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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1915)
THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1315. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE S. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Plattsmouth, Sept. 1. 1915. Eoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Ptesent. Julius A. Pitz. C. E. HeeLner and Henry Snoke, County Commissioners, and Frank J. Liber fchal, County Clerk. Minutes of pre vious session read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: County Clerk reported having re ceived a warrant from the City of Plattsmouth for $S4.J5 for boarding city prisoners from March, 1914, to March, 1915, inclusive. Bond of Monarch Engineering Co. approved by Eoard. Petition from E. C. Giu-erson and 18 other residents "f Avoca precinct re questing to have f"rank Waggoner ap pointed road superv isor in north half Avoca precinct, received and samt? laid over for next meeting. The following claims were audited and allowed: General fund: Crozier Bros., mdse. Miss Mc- Ginnis $ D. C. Morgan, postal supplies Plattsmouth Ice & Cold Stor age Co., ice to court house and farm 5.00 22.08 S.OO Martha A. Haddon. care of de pendent children, August, 1915 30.00 Hans Sievers, salary, laundry and extra work John Cory, meals, lodging and railroad ticket to pau;er... Theo. B. Robertson Soap Co., liquid soap to County J. II. McMaken, freight and dray age L. II. Hoerner, bridge signs to Commissioners L. F. Langhorst, mdss. to C. I). Buckley Hatt & Son, mdse. to Lam berts, July and August H. T. Batton, labor at court Dr. E. D. Cummins, salary county physician. District No. 2, second quarter Aug. Bach, mdse. to Mrs. L. Den son F. J. Libershal, map for Clerk's office J. F. Brendel, salary county physician, second quarter. Second district F. R. Gobelman, material and labor at court house B. C. Maiquardt Co., mde. SO. 50 1.13 35. Oi 2.43 19. CO 10.00 20.00 C.30 G5.00 8.00 3.90 9.85 Mrs. Cottir.gham 10.00 Henry Yette, Dragging Dis- J M. L. Johnson, meats to the trict 13 - 11.25. County farm 17.75 The following claims were allowed L. R. Upton, telephone call... .32 on the Road fund of the County: Wm. Richards, care of Wm. Tom Smith, road work, R. D. Everett for August, 1915.. S.OO No. 10 S 50.3.)' Warga & Schuldice, electric C. F. Yallery, road work, R. supplies to court house.... 4.09 D. No. 1 1G7.S5 Klopp & Bartlett Co.. sup- W. J. Partridge, road work, plies to County C3.25 Road District No. 13 27.00 J. II. Tarns. saV-iry for August Walter Ryers, road work, R. and extra help 07.50 j D. No. 27 3r,.f,0 Michael Hild. mdse. to Farm 8.00 At' rust Krecklow. road work, ! Ambler B:-os. & Co.. mcise. for R. D. No. 8 f?.f0 S. J. Nichols 10.00 Walter Dyers, road wo:k R. D. C. Morgan, postal supplies 15. 1? j D. No. 27 105.25 Dr. P.. F. Brendel. q ua-antine j Fred Clark, road work, R. D. Kcback and Reynolds 8.00 i No. 11 11410 j J. M. Jirousek. mdse. to j J. F. Wehibein, ror.d work. R. I Svatek, July and August. . 