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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1915)
THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1913. rLATTSM O UTII SE3II-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. 1 rairty 1 M 2 1 " A Comedy of Youtti Founded by Ir. Manners on His Great Play of the Same Title Illustration ! From Photographs of the Play Copyrljht. 1913, by Dodd. Mead Company CHAPTER XVII. Peg and the Chichester Family. ,E(J finally weakened tinder Mr. Uawkes' jwwers of persuasion. Patting Michael on the head, she said to the foot'.nau: Ye wou"t hurt him. wi I ye?" Michael at that stage licked h-r hand and whined, a 3 though he knew they were to be separated. Peg comforted him and went on: "An' I'd be much obliged to ye if ye'd give him some wather an a bone. lie loves mutton bones." Pes looked down and found Alaric sitting at a desk near the door stariu? at her in disgust. lie was such a funny looking little feilow to I 'eg that she cou!d not feel aiyr resentment toward him. His sleek, well brushed hair; his carefully creas ed and admirably cut clothe?, his sell sufficiency and. above all. his absolute assurance that whatever he did was riht amused Peg immensely. He was an entirely new type of young man to her, and she was interested. Fhe smiled at him now in a friendly way and said: "Ye must know Mk-haol Is simply crazy about mutton, tie loves mutton. Alaric turned indignantly awiy from her. "Come here:" called Mrs. Chichester. : Teg walked over to her. and when she got almost beside the old lady she turned to have another glimpse at Alaric and gave him a little, chuckling, good natured laugh. "Look at me!" commanded Mrs. Chi chester sternly. "Yes, ma'am," replied Peg. with a little courtesy. Mrs. Chichester closed her eyes for a moment. What was tt be done with this barbarian? Why should this affliction be thrust upon her? Then she thought of the thou sand pounds a year. She opened her eyes and looked severely at Peg. "Don't call me "ina'amr " she said. "No. ma'am." replied Peg nervously, then instantly corrected herself. "No. ant: No, aEt!" "Aunt." said Mrs. Chichester haush tJIy. "Aunt, not ant." Alaric commented to Ethel: "Ant! Like some little crawly in sect." rez heard him. looked at Iiini ami. laughed. He certainly was odd. Then she looked at Ethel, then at Mr Hawkes, then all around the room, a.' it she missed some one. Finally sht faced Mrs. Chichester again. -Are you me Uncle Nat's wiJdy?" "No. I am not." contradicted the clt lady sharply. "Then how are you me aunt?" de mnnded Peg. "I am your mother's sister," replie Mrs. Chichester. "Oh.'" cried Peg. "Then your name: Monica ?" "It is." "What do ye think of that?" saic Teg under her breath. She surrepti tiously opened out the miniature ant looked at it: then she scrutii ized he aunt. She shook her head. "Ye don't look a bit like me ioo mother did." "What have you there?" asked Mrs? Chichester. "Me poor mother's picture." replieu Peg softly. "Let me see It." and Mrs. ChiHiestor held out her hand for it. Peg showed It to Mrs. Chichester, all tii-? while keeping a jealous hold on the corner of the frame. No one would ever take it away from her. The old lady looked at It Intently. Finally she said: "She had changed very mcch since I last saw her and in one year." "Sorrow an poverty did that. Aunt Monica." and the tears sprang unbid den into Teg's eyes. "Aunt will be quite sufficient. Put it away, and Mrs. Chichester releasee the miniature. "Sit down." directed the old lady. I eg sprawled into a chair with a great sigh of relief. "Thank ye. ant aunt." sl:e said. Then she looked at them all alternate ly and laughed heartily: "Sure I had no idea in the wurrld I had such fine relations, although, of course, my father often said to me 'Now, Teg. he would say. nw. Teg ye've got some grind folks on yei mother's side' " "Folks: Keally Ethel . cned Alaric disgustedly. "Yes, that's whrt he said grand folks on me mother's side." Mrs. Chichester silenced Peg. That will do. Don't sprawl in thai; way. Sit up. Try to remember where) aeavor xo upset it an was most cuS you are. Look at your cousin." and turbing. He went on again: the mother Indicated Ethel. Peg sal! 