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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1915)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1915. HE COUNTY riattsmouth, August 3, 1915. Board met pursuant to adjournment Present, Julius A. Pitz, C. E. Heebner and Henry Snoke, County Commis sioners; Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Minutes of previous' sessions read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: County sheriff filed report cf fees earned second quarter 1915, $98.14. County treasurer filed report of re ceipts and disbursements from Jan uary 7, 1915, to June 30, 1915. State Examiner John J. Mahoney filed report of examinations of the ac counts of W. K. Fox, county treasurer, from October, 1914, to June, 1915. Claim of T. F. Stroud & Co. for $8.00 for grader blade f urrished Aug ust Krecklow, together with credit memo for same amount received and placed on file. County Judge Allen J. Beeson hav ing filed with the county clerk orders directing that the sum of thirty dol lars ($30.00) per month be paid for the maintenance of the five dependent children of Mrs. Martha A. Haddon and Mrs. Edna Denson; also an order for the renewal of an order granted Mrs. Stella Persinger on the 20th day of January, 1915, each to be for a period of six months. The board on motion ordered said amounts paid as per said orders of the court. A petition from South Bend pre cinct signed by E. Sturzenneger and 23 other residents of said precinct, asking to have Robt. D. McDonald ap pointed justice of the peace within and for said precinct received and ap pointment made by the Board. Clerk of district court filed with the county clerk duplicate receipts for $93.67 and $427.20 respectively, being amount of judgments and costs paid in said court in cases of Cass County vs. C. D. Quinton. The following claims were audited and allowed: Nebraska Lighting Co., gas and electricity to County.. $ 14.59 Eda Marquardt,- salary- and expense, July 133.87 A. W. White, mdse. Mrs. Har ness, $10.65; McPherson, $5.00 15.65 C. W. Baylor & Co., coal to Farm, $9.30; Schlieska, $3.25, and Collins, $3.25 15.80 Hans Sievers, salary, and laundry, etc 81.00 L. B. Egenberger, mdse. to Mrs. Jack Denson 20.00 A. G. Cole, salary and ex pense 105.66 C. W. York, Mgr., check writer cover - 2 Lincoln 'Phone Co., rent and tolls 29.19 Dr. G. H. Gilmore, insane case Sampson Russell 8.00 J. E. Douglass, insane case Sampson Russell 2.00 James Robertson, insane case Sampson Russell 5.75 C. D. Quinton, insane case Sampson Russell 8.10 Mrs. Sarah Gochenour, insane case Sampson Russell 2.50 Mrs. A. M. Doty, insane case Sampson Russell 2.20 Dr. E. D. Cummins, insane case Mrs. E. M. Troyer 8.00 J. E. Douglass, insane case Mrs. E. M. Troyer 3.00 James Robertson, insane case Mrs. E. Mfl Troyer 5.25 Dr. E. D. C-Hssisins, special of ficer insane case Mrs. E. M. Troyer H-00 Mrs. Will Stroud, witness in sane case Mrs. E. M. Troyer 4.80 James Robertson, Cass County vs. C. D. Quinton, et al.... 3.10 F. J. Libershal, witness, Cass County vs. C. D. Quinton, i 1.00 James Robertson, witness, Cass County vs. C. D. Quin ton, et al 1'00 A. J. Beeson, witness, Cass County vs. C. D. Quinton, f l 1.00 A. G. Bach & Co., mdse. to County Farm 36. 2o Frank J. Libershal, salary and cvwriw - 207. 4 2 Wm. Richards, care of Wm. Everett, July 8-p0 A. G. Bach & Co., mdse. to Mrs. L. Denson 8.00 Hammond & Stephens, sup plies county superintendent, 1914 98'00 Crozicr Bros., mdse. to Miss McGinnis . The Eagle Beacon, printing.. 1.50 ' Fred Spahnle, constable serv ' ice, establishing quarantine 5.00 James Robertson, State vs. Joe Travis '.. 