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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1915)
MONDAY, AlT.rST 2.1. rLATTSMotrrn semi-weekly journal. r c.r. f . v - r.r- v .v . r . w V -, , r . , . fc " i - 1 f r - r. ' - A 1 "---. : i I1- i- .-'"o. . - ? . ' 'S .ft V- ". sV ? 'W J"'."; f f'"" rt-1-' - ' - r ' ' '"' .- - c-y.'-v " " '."? .'. . .tv ;,- . " 7 L y),..! - -, fr 1 ' i , v - 4 t- " ' , . ' : .-.- . 3: V - 1 " ' A" ""' ' ? ' ? ? : -- lN A FILM VERSION Or ) WwJ Pf'THE HEART OF (e W&J&h W i r?" ONE NIGHT ONLY 15 and 25c - QfllL tit IP AUGUST ibtll Local Nevjs Fr"-i Fri.Vs I.i;:-. AiL-'.m FornoiT of near Ct-lar Click was h'Te to;iay lookinc after pome' with the nrrchants. I). A. Younz of near ?-lurray was in ihv city today for a few hours looking af'.or some matters of business. A?.. .,,4 T't- V Hnu-jrd nt children of the vicinity of Mynard were vi.-ilors ii: this city today. Heir rich Jasr-er departed this aft fmKi:i for Herman, Xeh.. t.r a vw-ii over Sunday with friends in iha. city. John Ciaurr of Ce:ia- Cnf k motored Ii. st evi'riii.p fi'om his home to look jiftor some matters of business for a few hours. John Whitman of Nehawka was an.'int: the business visitors in Omaha day for ii few hours, looking after some matter-; of importance. Mrs. K. I. Morrow of Omaha, who l a- beer, he:e visiting at th,: Har mon Bestor hoiTie for a few ilav-, !c j'arted this afteriioon for her home. Frank Yallery of Murray was in the ti'y yesterday afternoon for a few ho. drivinr ur from his home to jor.k after some matters of lousiness. ('. L. Wiles was in Omaha today for a short time loc.kir jr after some matter-- " importai.'e thert rtturn-j z home on No. -1 this afternoon. .Mrs. Jo;, a.- Teeirarder and children f?'pa'-tid t1 :is morr.inp" for their home :.t f'.rock. Neb., after a short visit he; wi'.li her jiarirjt.--. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. s-mith. Mi-.- Minnie Born norrdtisr for (-akluTtd. N departed this i.. w'ie; she w:f ' p-?id a short time as the true.-t of id.'ti'.e- ;nr) friend- in that cily and k i; it. v. Viari. I'.lo-.rer. r.. and wife wer in 1M- ctv toiav ;or a ho rt time. JT"0! .'iriji-j ii Cedar free k from their home near o attend to some bu-i- T!''ss'. Mrs. S. A. Wiies and Mrs. Luke Wiles v-re anion-; those going to O-naha ;hi mo.-r.inr. where they will vi-it fo- the day. looking after some mat tor Ur-U'v'S.- Herbert Davidson and two children! - !ep rt"! tin- rnoiTimg on the rariv Buihrlo-i ;r;;;n for Stromsburg. Ne-j bra-d.a. where they w ill visit over i Sunday with relatives. THE CALL OF THE COAST! TrieFa-ifir SVt;o. with its marvelous development, solicits you to j vjrney tlirouh that Icind. The melting snows of its mountains are mariral resources shaped to the genius of electrical and horticultural vizards; those mighty forests are the last of their kind left standing on this e-.rfli; there are no such orchards, orange groves and floral land-P-Hprs in the uocld. nor does history record there ever have been. TheBnrlmtoTi operates five through service routes to California .nd two through service route to Pugtt Sound, with the Pacific C M-t steamship or rail connecting link. You may combine these through r- ivice coast routes for a "See Amtrica" tour that will include the lrojdcst scope of the West and 'Northwest j (Jeorp-e Nickels of Murray was in j the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of business, hav irg driven up with Sam Filman and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Henninprs. M;s. William