'Your au,lt wi:l il ercrytluns in her no d,n.niT hi.,1 Im.kPd nt ItfUl Snf ! Iwer to make you feel at home. chuckled to herself as she turned back! to Mrs. Chichester: "Is she me cousin?" "Sh i" r-nlicd tho inoMinr. "A nil T nm trwV'.-'irt A laric Tons- in Alaric" P?g looked him all over and lanzhed' openly. Final! r sh- asked Mrs. Chi-i Chester the following amazing que-! J PEG71 O MY- HEART ByJ.'HartleyiManners "Where's her husband?" Ethel sprang to her feet She "was to be disgraced before her family by that beggar brat. Mrs. Chichester said in astonishment, 'Her husband?" "Yes." replied Peg insistently. "I saw her husband when I came in here first. I've been in this room before, ye know. I came in through those windows, an I saw her an her hus bawd. She was" "What in heaven's name does she mean?" cried Alaric. Peg persisted. "I tell ye It was sh sent me to the kitchen she an' him." "Him? Who in the world does she mean?" from Alaric. "To whom does she refer, Ethel?" from Mrs Chichester. "Mr. Brent" said Ethel with ad mirable self control. She was on thin ic-e. but she must keep calm. Mrs. Chichester looked relieved. Peg went on: "Sure, she thought 1 -was a servant looltin for n place. . fin" ' Mr. Uawke? told me not to say a word until h came an 1 didn't say a word." Mr. Hawkes now broke in: "My time is short. Miss O'Conneil. it was your uncle's wish that you should make your home here with Mrs. Chi Chester. She will give you every possi ble advantage to make you a happy, well cared for. charming young lady." Peg laughed. "Lady? Me? Sure now" "You must do everytliing she tells you. Try to please her in all things. On the first day of every month I will The Butler Took Michael; Peg Askee Him Not to Hurt the Dog. call and find out what progress you'rt making'. And now I must take mj leave." He picked up his hat and cant from the table. Peg sprang up breathlessly and frightenedly. Now that Mr. Hawkes was going she felt deserted. He hac at least been gentle and considerate t( her. She tugged at his sleeve anc looked straight up into his face witt ber big blue eyes wide open anc" pleaded: "Plaze, sir, take me with ye an send me back to New York. I'd rathe: go home. Indade I would. I don' want to be a lady. 1 want me father riaze take me with ye." "Oh, come, come" Mr. Hawke3 be gan. "T vant to go back to rv? father Indade I do." Her eyes filled with tears, "no mightn't like me to stay here now that me uncle's dead." "Why, it was your uncle's last wish that you should come here. Your fa ther will be delighted at jour good fortuua." He gently pressed her back Into the chair and smiled pleasantly and reassuringly down at her. Just when he had negotiated every- i""J' V v - 'ou't J"0"- Mrs- Chichester?" Miverytuing. saia iirs. unicnesier. as if she were walking over her own grave. looke.1 at her aunt ruefully (ber expression was most forbidding); at Ethel's expressive buck; lastly at Aiaric fitting a cigarette into a gold Dmrnted holder. Her whole nature cried out against them. She made one r i V"! U V 3" I H t y 4 last appeal to Sir. IlawHes: "Do send mc back to me father!" "Nonsense, iny dear Miss O'Connell. Tou would riot disappoint your father In that way, would you? Wait for a month. I'll call on the 1st. and 1 ex pect to hear only the most charmm". things about you. Now, goodby." And he took her hand. Fhe looked up wistfully at him. Goodby. sir. An' thank ye Tery much for bom so laud to me. nawkes bowed to Mrs. Chichester and Ethel and went to the door. "Have a cab?" asked Alaric. "No; thank you." replied the law yer. "1 have no luggage. Like the Walk. Good day." And Peg's only friend in England passed out and left her to face this terrible English fami ly alone. "Y'our name is Margaret." sai l Mrs. Chichester as the door closed on Mr. Hawkes. "No, ma'am." Peg began, but imme diately corrected herself: "no. aunt 1 beg your pardou no. aunt my name ts Fesr!" cried she earnestly. 