Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1916)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, ISIS. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-TTErKLY JOURNAC PAGE X, Cedar Creek FOR Mctormick nr Standard and Manilla Binding Twine, Hay Tools and a Complete Line of Repairs for All I. H. C. Machines, SEE f5 u" r--' CEDAR CREEX, NEBRASKA Henry Thietolf spent last Friday in Plat tsmouih. For pood, fre.-h Candy, Fruit and Nuts, see S. J. lieames. Farm Loan?, Insurance and Heal Estate. See J. F. Foreman. Pete Schr:eder and wife were shop ping in Omaha last Ti . day. S. II. Arrar t of Monroe is visiting his bother-in-law, A. O. Ault. When you want some good reading don't fi.reet Ee.imes. Library. Mis. John Henr.inir? and son, Ceoree. wc-ie Omaha visitors last Thursday. First Security Hank pays 4 per cent on time certificates for six months and one year. S. J. Keames wa looking after some matters of business in Plaits mouth Tuesday. Pomerr.ber that S. J. sell -the latent book5 published. Harold IV11 Wrieht's latest work--. Jake, from near Mr-ray. was lookinir a !uin' ss in Ce- ;ter srme ar Preek 1 matte-' ue -do v. Aithur Stander and family Irovo dw:i from Louisville last I- rKiay to spend the -lav at the Ms -' !' Mr-'. Henry Frey cam- in la-t Thursday for ar. over r.irht visit in Cedar Cieek. while en route to Hot Spring's C P. Moisinger. leer Meisir ver, Harry Meisinver and Henry Thd'-rolf motored to Omaha on Thursday of last week. Mrs. J. E. Roberts and Philip Stoehr diove to Platt.-mouth Wednesday eening for a brief vi-dt with county seat frb-nd-. J. V. Foreman has been keeping the Ford cars on the vo for the la.-t week. He sold one to Win. and Henry Mei singer, jr. John Wolfi and. Adam Fornoff went up to Fremont last Wednesday, where thev atterded the tractor show. The trip w s made via the LUto route. G. L. Meisincer is hauling the lum ber from the yards of the Cedar Creek Lumber company for the erection, of a new house on the farm v. here he re- sidt'S. John Oauer, C. A. Gauer, Wm. Keil, ytto Sprieek and John Rusche drove to Fremont last Wednesday to attend the tractor show. This trip vas made in the auto of John Gauer. is' Q0 Cn-l .-Ml L o Crtuns I have opened up my Ice Cream Parlor and invite all who enjoy some- thin"' fine in the way of Ice Cream to ft tall and see what we a.-e serving rut'Sfter a week at the front, meeting, ro satisfy the hunger r. the vsay oi commanders and inspecting the bat-j!y Ip Cream ill? line. Their rjresence was kent a Id S. J. Reame?. Cedar Creek. 600 C559-Ak- Department I V . jtJ LA r-' w- A Sam Oche::t ine was an Omaha vis itor Monday. Henry was a county .eat i-dtor Tuesday. Joseph F(iemr.?i made a drive to Louisville Monday tvenin-r. Andy Thomsen was a business vis itor in Omaha last Thursday. Remember the dance at the Say Its Hall, on next Saturday evening. Mrs. John Nh-rolf was visaing in Piattsmouth last Wednesday. Arthur Stander of Louisviile passed through Cedar Creek last Sun, lay. Miss Bookmcyer was a Saturday and Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mis. Schneider. lltiHrubio mil Jim U m i 4 Chairman Langhorst Outlines Mcsi .Aggressive Campaign in Nebraska. Lincoln, Xeb., Aug. 10. Demo cratic state headquarters will open here tomorrow morning at the Lincoln j hetel in charge of Chairman L. F. j Lanvhorst of Eimwood. After Set)- j tcmber 1 the organization will occupy j the Lincoln Traction iorrpar.y rooms, j just south of the Lincoln, which will j give the committee a iipie-;id;d of rooms. Mi. Langhorst has done only su.te ire- liminary work in outlining the sched ule tor the fail campaign. Rert Sprague is due to ax rive here tomor :ow or Fri-'ay. The first woik which the headquarters will take up is to formulate a list of speakers. Lang-j hcrst is planning to conduct a most. aggressive speaking campaign, and before the end of October expects a large number of national leaders to visit the state. In