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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1916)
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1916. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE I. j i V . (A 0. i , '1 V I A 7 n i i ence In every branch of the trade.) The Exclusive Wall Paper and Paint Store GOBELMAN, ' Hotel Riley Block, Plattsmouth Local lews From Friday's Daily. J. R. Vallery of near Mynard was in the city for a few hours yester day afternoon looking after a few matters of business. Jacob Bengen of near Mynard mo tored in this morning from his farm home to visit with his friends in this city for afew hours. L. II. Upton of Union was in the city for a short time last evening at tending to a. few business matters of importance and calling on his friends Henry C. Long of Murray was in the city today for a few hours look ing after some matters of business r.nd visiting with county seat friends. John Beck, one of the farmers from northwest of the city, was in for a few hours yesterday afternoon look ing after some mutters with the mer chants. James McNeil and Joseph Neselck of St. Joseph, who have been here visiting with relatives and friends, departed this afternoon for their home. Major A. Hall and wife and daugh ter, Miss Elizabeth came in this morning from their home south of this city to visit for a short time with friends. M. G. Churchill and Dr. G. H. Gil more of Murray were in the city to day for a few hours, the doctor being in attendance at a session of the county insanity board. II. K. Frantz, the banker, and AV. P. Yoho, the merchant of Eagle, were in the city for a few hours yes terday afternoon looking after some matters at the court house. George P. Meisinger, jr., motored in today from his farm home in his fine new Studebaker automobile and spent a few hours with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger. We are in receipt of a communi cation from Mrs. S. E. Carrigan, who is located near Valyrang, Neb., in which she encloses a year's subscrip tion to the Plattsmouth Journal. Harry Krueger, wife and son, Glenn, who have been enjoying a va cation at Tampa, Florida, returned home this morning on the early Bur lington train and report a most de lightful visit. A. P. Young and Senator John Mattes of Nebraska City passed through the city last evening enroute to Omaha where they visited for the it I at ITc AccietYmi i'n PS a New Residence! ' You are no doubt in the same position that a great many others of this city and community are in. You want a new home, and if you had a little assistance in the way of plans, cost of material and a partial estimate on the cost of your new home you might build now. We have just received a most complete line of plans, specifications, estimate of lumber bills for each and every structure in this great volume, all of which will be of great aid to you in planning a new home, all free to you by calling at our lumber office. This volume also contains the plans of combination barns and silos, garages, outbuildings of numerous kinds, which we will be glad to sliow prospective building of these sort of structures. This is Our Line and We Will Be Glad to Help You! 3 if I Our Lumber and Building Line is Complete & . j3D Lumber and Building Bring Your problems to a practical man. (Years of experi day in that city looking after some business affairs. Mrs. Samuel Long of South Bend and Mrs. Charles Olds of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, are in the city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Streight. Mrs. Long is a sister of Mr. Streight and Mrs. Olds, a 'cousin. A. A. Schoemann and wife of Louisville, Peter Lenhard and wife and daughter, Lena, of South Bend were in the city today for a few hours, driving over in the auto of Mr. Lenhard and while in the city the two gentlemen were callers at the Journal office. Mrs. F. E. Paxton and Miss Grace Stewart, who have been here in at tendance at the funeral of Mrs. Fred Stewart departed this morning for Glenwood where they will secure their household goods and remove to this city to make their home with their son and brother, Fred Stewart. From. Saturday's Dally. Mrs. Nettie Staton of Union came up to this city yesterday afternoon for a short visit with friends. C. L. Creamer and wife from south of the city were here this afternoon looking after the week-end shopping. Mrs. R. E. Foster and children of Union came up to this city yester day afternoon for a short visit at the Larson home. Ed E. Leach came up this morning from his home near Murray to spend a few hours looking after some mat ters of business with the merchants. W. II. Seybert motored in this aft ernoon from his home near Cullom to meet Mrs. Seybert and daughter, Honor, who were returning home from Omaha. Louie Rheinackle, wife and little daughter were in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some matters of business with the merchants. Dr. B. F. Brendel accompanied buy his nephew, Lowell Parr of Zionville, ! Indiana, and Will Barker motored up this morning from Murray enroute to the auto races at Omaha. Frank McCoy of Havelock was here today visiting with his old friends in his boyhood home. Mr. McCoy is one of the former residents here who ex pect to be on hand for the "Home Coming." Mrs. S. S. Gooding departed this morning for Rosalie, Neb., where she will visit for a week or ten days at the home of her brother, F. II. Rich ardson and returning will stop at . Material. Omaha for a brief visit. Henry Horn and son, Harry and George P. Horn, sr., drove in this morning from