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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1914)
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1914. PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUril SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. I Gill If! TRAIN MILEAGE Hi I GUT IN THE FORCES Bu; iii", U-,:' LYcaamiy Move to Ib. by the Men in Train S. r '. ire. . tr rt . y I t ; : v. ; .!.--. .'.av:- t'T ill a nana cr i in.uaai ;.' of the Iiu: 'aarteia .. m .-1 V. c i : a .. s t vac i i ta.i t. i .-.-ti'-i':.: 1. V.'lil !lK-r !1 ;.. i':tvs n this re. 1 mill a .ra r.'.i1:' a that v: : cw il! ... moved I'.u.v rdac- ! Mining lo Iowa. I yvn KattT't.-i V n.niiv. i In-, and Mrs. J. I'. II ungate, who, i J as has been pre ioasly announced, : phin to give Mr. pe-sfs.-hm Pe- M-araber 1st of their i-e.-idcnce, have I ee:i making preparations '' week I for their departure to their now home ! in lewa. They expect to lorn! their jiar Friday and get away the 1'u-st of ' t rr- i i a raa.t weiA. ineir new r.ome is at '. mam Iav.n. where Hie doctor ha.-; :!i'i'pn!c. the position of phy-ician for the Wape! Coal Min im, company, and in addition will at tcd to a private practice. Ilitenian i- a suburb.", town of -LOO') adjacent the eity cf Albia and is in tine of the 'ar-re.-i coal mining districts of Ia.:i. Dr. and Mrs. tlungat?, while a doubt regretting to leave this city, ' e .1, i..,,,, -iw.;-. n..-., a r,w nu-n-H- i. 1 .. i .4 I I C I V' L VIl.l.l. a i . - v ,. . a . . . , - 1 . a. Be rr.i.oai. "'it this itivi-'ion tkaa e. j co to their new home with hitrh hopes rf .baling t! at alr-o a goad place to i-lve. Ami .othhv.r loss than this is oar v. i.-h for them. We understand that tk-y have a delightful cottage an' c Z'.co for them to move into an! tt. cancel to soon he at home in i their : estimates. Tmser iepu,.Iic.. w heme to .via eepn Vv'a- t r . 1 a . ..a"jn na-ii:rr ar.a e.arre naiis that -on- ! a i voh-e of i u aiai : hi the si: vice wii! he j s I.; :;ati rut of h: !- i k- - ! nan it was or.-1 I i oa.l ir jn :w this is ii' j i v re. it: i ! I ,1 VERY LIVELY TIME AT THE 6EH HOIE 0! LAST WEDNESDAY NIGHT ii. k. a sofis is FinW THE STYLE CF WELL KNQWri STORE I I'roiii atartiay's Pall". A ehan;e was nuaie Ia.-t week in tiie mcrniiers-.ip of the mercantile iiim of Ih H. Fraiis ti Son, hy the ad dition of Hr.e II. Ih-ans as oiie of the partners in. the business, the firm now consisting of Ko'otrt !I. 1'ians and his sons, I. Ik'.y hraus and line II. 1 rar.s. r.oU-it i!. har heen in the inercan'J'e h'taii'.ess in Cass, county tiie ihirty-0"e years, having t:n ted in 1 .-..' in the ti.en little town of I'aitorviik'. two miles southwest of lie;c. and in IS7, after Union was placed o.n the map, Mr. Finns had a !:'.i-;,'o frame 'naildin; eivted on the corner now occepied iy the I'itrmers' hark i.uildlr.'r and hiujrht his stock of iroo to this villa ire :md was our iiist tiotma-tor. .-vhaut twelve years airo Mr. Frans fwund tliat tiie trrowth of tiie town ;:n ! l-u.-im-.-s reauired up-to-cate i;:i ' tr-rs and le-ultid in the eie.tK.n of a modern Chancrea in Train Time. l-'i'iui S.i! ':!!.! y"s P.-.i.'v. Iii the -L-hedule just issued by the iliiieton the time of No. l, the early l)enver-i hica'o train, due here at 7 : ."2, is placed up some ten minutes earlier and will arrive at 7:12 after Suii.iay, November 2ith. This chancre in time should be noticed by the travelitijr r-'-'-ie, as No. ( is a well patro!'i::ed train and carries many to and from this city. APPROACHING HOLIDAY ii r i lUOId Llilil HATRIISCHIAL MARKET i-'i-oin S.