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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1916)
JATTSMOtfTB SEMl-Wl'J&LY JOUBNAC THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 7, 1916. PAGE I. Cedar Creek Department WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS and can make you attractive prices on fiftomicr and Superior Press Drills, ennoy Buggies, Birdsei Wagons and Wagon Boxes, Stee! Wheel Trucks, King and Hamilton Steel Grain Dumps, Empire Cream Separators. ma e i Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tires and Accessories Studebaker Agents CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA First Security bank pays ." per cent on time deposits. J. F. Wolff and family spent Satur day in Plattsmouth. Wrn. Keil and family spent last Saturday in Plattsmouth. John I.arsen was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Sat urday. J. II. Meisimror is building a new parage fur the nev ear he will pur ehase in the near future. Hairy Meisinger and wife drove down to Plattsmouth lat Saturday to attend the Home Coming. Mrs. Lyle ami two children, who have been visiting: at Waco, Neb., re turned home last Saturday. Lloyd and Verla Schneider, accom panied by Misses Morrison and Ber chell, drove to Plattsmouth last Sat urday. Charles Felcher and wife went to Plattsmouth last Thursday to attend the Home Coming and spend a few days visiting with friends. Misses Gertrude Meisinger, Lcla Duff and Helen Schneider, all went to Plattsmouth Monday, where they uJ attend school this winter. Misses Margie and Anna Pates have returned home from a visit with their uncle ami aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pates, near Cedar Creek. Mrs. Robert Stivers and children went to Plattsmouth last Thursday to spend a few days with Mrs. Stivers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Clark. Miss Pan?y Pates, who has been visiting with her uncle, Ira Bates, near Cedar Creek, is now visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner. LOST On the road west of Platts mouth, between Plattsmouth and the Wash Young placed a child's blue coat, on last Sunday evening. Finder please leave at this office for the owner. Ira Pates. Helen and Erwin Pates visited a few days last week with Miss Edna Gorder in Plattsmouth, returning home last Saturday, Miss Edna ac companying them to Cedar Creek for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. August Pautch and Mr. and Mrs. August Krecklow and daughter, Miss Amanda, from near M.jnley, were county seat visitors Tuesday, driving down in their auto, where they spent a few ho'.irs with countv seat friends. All I Ovjuu I have opened up my Ice Cream Parlor and invite all who enjoy some thing fine in the way of Ice Cream to call and see what we n.-e serving out 10 satisfy the hunger m the way 01 Harding Ice Cream S. J. Reame?. Cedar Creek. Martin Jensen departed last Satur day for Omaha. First Security bank pays ." per cent on time deposits. J. F. Foreman was an Omaha vis itor last Saturday. John Gauer was trying out his new Mitchell car Tuesday. Wm. Schneider and family were in Plattsmouth Monday. Frances Pace was a Louisville vis visitor last Saturday. John Schurer was a Plattsmouth visitor last Saturdap. Farm Loans, Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. John Busche and family were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. J. F. Wolff and Henry Thierolf wre Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. Walter Schneider and family spent last Saturday in Plattsmouth. Wm. Keil and family were Platts mouth visitors last Monday. John Gauer was looking after some business matters in Omaha Monday. Miss Eva Sayles was visiting with relatives in Plattsmouth last Satur day. Miss Mable Meisinger attended the Home Coming in Plattsmouth last Sat urday. Clarence Busche was visiting with Plattsmouth friends last Saturday evening. Philip Albert and Henry Sander were transacting business in Omaha Tuesday. Low Fackler came in Monday for a few days visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Schneider. The Overgaard saw mill outfit was loaded here last Friday and shipped to South Dakota. