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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1914)
PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST e, 1914? r Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers Pile Up lowMomy Forallainy c ONE of the queerest things about some people is that they will not follow GOOD ADVICE when they KNOW they OUGHT TO. Perhaps we are all more or less that way. All the wise men of all ages have urged their fellow beings to PUT AWAY SOMETHING for a RAINY DAY. Good old Benjamin Franklin's sayings on economy and saving alone ought to make a bank book holder of EVERY ONE. If you have DELAYED, suppose you act HONESTLY with YOUR SELF RIGHT NOW. MURRAY STATE BANK Tny Klenim visited Iiis moth er nar I'nioa Sunday. Charles Wolfe and wife were IMattsmouth visitors Saturday. Y. L. Hhoden and wife were transacting' business in Nehawka Tuesday. William Nickels and son, Lee. were transacting- business l'latts iiiouth Thursday. J. I). Tigner spent a few days with John Chalfant and family iwar Union this week. Frd Campbell and Lloyd Lewis were visiting friends in Platts inouth Saturday afternoon. -Mrs. J. W. lierger, who has been on the sick list for the past few days, is some better at this time. Henry Ost and wife and Miss Clede and Margarete Perger were callers on friends in Murray Tuesday. Robert Nickels, who has been in a sanitarium in Missouri for the past few months, eame home Monday. Prank Cood. who has been visitintr his brother, Robert ;oil, left for Partington, Neb., Friday morning. Robert flood and wife, lussie IMiib-n ami wife and Miss Ida lood spent the day picnicking Sunday on the Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Shrader went lo Omaha Wednesday morning with Pert I'hilpot in the favorite Maxwell car, where they expect to close the deal with Ted Harrows for the purchase of a new car. W. f;. Hoedeker drove to Platts mouth Wednesday afternoon in his car to meet his sister, Mrs. J. L. Young, who was coming in from Coleridge, Neb., for a few weeks' visit with friends and rela tives at the obi home. We are Featuring .... a Ladies' Silk Foot Hose, double heel and toe, comes in either black or white, at a big bargain price of Be Sure and Inspect our Thousand Dollar Jewelry Stock. HIATT Murray, - - 3 Mrs. R. II. Fitch is spending the week with relatives in and near Union. W. J. Philpot shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha Monday evening. Mrs. J. 1). Lewis and daughter. Miss Mae, were shopping in Ne braska City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thoma son are rejoicing over a little daughter, born August 3. Larsh pond was the scene of a large picnic crowd Sunday from different points in the state. John Jenkins was visiting with Plattsmonth friends for a few hours last Sunday evening. W. S. Scott departed Wednesday morning for his old home down in Kansas, where he will make a few days' visit. A. M. Holmes and daughters, Mrs. W. S. Smith and Mrs. I. R. Churchill, went to Union Tuesday morning to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fro ns. Mr. Long, who has been visiting in Omaha with his daughter for the past month, has returned to Murray and is now visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore. J. W. Holmes and son, Ralph, departed Tuesday morning for Dallas City, Illinois, where they will make a visit at the home of Mr. Hurg, the home of the Hurg auto. They made the trip in the auto. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Tutt and Mr. ami Mrs. O. A. Davis departed last Sunday evening on their summer vacation trip to the Minnesota lakes, where they will spend a week or ten days at this most de lightful summer resort. & TUTT - Nebraska A. L. Haker was a Plal t smout li isitor Tuesday evening. Col. Seyboll made a business trip to Omaha Tuesday evening. Uncle Hen Heckman, who has been tjuite ill for the past few days, is reported some better at this time. Arthur Young, who has been in Lincoln for the past few days visiting with friends, returned to Murray Monday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Adams, on Salurady, August 1. a line eight-pound boy. Hoth the mother and little one are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hiatt. who have been visiting with their son at Rising City. Neb., for the past two months, returned home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnelt Thomason are rejoicing- this week over the arrival of a line new eight-pound baby girl at their home on Sun day, August Misses Leora and Catherine lii'iiwn departed Wednesday for Lincoln, where they will make a few days' visit at the home of their aunt, Mrs. K. M. Steiner. (Jeorge Lloyd purchased a tine new Huiek auto this week and is beginning to run it like an old time chauffeur. The Huick is a tine car and no doubt Mr. Lloyd will be well pleased with it. