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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1914)
i: T 4 H9 ournai VOL XXXIII. PLATTS1Y10UTH, NEBRASKA, iVJO?JDAYf AUGUST 10, 1314. NO. 64. platteitioutb 4 ! THE MANLEY BASE BALL TEAM BATTLE WITH THE RED SOX Bi si tors Were a Fine Bunch of Boys and Everything Passed cf Harmoniously. By playing- the hunting- game in. the first inning of the hall game yesterday Plattsmouth n three runs, which was enough to beat Manley. Both pitchers hurl ed a sU-rling article of hall, ami Miller of Mauley seemed to have the better nf the deal, allowing hut three hits. The umpiring was -ure a change to what we hae heen u-ej to, Jimmy Mc Andrews of Omaha acting- in that capacity in perfect fairness to holh sides. Manley failed to count in their opening inning- of tin game. Carle, heading olf fop the Red Sox, walked: Parriott hunted inti the pitcher's hand and Miller at tempted to get Carle at second, hut his throw was late ami both men" were safe. C. Smith follow ed with a hunt of exactly the same nature and the pitcher tried for the third time to get the man at third, hut against his throw was late and the sacks were loaded. Ilerold -truck out. A fries hunted into Miller's hands; Carle was easily out. but O'Brien, the catch er, dropped the throw and the runner --cored. 1'arriott scored on a passed hall by O'Brien. Mar-on brought C. Smith home on a hunt and was thrown out at lirst. Arries was put out while attempting- to reach the home plate, thereby ending the inning. In the seventh l'lattsmouth again threatened to score, but Mason was caught between third and home on a failure at I In squeeze play. During the tirst eight innings not a Manley lad had reached third base, but in the ninth Dallas opened the performance with a .-ingle. Murphy followed with a good hit to the left tiebl fence, scoring Dallas, but Murphy was put out in attempting to stretch his hit into a three-bagger. Bryan, bntting for Leeman, was hit by one of I'ike's slants. L. Smith made a fine catch of Miller's drive to right tiebl and double, l Bryan at first and ended the game, leaving the score :? to 1 in favor of (he Red Sox. The fielding of Mason for l'lattsmouth and Maxwell for Manley were the features of the game. The Manley players were a very gentlemanly bunch of fel lows and their conduct was all that coulil be a. ked. both on and off the field, and the fans were delighted with the splendid way in which they played the game without any rag-chewing that is the general custom of the visiting teams here. There were a large number here from Manley and ihey were delighted with the fast ball game. The line-up of the learns was as follows; MANLKY. AB. II. O. A. E Rockwell, 3d i 1 1 1 1 O'Brien, c 4 0 7 3 1 Maxwell, 2d i 3 2 Klepser, ss 3 0 2 0 2 Rauth, 1st 3 0 1 1 Dallas, cf 4 1 1 0 0 Leeman, rf 3 i o 0 0 Murphy, If '.3 i i 0 0 Miller, p 4 2 0 2 o Totals 32 0 24 0 5 RED SOX. AB. II. O. A. E Carlo, cf 3 0 2 0 o parriott. ss 2 1 0 2 2 C. Smith, 2d 3 n 2 1 o Herold, 1st 4 0 r 1 1 rrie?, 3d 4 0 4 0 1 Mason. If 3 1 2 1 0 L. Smith, rf 3 t 3 1 u Pike, P 3 0 0 t 0 Neitzel, c 3 0 9 0 0 Totals 29 3 27 7 4 Mis? Beulah -Sans of Murray came up lat evening- to attend the teachers' institute here today. Position of the Stars. Wedne.-dav at o'clock the nlaneis Mar- and Venus were onlv onesixth of a degree apart, look ing from the earth. This is a rare cele.-tial spectacle. Owing to day light it Could 1 1 t be seen at lhat hour by the naked eye, but in the early evening- their nearness wa I iearing annarent. August in. about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the earth will pass between .luniter and the sun. That evening will be a favorable time to see the moon of .Jupiter with a strong opera or field glass. A COMPLETE SURPRISE LAST EVENING TO MRS. MYRA STENNER From Friday's Dally. After returning from the band concert last evening. Miss Mvra .-tenner was most completely sur prised to find the lawn at her home tilled with a large number of her young friends, w ho hail as sembled to bid her farewell, as .