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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1916)
u . 1.1 THUKSPAY,, SEPTEMBER, .7, 1916; PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEELY JOURNAL. Watch' Tlhos SpaceE (i - I 8 8 Call phones 53 or 54. We like to serve. roe OPERATED ON IN OMAHA TODAY This morning P. J. Lair and wife !p:jUt". for Omaha, where they will Le present at the Immanuel hospital in that city when their daughter, Miss I-cta. is operated on for appendicitis this Miss Lair departed yesterday for Omaha, and her case being quite acute, it was dec'u'ed to .p-rate at once in hopes of givirg her it-Iif. The many friends o: lhi ...!u!ar young lady will await with much anxiety word from her bedside, and in hopes that she may soon re cover from the effects of the opera tion and be restored to her family and ! i lends in her former state of good health. DAUGHTER AT BARGER HOME. Letter files at the Journal office This morning: the home of Mr. and Mis. Earl Rarger was gladdened by the arrival of a fine little daughter, who will make her home with them in the future. The mother and little one are doing nicely, and Earl is feel ing very proud of the addition to his family. The many friends will ex tend to the happy parents their best wishes for the future welfare of little Miss Barger and trust that she may live to be a joy and comfort to her parents in the years to come. Fancy stationery In different vari eties at the Journal office. Come and ee us when you want stationery. $5.00 Phonographs at Dawson's. Mil tin PASSES REVENUE BILL; CLASH WITH ALLIES EXPEGTED Senate Puts O. K. on Retaliatory Measures Adopted by House. BILL IS AIMED AT BLACKLIST May Put End 'to Discrimination Against the Com metre of U. S. HARMON BESTOR. Sox VaI - ft V GREENWOOD Come Out and See a Fast Game! Game Called at 3:00 Admission 25c Acorn Cigars, Chewing Gum, Pop and Peanuts FOR SALE ON THE GROUNDS Our Next Excursion 10 GSASE COUNTY Sunday, September 10 BETTER COKE ALONG! OSENCRAMS Born in Geauga county, Ohio, Jan uary 25, 183lJ. Died at Plattsmouth, August 25, 191G. A resident of Cass county isnce 1869, and one of the fore most farmers of the county and active in the development of the community. JOHN N. SCHWARTZ ILL. John N. Schwartz, the veteran painter of Cass county, was in the city today for a few hours en route back to Smithfield, Neb., where he has been for the past several weeks looking after a number of contracts for painting. Mr. Schwartz came home Saturday, and while visiting with his daughter at Nehawka, he was taken quite sick, and for the last few days has been confined to his bed, but is now recovered sufficiently to go back to work.. He expects to close up his work ir. ;he western part of :he state about October Isr, and will re turn tj Cass county for the winter. APPOINT CONSTABLE. The Board of County Commissioners at their meeting this week received a petition signed by W. E. Hand and others requesting the appointment of Roy Armstrong as constable for Salt Creek precinct, and granted the peti tion and made the appointment of Mr. Armstrong, to take effect at once. Mrs. Margaret Mumm departed this afternoon for Spokane, Wash., and Missoula, Mont., where she will visit with her son and with relatives at Spokane for some time. After a hearty meal, take Doan's Regulets and assist your stomach, liver and bowels. Regulets are a mild laxative. 25c at all stores. A SPECIAL SALE! For the next thirty days on all household goods. New and second hand couches, beds, mattresses, springs, cots, sanitary couches, din ing and center tables, library tables, kitchen cabinets, kitchen tables, din ing chairs, rockers of all kinds. Rugs buffets, china closets, cupboards, of all kinds and prices. Perfection oil stoves and ovens. A large assort ment of other articles not mentioned in the above. -. .0.7.1 inwpnc ifiuui ui I i mumiuL.1 Main street opposite court house. Washington, D. C, Sept. ('. A sharp diplomatic conflict between the Allied governments and the Unitel states is expected to follow retalia tory measures incorporated in the rev enue bill passed by the senate last night. With agreement to the amendments by the house conference committee anticipated today, it is thought the al lied governments, probably led bv Great Britain, may ' begin shaping counter commercial retaliations. It is the hope of the administration, one official said, that the drastic legis lation enacted may result in putting an end to the blacklisting nohev ol the British government,, the discrim ination against American commerce. interference with American mails and embargoes on American products. The bill is expected to raise ap proximately $205,000,000 a year large- y by taxes on munitions of war ex- ported, inheritances and incomes. Provisions of the Bill. The bill provides: "A tariff commission of six mem bers, named by the president, to in vestigate effects of tariff laws and tariff relations between this and other countries. "That use of United States mails may be denied citizens of any belli erent country which does not accord those facilities to Americans. "That clearances may be denied any vessel from American ports which dis criminates in favor of or against any American citizen, whether here or re siding in neutral countries. "That commercial