900 James Robertson, State vs. .Vern Long 7-80 COillSSIOIIERS PROCEEDINGS James Robertson, State vs. Walter Speck 7.80 Dr. Geo. H. Gilmore, inebriate J. W. Bookmeyer 8.00 J. E. Douglass, inebriate J. W. Bookmeyer 3.00 James Robertson, inebriate J. W. Bookmeyer 5.00 C. D. Quinton, inebriate J. W. Bookmeyer 2.10 Fred Patterson, office work July 35.00 Alice Tuey, clerk hire superin tendent and attorney's office 35.00 Dr. J. F. Brendel, inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 12.95 D. Ray Frans, jury inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1 . 10 D. B. Porter, jury inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.10 C H. Dysart, jury inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.1 OH R. D. Stine, jury inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.10 M. N. Shoemaker, jury inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.10 Wm. Mueller, jury inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.10 J. W. Mead, witness inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.00 Allie Head, witness inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.00 Virgil Mead, witness inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.00 Luther Mead, witness inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.00 M. G. McQuinn, witness in quest Mrs. Anna Mead 1.00 G. P. Barton, witness inquest Mrs. Anna Mead 1 .00 A. R. Stander, report of births and deaths 3.75 W. E. Hand, report of births and deaths 1.75 Mrs. I. D. Jones, report of births and deaths 2.25 George Reitter, report of births and deaths 2.00 B. I. Clements, report of births and deaths 2.25 W. H. Lyman, report of births and deaths 6.10 L. R. Upton, report of births and death 1.50 G. D. Maseman, report of births and deaths 1.25 L. Muir, report of births and deaths 1.00 H. F. Kropp, report of births and deaths .90 H. M. Soennichsen, mdse. to Schlieska, $15; Rinker, $7; Collins, $5; Worden, $5 42.00 D. C. Morgan, postal supplies 21.08 C D. Quinton, salary for July, 1915 145.83 C. D. Quinton, mileage, trip to Pender 10.30 C. D. Quinton, jailer fees for July, 1915 40.50 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, March, 1914 2.25 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, April, 1914 2.75 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments. May, 1914 4.10 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, June, 1914 8.55 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, July, 1914 1-50 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, August, 1914 1.20 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, September, 1914 7.75 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, October, 1914 14.95 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, November, 1914 12.20 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, December, 1914 8.75 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, January, 1915 13.10 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners and commitments, February and March, 1915 7.25 C. D. Quinton, boarding county prisoners, July, 1915 19.50 Julius A. Pitz, salary and mileage, July 45.90 Henry Snoke, salary and mile age, June and July 104.20 Klopp & Bartlett Co., supplies to county, claim No. 9 109.42 Hammond & Stephens Co., supplies to county superin tendent 25.60 F. N. Nickels, mdse. Mrs. Matzke -' 12.25 Louisville Courier, printing, county judge 35.00 Plattsmouth Ice & Cold Stor age Co., ice to County Farm 3.30 G P. Eastwood, mdse. to poor farm - J. H. Tarns, salary and ex pense 98.75 Dr. B. F. Brendel, removing quarantine, etc 60.00 Waterman Lumber & Coal Co., lumber to court house .. . " .90 University Publishing Co, supplies to county superin tendent 15-00 Gering & Co., mdse. to court house - "70 Ed Egenberger, Admstr, coal - to Mrs. Collins and Rinker 4.50 John Gorder, mdse. to farm.. 51.60 C. E. Heebner, salary and mileage 60.70 Wm. Holly, mdse. to poor farm 5.20 Plattsmouth Water Co., water to court house and jail .... 