Foxwell dejtarted this morning for Lincoln, after an extend ed visit in this city with her sister, Mrs. B. S. Fvamsey. Mrs. Ramsey ac- j corrpanied her as far as Omaha. F. J. Hennings, wife and daughter. Miss Helen, motored in this morning from their farm home, in company with S. O. Fitman, and spent a few hours here looking after some mat ters of business. Mrs. Henry Forn and -. Kd Tritsch and children were mong those going to Omaha this mo,ninsr, where they will visit f-r th? Ir.y with friends, as well as to look afte some matters of business. W. R. Young of near Mynard was here yesterday afternoon for a few hours lookinjr after some matters of business and to meet his sister, Miss Clara Young, and Miss Olga Minford. who returned home from Omaha. Mrs. G. R. Rhoden was a passenger this morning for Omaha, accompany ing her sitscr-in-law, Mrs. T. J. Rhoden, and l.nuirhter. Miss Eulah. that far or. their way to Greenwood for a short visit before returning to ihtir home at Waukceney, Kansas. From Fatunlav nallv. William Puis ccme up this morning from his home at Murray to visit for the dav here with his many old f riends. Philip Hirz and wife were in the city vesterdav for a few hours looking after some trading with the mer chants. Mrs. J. W. Newell returned to he: home at (.hicjigo, after a short visit with her mother. Mis. A. W. At wood in this city. William Rice of Murray was here today for a few hours looking after .ome matters of business with the merchants. Will Yi llery and wife of Havelock arrived this aiternoon Jor an over Sur.dav visit here with their relatives 1 - 1 - friends. Miss r.IIa Kesnow of Crest on, Iowa, is in the city enjoying a short visit at the Charles Ulrich home and with other friends in this city. Let the undersigned tell you of our through service roi-fs available at the $?0 excursion rat-s to Califor uin, or the $'".) rate for the Coast circuit tour. R. W CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAK.EL.t-R. Genera! Passenger Afiertt. tOC4 Fanram Street. OMAHA, Neb. Creed F. Harris of near Union was here today for a few hours visiting with his many friends and looking af ter some matters of business. Adam Hild, one of Cass county's sturdy farmers, was here today at tending to some trading and visiting with his sons, Michael and George Hild. Mrs. Frank Janda, jr.. and children departed this afternoon for Hay Springs. Neb., for a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Koehnke. John Likewise, wife and children departed this morning for Brunswick, Neb., where they expect to visit for a short time with relatives and friends near that place. Miss Frances Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore, of near Murray, is expected home todaj' from LaForte, Colorado, where she has been attending school. W. F. Moore of near Murray was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness and to meet his daughter, who is expected from the west. Mrs. E. F. Grimes and daughter, Mrs. Helen Mortesen, of Omaha, came down this afternoon from their home for a short visit with Mrs. Grimes mother, Mrs. Dennis Danniher. Ben Beckman. one of Cass county's energetic and stable farmers, was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants and calling on friends. Mr. Malcolm Munn of Scotland, S. D., who has been here for a short visit at the Chris Wohlfarth home, de parted this morning for his home. Miss Eva Nellis of Scotland. S. P., is also here for a visit at the Wohlfarth