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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1915)
MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1S15. PLATTSSIOUTS SEEI-TTEZELT JOrRI?AT. REED RULES RAIL BOARDjSJLLEGAL Tells Governor Republican Of fices on Cctiimison Vacant. NO BONDS ARE NOW ON FILE Intimates Executive Should Correcl E.taation by Appointing Three New Men Enter 175 Nebraska Eabiei ' In Contest Dunne Will Not Come. Lincoln, Aug. 23. Attorney General W iilia E. K-ed sent a letter to Gov ernor Moreln ad de laring the offices held Ly three Republican members ol the Nebraska state railway commis B.i-n -a ere a ant. The attorney general intimates ir hi? letter ike governor should correct a delicate situation by ap poisting three new numbers of .the co'nn.ission. The development marks the eulnn rat ion ol' dif.'eretr-es betweeu the mil way commi.-.- ion and the attorney gen cral's OiV.t e whit h has In -en ested Oil several off a:ici!f. Mr. Kf d in h-s letter cites a rf eei.t opinion which the railway com mb-.-.oii ?: red :tse'f in support ol his ';.im that th" oflices are vacant In that opinio!!, which was given U l)e:,n llaMiiii,s. it was he'd that the raiiu ai- cnimissioners were executive Others. Vnder the constitution. er" w:sve offers are supposed to file bote for not less than ?r,".oo'i. Chairman 'iKnry T. Clarke Commissioner Tay lor ar.d Commlss-r-ner 1 1 a 1 1 have rot filed i-oml and tie- time has elapsed for sti'-h tiling, according to a supreme court decision rjuo ed hy Mr. Heed. It is not expected the governor w-ill take immediate a,rioii upo.; the le'ief sei.r by Mr. Ti-i. the attorney nen ?ral ventures th opinion thar the ?tate could rcoif the salaries w! ici h:;e been pa:ri to the commissioners l--!t iie doe not ". it. to question th validity of th.- ir nets whi e in of!!? e nitlioasrh le says ehvtbt exists as tc their legality. Lincoln Gets Farmers' Meet. p,e; weeri 2 rnl ." ""0 ebb-gates are expected to attend the lOii't-n tion of th.e IVnnt :'s' Hdi cationa! r.r Co operative T'nion o!" Aintrh a at bin coin. Sept. 7. . and 1. Tweiitv three s'at s. Iron; Oregon to Florida, mi from Indiana to Texas--, are represent t-d in th- delegate- that are to at end Th. r :n en; ion is to bo held in the city umii'orinm at Lincoln. This ir the ;-tr. v.-n ion thai was seheduld foi On:a';a this ;-eur. but could nor t.e pc coiiimodatfd there to the best advan tate at that particular time a? the Na'ional Letter Carriers" assoi i:-T ior. is to have thousands of deleat at Omaha at that tin-". Enter 179 Babies In Contest. Nearly 20 of Nebraska's most per feel babies wi'I compere lor th j'!'ie ofred by the Nebraska s'a' fair mannr-em'T.t m; on a basis of S'M entifie srorinu. Ti e li-t cf entri-. ir the better l .ti i'S show at rhe jair we made pv.hli'- ly S; r tary Mellor. ' on 17f tianvs Most of the mi "tries eoine frotn Uncoln and I. an' as ter om.ti s. ahiio'Th out in the -Malt town? are :epre- ntel more' than any year since the better bn lies El;ow be'-ame a tentnie of the fair. Democratr Eaouet at Lincoln. About I (eino.'wats. miny of their from ovt in the tate. ather-l r.t s pet-t.osi ; tiier hai.'r et at (he l.indell ho tel. 1.. R. Willis presided and in'ro diteed Governor Morehead as toast uiasur. V.t. P. 1. Hail, who is bein pushed as a t f-mo-'ratic eandidat" foi povVrr.o-. mer ly j-aid lie ne ver had and never vov.ld t'sl; for an ofTiee it Kebraha. Dunne Will Not Come West. Covernor Ini;i.e of Illinois will no be able to be present and address tin peopk- on 'W'ootiio'.v AViiso i day at tin Ftato fair, aeeore'ina to a message re cojvfd hy (Governor Morehead. Cov Ti:or T)i:nne t;ie.-. as his reason t'-a' he is e-:;iertinr to attend the meeting of sovernois in !ios:on and v.