10.0 ) j D. No. 1 1.4:' E. L. Perry, drayage for j E. J. Richey, lumber to R. County 1.25 D. No. 1 12.45 Alice Tuey, clerk hire, Supe - Henry Snoke, road work, R. j intendent and County At- D. No. 16 4 00 torney 35.00 J. H. Foreman, road work, R. Mrs. Edna Denson, care dc D. No. 6 !.'3.C0 rendent children 30.00 Murrey Hardware and Imple- Stella Persincer, care of de- ment Co., spikes to Ri D. pendent children 25.00 No. 10 2.01 O. I. Got You Cleanser Co.. Joseph Seacat, road work, R. cleanser to County 10.00 D. No. 14 - 120.00 Frank J. Libershal, ra'ary ::: d Lee Arnett Co., grader repairs expense - 213.04 to R. D. No. 27 ".0 Vr. M. Welch Mfg. Co., daily E. T. Tool, lumber, R. D. No. 7 37.5:; pl: n book County Supcrin- , T. F. Stroud & Co., scrapers tendent 17.50 to R. I). No. 10 6.50 W. L. Hobson, burial of Y,T. !I. Jacob Umland, road work, R. Hahn (killed at Eagle) ... 54.30 D. No. 16 14.85 C. E. We scott's Sons, mdse. to A. A. Y.'allinger, road work, Lamberts 2.00 R. D. No. 15 CS.95 Nebraska Lighting Co., gas W. A. Hardnock, road work, and electricity to County... 14.02 R. D. No. 16 4.00 H. Waintroub, md;e. to E. T. Tool, sand, R. D. No. 4. . 9.04 County 1.00 R. B. Leffier, road work, R. D. Henry Snoke, bridge signs No. 9 25.50 and express 6 55 G. W Harshman, jr., road Fred Tatterson, wcrk for work R. D. No. 13 8.80 County 42.00 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Mrs. Rosa Hughes, laundry Co., culverts, R. D. No. 2. . . 42.91 work for A. W. Gates .75 George W. Voss Co., lumber A. G. Cole, salary and expense 105.00 to R. D. No. 14 9.40 C. W. Eayior & Co., coal to L. R. Upton, hardware for R. Mrs. Collins 3.25 D. No. 11 18.70 Henry Snoke, salary aid mile- Y,'m. H. Rush, road work. R. age 57.65 D. No. 7 105.30 Julius A. Pitz, salary and J. C. Lomeyer, road work, R. mileage 43.30i D. No. 5 31.50 C. E. Heebner, salary and J. Adams, material for R. D. mileage 64.10 No. 16 47.02 Jno. Hartman, labor at court Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank house 17.50 Co., culverts, R. D. No. 12. . 23.81 Plattsmouth Journal, printing Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank and supplies C. H. Long-acre, M. D., care and medicine A. W. Gates . . Lincoln Telephone and Tele graph Co., rents and tolls . G. P. Barton, constable serv ices, Mrs. Mead inquest. E. J. Richey, material to court house E. A. Wurl, mdse. McGee, $10.00; Hobson, S10.00; Monroe, 510.00, and Farm 33.50 4 F. P. Sheldon, mdse. to C. A. Duckworth 40. i H. M. Soennichsen, mdse. Chambers, $10.00; Schlies ka, SI 5.00; RInker, $5.20; Warden, S5.00; Collins. $5.. 40.20 Eda Maiquardt, salary and ex pense, August, 1915 Aug. Krecklow, bridge work. . C. F. Yallery, bridge work... Walter Eyers, bridge work . . Farmers' Lumber. Coal and Implement Co., bridge ma terial J. II. Foreman, bridge work.. Sul'i van-Mead Lumber Co., br idge material 20.85 4.00 5 40 231. in 19.7o 12?. 40 Tom Smith, bridge work .... 12.75 Walter J. Clouse, bridge work and freight 44.20 R. B. Stone, bridge work .... 11.0 J. Adams, bridge work E. T. Todd, bridge material . . Cedar Creek Lumber Co., bridge material 0.70 3.42 1 1 . 4. The following claim was allowed on the Commissioners' Road fund: R. S. Cleery, concrete arch. District No. 9, Com. Dis trict No. 2 (C. E. H.) $ 105.9:; The following claims wore ullowe I on the Road Dragging fund: Walter J. Clouse, Dragging" District No. 4 $ 1(5.42 Walter Sans, Dragging Dis trict No. 27 3.00 C. L. Wiles, Dragging District No. 1 15.00 Eddie Todd, Dragging Dis trict i J. F. Wehrbein, Dragging Dis trict 1 10.50 Fred Claik, Dragging Dis trict 11 9.22 August Krecklow, Dragging District 8 2G.25 Clifford Appleman, Dragging District C 5.00 Henry Umpland, Dragging District 1 0.25 P. A. White, Dragging Dis trict 0 W. A. Hardnock, Dragging District 10 A. A. Walling, Dragging Dis trict 15 4.0' I 4.7". o 7", J. II. Foreman, Dragging Dis trict C. 13.5 Robert Swackc-r, Dragging District f. 4.00 J. C. Lomeyer, Dragging Dis 50 trict o S 50.3'.) 