Riley HoUL Coatcs' Elock, Second Floor Ruy your stationery at the Journal office, where the line is the best and largest in Cass county. ::::.. t h i Warner's Rust.Proof Corsets in Back and Front Lace SI.SI.25, Si,50S!.75 They are truly extraordinary corsets at ordinary prices. They are auihoritive in style, light in weight, most attrac tive in appearance and fit as a part of the body. ills & Gansemer. Murray, Nebraskiu Drs. LYZach & EYlach, The Dentists The largest and best equipped dental ofEeet in Omaha. SpecialSiu ta I charge of all work. Lady attendant. Modert Prices. Porcelaia daiv I just like tooth. Instrumen's careful.y ieruued u.r:g. Send for tkek sample of Saai-Pyo Pyorrhea Treatfiient. g 3rd Flcor Paxton Block, OMAHA an explosion would soon occur. sizes, 2oc and 50c at all stores. Route No. 1 L2 y U s?z& Fistula Pay When Cured I nm Li tl fW-'fi r.'fc. A mild syste-n of treatment t!iat cure I'ilp. r.ti.: cr.i ff. l fr-J I f ik..a , U r. in: . ilical oneraticn. No Chloroform. Ltht or trnrral . BDaBtneiic ua. v cure Rue rani eea in every cae acccpti-d for treatment, and no rnoay to he paid until etired. Write for bore on Eerta J frt,ea8. tvitb and testimonials of more than 1000 prominetst people who bavc been pertnaaratly cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Bulldinc OMAHA, NEBRASKA I