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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1914)
MONDAY, JULY G, 1914. PL ATTCMCUTH snRII-WCCKLY JOURNAL,, PAGE 3. DOUBLE VOTE OFFER ENDS TO-NIG Hustling Candidates Given Opportunity to. Make Big Gain Help Your Favorite Now by Paying Your Subscription lit Ti:ii-!if at nipe. V---i ir,,.-' a f'-w !io:r lo turn in ; ,!' p.- uiirrii.! i' us in cluh ;;. ,-uid r.crive ! vote?. I ai li -ui-'-:'ii'ti"ii wlolln'r i! ,.. .,, ix i!!nii!i i if live yars. Thi "(i'--i- will i inl at u i 11 o'clock ft. Ni:-!il an. lh'-t !. art mt nl in f!i" .T"iir,!i;,.I oi'ice will In 'i-mi until that hour. (;ii!'!iial who expect to lx winii'-i - "!' !'!:' nf the Mi:lit valua-abl.- ;iu:in!.- eainnd afford at thi sf:i'j of I he rare to allow any op portunity f geffimr 'tra vote?-p;-- 1'V. 1! U of iilrinst important-. ttial t at h n 1 1 i every active raniiiilati' haf at least ih club if j i i'vv uiiiripl i"ii In turn in N'.ivv ami i"! al tin" nl "f tin i'i: i'-l can tbe i n t fl"-t i e Mk be accomplished. Chances Are Equal. T'.'i !i .lay adding 1 1 1 i. in . !.! I tin-!'-l. No Miio i ! i ;i i . 1 1 ;'. I I i . f"f i!n- contest wil! run ni:til Saluf.lay. AuiiU.-t 1. That v.iil zi- tin- '!' I ant DISTRICT MO. 1 City of Plattsmouth At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Charles F. Martin . . . Mrs. Syb. l Head . . . M i-s A-bdia Sa les . . Mi s. Joseph . Miss l..rothy Ilrit t . Rev. F. M. Drulinor Miss Anna Ib-isel . Miss Marie Iii.nnelly Mir-s Madeline Miner Mis- Marie Spies . . . Miss l"ei ris Yor k . . . DISTRICT FilO. 2. Outside The City of Plattsmouth. At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. PLATTSMOUTH, R. F. D. Mr. Henry Ilirz, jr 29980 Miss (irace H. jolting 2 :M ('.." 1 i s s T 1 i k I. isfi ... 1 o j 1 1 Miss Mihlred Lee 17:S0 Mr. J.din Meisinger, jr 1500 Mr. Martin Nolson 1500 MURRAY, NEB. Miss Vivian l'itzpatrick 18 5 20 Miss Trudie Long 1500 Miss Etta Nickels isoo Miss pearl Mi-Reynolds. 1500 Miss Laura Puis 1500 IY1YNARD, NEB. Mr. l)wi?ht Propst 1500 Mr. Wayne Propst 1500 Mr. Ld C. Rummel 1500 MANLEY NEE. Mr. Le Tighe 1000 Miss Acrnos O'Brien 500 NEHAWKA, NEB Mr. Ernest Schomaker 500 Miss Jeiietfe Young 1800 Mr. Lovell Massio 500 Mr. Alvin McR. ynolds 500 ALVO, NEB. Miss Marie Prouty .'53.10 Mr. C E. Rosenow 500 GREENWOOD, NEB. Miss Alma Wiedeman 8175 ELMWOOD, NEB. Miss Daisy Lanphorst 18280 AVOCA Miss Elsie Opp ' 2100 WABASH An trust Romsfeldt 500 Paul C.ohrey 1500 Oscar Melnnabl 500 LOUISVILLE, NEB. Miss Martha Stohlman 500 Mr. Win. Thomas 500 WABASH, R. F. D. Miss draco Erhardt 500 UNION, NEB. Miss Ruth Harrison 1000 Mrs. Fannie Eikenbary 500 EAGLE Miss F.dith Pelerson 2520 Mr. Arthur Adams 500 SOUTH BEND Miss Eula Weaver 3300 HT four full weeks yef in which fo .' their friends and fo run up iheir votes. Anyone that i eligi ble to enter fhe ciiii(ik has a fair mil filial chance. There will be no favorites. There is yd room in all districts for new candidates. F.veryono will be treated alike. Vny iuforniation given to on.' is it tin' (unman. i of all others. Get Extended Subscriptions. Io ynii know y. ii can accumu late a lartre number of votes by laving snltscript ions extended? If .u already hav' turned in a new ix months" suhscript ion to 111 iaily or one year to the .-cmi-.veekly, ami gel it extended, or rather receive another payment to make the entire subscription one year or more ymi will receive the liH'en nee in yote o make tie subscription just as if it vas all turned jn at one time. The ame plan is carried out on all sub scriptions, old or new. so if ymi -ret any extended you will b" a iarge number of votes ahead. 5:5 i in .;i::sn 9o.- 77 15 r " 7) 2o in 1KI0 1 C 1 3 1 r r o Tiinrr n m hill in mm i-ia. a T7 ULI 9,000 Delegates Participated In Frocssdin: prr CREATION DRAMA MAKES HIT Pastor Russell, Association's President, Was In Attendance at Each In Dis course He Discussed, "Church of Christ a Living Temple" Solomon's Temple a Type of Temple of God, the Church of Christ Quarry Under Site. CliEton. Iowa, July 5. One of three big conven tions of the 1. B. S. A. closed its sessions of eight days here today in thu Coliseum with an julJress by Pastor Ilusseil in the afternoon find the exhibition in the evening of Part IV of the ! Pastor's famous Photo-Drama of Creation. The other Conventions have been in session throughout the week at Asbury Park, N. J.. and Columbus. Ohio. Taster Kussell. President of the Association, being in attendance at ecch. Delegates to the number of about D.000 have par ticipated in the proceedings of the Conventions, and the results of the week are regarded as being among the