'That is only a corruption. We will call you Margaret," insisted Mrs. Chi Chester, dismissing the subject once and for all. But Peg was not to be turned so lightly aside. She stuck to her point. "I wouldn't know myself as Mar garet indade I wouldn't. 1 niivrht for get to answer to the name of Mar garet." She stopped her pleading tunc and said determinedly, "My name is Peg." Then a little softer and more plaintively she added: "Me father al ways calls me Peg. It would put me in mind of me father if you'd let me be called Peg. aunt." She ended her plea with a little yearning cry. "Kindly leave your father out of the conversation." snapped the old lady se verely. "Then it's all I will lave him out of."' cried Peg. springing tip an 1 con fronting the stately lady of the house. Mrs. Chichester regarded her in as tonishmcnt and anger. "No temper, if you please." and she motioned I 'eg t' resume her sciir. Poor Peg sat down, breathing hard, her fingers locking and unlocking, her stanch little heart aching for the o:.e human being she was told not to re fer to. This house was not going to hold he: a prisoner if her father's name was to be slighted or ignored. On that point she was determined. Back to America she would go if her father's name was ver insulted before her. Mrs. Chichester's voice broke the si lence: "You must take my daughter a your model in all things." Peg looked at Ethel, and all h. r an ger vanished temioraii!y. The idea t taking that young lady as a inotlel ap pealed to hor as being irrei-til:.v amusing. She smiled broadly at Ethel. Mrs. Chichester went on: "Everything my daughter does you must try to imitate. You could not have a better example. Mold yourself from hor." "Imitate her. is it?" asked Peg inno cently, with a twinkle In her eye an:l the suggestion of impishness hi her manner. "So far as lies iu your power." rep-lied Mrs. Chichester. A picture of Ethel struggling in Brent's arms suddenly flashed across Peg. and before she coull restrain lier pelf she had said in exact imitation of her cousin: 'Tlease don't! It is so hot this morn ln'!" Then Teg laughed loudly to Ethel's horror and Sirs. Chichester's disgust. "now dare you!" cried her aunt. Peg looked at her a moment; all the mirth died away. "Mustn't I laugh in this house?" she asked. "You have a great deal to learn. Your education wiH begin tomorrow." "Sure, that will be foine," and she liuckled. .'(To Be Continued.) For Sale. One extra fine milk cow, and two past yearling Galloway steers. In quire of Oldhams, or telephone 1GG. For Sale. Good Durham Shorthorn bull, 2 years old. Inquire of J. J. Lchnes. Mynard, Neb. 4-2t)-4wks-w FOR SALE Fawn and White Indian Runner duck eggs, white egg strain, $1.00 per 13, $5.00 per 100. Inquire of A. O. Ramge, Route 1, Platts mouth, Neb. 4-5-tf-wkly Blank books of all kinds at the Journal office. fire You Using Fores! Rose Flour? r ,yys5-.; 5--T -. 1 WAKOOKILLCci WAKOC, fiHS If Mot, Try a Sack Today Every Sack Guaranteed IN PLATTSMOUTII rORTY YEARS AGO. lien. O. r. Mason will speak in this town Saturday evening: next, on the , public questions of the dav. Louisville is improving1 rapidly. Three new stores are umkr way, an;l will be finished and occupied before (now flies. The veritable "Old Crock-leg Cal. Stewart," from the mouth of Weep irg Water, was in town Saturday, taking hash at tha Saurulors House. Work on the machine shop ground.1 is progressirg rapidly. Trie company i arc now delivering stone for the foun dations, which were commenced o -n.....,r T. M. P.ohbitt of Tipton precinct brought a sample each of large yel low, white and calico corn and !arr.7le-; of sweet corn and popcorn, not injured. lie says the crop is eood. J. M. Br?ntner was thrown from ! a horse last Wednesday and had two ! ribs broken. Or. Tuesday he was si'r- I fering severely and it was thought i:e termination might be fatal. Our old friend. Frank Stadtcr, !v:s settle.1, down to business r.gain. A fact we discovered lv a short visiK to his sttniio :n Mr. Ftadelmann's build ing. He will tell you week. 'O'J it next Mr. Gyirer says he is painting a row Luiher-.-n church, about three r'dos pcuth of Louisville, on the Eight Miie Grove and Greenwood road. He also says it will be ready for dedication te first Sunday September, ar d thrit 11 German friends are cord:a"v invited to be present, on that occasion, c u t t h i r t e e n - y ea r-o! d iris, but il'.'ir.p.e !e;;ts us ml. onugntcr, 1 ; old, i? a good musician, hr.s ri.a'.le ?w.e very line hair work be-' sides, all of which can be seen and heard by caiiin "OysU-r Mouse. on Eon at die old II. McElv.ahi is the man, happy -happy is no name for he smiles aii over, clear down to his hoots. It har reiiel one day last vtvok, the 20t!i. Mrs. M. is happy, too, and who would not be with a pietty new ("entenr.irl daughter in the hou.