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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1916)
THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1916. rr.r: t. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. 1 Cbc ptetismcutb Jowm run im nu.;vi:i:ui.v at i;-.t-: -la i-.,.-'.oi:;.,-at i'.aUX .".tis. R. A. BATES, li.tuiiTi ruic-i:. n--.u TIIOL'CilT I Oil TODAY. . 1 V ' c V.: : v.: .: t.e K xe , il i .ir.p-.-.l.e to kn-. i t . :-.:uci-.--. . V . ; ... . T . . . vj t-. r. ....e e-.iitlv.a .win; 1 v 1 1 . -." ct i c; 1. c; Kt:c:. , . - : - . . : 'i'en-' -. .... .'. N.. livr 1 , ' 1 -v ! " ..1-c: uele-i ... . --- i ! I I 1 -. , .t s to re.-r : ; t..iru ace him as t :o:- : i t i.c- :. e -..e i r. , i . laic j w.U j i i .a.-i r tc-i ' e h ib ; i lb i.l i ! : 0 .- '. b. ave aa ; r.a.h---. for a - c:. : .. n tupn j: s, at r cl e. c- femrdre hnauciers a.."- w.tii of material, adl - . -.I- lr.! - r, an 1 sell it at t. r I j r at i". c A p. of : ol toe Lnivi-tVity o. f w d .--lai. .-. tint after the Avar v.. : - . In:, i to be a on til" :-.i'ic. Tl: is a more iikc'.ihcod. re,:. to be a si ranker demand for the aru-.'. .d-h..i.d. : Mil.-. 1. t; b.i'h i r, a. 1; : . . v e in one-dollar to ti-atlesmon at,tli" i..1, vi'd have ac- tojr.ts of i?,. ."o, r-l.." ) and ? l.To to bo ::;! h a- 1 be- j'tnble to make : !.v ci: .:.."-. The ) 11 up yet for in tid.i co rr.- ty. Th.-.e v. d.1 ,- .;.1 r.tere befo. a th" ?:; ration of toe tin..' ilroit for 4. . 1. - . 4 ' el t' c , lbeith Neville is somewhat of a troer for govejr.or. He is rot letting any ir , -.i.w under h.i.- tfet. He is : iA o..h'-r am.! ha- e-ery a'-pearan t , i.. i".g a gentleman of good, sound r.n-ino principle?'. v,:-'' ;r j eople wherever he go -. and ;: he c.i-i secure the ?mr.-:ne-Hon. h: wiil be the next gjvcraor of re.b.aka. "jl ! i J j! ! h..itts-..hti!, m:bhs!v.i. Ml...:. .-.-t:.i...v...- Publisher i-i:u i:n in aiivaa k T'f'i: PHOPi.E'S COl'KT. 'ir.e -u-.-iT.'.- ci:.t has declared ; - : itiiulionr.l the law civutitv a i:.u- 1 al court 2m Craaa.t. It i-: a:: ir.i ' . , f p..: tan: victory e.-la.-duaeat , of j .:. t:c- in minor locra! actions, in j rii'irf vr. ii "n Jv: .-if:. 71 iir.-.l lirolA'l i V I . - ...... l . . called the "people's ceu- t. the sturnun;: i f :b a i'. aac-- i trenches, however. To la-i'u: v.-a;c!l Iai:.-.; hi y.a mu.-t , i i i.-a.-hvd 13 crac;i:, leirish; .i; -a i -a Idea Aviii Permit either party to an i: :: a ati.-e court, to on:er a. ! : raarre ot vent le toe . . . - - i -it 1. - ' .t - ..; e-ian the new svstem. To make . . , r ar.u wiiiui win Oi:ier. i r. . :unr.'.-n: in ma.-.irar ce:ta.n ther ref.n m, the voters must ex-i er'.n i-.iert :r.tcn!'.-'.nee in. ctii:-r .1 .rs.u'. - wr.o are to occupy tnis new t - t'lii i-...v ! beach. 1 1 is the sTKetacaia" which always " ., : ait' acts r. at attention most easily 1 , il i: Lu? WOil(!-1' tnat the ul . . . " the ja-tieo oi tno peace ccurts. . -. t h-.r-e.eul i:i the .-vstcia aial .-ome !" " , . '' ..ue to matter lien at el re tier, time., tild hae r-c: -I.e.-. Ion-. And the o,u: t of litier ition is ! -.he n al "p.'" ide's cour .1 i. ui. l whi-.h rao.-t often ia ais cases in- ln: th( se le t able' to in- ; ice ar.d leas: able too' y able - .nt te s-cire j.:-tiee Lite marto ot . uek-d. .hi-.-. is v. .'-. - -: I th-alnr:-.