-i!l no: retiiin in time. Express Co. Must Pay Local Tax. Kxpress companies must p: y lora taes as well as the reula i n; octi I):;tion tax ol" 2 per '--Tit o 'ie state Ti:e nate tax docs not i;ii.nt them iin nvi.iiy f'-o": th' p.".ynient of loca taxes. Attorney .ci.era.1 Ueed has kc ruled. Missouri Pacific Lays Heavier Steel Weeping Water. Neb.. Aug. 22. A irnnber of trainloads cf heavy st e rails have been hauied through !ier d":rin:r the last few days for rebuild ing the Missouri Pf.ific's line beiweei her and Omaha. Th n mor of Ion? standing is that the line is to be got ten in shape for th bulk of the freight traffic that now passes ovc-i th main line from T'r.ioi to Omaha The object of the change would Ik tc avoid the iying of heavy tolls ovei l'-ased lines into Omaha., as is th Case now. Lew Shelly Turns Off ce Over. Fni-bury. Neb . Aug. r". Posimas ter Lew Shelly turned over the post o:'i e here today "to his successor. W P. ( iamb. Mr. Shelly served for i little over eight years, having beei frst appointed by Theodore Roose v.-it. and reappointed ly PrcFiden' TaH His deputy, Mrs. Mae Shelly ret iri s wph him, and her sm-cessot will le named I'roi i among the pres ent clerical force of the offic. SEES BUMPER CROPS Southern Nebraska Has Best Prospects In History of State. j Omaha. Aug. Ti. 'I Lave lived in Nebraska practically all my life and I never saw the southeastern part ot the state as pros eious as now," us Berted Jj. II. Mercer, after returning froiu an exterded trip throiiirh I'.k-h-Eiuson, Nemaha and Otoe counties Continuing:. Mr. Mercer said: ' All through the counties mentioned the idd of small grain has been enor mous. Some lias been damaged by the ireqtient and heavy rains, tut the abnormally large ouaiuities that the tanners will have to ell will more than make tip for the loss on acco int of damage by rain. "Corn is growing rapidly and mv ;'udgmei.t is that ir is as far alorur as usual at this season of the year. Only an early and killing frost could pre vent the gathering of a bumper crop. "i"r:;it raising has become an im portant industry with the farmers of the son'heastern part of the state and this year they are goinsr to make mon ey off their orchards and vineyards.' FIFTH REGIMENT HAS ABUSY DAY Thousands Visit Camp of Na tional Guard at Crete. Crete. Xeb., Am- The camp of the f ifth regiment. Nebraska national grard. vas visited by thousands of ix-ople atnl a spectacular program 'vas arried o:t. The acrordanes appeared to he the attraction that diew the crowd f roui many miles around Crete. Capiat ti Mi .Mi'Ian made two smeessful flights, soaring liih and th:ii passing over the camp so rlos-" that his name or. the machine was discernible. His as censions were faultless. Oovernot Morei.e;'d. a'-co!ni;:nii'd 1 y his stf.ff and i;":iily, au;o.'d o;t from Lincoln and was busy lord ing over the work i?i genera', as In ing dire' ted by tin? of!'-"s or the n';h reaiment. as sert'd 1 1 : at the i'if'th is un to iie stan lard and is doim; a great amount of hard drill work. The governor mid party ate dinner in camp with the sohi i v'rs. The i-roETi-m so far as the sok';vs v.ere con'-ern.'d. was spertace.lar drill ing. i kirndshiiig ar.d seou'lng. Colo nel V. J. Paul has demonstrated that the nliste.! ne n are not speiid;iii; apy :int in ;'(o:isii:iess While he at tempted to give a military prosT.i'n that wo. Id be benefit ial to the boys in the ranfcs. it also served to pleise the public sf an itert.' oti .'IS work under General P. 1,. Hall. Jr.. did not fall short of expectations. HELD ON GRAVE CHARGES Oma'na Gardener Arrested on Suspicion of Attacking Gi-ls In Cemetery. Omaha. Aim. Jll V. II. West, a r"'if"Tr. v.-a? r.rrr ed at his hoine on srtave charges in ronne' tion with tva s parate att''in:ts j;t assault on two sillers, several months ago. in forest Lawn ct-metery. V'cst attended the burial of his crandmoTher. Mrs. Kachel V.. Ko?t. in l'orrst J awn. and it was a' the crave that he was positively idontifiVd by one of the sisters as her would-be assailant. Paul r'Miiinar. a moiormnn on the Port st Uiwn line, had over heard talk on his car that implica'eu West in the cemetery and otln r is saults. and it was through his efforts that the girl was at the graveside when West was present as a mourner. "West was under suspicion in the hatchet imirder of Ada Swanson. hilt efforts to lo aie him proved nnavail ins. Eoy Ereaks Neck in