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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1916)
PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUUUST 17, HUG. PAGV 1. Cbc plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SGMNWECKLY AT PLATTSMOt'TH, NKBHASKA. Entered at Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PKICE TEU VEAU IX A1JVAXCM SMMM.sJM-l.CALL TO "CHRISTIAN CITIZENS THOUGHT FOR TODAY I pack my troubles in as little compass as I can fcr myself, and never let them annoy oth- -crs. Sou they. V :o:- Only fifteen more days "Home Coming:.' -:o:- Advice is one of the free things dis tributed laily to the needy. :o:- Hughcs hasn't voted for eight years, and i t ill claims he is an American. -:o: It won't be long; until we can have pancakes for breakfast. Yum! Yum! Go ahead and worry frerly. Half the things you worry about will never happen. -:::- Necessity, which is the mother of invention, is always leyponsiblc for many pniagraphs. ' -:o:- Some pepl fcar a typewriter as mtMrh as they do an automobile, es pecially if said typewriter happens to be a female. ' -:o: A Zeppelin aviator is reported "bagged." Which merely goes to show that the man ' higher up'' has the a 1 antage, as usual. :o:- A yield of thirty-five bushels to the acre, and from sixty to sixty-three pounds to the bushel, is the way many fields turned out in Cass county on the wheat proposition. :o: Every time Hughes opens his mouth n his speaking tour he makes a vote for President Wilson. Keep it up, Charley, and you can possibly make Wilson's re-election unanimous. -:o: Shoe manufacturers state that women's boots will be shorter next sen son. No mention is made by the dressmakers, however, when "the calves will be brought home." -:o:- The Brundete Carnival company will be here during "Home Coming.-' Don't worry about having a big time if you come the first day and stay to the close, Monday, September 4. :o: If you are a candidate and want to be elected, place your announce ment in The Journal. It won't cost you any more now than it will three it four weeks before the election. -:o: In a Pennsylvania town a single girl kissed nearly a thousand guards men. What young lady in Platts mouth would step forward and under take a job of that kind? Don't all speak at once, girls. The democratic record in the man j'grment of Nebraska has been fine an I clean-cut they never dd sell the credit of the state to corporations. All you have to do to know the re publican record- is to look backward into history. :o:- Frnm the looks of the army and navy bill, as it finally passed the sen ate, it will take some squeezing of the bocketbooks of the country to pay the bill. The appropriations total ?r,8.-,,3 13,017.27. If this editor had that much money he would lay off a week and go fishing. :o: A Plattsmouth man who has jus returned from New York City, re ports that the millionaires are spe cializing in high-priced driving horses because autos are becoming "too darned common." It doesn't seem pos sible that the horse can come bark but many a newspaper man is no' worried by having to choose btweer either. The Nebraska conference of the Epworth league, in session at Lincoln, adopted resolutions summoning all "Christian citizens" to vote for no candidate fcr public office who is not in favor of the prohibitory amend ment and branding all those opposing the amendment as in league with the liquor interests and bound to submit to their dictation. Explaining the resolution the Rev. A. A. Randall of I5roke:i Dow is quoted by the Lincoln Journal as say ing: "We considered this phrasing carefully and came to the conclusion that we wanted to have the word go out to be people in our churches. In your church and in my church there are members and even members of tiie church boards, who arc out with their coats off working for Hitchcock and Neville today, and we should point out to them where such a course places the cause of prohibition in Ne braska." This is an exhibition ot the narrow mindedness and bad judgment that ex plains why the most dangerous ene mies of prohibition are not the liquor interests but the professional pro hibitionists ajid politician-preachers. Well-informed men are aware that prohibition has no chance to carry in Nebraska by the votes of the strict, thorough-going prohibitionists. Its chance of success is that it will poll the votes of a large number of liberal-minded citizens, many of them drinking men, who might be persuaded that state prohibition is a better meth- j od than local option of dealing with the admitted evils and abuses inherent in liquor traffic. It is a common re- i port, coming from all sections of the J state, that the reason prohibition looks