their home in Eight Mile Grove precinct and spent a few hours here looking after the week end shopping and visiting with friends. From Thursday's Dally. Editor W. H. Brown of the Union Ledger and wife came up Saturday afternoon an spent a few hours here with friends. C. .II. Vallery, who has been in Omaha for the past week taking treatment, returned home this after noon feeling much improved. Mrs. Claude Seivers of Louisvill came over yesterday to attend the funeral of the little daughter cf Mr and Mrs. Jennings Seivers. Miss Etta Nickles of Murray was in the city for a few hours Saturday evening enroute home from Omaha where she was visiting there for th day with friends. Hans Tams, who is employed as traveling carpenter for the Burling ton, departed this morning for Omaha where he will look after some wor for the company in that place. R. L. Propst motored in from hi home at Mynard this morning and de parted on the early Burlington train for Omaha where he will spend few hours looking after some bus iness matters. William Witte of Stanton, Neb who has been here visiting at th home of Mrs. Henry Martens and family, over Sunday, departed this morning for his home in the northern part of the state. T. M. Patterson and wife departei Saturday evening on No. 2 for Chi cago and Battle Creek, Michigan where they will spend a month in those cities as well as in other of the cities of Michigan. Mrs. Will Fitzgerald and little child of Omaha, who were here in atten dance at the funeral of the grand father of Mrs. Fitzgerald, the late Wash Beverage, returned this morn ing to their home in Omaha. T. F. Wiles, wife and family of Omaha, who where here visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. Wiles parents. Captain and Mrs. Isaac Wiles, departed this morning fo their home in the metropolis. Conrad Schlater of Oshkosh, Neb. motored in yesterday from his home for a short visit here with his rela tives and friends in this city, while enjoying a short vacation from hi work in the bank at Oshkosh. James W. Jones of Shenadoah, la. who was here over Sunday visitin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Cloidt, departed this morning for his home. Mrs. Jones will remain for more estended visit before returning home. H. E. Pankonin and Ed Gloy ot Grant, Nebraska, are in the city en joying a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Roessler and with other friends. These gentlemen are prominent farmer of the vicinity of Grant. IIM1"I"I"I,,I,,I"I"I"I"I"I"I,'I','I"I"I"I' 4 W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor. 5 & 1 Plattsmouth, Nebraska HOSTILE LEGIONS MARKING TIME ON BANKS OF S0&1ME The Heavy Fighting That Has Ueen Going on for Days Has Dwindled Perceptibly in Intensity London, July 16. The heavy fight ing that has been going on for days in the region of the Somme has dwindled perceptibly in intensity, Sunday witnessing merely heavy bom bardments on the British front and comparative calm on the line held by the French. In the region of Verdun the French to the northwest of the fortress have captured German posi tiens and southwest of Thiaumont, on the east bank of the Meuse, have penetrated German first line trenches, In the eastern theater, in the region of Lutsk, heaw fierhtinr has com- menced again, with the Russians on the aggressive. According to Vienna, all attacks have been repulsed here. Neither the Vienna nor Petrograd official communication touches upon the operations in the Carpathians re- gion, but Petrograd reports ine cap- ture iVom the Turk? bv the Russian? of the important town of Baiburt, in Turkish Armenian sixty miles south of the Black Sea port of Trebizond. The Italians are still making head- way against the Austrians, according to Rome dispatches, especially on Posonia, and have repulsed violent ..... counter attacks with heavy losses to the Austrians. To the south of the Somme, the Germans Saturday night in strong attacks under the cover of fog, cap tured La Maisonnette and the Village of Biaches, while further south they penetrated first line French trenches From all these places they were driv en out later by the French in heavy counter attacks In the Champagne region there is again great activity by the French troops, who are being aided in their meneuvers by the Russians, who re cently came to France. Berlin tells of the repulse of four British attacks Saturdav afternoon in the region of Ovillers and Bazentin Le Petit, while "Pn the operations in the Carpathi the London war afiice admits the with- ns region, but Petrograd reports the drawal of the British main line of a capture from the lurks by the Kus force that had been thrown forward sians of the important town of Bai- to the Foureaux wood and was en- gaged in improving the neew British positipns. Five British patrol trawlers and five British steamers are reported to have been sunk by German submar- ines. Suffered Stroke of Paralysis From Saturday's Dally. Charley Price suffered a stroke of paralysis Wednesday morning at 3:30 and is now in a serious condition at his home with slight hopes for his complete recovery. His left side was paralyzed and he suffers great pain in his head. His sister, Mrs. C. C. IvJcKnight, of Omaha, is here and a brother from Cystal Lake, Iowa, has been called. Eagle Beacom. A THOROUGH TEST (One To Convince the Most Skeptical Plattsmouth Reader. The test of time is the test that counts. Doan's Kidney Pills have made their reputation by effective action. The following case is typical. Plattsmouth residents should dc convinced. The testimony is confirmed the proof complete. Testimony like this cannot be ig nored. W. M. Barclay, chief of police, Fifth and Pearl streets, Plattsmouth, says: "1 have used uoan's Kidney 'ills, procured from the Crescent. I Pharmacy, and can say they are all I right. For lumbago and trouble from I the kidney secretions they are splen- did. I found that after using ihem, I the pain across my loins lef t immedi- I ately." (Statement given December 29, 1908.) I On February 22, 191G, Mr. Bar- clay said: "I have taken Doan's Kid-1 ney .Fills for ears and they have never failed to do the work when ever I have had occasion to take a kidney medicine." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for Kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Ptlls the same that J Mr. Barclay has twice publicly recom- mended. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. J. H. Meisinger and son, Adam of near Cedar Creek departed this morninsr for Pekin. Illinois. I vhere they were called by the death of a relative. I GERMANS ATTACK BEHIND VEIL OF FOG GAIN FRENCH LINE Capture La Maisonnette and Biaches, but Are Drove Out by De. fenders. BERLIN RECORDS REPULSE OF FOUR BRITISH ATTACKS Heavy Fighting Resumed in Lutsk Region Russians Gain in Caucasus. London, July 16. To the south of the Somme. the Germans Saturday in stroner attacks under the cover ot log, captureu ..ont and the village of Biaches, while further south they penetrated first I j. - i IT- n f ' lin line French trenches From all these places they were driven out later bv the rrench in heavy counter attacks. Berlin tells of the repulse of four British attacks Saturday afternoon in the region of Ovillers and Bazentin L,e 1'etit, while tne juonuon war oi f ice admist the withdrawal to the British main line of a force that had been thrown forward to the Foureax wood and was engaged in improving the new British positions The heavy fighting that has been p.n;np. nn ror ,avs ; the reeion of tha io " i Somme. however, has dwindled per ceptibly in intensity, Sunday witness ing merely heavy bombardments on the British front and comparative calm on the line held by the French. In the region of Verdun the French to the northwest of the fortress have captured German positions, and southwest of Thiaumont, on the east bank of the Meuse, have penetrated German first line trenches. In the eastern theater, in the re gion ot LutsK, neavy ngnting nas commenced again, with the Russians on the aggressive. According to Vienna, all attacks have been repulo- M here- Neither the Vienna or Petro- olticial communications toucn burt, in Turkish Armenia, sixty miles south of the Black sea port of Irebi- zond. The Italians are still making headway against the Austrians ac- j cording to Rome dispatches, especial- j ly in Posinin, and have repulsed vio lent counter attacks with heavy losses to the Austrians. TWO FORMER PLATTS MOUTH BOYS ARE NOW VISITING FRIENDS Charley and William Bell, two for mer Plattsmouth boys, now residing at Davenport, la., came in yester day morning to visit for a few days here with their old friends and en joy a short stay in the old home. The boys are members of the team of the Davenport Woodmen of the World which has been taking part in the en campment of the uniform rank at Lake Manawa the past week. William Bell is captain of the company and is well pleased over the fact that his team secured the second prize in the competitive drill over several other of the crack teams of Iowa and Ne braska. There were 200 in attendance at the encampment and the Daven port team numbered twenty of the fine appearing young men of that city. The young men report their father and mother as being in good health and Mr. Bell has a very fine position as foreman in the machine shops of the Davenport Locomotive works where Charley and Will are both employed at present. While here the boys are visiting at the Henry Steinhauer home and will depart for home in time to attend a big recep tion that is to be given in Burling- ton by the Woodmen of the World lodge for the members of the prize winning Davenport team. The friends of the young men were certainly well pleased to see them and to learn that they are meeting with such success. While here they were callers at the Journal office to visit with the force. MRS. BRUCE MILLER VERY LOW A message received in this city from Peoria, 111., announces that Mrs Bruce Miller of that city who has been in very poor health for the last two years is critically ill and her re covery is considered very doubtful. Mrs. Miller is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Heinrich of this city and her relatives and friends here are greatly shocked to learn of her ser ious condition of health. Clearance Sale Now On! Will . Continue Until This Lot is Sold at Prices Quoted: House dresses, 1 lot made of a good quality cambric, light gound neat fig ure well made, bought to retail at $1.50 to close out, at per garment 93c. A small lot of street dresses made of Tissue, these were priced at each $3.00, to close out we offer them at $2.15. 