-he leaves for Lincoln in a few days. The evening was spent by playing outdoor games until a bite hour, when the party dispers ed, expressing- their regrets at losing a friend from their midst. Those taking part in the occasion were: Misses Myra Stenner. Anna lliber. Gladys McMaken, Yerna and Vera Jardine. Sophia HibJ, May Glenn. Miua and Oia KaM'eu 1 erger. Rosa ami Coenna Ilandley, Lydia Todd, Florence Fgenherger. Delia Trans, Messrs. Kmil Hild. Paul Ilandley. Arthur White. Che-ler Tuey. Philip Campbell. Clifford Cecil, Edward Rebal, George Snyder. Barley Wiles. Rhea McMaken and Leon Sienner. JOHN WUNDERL1GH AND M. G. KINNE IN TOWN THIS MORNING From Friday's Daily. This morning-John Wunderlich, candidate for sherilf on the demo cratic ticket, and M. G. Kim', can didate for representati e on the same ticket, came in from their homes at Nehawka and spent a few hours here looking over the situation and getting acquainted with the voters for the primary lection on August 18th. Both of these gentlemen are making a very thorough canvass of the county and are meeting with much e.ncouragetuent from the persons they hae met. They stopped for a few minutes Journal force their journey to visit with the before continuing in pursuit of the The time is draw elusixe voter ing short for the nrimarv and the candidates on both tickets will be rustling around to get actjuainted with as many as possible before the eventful day. HON. MATT BERING GIVES INTERESTING TALK TO PEOPLE AT UNION Hon. Matthew Gering", the Plattsmoulh lawyer-orator, was the speaker at the Woodman hall in the evening, and had a very good audience. Mr. (iering was introduced by 1'. H. McCarthy, who presented Mr. (Iering as the captain of the base ball nine of congressional candidates. Mr. (Jering first referred to his politi cal record up to the year ll00, at which time he became a repub lican, and gave his reasons for his change of heart. Hi- speech was very eloquent, as might be expected, and his statements as to why he is a republican were made in a manner earnest and convincing: of his sincerity. Union Ledger. Several good Cass county farms for sale. T. H. POLLOCK. Tel. 215. Plattsmouth. IKET OE ASIA IS NQT IMPORTANT Nebraska Grown Grain Finds Ex port Markets in Europe and All Ports Are Closed. l lie maiKeis of the world are reached from the Nebraska wheat lields via the north Atlantic and gulf coast ports. There js prac tically no grain market reached bv the west ports. Oecasioiiallv a car ot wheat is .-tupped west, but the amount exported from the Pa- citic coast ports is neglible. I'hei efore when the "eastern and southern ports announce an em bargo grain stops moving from Nebraska wheat fields. Elevators are -till loading-, bul there is no export market. A Chicago authority says (he export trade is but 20 per cent of our wheat production, a larger per cent of the Nebraska crop. however, is said to be sent abroad. The millions in China and Japan buy little grain, compared o what some countries with mailer population buy, and most of what they do buy is furnished by Rus-ia, shipped from the Rus sian wheal country via the trans Siberian railroad to the east cost of Asia. "Why hasn't some far-seeing transportation magnet made .-ome effort to develop a market in Asia to take care of our surplus at just uch times as these?"' is a query frequentlv heard since the war egan. There is such a market, not a ig one to be sure, but there is a leniand for export Hour from the west coast. Canada moves a targe amount of flour and some wheat from Vancouver. The market has not been of great benefit to the niled States grain grower, hou- e er. J. J. Hill at one time made trenuous efforts to develop an Asiatic trade, but of late ears his energies have not been directed toward that channel of develop ment so exclusively as when he was building- two large freight carrying vessels to care for the export business from his Puget ound terminals. 4 Grain will begin to move when some powerful nation otters to in ure it reaching European mar kets." That is the statement of the iluation made by grain men. It s accepted by railroad men as orrect. When the embargoes are aised at eastern and southern ports and room is made by loading aboard ship from the elevators. other grains can be moved to the ast. Occasionally a car of grain has teen sent through the port of San Yanciseo from this territory; corn is irequeniiy snipped ior ome consumption to the north west put an ol mis is a mere n op in the bucKCi u iue miai ship ments from this state. Nebraska is waiting- for a mar ket. In the meantime the danger f a car famine is passing. Ihiring the heavy loading sea son of July the car supply was not exhausted. Now the cars sent asf. wilh grain will be returned in part