most favorable in the history of the Association. The Photo-Drama of Creation, which lias already been exhibited in over one hundred cities at home ojkI is now run ning abroad also, was an interesting feature of the evening sessions of the three Conventions. Creation's Drama depicts Solomon's Temple in its va rious stages of preparation, showing the stone quarries under Jerusalem, t!)e cellar forests in Lebanon, and de tails incident to its erection and dedi cation. This wonderful Temple fur nished the basis for several New Testa ment descriptions of the antitypical Temple of God the Church of Christ. The Temple, both type and antitype, was Pastor Russell's theme today. His text was. "The Temple of God is holy, which Temple ye are." 1 Cor. 3:17. The Pastor declared that both St Paul and St. Peter are our authority for saying that the CLurch which is the Body of Christ is the Temple cf God. and that His Temple is holy. God, who condemned the whole world in Adam, and who has declared that He will have no fellowship with sin ners, has provided a way by which tliese sinners can come back into har mony with Him. Only through the ar rangement which He has made in re spect to this great Temple can man kind come back into harmony with their Creator. St. Paul points out the foundation of this great antitypical Temple, saving. "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." St. Peter declares to the Church. "Ye also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual House, an holy Priesthood, to offer up sacriQces. ac ceptable to God through Jesus Christ" Then the speaker showed that Solo mon's Temple was a type, or Cgure, of this greater Temple which God is erecting. Solomon's Temple had sev eral peculiarities connected with its construction. One very special peculi arity was that the great stones were taken out from underneath the site of the Temple. Another peculiarity was that each stone was made to ft exactly the place in which it was to be located, and then numbered and marked with signs which the builders understood. This method is followed by modern builders also; and when a building is constructed, every part is put in place quietly and orderly no confusion whatever. So it was in Solo mon's Temple! The stones were made ready befow they were brought thith er, so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was being built. The Living Stones of the Great Temple. After having described the Temple ot Solomon as a type, the i 'aster pro ceeded to discuss the antitype the Church of the living God. The Builder and .Maker is God. he declared. The quarry is the world in general. The living stones are taken out of the world, separated lrom the world, but j are chiseled and polished in this anfi typical quarry, made ready for their fxtsitions. and then taken to their prop er place. For more than eighteen hun dred years this work of preparation has been going on. Jesus was the Foundation Stone. llefore He came there were no stones prepared; none could he accepted until He had come and died, "the Jiut tor the unjust." Then the process of cutting, chisel ing and polishing the "living stones" of the Temple was explained. Each con secrated Christian has had experiences ot such a nature as to .separate him from the world. It was a dithcult matter to block out character and to bring each to the place where be would Ik' separated trom bis surroundings. Still riiore dithcult In some respects have lieeii the chisHings. Mow after blow, t-xperience after experience, trial ntt-r trial, in order that each living stone might be shaped, fitted and pre pared for a place in that glorious Tem ple which is yet to be constructed. Tii! ritiijKUini; i rex-ess has also been i nru m JPSTQg. gUS5ELt) going on.' 'As the Scriptures express It. the Bride makes herself ready. Each, living stone polishes others. The Pastor here drew a lesson for those who are following in the steps of Jesus. He pointed out that while various severe experiences, trials and tests may come from the world, yet the very finest polishing is produced by contact with the brethren. There fore whoever learns to love the breth ren and to endure all their various weaknesses and imperfections, r,nl is rightly exercised by these experiences, will receive a fine polish that which our Lord through His Word describes as the fruitage of the Holy Spirit. "The fruits of the Spirit are manifest. Which are these: meekness, gcnt!eiies-s. patience, long-suffering. brotherly kindness, love." If these things be in us in abundance, we shall be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord. And so it is that an en trance shall be ministered