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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1915)
H Will Celebrate Every Saturday Afternoon Daring the Summer Months State Historical Boc Neb O VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1915. NO. li AERONAUT JAME SON HAS A BAD FALL OF 150 FEET The Parachute Bursted and Sent Rider to the Ground With Great Force. From Frfdnv's Dn'Jr. A pjecial from Eagle, under date of yesterday (August 5), says that A. C. Jameson, the gentleman -who made two fine ascensions in Plattsmouth 3 weeks ago, fell there a distance of 150 feet about C:30 p. m. His para chute bursted and allowed him to drop to the ground. He landed in a garden near town and his feet sank into the ground over his ankles. Tonight the doctors were unable t6 determine whether or not he would live. Jameson had been performing what is known as the double parchute drop. He ascended in a balloon short ly after supper time and nearly disap peared from sight. At a clistance of 2,000 feet in the air he cut loose in his parachute and started to descend. At a distance of 1.000 feet he switched to a second parachute. It. unfoded and everything went well until it got within 150 feet of the earth. Then the cloth broke and split apart. Immedi ately man and chute dropped like a piece of lead. The crowd of several hundred rush ed to the scene, only a short distance from the carnival grounds. Ross Crab tree was the first to reach the injured man. Dr. T. E. K. Dihel, who attended Jameson, announced that no bones were broken, bat that several ribs were dislocated. In falling the aero naut's back had been badly bent, and he was suffering terribly in his back und side. . He may have been injured internally. It is believed that the soft ground on which he fell may have been the means of saving his life. , During the carnival, which has been in progress here for the past two days, Jameson has made an ascension daily without trouble. For the last three years he has been giving annual exhibitions at the Eagle carnival, and until today had not had a serious accident. Last year, whLle giving an exhibi tion at Dorchester, he 'fell fifty feet and was slightly injured. - Jameson is married, but has . no children'. He is employed bs' the Twin City Amusement company, of which L. S. Ilyan Is manager. Late this evening Jameson was still conscious and was suffering severely from the shock. He complained of his back hurting him. He lanJed in the garden with the full weight of his body on his heels, so it is feared that his spine may be injured. Mr. Ryan, his manager, said that the accident was probably caused by the apparatus which cuts rie second parachute loose from the first. He scouted the idea that anyone had tampered with the parachute. The aeronaut earlier in the day had spok en to Eagle officers about -the balloon and had told them to watch it for fear someone would try to slash the parachutes. G. F. HORN OF SALT LAKE CITY HERE TO VISIT RELATIVES From Friday's Dally. This morning G. F. Horn of Salt Lake City arrived here for a fchort visit with Mrs. William Hassler and family in this city, Mrs. Hassler being an aunt of the young man. Mr. Horn is traveling in an Apperson automo bile and is on his way home from a trip to Indianapolis in his car, which has taken up several weeks, and the car bears the appearance of the bad weather through which they have been compelled to travel this far on the trip. He will go from here to Hay Springs, Neb., for a visit there with his parents and ether relatives before continuing on to his home at Salt Lake. The trip has, however, been one thoroughly enjoyed by Mr. Horn and his traveling companions and the two young men have been able to view a great deal of the country on their trip. " Paints and Oils. Geririg & Co. FRED WAGNER RECEIVES A NEW STEAM TABLE Fred Wagner, the proprietor of the delicatassen ,and lunch room in the Coates' block, this morning received a new addition to the equipment of his neat and attractive establishment in the shape of a large new steam table, which will replace the one for merly used and which was. found too small to accommodate the large amount of business handled by the lunch room. The steam table is manu factured by the Omaha Hotel Co, supply house, and has ample room for caring for a great deal of food stuff used in the serving of the dainty lunches at the Wagner lunch room. This will make an addition to the establishment and one that will allow of handling a great deal more busi ness by the proprietor. MASONS AND EAST ERN STAR OF THIS CITY INVITED TO FREMONT From Friday's Dally. An invitation has been received in this city by the local Masonic lodge from the members of the Fremont lodge of Masons and the Eastern Star inviting them . to be present on Mon day, August 16th, at Fremont at the laying of the corner stone of the new Children's Home that is being erected