-il;;ril:u-.; 1 ":l 1 1 V T!:e mar!ia.Te li-.-ense (iepartment of uie coiiiHy itaire's othce has been ex Iei ienci:!. (juite a brisk run of busi-ne-'-- the a-t few days, as the holiday- season has brought on the deiri: I TIE RED CROSS SEAL FIRST ORIGINATED The Mothers of the Patriots of the American Civil War Were the Originators of the Idea. ; or .' -! nam ! the state joinia f simrle together in brick 1 wo-.- i .: v, aiei-(;o I'.'-aias bei ame a mu tner with hi; led the i wea !Ock. A'.ijrust Ia'a!-e! ami Mrs. Ihddn !'.iva Ar !-lso.ri. both of Louisville. hands of matii- litiihumr ."'Xiii, aa-.l : were inute-i m th 0. In l'. iN I). Rayimor.y by Judtre liee.-en, who perform- 'icmoav with his accustomed it he ard assumed active manage-1 p!ea.-imr maime a es -. a .-: ea'.-r :mm : r.;o-v ad T cr train - u , a year a-o. la thi-- : i- " tr-tin 'nas been .a". ; .a- ia par; to r.a i :a .I .vavijr m-. tive ! ' ; ai. mi'it n .a i :. a e per t: aia. a ' i - - .a-te b.-ca:: e ' tla-v Uh-.- and two ;.r. I a ha'C yia:s aa " A license also is. ued to Kiley II 'a H. l-!-ar s ri adaa'.e l frrm Plat ts- I "atkira-. aaa-i rJC. of Lincoln, ami month llv'.-'n. scho-d a?id accepted a Mi-s An. lis hiaeer I.f'.err, arred IS. r a" iv i 1 - -n I' : ; v 's ! .:' i'iaiak'rlvla;: c : at i - .vithout fW rai who taunot bat feel :kat tiie dav was iau ore that couh.t .-hip i't tht i, . ... ... . j -..of ... . ! a. fall jva-i: ; Union Led. re-.-. e wa.a ni- la'herj he brioc i : '.U' 1 . ma'a aiea- i 1'ridav. taen couph ia f oiasvilie. Th vei.inir at the home o.' uisvi!ic. n !! n ".a he tl.eir home in Lin coln in tne ! a. are. .f -aca a a.f are t hat made it v t aolai oat t'. them a j ITI a i "!( r a -cd :. i ' has a. ; .ri.l(. trve m ;he pu )i! manner, as , MinppUl rppspr Cnn" chrarion on vVehc-lay eM-n-I J N U H !l Li W tbkMT TWA m m w IV- iCHArlGESGFTiiVSE 0?i BUR- 'njrn miirc h"c! LlfJGTOM PASSENGER TRAINS hii.nku y UuliL i tint VfT lf ntinrr Nearly i?l,'.tO0.G0O has been raised by lied Cross Christmas seals in the last six years, and yet many people who will buy these holiday stickers at the seventh annual sale do not knew how the charity stamp idea or iginated. 1 1 was year that brouirht forth the charity stamp our civil war of '01 to ';.". Some of your grandmothers lir.-t played "po.stofiice" with stick ers -imiiar to Red Cross Seals 'way back in l-S'.lh when they conceived the idea of selling stamps at fairs for the benefit of the relief funds for the soluies' hospital.; in Iirooklyn, Bos ton and elsewhere. Nearly $1,000,000 was raised in this way before 185. After the war this method of raising money was discontinued in this country for a treneration, although it found vojrue in Portugal, Switzer- 1 1 . T." r.,; T"o,i maik, Norway, Russia. Sweden and other Iluropeau countries. There are r.ow several thousands of different type of charity stamps used in all parts of the world, as many as forty in Austria for children's hieot le-.-e Loans Tlunia - r those v. lv. cauiu at ou. tta- ma:aaac; to an.-y f iiahiia:: af th" da iviniac at tho k '-j a. en ( ! . : man t ': P. "' i iTcL-tivi a 'I11 Pa-diartc ; v. ava t. t".aii- e Ti e r a Fa: vs, wha was fa :t'e. bat the coo , e ' t: w:h th.e iast r iffecL of the t iae Mala .L C aeuar use' ho.