22.48 ! Co., culverts R. D. No. 11. . 1639 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank 11.17 Co-. culverts, R. D. No. 8 . . . 46 . 93 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank 27.09 Co., culverts, R. D. No. 12. . 52. 9 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank 2.50 Co., culverts, R. D. No. 1. . . 25.70 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank g.S5 Co., culverts, R. D. No. 0. . . 3G 21 F. W. Nolting, road work, R. D. No. 1 31.85 On motion, Board adjourned to meet G3.50 Tuesday. October 5, 1915. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. LIVE STOOP PRICES OMAHA AT SOUTI J Dssira&s Cattle Coirmnii A&sat Steady Pricss. H38S STEADY TO TEN LOWER Fat La-r bs and Fes-ers Ten to Fift?en Cents Lower, Selling at $2.25 c 2. 3S Ared Sheep Nearly Steady, Se&t Eringirg $5.35. Union St ok Yards. South Omaha, l-i-i-t. Caitie re -ei; u yesterday (,!(' 2.7"" head. The market on tiie best be. T cat lie opened up about stx-ady. Good co;u::el yearlings sohi up to f v.i'li the ! est ransre bee-.e as ii : sill as Jviio. Less ile.-drabh' find-; o;' cattle were sow and wo;tk Cows ami heifers w -re slow and tl.iU. rith prices anywhere ironi to;i ly to nuit a little "lower on some of the medium to pi--tty !ec--r.t kinds o: 1 i II rs. The In st feed- r ccttie were :r. :ooJ demand Jit sreaeV prices. I i:' cornn-on and inferior binds were slow and w?ak to pos :v a o .ver. ("at'!e t;oot ai ior.s : (lood to t l.oi'-" beeves. S-'n S"i?; !i .". i; fair to soo'l beows. $.2.": v7": co-r.moti to fair Lw vos. f i;.7.-'; S.' : tood to choice I yearlings. 5' 0 '; h.7 ; lair to tro'.u I i ea r'; i: us. ?7.7""; S.7-" ; fomnoti to fa'r -.r 1,.,-s. j.oo'1 to hohu 7 i;n vl :o : Ti ; f-iir to V conrev rn! a'. a!i is. ?v ( !: rs. choi.'" trass ( rctd rows. $7, 2ZF: '." i u tiers $4 -""l: '.''': v (T. "!..- i !'s. s'as. f-rc ; rl:ne feed: tig stet r S7-7: to ' hfdc- fi .-Icrs. 57. "0 cooc! f-fdr-rs. ?;7'-7." ', ;;.2r ; '. S 2": uoo 1 r7"; ;;iir to . : rood to bo :. FH't"r; O'd ??ocivPrs. S sto-l;. rs. $: $7crs .1 : lair to 7"'r-7.7": eotr.'non to ro :,: stov U lieif- s. o k ows. $.".TM: r-rs fi '' "ri . . : 25; sto'-k calver. S. -'t; prinin irr.tfs beeve-. S N.l ;Tr c rood to c'. o;.--p jr:'f ? f.ti-ers $7 ; ' S 00; ia;r t't -or d jrrrps st-'-er. 7 TO; (om r:ion to fair steers. $"..'"? 7.01'1. lie- !pts of 1 os ycr.terday amoitti ' erl to C. i f head. 5?.:rr-rs i-ai 1 endy prices for de- i'-ah'e lights, best dine: at ?7 Id"-r.vy 1 o -s closed a !fat dinjo lower. There va a spr:r. li linn o'' sa'(? as low :;s with the kiih of tho i-arher p;:r"has"s landinsr eio'iud $':.."'tf: r, S'i. and a s'atf-rin of 'sales on mj to J7 ('',. t! - to- Shep and lam'i ro-- i.t yrstrfl-.y tota?ed 31 O'sm head. Parly sa'-s in cluded i.'oo.l feeders at ?n IT, T,-s P,."i and a few f:.t Ir.mhs at "Tt. In thr- end p!l.---s wre forced to ror.fede 1 "c "'- ir on tho t i;k or thr- p lasi'i:-, c.l tl p vood O- r '11" ' ::r.. y? to I r it tl a' o1 t rs n A M-i-T 'r n' . y- ;".d s' cw'd iat as th. tat st-:T. 7 CWt'S Tt 5" - n"ir'" a sfidy T'"-r er ps hero. i : . :tl,. It V h' c-i ii t' f'( ;tl in fi r""' v 'i '( X. " ( r .