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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1916)
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1916. PLATTSMOUTH SEMLWEEKLT JOURNAC. pact: z. Local News From Tuesday's Daily. John Hirz and wife were among those going to Omaha this morning, where they will spend the day with friends. Frank L. Rhoden and Don C. Rhoden came up yesterday from Murray to spend a few hours here looking after some matters of business. Miss Minnie Marquardt, who has Len here visiting with her friends for a few days, departed last evening for Feru, where she is attending school. County Clerk Frank Libershal re turned home this afternoon from Greenwood, where he has been attend ing a school meeting in that city last night. Henry Hirz, sr., was in the city yesterday for a few hours looking af ter some trading for a few hours with the merchants and visiting with his friends. I. W. Livingston was a business visitor on the live stock market in South Omaha today, going to that city en the early Burlington train this morning. Henry Horn and his father, G. P. Horn. sr.. returned home this morning from Pekin, Illinois, where they were MS r3 O lr , ii LLin will be offered at auction to the highest bidder. This stock consists of Beds, Mattresses, Dressers, Chif foniers, Chairs and Rockers, Carpets and Rugs of all de scriptions and sizes. This will be your opportunity to buy Furniture, Rugs and Carpets at your own price. Ladies are especially invited. We will have chairs for you and you will miss a treat if you do not attend. Beautiful and costly presents will be given away FREE whether you buy or not. Goods will be offered one piece at a time and the highest bidder gets it. C. A. JANSSEW, of Beatrice, Nebraska, a furniture and rug man, will cry the sale and he promises to make it interesting for you. Sale begins on Thursday, February 24th at 2:30 p. m. Evening sale at 7:30 p. m. WW u called by the death of a relative near that place. C. F. Vallery and P. T. Becker came in this morning from their farm homes to visit for a short time in the county seat, looking after some mat ters of business. E. II. Chandler and wife, who have been here attending the funeral of Mr. Chandler's father, William Chandler, and visiting with relatives, departed yesterday afternoon for their home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Meisinger tmd little daughter, Florence, of Cedar Creek, drove to this city yesterday and spent the day visiting relatives and friends and attending to some business matters. While here Mr. Meisinger took time to call at this of fice and have his subscription to the Pail j' Journal extended for another year. From "Wednesaay'B Dally. John Gerry Stark of Elmwood was here today for a few hours looking af ter some matters in the district court. Adolph and August Bockelman of near Alvo were in this city today for a short time looking after some mat ters at the court house. Attorney C. S. Aldrich of Elmwood was here today for a few hours attend ing the session of the district court and trying a few cases. RQUMd BEGINNING: 2:30 P. IT 11 ENTIRE STOCK F: Philip A. Hild of Murray was here yesterday for a short time looking af ter some trading with the merchants end visiting with relatives. Joseph E. Wiles and S. A. Wiles were among those attending the auto mobile show -in Omaha yesterday, re turning home on No. 2 last evening. John Rummell and William G. Mei singer came in this morning from their farm home and departed for Omaha to spend a few hours at the automobile tihow. Attorney Joe Capwell, of Elmwood, candidate for the democratic nomina tion for county attorney, was in the city today looking after some matters of business. John Fight and wife were among those going to Omaha this morning, where they will visit for a short time with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sul livan and family. James T. Reynolds, one of the lead ing democrats of Liberty precinct, was in the city today for a short time look ing after some matters of business at the court house. Henry Hirz, sr., and son, Philip Hirz, departed this morning for De Witt, Neb., where they will attend a big hog sale that is being held there for the coming two days. Glen Perry was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will M. THE: spend the day with his wife at the Presbyterian hospital, where she is re covering from an operation. John Whiteman came up last even ing from his home at Nehawka and spent a few hours here visiting with his many friends, departing this morn ing on the early Burlington