- e-o.o;.;aa- s many . i .- :. 1 .;t 1; irrl.-c u- evil-; .-h-ul i have e'.xlope 1 ;t-lt'!ia ju ;v cent y rrrti-evil- which.' ;. t i ;-: i : .- .-.rr.e inf 'a.r.ce?; made the e a:t r. mean to the persecution ol :r '-.oeei-.t ' ier. -.n.i in.i t.aat'S ; ra.a ; ' : the- than the pr - a tici of'- tl. ..v. r ' d'.": s. f ivff rr t' r t'.v.. : .i- cii.d reason-.: i. .lO r a.-. ana tr.e;.s a -tt..r. Tin 'A ii- to (!:- a-r. a hi. r... r c :a. ai -1 to c. r t . r ;rb: ic f : cat-i .-..ate -. rtl-si better . I . v it i :- '. i-.,. i-,w. . e mao.t.nrci. rr : .c .-s . rel iel oy the c-u. f h city, prisum..! ty a; . '- (: the citv hall, w'.ei : will be ;.!": .tor pu'i.ity of its - : f. -c inntrs is ociul; j i. 1 . - . 1 i'-.m- ate -ca.'.e"cd about the: city. In . .eh :it ever ofbre buli 'l-vr the j c i. e ' mav hamen to r.av rent. Ihit kt th .:c be r.o i.;.ar. The t -v ic o-'v b-.1 c-aJ ;i. T'-'o v.-i ie.-s it. : e nrr el bv the ne v ,;.,;,.,t : ee a-o i- i , i -ir t , rr -i ! t ;t:or.a! If'sr-'at ion. oi id-He rain. ; . j A soclo'.o-l.-t h-. ci'Li.'-l ti " i I ecooomie value of a baby is to be e"0. i Of course that doesn't mean your baby; ii dr.tnly means your n. iah- I bor's babv. -: After reading about the wickedness j plea, cd by this little mark of .atten of the men re-pen able for the ia-t ' lb n. It ma ie them feel that they Xew York die honor, soma wen wid i weie men of cca rq .once in their dis proved to thvovv- a cigar en.l into a j trier, who Avero being looked after waste bask t. Xc-.v that the candidates, for ll'ld are about to be picked out, it i ; t be aopci ti.e nonntiations for vice presitlert will rot be dc terrrdned by ! snapping up a cent. :o; The youth's i'ba of p: epaie.h.ess is take pains to fait out hove their con-moth'-r's j.a.itiy full of line pies. gre.-smc-n vote, nr. 1 Avhether th.ey at takes and doughnut That's why' ten 1 session-, and committee meetings, grown-up men to lay clan i-ii the; the e .-."'e.-smcn would place their ie thougkt of "Hcrne, hrr ic, sweet i Aholly on service, home!" I ar.d would omit empty compliment. :o : If it-port.- are true of ti.e -.t:r.;bc.r . of German.-, killed in th" war, the j natural ouestion to a.,!: would he wi '. re t:o they g -t new German i? Tt-1 " 1 T.'-n. l.t.nn --.-i tiff t--if !-.- .'. : . L r. 1.7 1 ,. ' li:i ii.iio tiie- vjei :::-.:. v.njiu Meat-, ir.g out from natural attrition. If the v y are sutfering from the UU-a,.'.-1 -ii. 1 attrition, then ifj a ptetty good dietcti.e to have. The March winds are somewhat L rcezy. ;o; The i?;iper that does thi .ig tho Journal. :o:- r-.Uvi.e the F.r.a.t hmhiiuy L-.n-rtUhe scrcity of (Jeunan dyes, has The iir-t p.vsid-.- uial convention h.!d ia InJia!:; If we are te ho. -eve the hcailliacs, i paper was the principal item in in :ao'.e Gerr.u:!! i ashes a;e : U'ppe.l than; t.u lor d.wa.inn. Labor has gone up ever stalled. i so much of : t-eent vcars that an r.d- . ; Cahivaie the habit of thrift, a. id I ;:re sc. tie. s mi o:.U:oi.s won't eau-e I j Iliiiry I).;K, ivpuulicin i r ! pre;.ue:it, is cMryiniC , ca a (itnel eampav'.n :n NrLrasl.a, and a. I ;.:rp:i.o aryeae if he j lie -.o .-e-scs ' ! . ui. ' o: ..; iters i;. ms n..uve I ,. . . , . , j If d:-. James is .--.aees-lul in bar- ; ' . . . i : i . . . TV r . ,. c .. tV.i-. mc.i l.