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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1917)
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1917. 4 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEK LY JOURNAL. PARE 2. f ? , Parmeie ONE NIGHT ONLY AY. FEEJG3UA Admission 25, 35 and 50c Seats on Sals at Weyrich & Hadraba's Wednesday 10 A. M. Local ews Frank Wokott of Weeping Vat.r is i;i the city enjoying a visit ;.. the home of Mrs. M. A. Street and f. rr.:!y. V.m ry Tod I of near Murray was in .::y ;i..!ay for a few hours, motor iv.r -p from his home to attend to sev eral matters at the court house. Mrs. J. A. Murray 'returned this n.-T-imr f ri m Omaha where she has 1 n s:;ur.diu.T-.a few days in that ;:v wuh relatives and friends Mrs. A. F. Ploetz departed this aft-. c : :. 'o;i for he-r home at Scotland, S. I'., after a visit in this city with her :'..:ie? and friends for a short time. ! in'y and J. E. Gruber came in s from their farm homes i . ;.r Mynard and departed on the B-rlirigten train for Omaha, iiv.-: : they will spend the day on the ile .-totk market in that city. 'neiifT C. D. Quinton was at Ne V:aska City yesterday, where he ac . omrar.ied Walter Wunderlich, clerk i:i the Slieiuu store at Nehawka, and Mr. Wunde-rlich identified one of the G.ilesj f beys as the man who had ei.terc ! the Nehawka store. Mr-, r. II. Valiery and T. V. Val ' -:y cam- in this morning from their hi rrn-s -cuthwest of the city, and de-i;:tt-d n the early Burlington train frr Orr.aha. where they will visit with M -. C H. Valle'-y at the Immanuel wheie he is recovering from ; operation. Chr-iles S. Store, cashier of the Klv-v. o-d St;;te Uank ar.d wife were i i th city yesterday afternoon visit i: ' at hme of Mrs. Mary Alli- p. 'h .- of Mrs. Stone, returning i .: --. evrnirtr. While in the citv "t- p;.id a visit to the Journal rJ-. I, i-- satisfied with my .1 ' sc I have the ability, Ust care and highest r:er !:.-.'; moderate r !c-: .':i?i;lt;;tion free; strictly g :;ra::' d. lon"t fail to come Sat- U'tlay. Victor Johnson, expert opto rretri.-t, at the Crescent drug store, Safjrday. Tel. hur-O.i eye-glasses shown Satur tiny. You v. ill like them. See me at tr.r Crescent drug store. Manv Platts- rr..vJlh recommendations. One of the t-st optometrists in the country at your service. Phone 3G for appoint ment. Ignr.e Sthwind drove in from his iarm li-n e v est of this city yesterdaj afternoon to attend to some important business. rr.aU;i'. While here he took t'n:e io x:all r.t this office and have his name enrolled 0:1 our . Semi-Weekly li-t, in order that he might keep post ed cn happenings in this vicinity and throughout the county. PIANO AT A, BARGAIN, Customer near Plattsmouth, Neb., is ural.le to finish payments on piano c-ntrac-jT-We will tura piaiio over to fcr.-.t satisfactory party who will pay bi'LiiCC, cither cash or five dollars per Wsite Sc"".mollcr & Mueller T'Litu Cu-., Omaha, Nvb. 2-8-ltwkly heatre9 IICGU Y 16 FORECAST HEAVY PLATTE RIVER FLOOD IN SPRING Fremont, Neb., Feb. 7. Railroad men. who have been keeping watch on the antics of the Platte river are looking for a big flood when the ice goes out this spring. The ice on the river is over a foot thick and if the cold weather continues a few inches will be added. Since the flood of. 1012 when mW-ts of track wore damaged and nearly every bridge from Columbus to the mouth of the river was washed out, the railroads with tracks running along the stream or bridges crossing it have done extensive protection work. The dyke erected along the bank of the river west and south of Fremont four years ago at a cost of thousands of dollars will be given its test this year, railroad men believe, as the ice is thicker than it has been for years. W. A. ROBERTSON, ' Lawyer. East of Riley HoteL Coates' Block, Second Floor 4. 'MH' .M-I-M. .fr4-M- W. A. Tulene was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will spend the day looking after some mat ters of business. POSTPONED PUBLIC SALE. The public sale of E. R. Queen, that was to have been held at his home, nine miles south of Plattsmouth and four and a half miles east of Murray, on Friday, February l)th, has been postponed until Tuesday, February 13th, owing to the fact that two sales in this locality were billed on the same day. Felt Like 90, Now Like 21. Like a weak link in a chain, a weak organ enfeebles the whole body, Weak kidneys lower vitality. A. W. Morgan, Angola, La., writes: "1 suffered with pains in the back. am 4' years old, but I felt like a man pt )0. Since I took Foley Kidney Pills I feel like I did when I was 21." 