train for Omaha to spend the day at the auto show. Earl Peterson and wife, of Madison, Neb., arirved in this city last evening to make a short visit with Mr Peter son's uncle, J. C. Peterson and family. Mr. Peterson was in Omaha with stock and decided to drop down for a pleas ant surprise on his uncle. G. L. Meisinger and daughter, Miss Mabel, of Cedar Creek, came down to this city on the morning train and spent the day visiting relatives and friends and attending to some busi ness matters. Mr. Meisinger was a pleasant caller at this office and had his subscription to this paper extended for another year. For Sale. Single Comb Rhode Island Red eggs. $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100. Baby chicks, 15c each. A. O. Ramge, Platts. 'Phone 3513. 2-21-d&w-tf 0 I I ALVO NEWS ITEMS J. A. Shaffer went to South Bend Tuesday. Morgan McCurdy went to Lincoln Sunday evening. Scott Jordan was a passenger to Omaha Tuesday. Dan McCurdy is building a garage for Charles Ingwerson. Mr. and Mrs. Castle W. Shaffer were in Lincoln Thursday. L. Lauritsen and family visited with relatives in Lincoln Sunday. For particulars of the "coon hunt" in Alvo Monday evening ask little Carl Rosenow. Miss Ruth Ryan came down from Lincoln Friday evening to visit her aunt, Mrs. Ed Casey. Alvin Cashner was visiting his uncle, Sam Cashner, in University Place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles were week-end visitors in Lincoln, returning home on No. 14 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rosenow were shop ping in Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. L. Lauritsen and daughter, Miss Clara Dickerson, were passeng ers for Omaha on No. 14 Tuesday. Ed Casey returned home from Oma ha Sunday and went there again Tuesday morning to visit his father. Mrs. Vincent entertained her niece, Mrs. Hattie Strain and little daugh ter, of Bethany, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ed Casey and William Casey came home from Omaha Tuesday eve ning, leaving their father not so well. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong and son, Ivan, were dinner guests at the home of Aunt Bina Kitzel Monday evening. Mrs. William Casey retnrned home from Omaha Monday evening, where she had been helping care for her father-in-law, Mr. John Casey, since Saturday. Fred Weaver of South Bend visited his niece, Mrs. J. A. Shaffer, Friday and Saturday and attended the Old Fiddlers picnic, held in Jordan's hall Friday evening. The Misses Gladys and Marie Ap- pleman visited home folks Saturday and Sunday, returning Sunday even ing to Lincoln, where they attend the state university. Mrs. Anna Richey acme up from Kansas Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. Mary Vickers, who has been quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Florence Jacobmeier at Eagle. Mrs. Eula Lackey of Minatare, Neb., went to Lincoln Friday morning to visit relatives, after visiting several days with her cousin, Mrs. J. A. Shaf fer, who accompanied her to Lincoln. Wllilam Sutton and Bert Kitzel were at South Bend Monday to see ice blasting at the Rock Island bridge. The ice has not broken up much as yet and little dynamiting has been done there. Miss Bertha Bucknell entertained the following guests at a birthday din ner Sunday: Miss Christine Rose now of Elmwood, Roy Stewart, and her brother, Clarence Bucknell, of University Place. Mrs. James Foreman and son, Glenn, visited in Lincoln Saturday and Sun day with Mr. Foreman, who is getting along quite well at present and ex pects to be able to come home in a couple of weeks. Ed Casey and brother, William Casey, were called to Omaha Saturday morning by the serious illness of their father, John Casey. Mr. Casey was resting easier Monday, though in a serious condition. Mrs. Hiel of Ruskin visited Thurs day and Friday with her daughter, Mrs. L. Lauritsen, going to Lincoln Friday to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. Lauritsen accompanied her to the capital city. Word was received here Sunday evening by relatives that little Irene Grove had died at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Holdrege, Neb. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Grove, formerly of this place, Mr. Grove being a son of Jas. Grove. Mrs. Dan McCurdy returned Friday from Hickman, Neb., where she was called on account of the relapse of her little granddaughter, Lola Vannoy, who has had pneumonia. The child is lecovering nicely at this writing. An other granddaughter returned home with Mrs. McCurdy. James Grove and son, F. M. Grove and wife, left Monday morning for Holdrege to attend the funeral of the former's granddaughter, little Irene Grove, who died Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bird went out Sat urday morning in response to a tele gram announcing the serious illness of Mrs. Bird's little niece and name sake. Last Sunday being Aunt Bina Kit Lei's sixty-sixth birthday, she enter tained at dinner hef children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weichel and children There is a Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, is used in Royal Baking Powder because it is the best and most healthful ingredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de rived from mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York and son, Mr. and Mrs. William Kit zel and children, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kitzel and son, and Bert Kitzel of Alvo, Lillian Wheeler of Plattsmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Elliott of Elm wood, Uncle George Cook and Rev. M. Allen Keith, all of whom report a fine dinner and a delightful time. Old Fiddlers' Contest. An Old Fiddlers' contest was held last Friday evening in Jordan's hall, which was well attended and much enjoyed by all present. Eight old time fiddlers were present, viz: Dan Skinner, John Clites, Chris Dreamer, Dan McCurdy, Jesse Baker, of this vicinity, and William Copple of Wa bash, Grant Stanley of Eagle and Fred Weaver of South Bend, who play ed several selections, accompanied on the piano by Charles M. Jordan and Mrs. F. M. Grove, to the delight of all. A contest was held, Fred Weaver win ning first prize on "The Irish Washer woman," with a rating of 98 per cent; William Copple second prize with "Mississippi Sawyer," with a rating of 88 per cent; Grant Stanley third prize with "Miss McCloud's Reel," with a rating of 88; Dan McCurdy fourth prize with "Mississippi Reel," with a rating of 85 per cent. Charles Kirk patrick, C. R. Jordan and R. F. John son acted as judges. The old fiddlers played a few selections in concert, which were well rendered considering the fact that there had been no re hearsals. They were later treated to an oyster stew, which all enjoyed. They will hold another similar enter tainment on Friday, March 3. There are about eight more old fiddlers around this vicinity who had expected to attend, but circumstances pre vented. CITROLAX CITROLAX CITROLAX Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and satisfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. Keeps your 3ystem cleansed, sweet and wholesome. Ask for Citrolax. Sold everywhere. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 7-room house, 2 lots, barn and outbuildings; 3 blocks from Columbian school. Inquire of Homer Shrader. ll-3-tf-d&w TKADE AT THE The People's Store ..JT PAYS... Prices always the lowest Goods always the Best 481b. Ftt?fr We Deliver Perkins Hotel Building Tel. 116 PUBLIC SALE Having decided to quit l'. I will offer at Public Sale at the Tn".;; as Sullivan farm, four a:id a half miles south of Plattsmouth. ar.d thnc miles east and three miles north f Murray, my persona! property, con sisting of live stoc k, farrr.i.:g in: pie -merits and household good.-, o: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2". Sale to Commence at 10 0'CIkK A. M. Sharp. One bay mare, (5 years old, weight about 1,300. One bay mare, P years old, weight about 1,250. One bay mare, 2 year? o,, weiuht about 1,000. One brown geldh g. 2 years ol i. weight about l,('UO. One bay gelding, 2 years old, we:::h: about 100. One yearling colt, weight about ". Exact weight will Le givcii at the sale. Fifty Head of Ho.: and :-hoat. Farming Implement. One Sattley disc, lo-l;. One 1-row cultivator. One John Deere mower. One 3-section harrow. Two wagons. One top buggy. One Dempster puss drill. One galvanized water tar.k. One new Black Hawk corn p; ..Ur. On G-foot Dcerir.g binder. Une .eweil-fcanticrs uc plow. 100 rods woven wire Some lumber. All household goods. And other article; too r.umeiou to mention. Lunch Will Be Served at Ncmhi. TERMS OF .SALE: All sums of ?10 and i:r ,!cr, ca-h i". hand. On sums ove r ?1U a credit of six months will be given from date purchaser giving good bankable pa per. All property inu.-t be settle-1 for before being removed from the premises. JOE C. WHEELER. Owner. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. G. O. Dom v. Clerk. CHICHESTER S PILLS lrii;Pl.l. A - I T ML' HI- uiVioNr i.ium) n i.i t tt: SOLD BY D2LGG1STS LYLKYVVXLhE 1.65-$1.75 1 of Elmwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stone