- ' : err t ?. f-tot a" :r! I a "ii hs or 1 h'njt's fr;! lo v. (.-.: O! er. a"d ? - f hj.nihs: ." ' s " " : . fa:r to f rs. to ' .- f-r 1. 1 C '- yr t" 0 tfj 7 -iff; v ethers, ia'.r to ( hniro. $T. "7 ti 2." ; own rood to rh"1"e $r, 7, 7i; pvm. to L-i-t-l. J4 r.GJ;' (Mi; iv. es f -e lcrs $4 W: 5 35 fr 1 1- f t-w.:-----'-.s i,-:.t o :.' J.t t. The Term May Hava Hd lt the Far Cj.t. The origin f tin- ti r::i -i.uiiau rrtmi ni r." like t'.::;t f U- v. .:.l "1 Jlj;nr.l has l.oetl 1 h? M!';j(. ! -f I ;.,' 1) !(,!:;;- !; ll has bet u Ira- ("J b:i k i.;.!y ;:s lar ;i the laiK-r par: of the c-iuiirct nili t vz: tiiry. and it ii.l net l'"-iiu' -'.inici until after the 1 :st tV a io of the nine teenth. Many explanations of the name haw been offered. ::'. of v. hh h ::ss! -jk ili.-n the term "Ii'dian" lire 1 in this -in;ief tiou refers to the .Vnivri-an Iiuli ins. . rccei't icte in the Monthly W'eath er Iteiev call. attention to a total!;, tiifl' ;e:.t unc- -f this terui. la wliit-:i the iefcie:'-!' is not to the American It. l;..i:s. but to Ihist India. t'nder the r.rii; !i Imard of trade reir ti!::i;oi:s 4jie of the load lines marked on s!:;m lrs t lie- initial 'I. S.." tins ! t'i::L' the iuaxiiauiu tlepth to which vese!s i ai! be loaded for voyages due four the "Ii.diaii f-niiinier" i. e.. the line -eaoii . i I lie Indian seas. riuvr I'hj: Sik the term "Indian sum mer" l.een tised in this sense? It is not recorded in any dictionary nor aj pa rent ly in any work on meteorology is it possible that our autumnal In dian summer was to named by sailors or travelers who saw in it a resem blance to the fine weather attending the ntrtheast inonsoon in India? E UiiS Zvsiu m;hmb IN SELF DEFENSE Submarine Carciisaader Foared Liner Plannsd to Ram Craft. KAISER SENDS Ml TO U. S. Regrets American Deaths and Offers to Refer Guestior.s of RepErntic" and Ccrrpensst'on to The Hacjue Only Way U-Ecs'.s Car. Act. F.erMn. Sej:. 9. C rmany's i.e'e to the Vnited States t onc-ni:nar the link ing of the White Star li'e Eteu-r.ti Arabic by a German submarine was coinmiir.icated to James 'v'. C'.etard. the Anif-rican auihas-adi.r. The note asrrihts tl e d-stnKtIon o" the :ii;-:r to ;-n a'-t o '.;'-tb-:'er.?e on the pai t of the sni.'nsriae. eroresses the --rn:an poverin'af-r.t's d c ) :e;5' that Am-rican lives wen- lost thereby and o.Ters to reier t!i ju-siior o! reparation and oom;-.nsatlon to The IIan!f; tcr sdjas tr:e::t. Th.- note ri vcais In dcai! the In FtrtX'tions to Fah:nar:ir ;ki:- landers coticerr.iitg their tr ar:u ;t of liners Thev ire rrde-ed not to Lttack a jas sc-ncer Fteainr c'-(-vr in case of an attempt to escape aft-r it is ordeiel to halt or unless its r..-;i"ns indicatr. an intention to attack the submarine Acco:di:;g to the stthnta-'ne con mander's rei-ort" the snhtnaririo va enracetl In destrovini a l'r iyhter whe-n th? Arabic was siL'.te.I. Thu si '..marin was then oi the stirfa'-e. The Amhic, tho cott clares, s'.vi!!:2 aro-n -d c.i wards the freihif-r. as ;;;n t j- 1 h.-auc-ii to if to atta-i Th ( (V ;r in "sia :e & 1 1 e v.::d-rrea r t r in .o"i't Arabic, fo'ir-e . as to the fnti-nt'ons of t whn the latter !rt:i.