Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1917)
jnu:;ti.U. Ji i? J-4 F.T 2. 3 91" ... , ........ ..,-.,.. rLATTS:IOUTH 5"E3iI-WTFELT JOUKNAt, PAGF 3. J.J' JUL'.. I! Jl. p.xi. am, jijl . r 1? 4 7 Denartment i Hi i 1 in tb. tuc of Lhe People of "Murray cud Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If any of the readers of the Journal know of ari.v sooial event or item of iijtemt in this vicinity, and will m&il will ap pear under this headit)f. We aut all Dews iternsr-EiJiTOH 1 S;U'U"--. A EJank Account is me in&raiiar ox the Siome; I: yon are a nan of family you must have a bank account. A BANK ArCDUZTT IS THE BULWARK, THE GIBRALTAR, OF YOTJH HOME It y-U' t- you ir: ti.r..: of need. It ivcs you a f:-iiii of independence. It strer.iriheus you. It Is a Consolation to Your Wife to Ycur Children Four ;-'-r cent r;" trivet on time deposit?. ir deposits ere protected by the St-ite Guaranty Lav. ftiCJRRAY STATE 8AKK -K- '' U Su. "uny ; Mv.ry WiW-y had a crew of - I !-cl i't ' Lome .iv. I?;'' wood tl.i? . . v ' - tii - we!:, i Tiu li".tdi-.-finir .-tunt was triven (. A. 1 !-'( a thi Kt;y C ail: ; bt-!l hoire .- ;;i-t I;- i M-.-r.aay. j ?.: !.-s Morrison was visitincr at the ir.-. .T. H. I!;mv.t Vvit- ' hr.iv Mr. ai ii Mr?. Ai.!v Camp- af- :i t l r.urscay. J f. .'Icy C-t-.'.ir.or ard ;e-'iir- Shrn I'. E. Vallery was a business visi tor in Omaha Monday of this week. ('. E. Ptttit, our jrenial station airont, was an Omaha visitor last Saiuii.lay evenintr. W. L. Seybolt ami J. B. Seyholt at-tt-ndeJ to matters of business in the county seat Tuesday. Mi.-s Liu-i'c Thorpe, sister of our principal in the schools, of Lincoln, is isitiaj" heie this week. Mir ford tv. Creamer shipped a car of mied stock to the South Omaha market Wednesday evening. Dr. (I. II. (Jilmore has been suf-ft-rinf. with that peculiar malady, tin I. a Grippe fi.r the past few days. Mrs. W. Ci. Doedeker and Mls Beiilali Sans attended tlie play "The Harden of Allah'.' in Omaha Tuesday even in ir. r.r Sale A counk- of fine Scotch Collie Hoirs at a price that is ritrht if taken soon. Hans' Christensen, Union. AIi)e!t Younp: and crew were en jra'ed during the first of the week, making some repair? at the Oscar Cuj'.n tenant farm. The Earl Lancaster ?ale was quite v. t-ii attended Wednesday of thi weel:. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster will svmju move to their old home near I'tn .vninjr, M issouri. C. O. Lyntre and family will soon move from Murray and make their Heme on the W. F. Schliehtemeir farm south of town for the coming si:m.mcr, v h.ere Carl M !'. Schiichtemeitr. will V(i!-!: f Evidently th.e a)ieals of a wetk a.tro in these columns have met with little resnonse unon the uart oi i . . . . , it .Murrav and per citizens. Well, it I. ' rta:::-d Mr. at oinne:- J r.u.kc- t'ii.- future home. They taken un their resich nce in the : r,t th - ;.ft.'f!K''n Si'.ml.ty with. Slwade:- and family. - -'-.". 1 Ci "icy Schw..b. Arthur Crunk and .. P-i. 'i.ire:: '.f M ;-. a-,! Mrs. ; f'tis Split; assisted in the butcherinjj v . i- - ..-.-n r.unr..r.'d ; : - Allc-rt Wilson home this week. ': - ."!' the p...-t : .v ti.iv.-. J I r. il. I". U rech-l a; d Mrs. J. T. i ; ; ! ci-. '':v:.:i;t: a: 1 Mrs. j LiO:i'iei v- e- e v):iahu visitors Tues- V. ; : t. .- .:',:. v.-j-h thlr 1 '-:' ' 1 t-tis wet-i:, home via - . Al:. ill. j!.. tit!;: week, I "-T..'"21 ; i ';: . ' ' N-L",.-r;' City, vr.r ! Ti:e: . v. :- fiite a of : . .v -ittfr . Sl.:..!. .v. a rivst farmer-- f n.;r, iv. ar.i : round Lensiia ..' ;t... : i.iv sr. rv : in 1. 1 '! -v :;t the i.ari Lancaster ' J . "'"v . !.,!' o:' ; sa;e Nv ei:aeu ;y. . . C.impl-. i! .-T.-rt last Sr.tu'-uay ! i:- I:- the ma-.-i.inNt at the S ;-.-a;y '--ith rhittsrouth fri-.-ins. L. IP. Puis- trarttire. ha arrived in - t; ,,UJ-h i- reti prefers 1 M array ith his family, and will '- - ':;!. c t it jse timet. ' ' L: '.. '.vs-" h;-.- been in the :? : t: tjat five- 11. L. Creamer returned frjm - t '- "- Ttti .-day of this Omaha Tue.-tday, whe"e he vi.-itfd - i - .evi:?:c l tiy imp!-oVed. w'.-!i his wife at th hospital. lie ': -. Marry Creamo.. -.vho is still repots jlrs. Creamer improving. !.t- St. .! .-ra:t t -r.;T ! in Onuata ' v.'hifli will be r od r.ews to the many : . in. :- ::nproviiir j-nd lue-rais nere. ' ; j; :.'.at s..a v.-.H I .rd has leen received in Murray l" ::-i:" '! ' tte. that .7. D. Shrader. formerly of Mur- : . ;.i:-.i .Mix M. h'i.d. of Plans-; ray. hr.s embarked in the hotel busi- .;i.p.ii.i(-d t y ?irs. L. W. ; ress in the metropolis. lie has dis w. -e M arr .y a i it:s one dayirose.i rf his dwelling and is now v t .:!' tue.-:.