unto us abundantly into the everlasting King dom of our Lord and Savior. Construction of Antitypical Temple. Kext the construction -f the anti typical Temple was discussed. Eight een hundred years ago the fuuiuhuion was laid in Ileaven the Top Stone, as the Apostle says. All the other stones must be fitted up liim. ac cording to St Paul. In describing the antitypical Temple the Apctle here uses the Cgure of the pymmid. tho t p stone of which is a miniature pyramid, all remaining stones being titled to come into line with it. Sj the Scrip tures declare that Jesus is the Chief Corner Stone, the Top Stone, into whom the Church, as living atones. i are being built up. instead of being j shaped to a foundation below them. The .speaker showed that this will be accomplished in the Piit Resurrection, vrhea the Church, changed into spirit beings like the Lord, will be built up and completed with llim on the Heav enly plane, far above angeis, principal ities and powers, and every name that is named. To the Pastor's understanding of the Scriptures, the building of tlie antitypi cal Temple will be dote at the cioe f this Gospel Age. Just as in the construction of Solomon's Temple, all the materials were first prepared, and then the building began, so it wi'l be with the antitypical Temple. Alaster Workman has been gtttln: ready the "living stone.-,"' supervising their preparation under strict rules as to shape, size, quality, etc. This work has been going on throughout this Gos pel Age, and not until the full number of stones shad have been made ready will the construction of that glorious Temple begin. This construction will be the Resurrection ch e "Char.g in a moment, in the twirddir.g of an eye"; for "flesh and b!o"d cannot in herit the King-Join of God." Pastor Russell then showed that since we are cow living in the close of this Age, the for the antityp ical Temple must practically all be fin ished. Therefore he inclines to the thought that the work of construction of the Temple has already begun. This does not imply, however, that the final polish has been given to all of the stones. Those long since prepared could be put in place while the last stones were receiving the finishing touches. He declared that the Scrip tures so intimate when they say that "the dead in Christ shall rise first" beforehand and that "then we who are alive and remain shall be caught cp together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord." The fact that some are not yet "caught up to meet the Lord." but are stid in the place cf pol ishing and preparation, indicates that the Temple i. not yet completed. After every living stone has been placed in the great antitypical Temple, the glorification of the Temple will follow. In the type. King Solomon, type of our Lord Jesus, offered the sacrifice, and God accepted it; then the glory of the Lord tilled the Temple. So in the antitype, the Church in glory will not be the Temple cf God until the Heavenly Father Himself shall have recognized it. It is the work of our Lord Jesus Christ the great Mas ter Workman, to ' shape and polish these living stones, to remove them to glorious conditions by the resurrection change, and to build the Temple. Then, when all is fir.ished. not a stone lack ing. He will await the Father's accept ance. The glory of the Lord God will fill this living Temple. "A House of Prayer For All Nations." The Pastor then showed the purpose for which this glorious Temple of God is being constructed. Back in the Law Dispensation the required information was pictorially set forth in types and shadows. The Prophet Isaiah had foretold that God's House was to be called a House of Prayer for all na tions. This was what the Temple at Jerusalem was in particular. It was arranged in different sections, repre senting various classes, as it were. First in importance was the Most Holy, then came the Holy, then the Court into which Jews might come, next the Women's Court last the Court of the Gentiles. Thus was depicted the Millennial Age after the glorification of the antitypical Temple. God will be in that Temple the en tire Church of Christ glorified. The Divine Power will operate through it and all nations will begin to draw near to God. But in order to do so, they must draw near to this Temple; for the glory of God will be therein displayed. All nations, both Jew and Gentile, will come to the Heavenly Father through this Temple. Another Old Testament picture which the Pastor explained was that of the typical priesthood. The Priests of this new Temple of the future will be Jesus, the great High Priest, and nis Church, the under-prie-sts. Jesus will be both King and Priest a Priest upon His Throne" after the Order of Melchi7cdek. Our Lord Is i.ot yet upon IT!