formidable at this time is that so many men who drink themselves, and who are not supporting candidates for office merely because they are pro hibitionists, nevertheless declare they expect to give their support to the amendment. Just such resolutions as those adopted at Lincoln, supported by just such intolerants as the Rev. A. A. Randall, if persisted in, must infalibly result in driving a large part of these liberal-minded and independent voters away from the cause. It is not true that all public men opposed to prohibition are therefore in league with the liquor interests or under their control." It is no true that they "are pledged to the liquor interests and will be compelled to carry out their dictates" if elected. It is not true that all these hosts of Nebraska citizens who believe in local self-government as the best method of dealing with the liquor problem arc opposed to "the purity of our homes and the highest welfare of our state." Such charges constitute a wicked slan der. They are unworthy any man consecrated to serve the serene Christ whose ways were the ways of gentle ness and love and understanding, and who was the friend of publicans and sinners. Liberal-minded men, independent men, who mean to vote on the pro hibition question on its merits, know these charges are slanderous and un true. The President of the United States is himself opposed to prohibition. When the question was brought be fore him in his own state, he said: "I am in favor of local option. I am a thorough believer in local self-government and believe that every self governing community which consti tutes a social unit should have the right to control the mater of the regu lation or the withholding of licenses.'' Thoman who would say that Wood row Wilson, because he holds to this position, is theiefore in league with the liquor interests, is subject to their orders, is opposed to the purity of the American home, would simply be branding himself as a fit subject for the lunacy commission. No good cause, in so intelligent and and virtuous ,a state as is Nebraska, need depend on slander and defama tion to win. It might be said, even, that no cause is so good it could hope to win by such a method. The per sistent resort to it by the leaders of the prohibition fight and by those politicians who are seeking suchTsel fish ends, can result only in alienating the respect and weakening the sup port of all except the extremists and one-idea intolerants, who of them selves comprise only a very small per centage of the voters necessary to carry an election. A means has been provided in Ne braska for settling the liquor question outside the realm of party politics. Roth parties have pledged their can didates for state office to respect the mandate of the people ar.d do every thing properly in thou- power to make it effective. Other great issues, politi cal issues, are also to be settled in this coining election. They are issues of great moment to the people and in them the people are vitally interested. Prohibitionists who are good citizens, just the same as local optionists who are good citiezens, will be content tc let this question be decided on its mer its. They will not insist on tacking it to the coat-tails of candidates or using it as a partisan weapon to con fuse and mislead the voters on other issues. As to those who do so insist, wo venture to say that they will find to their surprise, on eieetoin day, that the vast majority of the voters of Nebraska will no more allow then votes to be dictated by officious politician-preachers and one-idea fanatics than by selfish bi ewers and one-idea saloonkeepers. It is outside and apart from the leadership of both these extremes and independent of both parties that the people of Ne braska will decide the liquor issue. They will decide it for themselves, and will do their own thinking. They will be the guardians of their own viiture and the custodians of their own good citizenship. And as to the candidates for civic offices they shall support, they will no more allow the preachers to decide that for them then they would allow the lawyers or the editors or the doctors, the bank ers or the brewers, to decide. The man who is worthy the name and title of American citizen discharges that high responsibility according to his own judgment and conscience. Woild-IIerald. :o: People are discovering what Hughes hides in his whiskers. Its his little hammer. -:o:- Scientists have gathered statistics to prove that a man with a wife and two children cannot keep bodies and souls together on less than $lf a week, which ought to be a great com fort to many men who manage to keep up families of six children on $0 a week. The annual edition of the Lincoln Star