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sleiner and little daughter, who have been here for the past few days visiting at the parental home of Mrs. Steiner, departed Sunday for their home in Lincoln. Charles Rover, who has been in the hospital in Omaha for the past few weeks, where be underwent an operation for fistula, has return ed home, and is geltinii along nicely, with indications for a speedy recovery. The small grain rush with I lie Murray elevators is almost over for the present time. Almost all the wheat that will be sold at the present time has been delivered, and the elevator men are enjoying a rest after the grand rush. The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. F. M. Young-, sr.. Wednesday afternoon, where they were entertained by the Mesdames V. M. Young, Warren Wiley. . M. Davis and Lloyd Capen. Refresh ments were served at, the usual hour and a most pleasant and profitable meeting was held. Win. Oliver, jr., has certainly been having a very serious time with a carbuncle on the back of his neck. Twenty-one cores have been removed, which has caused the young man a great deal of suffering. He is getting along very nicely at this time, with pros pects for permanent relief. The Murray Lecture Course for the present has been numbered with the events of the past. There will be no course in Murray this season. The last one closed at a loss to the promoters for the lack of patronage on the part of Mur i ay citiens, and they do not feel justified in making an attempt to bold another tin's winter. Mrs. (irace Chambers and fam ily will move Monday of next week to IMattsinouth, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Chambers has rented the Hriggs' property between Fifth and Sixth street on Pearl, where she will ac cept a number of young lady stud ents that will desire board and room while attending High school in the county seat this winter. The Missionary society picnic held in the McCulloch grove, over east of Murray, was a great suc cess in every particular. This picnic was given in honor of the contest event for new membership given by the society a few weeks ago, the result of which was a tie, in both membership and cash points. Consequently the picnic was given by all members of the society and their friends, and was one of the most pleasant gather ings of the season. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Sleiner and daughter, Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost, Mrs. Midlie Herger and daughters, Clede and Margaret, and sons, Nelson and Raymond, spent the day last Sunday at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hrown, south of Murray. The guests were treated to one of those delicious dinners that Mrs. Brown well knows how to prepare, and the day was spent in a most delightful manner. If any of the readf-rs of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest In this vicinity, anil will mail same to i his oflice. it will np Iiear under this heading. We want all news items Editok Elmer Hallslrom was visiting with home folks in IMatlsnioulh Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Haker and daughter, Miss Opha, were Omaha visilors last 1- riday. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Churchil were IMattsmouth visitors Wed nesday afternoon. Oeorge Nickels and M. i. Churchill were Plattsmonth visit urs Monday of III is week. Waller (iieen. Karl Tanney am W. S. Scott were IMattsmouth visilors Tuesday evening. Miss Pauline Oldham was visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs I). A. Young last Sunday. Chester Slump of Seven Mil Ford, Ya., is in Murray and vi cinily xisiting with friends aiu relatives. Mrs. Calvin Suavely and Miss Clare Copenhaver were visiting at the home of Tom 1 ilson 1 uesda of this week. Mrs. William Loughridge re turned home from Omaha Tues day evening, where she has been making a few days' visit with hei son. Dr. Loughridge and wife. Charles Freese has purchased a farm in Minnesota and denarii Wednesday morning for his new home. His horses were driven to Omaha, where they were loaded on the cars. Charley will make the trip in bis auto, starting' on tin journey Wednesday, lie will re turn lo this county to gather his corn crop this fall. Ye3, Why? There is one tiling on the slocl market that the .shippers of thi: locality fail to understand, am that is why the .market keeps dropping every day. and the prict of pork chops go up? There is en tii ely too much difference between 111'"' price of the live hog and the dead one. One shipper told us that the packers claimed I hey wen unable to get the money to pay for the live hog. They evidently hae the dead ones in cold stor age and are boosting" the price t get the ca-h for the ie one Thuslv the big hog eats the litlb one. Khe Lcwn Musical a Success. The library musical