-":l ;t few ro;nts. direction tv still 1 ."i'-T h.f-aded in ? t was h:ir.t!:3 it i;ea'fr to thp sen e. ThQ cai tain of t! e f -iV.tarir.' ports that he cot t'lt't".' to ohs. rv a' tu ns (,: ti e !it:..r until he saw Ar:bi.- ?i:r.!ii l.;:r?' its roi'"p-' r" hp t b -.- E1 'I the h'-ad directly for the s;,;-t where sn "'irirv lav ; s if tho At- : ra ci-Vft.,1 tYp. l.iiil.-rs-'i boat. Tlic-n fcr romn,ar.(l(" of lb nhtnr!r!ne. be'iev Ir.or his cra't was in dr.ntrer m;Tj. d it and fred a toncdo. a KILLED BY ILLINOIS WIND r r- rH r.H Two EaH'v Hurt as Viri. wwiw . j Result of Tornado Ne?.r VVyarst. Prin-etcn. Hh, Ro; t. !t William Wiii.'i''- is dead and Clay Smith and Joini Itiadley are seriously injured a a result of a tornado which sve; t ove: Bttreau county.. The nun wee threshing in a field a i;. '.'.? t.ort h c' Wyattet when the storm Vev m. The wagon on which they were ri iirT was ex.rriei fi te.-n roTs and dfm!el o er a fe;:c? a field. Many tarm build in rs at Wyatiet -vre destroyed and the corn crop v. as daraai-.ej ty wind and hail. Hale's Tock Given All Ita'ian Soldiers. New York. Sept. 9. Two da'ttthfrs of the Rev. Gaetav.o Conts. an Italian Methodist clc-r-rymar. who at!i-ed here from Naples, said that nearly ev ery soldier in the ItaMan army bad received a voyy of Kdward TUverc-tt flag's short sto-y -'The Man Without a Country. " Their father, they pa d. hud tiar.sla'ed the story inlo ita'im and 'more than a million copies were printed in ttV fr.t e'lition fur dtstri hution cr.'oag the tsoops. The look wrs aba. d in ba'y a- a myitis o:' iit- 'i!!'n- patrlo'ism into the hearts of the soldiers. Critain Assumes Control cf Factories. don.' on. !-Vpt. P. Itavi.1 Lloyd r",!cr:tf, minister of munitions, an nouv.'-e, that 3S-' factories, trans formed into munition phints. were taken over by the munitions depart ment. This makes a total of TIT. mu nition p'ants wl.ich have been trans ferred from the control of private companies to that of the munitions d"pjrtmert since the act -orea'ing the ministry of munitions became a law. Zeppelins Raid Aga:n. London. Pert. 9. Uo.-tPe air raids in the eastern counties of England In the London district were cot:t'nt:ed. An air craft dropped a number of bombs and casruities and tires result ed. The Zeppelin raid on Ktrclard Tuesday nicil.t resulted in the death of thirteen persons, of whom ten were women and children. More Forest Fires Racing. Snoon r. Minn., Sept. '.. -Several forest fires were razing along the Ca nadian and L" iri ted States side of the Rainy river between hete and Fort Frances. A great amount of timber was burning near Stratton. the fire extending as far east as Emo. An other fire was reported opposite Tine Wood, Minn. Foreign Exchange Weakens. New York, Sept. f). In the face of many apparent reasons tor assuming a stronger tone, the foreign exchange market weakened and Eterling wont down to $4.63. 1-arge offerings of bills were Said to be the cause of the drop. French Steamship Guatemala Sunk. Paris, Sept. 9. The French steam ship Guatemala has been torpedoed and sunk about fifty miles off Belle Island. Its crew escaped in two boats. The men were picked, up by a British Bteamer and taken into Nazaire. t t MYNARD. Will Wetenkamp and wife left Tues day for the state fair. Miss Ruth Thomason returned Wed nesday to her home at Lincoln. W. B. Porter departed Wednesday for Lincoln to take in the state fair. Our jovial rural mail carrier, Mr. Adam MeL'inger, visited in Omaha j Monday. Snyder '& Gillespie shipped another large car of hugs to the Omaha mar ket Monday. L. e Cole has taken his tractor plow out to Louisvd'e, where he expects to do his fall plowing and sowing of v.