in that city by the Masonic fraternity for the care of the orphans of the members of the order. The new home at Fremont will be quite a large in stitution and will be devoted to the care of the girls who may be given to the care of the order, while the boys will be cared for in this city, where the Nebraska Masonic Home for the aged is established. '-- The Masons of Nebraska and the members of the Eastern Star have taken up a most commendable work in the establishing of homes where the little folks who have been deprived of their protectors can be trained and cared for until they are able to start on life's journey alone, and through the careful training and proper in fluence of the well regulated institu tions be made useful men and women. The orphanage was first located here, but it was decided that two separate homes for the boys and girls could handle the problem with greater ease than if they were both kept at the same institution. f PLATTSMOUTH IS TO HAVE CHINESE LAUN DRY RIGHT AWAY from Friday's Daily. After years Plattsmouth is about to have a regular Chinese laundry, as two of the orientals were here yester day and closed the contract for the rental of the corner room in the Per kins House, where they will open up their establishment as soon as pos sible. The two men who are. to estab lish the hand laundry, t come from Omaha, where they have been engaged in the same line of work, and will at once start in on the task of washing and ironing for those who may wish. The laundry will be known as the Lee Yee laundry, and the owners of the concern will do their utmost to give satisfaction. These two gentlemen at first cpntemplated the establishment of a restaurant in connection with their hand laundry, but not finding a suitable room, abandoned the project end will content themselves with the laundry proposition. It has been many years since a laundry of this kind was operated in this city, al though years ago a Chinese hand laundry done quite a business here until displaced by the advent of a steam laundry. The two gentlemen have been here several times in the past two weeks and have looked the situation over carefully before making their venture into the laundry busi ness in this city. Mrs. Harry Johnson departed Sat urday afternoon for Weeping Water, where she will make 'a short visit at the home of D. M. Johnson and fam ily and spend a few days with her husband, who is in Weeping Water looking after some mason work. SOME KIND AD VICE TO THE CELE BRATED KNOCKER Put the hammer in the locker; Hide the sounding board likewise; Anyone can be a knocker; Anyone can criticise. Cultivate a manner winning, Though it hurts your face to smile And seems awkward in beginning, Be a booster for a while. Let the blacksmith do the pounding; That's the way he draws his pay. You don't get a cent for hounding" Saint and sinner, night and day. Just for solid satisfaction Drop a kind word in the slot. And I'll warrant you'll get action On your effort on the spot. Kindness every time beats kicking; Mirth is better than a frow; Do not waste your time in picking Flaws with brothers who are down. And it isn't so distressing If you give a little boost To the man the fates are pressing When the chicks come home to roost. Brighton (Colo.) Register. WHY NOT HAVE A PLATTSMOUTH NIGHT AT AK-SAR-BEN? From Friday's Dally. Why cannot this city and Cass county secure a night at the Ak-Sar- Een den in Omaha when the knights of Samson can find ready victims in numerous of our residents who would make splendid candidates for the new and interest ordeal that the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben has arranged this year for the entertainment of the visitors to the metropolis? In years past Plattsmouth has had a number of excursions to Omaha, and each time a great deal of pleasure has been de rived from the journey into the land of the Nebraska boosters, and for this reason it would be highly commend able if someone would take the mat ter in hand and 6ee what could be done in the way of making arrangements for a Plattsmouth night at the big show in Omaha. A trip to the den is well worth attending and the clever schemes arranged for by the Omaha bunch cannot be beat when it comes to furnishing entertainment. Those who have witnessed the initiation this year pronounce it the best yet and one that would provide the greatest amount of fun and enthusiasm. The Omaha business men always prove the best of entertainers and anything they might offer is certain to be worth while, and if Plattsmouth is given an opportunity of getting in on it there would be a large attendance. COUPLE RE-MARRIED AFTER BEING DIVORC ED SEVERAL YEARS From Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon the office of County Judge Allen J. Beeson was the scene of a quiet wedding, when Mr. George D. Frank and Nellie Powers, both of Louisville, were unit ed in the bonds of wedlock, or rather the bonds were readjusted, as the bridal couple stated that this was their second venture on the matri monial sea, they having been divorced in Omaha five years ago, but had, af ter consideration of several years, de cided that they were ready to forgive and forget and together seek again the happiness of wedded life together, and cast their past differences to the winds and trust to future softening in fluences of Dan Cupid to guide their matrimonial bark into the haven of happiness. The judge performed the ceremony in his usual pleasing man ner and extended to the bridal couple his best wishes that they might find their happiness unmarred by storm or strife. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Frank departed for their home in our neighboring city. METHODIST CHURCH GIVES NICE PRESENT TO HOSPITAL From Friday's Dally. The members of the congregation of the Methodist church of this city to day shipped a crate of some two dozen nice fat chickens into the metropolis, where they will be donated too the Methodist hospital there and used in furnishing a few delicacies for the patients in the hospital. Each year there is a donation of some sort con tributed by the members of this faith throughout the state to the hospital, and the church here has always been very liberal in their share toward helping out the needs of the hospital. HE GOT A NIGHT'S REST IN COOLER AND THEN LEFT TOWN From Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon a wanderer named Jones, who claimed that his profession was that of a sign painter, got too familiar a footing with the rum demon and soon the painter was decidedly under the influence to such an extent that he was unable to prop erly, control his actions, and soon found himself tangled with the strong arm of the law. The gentleman did not meet with much success and hied himself to the Burlington depot, where his loud and boisterous language at tracted attention and the police were notified of the occurrence and Acting Chief Alvin Jones hastened to the scene of action and gathered the fol lower of the pot and brush into his charge and escorted him to the city jail, where he was lodged to allow him to rest up - frni- -4hs vr-J accumulation of alcoholic stimulants, and he was kept there over night and then released on a promise, to conduct himself in a manner more in keeping with the spirit of the law and to leave the city without delay. The painter had visited several of the business houses yesterday and was quite wrothy when he was refused his re quest to paint signs for them, and trie rest in jail proved a very much-needed lesson to him which he would do well to heed. SPLENDID WORK DONE ON THE STREETS IN THE PAST FEW DAYS From Friday' Dally. Street Commissioner Mike Lutz has had a force of men busy the past few days in road dragging and they have succeeded in getting a number of the streets and avenues in very good shape, considering the great amount of rainfall there has been. The ave nues leading into the city were badly cut up during the rainy weather and it required a good deal of work from the grader and drags to round them up in shape, but the result has been very satisfactory to the public travel ing over the roads and a decided im provement over the past few weeks. With a half-way decent spell of weather it will be possible to get the streets in shape again, but with the large amount of grading to do it makes it very difficult to get at all the different jobs that have been ordered and keeps the street force at work all the time that the weather will permit. On of the streets that always presents a good appearance and requires little work is North Third street, where the curb and gutter has held the street in shape and it has only been dragged twice this season and is in fine shape and the other streets on which the curb and gutter have been placed are equally easy to keep in proper shape. i-h-i-i- -i-:-:-:- i-h-i-i- -i-i-i-i- A GREAT DRINK. -J. Lou Russell . will have the J J. celebrated HALF-AND-HALF -J-on tap at his bar tomorrow and all this week, and those who J- enjoy a cool and refreshing J. beverage can find it in this peer -J- J. of 11 drinks. 3- -fr I-H-M' 'M"M"I"I"M"H- ! H-I TEACHERS' IN STITUTE OF CASS COUNTY SOON Will Meet in - Plattsmouth Monday, August 31, and an Interesting Meeting Is Assured. From Saturday's Dally. County Superintendent Miss Eda Marquardt has been quite busy for the past week in arranging for the holding of the annual county teachers' institute, which will convene in this city on Monday, August 30th, and continue until Friday, September 3d, and during which time this city will have the honor of entertaining from 100 to 150 of the fair young school teachers of the county. The institute will be held at the High school build ing in this city, as the city teachers will hold their meetings at the same time under the direction of Superin tendent W. G. Brooks, and the teach ers of the city and county can get better acquainted with the methods used in the different schools through out the state and county. A staff of splendid instructors will be secured to assist in the work of the institute and in advancing the cause of higher education of the young people of this great county, and with the interchange of thought between the instructors and the teachers a great good can be accomplished for the upbuilding of the schools. Chief among those who will be present to assist in the institute work will be Prof. B.