-e, to make music all the happy Christmas time? In Memoriam. Robert Wiiburu, who died at his rcsidenc-e January 1. l.;T7. from paralysis of th.2 brain and heart, was one of Cass county's most reliable and venerable citizens. He was born in Kentucky on the 11th of August, lr'15. He was taken from there at an early age to Sangamon county, Illinois, and settled near whe:e Springfield now stands, in the year 1S18. lie was a friend and inti mate acquaintance of the venerable Peter Cartwright; also a neighbor an j associate of the long-io-be-remember-cd Abraham Lincoln, p?-esident of the U. S. He accumulated a handsome estate there, and in the year 1?T2 he disposed or his property there and moved to Nebraska on account pf id healih in his family, which he hoped to improve by a change of climate, r.nd settled in Cass county, near Greenwood. lie was a man of the most honest principles, eminent piety pnd sterling integrity. He carried his religion into' practice in every-day life; was a faithful friend, a loving husband and venerable father. He was formerly a member of the Baptist church, hut finding ro church of his choice near enough so that he coull attend regularly, he attached himself to the Christian church at Greenwood. He was stricken down on Thursday. December 2Sth, about 3 o'clock p. m.. and after three days of patient suf fering without a murmur or sight of discontent, he passed peacefully away just as the sun arose on the first day of January'. 1S77, to receive his happy New Year's greeting by the blessed angels in the home of the blest. His funeral sermon was preached on Tues day, January 2, by Rev. J. Henry White of the I'aptist church, Wahoo. Neb., from Job 11:15-17. The grief stricken family have the sympathies of all who know them, while ihe com munity and church realize that they have lost a useful and exem plary Christian. Wedding stationery ct the Journal office. VPS iHJGHESTER S Pi LIS I, I.-i'l.--! A. i y-nr Sn-;-. Ui I r A S-'Si IUim " I11 PKii'.vV' v i...,.. ie.ifi t ;:a i.iue j i ..i. vi I C. t-n... .;.. i'TI ;,".! f : T"T -.-rar I .r r. r Ik-it, s.-ifc-s?, A :-.r"n ri I- IN PLATTSMOUTII j FORTY YEARS AGO. M rs. nathan Wise was attacked a day cr two fines with pneumonia and is seriousyl and dangerously ill. Mrs. Caroline Lambert, an old lady over 100 years old, was burned to death in Omaha Monday last. J. Chase, esq., of Weeping Water has leased a .-hare of the mill former ly run by Messrs. Hubbard and Tewksbury, and will run it with Mr. Hubhard. They will undoubtedly make a strong team and give satis faction to their patrons. Married at the residence of John Gilmore. in Mt. Pleasant precinct, Ca s county, Nebraska, on the Kith in-d., by A. N. Sullivan, justice of the peace, Mr. A. P. Cox to Mary E. Gil more. The Hon. Joseph Gilmore, merrber elect to the next legislature, and one of the first members ever initiated in Ma-oiiic lodge A. V. A. M., in, ! gven miles, to the annual election of i officers Fridi y night, and had the pleasure of being1 ready to help the boys put out the fire if that old chimney had busted. Mr. Gilmore is one of our staunch men, staunch I every way, and will weigh with anv ; man of the next house, we bet. I j Mr. Abbott, lately proprietor of the j Saunders House, gave the Masonic fraternitv a very handsome supper on j St. John's night. We believe every- j one was satisfied, and moreover, we I are all satisfied that Mr. Abbott has: ! made one of the best landlords the j hotel has had lately, and the citir.en are sorry to see him leave, though not ! doubt:ng that Mr. Gregory, the new j incumbent, will fill the bill and become j equally popular ard enterprising. This is a tardy notice to both gentlemen, but the absence of the editor must be our excuse. M. L. White, esq., of Omaha is in tiwii today; he is connected with a cr.rrpariy who start in a .