-pitals ah'e. Sia'iips oa sjals were first u-ed to ".a-t numey for the anti-tuberculosis ciusade in Norway and Sweden in pwip kirn ii mmmm i V, p , & oa mMF HiCnMfeJ In if it V oa lilppiiiw 'wMw 1 '.'riSFJ A vjtf.u&rfrs'V '7? . T -'?T i'-'V .V-; 'v . ''.'a -: .1 t; r . , x j t i mmm hi the KoaiE '. OF GOflHAO F'tEISiKSEB.::. . i( wi; i a A aa.r . a e '. l.-e. aaiav reaeve-i . : irews forked I he : l'i rs of , ' ei '. OOl! i a 1 a.. 1 at ir 1 - ; t . e 1 . a : y 1 ' i that a, . on lie !a 1: (.har'os M-aa to f;.-e the jua-re aa- 1: a :a sa- a: A at th ' c!u. rca n.-'ir,- d taat ic w as vaaia -a' tar iaaa'aa, -s ,f i Ciaa 'ov is a. fai m I "Va.; a a cad: "aini ar ia taa T::e :'a mi 1 1: h. we e eat a 1 or 1 r ea : - ,a::-;--- a ' aaosts ,!.-- 1 ie ; to th ! ' hi cii a a tne ; a :. 1 : ! to aa lo i::,.: tea i -a: iaar ha. rcsuked a v -an a;aa. ; a.o.a aat tl:e f;-;aaa- 'hicajro-wi.k-h pa . -ad through a. m.. tran. aaiaed to time a No. t. v.v.Yh t ailie : Or aha '." ".av or Cauaci! ..!..: OR . I " I o r, - - ...... , ...I i. iii. ii.i . it i.a . ceo a:; ui.n e i ..aa' a" 1 one o: tne ' Lei way wee o l-ca e:a; .a . a .. ta aa ia. . aa a in a t c' . ia ; have re a a i 1 a. Wat. a :m at HER!CAM RED CROSS e i la. 1 e ho l. ta ! :- :h:ha a to ;e c y a. a. i a i aiaa lo vain ao.tai o (mtdovc j a a . a oy ".-ai' t. era! a.,! ! aa- the i aa 1 T a ' s aa'.e. .: ; o v. tir-c .', aa I k r"M vara- t- i': tiie I I: coa 'aatlv i : : i . ;i nas . een r-' ; a a -"ii the chaiU're was the ii'ja.t laa iacss -:na by No. 1 thn-utrh i :at--. un a recc at Trip I rom O"-a!-..-' t lla-tia'rs - ;;v tlneo pas a 'or.- ".'("!' .-feared. :n.d wi:ia? th.o put u i the train at Omaha. If M. To Jacob Riis, the well known ocial worker of New York, and to Mks Fmily P. Pi -a el', the enerpotie -icretary of the Delaware Red Cross ioiativ be' the honor of ori-rinat- aa eh i oa ca in 11 in if C J ca c :i it II ed sev- a , . raoa'. , wiae .- erva l there. ;T:L- our Ame: ican Red Cross Christ- tta'h ria'; 1, is ai reason. f . r lacae ' a,, ma -st v v iii be ( 'a . . . . . i . WWW I .,. 1 . II MA L I-TATI-: 1IIANSI LPS. tlte tar,vio: a r: i v. - n.oa ; 1 d r of a ii . ate 1 ci -:ar o; tia- lata, v.i ere it ha- , : - w iii-h;!'" the t rai: 1 :Tha takiac o.f of No. P wdl ! vl'ie.! ale a :ou a. :. fait ' j .r ba.blv more than .aav other train, ; ....... i . t ..i... ' a-ji'o a are.u ut a a iie- I ; a r. ro.pia ; wa : men reai Tla .-e b.-ir-! t., : .'I - -a a 4 . i . . . , i i . a a t a Ph O". "a'a-: I'y. !:-.-.-.-i f am !;.-. il. Mai-i . C. ?.!ei--Cro, '.; p - . a !.. a : ; ! -. .- WELL KfiGWM FLATT5 KO'tiTH WOMl Mr RIEOIP.SATUeO.Vfi.r.;. :X .' ' "a -s. coraa y t V. Nl.-a. h- ; art (.' Nil a-.r I -2 J. C a- :.: el ma a to T. F. Jame :, o ait ehu.-'i i!at-.,. p-n i 1. ido'-Ic :, Vv ei pi."'.' 'c:a Cr ir-a'a- a .. to C. A. ia.o oaartir. ..V" 'J-l J-!0. Coa ideia ' : ;a h V. : h v .!' Me- . o ; f the :ra . . feel v,r i'a: ha-.ina- had ; .a .! ami! to bn: nipt; :: iV:er.-on ; i-i Liivoln to come homo f,-,r Sar l iy from t he west, and a! I"- vl--;tors from this citv in the tunal; ca.pi'al, as the reachh i a i no 1 : 1') a. m. was verv con- Va .- l J ' aoa . -s no a'arm turned ia. ven lent. i mo. pi.) -f. rh a-o 'a;-y and tried the ta:a tha n:, i h as. -1 -, 1 . ' n !0. 8. AGRICULTURE EX- i i i i on 1 -i-."-i-. 