50c and $1.00 sizes. Sold everywhere. George W, Rhodcn was among the visitors in the city today, driving in to look after some trading with the merchants. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ths -Signature of 'rrTTT'TTTT 4 ,NJUNCTI0N CASES otiii mi 111 Tiir oi ill ui m inn DISTRICT COURT The injunction case over the Wash ington avenue paving is still the center of attraction at the court house and the district court room has been filled with an interested audience who have attended the sessions. The taking of testimony was continued throughout the day yesterday and this morning, but it is thought that the case can be submitted to Judge Beg ley this evening for his consideration. There has been a large number of witnesses examined on both sides of the case to establish the legality of the creation of the district and also as to the value of the property along the paved streets both before and after the paving had been laid. Tomorrow the hearing on the con test over the school bonds will be staged, providing the paving injunc tion case can be disposed of, this will also require some time to hear, as there will be a great many wit nesses to be called to testify. This is the case where a number of the citizens are seeking to have the re cent school bonds for $15,000 declar ed void owing to a fraudulent elec tion. It is claimed that a number voted who were not entitled to do so under the law and for this reason they ask that the election be declared void. The bonds were carried by a majority of five votes at the election on November 7th. TRAINS BEARING FIFTH NEBRASKA THROUGH THIS A. M, The troop trains carrying the equipment ar.d members of the Fifth Nebraska Infantry from the Mexi can border, were delayed in their ar rival at Fort Crook where they are to be quartered for the present. The first train reached Pacific Junction shortly after 1 o'clock last night but was held there until this morn ing and the first section of th" regiment passed through this city at 5:25 this morning and the second sec tion at I:U1, reaching the fart uL daybreak. The delay in the train was a great disappointment to a great many residents of the city who had hoped to be able to witness the return of the boys from the southland, and the Burlington station was beseiged with inquiries as to the time of the arrival of the trains but it was im possible to give any accurate infor mation as the government was direct ing the movements of the trains from the time that they left the border un til reaching Fort Crook. The bar racks at the fort have been arranged for the reception of the troopers; and they will be held there until the war department finally decides on what steps to take in regard to mustering out the boys, but in view of the war like condition of affairs it is not likely that they will be released for sonic time at least. AN OLD FRIEND CALLS. The Journal was more than pleased to receive a call from our old friend, B. F. Iloback, from near Nehawka, on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Hc back'.s visits to the county scat are indeed few and far between, owing to his poor health of late years,, but he is always a mighty welcome visitor around the Journal ollice.' He us ually gets here about once a year when his health will permit, and on this trip we were indeed pleased to learn that he is feeling much better than for some time. He says that he believes he has a second lease on life, and has decided to remain with us for some time. The Journal joins with his many friends in hoping that this excellent old gentleman may continue to improve. He was ac companied on this trip by Wm. Stine from near Union. A Letter That May Interest You. N. W. McConnell, Riverdale, Ga., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tablets absolutely cleanse my system thoroug ly, and never gripe, and no nausea." An ideal physic, invigorating and strengthening the bowel action and having a good effect on the stomach and liver. Givo stout persons a light and free feeling. Sold everywhere. HELP ME TO WIN. The Ford touring car to be given by E. G. Dovey & Son Saturday, Febru ary 24th at 9 p. m. Your votes will be appreciated. MRS. FRED MAJORS. 