- at the home ! nianaeer of the St. James hotel. ...i.. L. .1. 1 - r!i,.le J (. v rh..!f:i:.t. from near a . --y '' t'-.:-; year was a record t'nir.r. wa.- a pleasant visitor in Mur- ' t:t' ."'it : l. I". I), j v;;v rdoncia.y of this week. He has " '. : w.-.s a tM of f'oi"i ,et.:, tie ! i:p pi'etty close to home this - ' --H'u ar.d pieces 1 winter owinjr to sickness, and his ' '''---iiir the month. This ' i.--ny friends in and near Murray ' ' f any ore nr.rih rc indeed yrlad to see him once the Commercial Club must die. we ate indeed sorry to know it, and we believe that Murray will sure miss its benefits. The lecture on the "Xecessitty of a 'a Necessity" at the Puis & Ganseme i hall last Friday evening was well attended for a lecture number, and Dean Harmon was certainly an en ; tertainir.-r and able speaker. Many .truths were left with the hcarer ithat will aid them through life. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Hobscheidt, Jr.. died at iheii home on Wednesday. February oth. The funeral services and burial was made from the home Thursday of this wee!;. The little one was born on the "rd of February and died on the ith. .Mr. and Mrs. Hobschcidc have th-. -sympathy of the entire commun ity Fred Enyelkemier met with a very severe and serious accident this week. Tuesday eveuir.jr he was assisting in cutting trees, and in fellintr one of taem it struck him across the lower limbs breaking one ler ar.d quite se erely spraininjr tlie other. The man is frettinir alonjr as well a? could be expected under tlie circumstances. -:- was c -tahii; hed. I UNITED PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Arthur Younjr was an Omaha visi tor Monday Cameron Cathy bought a team ff horses from Rex Younjr this week. Georjre Yunjf is visitinpr at the home of his daughter Mr. and Mrs. Davis. E. S. Tint has been suffering with a seisre of the jrrippe for the past few days. W. D. Wheeler spent Monday of this week in Murray visiting with his! many friends. W. II. Puis went to Omaha Wed nesday to attend the hardware deal ers convention. Mrs. Lloyd Gaper, was visiting with her sister, Mrs. Creamer at the hospi tal in Omaha this week. Misses Opha Baker and Eva La Rue and Mrs. Edith Taney were Omaha visitors last Friday. Albert Wheeler was lookinjr after some business matters in the county seat Wednesday of this week. The library will serve eats at the library rooms Saturday evening. The new books are here. Look up a rood j one. j Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Uhh-h. ta fine baby, boy on February I'-th. Mother ami little one trettin- alonir. nicely. See the bijr picture at the Puis & Gan.serner hall. Monday eveninir Feb. 7 2th. Charley Chalin tlie old tima favorite. Miss Henrietta Creamer was vis iting with friends in Omaha for a few days last week, returning hm Saturday evening. t Georpe Shields was a business vi-.- in t!,e county seat last Saturday, and while there called at the Journal office for a brief visit. There will be quite a number of Murray sports in attendance at the Stecher-I'eters wrestlinir mutch in Omaha Friday evening. Jim Tilson and family are movinc: into the Puis house in the north part of town. Mr. Tiison will farm the Spanjrler place this season. Attend the hip feature ni.L'h.t at the Puis , Gansemer movie .sh'ow Monday evening, Feb 12th. Ip'irular i prices of admi.-.sion. .Do not fad to see t:.e t'ooiI one. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis are re joicing this week over the arrival of a fine new boy at their home last Thursday. The little man weitrhs l poiinos and Utt says he is one of the finest in the land. C. E. Carroll went down to Weap inr Water last Saturday where he spent Saturday and Sundav at the home of his son Ern and family. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll have been on tlie sick list lor the past few i i. Do not fail to see "Tillie's Punctur ed Romance" at the Puis & Gansenur hall, Monday eveninir, Feb. 12th. One of the greatest pictures ever thrown on the screen. Six big reels of laujrhter for the regular prices of Big Special Picture Night for Murray! Monday Evening, FEBRUARY 12th! 6 RE! EL 6 Keystone Riot, Romanes" -FEATURING Marie Dressier, Mable Normand and Charley Chaplin One of the greatest pictures ever placed on the screen You Should Not Miss It! Regular Admission! One more week has passed, and the Murray elevators have been given another great big box car each, in which they were given the opportun ity of loading out a small quantity of their accumulated grain. They need at least twenty-five each for the present demand. SEVERE ACCIDENT. James Delesdernier met with a very painful accident this week, one that will probably cripple him for some time. He was engaged in split ting wood when the axe slipped from the loir, and the keen edge of the same struck him squarely on the shin bone, .sinking quite deeply into the bone resulting in one of the most stubborn wounds that could be made upon the iirnb. He is confined to his h-'tae and sulfers a great deal with the !njiii, but should no serious com pi'cntioiis s t ir. he will be restored to his Aimer health in time. New piano for if taken at once. sale at a bargain HIATT & TUTT. ail en di suils for sr.rin? IS! 7. No raise in prices on the v. til kr.cvi! Bern line of clothes for which we have ex-dusiv- Gc-ic. Mo.