4.60 Stella Persinger, acre of de pendent children, August, 1915 25.00 H. M. Soennichsen, mdse to Worden, $5.45; Mrs. Collins, $5.00; Rinker, $5.00; Cham bers, $10.00; Vallery, $10.00; Schlieska. $15.00 50.45 A. D. Despain, labor and ma terial at jail 7.75 J. H. Thrasher, bailiff's certi ficate 6.00 W. E. Hand, agent, burial of Howard Gartner child 12.00 Superintendent Douglas Coun ty Hospital, care and medi cal attention Mule Water.. 38.00 Benj. Windham, wiring court house as per agreement 92.00 Mrs. Edna Denson, care of de pendent children, July .... 30 . 00 Mrs. Martha A. Haddon, care of dependent children, July 30.00 City of Plattsmouth, special improvements tax, curb and gutter district No. 6 137.76 Plattsmouth Journal Co., printing and supplies 49.13 Weeping Water Republican, printing 18.25 Warga & Schuldice, labor and material court house 1.05 The following claims were allowed on the Commisisoners Road fund: R. S. McCleery, concrete cul vert, District No. 9-, Com missioners' District No. 2 (C. E. H.) ..$310.68 R. S. McCleery, concrete cul vert, District No. 8, Com missioners' District No. 2, (C. E. H.) 223.04 R. S. McCleery, concrete cul vert, District No. 9, Com missioners District No. 2 (C. E. H.) 373.06 James Miller, concrete culvert, District No. 12, Commission- I ers' District No. 2 (C. E. H.) 283.72 The following claims were allowed on the Dragging fund: Wm. Wulff, Dragging district ! No. 16 $ 3.00 Wm. Umland, jr., Dragging District No. 16 3.00 A. B. Krager, Dragging Dis trict No. 10 18.30 T. A. Butterfield, Dragging District No. 6 14.75 Wm. Rush (H), Dragging District No. 7 9.00 G. L. Althouse, Dragging Dis trict No. 16 7.50 Arthur Troop, Dragging Dis trict No. 10 3.55 F. W. Nolting, Dragging Dis trict No. 1 5.25 A. A. Wetenkamp, Dragging District No. 1 14.25 Henry Hirz, jr., Dragging District No. 1 5.25 C. F. Vallery, Dragging Dis trict No. 1 4.50 A. Wayne Propst, Dragging District No. 1 16.87 Fred Clark, Dragging Dis trict No. 11 33.84 John Niday, Dragging Dis trict No. 11 4.00 J. C. Niday, Dragging District No. 11 4.40 E. V. Cole, Dragging District No. 1 17.25 August Krecklow, Dragging District No. 8 29.50 A. A. Wetenkamp, Dragging District No. 1 29.80 John H. Busche, Dragging District No. 2 40.75 F. W. Nolting, Dragging Dis trict No. 1 9.00 T. E. Todd, Dragging District No. 1 15.38 Fred Schwegman, Dragging District No. 16 11.00 Marvin A. Carr, Dragging District No. 16 7.25 J. B. Elliott, Dragging District No. 16 12.25 Wm. A. Smith, Dragging Dis trict No. 16 14.00 Chas. Frohlich, Dragging Dis trict No. 16 7.00 Glenn Perry, Dragging Dis trict No. 10 57.00 The following claims were allowed on the Road fund of the county: Fred Clark, road work. Road District No. 11 $68.40 R. S. McCleery, road work, Road District No. 14 5.00 Tom Smith, road work, Road District No. 10 32.55 C F. Vallery, road work, Road District No. 1 53.68 W. JT"Partridge, road work. Road District No. 14 14.00 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 13 ...... 18 . 00 Aug. Krecklow, . road work, Road District No. 8 107.15 Walter Byers, road work, Road District No. 27 41.80 John H. Busche, road work, Road District No. 2 137.61 J. M. Hoover, road work, Road District No. 3 30.25 Louisville Village Treasurer, proportion road fund, Road District No. 18 125.00 PLATTSMOUTH EVENING JOURNAL. W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 13 102.20 Glenn Perry, road work, Road District No. 10 43.90 J. B. Elliott, road work, Road District No. 16 25.00 Wm. A. Smith, road work, Road District No. 16 5.60 Chas. Frohlich, road work, Road District No. 16 4.30 T. R. Crabtree, road work, Road District No. 16 6.00 Fred Schwegman, road work, Road District No. 16 26.40 J. E. Wright, repairs to grad er. Road District No. 16... 4.00 G. P. Eastwood, mdse. to Road District No. 27 . 