home. Miss Jennie Fisher of Tobias, Neb., who has been here for a short visit at the home of her uncle, L. W. Lorenz and family, while en route home from the east, departed this morning for her home. Mrs. J. L. Young and little daugh ter, of Coleridge. Neb., who have been visitirg at Murray with Mrs. Young's father. C. H. Boedeker, and other rela tives and friends, departed this morn ing for their home, going on the early Burlington train. We are in receipt of a letter from Charles Freese, a former Flattsmouth boy. who is now located at Scotts Bluff, Neb., in which he encloses the cash for another year's subscription to the paper. He says they are hav ing plenty of rain in that part of the state and the crops are fine. From Monday's Ialty. V. P. Sheldon of Nehawka was at tending to some business matters in this city Saturday and was a pleasant caller at this office. E. J. Meisir.ger and wife and little daughter were visitors here for a few- hours Saturday, looking after some matters of business. Cleorjre Hall and family of Alvo were her over Sunday visiting with Mr. Hall's brother. Major Hall and family, south of town. John F. Wehrbein. who has been out in the vicinity of Gothenberg for a few days, has returned home and reports crop conditions as fine in that locality. G. P. Heil drove in this morning from his farm home in Eipht Mile Grove precinct and will spend the day here looking- after some trading with the merchants. J. L. Meisir.ger and N. E. Dickson were over Sunday visitors in Nebras ka City as truests of friends there, re lu'ring home this morning on the early Missouri Pacific. Frank Cook and wife of Havelock were over Sunday visitors here with relatives and friends, as Mr. Cook was enjoyinj? a short vacation from his duties at the shops in that city. Earl Cole and brother, Roy Cole, were anions: those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours, driving in from their home near My nard to catch the early Burlington train. Frank H. Johnson, wife and little son. from near Weepinjr Water, were visitors here over Sunday at the home of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson, and this morning were passengers for Omaha. Miss Bertha Tarns departed this morning for Syracuse, NebM to visit there with her brother, Fred Tarns and family, for a week. Her little nephew, Freddie, who has been here for a 8hort visit, returned with her to his home. Rooms for Rent. With or without board, two block-; from the High school. Call tn Mrs. S. Ramsay. 8-9-7twkly 4- W. A. ROBERTSON. -- Lawyer. Coates Block, I- East of Riley Hotel. -J Second Floor. I"!"!"!1 -H-I-I-I-I- H-H- -M-M-I- UNION. Ledger. Matt McQuin left Wednesday to make an extended trip through the western part of Oklahoma to visit and see the country. Joseph Fetzer of Flattsmouth came down Tuesday morning and made a few days visit with his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Patterson. J. Wiley Mead of Little Sioux, Iowa, came last week to enjoy the Old Set tlers' reunion and visit his daughter, Mrs. Dave E. Eaton. Eli Eaton departed Wednesday to make several weeks' visit in the west ern part of Oklahoma, going to Thom as and other points in that state. Robert Wilson of Thurston came last Friday and is making a visit with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Eanning, and his brothers, James and Thomas Wil son, and other relatives. Frank Finkle went to Omaha on the Wednesday evening train for a few days' visit with some of his friends and to show