-c than SCO boautiful cloths to select frcr.i A pJ It is vrise that your order early while the stock is romplele. We guarantee nt c:zid materials absolutely. New spiing hats &nd caps for men and boys now in Ik xi jL "v V W MURRAY, NEBRASKA Py appointment of the general as sembly next Sabbath will be observed as a day of special prayer for the colleges and seminaries, and the pas tor will speak on Christian Educa tion in the morning. He will preach at 7:."!") p. m. The Sabbath school will be at 10:00 a. m. The Woman's Missionary Society mcets Friday afternoon with Mrs. G. II. Gilmore. of last week Dr. and Mrs. j Jackson visited in iced Oak, Iowa, re turninjr home Wednesday Morning. REX YOUNG. AUCTIONEER, BUSY. Rex Yung, the rustling Murray auctioneer, has been very busy for the past few days with his public .sale business, lie has been holding a sale every day for the past week, and several of them have been down in Otoe county, where he is becoming known as the auctioneer of this part cf the state. lie is a hard and con scientious worker, and will stick for the last dollar in the article that he is offering for sale. He is looking out for the interests of his employer, and usually delivers the goods. FOR SALE. A high grade bull calf. The sire of this calf is pure bred and comes from a dam who has an official list of 36 pounds of butter in seven days. The dam of this calf is the very best milch cow in our. herd. The calf is beautifully marked and if one wishes to improve their herd in the milk stock they would make jio mistake in buying this calf. OLDHAM STOCK FARM. admission. V. E. Perry and Mr. Marshall pass ed through Murray Wednesday en route to Plattsmouth, where they had some matters of business to look after. Mr. Perry is now living near Wabash, on one of the finest farms in Cass county. You will miss a genuine treat if you fail to attend the Movies in Murray on Monday evening. Feb. 12th. A great big special night with six big reels of fun for the regular prices. "Tillie's Punctured Romance," with Marie Dressier, Mabel Normand and Charley Chaplin. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes and Mrs. C. A. Rawls motored down from Plattsmouth Wednesday to spend the day with friends Jim does not get around the old home as often as when the weather is nice, but is al ways a mighty welcome visitor. You will find some of the best mules ever offered at public auction at the sale of Wilson Bros., to be held at their home next Thursday, February loth. If you are looking for a good team it will certainly pay you to at tend this sale. They are going to be sold and the high dollar takes them. TIME FOR HARNESS OIL. We oil your harness for ?1.00 per set, and now is the best time to have it done. Also first-class repairing of all kinds at reasonable prices. Ten per cent discount on horse blankets and robes. John F. Gorder, Platts mouth, Keb. A Woman's Experience With Grippe. When a cough or cold hangs on, and j-ou have aches and pains that are hard to define, it is likely that grippe is taking hold of your system. Mrs. J. A. Rodgers. Switzer, S. C, says: "I am susceptible to colds, often end ing in grippe. In this case I have found Foley's Honey and Tar to pre vent doctor bills. Sold everywhere. VALENTINE DANCE. There will be a Valentine J dance given at the Puis & Gan- semer hall, in Murray, on Tues- ! I- day evening, P'ebruary 13. Music. J by the Holly orchestra of Platts Z mouth. You are cordially invited J to attend. 