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolff, on Saturday, September 4th, a ten-pound baby girl. Mrs. J. F. Wolff and daughter went to Plattsmouth last Friday, to attend the Home Coming. Miss Ethel Tritsch went to Platts mouth last Friday to spend a few days with home folks. Francis Pace and James Nedit un loaded a car of lumber for the Cedar Creek Lumber company, last Friday. The Cedar Creek Lumber company unloaded a car of sand here this week, which will be on sale in any quantity in the future. Don't forget S. J. Reames when you are in need of paper napkins, paper plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds of crepe paper. Mrs. Frances Sayles, who had been spending the week in Plattsmouth with her. son, George, returned home Saturday evening. Wm. Schneider was looking after seme business matters and visiting with county seat friends in Platts mouth last Friday. Miss Floy Tremain passed through Cedar Creek last Thursday evening on No. 33, eri route home from the Teachers' Institute at Plattsmouth. Miss Tremain will teach in Louisville this winter. The Albert Brothers lost four of their cattle last Thursday, by being killed by a train. It is supposed the cattle, which were in the pasture, got upon the track by passing down the river bed, a portion of which was dry, and got upon the track, and train No. 34 hit them. This is quite a loss to the boys as the stock was very valuable. rirst security oan CEDAR CREEK. NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE Wh arn anxious to assist the farmer in feed in j and handling his live stock for market Deposits In This Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! -OFFICERS:- WM. SCHNEIDER. President W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier MARRIED IN CALIFORNIA. Cards were received in Cedar Creel: last Thursday announcing the mar riage of Mr. Harry Medler and Miss Rose Jungaermann of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Medlar was quite well and favorably known in this locality, com ing to Cedar Creek when only 10 years of age, and made his home with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schneider up to the time Mr. Schneider retired from the farm, about five years ago. After leaving the Schneider home Mr. Med lar held seceral positions in and near here, and claimed Cedar Creek as his home up to about three years ago, when he went to California. lie re turned to Cedar Creek last fall, and after the death of Mr. Schneider, he worked for Mrs. Schneider until last spring, when he returned to Califor nia. Mr. Medlar was a gentleman well liked by all who knew him, and has many friends here, who although somewhat surprised, will join in ex tending hearty congratulations and wishing that the new Mr. and Mrs. Medlar may live a long, happy and prosperous life. They will make their future home in California. Get your ice cream soda at S. J. Reames. Pete Core was a Plattsmouth vis itor Monday. Philip Thierolf was in Plattsmouth Thursday. John Gauer, jr., spent last Saturday in Plattsmouth. First Security bank pays "i per cent on time deposits. Philip Ilennings was a Thursday visitor in Plattsmouth. For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and Cuts, see S. J. Reames. Iver Meisinger was a Saturday vis itor in the county seat. John Ilennings, jr., was a Satur day visitor in Plattsmouth. Miss Minnie Metzger visited in Plattsmouth last Saturday. John Ilennings, sr., was a Platts mouth visitor last Saturday. When you want some good reading Jon't forget Reames, Library. Rudolph Meisinger was a Platts mouth visitor last Saturday. Remember that S. J. Reames sells the latest books published. Harold Bell Wright's latest works. "THE WHOLE TRUTH" Says Mrs. Eads, in Writing Her Praise For Cardui. Circleville, Ohio. "All I have said about Cardui, the woman's tonic, is the whole truth," says Mrs. Fannie Eads, of R. F. D. No. 6, this town. "I suffered with womanly weakness, and pains in my back and limbs for two long years. I was so bad off, I could hardly walk at all. My husband advised me to try Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I con cluded to follow his advice. After tak ing Cardui according to directions, I now feel like a new woman, and can do all of my work. Before taking Cardui, I was a walk ing skeleton; now I weigh 150 pounds. I recommend Cardui to every; suf fering woman, for I know what it did for me. My dresser is never without a bottle of Cardui on it." There 13 no reason why Cardui won't help you, just as it has Mrs. Eads, as well as hundreds of thou sands of other women in the past 50 years. So if you suffer from any of the many ailments so common to women, or need a good strengthening tonic for that tired, nervous, worn-out feeling, get a bottle of Card-u-i, today. At all druggists. NCB7 News that vill be of Interest in and near Cedar Creek S CAPTO Following is a List of These Whose Stock Captured Prizes. Prom Wednesday's Dally. The prizes at the stock show held in connection with the Home Coming festivities have been announced ar.d the following is the list of winners of the prizes for the finest animals shown at the stock show: I erchecn colt, under two year first prize, Luke L. Wiles, colt under one year, first prize, J. J. Johnson, $3. Shire colt under two years first prize J. J. Johnson, $3. Belgian colt, first prize C. E. Bab bitt, $3. Road colt lirst prize, Adam Mei singer, ?3. Rest brood mare, regardless of breed lirst prize, Philip Ilirz, $3; second, Sam Stone. $2. Pest matched mule team under t'iree years old first prize, Sam Stone, $3. Rest mule under one vear first prize, William Sutton, .