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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1916)
Monday, june s, 1916. PLATTSMOtJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE S. .H. ImT .T T, !l.I,I.sS..I..I.,T..I..f..I..:..H. J..T..J..T..T. ,?J?3J.T. Slip a few Prince Albert smokes into your system! Copyright iro fey B. J. BtyBolds TebMs C. 0" You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert Datented Drocess that curs our bite and Darch and lptc vnn smoke vour fill without a comeback! Stake vour bank mil that ?. . t r . 1 j ii proves out every nour 01 me uay. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality ! There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling your own, but you know that you've got to have the right tobacco ! We tell you Prince Albert will bang the doors wide open for you to come in on a good time firine ud everv little so often, without a regret! YouH feel like vour smoke oast has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot back up for a fresh start. You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a tnousana-aonar Din ! it s worth that in happi ness and contentment to you, to every man who knows what can be gotten out of a churnmy jimmy pipe or a makin's cigarette with Prince Albert for packing"! y fall Mm-!" Ifu.ll the national joy smoke R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. THE Prince Albert tidy L - 111 1 1 1rai'ffihim tsovsof-- astfdtesa, WuuUa-Salea. N. C This is the reverse side of the tldjr red tin sm ri r j red tin. and in fact, every Prince Albert package, has real message-to-you on its reverse Bide. You 11 read: "Process Patented July 3tith. 1907." That means tViut th IlnitH Clat,, f.nvvrn. ment has granted a patent on the process by which Prince Albert is made. And by which ton$ue bite and . f -. . . vw. . ' - J wnere tobacco is sold you II find Prince Albert awaiting you in toppy red bags, 5c: tidy red tins. 10c: handsome pound ana nait-pouna tin humidors and in that clever crystal glass humidor, with sponge - moistener top, that keeps the tobacco in such fine condition always! r-r SPECIAL 31 SALE ON; FAuuIm uvub ivyULC,LlJ u o m Commencing Saturday Morning, Uay 27th, and continuing up to and including June 27th, we will offer all our big line of Farm Implements at greatly reduced prices. This is surely, the golden oppor tunity to buy your farming equipment, at the time all such goods are rapidly ad vancing in price, we are offering them to you at a reduction. Look over the following articles, compare the prices and come in and let us talk Farm Ma chinery to you: One wood wheel farm truck $45.00 value at $40.00 One iron wheel farm truck 32.50 " " 27.00 Four V. A. John Deere cultivators 27.50 " " 21.00 One John Deere shift seat cultivator 29.50 " " 22.00 One John Deere hammock seat cultivator 30.00 " " 22.00 One Sattley hammock seat cultivator 29.00 " " 22.00 One Sattley balance frame 27.50 " " 21.00 One Sattley Walker 17.50 " " 14.00 One two-row stalk cutter, all that we have left. . 51.00 " " 40.00 30 tooth harrows at per section 4.00 Three-hole cookers, Blue Bell oil burner 13.50 " " 10.00 Peerless Steam Washers 5.00 " " 3.00 John Deere Binders, (the best on the market) can save you from $20 to $25 as long as they last. Star Litter Carrier at wholesale cost price. Big Discount on all Farm Implements, Bug gies and Wagons for the Next 30 Days BIG DISCOUNT ON HAY FORKS! J. L. IBARTO M &co., Plaflsmoulh, i (Successors to G. P. Eastwood) Nebraska 3& X. UNION Ledger " Ed Young left Monday morning for Buffalo county, on a little land busi ness. Mrs. Eisler and children of Lincoln are the guests of her sister, Mrs. Cogdill. Elsie and Vady Davidson, -who were thrown from a buggy during a run away last week, are recovering nicely. C. H. Stebbins and C, F. Robinson, oil drillers, were in Omaha Sunday looking over the beauty spots in the big city. Private R. A. Bramblet, a former Union boy, who was stationed at Ft. Mills, Corregdior, Manilla, P. I., has recently been transferred, and now orders the Ledger sent to him at Ft. Warden, Port Townsend, Washington. J. C. Mclntyre and family came down from Lincoln Saturday for a short visit with relatives. Mr. Mc lntyre went back to his work on Sun day, but his wife will remain with her mother, Mrs. Myron Lynde, for a week. Miss Jean Andrews, who" teaches near Union, closed her school Friday with a picnic. Miss Andrews taught a successful term and was elected to teach the same school next fall. She returned to her home in Nebraska City Saturday. Miss Daisy Barton, who attended school in Falls City the past year, graduated with honors from the eighth grade last Thursday evening. Miss Daisy arrived home on Friday morning and will spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Barton. There