at least, and the leisurely manner in which they may be rought back will permit many of them to come back loaded, thus making a revenue haul for the equipment in both directions, en abling the roads to handle the equipment economically and hold ing hack the flow of grain so that when wheat aprain moves seaward there will be less danger of a mar ket glut. n. II. Hansen, from near Ne hawka. was a Plattsmouth visitor last Friday evening. Money to loan on Cass County farms. T. H. POLLOCK. Tel. 215. Plattsmouth. G R A I N Nffl Visited in Louisville. From Saturday's Daily. Mrs. Henry Born and son daughter, Donald and Vera, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tritsr-h and and and daughter, Adelin. droe up from near plattsmoulh Thursday in Mr. Tritsch s-new Overland car to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahl and lo take in the sigh'-. Mrs Born was formerly Miss fena Alii of this vicinity. Sh.' expressed her self as pleased to nice; -o muny old friends and spoke id' I he many changes for the heller which hae taken place in the years since she I e 1 1 I.OU!siHe. J.OTnsville I n'er. 'U- THE PRESBYTERIAN HI UU AT PARADISE PARK From Fr; Jay's Dailv. The Presbyterian S ' i ; , . av school esterday en.joxed their picnic, when the member annual of (he different classes, with their teach ers, gathered at Para li-e park, north of the city, anil spent the day there in the enjoyment of one of the best of times. The young people were taken to the park i;i automobiles, and the trip was o;;. of the pleasant features of the oc casion and one thorouhiv en,jo( , by the jolly crowd of young peo ple. The time was sp-Mit in plac ing games and completing- the placing- of swings and other de vices for amusement until the noon hour, when the picnickeis spread beneath the -hade of the tree- a ino-t sumptuous repast. consisting of all manner ot i things lo eat. and it is needies t,. say that the delicious lopast was lone ample justice fo by the ounu people and quite a numoer oi ine bier members of the church, who came out from the ciiv to enjoy the noonday meal with the picnic party. Afler the least had been disposed of the lime ;is spent in the p!aing of games and a gen eral good time until time for the party to break up. when all de parted looking forward with pleasure to the next picnic. Tin teachers of the Sunday school had made arrangements for their classes and carried out the splen didly arranged affair in a manner that reflected great credit upon them and proved to be one of the most delight ful that the church has held. A BIG MORTGAGE IS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER A mortgage has been filed wilh the register of deeds in this city from the Nebraska Lighting com pany, a corporation organized un der the laws of the state of Ne braska, to the Citizens Saving & Trust Co. of Ohio. The instru ment covers the different prop erties of the company wherever situated ami includes the plant and equipment in this city. The tirst niorlaage bonds of 1 23,00!' will be retired by the new issue of bonds, amounting to :(0.000. The bonds are to bear the dale of January 1, 11)1 5. and are to mat ure on January 1. l'.):5 i. Copies of the mortgage will be filed in every county when' the company has any property. The instru ment is a lengthy one, covering some fifty typewritten pages, and is one of the largest documents of its kind tiled in the olliee of the recorder and county clerk. Will Hold a Picnic. The Methodist Sunday school have made arrangements to hold their picnic at. Oarliebl park on next Thursday from 4 to 8 p. in., and a. big time is anticipated, as the different classes are arrang ing to be on hand to assist in the occasion. The picnic will he over in time to allow the members of the Sunday school an opportunity to '?njoy the band concert. Subscribe for the Jourtal SHIPMENTS ill EASTERN POSTS fiREMENSE Ho Lack of Tonnage to Wove When Insurance for Over Ssa Traffic Is Given. One N. carloads eastern merit lo braska miller has twelve of Nebraska lbmr at an .- aport awaiting -hip-Liverpool. Oilier Ne- bra-ku milb-rs ;-epi ( -ente. J at ul grain men are the eastern ports. (irain that ripened on N prairies during the pa- braska 1 few- weeks is now arriving at eastern shipping ierniinals ready for over sea movement. Shipments start ed twenty day- ago and tifteen lay- ago and are piling up on the ea-t coa-l. W hen boats are ready for loading there will be no delay in ge( t ing cargoes. In some Burlington o'lices ton nage charts are maintained show ing by line- drawn the tonnage volume. In 1 :t t he grain move ment line shows a .