-hcat. Mrs. Dr. Fi-i'ld. ree Eva Porter, is visiting for a few days at the home of her parent?, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Porter. Mi'-'S Anna Lee Zimmertrrn of Mi lan, 111., and Miss Emma Saunders of Omaha visited over Sunday with the Misses Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wetenkamp and daughter. Mary, visited ever Sunday with ick.'ivcs at Omaha, incidentally stopping in to hear "Billy" Sunday. Our agent. Boyd Porter, reports that the Missouri Pacific Railroad ccmpany is soon to install a 'phone in the dt not. This is a convenience that the public will greatly appreciate. Hon. C E. Metsger and wife de parted Monday for the Pacific coast, where they expect to visit relatives and friends, as well a? the expositions at San Frincico and San Diego. Miss Julia Todd of Nehawka and Miss Andrews of Nebraska City, vhile attending the Teachers' Insti tute at Platt.srreuth, visited over night at the home of W. T. Richardson. V.". B. Porter is cert;-inly a very busy man nowdays. an-wering cor ! espondence and attending to other matters in connection with his big Duroc-Jersey hog sale which is to take place the 21t of this month. W. B. sure bus some fine hogs and they ovght to bring good prices. Jesse Long, who is at St. Joseph' hospital in Omaha, we at e sorry to state, does not appear to be improving j as much as his parents and friends have honed for. Jesse some four weeks ago wa stri-ken with paraly--i-u comjlctt-ly lociiig the use of his limbs, and it is feared that he may iicv;r regain the use cf them. John Livingston has recently sold his farm, just north of Mynard, to Rairh Wile's for the sum cf ?212 per acre, which is certainly some price. Although W2 are glad to have Mir. Wiles and family back again with us. we very much regret to lose Mr. Liv ingston an 1 family, although our loss will be the gain in the vicinity wher ever Mr. Livinston may choose to lo cate. Tor Sale. Splendid G-room house, all on one floor; gas, electric lights, city water and furnace and cistern, well and pupms, barn, chicken coop and wood shed; cellar under whole house; nice distance from heart of city; no hills to climb; two lots, brick walks, splen did neighborhood; large shade trees rnd fm3 lawn. Priced very low. Owner must sell. See W. E. ROSENCRANS. -OUR- Women's Shoes ! a I The prevailing style tenden- - cy in Footwear this season is X I towards simplicity and rtfine- x ment. I The beautiful Boots for Fall have a smartness of outline, a X trimness of fit and a fineness ! of construction that lend a - charm to their appearance and J enhance the feeliD of satis- v f action a w omen experiences X from being correctly appareled, r Patent Colt or Dull Calf Skin. Cloth Top or Leather Top, But- ton or Lace, Medium or Low X Heels . $2.75, $3.00, $3.50 TO $5.00 ? r t Fetzer Shoe Go. A, 7 tl ' ' 7 -fr'- Next to an actual visit, a portrait ?ent to the folks at home or those relatives who care most about you, will be most welcome will give the greatest pleasure. : : r : The Greenwald Studio PEACH E inr Canning! Now is the time to get fine Peaches for ennnint. We quote for immediate