Queer Way. P.eemer, Neb.. Aug. Albert, the twelve yer-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph English. was accidentally killed at his home about two miles north of town. Iliivlish. who is a pros perous farmer, has an elevator durar on the farm, around which the boy rnd been playins. His lifeless lody was found, with the neck broken, on the ground, and the rot- to the dump, with a large noose in the end. wa dangling just above his head. It was supposed his head had been caught in falling:, breaking his neck. Culivan Returrs to Hastings. Hastings, Neb., Aug. IT.. John Cult fan. alleged nephew of John O'Connor and claimant to the $iuo.nno estate ol the celebrated recluse through the will held invalid by a jury here, has jnst returned from a stay of several months at Excelsior Springs. He will mal e his permanent home in Hast ings. He is deetdy interested in Ii state's claim, to the estate to he trie!' at the September term of court. Cass County Corn Stalk Has Six Ears. Weeping Water. Neb., Aug. lb'.'. Kay Smith, a larnier north of town, has on display a stall; of corn contaiu ii'jr six ears and measuring thirteen and one half feet in height. Two acres of his field contain alo'it the same size of stalks. Farmers to Discuss Foreign Relations. Omaha. Aug 23. The new econom ic and trade; conditions growing out ol the European war is prominent in the program of hr- Partners' National con grr.s. which meets in Omaha. Sept. 28. for its thirty-fifth annual session. "THE MASTER MIND' Owing to the story of "The Master Mind" be ing somewhat mixed up, we are compelled to omit it until next Thurs day's issue. The production, "The Heart o Maryland." comes to this city direct from New York and has been secured at great expense by the ladies of the St. Mary's Guild, and while costing H'2 a seat in New York to see 't, it will be shown here for 25 cents. Do;;'i mis it. The Clerk Guaranteed It. 4A customer came into mv store the other day and said to one of my clerks "have you anything: that will cure diarrhoea?' and my clerk went and g-ot him a bottle of ChamberlainV Colic, Cholera and Dianhoe Remedy and said to him, 'if this does not cure you. I will not charge you a cent foi it." So he took it home and came back in a day or two and said he was cured." writes J. H. Berry & Co., Sali Creek, Va. Obtainable everywhere. PUBLIC SALE As I have sold mv farm, I will seli the following: described property at my place, one block , west and foui blocks north of Heisel's mill, Platts mouth. Neb., on SATl'KDAY. AUGUST 28TII: 28 Head of Cattle ar.d IIors 28 Cattle consisting of ( head " first class milk cows, 2 coming fresh soon the other one giving milk now; 1 year ling heifer and 2 calves S months old Twenty-three head of hogs 3 sows 4 small pigs, 15 shoats and one good male pig. Machinery. 1 drill planter, 1 three-horse disc, 1 disc cultivator, 1 Avery spring trap cultivator, 1 14-inch Brush plow, 1 14 inch John lUere walking plow, 1 Brad ley H-inch stirring plow, 1 hay rack -section steel harrow, hay rake, Peer ing mower, 5-foot cut; hay sweep, 5 barrel g-alvanized tank, grindstone 20b oak posts. Household Goods. Range stove, kitchen cabinet, couch two bedsteads, springs and mat tresses, three rocking chairs, ward v be, washing machine and wringer, new china closet, two new dressers gtenl set of dining room chairs, new iininr table and many other article. t'l'i numerous to mention. TLT.MS OF SALE AJ1 sums of f U. ;.nd under cash, over 10 a credit of six months time will be given at 8 per cent interests. Terms of sale to be complied with before pioperty beiric removed. C. H. COBi;. Owner. K. P. Stewart, Clerk. :ol. W. H. Young, Auctioneer. 