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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1917)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. TAftE 5. i I THE MOVIE Murray Department 1 r any of lI'p of Journal know of unr scnial event oi iiem if imri-rst in this vi-;rii!.v. H'xl will maM same to i hi o'lwt . ii will ar 1 ar mi'ici' t in.-, Wo waul all news iu?:i. s 1"i:tok -AT MURRAY - BnmaKimauurmiHa- ' HHBSaaSVaBilllMSelMMNIBWSSIBlMBMBHBIBBMBWSSlWliaSillMiiaiMMMilMMBiBlllWMHMM Trepared in the Interest of the Teople of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers illUIiSDAY, APRIL 5, EM7. i 1 secuvihg teller; l r r After the Honeymoon Start Right! Youn married couples starting off on life's journey should open a bank account at once. Nothing makes more for independence than a bank nccoun After it is once started you'll be surprised how it grows. It g-ives young people a feeling of security. Start With Us Today Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK Vv. Oiimore and L. D. Hiatt drove '.. Line In Monday Mrs. Ivan White has beer, numbered v. i.ii tlu- sick f(ll- the pat few days. Uiur $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you arc insured by J. Y. Holmes. !:. Jackson went down to Dunbar Tuesday where he was attending a church rieetinp-. Frank Vallery was looking: after - me business matter in Omaha .Monday of this week Mr. ami Mrs. E. S. Tutt and Mrs. Elmer Boedeker were Plattsniouth vi-iors Tuesday afternoon. Jack Ehilpot and Lee Brown ship ped a car of hoirs to the South Omaha Tuesday of this week. L.oMi to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shoe matiev. a haby hoy, on March Motiier and little one doing; nicely. Mr-. I.ulu Loughridfre has been en-u-.:;red as nurse for the past few days at the home of .Airs. Frank Kendall. 'hris Shoemaker, one of the pros- !.: :;- farmers from near Xehawka, viitiny with Murray friends Wednesday. Mi.-s Leora Brown, who is attend i: 'r .--hool in Lincoln, came down last I-'rirday evening to spend Saturday i Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mr-. J. A. Drown. 'h;s. Wolfe, who is still at the i.o.-jiital in Omaha, has I teen improving- for the past few days, and will .--.oil lie in position to stand the sur idca! operation for goitre, from which i " ha I -ten suffering- for some time pa.i. V. ro. Carper and wife, of Manley, ;a.-.-ed through Murray last Sunday r.:".:te to I'lattsmouth, where they isited for a few hours with Mr. Kci.rt'dy, a brother of Mrs. Carper, wh.. is a member of the Nebraska N:v. i n.'A (Juard, who is now located ;.t i' Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured by J. Y. Holmes. Harry Todd shipped a car l-md of hogs to the South- Omaha market Tuesday evening. Mrs. Tom Eubv was taken to the Sunday at the home of M Jim Fitch is sporting a new Ford car this week. Otto Schafer was , a I'lattsmouth visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Lena Lyman was an Omaha visitor Momlay of this week. Mrs. L. II . Puis and .Mrs. W. II. Puis were Omaha visitors last Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman are visiting with Murray friends tins week. James Biown .shippped his cattle to the South Omaha maiket last Tuesday. For sale A lot of '.dock c ;ton v.ood at 7oC per load at my 'arm. James Brown, Murri. Adam Schafer was looking after seme business matters in the county :;eat last Saturday. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Bar rows is Hearing completion. It is nearly ready for the plasterer. Miss Birdie Eiimurton. of Kii-x county is visiting this week at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Kennedy. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Herren have AUTO CRASHES INTO GOAL WAGON GN PEARL STREET H The 13th episode of ! i 77 frmii V".l!i"sii;iy's l;ii!y. Last evening alter o'clock quite a serious accident occurred on IVa'l street near the Ihue-r garage, v. in n the lajrc super-six Hudson automo bile owned hy William Puis of Murray clashed into the hose and wagon !e Icnjrins: to William 11. Ejrenberjjer, the coal dealer. The car had just swung aiound the corner into Pearl street when the accident occurred and before the machine could be stopped when it was seen that the wagon was in the ; ath of the machine ike crash came. The hoie which was hitched to the wagon was l adiy injured, having the bene in o?