Jim Dahlman a few things about running a town of that size Miss Dovie Barkhurst and Miss Mae Chilcott, who spent a few weeks on the Pacific coast, arrived home Mon day. They had a very fine time visit mg relatives ana seeing many in teresting things on the coast, includ ing the exposition. The hotel, changed management again Sunday. Will Tillman and wife ft. kw,t a C. Wes Clark and wife took charire ; e-o u v,c boarders did not suffer a break in the ' u.j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reike and two children and Mrs. Joe Lindsey and (V, ti ,!.. evening of last week for the Pacific coast, intending to spend about six weeks visiting at various places in California, and of course the exposi tion at San Francisco is to receive their attention. WEEPING WATER. Republican. Mrs. L. A. Hay and little son left Saturday for a visit in California with her sister and father at Los Angeles and at the exposition. Ray Pool and wife of Lincoln, and Albert Pool and familv of Wabash visited Sunday with their Mrs. Mary Pool. mother, Mrs. Fay Wassel of Husum, Wash., and her sister, Miss Allen of Clay Center were visiting at the home of their aunt. Mrs. Frank Day, last week. Misses Ella and Lillian Bates re reived the sad news this week of the death of their brother, J. H. Bates. at San Franci sco, Cal. Death came after a long illness. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cook and fam ily of Norfolk came in Monday even ing for a visit with Mrs. Cook's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Philpot, and other relatives. Dr. John R. Davis, wife and daugh ter of Lincoln were in town Saturday afternoon en route by auto to visit the former's father, Anderson Davis, northeast of town. Dr. F. N. Townley, in company with Dr. Fred M. Andrus of Lincoln, was in town Saturday and while here rented the rooms over the Orton drag store preparatory to locating in Weeping Water for the practice of medicine. J. L. Young of Coleridge was in town Friday calling on his cousin, Mrs. Ben Noel. He was in company with his brother. Parr Young. Mr. Young was on the Omaha market with three carj of hogs and ran down for a short tracted to play at the Oerman-Amen-visit with home folks. can T'cnic at Syracuse on August 20, Bert McNamee met with an accident this (Thursday) noon which .will lay him ud for some time. Rert .works with the Charley Vermillion bridge cang, and as the six men were coming to dinner on the railway motor car, at the cut the track spread, letting the car drop between the rails. The men were thrown from the car or jumped. As Bert jumped his foot was caught between the car wheel and the rail. Besides bruising the foot the ankle cap was broken. Other than being shaken tip the other men were not hurt. 'I-I-I-I-I' ' EAGLE. Beacon. H-r vI-I-I-I-I' -I-I-I-I" 'I-I-I-I-I Mrs. Agnes McDonald left WTednes- day for a few days' visit with relatives at Rising City and Albion, Neb. Mrs. Eugene Setz of Plattsmouth visited over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vanlandingham. A. H. Vanlandingham shipped a carload of hogs to the South Omaha market the first of the week. He ac companied the car. Jim and Bob Remaly, who reside southeast of Eagle, report the loss of two valuable milch cows which were struck by lightning last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Vanlanding ham and baby, of Davey, Neb., were visitors over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vanlandingham. Georgie and Robert McClanahan re turned