(:n tr.e i e-. i.ii vv.c a.: publican r.atloaal convention i:: t'hi-, , , ., .... I :' - - ',:'. tr.e biai meters are ai-o Inceiy ; : .-: tai-;e euae an mtercst:n:r periorm- ; aare in that city, while the democrats j '.v ill try to look worried to keep from :o :- :. .. , ati edic.a - (:;rc''oi a i.e.ivv ' It ncvc'v-l a::d car : hoi lae , , . . . ... ,;c.;ah T.r ! .r.)lv n o e f tnem ' - .i'd. - ' o! o arch of It. James J. 4 Hid ta.ktd an.l wrote about the needs laicoa an.! t.-.eir unt-revr.reu- ; . ... i ! to haa ile heavy tradie tinxe . iv i :i (, :.,! ),-,'. it. ft, cvi-C 1 Oi I S tinv. . . . i pa: tin! crop ; ar.; res m t: i oat dctrlct , tav ed c.:T the br- ah-'own tha hri h , ilow jour- i lean to 11 a that he was an the people find then riccf or it some-!-- !-i ar your- ladies m tne ' , .. . , itity ar! one v. r.. i- held in the he.rh c.v 'c.t t:.o c. op; a - row. Tne 'an dlurd cnarqres it up with , . , r " 1 j est esteem bv a. verv la; ire circle of mcir . lid: :ii i; o;-; -,: a.a .a ; i --'It tt ; have been , . -.1 .1 nr. l I..-.-- t if-m imp: c;. are .. c.o iii:.Niiid s i-iii::: siiki;.-. .or '.car '. e . - . ; t Is-;:! '. ear ., , '.U ieil'll a.- , , . . : : C e o : an i -et.i ai:-i ana.. a I I . : :t ;:.. sy se lac-e. oi i di.-tribj'.'. d n.;:.!.' for rcientid. -''.'u s. x m ernm.-tit, -eius. iii-rii lin" rsari-o :C- o. e a. ei in.t a l. i. T .. , . . j until .'.as t' let I cm .'.: . al . i . , . ! it -cirlet b.-am. i yard. There is n . '. piobab'.y a ca.-e in 1 , ' i i l -1 . . , - O . , .-. . . v i n , . 1 i ' . . : V,'. . -. ...4... nay valuable lvtuni informati(.n as to how its re ds t-uri-Ited. A private va, .....- to tiy out its seeds vouhi ot eccse i hint tuem sme oy '' in err... ilme jdcts wiiere Ike irs can be o -rimared. It is never . to i. io t' -- v.. ue e. tin m C . ;. . .... w..f. ., t-p-ip a, ! o'..i..,' o..e p.u e to a man in. Maine and another to a man in A: kan;is. and trtistintr tha recipient to report. s evctyboiiy knows, tire real rea- s -n (;i' tne ed distriiiution is ouiie i.Tcent. Tho cor.;:resmcn !omr aifo c..::. tituents were i , '.: - j e . -.'ii i . ..i -. and consul Led. This i : an asset to any iiold iciau. Of course the congressmen aien't the rrdy ones to blame for this wa. de. "Like people, like priest." If voters were not : easily lia'tered, coaerrt --m- n would not try to cajole them by friviolous means. If the clt:rens v.orld rcrd the newspapers, Vlanv org i esstnen are alrer.dv trving V t-'d-re th: ; v.c.'d' '"a! charge by rending seeds only- to those who ask for them. F R.. j Fcr Infants and Children. jfi ForOVCrSO YCQrS , ; Av.-ij s "otan I he i Si&' feature ;- The woes of thy household multip die a h anee i.i is followed by another. One of the latest is the a;:- that Avail paper, due to I g-.n" up in piL'e fiom. "Jo to o0 per ! cent. The dark papers have advance.! i :r. - ,..i,;i., .1,.. i:,.!.;.,,. , ,.' ,o ...... ,vit so much affected. T'r.e time has gone !y, wove r, w.ien the cost of Avail r.!ie.' in the cost c I lae panr-i- nas lie- I 1 - cnu a secondary item. This adJsd exp.irse of interior ix iiovatic n is keen- jy y h,u.,;iV. Occasional ,..., , , , I r.pphealior.s of clean new paper add i greatly to the attractiveness of a; h me. The. e ae days of dirt and t".ust and ;rnoke. and wall paper docs !K.. wear e!e::n th" way it u--ed to. The r.ajv:-.