was a meeting of the Union Oil company last Saturday night. Talk along the lines of progress thus far made was discussed to some length. The financial committee made a report of all monies spent, and the report was accepted by all present. A new auditing committee, consisting of F. H. McCarthy, W. B. Banning and L. R. Upton, was appointed to take the place of the old committee, who were Jake Falter, C. C. Parmele and Frank Slater, all of Plattsmouth It was agreed upon by those present to make an earnest endeavor to raise $2,500 more so that the well could be sunk down to a depth of some 2,000 feet, and it is the, general im pression that the well will produce oil at about that depth, or at least it should. NEHAWKA. 4. News 4- Frank Boedeker is driving a new wagon since the latter part of last week. It is a light six-cylinder Buick Mrs. Charles Chriswisser and chil dren were passengers to Auburn on Monday to visit for a short time with friends. Miss Edwards left Saturday for her home in Hamilton after teaching and closing a successful school year of our intermediate room. Miss Linnea Lundberg, who had been teaching school in Chappell, Neb., returned home on the morning train Tuesday to spend her vacation. Miss Flint, who taught the primary room, gave her pupils a picnic at the Robert Caldwell home last Thursday afternoon. She left Saturday morn ing for Lincoln. Miss Lillian Sutherland, superin tendent of the high school, departed for her home in Grand Island Satur day after closing a very successful school year at this place. Miss Clara Rutherford left for Parkston, S. D., Monday afternoon, where she will attend summer school. She was joined at Union by her cou sin, Miss Dovey Barkhurst, who will also attend the same school. Wright Cook, who graduated from the high school here last year, came in from Tecumseh last Thursday to be present at the graduating exer cises and attend the alumni banquet given the same evening. He visited his old friends and returned home on Saturday afternoon. From now on Nehawka will have a better mail service in the mornings. The early train which carried second class mail only will now carry first class matter coming from Kansas City to Omaha. As it was, this mail had to go to Lincoln and then down on the morning jmssenger. This will not take any mail at thissplace, but it will improve the service wonderfully. LOST On Lincoln avenue yesterday, an exhaust muffler belonging to an Excelsior motorcycle. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at the Journal office. 5-29-tfd ELMWOOD Leader-Echo Sales bills done quickly at the Journal. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gamble came down from Omaha to attend the alumni banquet. Mr. Gamble was a former superintendent of our schools. Miss Lena Dettman of Imperial, Neb., is here on a visit with her brother, Herman Dettman, and her sister, Mrs. Ted Jeary, and family. The interior decorations at the American Exchange bank have been completed and make a fine appear ance. The exterior woodwork has also been repainted. J. F. Hoover shipped a car of hogs to the Nebraska City market Thurs day of last week, and on Monday of this week had another car of hogs on the same market. Rev. C. Jannen came in from Hast ings this week to help pack his house hold goods preparatory to moving to the above named place. The Jannen family expects to leave on Monday. William McCaig, old soldier veteran of Ponca City, Okla., arrived here Sunday on a visit to his sister, "Aunt Sarah" Hall, and to be in attendance at the Memorial day exercises. Ted Cordner of Duluth, Minn., was in town last Sunday, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Minford. He is their son-in-law and came in for a few days visit from Lincoln, having coma to the capital city on business matters. Dr. C. R. Trenholm and L. W. Roettger motored to Hooper, Neb., Saturday evening to get Mrs. Tren holm and children, who were visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Roettger. They returned Sun day evening and encountered some pretty muddy roads and in several places had difficulty in getting through. On Monday of this week Tulley Wall was unfortunate enough to have one of the bones in his left hand broken. He was hauling hay from M. A. Miller's place. He was on the rack when one of his feet went through a hole in the bottom of the rack, throwing him forward with the fork handle in his hand, and striking in such a manner as to produce the above result. LOUISVILLE Courier A six-pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulcinski on Tues day, May 30. Mrs. Ellen Rathbun came down from AlVo to visit her children and to attend the Decoration day exer cises. Mrs. John Carter came over from Weeping Water Wednesday to visit with his sister, Mrs. Rachael Noyes. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walters of Casey, la., drove over in their car Wednes day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Vena Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sinnard are receiving the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a son, who arrived at their home last Sunday, May 28. Dr. and Mrs. Will Clark of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Long of South Bend were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Nichols last Sunday. J. W. Waldron and family arrived Wednesday Moffat, Colo., hav ing come by auto, making the 800 miles in four and one-half days. They will visit in this vicinity several days W. F. Diers captured a two-ounce carp Monday after fishing for ten hours. He won't tell his friends what he used for bait, but it must be some thing new in these parts or such a valuable catch could not have been made. The carp is being stuffed and kept for a souvenir of the great feat. Attorney Arthur Palmer, while fishing at one of the ponds on this side of the river Monday evening, fell asleep near some baled ha'y, when rats that infested the hay gnawed one of his shoes nearly off his foot. He awoke just in time to avoid con tributing some toes to the rat feast. GOOD AUTO ROADS TO OMAHA The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round Trip using our Commutation Books Auto and Driver, round Trip. 50o Extra Passengers, each, 5c $10.00 Book. $5.00 $5.00 Book, $2.50 Commutation Books Good any time and Transferable. PLATTSMOUTH Auto & Wagon Bridge Go. WEEPING WATER Republican .Msal-H'-H"!"!-:-!'-:-:-!-!-!-!-!-:' FOR SALE McCormick hay sweep. Only been used a day and a half. Inquire of A. W. Smith or call phone No. 475-W. 6-1 -2tw For Sale. My carriage and furniture wagon for sale. Can be seen at the Parmele liv ery barn. M. Hild. LOST Fraternity pin, small diamond set in center, three Greek letter initials; has- nama of "Maurice Loomis, Omaha," on back. Finder please return to Waldemar Soen nichsen and receive reward. William Doty left Monday for Bur ton, O., where he will spend some time visiting his old home and his brother. Mrs. Clarence Gillim of Lincoln visited several days the first of the week with her sister, Mrs. Will Pres ton, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Spangler went to Omaha Wednesday. Mr. Spangler will take medical treatment, and Mrs. Spangler will remain with him for a few days. The wise old bird called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bill Saturday morning and left a fine young daughter, which the young couple are justly proud of. Miss Irene Jones left Wednesday morning for Kearney, where she will take a year's work in normal train ing school. Her mother accompanied her as far as Lincoln. Mrs. R. Blaikie, who has been teaching at Berlin the past year, was a visitor in town Tuesday and left on Wednesday morning for York county to join her husband and son on the farm. Miss Cleo Jameson, who is studying for a trained nurse at Chicago, ar rived Saturday morning for a three weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jameson. Mrs. Cora Badgiey came in from Genoa Monday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Alma Davis, daughter of Greg Davis, of Genoa. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cappen May 25 and left a fine young son. Mother and son are getting along nicely and Amos was able to come downtown Saturday night. Mrs. Patrick Murphy and son, Nicholas, of Greely, were over-Sunday visitors with Mrs. Murphy's sis ters, Mrs. John C. Murphy and Mrs. Louise Bourke, of Manley. It was a farewell visit for Mrs. Murphy as she leaves next week with her family to join her husband at their new home in Montana. DEATH OF BENJAMIN BETTS Benjamin Betts, one of the oldest residents of Cass county, died last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jesse Hudkins, at Valparaiso. Mr. Betts had been visiting his daughter and was sick but a short time. The body was brought to his home here Saturday and the funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Christian church, Rev. Barkley of Burr officiating. Mr. Betts was an old soldier, hav ing served nearly four years in the union army, and died at the age of 89 years. It iseemed peculiarly ap propriate that the funeral of this aged veteran should be held on Memorial Sunday. He was the father of a large family, nine of whom are living. Mr. Betts came to Nebraska at an early day, locating on a farm east of town, but the last ten years had resided in Avoca. He is survived by his wife, who was also ill at the time of his death and funeral. A number of out-of-town relatives were in attendance tit the funeral. I. THB VO TV COT JIT OP THU roi'XTV op cAss, i:iihsk. In the matter of the estate of Charles Ti. Cralp. deceased. NOTICE, To