-tiff upshoot in July, ending wilh a high peak during the las! week in July and droppimr lo a low alh-y during (fie !i;st week in Augu.-I. The drouth caused the drop (hen. It was predicted that the line show ing would be different during the t-rst week of August. liOi. The prediction did nut come true. The same slide from a high peak to a low valley is shown. It was iiol i Ik- drouth this time. The war scare, the embargo placed on grain at ea-tern ports, and the lack of bid- for Nebraska wheal did if. Railway men look on this slide in lonuage more joyfully this year than they did la-t. The grain is here and must be moved some time. This stop did not originate with the farmers. They have quit selling because buyers have quit buvin-. When the trans-Atlantic shipping" faciliiies have been re stoi'ed transcontinental shipping will be resumed. In the mean time the railroads are replenishing- their supply of grain cars ami gelling ready for the rush that was rut in two by the war. Chicago si at isi icians say that but "JO per cent of the wheat rais ed i- exported, ami that 83 per cent of this amount goes to Liver pool. They look fur an early re sump! ion of Liverpool service, both freight and passenger, and exj ct in a few days' that the Kngli-h government will insure shipments. When thai, happens, or when the United States begins to ship in American owned and registered vessels, the wheat movement will be started again. The interruption will make the demand all the sharper when once it starts up. KISS ZOJ! SMITH EHTEHIS 13 MOB OF HER GUESTS From Friday's Iaily. Yesterday Miss Zora Smith entertained in a ery charming manner at her home on North Third street in honor of Miss Zeta (liililand of Fremont, Neb., who is in the city for a short visit. The occasion was one of the greatest pleasure to the young ladies pres ent and several very pleasant hours were passed in music and social conversation, until a suita ble hour, when a most enjoab!e two-course luncheon was served, which added greatly lo the pleas ure of I lie afternoon. Those par ticipating" in the enjoyment of lh1 afternoon were: Misses Marie ami Opal Fitzgerald. Helen Egenberg er. Ruth Johnson, Kathryn Schraek, N'orine and Kleanor Schulhof, Mrs. Stanley Kuhne, Misses Marjory Kuhns, Yerna and Kmily MctJregor of Sargent. Neb., and the guest of honor, Miss Zela C.illiland, of Fremont. A Much Needed Addition. The windows in the office of the county judge at. the court house have had awnings idaced on them that will lend to abate the tierce glare ,if the summer sun lhat leafs into this portion of the building in the afternoon with an intensity that makes it almost im possible to stav in the olliee. The awnings were placed in po-iiioii bv Hans Seivers, the accommodat ing janitor of the court house. FAMILY HAVE RETURNED FROM THEIR OUTING From Friday's Dallv. County Judge Allen J. Beeson and family returned last evening from Fdison, Neb., where they have been enjoying- a few days" vacation and outing on one of the large farms near that city. The trip was made in the automobile of the judge and was one thor oughly enjoyed by the whole fam ily and they return home feeling that the trip was one of the mo-t delightful they have ever taken. The judge has since his return been recounting many exciting tales of the result- of his expedi tion, including" several str.jes ()f li.-hing. and from the amounts and sizes of the fish caught the friends are all longing to go to F.dison to enjoy the delights of Ihjs great li.-hing- place. ARRESTED FOR RUNNING A GAMBLING DEVICE AT THE EAGLE PiCNIC From Friday's Daily. Sheriff fjiiiutou (his morning brought in from Eagle (lien Hag grity, who was charged with run ning a gambling- game at the pic nic there, and with the principal he brought a man who was acting as "capper" for the game at the finie the arrest was made. The man had started a game known as the "Klondike," and at this the isitors were eagerly putting" up their coin in the hope of breaking the gambler, but in spile of the generous sums contributed the man continued to win constant ly. The committee in charge of the picnic warned the man to cease his gambling games and he was also requested by the sheriff to stop