-. onr yi '.fath'-r put on v.o.dd ,,j u-n la -it i L..O.IL IlJ.tliS ..W, .111.1 at many years, and seem fresh and neat even then. To- : : i.vorv witi' iincr automobile s-ends !ep.-,.:!ts of dh t, every railroad j- r 4 i- i tram facbiry chimney lias its con- . .MM II IMC .Mi .x .x.r.. i-;;(l:tl. n of m:. Li"ht colored pa-' , -rt " r it ' 1 , n the -i '-m. They were fonowed by pt.: u;u ,,ok dla-y in a very fc-AV.'the bridesmai 1 and the irroomsman, yeai'S. This item of household expense can bv much kept down by usiinr daik j ci red j e.i i -s, t'aou.h :;s noted above j ih-M' are the most expensive now. , tvr.t .t costs no more for ti e paste , , , ' b a: a aiti.-tr who puts them on. U - i . , . rt , ,. sir..';; noi.scv.ive-; object to dark pa- , per.-, cn tr.e ?r round that tiu v make ' " roor.ts look smaller, and. if a house is n i- i . i ... '-.'i.. .... ... r.o. v u.:;.:u"i tiiey mi ae an a;- moph.ere of clnji:. Ih;t they are the hrei'-s that can be dencndetl on to wen'- in these times. In spite of i i these extra c-es the paper hanir.vs he p bu y moth of the time. As in ali other departments of domestic "life, 1" i. .. 1 4.1. .111 I . ! nis ht.:. ari l ie puuisc jj'oia ini'.i rays the bill. :o:- j After we vret throned: with March ! we car. perhaps ted more about it. j :o: j J! cry Ford has a new peace plan, : as h m: a - it involves the sneri 1- :!.-.; of much m.mcv, ne can icly on a foi midahle follow in rr. X"W li. ten to the newspaper?, say ;r nice aboui Henry Ford, lie : eao: t comes from Detroit that he ir :reparin;r to launch a country- wide c.impai'n in support of his peace r lar.s ar.d. arrai:.. i the hurre appropria- i n for army ar.d navy purposes. Do you In.ow that about the most dacse: oi; ; vorls in the hlncdih lan-.;-, f i cm the staiuiooint of the c ' Thc-e little wo: ds are often hidden in the midt of aliuiin. pro-positions, and the people o I'iattsmouih should net oe a'i.ireil any more hf :i" Canadian statesmen are inclined to reseat the "laxity" of the United States in permitting plots against Canada to be hatched here. Perhaps if Canada will undertake to look out for plots against the United States hatched here Uncle Sam will then be able to guanl Canada's interests as th'y sliould he. :o: From lo!r to 1T0G bachelors were taxed in England, all men of twenty five or over having to contribute .sums Ahieh varied with their station in life. A duke had to pay ?"! a year for the privib ge of remaining without a i-rou-e after he had passed his twenty-fifth milestone. A marquis paid : r. earl SO 7, a viscount, ?1, a bar on .'e'o, a baronet $18, ami knights from 212 to SI.-?. A bachelor e squire win taxed s;;; a y. nr, mtd "a gentle man'' Persons wlio did not fall r-nder any of these classifications, but who laid incomes of over $1,200 per year or estates woiah over f;1,000, were su!jct t- a bachelor tax of $1.1 i. All other bachelors contributed 4 cents a year to the government as ti.e price of aingic blessedness. That there were many Englishmen who con- ideied the coa lition of bacheloihood woith the pric i" evidenced by the ! fact that, the revenue from this course IPRETTYWEB" bhih A bmbm 71 M 1 bKtfhbfi : ni , ji -.. j . t ' . . l : ll.. : H s s iiuia i.uuwsii liim-.u in .uunwgi- to Mr. Harry liufilngton, of, Nebraska. A very pretty was solem r.izvl last evening at the Chris- ehareh whon Mr. Ilr.vrv Hi:fT;n'rn- i f v , .. , M- : 'u.i ci lv.i.iir, .NeorasKa, and .uiss uth Cio.'