all person Interested In the estate of Charles R. Craljr. deceased: You are hereby notified that Thomas T. Yountr has filed a petition askinp for admini.stration of the estate of Charles Ii. Craig, deceased, alleging among oth er things that said deceased died in testate in Cass county, Nebraska, leav ing personal estate to be administered. Also that said deceased left him sur viving as liis only heirs at law, bis widow, Alice K. Craig, and Mildred Craig, daughter; Bernese Craig, daugh ter and Harold C. Craig, son. You are further notilied that a hear ing on said petition will be had on the L'Oth day of June, 1916. at the hour of ten o'clock a. til., at the office of the County Judge, l'lattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. All objections or exceptions tn paid petition and the appointment of and ad ministrator of said deceased, must be on file on or before said date, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and the prayer thereof granted. Hated this 27th day of May. 191fi. By the Court, alli:n j. bkkson. 5-29-Sw. County Judge. IX TIIK IJISTIUC'T CO l" JIT op Tiu: COIWTV OP CAS. P.IIRSK. Archibald Hohenshell, et. al. l'laintins. vs. Kate Hohenshell, et. al., Defendants. NOTICK OF HKFKIJKK'S RAL.K. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the District court duly entered on the dav of May, 1916, in the above entitled cause authorizing me as referee in partition to sell the following described real es tate, to-wlt: The west half of the northasi quarter, and the west half of the southeast quarter; the seuth half of the northwest quarter, and the north half of the southwest quar ter, all in Section twenty-three tJ3) Township twelve K ) Itange nine (9), all in Cass county, Neb raska. for cash, and as upon execution, I will on the 1st day of July, 1916, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the south front door of the court house, in Plattsmouth, Casa county, Nebraska, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the foregoing describ ed real estate. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 29th dav of May. 191C CHAKLES K. Al A 1 1 TIN, . . lieferee in Partition. Q A. P. AWLS, Attorney. 5-29-30d XOTICE TO CRRDITOIIS. State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. In County Court. In the matter of the estate of LiOretta Ault. deceased: Notice is hereby given to the cred itors of said deceased that hearings will be bad upon claims filed against said estate, before me, county judge of Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 16th day of June, 1916, and on the ICth day of December, 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day, for examination, adjustment and allow ance. All claims must be filed in said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at l'lattsmouth, Nebras ka, this lith day of May, 1916. ALLEN J. BKKSON, (Seal) County Judge. JOHN M. LKYDA, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR UQl'OH LICE.VSIi. iTi iThTmTm'm TiTmTTi ill A" A i 4 4 "A""A4",4"""4,,A"A"4" t W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coi.tes' Block, Second Floor. t i"Xm I"X M"!!!" ,II,"I,"M" ,X"I"I,,X J" Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested and to the public that the undersigned, H. A. Schoemann and M. L. Williams, have filed their petition and application in the office of the citv clerk of the City of l'lattsmouth. County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number Of resident freehold ers of the said city, setting forth that the applicants are men of respectable character and standing ana are resi dents of the State of Nebraska, and praying that a license may be Issued to the said II. A. Schoemann and M. 1.. Williams for the sale of malt, spiritu ous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from the date of the hear ing of said application in a building situated on lots eleven and twelve (11 and 12). in block, twenty-seven (27 . In the First ward of the said City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. H. A. SCHOEMANN, M. L. WILLIAMS, Mav 20. 11. ArmHent SOME FINE STRAWBERRIES From Friday Dailr. The Journal publisher last evening received a crate of the biggest and best Nebraska strawberries we have seen this year and which came as a remembrance from our friends, 'Mr. and Mrs. Claude Everett, of Nebraska City, and were raised on their farm, "Sunny Slope," near that place. The berries are delicious and it is need less to say were well appreciated by the Journal family. David H. Merner and wife of Cedar Falls, la., who have been spending some time in California and the Pa cific coast points, were here Saturday, visiting at the home of Mrs. Paul Gering and family, departing Satur day afternoon on No. 2 for St. Louis, where they will visit for a time be fore erturoing home.