business, but evidently concluded to stay while the going was good and the visitors at the picnic fell for the game. He tar ried a little too long, as Sheriff Ouinton and County Attorney Taylor, who were on the grounds, swept down on him and the game was pulled. One of the surpris ing" tilings of games of this kind is that the persons who go against litem with the knowledge that they are up against a sure thing and their chances of winning are de cidedly small. The men were 'arraigned this morning before Judge Beeson and Haggrify was fined 1 0 ami costs which he paid while the other man had his case continued t await furl her action. Hagrgrity seemed uite anxious to get out of the case and he and his wife were ready to depart to other liel'ls. A Pleasant Birthday Surprise. From Saturday's Dally. Mrs. John Hallstrom was ten dered a pleasant surprise yester day afternoon, the occasion being in honor of her birthday anniver sary. Social conversation, games and the like furnished plenty of amusement and made the hours pass all too rapidly. At an ap propriate hour an elegant lunch eon was served by the hostess, which was likewise thoroughly enjoyed. It was a late hour when the ladies, after wishing Mrs. Hallstrom many more such happy birthday anniversaries, departed for their homes. Blank bocks of all kinds at the Journal office. THE TEACHERS CUE TO PUTTS mouth mm Let Our People Extend to Our Teachers the Open Hand and a Cordial Greeting. From satur(jay.a Dar. On Monday morning- the dele gations of the fair teachers of Cass county will assemble here for the opening" of the Ca Counly Teachers' Institute thai will be conducted by Miss Mary L Foster. county superintendent. The institute this year will be one of the bes( thai has cer been held here ami the teachers in attend ance will lind lhat the li-f of in structors is one of the strongest that has eer.been oifered at any county institute in the slate and includes among" others. A. F. Winship of Boston, one of the leading workers in the education al life of the country. The ad vancement ,if jrlt. educational lines in the Fniled Slates ha been very rapid in the past few years and the Cass counlv -chool- hae kept thoroughly in the front ranks under the careful leader ship of the superintendent, Mis Foster, and their success has been a great pleasure to I he teachers and patrons of the chools. The residents of the citv will show the teachers their best hos pitality dur ing the week of the in stitute, and already there are a number of events planned that will add to their pleasure. The officers and members of Platts mouth Lodge No. I'.VJ. B. 1 o. I-:.. hae very generously oifered I he use of their beautiful new club house for the reception lo be gien the teachers on Monday ening, anil here the ladies will be entertained at a public recep tion from X to Kl o'clock. A very ieligiitful time is anticipated and i program of music will be given lo entertain the visitor and tin1 :uib!ic in attendance at the re ception. The meetings will be liebl in the district court room md everone who can should be present at the lectures, which are ill worth the while. FRED EOINGER. A PLATTSfiiOUTH CITIZEN. Among- the Nebraska people who were caught by the war in F.urope and forced to remain m the mi. 1st of the -truggle among the nations is Fred Fbinger of Plaimiew, and a former resident here. Mr. Fbinger left here in May for the trip to Germany, where he desired to visit the fa miliar scenes along the Khine and lo .-ee again the Fatherland. He was in this part of the world when the war between Germany and the other nations of Furope arose and has been compelled to remain there for- the present at least, as eery means of leaving the coun try have been paralized by the great demand for means of transporting- troops from me part of I he empire to another. Mr. Hung er is a German himself and will be treated with courtesy by his countrymen during his enforced slay there. He expected to return lo the Fnifed States in Septem ber, however. A Former' Plattsmouth Boy. v John O'Connor, an obl-time Plaltsmouth boy, who for the past few years has been living at Crele. where he was engaged in the restaurant business, came in last evening to visit with his obi friends here and to renew the ac quaintances of years pone by. He departed this morning" for Har vard, Neb., where he expects to engage in the real estate business in the future. i y f- r i