8-23-2td-2tw UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST. The following; is the list of letters remaining unclaimed at the postoffice at Plattsmouih on August 23, 1915: Mr. Earl Howard. Mr. Joseph Moreale. Harry Moulton. Mr. Noel Seney. The above letter are unclaimed and if not called for by September fith will be sent to the dead letter office, P. C. MORGAN. Postmaster. Wins Handsome Prize. The prize at the Crystal Star roller skating rink, which was given away by Mr. Propst Saturday evening to the perosn holding the lucky coupon, was awarded to Gordon Reed, whose num ber. 225. drew the prize. The drawing attracted a great deal' of attention from the patrons of the rink and the young man securing the prize feels well pleased with his good luck. Dance at German Home. There will be a social dance given Saturday evening, Aug-ust 28th, at the German Home, to which the public is cordially invited to be present and to enjoy the pleasures of the evening-. The music will be furnished by the Plattsmouth orchestra. 8-23-3td Grafonola Exhibit. B. A. McElwain, Jeweler, will give a demonstration of the Grafonola in the rest room at the Hotel Riley on August 26, 27 and 28. The public is cordially invited. FINE BALL GAME SAT URDAY, BUT VERY FEW IN ATTENDANCE One of the classiest exhibitions of the great national pastime that has been afforded the fans was pulled off Saturday afternoon on the local lot, when the Havelock C, B. & Q. team, an organization of fast youngsters, mixed with the rejuvenated Athletics and came off the winners from the locals by a score of 2 to 1, although it required eleven innings to settle the question of the victors. The Athletics weie re-enforced for the battle by Beal, Craig, Parker and Herold of the White Sox team, while the visitors carried with them Anderson and Reid of the first Havelock team, but these additions were not faster than the youngsters in their handling of the pill and a most pleasing game throughout was featured. Pickard, who was so effective against the Athletics on the previous visit of the Havelock organization, was on the mound for the boys from .he Lincoln suburb and was most ef fective in checking the hitting irowess of the locals and through out w-as under perfect control. Long who done the pitching for the locals was in good form uid received rilt edge support in the struggle, and the fielding of the Athletics was a feature of the gnme, as with many chances the errors were few and far between. The crowd at the game was very small, and the base ball enthusiasts who failed to be present were very Tiuch disappointed on learning of the "me exhibition that had been put up nd which they had missed. The boys .vere deserving of a good crowd, as .he game was well worth seeing. For a Sprained Ankle. If you will get a bottle of Chamber ain's Liniment and observe the direc ions given therewith faithfully, you will recover in much less time than is jsuplly required.. Obtainable every where. "CINDERELLA IN FLOW ERLAND" A BIG SUC CESS AT LOUISVILLE Mrs. Mae Morgan returned home his morning from Louisville, where he has been for the past few weeks irranging for the production of "Cin 'erella in Flowerland," which was riven Saturday evening at the opera in thtit citv before an audience hat taxeH the seating capacity, and veryone present felt well repaid in he delightful rendition of this oper tta by the young people of Louisville inder the direction of Mrs. Morgan, who has had charge of the operetta in i number of the towns of the county his summer, and the performance at Louisville was one of the most suc cessful, both in the pleasure of the auditors as wrell as the excellence of the work of the young people. The operetta was held under the auspices of the Woman's club of Louisville, a live organization, and the proceeds w ill be devoted to the installing of a drinking- fountain on the streets in that city. The ladies of Louisville have taken up a number of public nterprises in our neighboring little city and have proven of great assist ance in the public life there. HERE AT HOME Plattsmouth Citizens Gladly Testify and Confidentls- Recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. It is testimony like the following that has placed Doan's Kidney Pills so far above competition. When people right here at home raise their voice in praise there is no room left for doubt. Read the public statement of a Platts mouth citizen: Mrs. Adam Kurtz, Plattsmouth, says: ' I suffered intensely from my kidneys and back and I couldn't stoop or stand erect. I had a dull, nagging pain through my back that robbed me of all energy. My sight became af fected and dark spots appeared before my eyes. I got Doan's Kidney Pills from Gering & Co.'s Drug Store and in a short time they relieved me." Pprice 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Kurtz had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. For Sale. Three new 5-room bungalows, mod ern except heat. Ready September 15th. Price $1,650.00 each. T. H. POLLOCK, Tel No. 1. Riley Block. 