addition Mr. Langhorst will see that local orators are kept busy ham mering away. The republican state headquarters opened today with Chairman Ed Beach in charge, at the Lindeli. As had been indicated, O. C. Doebe vas the new secretary named; C. C. Johns; I of Grand Island was placed in charge ')) of the publicity work, Jesse V. Craig j oi Umana tr.e speakers bureau, with E. R. Gurney of Fremont assisting in an advisory canacitv. Mr. Craig said he had a list cfiv'i twenty speakers for this state, includ-;v ing Mr. Hughes, Colonel Roosevelt,;)! Senator Norris, Senator Reveridge, ! i j- t l y s . r- 1 enator wcsks, uovcrnor tapper, ep-iuj ai.or r.oran ana otner lesser repuoncan ' lights. ! KING VISITS BRiliSi! ARMIES IN THE FIELD! With the British army in France,; Aug. 10.. King George and the prince! of Wales returned to England today , secret, and they went about in khaki, i j General Jotfre, President Poincaire and King Albert of Belgium visited binders. gf . a. Pi fiVE-V RUIFS White House Conferees Are Tem porarily Halted Pending Dis cussions. A General tee to Meet the Presi dent at the White House Thurdav. Washington. Auirust 10. President n decided today to postpone fur-, : i com ere s with tlie represonta- I i lives of id run. aim empiov s u:i ; the threatened jail road strike until to j rcnri'iiW, whe." he will receive the g- n- i e: ai committee oi -! workmen in t.te i i least room of the Wr.ite Houi e. i In the meantime the committee of managers here- and the general com J mittee t.f the employes will meet to j discuss tentative plans new before them. In the meantime the president, through Judge Wm. L. Chamber:; of the federal board cf mediation and conciliation, will keep in close touch with the representatives of both side-. No enyaurerrent has been, made for the manager' committee, hut it is picbalde that ti'.e presiue!it will see them temo'i-cw. The plan of which the president is working is to put into effect the cifrht-hsur day and have a feda:ai commission invt-stiuate collateral :.- -sues. Details of the plan have not beer, worked out, but it was said to hj possible today that if the railroads cencedt-d an eirht-hour day the e:.i jd. yes will be urjred to jihe u; tr "it ':en:a::d for time and a half for ov v time. Th.e proposed commission inve-t: ra tion would not have power to enfo: any decisi'in. but we'd 1 inve.-ti-JT.t-' i of the qu 'sti. .us invidveil in the c(.: tiovosy and make recommendati'T. The halt in the ne.'ictiatior.s ha ; been cau.-ed !v the fact, that the h.otle-ihood lead; who hav r-ireting with the preitlent lirve picriar pewes and. have to lefer lmro-t -at n. hack to thvi in New York. Preside n oidd hv n decided that t and hotter rc ivh i crs ot ts. general committee were brought Washington and met him. J here it was decided to hold a general session at the White House Thursday. The committee of Managers e- mamcu m ses.-ion aimo.-t ccntmuousiy today diseussing the confei ences with the president and the tentative sug gestions outlined. It was statel the negotiations are now in tucli for:v- th: definite d.ecisions may be mi before tile end of i ''y wteic. The president had the forenoon to day filled with engagements with sen ators and renres Ttative who J l.f'n T!T'.'" c i Ti cr in Qj . liim l.nt vi-lirvi has put off because of consideration of the railroad situation. No engage ment for the managers or employe -j had been made early today but the! managers' committee held themselves I in readiness to go to ihj White House when summoned. W. S. Carter, one cf j the hrctheihcod heads, was in Xew j York conferring with the general com- ' mittee of employes. A tentative pro posal for trying out the eight-hour day for six months was among the suggestions under consideration. Fcr Ok UUi. First seenntv CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE We are anxious to assist tlie farmer in feeding and handling his live stock for market eposits In A are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly 1, 000,000.00 It is back of ns and protects you! -OFFICERS:- WM. SCHNEIDER. President W. N. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier News that will be of Interest in and near Cedar Creek the t'me heir.? the situation was at a deadlock, but administration offi cials hoped that a irround work had been established for luture r.egotia- . . , . , , x 1 1 tions which mignt avert a general ti ike. Judge Wn. L. Chambers, commis sioner of tlie federal hoard of media tion and conciliation, was in com munication this morning with the whiic an J the representatives uf the two sides and it was expected the president might see the commit tee of managers later today. Chairmen Waiting. 'ork. Auir. 10. The general committee composed of 040 general chairmen of the local unions tf the tour awaito it railroad brotherhoods t' lay instructions from Washington before deciding whether to ,,.u t v.'ashington o participate ih v.;tn I'rcsiutr.i wn- soi": and before deciding when to start if the ?-- to the capital. Y H. Carter, president of thr brothcihood of fire- i. " t-'nee' W n tarJv iv and was in airmen here. ;pres;.e.:! as to cor. ; e '. nee with the doubt was hvther it would be necessary for all the members cf the committee to ro to Washington, despite the desire of Ik e- i icnt Wils; n to explain to the chahmen anv sv.treetions vh:ch may i - t be made by the committee of railroad i it an, a vers tod cr t.;mo:TOv. At the hotel where the union men have their headquarters it was said that any proposals tentatively accept ed by tlie chiefs of the brothe; hoods and. xheir committee of thirty now in Waslrmrl on would be ratified without protect by the chairmen of the loca1 ur ions, without whose approval no ae"! cement would be effective. Just befoie Mr. Carter went into conference with the chairmen, he an r euiiced that he expecte-i to return to Wsu-h'.nvton late today with the ea- t::v ren ne;al i: mm:t;-.o, lie said that the arranc-enu-pt.-: lu two sr-ecial trains u men to Wadiiavton. 1 been made for carry the chair- tLfiiib ink) htvili'dii! liu tiitiliui tea i !i3r.i i ,i -Enrdand: mav not domatic relate ns v; after tiie end of the war ur.ti air.' tnaKes lull reiaraiion tor s! ts.. Mcaition i ap.uin r ly.-ii ana r oatrrces. Premier Asqtiith in timated in commons today. Dor. t joriivt S. j. lieames w.ien you are in need of paper napkins, paper plaies, ice civ am dishes and all of crepe poper. ate KQW ON! We have uo.n' through our entire- stock and have thrown upon the bar gain counter all the short ends con sis ting of wash goods, white goods., percales, ginghams, cur tain scrims. embroideries, laces. Many odd lots from which you can get a bargain. Muslin underwear. Odd lace curtains. Our 21x42 Turkish towels are still on sale. Our 81x00 sheets are sc'Ung fast at the price of each S8c ZOOKWBLERMIJTZ This Bank 1 Gommencins k Hiymrn's hSesome" and We Vill Also Carry a Complete Line of Cakes and Pies of Our Own Baking! "EVERYTHING GOOD TO EAT" 1 WAGNER'S m now k IE Appropriation cf 315 Million Dollars Completed By Congress. L'nited Str.tes to Forge Ahead to Sec ond Place Among (Ireat Powers. Washington, Aug. 1G. Navy offi cers had before them today the task of carrying out the largest program for building warships ever adopted with a single appropriation by any nation. Although technically not completed, the naval hill, carrying S3iri.S00.000, had been approved in its main pro visions by congress and was in the hands of a conference committee only to settle minor differences between the house and appropriations. Anticipating senate on navy yard speedy disposition of the remaining questions, the navy de partment already had begun plans for putting into effect provisions of the big building policy and increased per sonnel feature approved yesterday by the house. The senate's building pro gram was ratified by a vote of 2S3 to "1, and the