4 4- 4-1 E MIES -AT MURRAY - The 5th episode of "Liberty" in two reels Featuring Marie Walcamp, Jack Holt and Eddie Polo "Pie!" a one reel Powers "Broke, But Ambitious" a Nestor comody PULSfi GAflSEHER HALL! Saturday Evening, Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp Tuesday, February 21 , 1 91 7 BE LAVAL SERVICE DAY AT OUR STORE! For the benfit of the users of De Iival Cream Separators we have established a lU Laval Srrvire Day. On this date we will be glad to have any De Laval user bring his separator to our store for a complete and careful inspection and adjustment, which will be made free of charge. Should any parts due to unusual wear or accident need to be replaced, this will be done, the only charge leing for the price of the new parts used. A De Laval Service man will be with us to assist with this work. Bring in your Separators and receive the benefit of his advice on the care and operation of your machine, as well as the free service. It is our wish, and that of the De Laval Company that every user of a De Laval Separator get the maximum of efficiency at the minimum of cost. No expert is required to keep a De Laval in repair. A little care with the use of De Laval Separator Oil will keep it running satis factorily for years if adjustments are made when needed. COME EARLY AND AVOID DELAYS MURRAY Hardware and Implement Co., MURRAY, NEBRASKA W ILL SERVE LUNCHES. W. S. Scott of Murray has arranged to furnish lunches at all sales throughout the county where it may be desired, and will see that the needs of the hungry are looked after prop erly. Anyone who is desirous of hav ing lunch served at any public sale should call on or address W. S. Scott, Murray, Neb. tf GILLESPIE DID IT. Sheriff Carl D. Quinton of Platts mouth was in the city today and says he is confident that the two Gillespies and Moore were the parties that bur glarized the store at Union. They were arrested up there and the jus tice of peace before whom they were taken took the statement of the boys that they were not in the store nor had taken anything, but they admit ted to Sheriff Quinton afterwards that they had ridden as far as Union on a freight train and it was so cold they got off and hid their sacks of furs while they "hustled" something to eat. They were in Union at the time the store was robbed and Sheriff Quinton says he is convinced they did the work. Nebraska City News. For Croup, Coughs and Colds. A. Baxter, Wheeler, Wis., says "For ten years we have used Foley's Honey and Tar in our family and consider it the best cough medicine on the market, especially for chil dren, as they like to take it." Con tains no opiates; safe for babies; ef fective for adults. Checks croup; stops coughs; relieves colds. Sold everywhere. Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured bv J. W. Holmes. PUBLIC AUCTION I will offer at public auction at my home on the James Chalfant farm, five and a half miles southeast of Murray, eight and a half miles south of Plattsmouth,, six and a half miles northeast of Union, and a quarter mile north of old Kenosha church, com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m., on Thurs day, February 15th, the following: Twenty-four head of mules and horses. Eighteen head of mules, weighing from 1,000 to 1,200 lbs., coming four years old. Six head of horses and mares, weighing 1,000 to 1,400 lbs. Two good milk cows. Terms of Sale: Six to nine months time will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing 8 per cent interest from date. All property must be settled for before being re moved from the premises. Lunch will be served at noon. WILSON BROS. R. W. Your.g, Auctioneer. W G. Boedeker, Clerk. DR. BLEICK. Dr. Eleick, Z?,2 World-Herald build ing, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear, nope and throat disaKes, will be at Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at E. A. McElwain jewelry store. Eye glasses scientifically fitted. For dyspepsia, our national ailment, , use Burdock Blood Bitters. Recom mended for strengthening digestion, purifying the blood. At all drug stores. ?1.00 a bottle. Dawson Will Fix It. or Take advantage of our large stock and early buy ing, we will save you at least mm on every pair you purchase of us. We carry the three most celebrated lines, Viz: F. P. KIRKENDALL, THE HARLOW and NOYES-NORMAN SHOE CO. You will always find our grocery stock complete and of standard brands. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska, Drs. TJIach & Maori, Tba Dentists Th lrget nd bct equipped denUl offlcM in Omihk. SprtUllsU charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Poroelaia filliaj just like tooth. Instrument carefully steruued alter ucinf- Send for ruz lample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Block OMAHA IP i I AS FISTULA Pay After You Aro Cured A mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and ther Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure paaranteed in every case ac cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book oa Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured. OR. TARRY B Du!ldlns-Oraahfi.