10 II I II 1 IS 10 IE I "The God of All Grace, Fattier of Mercies, God of All Comfort." The Giorics of the Divine Character Unknown to the World Faint Glimpses Given to the Israelites A Clearer Vision Given to the Church of Christ Still Increasing Light Grose Darkness Covers the World "The Ged of This World Hath Blinded the Minds" of Unbelievers The Knowl edge of God's Glory Shall Cover the Earth During the Messianic Kingdom. Columbus, O., Aug. 22. Pastor Russell is in our city today. We refH)rt his d 1 -course on the text, "The glory of the Ird shall be re vealed, and all flesh shall see it together." (Isaiah 40:5.) II e spoke as follows: This text im plies that a time is coming when everybody will know about God's glory-all flesh. This will include not only all who will then be living, but all who have ever lived. We rejoice that God has so grand a Program. We are given an intimation of this as we look into the past and observe that the glory of the Lord has not yet leen revealed to the world. God pave some little intimations of His glory. His character, Hia design, to Abraham, telling him that by and by He purposed to bless the world through Abraham's Seed. But this was onls- a promise, not a revelation of God's glory; for only Abraham be lieved. Nevertheless he got a glimpse of that glory as he believed God'a promises; so also did Isaac and Jacob. They saw faintly a great purpose of good on God's part, and a time com ing w hen the curse of sin would some how be rolled away and the true knowl edge of God would reach all the hu man family. But still the glory of the Lord was not revealed. This hope, though vague. ontinued. with the Israelites, descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. After their deliverance from Egyptian bondage, at Mount Sinai God made a covenant with them that, if they would keep Ills Law, they might demonstrate their qualification to be the Seed of Abraham to Mess the world. But they were un able to keep the Law. Nor.e of the fallen race of Adam are able. (Romans 3:20.) The hie of becoming the Spir itual Seed of Abraham faded from the minds of the Israelites. But to strength en theiu the Ijord promised He will make a still greater covenant than the Iaw C'ovennnt. Jer. 31:31-34. Israel coultl not keep God's xerfect Law. They failed because tbey were sinners, members of Adam's race, born in sin, Eiisshaien in iniquity, in sin did their mothers conceive them, as the Bible explains. Finally God sent His Son. "lorn under the Iaw," put under the Law for thevery purpose of dem onstrating that what other Israelites could not do He could do. He kept the Law. thus manifesting that "He was holy, harmless, uudefiled, and separate from sinners." Sinners were unable to keep God's Law, but Jesus kept it. and to Him was given the great privilege of being the promised Seed of Abraham. Qualified to Be Blesser of the World. His keeping the Law, however, did not make our Lord Jesus Abraham's Seed spiritual, but merely demonstrat ed Ills qualifications. Even though He was perfect, as a man He could not have done the work which God had purposed; for He could not have given life to the race under sentence of death In order to give life to the dying world He must first lay down His own life as au equivalent price for the life of Adam, in whom the whole race fell; and He must also be a perfect Jew, to redeem those who were under the Law He must take the step of sacrificing His human life-rights, that He might do the Father's will. This He-did. But evcu then Jesus wan not