is certainly a humdinger1, if al lowed to use the expression. The Star is a paper that not only the peo ple of Lincoln, but of the entire state of Nebraska should feci proud of. Success, to the Shir, and long may it continue to prosper. J. P. Morgan had $174,150 worth of , watches, $41,743 worth of wines and liquors and worth of cigars when he died, as shown by a recent appraisal of his estate, which aggre gated $78,140,021 in value. The item of watches may explain why Mr. Mor gan managed to keep ahead of the times. :o:- It 13 a pleasure to pass the Rurlm. ton shops days and notice Jiow fresh and neat and clean everything thereabouts appears. We remember as wc passed out Lincoln avenue Sun day evening what a contrast between the appearance of the buildings, sheds and fences today and that of five or six years ago, and great credit ceitainly i3 due Superintendent Baud for the manner in which the. Burling ton shops are kept. I "Wc are coining Father Abraham, :o:- Tv.enty thousand strong-,' :o: to -the Great "Home Coming" at Platts mouth :o: . Beginnings Thursday, August ill, with big auto parade. :o: Prepare for us for we sure will be there to enjoy the time of our livea. :o- Only the people who have conf'ck-nce in themselves mount the ladder of fame to any great extent. :o: The biggest time ever, begins Thursday, August Ul. Don't fail to make your ariangements to be heic the whole four days. :o: The lortl certainly does love Ne braska, lie is supplying1 us with plenty of moisture and the corn crop is abuii t fully matured. :o: That story fr:ni Germany of the Kaiser swinging a scythe in the har vest fields would have been better if he had been photographed as rid liv en a mowing machine. :o: Trie City of Mexico, reports say, is in a state of unrest. This unusual condition probably is attributable to the long and enervating peace that has at last got on the nerves of the peo ple down there. :o: President Wilson lias been critieisei by Mr. Hughes as being weak. He has shown himself strong1 enough to hold off the European powers, which is a stunt they were unable to exe cute themselves. :o: Willi the approaching of the presi dential "election nearly 40.009 jobs ae being1 thrust before the eyes of the unsuspecting. A nice? pleasant j' b with fair salary which offers nothing for the future is the alluring tempta tion. :o:- Spcak'ng of hard luck, there's a man down in Missouri who lias been seeking the democratic nomination for heri-r for thirty-six years and finally landed it this year of all years I And row, what if he is defeated at the general election? :o: Den Lindsey, the retired juvenile court judge of Denver, has tekgrapho I President Wilson that he will iv longer support the republican party, and has also resigned his position as a member of the executive committee of the progressive party, which he joined in 1912, after-the Chicago bolt. He commends the president for aiding in the passage of the child labor bill. -:o: DON'T BEFOG THE ISSUE. Certain republican newspapers in Nebraska are seeking to persuad.2 their readers that the republican partyis not committed to the abolish ing of the State Railway commis sions; that it is not committed to rob bing state legislatures of the power to make laws concerning railroads; that it is not committed to freeing the raili cads from all public control ex cept at the hands of the feeleral gov ernment. Either these newspapers are poorly informed or they are deliberately at tempting to deceive their readers. This is the railroad plank cf the re publican national platform: "Interstate and intrastate transpor tations have become so interwoven that the attempt to apply two and often several sets of laws- to its reg ulation has produced conflicts of au thority, embarrassment in operation and inconvenience and expense to the public. The entire transportation sys tem of the country has become es sentially national. We therefore favor such action by legislation, or if neces sary through an amendment to the constitution of the United States, as will result in placing it under exclu sive federal control. There can be no possible mistaking, the meaning of this language. It is plain and unambiguous. It is a pledge to place "the entire transportation ! system of the country under exclusive federal 'control." Exclusive means to the exclusion of all other control. It means the federal government rhall have the sole power. And this means' 1 necessarily that state legislatures and stat commissions shall have no power. If this pledge had been al ready in effect there could have been no maximum rate law enacted by a Nebraska legislature, no commodity rate law, no 2-cent passenger law, no terminal taxation law. There could be no state