-E. McProud of Brookings, S. D., one of the foremost instructors of the west in the common branches of education, and he will, during the in stitute, have a aeries of lectures on Grammar, which will be a most im portant feature of the work of the meetings. The work of Prof Mc Proud has been recommended most- highly by all educational authorities, and the result of his work will un doubtedly be the most useful of the whole institute. The primary department work will be handled by Miss Mary Ellen Brown of the state agricultural school, who has just returned from a course of study at the University of Min nesota summer school, and who with her years of experience in thisline of work is well qualified in every way to take up the problems and needs of the primary departments of the com mon schools. During the stay of the teachers here a number of entertainments will be provided for them by the citizens and Commercial club, which will prove a pleasant social feature of the gathering of the teachers. FRANCES WITTSTRUCK IS MARRIED IN OMA HA THIS AFTERNOON From Saturdays Dally. This afternoon in Omaha occurred the wedding of a Plattsmouth young ladv. when Miss Frances Wittstruck was united in marriage with Mr. John Purk of Spokane, Washington, in the i resence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties, who had gathered to see these two happy hearts united for life. After the wed ding ceremony the bridal couple de parted for the west, where they ex pect to make their future home and where the groom is employed as an engineer on the Oregon Short Line railroad. Both of the contracting parties are well known in this city, where they have been reared o man hood and womanhood, and ta them will be extended the best wishes of a large circle of friends. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Anna D. Wittstruck and is a young woman who possesses in the highest sense the re spect and esteem of all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance. The groom is a son of Mr. John Burke and a young man of great indus'ay and worth and in his chosen calling of iailroading has met with much suc cess and to him and his bride in their western home will go the heartiest good wishes of all their friends for a long and happy married life. Paint and Oils. Gering & Co. CASE IN DISTRICT COURT FROM WEEPING WATER From Saturday's Dail". A transcript was filed today in the office of the district court entitled Paxton & Gallagher Co. of Omaha vs. Niels Schnell and Henry Snell, do ing business under the firm name of Fowler & Co. The case is appealed from Weeping Water, where it was tried before Justice Glover of that city, and a judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff company against the defendants, Niels Schnell, who did not appear in court, and was dismiss ed as far as the defendant, Henry Snell, was concerned. The case is ap pealed by Schnell, who seeks to have the judgment for $124.51, with in terest at 7 per cent, set aside. DAVID EBERSOLE AND BICYCLE COL LIDES WITH A DOG From Saturday's Dally Last evening David Lbersole, jr.. Lad an encounter with a dog that has has not in any way increased his kindly feeling for the canine tribe, and this one dog in particular, and as a jesult of meeting the dog, Dave is rather sore mentally as well as physically. The young man had started down town on his bicycle last evening and was coming down the South Sixth street hill rather slowly until, reaching the church at Sixth and Granite streets, when he let out the machine to a little higher rate of speed, and just about this time a small black dog came dashing out in to the road barking and running at the wheel, and in an instant the col lision had taken place and David was hurled through'the air for quite a 'dis tance and the bicycle followed right after him, turning over several times before lighting, and the wheel will require a new fork on the front as well as a new front wheel to replace the one smashed. Dave was badly bruised up, as his shoulders and sides were badly damaged in alighting and several large sections of skin removed from his hands and arms in striking the rough roadway. The accident will be rather costly as well as pain ful to the young man ard he will be on the lookout hereafter for all stray dogs that have the habit of