1 a- ieiat ion 'ia -v e :-h;; i ; t to ( iu.; Sni it t , jr.. part SF oaar; ) -" J 1 -1 I -; : r at t Nil ..tmrlo:- C-h'-l h ' - a 1 a' i--n l.i'uO . (." Raa ii P.d'hvia ta S. V. Cob, :-' i.!h one-half, NV.' 'aar- ;- Oaa.ha :' oae of I'.a' U-r--. Mir- P: Ir. Paul V. Out- i 1 aa I 1 1 '. ' La' 1 -t ' :!a ,ai- 1 that 1 ;l o .t .a. '-o'.a to U e..- t v. ii.-. not wu- a a- ; cap!.-. Mi ... j a a a a..d rt a 't i ia Lai -- 1 a - e.- a 1 . , : ;-; l-rs. ( 'oa -i '.h'OO.O'f PERTS WILL ADDRESS NEBRASKA CGOPEnATOnSI . COUNTY COMMISSIONER PITZ ON THE PROGRAM FOR A SPEAGH AT .b.h R. Ibmph : 1 -. owtn r i.a-at of . i.a itatioa. aa.i II. L. Mo 1 S'.atc-s Dopar -f tao Lai :; ricuit 1 it. haare accante 1 to s.aee.k before the mcm- ei s ka h'arma'-- C Ojeiati-re Ciain ;.nd law Stock State ii.-. e kitio-n ai tiie annuo! mectimc in Omaha. D-c-mber lo t- is. Theli '. IL a r r. 17.1 . . ! a o e 1 a ' 1 ! ; a aha- ti-e yen .'a in. 00 1 1 i;r 's 1 r : ra-.-.-o ',Via:;f ta Malor:e. lot - j o J J ia tla- vii';i;'-a of Faar C'oaaaei-iitloa J. M. Ramioy to ii. M. j:..-ck. jar t : o it a !;!;'. :', W 1; ,.i - t- r 7-!'-! J. Com-id-: . a- i' :i 1,100.C0 . : - .a'.L.o-a i ban : 01 Lat-e. Meh.. J. .J. V,;.:h- er, - art N-V ore -Jail f, Nil , , . I mrter I. a:ar ' ei- t lie out erent Is a kw montia r people firs I me. r-oa-a:t-:aco s.o;i i-!:ei:c,t ! th- raarri iae -on e-s ;o a ; 1 to t-c r'- 1 y. . A o '-irter LT-iJ-l:; cruci w.iii'r ma-: a 10 to laaacr - , f..:- M a a:r! M s. Out'aa -'. -o-.a; j., m: lo.. 1.! as an t xpe 1 ? 'a' ' i . the metrotxdis a.n ! it .-aay ts will ''Co-Opcratio!i Ac- on at bar" and ''(':. i : ar; 'bain." The inter' t thi-e ,'a-at! take ia. the as. 01 aataai : owr tna- tne Aeara .a: oraaaiait ion has ,v,u to one of na tional importance. J. W. Shorthiii, se--c-iai-y. mare ( vary member of iiu- co-operator--' or" ir-iratioa to atbui this corvoation. Mf :-e than :;."') 1 c-m- in lira .state will have dele-ides prcseat. Mr. ShortloM r.naeaaces that rabje' ts of importance to farmer.-; which 'vi'l I. a di- eiaa-ed on the floor pro: "A .Warehouse Law," "Slorhnr Ciiiin," ''-"ature Traaiar. ciaa vou re e: ra trt a 1 1 - 1 into j 1 iia i , I- ; ' 1 .':i'i'!a;.' I.'.iPy i ; S. C. Wiles to Martha th 1 Vv ii lent SW ! '-V o'nra.or q uu tor, n a .e f 'o'-a v'eratioti !:ab mate for ! F. L. SchUttur to Schk i i ai . : r iittle laa.iy la; ha.- won I T,'t:a.cral.h seitioas l-ij- v if. . Mrs-. ()..t!aad Is the I Ph 1-1 and 7-iJ-l 1. ;iaa edit': if Mis. I'. F. Putt -my ' Con -ideration jOO.OO 1 .00 lib-" er." ;.a i is a yoa:a hoi wh- at Ni! a P Sheffer to (.'. A. Lo be i u ..Hired u- one ,' -j: t The 15 jclima.ster, part NV o;.a.rter, NW piarter, SW Coa. - if k;t-w of he: va::.;: wi-'- -via make their fat ire home in J, quaiter 10-12-9. O-. hr . r. V ta-- frcom kr . a ve-y j : ;eratien ip'-ertatb e u --iiion find i- highly re-' ptitei ly all who know him. j.b'o.OO Subscribe for The Journal. "Ci n' em r.hited Le ri. kit: m. Tiie m.cclimr is of so lam li i npo'-ta'a-e. that t-vt ry braacti is a.d ea to send three or more del .ara'-;js. further infor mation may b- srr ned from the Pureau of Pii'oliciiy, Oinaha. Don't Delay Treating our Cough. A slight cou-fh often becomes serious. Lo:.;.s r't congested, bron chia! tubes I'M with mucous. Your vitality is You need Dr. L-'i ' .0 .-' -ti.i .tay'.. 