2-6-4tdltwkly For Sale Large safe. .May be seen at Mauzy Drug Store. 28-tfd. WEST SIDE COUPLE MAR RIED AT THE COURT HOUSE Yesterday afternoon at the court house occurred the marriage of Mr. Frank Stege, of Elmwood, and Miss Lucy Westlake, of Avoca. The words that made these two happy hearts as one were pronounced by Judge, Beeson in his usual impressive manner.and was witnessed by Miss Nellie Westlake and Mr. Wood. Af ter the wedding the young people spent a few hours in the city before returning home to Elmwood. The groom is a prosperous young fai-mer and is well known in the . locality where he has resided for almost his life time. The bride is a very charm ing young lady and one who posseses a host of warm friends in her home. They will make their home in the future on a farm near Elmwood. LIMITED SUF FRAGE PASSES THE HOUSE Vote on Measure is 73 For and 21 Against Three Douglas Men Vote "No." NOW UP TO THE SENATE Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 7. The limited suffrage bill passed the house today by a vote of 73 to 24. Three repre- senatives known to favor the bill were absent. A similar bill is in the sen ate. Nine of the Douglas county dele gation voted for it and three against ss follows: For the bill Bulla, Craddock. Hopkins, Howard, Keegan, Lovely Nielsen, Shannon and Good- all. Against the bill Jelen, Rich mond and Schneider. The bill empowers women of Ne braska to vote for president and vice president, all of city officers, all coun ty, excepting county judge, and sehool officials with the exception of state superintendent. Women cannot vote for any con stitutional offices. Aside from the three Douglas county representatives who opposed the bill, others opposing it were: Representatives Anderson. Behiens. Conley, Dan Flansberg, Foulon, Ful ler, Gormley. Hutton Erick Johnson. Knutzen. Koch, Leidigh. Meysenberg. Neff, Osterman, Ileifenrath, Sass, Segeike Waite and Ward. The bill will probably be considered by the standing committee of the senate Thursday and may be report ed out then. Representative Bulla who voted for the minimum wage bill Tuesday, in voting for the suffrage bill said: "I voted for the working girls yes terday, and today I'm voting for their mothers.' FOR SALE. Direct by owner, six acres with al most new eight-room house, in the best of condition; all fenced hog tight; deep, rick black soil, all level; some fruit, tine well, barn, chicken house and other out buildings; large cellar. This will be sold right and you will have to pay no commission. It is lo cated in the old fair ground:;, the highways leading to it are the very best; a splendid chicken, hog and po tato farm. You" will buy it if you hear the price. Leave word at this office. C. B. Schleicher, 314f So. HUh St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler !05. 2-8-lwkd&w TO HAVE "HARE AND HOUNDS. As the 22d of February is the In dian day as well as Washington's birthday, the Plattsmouth Cycle com pany will give a free-for-all "Hare and Hounds" race, and will give the man catching the hare a ?87.50 New Departure road racing tire, but if the hare comes in first it gets the tires. The hound that catches the hare will also be the next hare, in the next race. As this will be held every other month, if there is enough interest, all boys that have bicycles or that can borrow them, arc advised to enter and ask Dawson for particulars. There is no advantage in being big or small or in any one physical feature as in this race it is judgment, skill, quick think ing, speed and good eye-sight that counts. STRAYED. From my home, one mile east and two and one-half miles north of Mur dock, one 2-year-old heifer, red with white spots, heavy with calf, weight about 800 lbs. Anyone knowing its whereabouts, please notify Herman ScheeL R. F. D., South Bend, Neb. 2-8-tfwkly GERMANS IN BERLIN REGRET BREAK, BUT Berlin, Monday, Feb. 5. (Via London, Feb. C. Whatever may be the feeling toward the United States Germans in Berlin, anel as far as has been heard outside the capital, have manifested consideration and courte sy toward Americans since the news was received of the breaking off of