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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1915)
PAGE 6. PLATTSSIOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MOrfDAY, JULY 12, 1915- Cbc plattsmouth Journal Publlihtd 8ml-Wkly at P I at t m o ut h. N b r. Intend at the Pootofflce t PUttsmouth. Nebraska, ac second-f lau mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher ubtorlptlon Prloei S1.50 Par Yaar In Advanoa vv I-J-vvvVvvvv vwrv J THOUGHT FOR TODAY. -i- That man is blessed who every day is permitted to be hold anything so pure and ser ene as the western sky sunset, while revolutions vex the world. J. Henry D. Thoreau. 4. :o: The dangers from drouth grow less each day. :o: If the rain will hold up for a week it will please many farmers. :o: Jane Addams says the warring na tions are in a mood to talk peace. We hope Jane's right. :o: A mean old grouch says some traveling man might write a book on "How to Be Happy, Though Mar ried." :o: Efforts of public health officials may in time overcome the prejudice against milk, but perhaps not in our day. :o: When a fellow is real anxious to arbitrate ' it is morally certain that he is satisfied he can lick the other fellow. :o : Speaking about the automobile tak ing the place of the horse, it takes horse-sense to properly steer an auto mobile. :o: What, has become of the old fashioned town where the Declaration of Independence was read on the Fourth ? :n: Some people seem to feel that the country will go to war to protect the right3 of our high rollers to travel in comfort in the imperial suites of the belligerant ships. :o An eastern railway will employ young women as waitresses on dining cars, and it will soon be unsafe for married women to permit their hus bands to travel alone. :o: The keen sympathy of the baggage man for your desire to get the trunk to its destination on time is very much pronounced after you have handed him a quarter tip. :o: Nineteen persons dead and 903 in jured was the nation's sacrifice to the two days celebration of the Fourth of July this year, according to figures compiled in Chicago Tuesday. :o : In the half dozen states that vote on woman suffrage this fall, the men are doing their best to preserve neutrality and to hold the warring factions of women to strict ac countability, r :o; Some fellows haven't gotten over the Fourth yet. Three days celebrat ing is entirely too much for some fel lows, and then there are others who don't care to jump off as long as they have got any money. :o: They are certainly in a hurry about getting in their applications for the dead postmaster's shoes at Lincoln. They should at least wait until the body of Postmaster Brown is laid at rest before making any such effort. The proper thing to do is for Presi dent Wilson to appoint Frank W. Brown, jr., to fill out the balance of his father's term as postmaster. The young man is abundantly qualified, with a splendid character, and all things considered, it would be the proper thing tor President .Wilson to do. LIGHT IMPROVEMENT. Plattsmouth business men never do things by the halves, and that all we need to do is to start them in the right direction and they go ahead with a whoop. For some time we have been agitating more and better lights for'this city, and we are going to get them, and up-to-date in style, at that. Our business men are pro gressive and believe that nothing is to good for Plattsmouth, which demonstrates the true spirit of enter prise. We are going to have three electroliers to each block on Main and Sixth streets, which will not only give us "more light," but will show that we are not going to be behind other cities of our class in up-to-date im provements. We realize that Platts mouth is the best town of its inches in the state, and our people are be ginning to realize the same, and it does our soul good to note the man ner in which our business men are keeping step to the progressive music that is bound to lead us to more har mony and neighborly love than we have ever enjoyed before, and all join in the slogan: '"Plattsmouth, First, Last and All the Time!" Forward march, everybody! :n: In referring to Lincoln's "First Citizen" these days, people are lia ble to get Willie mixed up with Charlie. :o: The president of the republic of China has put opium under the ban and the drug wherever found is to be confiscated. This is prohibition of an other color, but prohibition neverthe less. The wave of reform from pernicious habits is surely growing and with the United States in line it will have reached around the world. :o: ADVERTISING AS A PROFESSION. Within a decade, advertising in this country not only has become a lucrative as well as an honorable pro fession, but it has progressed to the point where it can support specialists. Ten years ago, seventy-six delegates attended the first annual convention of the Associated Advertising clubs of the world. This organization now has a membership of 10,000 and is sufliciently powerful to command the attention of distinguished men of the nation, including the president of the United States. Advertising agencies and newspaper representatives have made this wonderful advance primar ily because they filled a want. Their profession involves salesmanship, but it is not limited to counter salesman ship. It mediates between the mer chant and the public. It is broad based upon a scientific study of pop ular needs and prejudices and the best way to supply them with profit both to the merchant s.nd to the consumer. Between $700,000,000, according to re cent estimates, are spent annually in the United States- for commercial ad vertising. The total probably is much