3.20 Weeping Water City Treas urer, proportion road fund, Road District No. 24 400.00 E. T. Tool, material for Road District No. 7 81.15 Wm. Rush, road work, Road District No. 7 121.40 J. H. Foreman, road work, Road District No. 6 56.40 R. B. Leffler, road work, Road District No. 9 27.50 Lee Arnett Co., repairs for grader to Road District No. 5, $12.00.; Lee Arnett Co., repairs for grader to Road District No. 5, $2.25 14.25 A. B. Kraeger, road work, Road District No. 10 46.00 Russell Grader Mfg. Co., grad er to Road District No. 4.. 120.90 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, Road District No. 4 70.22 D. C. LaRue, repairs to grader, Road District No. 11 5.00 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 8 89.00 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 13 40.00 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber, Road District No. 13 13.82 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber, Road District No. 14 .. 79.27 Chas. G. Bailey, road work, Road District No. 15 13.50 G. W. Harshman, jr., road work. Road District No. 13 10.20 G. P. Eastwood, hardware to Road District No. 1 3.00 Joseph H. Seacat, road work, Road District No. 14 39.00 M. Sulser, road work, Road District No. 1 4.00 Walter J. Clouse, road work, Road District No. 4 77.85 Eli Bogenrief, road work, Road District No. 16 5.70 John M. Meisinger, road work. Road District No. 1 . . . 3.60 The following claims were allowed on the Bridge fund: E. T. Tool, bridge material.. $ 41.21 Wm. H. Rush, bridge work.. 19.90 Fred Clark, bridge work 21.40 C. F. Vallery, bridge work 11 . 70 Walter Byers, bridge work... 40.20 E. J. Richey, bridge work ... 76.60 Waterman Lumber & Coal Co., bridge lumber, $19.40 and $11.20 30.60 E. J. Richey, bridge material 3.40 M. Sulser, bridge work 13.50 John H. Busche, bridge work 7.35 Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work and material . . 800 . 00 Geo. W. Voss Co., bridge material 40.60 A. F. Sturm, bridge material 128.35 There being no further business the board, on motion, adjourned to meet Tuesday, August 10, 1915. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. s. , MURDOCK. j (Special Correspondence.) "5 . . ii-i-i-v;....;.-:-? Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith of Lin coin are spending their two weeks' vacation with W. O. Gillespie and family. The Misses Nellie and Jessie Rush of Omaha spent a few days last week with relatives and friends in this vi cinity. Mr. and Mrs. George Miles were Omaha visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller attend the assembly at Lincoln a few days this week. Mrs. L. Beesack and Miss Wanda and Marcus spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tool and family. About 2 p. m. Tuesday the fire alarm rang, for the school house had caught on fire from a bonfire in the yard. The fire was soon put out by the city fire wagon, but leaving the roof of the building chopped up in great style and much water running inside the house. A number of Murdock people at tended the circus in Lincoln last week. WANTED A good, steady, gentle manly salesman to handle a Ward'a wagon in Cass county. No experi ence needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medi cal Company, Winona, Minn. Estab lished 1856. 8-12-8twkly Come out to the German Home Sat ofday evening and enjoy a few hours order will be features of the evening. Cedar Creek PICNIC TO BE GIVEN AT CEDAR CREEK. The United Presbyterian Zion's church of Cedar Creek, Neb., has de cided to give its annual picnic in one of the groves near Cedar Creek on Saturday, September 11th. The fol lowing committees have been ap pointed : General Committee Philip Schafer, Jacob J. Schneider, John Meisinger, sr., Adam Kaffenberger, John Lohnes, G. P. Meisinger, Adam Fornoff. Committee on Grounds William Schneider, Charles Fetzer, James L. Terryberry, John Lohnes, jr., John Gauer, Adam B. Fornoff, Adam Mei singer, J. J. Meisinger. Committee on Refreshments John H. Busche, George Lohnes, G. L. Meisinger, Henry Sanders, Henry Al bert, Mrs. George Lohnes, Mrs. G. P. Meisinger, Mrs. John Busche, Mrs. Walter