the Seed of Abraham that should bless the world, except as we might regard "Him', juoperly, as having been begotten to be this Seed. At the time of HL bai tism. He was begotten of the noly Spirit to a New Nature. It was here that He consecrated His human life rights unto death. Luriug the three and one-half yearn of His ministry He tarried out His Covenant of Sacrifice. This work was not fully accomplished until at Calvary, when He cried, "It is linkshedr and died. When on the third day God raised Him from the dead. He was fully qualified to be the It lesser of the world as Abraham's Spiritual Seed no longer a man. but a spirit Being, privileged, with the price at His command, the value of His own human life-rights, to make application of it, in the Father's due Units, as a Le-demption-priee for Adam and his race. Since His resurrection, our Lord Je sus is the Spiritual Seed of Abraham. Speaking of" death and resurrec tion, the Aiostlc Paul says. "Where fore I because He was obedient unto death God bath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name." (Fhilippiaris " 2:S-ll.) This came is Christ, the Anointed of God. Christ Jesus is anointed to be Head over the Church wtich is His Body, anointed to be the great High Priest after the Order of Melchisedee, anointed to be King of kings and Lord of lords when Be shall come into His Kingdom. "To the Jew First." The Bible tells us that God. who made this glorious arrangement for our Lord Jesus, provided also that a cer tain class should le gathered out of the world to be members of His Body, otherwise called "the Koynl Priest hood." "the Bride, the Lamb's Wife." and His Joint-heir. The work of call ing out this class has been going on for nearly nineteen hundred years. It was necessary that our Lord should begin this work of selecting the Church with the Jews. Acts 3:2i, 2G; 13:40: Romans 1:16; 11:7-21. In a very few years the Lord appar ently found 25.0U Jews who were thoroughly consecrated to Him "Is raelites indeed, in whom was no guile." These were ready to receive Him. To such He said, "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God; but to them that are without, all these things are spoken in parables and dark sayings." As it was in the Mas ter's day, that none of the unprepared ones, either Jews or Gentiles, could walk in Jesus' footsteps, and as the things revealed to the worthy ones were revealed to their ejes of under standing, so to us today the Master's words equally apply. The Lord's con secrated cues shall see, shall under stand. It is not God's will that others shall know now. Their time to know will be that mentioned in our text. By and by the Message shall go forth to all. We recall the various steps in the pelectiou of the Church. First God se lected the worthy ones from the Jews in Palestine, then from those scuttered abroad. The Apostle says that every where the Jews were sought first, and only after they had b;id their of portunity was the Gospel Call sent to the Gentiles. God wished a very cos mciolitan class to reign with Christ for the blessing of all mankind. Jesus is the Head of all these. All must be true-hearted, all must come through the same low gate of Consecration, all must walk the Rame Narrow Way walk in the footsteps of their Forerun ner. Whether Jews or Gentiles at the start, all are now New Creatures in Christ. Old hopes, aims and desires have imssed away, and all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Truths Revealed In Due Season. We have briefly traced the history of the world. Iuring all this time the glory of the Lord had not been re vealed. It is true that our Lord Jesus knew about the glory of the Father. The Apostles also saw the glory of the Lord clearly lefore their minds. Not many, even in the early Church, could see it clearly. (Eph. l:lS-23.) The Aios tles, though fully in God's favor, were not privileged, however, to know certain things that we may now know. Cer tain truths are disiensational and can not be understood until the due tim ? has arrived. To Illustrate: The Proph et Daniel sought to understand certain things that had been declared to him. But tlie angel replied. "Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are sealed till the Time of the End."