1 i.iia,"- Tin- programs- that 'nave been is sued for the twentieth annual ciuiven t;o!i f the county commissioners - ami rvi 01a; and clerks of the state. which ireets a,t Premot't on December S, '. a a.d lo, includes a short address by County Commissioner Julius A. Pita of this hi-t-ict, who is scheduled to speak 01 Wcdnc -day afternoon, December -'th, when he will talk on "The County on a Cash Pasis." Mr. Pita has beea a most efficient member of the board iu this county and will be able to give the members of the as-n kilion a great many -valuable points on the management of the finance.-! o" tiie county that they can apply k them own particular districts. Thi-; c-nven. ion includes nprcscnt rtives from every comity of the state and a great deal of interest is taken in the galhc'iug. Ln-t year the meet ing v a-; held in Omaha, while this sea-,-on the Hedge county mrtopolia will be .given the honor of acting as host for the commissioners. Try This for Your Cough. Thousands of people keep coughing because unable to get the rieht rem edy. Coughs are lausod by Inflamma tion of Throat and Bronchial Tubes. What jo.i r.eed is to soothe this in fhimmati n. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate mucous lining, raises the phlegm and mas Seal. In I'M)'., Mr. Riis' interest wa- aroused by the receipt of a Christmas tuberculosis stamp on a letter from Norway. lie published an article about this queer-looking stamp in the "Outlwok," and suggested some possible uses for it in this country. Miss Pissell at once saw an opportu nity here and prepared a stamp, from the sale of which her society realized ':?.0o0 for. tuberculosis work. So im pressed was she with this success that slie induced the American Red Cro.s to take up the seal in 190S on a na tional basis. With very little organiza tion and with hardly any attempt at careful advertising the sale that vear brought m. nevertheless, over .;i.'b",0f)0 for anti-tuberculosis work in vaiious parts of the United States In P.H!f, with more thorough organisa tion, the sale was increased to nearly 10,000; in 1911 to over $300,000, an in 1912 to over ? 100,000. Last year tiie sxile was increased to nearly 4", 000,000 seals, netting .fl."0,000 for the anti-tuberculosis campaign. It is fitting, to note that war, in human and cruel, was the mother of the Red Vron Seal, and that now war for humanity against disease brings t back to its fullest usefulness. These Christmas Seals, in the good cau-e of the Red Cross society, will be placed on sale in a fw days in sev eral of the stores of the city, where thev can be secured. pa oa aa EO capaa oac YOU know how quickly a storm comes up and how convenient it is to have a good storm coat handy. Get an "OvtS?" Rubberized Slip On and you won't care when and where it rains. They certainly look good, give a lot of service, and most important keep you warm and dry. Tan, olive and gray regular or raglan shoulders convertiole or military collar. A style and size to fit you. C. E. Wescoti's Sons Everybody's Store a a Da oa 1 0 3 Ci C-2 Ii no on 03 0:1 f t n ca ua no 03 Earl Barclay and wife weie overt Mrs. C. A. Pall of Omaha, who has Sunday visitors here at the home of j been here for a few days visiting at Mr. Barclay's parents. the home of her sons, departed this morning for her home in the me- Ward, who has been here ; tropolis. spending his Thanksgiving vacation! at the home of his parents, Mr. and j Charles Chiiswisser was among the Mrs. Robert Ward, departed this ; jurymen returning this morning oa morning