to their home at Fairbury, Neb., Tuesday after a three weeks' visit with their grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Brantner. H. L. Swanson, who has been visit ing at points in Canada, Wisconsin and Minnesota, arrived in Eagle Thursday evening for a few days' visit with relatives here. Mrs. N. M. Winnings and son, John, departed Tuesday afternoon for Hen rietta, Minn., to attend to some mat ters of business. Mrs. Winnings is the mother of Mrs. Uel Lambert. The Misses Clara and Marcie French, of Minneapolis, Minn., left for their home last Friday, after a week's visit at the 0. S. Anderson home. They were returning from a trip to the San Francisco exposition. NEIIAWKA. News. Miss Nelson returned to her home in Omaha Friday, after visiting a few da's at the home of Charlie Heebner I Mrs. M. U. Thomas returned to her home in Ashiand Monday, after visit- ing a few days at the home of her I T-v t t r rrr son- UT- J- --nomas 1 Mrs. Jim Pollard and daughter re turned home W ednesday after spend several weeks with ber Tents in I i arKer, s. u. The Hugo Brothers tent show which was to show here Monday until Wed nesday, canceled their date on account of the smallpox situation. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norris returned to their home in Coleridge. Neb., after visiting the past two weeks at the home of their nephew. W. S. Norris. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Pollard return ed home Wednesday from Rochester, Minn., where Mr. Pollard has been taking treatments for some time. Mr. and Mrs. B. Chriswisser return ed to their home in Plattsmouth Wed nesday, after visiting several days with their son, Charlie4 and family. Little Carl accompanied them to their home, where he will spend the com ing week. Misses Emily and Evelyn and two brothers, Paul and Arthur Wolph, I started Friday morning for San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego and will visit relatives in Colton, Cal. On their way they w ill stop off for a short stav at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Last Sunday while coming to town on his motorcycle Harold Todd had the misfortune to have a head-on col lision with a car as he turned the cor ner a mile west of town. He received several scratches and a broken tooth, while his machine was badly damaged. The car had a light broken and the radiator caved in. Harold lit on the hud of the car and he was lucky he got out as he di(L ELM WOOD. Leader-Echo. butler Morgan departed lhursday lor -nreve, unio, lor a visa witn nis mother. Mrs. Bina Kitzel of Alvo has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Weichel, and attended the chautauqua. The Elmwood band boys have con- and the M- w- A- ricnic at Avoca on September 3. William McLaig of i'onca City, Okla., arrived Ihursday for a visit Wlth hls sister, Mrs. John Hall, and othcr relatives and friends. Orandma i,eck and daughter. M rs. William Hayes, left the first of the wek for Bradford, Ohio, to visit the former s sister and other relatives, Mr- and Mrs- H- Wenz and family and Mrs- Leonhardt, of Hallam, Neb., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Morford, and attended the chautau- ..... i.i f - qua - Mr. Wenz is a brother oi irs. Morford. Sid West sold his property this week to W. McCullough and the prop erty will change hands just as soon as the title is straightened up. Mr. West expects to spend the winter in California. Misses Katherine and Bessie Voss, who have been visiting at the A. II. W'eichel