-hort time for ! tne ,i: ;. They will lake along all the machinery for working up the c-re and separating the valuable min erals contained in it. We just listen ed io a description of the company, the manner and nature for which it was formed, as we were goinr to press, and would give our readers a moic extended notice of it if we had ihe time; suffice to say they evidently noun business, and go prepared to ir.ake it win. The fi ien J.: and neighbors of Hen. Joe" Gilmore gave him a reception on Wednesday evening. A merry crowd gathered there. Somebody had bought all the oysters in town, and such an onslaught on bivalves was never known before. I'y the kindness of E Parmele, the Herald was spirited over there, and all we have to say is, that when in the course of human events it necessary for Joe Gilmore's fiicnds to give him another oystc rv.ppcr, we hope the Herald will be en hand. So does E. Parmcle, only v. e don't want to have to hold him af;ain, to prevent him going back in the morning to get some more. Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Frccklc-face, to trj- a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable tlealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it re moves the freckle?; while if it docs rive j'ou a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling. Simply got an ounce of othine double strength from any druggist ar.d a few applications should ihow you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti ful cor.ynlexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for th3 worst case. Ee sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine, as this is the prescription ;;old under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Now Open And Ready for You. Call and Sec Us. Bring the Babies FREGKLE-FAGE muum j ., ,n,,nn Mil" fcH I EB I.HiNO IN tl 0 N D tl H'iPlD. HIM ftiMiiELS ALLEN One of the pleasant social events cf the spring season was held yester day at the home of I.I rs. F. G. Egen herger on Vine street, when she enter tained a number cf friends in honor of Mrs. Virginia McPaniel Allen, of Lo.i Angeles, California, who is here visiting for a short time with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McDaniel. The ladies had come prepared to en joy a most pleasant time and th?ir expectations were most happily realized, as the occasion was one ihtt will be most pleasantly remembered. The plying of the busy needle served to amuse a portion of the jolly party, while others passed the hours in the enjoyment of high five, as vol' as social conversation, which served to pass the time most pleasantly. At an appropriate hour a very tempting three-course luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Guthmann. which added very much tc the enjoyment of the occasion, and nt a late hour the guests departed, feeding that they had been most royal ly entertained. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching .'kin trouble, use Doan's Ointmert. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. oOf a box at all stores. IN COUNTY CO LET. STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Cass, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Alice M. Tague, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there has been filed in this court rc-poit of the administrator of said estate, to gether with his petition for f;n:.l set tlement thereof and his discharge as such administrator. You are further notified that a hearing will be had thereon before this court at Plattsmouth. in said crur.ty, on the 1st day of June. I'.'!-"", r.t itn V.o-S: a. rn., a' which time this court will receive evidence in said matter and enter a final decreein ac cordance therewith, and discharge the administrator. All objections, if any, must be filed with said court on or before said day and hour cf hearing. Witness my hand and the scab of the County Court of said County this 20th ciav of May, (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. 5-20-lwk in- iM't";'1" . l ' . i .: !f i-v "s: i : . . hif.i V' tin, j. I i IU ills. . ! l. !: .ill".", it. .'11.. 1 Cf.-Tl."!.1 C.t ."!.-. -i.'i M iia.l tl " ." i l.i 1 1 i . ! I V I Mr' " s . T ; . T i . 1 A 'A'', Ihf t ; i . j.- ; ...1 ltl' I'-'l-.'- I'rt jlil ,!,.(iiv(.,: ii!-;!ii S. Tliomt. I.. . i-a it. TI i;r-'"i. bis urkii-'Wli ben c.'i t Ov s ..1 i I-; ! i ' .!;iMin. oi i-i m i. . k:icv:i Iu irs i.inl i.--.-.- t i.r.i I '. i I . ; y-. o .-"':i - ! : . nn:i A. T.iwttM-ril ati.l . ill' .1 II. T'V.