Schneider. Committee on Amusements Walter Schneider, chairman; swings, William Lohnes, G. P. Meisinger, jr., Frank Solberg; games, Mrs. Ashley Ault, Miss Minnie Metzger, Mrs. William Schneider, Mrs. J. F. Wolff; races, Clarence Busche, Otto Sprick, Philip Albert; base ball, John F. Wolff, Fred J. Forfnoff, Henry A. Larson. The day will be spent in playing games, races, contests, game of base ball and general outdoor sports. In asmuch as the general public is in vited a large crowd is expected and much interest is already being mani fested in the coming event. Everybody is expected to come with filled baskets. Various kinds of refreshments will be on sale on the grounds, and the profits, if there be any, will be used for the benefit of the above named church. It was first decided to hold this pic nic on Thursday, August 26th, but on account of the continuous rains the farmers have been thrown behind with their harvest and threshing, and for hat reason the time was changed to the later date September 11th when everybody will be welcome. Surprise on Mrs. William Dasher. Thursday, August 5, was Mrs. Wil liam Dasher's thirty-first birthday, and quite a number of friends gather ed and journeyed to the Dasher home with well filled baskets, where they gave Mrs. Dasher a surprise and re minded her that another year had flew by. Mrs. Dasher received quite a number of valuable present. At an appropriate time a fine dinner wa3 served by the ladies from the well fill ed baskets, and all ate to their heart's content, with everything in plenty ex cept the pie, and somebody was left without a piece, because one of the party said the pie was fine, but it took two pieces to prove it. After dinner thev all departed for their homes, wishing Mrs. Dasher many returns of the day. Those in attendance were: Jake Schneider and wife, William Schneider and wife, A. O. Ault and wife, C. Lyle and wife, J. W. Wolf and wife. Robert Stivers and wife, Walter Schneider and wife, Anna Rys of Plattsmouth, Grandma Wolff, Mrs. Henry Dasher and daughter, Clara. For peaches see Reames at Cedar Creek. Clarence Busche spent Sunday at Cullom. Joe Brandback went to Plattsmouth Monday. James Hessenflow visited an Platts mouth Monday. Mrs. Elmer Meisinger spent Wed esday at John Gaure's. n S. J. Reames made a business trip to Plattsmouth Monday. Mrs. Sayles and Miss Hope Tomsen visited in Omaha Thursday. Mrs. Charles Dasher and children were in Plattsmouth Monday. Jeff Solsbure .and wife of Mynard visited Elmer Meismger's Sunday. Mrs. Duff and Mrs. Earl Kline were shopping in Louisville Wednesday. Rev. Swartz came out Saturday and preached two fine sermons Sunday. G. P. Meisinger and family were in Elmwood visiting relatives Sunday. C A. Gauer and family visited Elmer Meisinger and wife Sunday. -Miss Eva Dasher spent the fore part of the week visiting in the coun try. Oertrude MeisLnirer and Helen Schneider went to Plattsmouth Wed nesday. G. B. Wurl and Harry Newman of Plattsmouth were in Cedar Creek Thursday. r" Will Meisinger and family, from Springfield, spent Wednesday at G. F Meisinger's. Harry Baughman and wifo came in Saturday to visit a few clays with home folks. Miss Edith Dasher, who has been visiting at Chalco, Neb, for the last few weeks, returned home Saturday. Miss Anna Rys of Plattsmouth, who has been visiting friends in Cedar Creek for the last week, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, from Clear water, Neb, who were called here on account of the illness of William Nes- son, came in Monday evening. The shoot Sunday morning was more of a success than two weeks ago, but as usual, John Wolff carried off the high number of 24 out of 25, Hugh Alexander and Jess Terryberry tied on 23. The picnic that was to have been held on August 26, has been postponed until September 11th. Everybody is invited to come and enjoy an old-time picnic and see your