home, returned to their home at St- Joseph, Wednesday. Miss Pearl Weichel returned with them for a fchort visit. Dr. and Mrs. Harger and children, who have been visiting Mrs. Harger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clapp, departed for Chicago in tneir l ord Thursday. They were accompanied by Henry Clapp, jr. LOUISVILLE. Courier. Mrs. Henry Born of Piuttsmcuth, formerly Miss Tena Ahl, visited rela tives in town over nitrht Monday. Henry Ahl and his sister, Mrs. Mary Ragoss, returned Saturday from a three months' visit with relatives in California. William Lehnhoff of Lincoln was in town several days last week attend ing to business matters and visiting friends and relatives. James P. Ellis, for more than twen ty years Missouri Pacific station arent at this place, was in town this week calling on old-time friends. He is lo cated at Crete. Rev. Theodore Hartman is attend ing a meeting of the Nebraska synod of the German Lutheran church at Deshler, Neb., this week. August Pautsch is also attending as a dele gate. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCarty, who are visiting in Colorado, write that the weather is so cold that heavy wraps are a necessary adjunct to com fort. They are expected home about Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Miller of Staple hurst, Neb., were here Monday and Tuesday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahl. They expect to leave soon to make their home in Ortgon, and they were down to bid old-time Cass county friends pood-bye. Plans for the new 5,000 home for the Home State bank are being- drawn and as soon as received the contract will be let. The building will be of pressed brick. IMxuO. and will be built on Main street joining the Twiss meat market and will be a valuable addition to the town. James Terryberry's new gasoline tractor engine and gang plow were unloaded Tuesday morning and driven to the farm, where Mr. Terryberry will use it -to t:;rn over his broad acres. He is a firm believer in deep plowing every few years and also a great lover of horses, and his pur chase of this new outfit will serve a double purpose plow the ground as deep as he desires and save his horses FOR SALE. One section, 040 acres, wheat land in Franklin County, Washington. This land is rolling, but not rough Located 100 miles southwest of Spokane, 22 miles north of Kahlotus, feet to f feet in depth. It was broken in 190G, and a crop of wheat prrown in 1907 netted the owner ?C,900.00 after all expenses were deducted. It was plowed in 1912, and has lain fallow- since. There is 215 acres in wheat this year, of which owner is to re ceive one-fourth free in warehouse a Kahlotus. ihe land is lence witn a post and wire fence. There is a first mortgage of $5,000.00 due in Novem ber, 1910, at 7 per cent per annum. Will sell for $22.50 per acre on lib eral terms, purchaser to assume mortgage. For further information write owner. W. C. SAMPSON, Owner. Care S. A. A. C, Spokane, Washington. 6-17-2mos-wkly Subscribe for The JounuiL n Comfort and Attractiveness Those two elements are the essential features of our TAIL ORING. We offer you a f-elertion of materials equal to any two tailor shops in Omaha. Our styles are authoritative while our fabrics arc of guar anteed quality and eye-pleasing, both in design and color values. We are selling to all our cus tomers of past seasons and they are bringing in their friends. You are cordially invited to call in and look over our beauti ful line of Fall and Winter Pat terns and Fabrics. Our Suits to Measure, Fit Guaranteed $25, $30 and $33. Buscli Tailoring Co. Hotel Riley Building, Plattsmouth- Neb. HI otio: to -iti:iiir.M ir.Ki:nM. To Jacob Sfttier. Ja: -u. Jacks"n. Wii'iam Knuniar.. i'-u u ma n, .Uui't' rnsin. sarah Iu'.v i.t-:, Winnie Kaiiwi-, ". Maiult- Sh', .'