- T!.rono. but reni-ilu- waiting at the ri,iit hand of the Majes ty on High, until the antityp1 Tem- j pie is completed. The Fathers right hand signities the place of chief favor, j next to the Father Himself. As it is ! written. "Sit at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool." During this period of waiting, the "living stones" of the Temple have been prepared; those who will consti tute the Royal Priests have been in training for the duties of their oflice. As yet there is no Royal Priesthood; for only those who shall be declared worthy to sit with our Lord in His Throne will constitute with Him that Priesthood. Again, it is written. "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the First Resurrection; on such the Second Death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God, and shall reign with Christ a thousand years." The Pastor then declared that these future Priests are also Knights of the Temple. While at present they do not wear white plumes, yet by and by they shall wear, not only white plumes, but white raiment. Our Lord has said, "They shall walk Avith Me in white; for tlioy are worthy." Other Pictures of the Temple. Various New Testament references to the Church of Christ as a Temple were thou explained. One of these was St. Paul's question addressed to the Corinthian Church: "What? Know I ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you? It was shown that this question does not apply to the world; for by nature the world knows not God. The- are still under condemnation "children of wrath" according to Scripture. God has not yet begun to deal with them. r.or to give them the blessings which He has purposed for them. During this Gospel Age He is dispensing bless only to the Church class, to those who have received of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Russell then pointed out that bevond the veil the Church class will receive the Holy Spirit without meas uro. when ail the "living stones" con stituting the Temple of God will have been gioritied. But on this side of the veil, those who give up their will to the Lord and who are accepted and begotten of the Holy Spirit as New Creatures in Christ, receive that Spirit in measure; and so the bodies of these mav be s::id to be the temples of the Ilo'r Spirit. Wherever God's Spirit is. there is a temple, as St. Paul's ques tion sets forth. Again, the Apostle de clarer; that vve have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the glory may be cf God. God's Holy Spirit constitutes ! its recipient a Temple of God. ! Fisev, here the Apostle calls the bod ! ies of those begotten of the Holy ! Spirit tabernacles. The difference be- ' tween a tabernacle and a temple is ! that the former is a temporary struc- j tare, while the latter is permanent. So St. Paul calls the present condition of the Church, in which the Holy Spirit dwells merely in our hearts, a tabernacle condition. It is not to last forever; it is only for the present trial time. If we are right! exercised by this power of God within us, then we rha'.l be made ready for the Temple condition. These are blended pictures of the Apostle's thought, which is this: If the Holy Sp rit dwells in us. we should regard our bodies very sacredly. In that same connection the Apostle g ;es on to say. "What communion hath dght with darkness?" and again. "What harmony is there between the Temple of God and the temple of idols:" be tween the purity that belongs to the Temple of God and the impurities that belong to the world, the flesh and the Devil? Those v. ho have been made the recipients of the Holy Spirit of God should be clean and pure, as !efitting a temple of God They should see to it that this sanctifying power of God extends to all their faculties and op erates through them la their minds their tongues. tLeii hands, their feet their words, thoughts and doings. "He Shall Present You Faultless." The Pastor concluded his address with an exhortation to those who re alize themselves to be living stones in process of "reparation for a place in the antitypical Temple of God. He urged tliese to appreciate the privilege of present discipline. Much chiseling and polishing are necessary to prepare these stones for their future position Therefore each should thankfully wel come whatever experience of this kind the Master Workman shall see fit to permit him to have. The present dis cipline of the Church is for the purpose of developing the character necessary to the great service for which God is building His Temple. While each