.win of this citv wyre united ; in the l.or.ds of no'v wedlock by Rev. ! C. K. PciLee, pastor of the church, in ! the prcsenc? of a larjre number of rel- jt.tive and friends. 1'iecedin;: the ceremony Mr. Don C. j York san-r "At Dawninjr," by Cad lira:1, in a most pleasing manner, and ' as the not s of the son .if died away. i the stiui::-; of the beautiful Lohen- a'i in" wet !il march were sounded . - . . , T1 ... . . . - i !.v . n.-s IMatdv hull mjrton, sister of ! .jK. o.r0om. The bridal nartv entcrine : t!ie church were preceded bv the ias- I. , , ., ... . . , ; tor, the bride attired in a very eharm- i inir costume ol wlnte r;Jk and carry- . . J Miss Esther Godwin, sister of the bnde, and Mr. George Brinklow of San Antonia, Texas, a cousin, Miss Godwin wearir:.u- a strikinjr co.-turne of pink eivpe ie cdi:e".e and carryinfr a shower of pink carnations. i The vcumr people taking their sta- ," e '. , . . ., It;. .as before the mimster while the roh-nm and imnressive words which I ,- were to make them ere were read bv . . . . ... . .... ., . the mimster, joiner for all time their j !u.arts and lives as one. I At tli" close of the .-ervice at the .march the wed dnr paity returned to tiie h.ome of the oi ide's parents, h'.'i" thw were entertained for a few . pours ami tne new v avoos received it i i ; vnir::,.tula! :,-n, of their relatives i .s' n.lded for iht happy event. T.u bride i-- ore of the most charm 'ur.e; ladies in the friends, who while tla-y regret great ly to lose her f ror.i their cbcle. will eXccad to her their best wishes for a long ar.d humpy life in her new home and a future that Avid be free fiom all rare and sorrow. The grcom is a brieeht and eneigetic young man. who has been engaged in farming near Ewing. Xcb., for the free few Ac.irr., bur he will remove to Cody. South Dakota, and there Mr. and Mrs. lUuTlrgton wdl make their home on a farm near that place. After a few days' visit here the new'y wed- expect to leave for their Wolf Hunt a Dig Success. Tln rc was c!:? of the most success ful welt hunt.- of tli Kea.on held in tho territory north of Murray on Mdn v.e.y ht.-t, r.n-l as a result of which there were fu'e of the animals shot. The hunters numbered over GOO in the fatty .trid th? territory was thor oughly searched in the hunt. The iound-up of the animals was made on tr.e farm of Charles Beverage, where the wolves were driven into the yard and then shot down. The event was very largely attended and a jrreat many amusing stories are releated as to the exploits of tha hunters in the Sreat chive over the hills and dales of that part of the county. View the fine line of fancy station ery at the Journal. We can fill the bill. RE POUT OF TI!E CONDITION OF The Bank of CassCounty of rial tsrr.outh. Nebraska. Charter No. 642. 1 i!Ooi:"i nt"l i ti t lio st ale .f NclraUa. at the cli.-' of li;Miirs. I'Vliruary -1. ill 16 K!-:sor iters Imti-i nii.l lix-oi!its ?4fl..".o ( vM-.r:ifts 2.Hr, i;( MoikU. iM'urii i s. ,inle n-cttt s fir '.'.-rr .'i1.1 llaiikiiie- 1idiis ft.nii! ure an'l tuto 0.n.0 00 o; ii.'!- roal i;atf 1 1 fi 7." ( .