larger. There 11, therefore, wonder that a new profession should be creat ed to aid merchants in distributing such enormous appropriations. That advertising pays is attested by the incontestable fact that the biggest money-makers are the biggest ad vertisers. The delivery wagon in every city of tho United States is loaded down with advertised goods. If you do not believe it, look into the wagon. No longer is the public forced to buy at one f tore or of any one concern. Intelligent advertising not only creates a market, but it diverts business to channels that offer an un obstructed passageway between buy ers and sellers. Not only does ad vertising pay, bet it pays the man who advertises out of the prospects of the man who doesn't. j ' Six or eight weeks now unspecked by a single holiday. It looks like it might also yet be a long way to Warsaw. :o; - Why does not some clothier put on a mid-summer overcoat sale? :o: Craekerland has disappeared since Peary saw it. Is it a submarine ? :o: There are innumerable ways of wasting money, including lawsuits. :o: One swallow does not make a sum mer, but if the soup's too hot, it sug gests it. :o:- The sultan of Turkey will soon have as large a collection of obituaries as Francis Joseph. :o: When a man's voice is for war through a magaphone it is generally after he is fifty. :o. It might be that Frank Holt is the man who struck Billy Patterson and kidnapped Charley Ross. Electroliers are the stuff, and Plattsmouth people should feel highly elated over this spirit of progress. :o: From time to time devout men usually pray for rain; but has anyone thought of praying for it to stop? :o: One newspaper speaks of Mr. Bryan having resigned "in a fit of passionate admiration for the presi dent. " Well, do tell! :: We believe the Brundage Carnival company which comes here next week will prove the finest and most com plete company of its character that ever visited Plattsmouth. The record of the company in towns it has visited are all that could possibly be deisred. :o : The ancient Hebrew prophet never saw an automobile, so far as we know, but if he had, could he in much more accurate language have de scribed it than when he said: "The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways; they shall seem like torches; they shall run like the lightnings." :o:- Whcn anyone asserts that Presi dent Wilson is not in favor of peace at all hazards, that person seems to be talking through his hat. The en tire administration is with President Wilson, and they will use everything that Ls fair and honorable to keep down any war. The masses of the Amorican people are right with the president; so what's the use of mak ing a fool assertion. It could not have emanated from any person who is truly American himself. HILLY SUNDAY. Billy Sunday is again in the lime light. One of his employes with whom he has had some difficulty, is now out with a statement in which he declares that Sunday has plaigairized. most of his good sermons. Not long ago the owner of the house Billy rent ed when he was in Philadelphia brought suit against him for a sum of money for damages to the house while he and his family occupied it. In his bill he declared that they raised so many high jinks in the place as to render it almost uninhabitable. Now an exchange comes out with a story to the effect that in his younger days Billy was a gay blade, that when he lived at Belle Plaine, Iowa, he won the heart of a young lady in that city, led her to believe that he was about to marry her, and then deserted her. According to this tale the broken hearted girl was so cast down by Billy's desertion that she went to hell across lots, married an itinerate photographer and died within a year after Sunday's desertion. The article furnishes names and dates and all the necessary information to make out an affidavit against Sunday. All of which shows that as soon as a man achieves success in this world that his enemies are ready to pounce on him with a cudgel and destroy him. PROSPECT OF AN AGREEMENT. The belief that the German delay in answering the last American note is for the purpose of expediting final agreement through informal diplo matic exchanges is comforting. The belief is not altogether baseless, but uie rumors, although dealing with particulars in such a way as to sug gest official inspiration, cannot be of ficially verified at this juncture. The United States does not wish and has at no time desired war with Germany. The apparent failure on the part of Germany to understand the attitude of this country, following our first protest, lent some color to the sus picion that Germany was reckless. The rabid utterances of the "whip-the-world" enthusiasts were par ticularly unfortunate. But there has been an obvious change in unofficial sentiment in Germany. Germany now seems to be eager to placate the United States, if it can be done with out serious handicap in carrying on the war. It is significant that sub marine warfare is being somewhat modified, without apparent decrease in effectiveness. It is possible that experience is revealing that the sub marine is not as helpless as at first supposed. It is possible that it can give warning without danger to it self. If it can, Germany will be glad to adopt such a humane course. The departure from custom as to search and seizure was, perhaps, not due to a wanton spirit, but to the supposed inability of the submarine to follow the methods of cruisers. But more hopeful than this seem ing modification of submarine war fare is the rumored efforts of Ger many to frame a policy which will protect the lives of American citizens and the property of Americans. While we