on the early Burlington train ; the early Missouri Pacific from his for Bethany, where he is attending j home at Nehaw ka and will start in oa Cotner university. Mrs. Joseph Droege returned this morning from Chicago, where she has been for the past few days visiting with relatives and friends. John A. Whiteman, one of the hoie-souled and genial residents of Nchawka, came in from his home this morning and departed on the 8:16 Burlington train for Omaha to visit for the day ihere looking after some matters of business. Boll's Pino-Te.r-ironev. It soothes 1 miicMv relieves the congested mem- ... , I, .. 1. - -v 1 441 .., lnu will il.-stToyeil farover: nine -as..s out at vour irritated air passages, loosens 1 branes. (jet a ,0c bottle troni jour ,,, r,. ran-,.ii uv rntim-n. whu-ii is notuiua but Deafness Cannot Be Cured by l- :il uiij. Iii atioii-. us t!ii-.v aiMtiet rinli thfi ! st-;j ,1 iiutiiiM of tin' i-nr. Tli.-K- 1m only one o:y tiui.. ii.:if ii".s. iiliil tliat Is liy t-onsl il ill l.ti i.l ii-i ii-Uii . Ii-.-h-iii-j.s i- ruii-i-il 1- mi intiiiiut'ii rs.i-ilii i,m 01' tin iuiu-oim lining of too Lil-lachiaii Ti.ln-. Winn this t'lt.o is inil.-iiuiil yon li:ivo a rmiil'liiisr foiiinl i-r linm-rli-i-t lionrini:. nuil h"a It is M!r-iy lnsi-il li.-iilm-.-i is tin- r-siilt, uml mil. ss t!io ioHri mm:! 1 Oiti 1. in In- (11 ki n out nuil tliU tiitii r-.-.tori'il to its Jiorni.-i 1 r.-nilition, li.-ur- mucous ;iiij makes your system re sist colds, (live the baby and chil dren Dr. Evil's Pine-Tar-IIoney. It's guaranteed to help them. Oniy 25c, at vour druggist. , 1 i.i-v t -: . to.. . h in: .rni'M roiiiiiiioii 4 on- iiiii.-'.un r-uri HI'-!,. druggist. IT. iM".-; a xnvv ui.v We v jl, KiYn ,.e n,,,,,),,! pollars for anv rase covery .juickly and completely stop- j '' - pel my cough," writes J. R. Watts, lars. iree. f. ciieney & co.. Toi!. u. Floy dale, Texas. Money oack if not s,lhi by VriiSts. 75c. satisiied, but it nearly alawys helps. Take iiairs rauiiijr rills for conatlpttlga. the grind in court todav. rornisiiines Collar ?3 fTk IS u; si . r- jfcMMfcjti .a-4 id- II is: ,1 :- Ide Silver, because they fit best, show the newest styles first and last but not least because they are made with Linocard buttonholes. YYiiiiu uuijt? lui. 111 itiuin iiicii i.oii ca .-nope dun u dozen trips to the laundry. Kerway and Moire, two new shapes Buckingham, a new dress collar. Sox Inverwoven, because they are tne only seamless sox tnat nt and because you can buy them light in weight and still get wearing quality. We carry four weights extra thin, light weight, medium weight and heavy weight. Every good selling shade. Prices 25c, 35c and 50c. Interwoven cashmere 25c, 35c UlUVCd Jf-CIICI O vJ.1 Coo 51U V Co tA. clusively here they are the product 01 the oldest end largest glove manufacturers in America. We carry the lined and unlined, in gray, tan, brown, black, white and nlmmnic fhoccpil ;inr1 nnf1rccnr1 cfriflr Vrrc-c (Intn tQ Ct1 jLl VI1UIIIV1.-, Ul VU JVU U..U V. aa. V VV. . , . x 1 1 V .! J W Iv .J J. J . W J Sreatcrs Pennsylvania, be- cause they arc made of pure wool with patented notair buttonholes, V necks or high collar styles. Every style K from a cardigan stitch worsted to the popular rope stitch ffj effects $2.50, $3 and up to $6. Two new shades here in rope stitch sweaters; heather-mix and green-mix. 7 ;r rj-V Shirts I Ii Hats N ir j n .ii'1 i;imiuiii"nf.i,pifirw'