-is'.i iwrns 1 !" v") i iii4- frnin rial ioniil and sial hanks Io'.'1.4;," .Vi f'li-i'k ;i ii. t itoni- f x - i i a j : ? ... "7 rui-HMM-y M.vii oo (.old coin : 7.U7 ."m c :: iii:kt Is un-1 cents 4.172 M Total.... ..i' st I.! ABILITIES raivtnt sto. pai.l in.., '- 00 s.uii.1.:-. fmi'i tkuKnj CO I'n li vi.N .I iri.!i!s I. i-xi"':ii-. taxes :iinl iiit'-i-st .. t 1 .-..T M tu i:v: ".in! !einsil- .-..' i '' to eiieek C"4.iR'l 4 Tim' c, i i i;ie;il s of ciejiosil ' - C'asli!e-'ciiei-Ks oiitstaiiiiiii-r '.'.il'l to jtatioti;-.l and state hanl.s I - 4 1 4j Depositors' yuaii.iity fund 4.-'ni .. Total :; ni -T XTK OK N K 111! A SK A. ' . easiiier of tlie siiove nain.d rani: do liere-l-sir.i- tliall:e aSevc. si airmen! is a cor rect rnd true, copvofllie r ide to tlie Slate Haniwli' Uoard. T. M. I'a.tkkson. C asliier. iCtiAS. '. I'AtivKf.K. Director, Attest: - ,. (i j.;,,!.,.v;:vif(.:i. Dirt-etor. n!i-,erit.-,; ai!i sv.-oru to l efore Uie this 4tL day of Mau ii. ksa IJ rr. Not arj-Public. Lseai My coauulsiiooejipireaJulj' 14tL 1917 Children Cry Tho Kind You. Have Always Bonglit, ana v.Ii:: a has hern iu ix.c for over CO years, lias borne tlic s:-mitt:ro or and lias been made xizul r ju r r y- sonal supervisioa .iine c ils i:-.;.;rtr y. -VJ; -&4csU4C Allow no one to deei.-ivo re- la f .: . .mi touinerii'us, jiniiatioas I .xpariiiK-iits lliat trifle with anil endange r l'r; T..u.:;:i ;(! aiants and Cliildrcu Experience asainst UveiLtcacnt, la What ?s CASTOR 2 A Castori.a Js a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Parr jorie, Drops and Sootliing- .Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorphino ner otluT ?:ircu.'. , Mihstancc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Yo-::: .; r.nd allays Feverishness. For more than thirty jvars has l)ccii in constant use for tin; relief of C' ITatuleney, AViud Colic, all Teething" Tres aulas ar.d Diarrlnea. It regulates tho Stomach :;::d liowi-Is, ia'siinilates the Food, givinpr healthy and mifriral sIce-. Tiic Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS iBears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE C FNTAUH COMFANV, NEW V O K CITV. r.;y."swBi ' '-t. , STATEMENT OF AF FAIRS AT COUNTY IN FIRMARY TO BMW 1 At the meeting of the board cf county commissioners' this week G. H. Tarns, superintendent of the county taim west of this city filed his report tor the vear just closed, from .March 1, 1015, and this report is one that will be very pleasing to the taxpayers of the county, as it shows beyond a hadow of a doubt that the splendid business methods of Mr. Tarns, which have produced the results which now ias the farm on a self-sustaining asis. When Mr. Tarns assumed the management of the farm it was in a condition far from satisfactory, but now the application of the strict busi ness methods has resulted in bringing it to a paying basis. In the list of purchases and expenses made neces- -arv during the year the following sums were expended: Groceries, meats, etc Clothing, shoes Lumber, fence posts Drugs, paints, etc Hardware and implements. Coal, wood, ice Harness, blacksmith work., Threshing at farm 549.45 SS.P5 107.45 78. SO J 207.43 223.32 33.75 4G.92 Repairs, miscellaneous ex expenses 105.00 Stock purchased ro.oo Total expenditures 314G3.0S In the receipts of the farm and ma trial and produce on hand the fol lowing is shown by Mr. Tarns in his report to the commissioners: Received from sales $ 841.49 Produce and grain on hand.. 1177. 