running out and barking and snapping at passers-by. MR. AND MRS. HAYES ENTERTAIN FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY From Saturday's Dally. The ladies of the woman's foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church were entertained in a very pleasant manner Thursday afternoon at the charming home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hayes on South Fifth street, and the event was enjoyed to the ut most by the large number in attend ance in the discussion of the church work, as well as plans for the future work of the society. At a suitable our a splendid luncheon was served, and late .in the afternoon the ladies departed homeward. As the shades of evening fell a most dainty and delicious picnic sup per was served on the lawns of the Hayes home to a number of their friends and associates that was most thoroughly enjoyed by everyone pres ent, and the time was spent in visit ing and having a jolly good time. Those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott, Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Dru- liner, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. For Sale or Rent. Four acres of ground with new 5- room house, basement and cellar, good well, barn and outbuildings; plenty of fruit for own use; one and a quarter miles south of town, on Chicago ave nue. Write or see Mrs. F. M. Hesse, Plattsmouth. Neb. 8-9-lwk-d&w C. F. Reihart of Louisville drove down this morning to visit for the day and to take in the circus this after noon. , SAM WINDHAM IS APPOINTED CADET ' TO WEST POINT Congressman C. F. Reavis of Falls City has just given out the informa tion that Sam Windham of this city has been selected Ly him for the posi tion of cadet at the West Point Military academy as the represent ative of the First congressional dis trict. This appointment has been figured on strongly for some time by Mr. Reavis, but owing to the fact that he was undecided as to the appoint ment of the alternates he has not made it public. Ellis B. Mansfield of Lincoln and William T. Johnson, jr., of Kansas City are named as the alternates. The selection of Mr. Windham to this position will be most pleasing to the many friends of the young man and they will extend to him their heartiest congratulations on his good fortune in becoming admitted to the United States Military academy for the educations of the future generals of the army. Mr. Windham is the youngest son of Hon. R. B. Windham of this city and has been reared in this city and graduated from the High school in the class of 1913. He has been attending the state university at Lincoln for the past two years and is a young man who will no doubt be able to pass the required examination that will admit him to the military academy and enable him to graduate from that institution with honor to himself and his state. ALEX HUNTER GETS TOO FULL OF BUG JUICE AND PLACED IN JAIL Saturday night Alex Hunter, well known in this section of Cass county. and at present a resident of Mills county, Iowa, came over and during his stay here acquired a yienl deal more ripe Nebraska corn juice than he could handle, and as a consequence he made his way to the livery barn of M. E. Manspeaker and sought repose in the hay loft of the barn, where he was discovered some time laler by the employes of the ' barn, wrapped in slumber. The police were notified of the find and officer Grebe responded to the call and soon had Alex on his way to the bastile, and although he was somewhat loath to go with the officer, he was finally compelled to waltz over to the jail and was lodged there until this morning, when Judge Archer im posed a fine of $5 and costs, amount ing to $8, on him, and he was re leased in order to raise the necessary funds to insure his liberty. LITTLE DAUGHTER OF MR. 11 AND MRS. DEAN INJURED Dora, the little 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dean, met with a very painful accident Saturday afternoon that might have resulted mose seriously for her. The little one was playing in a small apple tree and fell out and in her fall caught on a hook that was used to suspend a ham mock from and the sharp point of the hook entered the abdomen of the little girl, but did not inflict a serious wound. Medical assistance was at once summoned and the injury dress ed and she was made as easy as pos sible. IS VISITING WITH OLD NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS J. N. Norris of Coleridge, Neb., is making an extended visit with rela tives and friends at Nehawka and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cook ind Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser in this city. Mr. Noirn was a pleas t nt caller at this office and while here bad his subscription to the Plattr jrouth Journal extended for another J tar. George P. Barton of Union was here today for a few hours looking after some matters of business.