privileges may be denied any vessel or person of a bel ligerent nation which does not allow full commercial facilities to American citizens. "That the president may employ army and navy forces to enforce re taliatory measures, ami to prohibit importation into the United States of goods from nations which prohibits im portation of goods from this country. "That shipment of salmon and hali but into this country be prohibited from the Pacific coast except in bond from a United States port. "That it shall be unlawful to im port goods at a price substantially less than the actual value or whole sale price of domestic goods of the same nature. "That tariff rates on dyestuffs shall be raised after the European war closes." The bill provides for taxes as fol lows : Income Tax. "An increase of from 1 to 2 per cent on the normal income tax with ex emption of .$4,000 for married and $3,000 for single persons. Surtaxes: Poultry Wanted WANTED A car load of live poultry to be delivered near Burlington freight depot, Plattsmouth, Neb., on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, one day only, for which we will pay in cash as follows: Hens 15c. Springs ( l("c. Ducks 12c. Young and old turkeys 18c. Old roosters 8c. Cow hides 15c. Horse Hides $4.00. We will be on hand rain or shir.e . . Jto ..take.. all poultry offered. . Yours . very .truly, ' ..'.'... IV. E. KEEfJEY 1 per cent on net income exceeding 20,000 up to $40,000; 2 per cent, $40, 000 up to $C0,000; 3 per cent, $60,000 to S80.0000: 4 per cent. $80,000 to $100,000; 5 per cent, $100,000 to $150, 000; G per cent, $150,000 to $200,000; 7 per cent, $200,000 to $250,000; 8 per cent, $250,000 to $300,000; 9 per cent, $300,000 to $500,000; 10 per cent, $500,000 to $1,000,000; 11 per cent, $1,000,000 to $1,500,000; 12 per cent, $1,500,000 to $2,000,000; 13 per cent on net income exceeding $2,000,000. Corporation Tax. "The corporation income tax ex empts labor, aricultural and horticul tural organizations, mutual savings banks not having capital stock repre sented by shares, fraternal beneficiary societies, domestic building and loan :issoci;itions. civic organizations, fed eral land bank ami national farm loan associations. Inheritance Tax. "One per cent of net estates not in excess of $50,000; 2 per cent, $50,000 to $1;,,000; 3 per cent, $150,ouo to $250,000; 4 per cent, $2.j),000 to $450,000; 1 per cent, $150,000 to $1, 000,000; 0 per cent on $1,000,000 to S9.000.on0: 7 ocr cent on $2,000,000 to - j $3,000,000; 8 per cent, $3,000,000 to $1,000,000; 0 per cent. S4,000,0000 to $5,000,000; 10 pe r cent, above $5,000,- 000. Munition Tax. "Ten per cent on net profits of manu- ufactuiers of gunpowder, explosives, caitridges loaded or unloaded, except for industrial or sporting purposes; projectiles, shells, torpedoes, shrapnel, fuses or complete rounds of ammu nition; fi realms and appendages, in cluding those used for military pur poses; cannon, machine guns, rifles and bayonets, electric motor boats and submarine or submersible boats these taxes to be in force until one year after the European war ends. Liquor Tax. "Beer, $1.50 a barrel; still wines, 8 cents per gallon; champagne or s-paikling wines. 3 cents on each half pint or fraction; artificially carbon ated wine, 2 1-2 cents per half pint; liquors containing sweet wine, 2-2 cents per half pint, and not contain ing sweet wine, !L- cent per half pint. Stock Tax. "Fifty cents for each $1,000 of cap ital surplus ami undivided profits of corporations, joint stock companies and associations with capital in ex cess of $ir.,000. Special Tax. "Pawnbrokers, $50 a year; ship brokers, $20; custom house brokers. $10; theaters and amusement places having a seating capacity not exceed ing 250. $25 a year; not exceeding 500, $50; not exceeding 800, $75, and exceeding 800 seating capacity, $100; bowling alleys and billiard tables, each. Tobacco Tax. "Annual sales not exceeding 50,000 pounds, $3; not exceeding lOO.OuO 'pounds, $(3; not exceeding 200,000 'pounds, $12; exceeding 200.000 pounds, 8 cents per 1,000; manufacturers of cigars whose annual sales do not ex ceed 50,000 cigars, $2; not exceeding 100,000. $3; not exceeding 200.000, $0; not exceeding 400,000, $12; exceeding 400,000, 5 cents per 1,000. Stamp Tax. "Bonds, debentures or certificates of indebtedness, 5 cents on each $100 of face value; agreements of sale, 2 cents on each face of $100 value; cer tificates of stock, 5 cents on each $100 of value; sales or transfers, 2 cents per $100; merchandise agreements of sale, 1 cent for each $100 in value; conveyances, 50 cents for each $500; warehouse receipts, 25 cents for $100, 50 cents for $500 and $1 on receipts exceeding $500 in value; custom house receipts, 50 cents; foreign steamship tickets costing not to exceed $30, $1; not more than $00, $3, and more than $00, $5. Parlor car and sleeping car tickets, J cent ea.h. Why It Pays io Buy a HOOSIER itchen Cabinet! Iloosier's production is bigger than any. other five makers combined. Their capacity for making kitchen cabinets is so great that they can turn out higher quality cabinets than any other manufacturer and at lower prices. Their enormous output enables them to save in hundreds of ways and his saving is given to you in the way of low prices. We can sell Hoosiers from $2.00 to $5.00 less than any other kitchen cabinet on the market. Come in and see them now, while we have a com plete stock. Learn for yourself how the Hoosierwill save you time, steps and work. Hoosier kitchen cabinets save miles of steps EST 133 & STOTEK AGENTS ALVO NEWS ITEMS For Hay Fever. Asthma and IJron-chitis. Every sufferer should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is a reliable remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, hay fever and asthma. It stops rack ing coughs; heals raw, inflamed mem branes; loostens the phlegm and eases wheezy, difficult breathing. Sold ev erv.vhere. A. I. I'ird was in Omaha Saturday on business. Mrs. Henry Miller was on the sick ist Sunday. Elmer ISennett went to Omaha Fri day evening. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was a Lincoln visitor ! riday. (.'has lioscnow was in Murdock Tuesdav evening. Henry Poelofsz spent Sunday and Mondav in Lincoln. Mrs. (I race Hailey visited Sunday i.nd .ionuav in 1-Jniwoou. Wm. Yaeger was a passenger on No. 13 for Lincoln Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir and children ittemied the state fair Tuesday. Mrs. Chris Eishman was having lent il work done in Lincoln Friday. The Misses Mable and Elsie Stout were slate lair visitors Heonesuay Mrs. H. A. Bailey and daughter, Miss (J race visited the state fair Tues day. (Iv-o. I. Foreman and family ant Mrs. Her attended the state fair Wed nesday. Ed Carr and family of Eagle visited at the S. J. F.oyles' home Saturday evening. Mrs. J. Murtey visited her mother, Mrs. Price of Clav Center, a few days last week. Peter Mickle and son, John and daughter Katie attended the state fair Wednesday. Dan Rosenow of Omaha spent Sat urady and Sunday with his brother Chas. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stout and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyver went to Oma ha Friday on Xo. 14. Chas. Sutton and family have gone to Chappell to spend sometime in the purchase of a location. Air. and Mrs. Dale Coyles returned Sur.uay from Colorado where they spent the past few weeks. The Misses Lulu Waring and Nelle Dreamer of Lincoln were week end guests of Mrs. E. M. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles and daughter and son. Dale and wife at tended the state fair Monday. Chas. Rosenow went to Omaha Wed nesday to have his lonsile removed as they have been giving him a lot of trouble. Mrs. Sam Cashner visited her broth- er. l-iton fcnoke anu iamny unaay, also attended the state fair with them Tuesday. The Misses Ella and Lillie Balis of Weeping Water spent several days with their sister, Mrs. Clementina Bird and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shaffer visited friends in Lincoln Sunday and Mon day. Miss Marie Thorne, a cousin, re turned home with them Monday. Mrs. Bowman of Creston, la., vis ited her sister, Mrs. Willis Whitney the past week. They left Tuesday for Silver City to visit their brother, Joe .Weaver. Mrs. Marie Her of Osceola came in Sunday to visit her neice, Mrs. (Jeo. Foreman and other relatives. Mrs. Iler is a sister of Mrs. Able Prouty, now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Giffin and family of University Place moved inU the Aunt Mary Wolfe property this week in erder that their daughter, Miss Emily, who will teach here, may live at horre. Mrs. Clara Prouty and children. Herbert and Margaret and Grandma Skiles went to University Place Mon day to spend a week with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Chris. Keeper and family. Miss Grace Wood was operated on for appendicitis Tuesday at her home. Drs. Welch of Lincoln and Liston of Elmwood performed the operation and report Miss Wood on the road to re covery. Fred Weaver of South Bend visited Thursday with J. A. Shaffer. Mrs. Ned Shaffer and son, Ross, left Friday a. m. for Denver via Ogalalla after spending Wednesday and Thursday with relatives. New Arrivals! Another lot of woolen dress goods. These are now on display, you can make your selection easily. Those of you who have worn our dress goods know of their superior quality. You who have not been get ting your supplies of us do not know what you have missed. We will glad ly show you our full line. SILKS Our new silks are in, you will be shown the latest patterns in plaids and stripes and chifon taffetas. An elegant line of silk poplins. A good line of Pussy Willow Taffeta. Also a good line of Messaline. We offer an odd lot of dress goods at a cut price. ZUCKWEILER&LUTZ AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. R. L. l'ropst is the agent for the Glenwood Monument works and would be glad to call and show sam ples to those desiring anything in this line. Call telephone No. 4012. 4 WANTEO! Junk of all kind-; Iron, Paper, Magazines, Rags, Metels. 50c per 100 lbs. paid for magazines. B. Hankinson, Phone 505 or A?,. , I- A REDUCTION OfJ FORD GARS! The following prices on Ford Cars and Chassis, f. o. b. .Detroit, becomes effective August 1st: Ford Chassis $325.00 Ford Runabout 345.00 Ford Touring Car 360.00 Ford Coupelet 505.00 Ford Town Car 595.00 Ford Sedan Car 645.00 We guarantee there will be no reduction in the above prices prior to August 1, 1917, but can not as sure whatever against an advance in price any time. T.-H. P.LLKf -- -- - - - Ml DEALER