-nsiinl, ln-r t. n s na lei". I : i' ii.iU:i"';i i ir--; ;'nt .! v i.--i-s nl Ann:; A. Toviisi-in'. : i-as. il: ' lin 1. 1 1 n !.::-s ? twl .l- ii'ei-i nf l-IOmini'i . I"T..-ic:i. (iiH-i : ;::. t '. !.".i-'-'" .nd '. '.-:rani i.t : r, l.-r i.nsli::rd: KM"!. iitei ".Irs. Sni:!', ..11. 1 ;s v.-ili-'. ! rst !.ir. imki.oi-. n. .In' it T. l:ii.-'-:!fi". :i:.'l .io'inn.' I li-ro i-tta ii.n'st--rt-r. tii- i! ( :'i'ic.!ii n is. 1 oa i'lii! i-ai-'l "f 'ii iili- 1 1-!- " il'iti- ft.-ii t'lHt t:-. !:i i ;-,t il'-. I:ft- ainiei ! i-.ii :ii'.ri a u. ius I " in ' b- MI.-iim' I'lmrl nt' '! nH1. .ra - K.i . !!' tin- .iirrmi of iui-l itijr tln-'f t'l'.- in f--sitni'N- in nv.A to tl'f f I'iow i tt-r !.os:!it cil iral estate 5.-.v:t : J"; a t io i :i ! 1 .Is ..... 1 . vo, : 1. a it.; in t i S :".. , oft ! SV."', of S'-.-tion is. To-., nsl ip U1, ir "tli of Ki.i.u.- Jl Last of ll- tli i'. M .. in'-r liior.' i .a it i i-n )r vl y l"" i i - 1 is '! . 'inini-ii-i!r at t !: yim: !ii-if-"t ciirntT !' ti..- S'A'1, of tl.o SW, of S.-i-ti-'ii J n. To v.-1 . s ' i ' 'i 1 J. Tin' ' h "! IJjuiU- 1 i I'.i'st of t !; 1'. y... ftMl renninu" tl'-iuv nnrili of ai'l St!i S--o- t ion i ir.e ::!: I'.-.'t tn t i pin i !' 0- - uiniiint;. tl-i rii - iii!i:'!!i4" n ntli 4 1 '. U '. not- -:ii-i to It. i- woi. iino of ,i1li ill t!,o t':y of I i;. 1 1 --Lion. ! . C'ii-s Cm tit v. N.-l.r.isk:i. ti. tut- t'.Hv. it!u v st lino of Sixtn Si i-o.-t c?nl U.1! Iimrs AM'tiif fn n .o-n i. il v i i i -on i n ; a i.oim in mi.l v. o-l ill..- of io!":!!-- Ivi'iiii.' out- !:.;:-. to tin- ina'c oi l-.-u iti- iiin-. tiioni ;- i . i t i t'l-o rl.- oo of I'. -'1 !i ii : MiA. fmx am! i i - ! o'i ! n i." said fra1 l ; . . .j m l lo: l'. :o, M and !'": and aNo i-Oii:!ii''n.-ili'" i't lie soutl.oa t orir-:i.-T- .f tlf S" i of tlioSW"'. of Soot ion !-. T ts!ii; : I.'an ; - ! I of t (; ftli i". M . riinTMiei ; I :n o nor: 'i '"' f" t to tiie til.1''1'- of !';: at: i t: 'I. lli'io-" ivn i . ; n - ,-t I'll f.-'-t. llrnio t. rn til - foei. Hi. oast r" !'-it. tfi'oo MM.ii. na1. foi't to il:- jd.-i.-i- of bi c i n .'. . n1'. t'diic Un ' n as fiao'.ioiial 'a'-, ill lio S " 1 . of ti.o SWu of .-aid Siilio-i To,, t, . !.:. 1".' i.orili Kan-. It. Knst f !! fitli' IV M. -n I'ii. County. X- I'l.idin. ;'tol ai.-o 1 rat t ioii.-i I lot J in ti:.- .-' ;., f tl..' SVC:, of Si.-tion 1 'n. To a-iisli i . 12, mirth of Kano il Ca-t of tli" ".t i ! '. M., in Cass Coi.tilv. .". a-ka luinr inert' pa i t in' la r". y .l.-n-.-ri ,.c .1 a-- f.i! i.uvs: I'limmoirin:: at l!-'- riort t- ,-sl fi.rv. r of ti.o Si:', 'of t' f- S Y '-. of said -i-.-ti-m IS. Tinini:i 1.. ri-'!l!i Knoaf 1 t Kt. run ni us; t;iuo f.-mtl: i:; ti rods to C o i !n . of .-tfinriiti!?, t'li-ncf 1'Vt 1.; tods, ! :-!)CO S'lin! J1J fi.-t to lot It'., tlioti.- w.-st 1" rods. iti-!iOf noi t !i 11- It. 'I to iio T1."-' o it .-o if- -:''i'-, iit inrv k now n f -::? io m' rs ! to f.iiTi-cr !.! -:!i - ii an-l ia or ,-iri f cliiimiti1,' any riu'-t, tii!'-, l.i itn, Ixn or inHn-st !n aj,d to t i i il ii.iv. ti" -e-fl re I e.-i; . i o, a n'l to 1 '- nve ! taiti clouds f rotr. j.isctifs i;o in and t- ;-aid :! 'slut'- and for 'n:.italdt I't-Tu-f. V'ni and o;o ". of i. : . if.;;; ir.-d to atir-vr .-,a id ii'-il.oi; on or ln-foro tl.- :'t da- of .li'r.n A. Ii., 1 't. and fn faiiiair :' to flo nur d.--"ii'ilt I"- iuly fi'.. ted I'l' t. :n and .i i : d -; rn n t taken a..-; louyc-J fur in :da ii.titi"a i-ttiti'Mi. J ' 'S I : I'l ! SiC T.. K nnd Vi'lLLlAM WVXN. Py A. T.. Tl.'iii. l'!i.ilitir.. 'J'l.eir Attorney. -i-w MlTK I', HI' t OIIIMIU TltA. r.'otiee is hetel y nivn that the Key Kt'iiin i'i p.' t'ompanv w .as 01, Ire lust d:i v of J.t. iv. 1'.."., inco.'t.ora t'd for the purpose cf i".y n it :f m ei -.1 r 1 .11.' sv.l s'll irr. terriorit ropes and aii oii er 1 f m.'nt produeis of fi'i'v kinu ar.d the nia rhiriery whereby the same ate molded and made; also the euie vt restricted t "rrit 'rii- of tin- rig'Ms to in:mtt I'.ictnre s'i'h pri.chi'-ls a'l.i art., i.-s mi-.l.-r t'.. 1 niti'l Slate-: i'at.iM- eivn-.l 7.:n! ('.' 1 j! !. l 1.- ::! 1 ) ri v. in :at.-s "i !! V,.it.'i .-!.'- .f T. iir:i. with its j.ri :i-! pa I "ilice nt I'r.i'm. XSr ;isk:i. T!,. .invoint "f ..iMtuI st.i k l.i inir f 1 ci. .1.1.. Mil t-.iliv .ai'l i;; v- 1 j , -1 1 is:-:i'-.t miii i; . . ri - a - s. -;ihli Ha i.i i-nriiorii l i.