3'EO One lot of House Dresses made of neat stripes of gingham, formerly sold at $1.25 each, to close out at 98c. Bungalow aprons, 1 lot made of a good grade of percale to close out at per garment 49c. 1 One lot of Bungalow aprons that were priced at $1., in good materials, we offer same at per garment, 89c. One lot of Childrens Dresses, sizes for age 4, 6and 8 years, to close them out we offer them at each 59c. These are neatly made of nice materials. Colored Silk Petticoats, the grade that was priced at per garment $4.00 we offer at each $2.59. The grade that was priced at $2.50 we now offer at each $159. The $1.25 garment in satteen we now offer at per garment 98c. ' Ladies White Petticoats, trimmed with lace also embroderies, that were priced at $1.50 each to close out we offer same at $1.10. The grade that sold at $1.25 we will close out at per garment 98c. The $1. grade we offer, now at 89c. Corset Covers that were priced at each 35c will be closed out at each 25c. Ladies muslin pants that sold up as high as 50c per pair we offer now at per garment 25c. A nice lot of Embroideried Flounc ings, 45-inch wide, that were priced Znckweiler Lutz WW wwv .t f vw wwv NEHAWKA News Morn, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stoll a bouncing baby boy, Tuesday, July 11th. 3lrs. u. L). Adams was a passenger for Brownsville, Nebraska, Wednes day morning for a visit with relatives A number of the farmers in this vi cinity were busy Sunday. Some, were cultivating corn, while others were in the harvest field. R. W. Chriswisser who lives south of town recently disposed of his Krit oar and is now enjoying the pleasure of an Overland. J. W. Magney left for Oklahoma last Tuesday where he will look after his land interests. He expects to be gone about ten days. The addition which is being placed on the rear of the bank has a good start. The basement and foundation is completed. This work was done by G ruber and Miller. C. D. St. John who has been have ing his home remodeled of late now has a crew of painters at work giv ing it the finishing touches. He now has one of the best residences in Ne hawka. P. E. Ruffner and wife, of Platts mouth, and Mrs. Reed, of Omaha were down visiting over Sunday with Mr and Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick. Mrs Reed is a sister of Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stone and fam ily spent Sunday in Elmwood visit ing with the former's brother, Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Stone. C. S. Stone and wife brought them back to Ne- hawka that evening in their car. With the Sheldon Manufacturing Company's new home going up at full blast, the addition on the bank near ing completion faster each day, the new KirKpatricK nome almost com pleted and a beter electric light plant almost ready for continual ser vice, who can say Nehawka is not on the boom? One of the best dances of the sea son will be given at the T. J. Sokol hall on Saturday evening and the public is cordially invited to be pres ent to take part in the pelasant oc casion. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, iucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., dolne business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine la taken in. ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. . F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. at per yard $2. We offer to close out at per yard $1.45. One lot that was priced at per yard at $1.65 will be sold at $1.10. One lot that was priced at per yard 85c will be sold at 65c per yard. One lot will be sold at 49c. The above are mostly of Organdies, Batists and Voil materials. A lot of 27-inch wide Embroider ies to match the above at a cut price. One lot of Embroideries that were priced at 25c per yard, we offer now at per yard 19c. Edges and Inser tions to match. One lot of Embroideries from 2 to 7 inches wide, former price 10c and 15c, now go at per yard 8c. One lot to close at per yard 5c. WASH GOODS One lot of wash goods that were priced at per yard I21&c, we offer at Per yard 9c. One lot that were priced at 25c per yard, we now offer at per yard 15c. One odd lot of white good, slightly soiled, a bargain at per yard 13c. GINGHAM One lot of Red Seal Gingham at per yard 10c. PERCALES 3C-inch parcales Grey, Blues, Light colors at per yard 10c. NEW ARRIVALS One case of Pepperell sheets 9-4 2V2 yards, 9-4 2 3-4 yards. Fruit of the Loom sheets, 9-4 IV yards, 9-4 2 3-4 yards for just the price per yard of the same grade of sheeting these are torn and hemed. Ask to see them. One small lot of odd shoes for Misses at per pair 90c. DEATH OF YOUNG BABE OF MR. AND MRS. JENNINGS SEIVERS Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock, June, the little four-weeks-old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Seivers passed away at the home on West Marble street. The little one has not been strong from birth and gradual ly faded away and was called home to rest from suffering, to dwell in the realms of the blessed, under the protecting wing of the kindly Father. The death came as a great blow to the parents, who have devoted every care to save their beloved little one, but in vain. The funeral services were held yesterday from the home con ducted by Rev. F. M. Druliner of the First Methodist church and the little one was laid to rest in Oak Hill cem etery. The deepest sympathy of everyone in the community goes out to the family in their hour of grief at the loss of the beloved little one who for a short time has been the sunshine of the home and the idol of the family circle. The funeral ser vices were attended by a large num ber of the relatives and friends to express their feelings of sympathy and grief at the misfortune that had befallen their friends. The best hammocks in the city can be found at the Stanfield Book Shop. Prices the lowest. Poultry Med A carload of live poultry, to be deliv ered at car, near Burlington freight depot, Plattsmouth, Neb., on Tuesday, July 25th, one day only, for which we will pay in cash: lens 14 lie Old Roosters 8c We will be on hand, rain or shine. and take all poultry offered. Don't forget the date. lit U. E. KEEUEY