-e of the front ee;s of the animal badiy shatie'ed and the .-hoal-'.''?r- of tl e w:i- a!-t b:d!y in jured, makimr it a .-erious rr.aite! wi be been eniovintr a visit from some re- ir u';" in - i The wa- latives from (klahoma foi few days. O. A. lavis and the Ohihaon Sloe!: nether or not the t the future the partU-' Ka'l!y in a- hed t'p r i !"-' :: ! an:! ::: the i duion of iiie owne:- ir i . . . . . no! he ao;o to rrrain oe u-c. I ut iu Farm are idartinjr sweet clover on!1-' ,v'-:"("1 ,: 'n" r:"aI' lll-r ! m. ;.. n.A i- i.-i. ,u; ......... i.-iil-d i hue to be . . placed with a n. w wa'--.n. out wiater. Misses I.-abel'e. Mar-ie and Maru Shrader, of :na'na. are wit!i Murrav fi lends anc reititives for a! few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. W;n. Puis an ! dai.-h ter, 1-aui a. spent the ilay h. - j Th. m r. Dick o!i. wa I thrown ri,,i U1..' '.;'"-or to t!ie i ; V"- liien:, arr: ;;?, ere-1 a up. as wt II as ( ivr ! : aKneUf.rn it is net t : i j in la: !es will pro e (i I ear was oc'rinea b .h i oily brt-i-e o :aht tia.t iiirereiis. a nt.'mii'. th Ti i' . d Mrs. . ii' i ie- Mb T mra Pais. Mrs. V. A u. trust Ei-.trel! emtie;, wt-i o at April 7th, afternoon zndn evening. Supper at S; a! hospital in Omaha last Friday, where she was placed for treatment. ! I-uy- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker. j Easier BSZSr Miss Eeulah Sans, Mrs. Jos. Sans j pres fcy f e r l a n ChUTCll OTi imu iici. ouns uiuvc lo vmautt itisi Saturday. Minford & Creamer shipped a car load of hors to South Omaha Mon- j Q'clock. day of this week, also one the latter part of lat-t week. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, who has been sick for the past few days has been im proving this week. The M. P. railroad company have th ds and iittie ;.ou. r ;,s Phdooi nd Mi-.. i ali of M u rray. a n i ; iET2;ti,e paiiy reci i ed f; ibt in the aeeide r. v. . re ;:. :ure.j. 1 l.e 3t:;!'- iare'e v.v.i iu-a Irs. L. H. i'uN. e. Eul: 'doniei"". i.e members i" a vt-.-y s:ere :. a'th'.t:v;h noae automobile was and was i;-t v oamauxc v t-.e wreck. l'raid. M'asei- ri'ceiwd a boo Dur ham calf tids we.-h. that was pur chased from the herd of J . L. Yoiuis''. nea r v oieiaoe'e. .ir.' lias enirajrei' in the line s.ock businesj the past few years, and is jrettine- 'iie XlTIdi; PiiE.BY VLB! AN' NOTES. i eo r . -Ne:t ...oii ttn the j both iooi-ninu' and Sahb.dh Sc'io..! wiii thv ar rnh -ir sev. i-. b-r v. ill preach "ain.a' and the e held lefore Evei'v one i- L.ioeriy in two reIs Any Old Duke'll Do a Viclor comedy A Trip to Palestine Powers comedy one reel PULS&GANSEfiiER Saturday Evening, Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp POSE COMB 11. I. EGGS. 1 kIt" 7 rtiBS'?pssrii if 1 i I i r JiaV'A I II A Barn Worth Keeping Is A Barn Worth Painting A larn needs protection just as much as a hous-e. in fact more protection, because it is not built as substantially. You can point to your barn with as much pride as you do to your home if it is painted with Sherwin-Williams COMMONWEALTH BARN RED It is made expressly for barns, corn cribs, silos, fences, etc. It is a durable, weather-resisting paint for rough or smooth lumber. 1 1 sinks in, sticks tigh t and saves repairs. Murrav Hardware and Imolement Go . . r' l.OO 1 I'm .n. st ain; fertility iruarantccd; . If.; ' So for 100, F. O. B. ' Call tr wiite. L. 11. Upton,; Neb. ibme ri'"v.ii aii'a lr rb t !" S. O. Cob -lo-tfw i ret U b"- sal Myirrd, Neb. 4-"-ln.o v k idle CelePaLed Perclieroii Sutdion f.-ry i -.v, s. , . ... , . . - - .At. -"' A ti 3 - . - 'i .... of tht finest herds in th.e r.othern ; mvi.eJ S been uoinfr some jrrauinjr on tne part of the state. north end of their siding here for the j c-h.., rhniKl. returned home from purpose of laying about one mile of : Custer and counties last week, new suhn- j he been for the past few- Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Boedeker and ('a:s look in. tr after bis lan.i ii.tcre.sts. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Opp, from Ne-;He reports everythii.e: in that s.cti--n h.awka, were Murray visitors . uf the state looking at this time Sunday, quests at the home of Mr.Jof th.e year, especially .is the winter and Mrs. Elmer Boedeker. wheat r ioi. :n i fine. ! a "Buddie" the little son of Mr. and i 7ll. t. r r,. , , , . , i i'r. i. 1 . l;cnue! has been Mrs. John Kobbins met with a very ();.,.Jla fi;,. lK. ):lt ,vet.k w!u.rt. painful accident last Sunday. While ! lectivil n-,tii(:ai treatment The nlavin'" hall his hi-othei- struck him! ... . , ' doctor nas r)ut m a nrettv .narcl wm- -i . i . ii . i . ii i - ' - ter in his practice, and is takimr a e.-s sei ices. ur.dav r.ftt m..on the Mirsionar;. Sociel v v id iiave a ha:;::ct r, or sale oi farcy foods ar.d nia.r.y useful artick's at toe church., and wa! also sere :i ' o'clock dinner a food one. Th.e rep -rts. ai. the annual meetini were juite eiicourac inf. The con f ref atitn closed the year without in- tieutedne in the eye with a ball bat, badly bruis ing the eye, resulting in no perman ent injury, but very painful for a few days. The Murray Board of Education held their refular anual meeinf on Tuesday of this week, and with other business transacted, they selected the teachers for the schools for the com inf year, who are as follows: Miss Rachel Livinfston, principal; Miss Gladys Whitmore, of Lincoln assis tant principal; Miss Sophia Ulrich, of Plattsniouth, fiammar depart ment; Miss Beulah Sans, primary. much needed rest and treatment for his future health, ar.d wiil return home in short time fee! in. e: as food as new. This is the wish of his many friends. Ther e was quite a pleasant fatrr Our P3ew H! at are being picked up rapidly by customers, due to their style, beauty and price, which range from $1.50 to $3.00 Sport Hats for girls 50 and 75c Fibre Silk Hose for ladies in blue, pink, white and black 50c; Misses white lisle hose 25 and 35c; Men's silk hose in blue, cham pagne, hclio, black and white at 35c. limit Tutt, MURRAY, NEBRASKA and the canvass maue provides for the work at home for th.e new year, and insures an increase in missionary cont; i'outians. Almost three times as much as was contribut ed for missions in the last year as had been p'ei'fed at the befinninf of the year. Dr. and Mrs. -Jackson left Tuesday merninf for Dunbar to attend the s.-rions of the Omaha Presbytery, and also to make a shoi t visit with friends. They expect to return by Tuesdav evt ninf . CIIIIISTIAN CIIUKCI1 CHIMES P.emember t:iat next Sunday i Easter and every Christian should b'. on. hard at ike ir- rnirf worship, to help celebrate the resurrection : ( Mi in J l oin u e oe.ol. I no sermon ionic will be "The Calamitous Conse- nue"ci.'s of an Fnrisen Christ." Tiie eveiiirf tojiic will be '"Cluis tian Warfare." Be loe-eiit al-o a' the bible school which begins promptly at 10 a. m. erinf at the Adam Sc'nafer home in Eifht Mile (Jrove precinct, lat Sat urday cveidnf, at which time a laife number of Mr. Schakr's friends fath- jered in to assist him in celebrating his forty-Jiist birthday. It was one of the m.'tst pleasant occur ions of the sea.-'-n. jdvJity to eat. plenty of music, social conversation, fames of numer ous kinds and a fenuine food time for all. Joseph Johnson, rcsidir.f near! Plattsmouth, closed a deal this week whereby be become the owner of the Frank Campbell farm f Ibit acres, cast of Murray, lie also boufht an eifht y acre tract of Geo. Adams, lyitif just east of this P',0, eivirif lr. John son l' iO in the one piece. This i.s an excellent farm, one that will prob ably be the future home of Mr. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. CamnbeU are movir- to the farm that they re cently j uiihased of Chas. Schwab. Halve Stockham. of Oconto, Ne braska, has been visitinf amonf Cass county friends for the past four weeks, j-eviewinf the scenes of his youiifer days at th.e oid home. He was in Murray Tuesday for a few hours. .Mr. Stockham was en route homo from a business trip down io Florida. He moved from Cas:; county '.) years ;ifo, returning for a brief visit a few years afterward, but has i'ot been hero in the past 21 years, and in that time many eharees hav To the Aiexartdcr Nu series, Lincoln been brfuht about, the greatest of i avenue, Plattsmouth. N'eb., lo fL t your wldch is that but few cf his old time supply of apple trees at 12tjC up to friends are left. With those whom "Joe; frape vines, 10 to 2,"c; straw- h.e met the visit was a pleasant one berry plants, Standard and Evcrbear- for bth. In Murray he was a fuest inr varieties, and Flow erinf Bulbs, of Dr. 'Giimore, and was met hy Henry Try and see us before phnvliuf time. Heebner. a life loner friend wdth whom 4-2-2v.L;wkly he a visit with count v seat i friends Wednesday. Forty acres of land in Cass County, Minnesota. For particulars call on Fred S. Bice, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. The Aid Society will be entertain ed by Mesdanies Anna White, Warren and Lb-;, d Gapea at iiv home of Mr,. A'-.v: White on Wcdiv.- dny afternoon. April lldi. Murray came cry near seeinf a fenuine touch, of war last Sunday. and enemies seemed to be approachinf on e.erv side, and after a number of i si .Oil '01 Teddy P.. is a line Percheron Stal lion, black with white hind feet :;ol fht front foot white. He was foil u March :h. Ibll'. and weifhs 1T."" ounds. His sire was Morton. ',72::i; '.ty Epateur olMio (GPJ1L); by Boli var, 40111 (4WG2); by Amilcar, (l!!;T10; by Sultan, (4713); by Bay ard (040", by Estruba, 187 (73(i) by son of Jean Le Blanc, (730k The Celebrated Younf Jack San dors. Sanders is an excellent younf Jack, cominf six years old, weifhinf 10o0 pounds, plenty extra heavy bone, black with mealy points. Sanders, (52D8) was foaled June l'Jll. II is sire vas San Salvador 2d, by Salvador, imported from Spain. Sandors wTas bred and owned by Frank Busch, of Villa Bidfe, Missouri. Teddy B. and Sanders will make the season of 11)17 at my home six miles west of Murray and six miles east of Manley, every day in the week. Both are sure Boa! fetters, .nd have been inspected for 1U17 and found perfectly sound. TEEMS : For Sanders .l.".oo to insure coit to stand and suck. For Teddy K. 12."0 to insure colt to stand rd suck. Parties disposing of marcs or removiiif from the locality, service fee becomes due and must be paid immediately. All care will be taken lo prevent accidents, but owner will not be held responsible should any oi-cu r. A. J. SCII A FEE. J T J io no encounters tne siimKe oi i tat tle cleared away, ami all warriors went oil their way reji-icinf, with r serious injuries. DID YOU iv.NOW YOU WEKE INVITED 'Jf!ice supplies nt t:i Jouruai ollice. Stop! Look? Listen! You may need an Auctioneer if so P. YQUNG s still in the ring You will findl on the Murray Exchange. Reverse Ail Galls! Satisfaction Guaranteed Rates Reasonable Address Piailsmsuth, Nebraska Route No. 1 Just ArrivsngE u. bur KlflC J Goods! -CONSISTING OF . s . . ', Very Wice Patterns cf Thin Press oods as well as Percales, Ginghams and Calicos! L I if New and Up-to-Dale Line for Men, Women and Children. Remember CurGroccry Stock is Always Up to the Standard! Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska. Drs. tVlach & Ellach, Ttia Dentists The largest nd best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Sreialit charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices, forctiaia just like tooth. Instruments carefully siwnuea aner using. Send for mi sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA lalists la I Fistula Pay When Cured A mild system of treatrncEt that ceres Pile. Fistula end other Recta I Diseases in short time, without a severe sur fiical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other (ereril enasthenc iied. A core guaranteed in every cae acrepted for treatment, aad no money to be paid nnti I co'ed. Write for book on Recta 1 Diseases, with names and testimonials of more tuan 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building; OMAHA, NEBRASKA v a um ElSylE atorday JUvening April 7th5 1917 Admission, Gents 50c; Ladies Free! Music by Holly's Orchestra THE REAL TREAT OF THE SEASON