-n 1 "i in-M" l.nyirn-: on l ; c l'.lii i;iv f M.v. :it:'i -.!. 1 1 r i 1 . a:. lit th" l.'.f'i ;.; v "f Mn, 1 Jil. etiP.-i-s s j j i : j- ; ( ,1 ! .. !.!- tiu'i in" nw 'T :v rs. nt i t .-I... k li.I.ifs. l.i-;'t i'.':i" .nit ..f jnili'i-'.'i.rn-1-" or I i;; ! 1 i y O" v. ! i. ti t 'if i ii ji'! a t : -ei is ;'t it.iy :i:ri tn 1 ; t . :-( t itsi lf v!::il! n"! ev. ! Iv.n-il.i .l-1 i.f '.. ; 1 u; liipittil H.K-!.. Tl.i-"'i-.r.s of sr id -:-i t '.. : ; t.. . -: T: I : I . -" . - 1 l.y :i it-cr1 it' I 1 1 i .-" "f ;,,,t P-ss tl iin Ihri-i' 1 1 Jin.'., i . n !,.., - tn.!-1 oiiii-rs. :i will t' I1. t.v -I;i . i i till ltf 1 ".:: i- 1 i.' ! 'i !"! t .rs !:;:! .-If. t a 1 'i I. nt. I'r.-.-l-ili-nt, Stci 't if i v and Ti i -a.- .1 ! 'i-: . siii-l :i t it re-v." I Ma in, ::i-r. at I'lii-ni. Ncliraka. Mh lit: v of Ma v, 1 " 1 'i. W. B. BANNING. ..lent. Att".-f : JOHN McCAItTHV, SV t t;: - v. (S-iill 1 I v. KS i Tin: iiiTHKT roi ict '!' is on i . m:iu k Tl a l:.-irik of Cass c'o-.nitv. nt v. J'Jaitit.'T, vs. UTii.-im II. S. i.nfi-r and tl-o liiiknown .f.i:-- iiini i! vis-is or Will. S.-liat--i, do. t;i - i-d ; ;! 'i'hr,., km.ii i..n and tit" u ti k no w n In i i s and i i i of .ii.M-J.!i 'i'i, I o.-kl: . .a t on. . i -(-. i sim I : t1 o unknown I.. r ar.d .1 i.- i of Anna I ; . t ! . d..;is..di IMmml S k -1..-.. Ii: Ciiu'i-in- W...-ki.i..-li: .).. I'll ". . kliHi !:. Ai.-n.-y W.-, ii an-l Ma thilda Ca-ti!io. ct. al.. I ..-f.-re ants. Vim and i-aoii of o.t at o 1.. n In noti :i". t.:;it tno J.lainti:" hi.s i .n: in.-n ( d n in Iim:i .--l an-isl mi in tl..- l:.-trit Court : t'n ivmti-, No I -.o-k.i. for . nir: i f 'Mii.'tii--; its id;.- in !' -itn'. It- in ;'tnl to lots fi iitid six " a rul i in l.!-k t "i :i : -one -' i in tin- I'itV of I'll! I t s 111" 11 t !l. C;i-s Cm-ill, :'- iiska. pm-i tint -nt of sii.l luM ii. 'ii ; ,.-d ! WhsI ii'Ul.iii At nm' in -ao Ciiv. And to f iio.'i' t-n .on on and i :u I- of on 1 i him iii , 1 1. i ii is anv !;-' ht. till", claim or inn or inti lost in and to t! a! oyi- i i ln-.l nil .s'at.' ;inl to t.-n'oiv't' -i tt.iin i.oi..s fioni niictit i-T's titlf in a lid to said rial -s-tiit.. and tor 1 1: i t ii i n-Mof And on and tin t of ,.ii ;;if l ; 1. 1 1 ol t" an-w.-r s.-.iil o. iition on or .. ;..i.- II .- l'1.-i il.-n1 f .1 ii no A. ! .. 1 ! 1 and in fa 1 1 :i i- I .In o.ii.r dtl:i-i!t will dnlv In- l-liliTi-.l tk.iiin ;i t:d '.i nd irtii.-t t taiv.ii ;is ptue..l : ..! i n j l.-i int i I s ti.-t it ion. THi: HANK OF CASS C 't'NTV. ilv A. 1. Tlld'i. J'ii.intifr. Jl's l Loi'tiey. 4-w cimii.ii cot: m:uiN4i Iu tin- ( oitiit! Court of I am I nuiity . -liriitkn. : n ti.o matter of the estate of JVrry I'. ilui-S. ill I'l'ilSHl: Now "ii this "iila day of April. IM.', --ijn, ii!,,,- i ,as. and tiles a .i I it imi in i lay court i.iit-iiit; tiat i'.tr J. Ca-s. !-it" a i c- id'-n t ;inl i r, !i.i I t a : t of i':is '..nil'-. Nt'l.t-iis-kti. d- pat t.-d t-iis I. ft-, i at t v; ., . (n Jul .- l.ii. ltoi'i. j.t his ; on..- i:. Iio- it v "f I !;, t : no oi 1 1-. si i i-d and --..-.-i-d if tie lee ;n'de titl" ti I.;s oi..' ill ain't tvin i m Li... I-; furl vi' it.", i in Yi'ii'i1-' v li.ivi-:1 : i I -d.', to I ; a t t - rn oi : t Ii. N-i I'-kii. "f tin ;,l.:e of aluoit final p, wl.icll v as tlif orri.'St "iitl "1 said tleeiitsed. whieli at ; e da'.e of !.:s deatii. and is nmf , bi.'l .' i-M Hii'l fi oni i.ttii. xo- -'it i't or i-i! . r iii"S':i j. !.-.- uml not !.;'.!, Io f-'i- tl:.' p;i.lll'!it of d. ht- ol said .i-i .-a s.-l. lmt that tl.i-if nil" no del. is iett ow ili li- sai 1 , lei eased, and 1 hilt -aid li'eeased loll i. r i v 1 1 1 -" I.itii. ;is h in sine iiii'l onlt heiis :.t I:ih . iitid tin' itilv !" r.soi:s inl.-i esied in said i-.-tiilr, lvin 1".. Class, ii son. arid (ilie .lass, u l;n:':.t"r. letli of whom iit dale of II. 'o ;ili. ol" Mini ili'ci'iii'nt w t te 'note than j 1 l iti s- id tii:.-, ami I'liiviin for h ..Jiritiu on sa :.l petition, aiel tlait njion si. cli !.;. vir-j: that an eider I." entered .! is pen l n i: with a ltivalar a d in i n isi ra -ii"li ef ;.,id estate. Jilid lor tilidinirs of fait upon the ii ". leiia t ions nt ii ni pe tition Mill a deer,-,., a si j ., i p. ir aid e..l estate to the loirs at law if saot de-i-e:o ' d lis i.r.. i. i.