.if!o. ei; ce Sl'-SMi r. K.l u ;i i SrvM'er, K"iiiti i '. J iu ni i. n K n : ! :ia II. lTi! ! It -1 j t tA r. t . . You and ;i ii of I "t t !-at "n t !. . ' a. i ih;... h ; filed Lis ri't;tMri in Ii o! j '"t: i.t . Ni l i I T p. 1 t H ell of ;i I . I -;i . J . - i -a Ml: Ki ;i n k ( St 1 1 ifi . 1 ii r .initio l.a'.l- ! on i St. T ! .-it: ii. T Tl .., ' - 1 r , -t.ii it l: . . i. f. . .-I.-1' -:..! Mil .: M 1' titi":i ; i ' I r- I ..; ) . i r of ii : ;j r .i : -Jil ii 4H4-j..11r ioWJiji;- .-SCT i b-l ! -f- ! TI..- i::i t Half K '. "1 Xi'Il!,c-1 iviiai ! ! N U . .- 1 ion T! i l M - I ' ! i r .;-!. an W. t l!:;!f ' W. i : t ' vast Cj:iii! ! r i .-'. K '4 . s-Tw.iIv.m-k ti iJ'i.t. i iv. T...t n 1 1 j i . 1 1 . i j:.: ! i. K.-i.-r !' 1 ! .l I I'. M . i;i 1 1 u u T y. Nf 1 .t ;i s k a : t I T J;.c,.l, Mt-U'iT, J - St. 11 Si; t it t ; .! a rii v ifl :t I . or.-- ': t Icent ' t t. t I :a.'jina !, ! !- 1 ;-i I. I i 1 I u I:iil!i. .la.-o' ninn, . i i !") s ! 'a i - tn :. -i ;i : c ;: ow n .- i; ti itr ! . i.i. t'.Mfi.f; t!mt l.:t-K;i:ioi:.--, Tl,-Mn Stt-tl: '1 . '.! a W i ' . !ii II I - Ii T: ' i each own ii n i. n.i i mill i 1 -4 i i ,'i. r. i .it ,-tiUllZ. HrWl'i'' 1 l -r. 'I i !! ..t l Suit,- i . Kilwaitl Sl.lti.r : i 1 -;i (I: owns an 'iurlitli !-! ll:-' f. . 1 .-ii I :. : 1 i 1 tt : . . . ir.. - s. t t i mv',;iii : 1 :.:-. i:-." :! ! :. f '. : i 1 1 : 1 1 I 1 11 -it ! ....... f. ,, , f.-. nd lint Ma:, l'ri.n.. .1 ..f -ii. .-'. It . 1 ' 1 " 1 1 1 1 ! . tn -1. . n. t 1 ' . ..1 . and T'rayt-r said n -i i i M .1 '. il IT III. 1. 1 of s;i 1. 1 I . :i 1 .- to "I I . . Ill ..1, !l t It ; ft . - ,.s ii I. tl..- :,.i I 1!k' of t.,--I ;i r .-ii i: Ii il tn I 'a I I it Yoll and .'!. ll of yi. I :. I .::!!..( Mitu (' -;iid !. I.I I'H: :. '-f I.. t..t. t I'T I I 'i:i . of S..-I.I .-in In . A I i in fa. I i t; u so t . .,: in : .1 .i vi 1 ' -11 i i ! i t 1 ' Mi it !, 1 t a k n as ;ra yi I in in t it i" n I t .-.1 II is l::li i;it .." An: t 1 . t M I ! a 1 1 . 1 . ' 1 -t. I 1. !!.'.. ii t:i.i:v w. r . - t f. : i'.i..mi:k. t ai 1."!: r.i..ii:i:. J i js . t '. to n V -1 - I k Tin: 1 if th 1 1 "i 01 111 oi' fill Tl . CHII 1K . M.-s i'. 'aitn.-i.-. I';..:t.ti.T. 1 '. I!. Kl".in::r. To '. II. Kit uiikiin'.t n : A! : s. -t ii M I !, 1 ' ... 1 I! 1 . I ' : t 1 ... I 1 . H 'it I I . K ! .-ilia !,. t: 1 s t 1 . ,1 1 t lie 1. -i k :m t ti I., t . ; . t s. mi I 1 . j .1 -. 1. 1 - - on - i 1. 1 1 .--' 1 ti ti.. !::!. n. t, t - t 1 ! 1.. 1 'ii. - iil.l.i.i'Un .: -1 o n a I 1 i 't - :. I - tin m 11 r. K no 11 : ni vi-ct. , I' -iiiei--. : t ; vei h lul ail 1" 1 .-.-stiitt- : 1 ' ii 1. : i: ti known ; tui t ! . is. -vs. 11 (.'ill -s. ative.-. and ail tl r 11. - -1 .t.s 1 .. t . re- 1 I 111 liit- ; :i t ' i f M rs 1 f. 1st 1 a ; li.-i in. in. K a 1 : You ar- j..-r.-.v i,..t 1-!T !.. A. ! 1 1 !-l I In : t 1 ITI I !.e 1 .t Tilt '".lift II K : - !. ..! . . fen. ;il 1,.. . .1 t!.! on .1 ..!v r tiO-'f 11- siii ' 1 'ass . i tj t v . .elii aska. to i.ui.t ti..- tit;. : 1 ' . low was iU-si-v: l.e.i i.i-t.. :n i'iiitt.-im I id hill, Cass c'otitity. Ni l.rat-i.a. to. w it Lot J'j'.e (Til. it. I:.. 1; Tl ii t v-t i t ( in t'.c t'tty l'.iitt.-nioutl.. 'a ..- 'ii.:t.ty. N' i m.