commission to take up the just grievances of local shippers and require the railroads to adjust them. There could be no relief of any kind, for any Nebraska citizen or interest injured by unfair rates or inadequate service, except by going to the federal commission at Washington. This Is the plank of the republican state platform indorsing the plank of the national platform: "While recognizing the soundness of the expression of the republican national platform on the subject of irgu-aHon of transportation, we cal attention to the fact that fedeial con trol hi only contemplated therein aftci such legislation or amendment to the constitution of the United States is enacted as may be necessary ioi hioadcning the reope and increasing the efficiency of the Interstate Com merce commission. We are pioud of the work accomplished by the Ne braska State Railway commission un der an amendment to our constitution and law.s enacted by republican legis latures. Wc endorse the sentiment of our candidate for president uttered while a member of the supreme court oi mo unucM Mates, in ute i.d- senee of feeleral action the state;-, have the right to exercise authority over transportation within their borders so long as they do not unnecessarily in terferc with interstate commerce." This is confusing probably pur poscly so. But the meaning is not be yond discovery. Here it is: We are proud of the work done by the Nebraska Railway commission. But we arc in favor of denuding that commission, and the state legislature, of a'l regulatory power over railroads, as soon as national laws and constitu tional amendments can be secured vesting exclusive pov.c-s in the Inter state Commerce commission. Until such action is taken we rejoice that the states may continue to exercise the powers now vested in them. No man xwho can understand the English language reasonably well can be in any doubt as to the icnuulican position. It is for the" exclusive fed eral control of railroads, exclusive federal control of inter.- tate commerce the same as intrastate commerce. Here is the position of the demo crats of Nebraska, as laid down in the state platform adopted at Hast ings. : "The republican party, in its na tional platform, has declared in favor of giving to the national government exclusive control ef the transportation of the country. We are unalterably opposed to this attempt to destroy state control which, in Nebraska, and many other states, has been of service ft to the people. Both forms of con trol are necessary, one for through business anel far-reaching questions, and one for local business and local questions. We pledge to the people of this state that our candidates for United States senator and for mem bers of congress will oppose this ef fort to destroy state control, which is guaranteed by our state constitution, and thus leave the people without re lief on local eomplaints." This is democratic doc-trine since the day of Thomas Jefferson, and it has been repeatedly enunciated in democratic platforms. In his autobi ography Jefferson in these; worns: "It is not by the consolidation of concentration of powers, but by their distribution that good government is effected. Were not this country al ready divided into states, that division must be made that each might do for itself what concerns it.self directly, and what it can so much better do . than a distant, authority. Every state is again divided into counties, each to take care of what lies' within its local bounds; each county again into townships or wards, to manage mi:i utcr net ails; and every ward into J farm., to be governed each by its ... i j j dividual proprietor. Were.we directed from Washington when to ?ow and when to reap we should soon want' Children Cry liPlKOj Ml TIio Kind You Have Always iu ns for over SO years, 7, -&CcJU4Z Allow ss All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good are hut Expcriiufiiis that trifle with and endanger the health of luiants and Children Hxperience against ISxnerhucuU What is GASTORIA Casforia is a harmless substitute forCastor Oil, Pare ;orie, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorphino nor other 'NarcoJio i-nhstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Vorni:j r.'.ul allays; Feverislmcss. l"or more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, ITntuiency, "Wind Colic, all Teething; Troubles and IMairhoa. It regulates the Stomach and liowels, nsshaihites the Food, giving; healthy and natural sleep. The Childreu's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS 5 Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CTNTAUR COM i.uad. It i- by this partition of cares, de.