have made much of our stand for humanity, the only thing which gives us a legal right to protest is the in jury done or threatened to American interests. If Germany can arrange a plan for protecting those interests, we must be officially satisfied, whatever may happen to the vessels and the citizens of belligerents. If a policy can be informally agreed upon by the diplomats of the two countries and incorporated in the German reply it will not only save time, but avoid the irritation incident to a prolonged dis cussion. Germany naturally wil make its plan broad enough to cover the interests of all neutrals. It is difficult to conceive of a plan which would eliminate possibility of injury to neutrals without limiting the efficacy of submarine warfare, but the apparent spirit of accommodation is very encouraging. : o : King George's recent creation of a number of new peers ought to make the American heiress market pick up. :o: There are two real classes of mar 1 ied men. One kind watches the clock to see how soon he can quit his work to rush home to his family, while the other class watch the clock to see how much longer he can work before he has to go home. :o: - There is only one way to keep Woodrow Wilson from being re elected next year his emphatic re fusal to accept a re-nomination. But this would not be likely. He is to highly prized as the chief executive of this nation. The people would bow down in grief should he refuse to serve them another term. :o: Joe Steelier, the champion wrestler, received a grand welcome when he ar rived at Fremont Tuesday night. Over 2,500 of his friends were present, and while it was 9 o'clock, Joe was made to feel that he was surely "in the hands of his friends." The boy should feel proud in becoming the champion of the world at 22 years old. :o: Just as a reminder that there will be a general election next year the preparing to launch their petition campaign to secure the necessary signers to submit the prohibition question to the voters of the state of Nebraska. Prohibition will not win out next year, and it is just as well to "hang up the fiddle and the bow.! A kerosened road is smooth, but in a hot sun the perfume of the roses on either side of it is rather neglible. :o: This country doesn't offer all the opportunities found in republics farther south. Here, when a man is out of work it does no good to start a revolution. :o: The nuisance that should be sup pressed is the boy with the air rifie who goes about the city shooting promiscuously at any and everything he sees, endangering both people and property. -:o:- One thing seems certain the re tirement of Mr. Bryan from the cabi net seems to have soothed the bluster ing Roosevelt somewhat. His criticisms of President Wilson are certainly a great deal milder than formerly. :o: Plattsmouth business men can be right up-to-snuff when they desire to pull together, and then they generally get what they want, when harmony and good fellowship prevails. May we always dwell together as one unit ed family. :o: It sometimes pays to put on a poor mouth. At a convention of ad vertising men in Chicago recently they talked so much prosperity that the hotels stuck them for '7 a day for the use of dinky little parlors for committee meetings, and (put your ear up close) listen: Seme of the boys say they were charged for meals in the hotel cafe that were taken taken is good) in the bar room. :o: There never has been a time in history when the American peopl were standing so loyal to the flag o Old Glory as they are today. The flag means more to the people now than it ever before did. They are recogniz ing the flag in a way that it was never before known. It should be, People become educated in the way of honoring the flag. Display it fre quently and on every public occasion It is the emblem of our nation an stands for much. :o: SOMETHING TO LEARN. Are you by chance one of the few mortals who are always looking around for something new to learn? Are you one of the limited number who are great enough and wise enough to realize their own irr.perfec tions? Have you mounted sufficient ly high upon the ladder of intel ligence to crave the privilege of as- eending to even greater heights? GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY. You will not be the only brainy man or woman in that assemblage. You will not even be the only one who is con scientiously endeavoring to stimulate the body, the mind, and the soul. The preacher knows a few things it is possible he may even know as much as you for his store of knowledge is extracted from the Great Book, the t fount of all wisdom. In any event, his thoughts will touch upon certain viewpoints which perchance may flow in different channels from your own, and therein lies the opportunity for adding to the sagacity and Wisdom which lifts you to eminence in the world of men. Every normal brain radiates knowledge of some kind or other, and the brain of the minister is trained to impart that knowledge to others. There is much yet in this world for us to learn, and still more of the greater and longer life to come. Go to church Sunday, where it is free for the accepting. You will be in good company, and among friends. The hand of welcome beckons, and the door stands ajar with no sentry to bar your entrance. Are you going? State of ohlrt. City -f Tolc,, Connty. s. Frank J. liem-jr nmKi'i) oaui mai n- i wic partner f ttie Una r v. J. i ixvm-y oc i.., ing businos In tlie City of Tolnlo. County aud Slate aforesaid, and tlint nll lirm win V"J Uie sum of ONE IirXPRtP Ioi.LAK!s i each and erery csn ot Cntarrh that cannot be cured by the use of ilall'a Catarrh Cure FKAXK J. CTIE.nEY. . V . tmmmA In TTI . nresrnce, tola ttth tlay uf December. A. D., JSsti. Seal. a . .L.r..ov.'