friends and renew acquaintances. A goody time is as sured. Quite a number from here attended the ball game at Plattsmouth Sunday, as follows: William Schneider, Lloyd Schneider, James Hessennow, Robert Stivers, William Dasher, A. O. Ault, C. Lyle, Walt Schneider and family, J. W. Wolff and family. Quite a few from Cedar Creek went to Plattsmouth Monday to see the show. Those going from here were: Mrs. William Schneider and daugh ters, Helen and Verla; Mrs. Lyle and son. Everett: Mrs. J. W. Wolff, Jake Schneider and wife and J. W. Wolff, rven Meisinger, Gertrude Meisinger and Harry Meisinger and wife. Thursday was Mable Dasher's ninth birthday and quite a number of her playmates gathered and helped her celebrate the occasion. Those pres-j ent were: Bernice Ault, Merna Wolff, i Jerald Ault, Grace Duff, Lorean Ault, Everett Lyle, Linville Lyle, Oliver! Schneider, George Dasher, Nemom Dasher. All enjoyed a jolly good time. Quite a few young people from here attended the dance at Treitch's Sat-j urday night, as follows: Clarence Busche, Forest Baughman, Ralph Rudolph, Arthur Meisinger, Irven' Meisinger, Gerty Meisinger, Verla, Helen and Lloyd Schneider, Nora Baurhman, Mort Baughman, Glen and Lawrence Meisinger. All report a good time. William Nessin died at his home at the Cedar Creek quarry at 5:30 p. b, Monday, August 9, 1915. Mr. Nes sin came to American in March, 1894, and was married to Miss Tena Hanson January 30, 1905. To this union one child was born, whom, with his mother, is left to mourn the loss. The funeral was held Thursday at the Methodist church, leaving the house at 2 o'clock. Mr. Nessin was well known in this vicinity and the sym pathy of the entire community goes out to those left behind in their bereavement. ALVO NEWS ITEMS Noel Foreman went to Lincoln Sun day. Ray Clarke went to Lincoln on busi ness Tuesday. Miss Stella Sheesley was a Lincoln visitor Friday. Mrs. H. A. Bailey was shopping in Lincoln Monday. Charles Pringle was in Lincoln on business Monday. John Murtey returned Tuesday from Clay Center, Neb. J. V. Cochran visited Friday at the F. M. Prouty home. Sam Cashner was transacting busi ness in Omaha Monday. Joe Foreman went to Lincoln Satur dav to visit over Sunday. Miss Kate Sutton spent several days at the Ep worth assembly. Ben Appleman was transacting business in Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. Hurlbut is visiting her daugh ter. Mrs. Fred Prouty. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles were visitine friends in Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. William Newkirk is visiting her daughter at Greenwood this week. Mrs. Charles Godbey and daughter. Alma, were shopping in Lincoln Tues day. Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir and daughter, Carmen, were Lincoln visitors Tues day. Fred Weaver of South Bend spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. Mrs. Joe Armstrong spent from Saturday to Monday at the Epworth assembly at Lincoln. Miss Mary Bolton of Litchfield, Neb, visited Miss Pearl Keef er for a few days last week. My. and Mrs. J. H. Stroemer autoed to Lincoln Sunday to visit their son, Lieutenant A. B. Stroemer. v Lieutenant i A.B. Stroemer came home from Lincoln Sunday on No. 14, returnine on No. 13 Monday. Miss Leah Miller and brother, Archie, went to Lincoln Saturday to attend the assembly Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea autoed to Lineeba Tuesday. They brought Dr Muir and family home with them. PAGE 5. Mrs. Charles Bucknell and daugh ter, Jessie, went to Lincoln Tuesday te visit relatives for a few days. The Alvo base ball team played Aveea Sunday on the letter's diamend, winning the game by a score of 2 to 0. The Misses Grayce and Ruth Bailey and Messrs. Henry Clapp and Clifford Appleman took in the show at Lincoln Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of Uni versity Place autoed down