60 The salary of the superintendent for the twelve months shows that he received the sum of $1,170, which, in view of the excellent showing of Mr. Tarns, is money 11 expended and should be most satisfactory to the tax payers of the county, and it is the subject of congratulation that he is again to guide the business affairs of the farm and to look after the in terests of the taxpayers there. For Sale. Single Comb Rhode Island Red eggs. $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100. Baby chicks, 15c each. A. O. Ramge, Platts. 'Phone 3513. DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Drs- lyiacfa IViacfo, The Dentists Tho largest and best equippel dental olticcs in Omaha. Ivvj rrts :a charge of ail work. Lady attendant. M derate Prices. Porcelaia fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after us4ii'. ixSrd for FEei and Jiist-as-;jeL " :-.r: l.w'j Signature of If NEW PROPRIETOR OF THE RILEY HOTEL WILL BE SETTLED SOON Hon. Zack T. Sutky of Reliance, South Dakota, who has made arrange ments to take over the ownership of the Hotel Riley in this city, is row here with his son and daughter and the family expect to make this city their home in the future, and another daughter will be here in a short time to join the family. Mr. Sutley has been residing on a large ranch in Lyman county. South Dakota, and has been one of the loaders there in the democratic party cf that .-tate and for a time represented his county in tru state legislature, having been elected in an overwhelming republican count v, which is proof of his personal popular ity and the feeling entertained for him by his fellow citizens. One of his daughters, Miss Ida Sutley, was also able to be elected for two terms a county superintendent in that repub lican county, first by 71 votes and later by 400. We are glad to wdct me this excellent family to Piatt th. where they are to become such a prominent part in the "life of the com munity and assure them that they will receive with the usual whole hearted welcome that Plattsmoutli people always extend to those who are coming to make their homes with us. Mr. Sutley, who has been here for a few days, called at the Journal headqaurters yesterday afternoon and spent a few hours very pleasantly in visiting and getting acquainted, and. it was a rare pleasure to meet with this genial and courteous gentleman, and in his new vocation as owner of the Riley he certainly should metfc with success. Changeable Weather Ilrings Sicklies. The changeable weather of March causes coughs, colds, croup and grippe. There is no such thing as a 'iight cold" none that a person can s.ifely neglect Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and reliable family medicine that heals inflamed, congested air passage.-, stops coughs and eases breathing. Sold everywhere. WORK WANTED. WANTED Work. Any kind. l; hour or day. Experienced in prun ing fruit trees. 'Phone your want to GO. 3-9-lwku Uo I'loiieyJill Gured Fistula nri All Rctal Dlaaaaaa curat with out th knlfo. Ptrmanntcuri tHartnt Writ far Fraa Illustrated book on Ract' Dlsaaaaa and testimonials at hundreds eJ cured patlente In Nebraa ka aad Iowa. . Boo Bids-, Omaha. Neb. I BLOCK, OMAHA K I V I