. Notary i'ublic. Hair Catarrh Cn'e Is taken Internally and ftB directly upon ttie moxi ana mur-ou sur faces of the Bj-stem. Sena lor learimoniaia, free. . ,,., . F. J. CBEM1I IV.i XOit-uo, v. Sold by all Prusslrts. 73c. fc lake II all's Family Tills for conatlpaUoa. -i-i. Children Cry The Kind You Have Always iu use for over OO years, and r sonal zCUcAC Allow ICM Awl RI 1 All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-a.s-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience u gainst Experiment, What is CASTORSA Castorin is n harmless suhstitnfo for Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops and Soothimr Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium 3Iorphino nor other Narrotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nrwl allays Eev ri.shness. Eor more than thirty years it lias been iu constant use for the relief oi Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrlmv.i. It regulates the Stomach and lioucLs, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep Tho Children's Eanaeea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS fBears th-2 The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought In Usg For Over GO Years .?. ,.?.."T. . . ..... ... WEEPING WATER. Republican. The stork left a fine baby boy last week at the home cf Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Heneger, east cf town. W. P. Sitzmann and family spent the Fourth and several days in Oma ha at the home of Mrs. Sitzmann's parents. Misses Hazel and Helen Nolle of Leetonia, Ohio, arrived last Thursday for an extended visit at the home cf their uncle, E. F. Marshall. Farmers are having a serious time this week trying to harvest their wheat between rains. The ground is so soft it is hard to get a binder through the fields. Fred Westlake moved this week on to the Calvin Crabtree farm, south west of town. The farm was vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred StofTer, who moved to Morrell, Kansas. Miss Daisy Johnston went to Papil lion Saturday to visit with friends made during the time she taught school there. She also attended a wedding of one of her friends there on the 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hitchman of Omaha came down Saturday evening to spend the Fourth with home folks. Charley returned Monday afternoon, but Mrs. Hitchman remained for a more extended visit. No new cases of smallpox in the town have been reported since last week's issue of this paper and in the meantime four quarantines have been lifted, leaving but five households now under quarantine in town. Alfred J. Nielson went to Council Illuffs, Iowa, Wednesday to attend the funeral of his stepfathcr-in-law, Mr. B. II. Cone, who died at his home in Council Bluffs early Wednesday morn ing of appoplexy. Mr. Cone will be remembered here by those who made his acquaintance, during the time he Have You Ever Been to Yellowstone Park ? You can plan on a summer outing in Yellowstone, this re- q;ion of beautiful canyons, forests will include a magnificent tour for instance, go one way via trance, of via Gardner, and Yellowstons gateway by way rado. This is what is called the Or, you can go one way via new line through the Big Horn Basin, tour the Park and travel the other way via Gardiner, Billings and the Burling ton3 main line through Sheridan. While in Colorado visit testes r ark, Colorado Springs astonished at the very low fare p-ilJBVlB?Oi3!Vyqj for Fletcher's Uonght, and Tihicli ha been has borno the signature vZ lias been made under Iii.H jcr- supervision since it i in fam y. no one to dece ive you in this. Signature cf . -syj-yyiwiTTTf it 'i 'if vm wf lived on the farm east of town two years afro. Advance Notice of Public Sale. I will sell at Public Sale, Tuesday, September 21, about 40 head of pure bred Duroc-Jersey hogs, including open gilts, boars and several sows with litters by their sides. Also my head boar, Echo's Model Wonder (sired by Echo Brimson Wonder, Grand Champion Nebraska State Fair 1914). Will have Rhode Island Red cock lels for sale after September 1st, price $1. 00 a head. W. B. rORTEI?. Paints and Oils. Gering & Co. The new Emy Lou whit3 carvas rubber sole, one strap Pump for chil dren; sizes G to 10i, $1.15; 11 to 2, $1.35. They wear. FETZER SHOE CO. A One Who Shows No Favor. A merciless judge is Father Time. Before him the weak and the wanting go to the wall. Only the truth can stand. For years the following state ment from a Plattsmouth resident has withstood this sternest of all tests. W. M. Barclay, proprietor of restaurant, Main street, Plattsmouth, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have given good results when used for lumbago and annoyance from the kid ney secretions. I suffered from pains across my loins and Doan's Kidney Pills removed the trouble." (State ment given December 20, 1008). OVER THREE YEARS LATER, Mr. Barclay said: "I haven't had a single symptom of kidney trouble since Doan's Kidney Pills removed it." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Barclay had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. and mysterious geysers, that of the whole mountain regions Cody, the East and scenic en the other way go through the of Salt Lake and Scenic Colo Rocky Mountain Scenic Tour. Denver and the Burlington's and fvlanitou. You will be for such a vacation tour. Write me for literature, descriptive pub lications, folders: let me help you plan a perfect vacation trip. R. W CLEMENT, Ticket Agent.. L. W. WAKELtR, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Fanram Street, OMAHA, Neb.