-Daniel 12:S-10. The Scriptures indicate that we en tered the ieriod of the Time of the Knd in the year 17SK). Since then, the know! edge of the times and seasons has leen forthcoming. The times and seasons have gradually been becoming better understood as the due time came for the wise In Heavenly things to under staud. To this class it will be given to know everything that the Very Elect ore to know, until the time when Christ shall receive the last of these unto Himself. We should rest ourselves in the Divine arrangement of things, and not seek to ferret out in advance thut which the Lord bus not "et made clea (rod is able to make clear In due time whatever He has decreed shall come to pass. If we are in the right attitude of heart, we shall have enough to keep the eyes of our understanding oien so that we oin appreciate the things which are freely given us of God. His true children witnesses to the fact that He has teen opening the eyes of our understanding more and more during these last days. Certain great bless ings have come to God's people, partic- Slaiiy during the past forty years k-hes of grace and knowledge. Satan a Liar and Murderer. The world iu general has been labor ing under a gross misconception of God. which had its start six thousand years ago in Eden. God had said to our first parents respecting the fruit of the forbidden tree. "In the day that thou eatst thereof, dying thou shall die." But Sutnu, through the serpent, said, "This is not true. Ye shall not surely die." Thus he made God a liar, while he himself bec-aine u murderer; for he slew our race. (John S:44.) But God remained quiet. He did not smite Satan clown, although He sentenced Adam and Eve to death and drove them out of Eden. Practically the whole world has le lieved Satan's lie. Mankind Udieve that when they npiear to die they real ly become more alive that what is caKed death is really a good thing for them. Practically everylKKly lielievcs that God spoke falsely when He snid. "Dying, thou shalt die." This has greatly dishonored the Heavenly Fa ther. Throughout the entire six thou sand years He has been misrepresent ed. Sa Urn's lie became the foundation for other falsehoods and misrepre seutations. It has continued and mul tlplied; and upon it have been built all sorts of wrong suggestions regard ins God and His character. This lie is today at the bottom of itearly' ell wrong JocrriLi-. Gi-d t:is been iiu.-repre.-t-iited to i-t ihe one who originally iiunneJ ail the terrible tortures whL-h we are tend are bt-.n inflicted in places caked Hell and Pur gatory. That iod h:.d W put Uen somewhere i the theory. A dead per son could remain in the teUib. uncon scious; but if tht suppoMM.y dead per son is alive, he uiut le put some where. "Only a handful fear iod. and therefore the great ina-s." they mc. "must have gone to a place of; being alive and unlit for lie:. en. tl y must be in Hell or Purgatory." Many say. "God would b glad to destroy man if lie could, but He ma !e man to well: and although He said that man would die. He can not l.ui the soul, which is immortal." Nearly everybody believes tki nonsense nb" .t our Heavenly Father. They t-land-r Him. making Him out to be the wor-t Being that ever lived. One cannot pic ture any more wicked being than we lune been t!d that our Heavenly Fa ther is. We are -riven sr'l sorts of de scriptions. Iiceoliling to the meagre of Ignorance or wilfulness of the one de scribing God the God of i.ll grace and mercy. Why has He not sndttt n th-e-e who have thus blasphemed His lbjy Name? But He has not. i!e lias cm-ii allowed some of His children to d this in ignorance and blindness. To soloe in his day the Apo-tle Paul expressed the fear that Satan v.omd beguile many of the Church lust as be had beguiled Mother Lce-by false Joetrine. misrepresenting the Aiuilgl.ty. (2 Corinthians 11:3.1 It is very eult for us to realize that we ever came into such