use. Colorado Elbertas, per box, 90c This is considered by many the finest flavored peach on the market, and the extra fancy quality choice are a little less. Leave orders fcr Grapes i.i.ti Local Kewi Commissioner Julius Pitz went to Union jesterday to look after some county uradinir near that place. Mark White was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of business with the mer chants. Dennett Chriswisser and wife were in the state capital today attending the state fair and visiting: with their friends. Mrs. A. F. Seybert was amonc: those going to Omaha this morning, where idle will visit for a few hours with friends. Charles Creamer and wife were among: those poing: to Lincoln this morning to spend a few hours attend ing: the state fair. Bruce Kosenerans, deputy county clerk, returned home this morning; from a few days' visit at Imperial, Neb., with relatives. Sam Gilmour came in this morning: from his farm home and was a pas esnper on the special train for the state fair to spend the day. Mrs. A. B. Taylor and Mrs. Mary Sullivan were among: those froing: to Lincoln this morning: to visit fcr a few hours and attend the state fair. Wi'iiam D. Wheeler came up this mottling: from his farm home and de parted on the special train for Lin coln to attend the state fair for the day. County Commissioner Julius Pitz was down to Union yesterday for n few hours, looking: after some grading; See them fall! Of IF YOU Peter's Steel Bang! they are guaranteed. WHY? Because they have steel where steel belongs. We have not raised on our shells, as we bought them before the raise. Give 4hcm a trial and you will be convincd of their quality. SOLD AT THE n La a u CZI THE STORE THAT and Pears at riht piices. ii'ii'ii'ii'w'ti 'm'wi ,.,,. work that is being; dove thcte by the county. P.osencrans & Bonner will run an other excursion to Chase county on Monday eveninir, September ll'th. Watch for further announcements. Will W eh i be in and family came up this morning; from their home near Murray and were pa-. enirers on the early train for Lincoln to spend the day at the state fair. Peter Halmes was among; those from the country who were passeng ers on the special t'-ain this moriiiii for Lincoln to visit for the day, look ing; after some matters of business. Mrs. David S. White of Wu shine-ton. P. C. who has been here for a short visit with the relatives of her hus band, departed this j'fternoon for Madison, Wisconsin, v here they vvlll make their home in the future. Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham came up this morning; from their home at Murray and departed on the state fair special for Lincoln, where they will spend the day takirc in the siprhts at the preat state exposition. Mrs. I ee Cott er and son and daugh ter returntd home Avuta yes terday evening: over tie M. P.. where hey hae been for the j.:t few d; ys visiting; among- relatives niu! friend-;. They iv port a very p' at the old home. Mrs. J. P. Keil aid son. Henry Keil and wife, returned home thi. afi ernoon from a short vi-it i:i South I'a kota. where they have Ian 1 ii.Kiesl , rnd they report thut the wheat crop there is the best in years, with wheat running; from fifty to one hundred bushels to the acre, and th..' yield of that state will be enor mous. course they will USE Lined Shells OLD STAND CF u u v w q SAVES YOU NOSEY Bangi!