given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Old ham, on the lawn, last Saturday evening, was - certainly a gram success in every particular. Th attendance was verv large and the library fund will be considerably increased, as the receipts amount ed to 1)0. The various num bers on I he well prepared program were very pleasing- to the large crowd in attendance. The whob affair can be pronounced as om of the most successful events given for this very worthy cause Murray is certainly to be con gratulated upon the excellent li brary they have and the manner in which il is condueled. The New Murray School. It is now expected that tbe new Murrav school building will be ready for I he winter term about the lirst of October, the ninth and lenth grades will Ik taken. care of at the opening of I he lerm. The board thought best to place on the two higher grades at the opening of the term so as to accommodate all pupils desiring to take these two grades in the home school. Notice to School Patrons! We have worked out a course of study for the ninth and tenth grades for the High school at Murray to correspond with the work done in the same grades in the IMattsmouth High school. Therefore credits earned in the High school at Murray will be ac cepted by any first-class High school in Nebraska, if pupils de sire to continue their work through the full High school course. (Signed: .Mrs. Mary I'. Foster, County Supeirnlendent . O. H. Oil more, Director. W. O. Hoedeker, Treasurer. Chas. Spangler, Moderator. Buy your Taney stationery at the Journal office. Local Elews From Tuesday's Daily. H. W. Livingston was a busi ness visitor in the metropolis to day for a few hours, going to that cily on No. 15 this morning-. Mike Tritsch was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha, where he was called on some business matters for a few hours. Mrs. Luke Wiles was among the isitors in the metropolis today for a few hours, going to that city on the early Hurlington train. Ira Hates was among the busi ness visitors in the metropolis I!. is morning for a few hours, go ing to that cily on the early Hur lington train. County Commissioner C. R. Jordan came in last evening from Ills home at Alvo lo attend the Meeting of the county commissioner-, here today. Henry Meisinger and wife came in this morning from Iheir farm home to visit here for a few hours looking after some business mal lei's with the merchants. John H. Husche came in Ibis morning from his home near Cedar ("reek to interview the county commisisiuiers in regard lo some road work in his district. County Commissioner C. L. Ileebner of Nehawka came in last "eiiing and attended the meeting of the hoard of county commis sioners at the court bouse today. C. F. Yallery, Ihe rustling road overseer in district No. 1, was in town today attending the meeting of the county commissioners al the court house. F. J. Heiinings, wife ami son were m Ihe city yesterday from their home in Fight Mile drove precinct to look after some trad ing with the merchant s' and vi-it-ing with friends. Mrs. Mark Furlong and chil dren departed this morning on the early Missouri Pacific for Omaha, from where they will leave for South Dakola to visit at various points with friends. Mr. Furlong accompanied them as far as Omaha. C. I.. Meienz of Wabash, rep resenting the (louring mills of that city, was her' today for a few hours looking afler the interests of his company in calling on the ditVerent business houses to place orders for the celebrated "Fores! Hose' llour. Charles Morgan, wife and little daughter, who have been here for the pat few days visiting with relatives in this cily, departed this afternoon for Omaha, from where they will continue their trip to the l'acilic coast. From Wednesday's Daily. Luke Wiles was a visitor in the metropolis today, being called to that palce on some matters of importance. Misses lluhla Spanhle and Erna SeydlUz were among the pas- engers this afternoon for Oina ha, where they will visit for a few hours. William Rice of Murray was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after souk mailers' of business with the merchants. Dr. T. J. Todd, wife and little son returned this afternoon to their home at Kearney, Xeb., after a short visit here with relatives and friends. William Splitt and A. E. Filt were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will secure nine supplies for the garage in this city. Miss Rose Cline came in this morning from her home near :edar Orek and was a passenger n the early train for Omaha, w here she will visit for the day in thai city. Alex Campbell and John Tigner Rock Bluffs came up this morn- o f g from their home to visit here in fi h for a short time with the business uses, as well as to pass the ime with their friends. Mrs. E. E. Ooodwin of Mynard came in this morning with her son, R. L. Propst, to spend a few lours looking after