s. condition that we be lieved such lies; yet we must have done so. It is tlillicult fr us f sym pathize with others who are in that condition; but we were nee just its blind ourselves. Iirnorance is the great tool which the Adversary has Used to blind the whole world. Acts 3:17; 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 4 4. Satan is a rebel against Jeh.vah. He wishes that the glory of bi.l should not shine into the hearts of mankind; for it has a sa:til'ying in fluence, causes us to wi'I and t do God's good pleasure. Satan would hinder us. would l;t-p us in the dark resje-dng God's real character. God's Purposes Will Be Accomplished. The idea of some evangelists that God is weeping mid gnashing His teeth over the condition of our race is because they do not know that there is a God of all Wisdom and Power, u ho has full control of the situation. He has a broad, deep Plan that will nil work out properly. He is not giving it any anxious concern whatever; lor He has laid the responsibility u;m His Son Jesus, as the Bible sets form. In this great work of human uplift the Church will be ussncfcited with her Lord. For a thousand years it will progress. As the Bible declares. Me slab will bless all of Adam's race, re storing to them all that was redeemed for them at Calvary. It was n man that was lost. It was an earthly home in Eden that was lost. It was an earthly likeness of God thut was lost. Jesus came to seek and to reeoerth;.t which was lost; and by the end of the Millennial Age the world will have leen restored and w ill 1- ready t be received of the Father. 1 Cor. 15:''l-l's. Then, the P.ib! tlN us. God will have another work for Christ- to l . It will be for Him, as Jehovah's Agent, to test all mankind in their rb-ii per fection at the end of the Millennial Age; and whoever is not in full heart sympathy with righteousness, whoever does not hate iniquity, wi.i he destroy ed from amongst the people. Every thing unfavorable to mankind will Ik rooted out. He will destroy all who love unrighteousness and sin. both r.ot and branch. (M:i hit hi 4 :1.) St. Peu r. speaking on this subject, says, "These, like natural brute leasts. made to be taken and destroyed, shall utterly per ish." (2 Teter 2:12.) Fr w this Sec ond Death they will hae no resurrec tion. "They shall be as though they had not been." Obadiali PJ. God's Glory Soon to Be Revealed. But the point which I especially wish to make is this: During all thete six thousand years past, the glory of th-.; Lord has not been revealed. All tlesh have not seen His glory. The only ones who have seen it are God's spirit begotten children. iKoinans :.. All that these have seen of His glory has been since they bec-ame God's children. Then the eyes of their unueisiuuiiing began to open; and if they lune been faithful, their eyes arc opening more and more to behold the glory of ;.l the grandeur of His character. His lov ing kluduess and Ilis tender mercies. All the good qualities that Saian a s our Father does not pot..-ess. He does possess; all the evil qualities that Sa tan says He has. He does not have. During the Millennial Age. all Hesh shall have opportunity to see G-hI's glory. They will nil come to see. to understnnd. "All the biiud eyes shali le oiencd, and all the deaf ears un stoppd." God's keeping quiet for so long, not defending Himself against Ills traduces, will ultimately redound to Ills greater honor. (Psalm :2l i When the world really oone o knov. that God is Low, they wM have such a revulsion of feeling from all th wrong thoughts they have had In Un past that it will cause them all the more to appreciate the rl lies of God's glorious character. As a dark back ground often sets forth more perfectly the harmonies of a beautiful picture, so the darkness and niisrepresei.ta tion concerning Jehovah will ultimate ly redound to Ilis praise. The world will all the more lve am 1 honor Him This will be only the beginning of their adoration, which will increase as His glory and Ills gotnlness continue to un fold before their astonished e; eM. 1 o know our God is to love Him. i