$3. Here fords George Kaffenberger, winner of all prizes. Red Poll Luke Wiles, winner of all prizes. Holstein cows Philip Ilirz, winner of all prizes. Holstein best registered male Rex Young, winner. Du roc-Jersey, registered male and female Philip Hirz, winner. Rest registered male pig Mr. Bar- thold, winner. Poland China, best registered male and female Claude Mayabb, winner. Poultry first prize, C. C. Wescott. Rhode Island Reds first prize, Al vin Ramge. White Orphinglon first prize, Al vin Ramge. Geese first prize, Alvin Ramge. Ducks first prize, Alvin- Ramge. Rrahmas first prize, George Ray. Barred Plymouth Rocks first prize. Ted Wiles. Geese first prize, Mrs. C. M. Mc Cool. Philip Hirz, sweepstakes on hogs, first prize, hog oiler, donated by Dr. O. Sandin. Mr. Barthold, sweepstakes on hogs, second prize, 25 lbs. of dry dip, donated by Dr. O. Sandin. C. E. Babbitt, sweepstakes on colts, first prize, halter, given by John F. Gorder. George Kalfenberger, sweepstakes on calf, first prize, calf muzzle, do nated by Kroehler Brothers. Philip Hirz, sweepstakes on best milk cow, first prize, milk pail given by J. L. Barton & Son. Henry Ilirz, sweepstakes on best brood mare, first prize, hoof rasp. Sam Stone, sweepstakes on mules, first prize, rein hooks, given by Wil liam Schmidtmann. Alvin Ramge, sweepstakes on poul try, 25 pounds conditioner, given by C. E. Hartford. A GOOD YIELD OF OATS. From Wednesday's Dally. C. E. Babbitt has just threshed out his oats, and has a yield of seventy one bushels to the acre, machine meas ure. This is a yield that will com' close tc being as heavy as anv in this locality and the quality of the oats is excellent. This is the heaviest oat yield reported in this section of the county. PRIZE ATS THE TOOK SHOW i PAST WEEK MANY REPUB LICANS NOW ARE BACKING WILSON Commoner Will Start the Campaign For President Septem ber 18th. Lincoln, Sept. C. W. J. Bryan's -v.- I ut iirii i"iC r vi 1 w ill - 1 f rf Dun I I ii III JJU. It; I i AllJViiJt-o u vr i x i X- kj i j. i ca- idtnt Wilson will start September 18, according to announcement made by him while visiting here yesterday. Mr. Bryan leaves today for Alliance, where he will spent! two days hunting prairi chicken. From there he goes to Arh zona to spend two weeks with his son, W. J. Bryan, jr., to rest preparatory to a strenuous speaking tour. Mr. Bryan said he had not deter mined upon his attitude relative to Nebraska. He said he had asked the national committee to leave the last week before the election open should he conclude to make a tour of this state. "Trend Toward Democrats." Discussing the national situation, Mr. Bryan said: "There is a general impressian that Mr. Hughes' speeches have injured his own campaign. The trend seems to be quite strong toward the demo cratic ticket. On my rounds I heard everywhere of many republicans, who were supporting President Wilson. "Two important factors have been working for the democrats. First, Mr. Hughes seems to have no constructive program to offer as against a re markable record of democratic achievements since they took control of the government. Second, the suc cess of President Wilson in keeping the country out of war is strongly in dorsed by the people. I believe that Mr. Hughes has found this out, for his later utterances are much more miltl than those he delivered shortly after he took the stump. He has felt the pulse of the people and found they were not in favor of war or violence in the dealings with their neighbors." DID RESIDENT SPENDS HOME COMING WEEK HERE From "Wednesday's Da'iv. W. R. Wilson, one of the old resi dents of this city, but now residing in the metropolis, has been with the Home Comers here, and declares that he has never had a better time in his life than here with the old friends. Mr. Wilson is better known here by the name of "Tug" Wilson, as he was a man of splendid size and weight while living here, but during the years of service as a member of the police department of Omaha he has lost a great deal of this weight. Mr. Wil son is desk sergent at the police sta tion in Omaha, and very popular with his associates. He resided here some twenty-six years ago, and was em ployed in the Burlington shops for a time, and later, with the Mayer Bros', clothing store. He speaks very highly of the city and states that never in his recollection has the conditions been so favorable as at present, and he appearance of the homes and buildings of the city speak