-ka Tde ..t..i,-i-t iino prayet (,f I j, . s.i.t ii re to have eXHU. -eii 1'iin I I t --. J a ri.l ! la 1 c.l niii :).) V'.nl otie '-tt:i;n .1.-ei I.f.'t-I,fi I II IT to C(iIiV.V til the i,.. fen'iant. .". Ii. K'e.-maTi. '-iii l lot. .late-l .uruct 1M!i, It'll, aii'i ti-e-l f'.r ...-..r.l Annist u . i : i . :-l, nt"l t -. m in I'.oiik .". at t.i. ne "-. ..1 ti e .ie.-.l i.. mil of Cass 'n::i.:, Ne t.' a - ia . ami t" ti .mm -na i'tiil .ii'K nf ' n ft'.m :ri or claiiiiitiit a ti r- t t . t'tle ..r it.t.t. -t in or t s;ii,! r.-iil estate, iiti'l fi.ii-y.j-liiietinsr tin title thet. i.i in t!i- j.him tlfi. an. I lor en u 1 1 ii i.i..- ti urf, You ate rei';!te.l tn ::i --wr sari ..t' tion mi or Li-Tito .M"ii. at', S. .. int.. r 'itii. A I ' V.M.".. Iateil li t-- Ilf.l "!:iv o Aititii-t. A. 1 ins. cjiaiili;-- c. J'ai;m i:i.i:. I'laiiitifT. C. A. r.AWLS. Attointy lor r.'a:tit:T. k-!-4u k: MITH II or M IT H t IT I I I I.II. I'l llir IHslrlet onrt e-f the uiatv of .. Ni-l.mi.LH. Aineii:: Va'.l.-ry Str jl.t. Plaint 'fT, s. A. I.. Snial!, first real t.ini'.- u i. k ti . . . n. tt T In nut.- t I t i-t I. M III. I !. tl t t n.ii : i ti' - i tuall. tost U. .Si..iM. n n k no n n . fii! i.i.::..-r-;il t.ati'e leiil na:a ') I., .-t'lii i:i.U!iov. I. : 1 unknown: .1 1. 1: k r:ow :i : . . tir.-t I eii j V .M Harry -'tail. !:isl i i. i n.iiiie niiknown; t'in. 1 'ai.-v Miiiet, nee Wrii; !.l . T. Miller, p. '.!:. .pukson. t Wii:rl.t: .lam-.- s. I:jti..-. als.. known :: s Juri.'s . l::;rnes. an-i Hi.- unktiow n It irs. Itat.-es atnl it -v i s i.f Ain. 1;. Newton, lieeeat'f'l. also klinwtl as Al" c Newton. l"t i.s. i! You ate iniedv notifie.' oti .1::" I'.ati,. A 1 P'l.".. plaint i.rI f'ie, mii! IM ti e listlli't Cli It't of t:,e I'-'Mily .f 'ass. Nl'l'l ilslvil. tn . title '.. t!.e foiinvNiri- ilesi ri I.e.! iiiti.l. tn-wit I "! iiircc (Hi. in P k n:ri.t- n ( i 1' i. in 1 !. y nt I 'la t Is tin . 1. 1 h. Cass I'.i'.jtity. Nel.taska p.-ea'ise of i,.-r al.-s.. Vv ln r:..if and l er prantors for iii'in ten veins j.fior to the i otrrn. i,. em. t of sit id s:;:l. a'hl to i a. h .11,1 a I of oii ft o in i.avitic or elaiiiun: inn ri'-I.t. til!, lien or mii ii - i, ii' .-i oi- -'MMti:l !.', in or t. sa .1 lan.l r :.n-p-irt thereof li'l for citnTiil , 1 1, i ; ,i .u. leli. f. This fiottre is tn.i'le nitsU!llil to the urcif r of 1 1 e Court . You are t t'iuireil to answer sa i I j.' tl t .on on or l.rfore M..n..i. the i:;th of S-'t enil.t i , A. I . P'l'.. or ..iir il' lault "ill l.e ilulv .nt.-r..i the-.-f. AMU LI A VALLUPY STK 1 i I H T. Plaint i IT v. a. t: r.i:r;Ts 'N, .untri. -:-4ks-klr NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Countv (inurt of the f'ountv of CasH. Nebraska. In Re Estr-te of Francis Ku.dan. l.y. Deceased. To All rer.-ons Interc.-tcd: You are hereby notified that bar- inr upon claims against said e.-tate will be had at the oflite f the ("outity Judtrp, Court, P!f" tsmout h. Ne braska, on the ?th day of September, A. I). KU5, tr.d on the fcth day of Maich, A. D. Ifl.. at 10 o'clock a. m. on each of taid days. All claims rot filed before said hour on said last day of hearing will be forever barred. By the Court. ALLEN J. RE EFON. County Judgr. W. A. ROI'.ERTSON, Atorney. 8:-4tw kly "ftflOWEY"' the mint makes it and urdr the. terms of the CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can f-c-cuie it at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms easy; tell us your wants and we will co-operate with vou. PETTY & COMPANY, 513 Denham Building, Denver, Colo.