some matters of business. J his is tne lirst time she has been here for some months. High! Now is Gang Plow Season e..ujJJ.,...i-iM i ,i. .i . . VWL ,L ..I.jli'i!,JMfcj And we want are JHi The J. and BOB. Also the John Deere and Iron Clad Wagons We will soon have a line of the high grade BERG BUGGIES that we wish you to call and see when they arrive. CER & Murray, - ?i!S FISTULA-paV After You Are Cured u 1 A mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured. rv DR. TARRY Cee Building Omaha. Mrs. O. O. Smith and daughter returned this morning to their home at Havelock, after having been called here by the death of .boepli J'erry, a nephew of Mrs. Smith. Mrs. ('ofner and children. Ciladys ami Arthur, were among the passengers this morning' for Omaha, where they will spend tin day looking after- sonic business affairs. Oeorge Y. Thomas was among (he business visitors in Omaha this morning, where he will spend a few hours looking after the purchase of some goods for his meat market. Superintendent W. S. Askwilh of the Masonic Home was a pas senger this morning for Omaha, where he will attend a meeting of the ollicial board of the Masonic Home association. Miss Florence Cory was a pas senger this morning' for Omaha, where she expects to meet her mother, who is returning from Pender, Xeb.. where she was call ed by the illness of Miss Janet Urantner. Miss Lillian Cole was a pas senger this morning for Nebraska Cily, where she will look afler some matters of business in that. city for a few hours. Mrs. John Heer and daughter of pekin, Illinois, arrived in the city this morning and will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Meisinger in the south part of the city. Mrs. Oeorge Fit zpat rick and daughter, Miss Vivian, of near Murray were in the city yesterday for a few hours attending lo some shopping- and while here called at Ihe Journal oflice for a few moments. DO! Don't mere desitc! Ilolieve that you can realize The men their mark selves. Even their own towns people friends families didn't take e.iem seriously in the b-Jtrinnincr. Hut thry v-TiS'-w-'-'M .r -ii3" took themselves they arecxijybiir OMAHA Offers You the Omaha is,a bic cify that is constantly trrowinff bicRer. It is easrer to employ mMirh'i.'i-nmi! men and vounir women who come from small cities and farms. Ctneds thousands more of them, t needs you. But it expects you to he trained. Soyles College Offers You lae BEST Training to Make the Most of Opportnnities 10.000 successful yotinsr men and younjr women graduated from Boylcs College in the last 10 years. Write for our 1914 Year Rnok nnd pet the proof of all this! I.rain how easily you run hei-mnu an expert Ktcnoirrapher, Ptfiiotypist. Ai-countant. Bookkeeper or l'rivate Secretary. Kind out how we ran train yna as a Railway or Commercial 3'eleirraphcr. Hnvlc-s Coilesreis Official Training School for the Union Pacific It.R. Wo Kuarantco you a Tciepraphy position immediately upon irrailnation. ee now we can prepare you to qualify for a position as U. S. Government Kailway Alail Clerk. Government StenoRi-apher. Account ant or Clerk at a salary from $0.00 to Jl',600.00 a year. If yon wish we will obtnm puc-ition where yon can cam your ooard unil room. J ist by doing a little work al ter school hours. Write for the Year Hook today. It Is a book that will interest inspire you BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. Boylei. Pretident Official Training School for Union i'acilie U. li. AddrtsM Dept. 31 Boylea Building, (Jmaha, to tell you that we handling DEERE 1. CASE 5ZE NICKELS, Nebraska 3M Taken Up Notice. At my place are three spring calves, two red and a brindb with white face. Owner may have same by paying for their care and I his notice. J. L. Shrader. FOR SALE Two-cylinder Au burn auto, in fine running order. Oood car for the money. Will consider some trade. J. W. Holmes, Murray, Xeb. Room and Board. liv the fore part of next Week I will be located in Plattsmonth, and will be ready to accept a num ber of lady boarders, who will be attending school in Plallsmoulh this winter. Terms reasonable. Please call and see me. Mrs. ('race Chambers. FOR SALE Nice pair of 2-year-obl bay mare colls; they are good. Come and see them. J. W. Holmes, Murray Neb. Weil Digging and Stump Pulling. I am prepared to do stump pulling on contract and also to dig- wells, and solicit work in this line. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. T. B. Smith. 573mo-wkIy The Best Flour on the Market vv f QUEST ROSE! WAHOOKILLCO-j WAH0O. NEB. FOREST ROSE, FtOUfl sly your ambitions! ' ' who nave made believed in them seriously! And that's why men successful women. Yoti say: "What chance have I hrre" You ' .k: "Where can I achieve my ambitions?" ifT y Best Opportunities Write for and Read This Free Book It Leads to Opportunity for yon a Q BOYLES COLLEGE D rteferasJca ) .W;!rj