well for the town. While here Mr. Wilson was a caller at the Journal office for a short chat with the editor. MRS. SAMUEL WAUGH FRACTURES COLLARBONE From Wednesday s Dally. Mrs. Samuel Waugh of Lincoln, who was here to attend the Home Coming festivities and has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herold, met with a very pain ful accident Monday evening, which resulted in the breaking of the right shoulder. Mrs. Waugh had been call ing at .the home of Mrs. C. II. Parmele during the afternoon, and was prepar ing to leave for the Herold home in the evening, and as she stepped from the porch at the Parmele home fell to the sidewalk and alighted with her full weight on the shoulder, which caused the fracture. Mrs. Waugh did not consider the accident serious at the time and walked on up the hill to the Herold home, several blocks away, but by that time the pain was quite in tense and medical assistance was sum moned, and Drs. E. W. Cook and J. S. Livingston set the lractured shoulder and made the unfortunate lady as V Villi VMfcS AV frvwu.w. Mr m j . . Waugh came down from Lincoln this morning to visit his mother. View the fine line of fancy station ery at the Journal. We can fill the bill. CHE VR OLE T Touring car completely Self starter, electright Reduction in Price from $550 to $490 F. O. B. FACTORY. W. W. WASLEY, AGENT. HAPPINESS REACHED SUCCESS FULLY. From Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday at the court house occur red the marriage of Mr. George F. Warner and Miss Ruby Ellen Shaw, both of Hancock, la. The wedding was performed by County Judge Bee son in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaw, relatives of the bride. After the wedding ceremony, the young couple departed for their home in Iowa, rejoicing in their new found happiness. Judge Beeson also issued a marriage license to John F. Bates of Rising City, Neb., and Miss Mary G. Jamison, of Weeping Water. These young peo ple will be married at Weeping Watei this week. John T. Wehrbein departed this morning for Gothenberg, Neb., where he will look aver some land interests in that locality for a few days. W. A. Fight and wife and Karl Sattler and wife departed this morn ing for Lincoln to attend the state fair and visit with friends in that city. John Beck, one of the enterprising farmers of this locality, was among those going on the special train this morning to enjoy the state fair at Lincoln. George Smith, from the vicinity of Rock Bluffs, came up this morning to spend a few hours looking after some business matters. Henry Born and daughter were among those going to Lincoln this morning to spend a few hours visiting with friends and attending the state fair. Herbert Chriswisser, who has been here visiting with his relatives and friends in this locality, departed for his home at Havelock yesterday after noon. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East nf Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor m..w .i-mmm. .i..i..ii..i.,i,m,i-i. There's a Lot of Truth mouth, the hog struggles so much that more harm than good is done. Where STANDARD HOG REGULATOR is kept before the hogs in a Self Feeder, medicine is not needed, because the twelve ingrediants of Hog Regulator keep the bowels healthy, the stomach sweet, and the herd tip and coming all the time. UEYniCll & IIADRADA, Exclusive Agents Headquarters for the complete Standard Line. equipped. ' lights, storage system. He Was Worried and Hopeless. "For ten years I was bothered with kidney trouble," writes T. F. Hutchin son, Little Rock, Ark. "I was worried and had almost given up all hopes. I used five boxes of Foley Kidney Pills and am now a well man." Foley Kid ney Pills drive out the aches, pains, rheumatism and all kidney trouble symptoms. Sold Everywhere. If you have anything for sale adver tise in the Journal. r LOUDNESS of shoe style is hardly worth while in wo men's novelty footwear for Fall, but when she strikes the happy medium of stylish good taste as she certainly does here there's nothing to fear from her friends or her foes. High shoes that strikethe right note of novelty and the trne note of quality are ready here at $4 .50, $'i and $t a pair ready to satisfy and gratify the particularly well dressed woman who dotes on foot wear stvle. Fetzer Shoe Go. Better Shoes - Hotel Cedar Greek- JOHN LARSEN, Proprietor Under New Management Board by the Day or Week! tour Patronage Solicited in what Prof. Mcintosh, V. S., says i "There has not been the same attention paid to the treatment of the hogs as ihere has been to that of other domestic animals. Medicine has usually been given in the food, but this can not ' be done satisfactory where a number of hogs are running together. Usually where medicine is given by the