-.l l.v taw. i r is -ri 1 1 :i: i : i . ii : i-: i : 1 i :i; i:i . -aid 'il.l.-e lie lit aid l.v th" conit oti the . Itn da- of Mm-, l'.il". iif In an nil k m.. at tho Co-.nity Court room, in the CI t v of 1 1ia 1 1 sri-ni t h. Ca-s cu::'y. Nil --askii, and thai ail p' -r.-oiis" ii toiesto.l ill s-ajil .-stale, i v l in! i i n- iil-.t; , ,f a ii . I noli!:ed of stien fn-iirin l.y th.t pn h i ie;i t ion ol" this ordor lor t roe suc cessive weeks i-ri.-r to said .lay of '! f-ariliij in tin- I 'ia t tstio 1 1 p a I "trill hot. spa pee. p: hii-hi.l in snid County of C;iss, and that if they fail to iiiij.rfr and enlist said pet tion. tho i-i"i:t iiiiiv enter the decree as prayed for in said petition. Date: April Sot.'i, IPtr.. I!v tie Court. ALLEN .1. i:i:i:siN', ii r 1 I County J udgt., iiiiiX M. LltYTiA. Aii'iiK-v for I '.-t it iotir r. is thi: roi rv t in iit op tiii: cm mi r M.iiittMvt, In the mutter of the estate of Jol.u i"i t ii;m t ri. k, fii-ee.'i so.i : Mi'lK 1- A!l persons interested In the est alt of Ji in I '! ! . ; .a I r i( k. lste of i'n ? c uni ty .'e .1 ii s kiu lieteii.ed, will herein1 t.ik. t.otii" that on tne "jstli dav of Aprii. A. !. ltiir.. Ai.nst :. Il.i, I:, made i pp! i.-a t ion to the Conn's- Comt lo prohi'te tl " lat will and ti'.-l;i:ii' t,i f s.-:i,( ,l"!,t, -,t zj.ii 1 1 h k. d. ."-;si and tor i -IO rs testalui titaty to issi,.- to said ii:ri!vt cl. J'.ac!!. Heatiri": on sai l pe tition wi!' he had otl tho JJlld linv of Miiv, l.M.'.. ;it 10:00 '. lock a. m. I'n less oi.j'i lions or ij'-i'i't inns to s ; i t peti'ion are hied on or In for" fid 1iiii" of hiarin r, an nrd' f will he etitered 11 in j.iiowiim f I u. 1 ;i '-r of s;iid pe tition, nnd leceiin; aid will to .io hi! t e. Cited this 1'itli .lav of April, A. I ., Itil.".. P.v th" Cult. A LI I 'N I. I IK! Si N' 1 1; .'. ! Con til y J miiii'. to to w Hon them: I'iiii:ms 'I Mll .: Notice is l'i-ri !y pdven T)o I .arid Company, a i-ir;.'ii:iilnii with its pl.-ce !'o- t ra loin I i 1 1 ln,sif,ess l-eittir at I la 1 1 sinoni h. Pass Coutity, Ni-htiiska. "itii ii lapitnl sio.k of one liui'iri-.l thousand 1 $ 1 at). inn) 1 d-dlius. all f which has keen paid in. entntm rie. il I'lisiiirss (in the itli day i f .M itit,, A. I'. P.. 11, ' o i'i"ihiiiii. lor t im til '.' vt a is, with t'o- highest amount of i toh hi i-il m tieint let mo.-e JlKiti .me-hn f of tl'f ar ft-Uil 1 f of its eiip'tal Mmk, ml the 11 fi ail i-i of said copulation m , eoinl ii.-t e. ),y a , until of .1 i reel ors, eom posed of not less than live 01- mme than seven memiiers .111 the Jiiih tif .Mil teli. A. !.. pil.'i, it innetiii.d its nti filial iittii l.-s of iii.orp. . r;it ion hy 111 liitlm in Ihe nature ol the ImsitiosK 10 he t ra nsact el. the htivinv. .siilmu- itid li-rtsipi; of real estate for rainti oil-poses, liirmiiiy: and nil oilier intr-'oi-'s. ai.d further uriietnl.d hy irrant n:r in sai.l lorpotation the riuht i' rit tiMt.'t I'.isitiess 111 the sfntc of Mi ¬ ni, Ti:is. 1 ikl:i iioiitiV, in.noiK. M jrli - iuan. iM in neso: . Wisconsin Jowii :iiit rkatisas. in .': oil i t i on to the Mates i'i .cl.i.'i said Company was l.v its oiiirj- ftal aiti.!"s authorized to tra 11 fact bu. ines.s. Chill ies C Par tn.-le, Pi esitlen t. C. -. Jiuwhs, Sft i Pla ry. n it 1: OP l'l'l l( um i.iit oh 1. 11 i:si-. 1 OK ?'oiUe i. ! "M'hy pivcti I !C! iifr.A.i inter, sled 51 nd to the pnhlie thai i '.i.f.der.-iii iieii. .Martin A. II". er. has fii.d .is petition arid P.pp! i'-a t ion In the otfte i tne city clerk of ti.o City f Platm nou;h. County of Cuss-, end State of Vehraska, si si required hy law, Fiuneil l.v the refiuired tiuinh.r .if resident .'ree-hrdd T! eif the city, neltina 'orth that the HppUoatit is a tn;i:i of -aspect a Pie haraeier and stand, nt; ami i. residi nt of the Slate of Nt hraKa nit. I c:i ' i r: ; P. at h lit-en.-e nut y be Ismio l. i e siiid J.tiM'tiri A. I '.ever for th.t Sal,, of matt, spirituo is nnd inous litiuorn for the period of one year from the fiat of the bearing of nalcl aiiidiratton in a hi: i hi in-r sittiited on lots eh veu and twelve ill and l.'l. in tdock twenf S"ven. (271. in tht First ward r.f 1 ha said City of PJattsmouth, Nehfaska. iUAi:riN a. i - VKi: Alay 6, X915. Apiiiicais.