diplomatic relations. Aside from an occasional frank comment on the ac- ' tion of the American government, no acts of an unfriendly nature have been reported. The only difficulty which has been reported thus far has been at one district headquarters of police which ; is charged with viscing passports to j go aboard. Officials of the passport 1 department refused to vise passports until holders were able to show steamer tickets to America. On the other hanel, the police in the main residential districts are accepting "re turn to America" as an adequate reason for departure, but are insist ing that customary interval of fort night for military investigation of the application cannot be waived. 10! i MEMBER CN INSANITY BQABDiwir District Judge Janus T. Ilehy iust annemnced the members of hv county board of insanity for the forthcoming Term and has selected i'or the places on the board Judjre II. Archer 01 this city, nr. i. ) . i,ren-; del of Murray, as examining physi- j cian and James Kobertson, cle:1; of; the district court Judge Archer is j really the only new n:er.ber on j board as Dr. Brend.i served i:: ;hc j capacity of physician during the ieini ! of the late Jude H. P. Travis, ar.d j is well qualified in every way for tl.o i position. Mr. Kobertson by virtue of J bis ollice as clerk of tl'e ccurt has j .-erved as a member of the bo-'iei dur ing his entire term of offi.-o a.; ck-i !;. The !, has h;.C a very busy year duiir.g 1 -'io a" a large number of in s! :: "c ar.d i::ei.'riate were broi glit up n lor acti"ii. STORK PAYS TWO VISITS. Two new additions to the topulalion of the city have ance. one Ieiiiir a made th fine little son that arrived last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J reel llirz on i-oa'.:i; Sixth street, and a Ferd Duda home en daughter at the T t'.esda v eve 1 i Uoth families are well pleased with the good fortune that has visited them, and their friends are wishing the i it tie ones a long and luipp bfe. .MRS. C. J. GAEBEL (JUITE ILL The many friends of Miv. ('. I. Gae bel throughout the CO .i nty will regret very much to learn that she is con fined to her home near Louisville with a very severe illness and that her condition is very serious. Th.' Gaebel family are well known over the county anel the many friends of this estimable lady will indeed be sorry to learn of her sickness ar.d ttrust that she may be able to recover rapidly. YESTERDAY WAS ANOTHER NATURALIZATION PAPER DAY Yesterday was quite a busy day in the naturali.ati 'U branch of the of-i'u-c of the district clerk as a number of the residents o! the western por tion of the county were in to seek their citizenship papers and become ful-liedgcu Americans m every sense of the word. Henry Kcike. H' A!v, Autrust Klrmnie, of neat Greenwood and Wilhclni Doetke, of near Mur dock, foreswore all allegiance to Wil liam II, Emperor of Germany, am Joseph Wutschinck, a former resident of Austria, swore away his former allegiance to the Emperor of Austria. He resides in the vicinity of Murdock. There has been quite a gooel many of the foreign born resident of the county who have in the last few days made application for their final pa pers or filed their declarations of in tent to become citizens of the repub lic. August Klemme of Greenweod, Wm. Rader of Wabash, Henry Rieke of Alvo and Dan Schlaphof of Murdock motored to this city yesterday after noon to attend to some business mat ters at the court house. Mr. Klemme was a pleasant caller at this office. 1917 calendar pads at the Journal office. a 23c single or 5 pairs Co "Everybody's Store" New ties every week! SBBZZ2 ALVO NEWS ITEMS .j. 1! resd P. Rouse was in Lincoln Tuesday, irry Parsell was in Lincoln Wed- of Murdock was in returned to Lincoln John Miatey .''unday evening. Dr. L. Muir was in Lincoln on bus iness Saturday. Bob Sv.acker went to Lincoln Wed resday morning. Ellis Coon returned from South Bend Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coatmun visited "londr, in Weeping Water. George Sheesely and sister, Stella, "ictorc-d to Lincoln Saturday. John Foremtui went to Lincoln Tues day to have his hand treated. Ellis Coon went to South Bend Mon day, where he hns employment. William Casey returned to his home i.i Sourh Omaha Saturday evening. C"0!tp P. Foreman was a passen ger on No. 14 Monday for Lincoln. D:n McCurdy went to South Bend Tuesday to do some carpenter work. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown re turned from Lincoln Saturday evening. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer spent Saturday : nd Sunday with relatives in South "end. Miss Pearl LeGant of Ruskin visited Saturday and Sunday at the L. Lau : it sen home. Opoatnr Keltner left Monday even ing for Tor.noa, Kan., where he has a day job on the second trick. The Misses Emily Strong and Laura Parsell went to Lincoln Saturday eve ning, returning home Sunday. Mrs. Id am O.iling of Minneapolis, Minn.,- visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. New-kirk, this week. Lorin H. Mickle returned Monday from a week's visit with relatives and friends at Avoca and Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rasp spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mr. Mid Mr. Fred Manners, near Elm wooei. Joe Foreman left Sunday evening for his ranch at Stewart, Neb., after spending the past three weeks with bis parents. Mrs. Ray Clarke and infant daugh ter, Beth Rose, spent Monday after 1 oon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ( has. F. Rosenow. Mrs. Chris Eichmann left Friday evening for White Lake, S. I)., to spend some lime with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Hinemann. Mrs. Andr cw Christianson and chil dren went to Lincoln and visited their father who, though very low, was able 14 Manhattan. Shirts Stetson Hats Step Right Up, THEY'RE A PAIR Men's fine quality black fibre silk hose with possibly slight imperfection, worth easily 35c is now on sale at pair, pair for escott?s Sons E9B2XB!3 2S2 to recognize them all. Mrs. Ilattie Strain and daughter, Fern of Bethany, came down Saturday and visited her aunt, Mrs. D. A. Vin cent, until Sunday evening. Mrs. Claude Barrett came in from Lincoln Saturday on No. 14 to visit her old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, before going to Texas to make her home. Miss Georgia Snoke from near Ea gle, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sam Cashner and other relatives and friends the past ten days, re turned to her home Monday. Uncle Geo. Parsell passed away Sat urday morning, February 4, 1917, at the age of 88 years, after an illness of only three days. He was buried Tues day afternoon in the Alvo cemetery. Among those coming home to spent Saturday and Sunday from the state university were: Misses Marie Stroe mer, Marie Appleman, LaVerne Stone, and Herbert Prouty and Alfred Stroe mer. Dan McCurdy came home from Havelock Saturday and reports F. M. Grove slowly improving after having had pneumonia in its worst form, and liver trouble, but not typhoid fever, as was at first reported. Died, Andrew Christianson. aged 77 years, at a hospital in Lincoln, Sunday evening. The remains were brought to his home north of town Monday afternoon in the auto hearse. Funeral services will be? held at the home Thursday at 1:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenow and son, Karl, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franz Rosenow, at Elm wood, Saturday anel Sunday. Karl, on account of the cold wave, remained over until Monday, when he returned with Orville Ingwerson by the auto route. MID-WINTER PICNIC. February 1st the W. R. C. held their annual mid-winter picnic at the home of Mrs. S. C. Boyles. Notwithstanding the bitter cold, fourteen ladies were brave enough to venture out. Each ar riving member being welcomed at the door by the hostess in summer attire, even to hat, fan and parasol. About 1:30 a delicious dinner was served in the dining room, to whicdi all did am ple justice. The ladios then adjourned to the parlors, where various stunts afforded much amusement, and selec tions on the victrola were also enjoyed by all. After partaking of ice cream and cake the guests departed home ward feeling amply repaid for having braved the wintry weather. Here's hoping we're all there next winter. The Clothcraft Gray Serge Special fall weight. The neat, good looking models, the handsome tone and splendid quality of the serge, the good fit and comfortable "feel" of the suit will make you won der if the price is really right. For the Clothcraft Gray Serge S p e c i a 1 "3130" costs only $20. Carharl Overalls Hansen Gloves 4