-"cendint: in era.:iL-.tion from ;rcneral lo iai ticidar, that the mas:-; of human affairs may be best managed for the rood and pronoity of all.'' It is the Jcf fersor.ian do.-trinc the democrats apply to the. problem of railroad regulation. It stands for all possible and necessary power for the ''edc-ral jrovc; nment, in the regulation of interstate commerce. It stands for equal lower for the state jrovern mcnts in the rerulati-"n of interstate commerce. It believes that a. the local matters Nebraska can do Ix ttcr fur itidf than cap. be done at Washing ton. b;a.ka republicanism, said in newspaper, the Omaha Dee, on Au - rrust -: "We have a straight-out issue be tween the two political parties in thic pending presidential c-nmpaijrn as be tween nationaliwnir the control and regulation of the railroads, and con tinuing the feeble, confu due; and con flicting efforts at control by each state for itself within its own bounda ries." Here is the issue, as made and forced by the republican party. Republican and independent voters', who favor rate control as well as fed eral control, should understand well. They should realize that the repub licans s?and "pledge, I, by their plat form, to wipe out state control if they are given the power. World-Herald. Sales bills done quickly at the Journal. mm mm. Many women are compelled to lie 'down at frequent intervals during the i'ay. inis, oi course, is one u m.u- i r l 1 A 1, ness, the forerunner of serious ills to fellow. At lirst there will be great languor, especially in tho morning; faintness, dizziness, weakness or sinking at the pit of the stomach. The digestion be comes impaired raid appetite is gone. Then comes palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath on any slieht exertion, cold hands and feet, , nalenoss. dark circles un. der the eyes, a dragging pain across the hips; the memory poor,! the disposition irritable and nervous, I the h ast noise or unusual occurrence J upsets the nerves. Di.:eare quickiy destroys the com- nlcxion, making it yellow or greenish in-Mcol::.ig. Ine checks become sunken and spots of a brownish hue appear .k i cn the PKin. i , svmntoms are caused by p00r circulation and an exhausting or ii Uoaltmi Pnlnr Baolc to the Cheeks for Fletcher's Bonglit, and which has been has homo tlio signature of and has been mado under his por--4 -tf sonal supervision since its iiifnnrv. no one to deceive you in Hi is. Signature of FA N V. MEW VORK CITV. CHILI) LABOK HILL PASSES. The passage of the recent child labor labor law by congress, prohibit ing the shipment in interstate com merce of factory or quarry products produced in plants employing child ren under 1 1, is one of the measures of which the present administration may' well feel proud. The law was :d?ncd cspecitlly at a regrettable con dition of affairs which has lonjr ex isted in the south as far north as Pennsylvania. There weie enly twelvc senators-: opposing- the me isi ie, all except two of these beinjr repre sentatives of southern states. It is to be presumed that the south ( i n o ii! owners are sail objecting to ""it he law on the Ground that the per- I , ,;K1vftr f u f ll'tll.I llt'lV. ' IIIV. Villi, l l themselves to death has been ab'-ided by sumptuary legislation. So be it. President Wilson insisted upon 's passage after the senatorial caucus had decided to defer it until Decem ber, which shows that even a pre id' nt must know something about being a political boss, when the need arises. But then, there are bosses and bosses. :o: The good work of "Americanizing" the United Spates goes merrily on. The members of the International Stewards association in New York recently voted to abandon foreign combinations on menu cards. This will not only be a relief to the masses of the American people who have not had the 'opportunity to become lin guists but will show that the cam paign of "America first"' is having it3 results. wasting away of the nerve force. The blood becomes thin and watery and the nerves lack strength. It has been admitted that ills pe culiar to women, in most cases start in the stomach; that when digestion is good, the blood ia good, the nerve.-: and organ?? are propeily nourished and strength is the result. In hundreds of thousands of cases, Tanlac has been the means of reliev ing the ills of women, because it giver, strength and tone to the system. Tanlac is a tonic, prepared from roots, barks and flowers gathered in many parts of the world. Testimonial-: ucm women who have used it say, "It has made mc a new woman," "I feci 1 healthy-again," "I enjoy my house work and other like expressions. . Tanlac now may be obtained in Phiitsmouth. at the Mauzy Drug Co. Tanlac may also be obtained in Springfield, at II. Ficgenhaum's store, and in Weeping Water, at the Meier Drug Co.