Saturday evening to visit the former's parents over Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society will hold a bazaar and food sale t the Linch building 'August 21st, and will also serve watermelon. Mrs. Nervia Knott and son, Irvin, left Thursday evening for Kearney, Neb, where the former goes to take care of her aged father. A. I. Bird and family drove to Waverly Sunday to isit Mrs. Eird'.i sister, Mrs. Bob Dimick, and father, R. Z. Penn, and son, Fred. Major E. W. Evans, Captain C. W. Shaffer and Lieutenant A. B. Stroem er are in Fremont this week at the en campment of the Nebraska National Guard. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and their guests, Mrs. Ned Shaffer and son. went to Lincoln Sunday and spent the day with Dr. P. L. Hall and family and the former's son. Captain C. W. Shaffer. W. M. Sutton sold his livery outfit to Clark & Sons last week. They will use the Linch barn and have an office in the Linch building. The livery barn has been sold and will be torn down in the near future. John Murtey went to Lincoln Sun day morning to find his dog, which had been expressed from Clay Center, Neb, Friday, and let loose accident ally in Lincoln. He found it at the state farm and brought it home. Mrs. Ned Shaffer and son, Ross, of Denver, Colo, came in Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sheffer until Tuesday, when they returned to Wil- ber, Neb, to visit her parents. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Shaf fer as far as Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peacock and daughters, Florence and Marriett, and Mrs. John Becker of Plattfmouth, and Mrs. Charlie Weinheimer and daugh ter, Lillian, of Champaigne, Illinois, called on Mrs. Fred Kear and daugh ter, Nadyne, Sunday. John Woods, Charlie Woods, Sam Hardnock and Fred Kear autoed to Lincoln Sunday in the former's car. They went to see the aeroplane flight3 which the papers stated would be made, but owing to unavoidable cir cumstances were not pulled off. Entertain in Honor of Son. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glaubitz, of this vicinty, entertained a few of their relatives and friends at a dinner on Sunday, August 8th, the occasion be ing in honor of their son, Master Charles Vincent's, baptism. The fol lowing were present to make the event a happy and joyous one: Mr. and Mrs. August Glaubitz and August, Frank, Albert and Anna of Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. William Glaubitz and son, Ray mond. Mr. and Mrs. Ozro Miller and daughters, Florence and Viola, all of Wabash; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stander and daughters Lena and Lilly; Mr. and Mrs. William Rauth and daugh ters, Tresa and Anna, and son, Joseph, all of Manley; Mr. and Mrs. Charles LovelL Anthony, Anna, Alfred, Alpa and Charles of Mynard; Mrs. Rosa Kelley and daughter, Loretta, of Elm- wood; Messrs. George Cook of Alvo. Lucian Conrad of Avoca. Joe Miller o Seattle, N. D, Frank Erhart of Louis- ille. John Linehan of Chicago. Mr. Linehan seemed to be pretty well post ed on songs. For Sale. I am going to leave soon for Seat tle, Wash, and offer all my furniture for sale at very low prices. My fur niture is new and handsome and you can save 50 per cent if you buy. Come to my house any time between now and Saturday, August 21st. CHAS. A. PRINGLE. 4. UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST, -i- T Frm Tuesday' Dally. . . itie iouowing is me 1 isi uj. kiku remaining uncalled for at the postof fice at Plattsmouth at the close of business August 9, 1815: M. G. Belcheim. Mr. J. H. Graves. r Miss Lydia Heiliger. Mr. Fred Husband. r! Charles Ward. , Mr. James A. Keith. Above mail not called for by August 23, 1915, will be sent to the dead let ter office. D. C. MORGAN, Postmaster. , For a mild, easy action f tho bowels try Doan's Regulets, a modern laxative. 25c at all stores.