personnel increase by a viva voce vote. Senate increases in appropriations for navy yards were disagreed and it was voted to send the bill back to conference for deter mination of these points. Complete in Few Days. Indications today were that the conferees would reach an earlv acree- rnr-nt nn ihf nnpstions still in dismite J x. and that the hill would he laid before President Wilson for his approval in a few days. Increases written into the bill by the senate and approved by the house provide for the constructing of 157 war vessels within the next three years and an enlisted strength of 74,- 700 men. IS YEARS OF LIVER TROUBLE Finally Relieved by the Old Reli able Thediord s Black-Dracght. Traverse City. Mich. Mrs. J. W. Edwards, of this town, says: "I suf fered for about 18 years with liver trouble, and doctored with many dif ferent remedies. At last, 1 was toia that an operation was the only thins that would help me, but I heard of Thedford's Black-Draught, and took six 25-cent packages and it cured me. can recommend it to all who suffer from liver troubles. I have influenced several oi my neighbors to take Black-Draught Liver Medicine, and I give it to my grandchildren. I can safely say that I owe my life to Elack-Draught. as it put me on my feet after eyerj'thing else had failed." You know that you can depend upon Black-Draught Liver Medicine for quick and permanent relief in an dis orders of the liver, stomach and bow els, such as indigestion, constipation, biliousness, headache, sour stomach, tired feeling, and many other common ailments, because, in the past 75 years, it has helped so many thou sands of people, whose troubles were similar to these. Safe, gentle m action, and without bad after-effects, Black-Draught is sure to benefit both young and old. 1 AT! R NAVY Bold everywhere. 25c a package. FT- r a QUu j a ri w rt a 0 WE WILL HANDLE "Pleasat," urns Baking V7 Automobile Insurance Paid in Less Than 24 Hours READ THESE TWO LETTERS: They show the importance of Automobile Insur ance and they give evidence of this company's prompt ness in paying their losses. Yutan, Neb., July 12. HHG. Mr. Rees Wilkinson, Secy., Automobile Insurance Co., Lincoln, Neb., Dear Sir: Please accept my thanks for your check for $1200.00 covering full payment account of total loss of my 1010 Willys Knight touring car that burned yesterday. This settlement is made within twenty-four hours from the time the car burned. I had heard that your company made quick set tlements of their losses, but I am frank to admit that this is quicker than I really expected. I am indeed grateful for ihe promptness and courtesy shown in this matter, and will take great pleasure in recommending yur Com pany to my friends. Yours very truly, (Signed) BEX II. SCIIIILZ. n it Cedar Creek, Xeb., July 12. 101 A. Mr. Pees Wilkinson, Secy., Automobile Insurance Co., Lincoln, Xeb. Dear Mr. Wilkinson: Kindly accept my thanks for your check for 1300.00 in full set tlement for the loss of my six cylinder Mitchell touring car, which burned a few days ago. The fact that you have settled this claim in full, without discount or deduction of any kind, is indeed very gratifying to me, and the prompt and courteous treatment received, impels me to write this let ter in recognition of same. Yours very truly, (Sirnvd) JOHN GAITEP. Our rates for one year and three year Policies are lower than any other company writing Automobile In surance. See rne at once before your car is burned or stolen. T. H. POLLOeK, g ' '.rj.-r ADVERTISE IN THE -tBasiiall Sunday! Y'Wf tg$F ' A ti" 'j? y .1 , . lte'gS Acorn Cigars, Chewing Gum, Pop and Peanuts FOR SALE ON THE GROUNDS mmm i Seen Pilaid" Agent, Piattsmouth, Neb. JOURNAL. IT PAYS vs iAfiEli OF OMAHA The Brandeis Team is the fastest in Omaha, and a real exhibition of base ball may be looked for. Game Called at 3:00 Admission 25c Sox 43 Or M H n the king during the week. Costs only one cent a dose. kcb 4 Si-