faithful follower of the Lord looks forward longingly to the glories of the future, when the glory of the Lord shall till the Temple, yet each should remember that unless he is submissive to the chiselings and pol ishings of the present he will be set aside as a living stone, and his place given to another. The cultivation of pride along any line, the development of an unsanctified ambition, are amongst the greatest dangers to these living stones, new in preparation. Such flaws developed would render any un tit for a position in the Temple. The Scriptures declare that the great Master Workman will present each of His faithful ones blameless and irre provable before the Father with ex ceeding joy. After having received the Redeemer's "Well done," the Church will then receive the Father's approval and be honored in the pres ence of all the holy angels. Surely this experience will till the Church with glory. Then will follow the bless ed privilege of taking bold upon the world's affairs, rescuing mankind froiu bondage to Sin and Death, and bless ing all mankind with the knowledge of the glory of God, whom to know aright i3 life everlasting. he Piaifsmcuth Big Booster Circulation Campaign VOTE COUPON VOID AFTER Good for For M. District I TUTZM NEATLY. Political Announcements All announcements MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE CASH at the following rate: For Con gressman, 515; State Senator, $10; Representative, S5; for County Officials, $5 each. For Congress. Wo are authorized t announce the name of Wilbur V. Amies, of lumbar, Otoe county, for con :i''ss from the First congres sional district of Xehra-ka. sub ject to the will of the republican voters at (be primary election on Tuesday, August 18. We are nutiiorizt 1 fo announce Charles Marshall of Ofoo county as a candidal' fop congress from the First district, subject, to the will of the voters at I be primary election on Tuesday, August 18, 11 5. For Senator. A. F. Sturm, of Xehawka, a candidate for senator from Oloe and Cass counties, subject lo the will of the republican voters at the primary election Tuesday August 18. We are authorized to announce the name of John Matfes, jr.. as a candidate for Senator from Cass and Otop counties, subject to the decision of the demoerativ voters at the primary election on Tues day, August 18, 1914. For Representative. M. G. Kirne, of Nehawka pre cinct, will be a candidate for member of the lower bouse of the state legislature, subject to lie will of the democratic voter of Cass county at the primary elect if m to be held Tuesday, Aug ust 18. 1914. Wo are authorized to announce William II. Puis for Float Rep resentative (Otoe and Cass coun ties', subject to the will of the democratic voters at the primary election Tuesday, August 18. For County Judge. Charles I,. Graves of Union is a candidate- for the nomination to the office of county judge, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the primary elec tion, held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. For County Clerk. Frank J. I.ibershal, the present county clerk, filling said oflice by apopintment, is a candidate for the nomination fo said oflice, sub ject to the decision of the demo cratic voters at tbe primary elec tion, held on Tuesday, August IS. 1914. John M. Creamer, of Wabash, is a candidate for county clerk, subject to the decision of the re publican voters of Cass county at tbe primary election held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. Your support will be appreciated. I am a candidate for county clerk on the republican ticket, subject to the w ill of the voters at the primary election August 18. A. L. Anderson. F. G. Wurl announces that he s a eandiadte for tbe oflice of county clerk of Cass county, sub ject to the will and wish of the democratic voters of tbe county at tbe primary on Tuesday, Au- ust 18, 1914. For Register of Deeds. Mont Robb is a candidate for Register of Deeds of Cass coun ty, subject to the decision of tbe republican voters of the county at the primary election to be held on Tuesday, August i8f 1914. Candidate for Treasurer. Major A. Hall is a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the will of the republican voters at the primary to be held on Tues day, August 18, i 9 1 5 . He will ap journal Series JULY 23th. 5 Votes No. preciate lb' support of all repuh I ieans. For Sheriff. We ?:re authorized to announce F. It. Cunningham, of Xehawka precinct, as a candidate for sheriff of Cass county, subject la Hie de cision of the republican voters at the primary election August 18, 191 i. We nre authorized fo announce William Joud, of Salt Creek 'Greenwood) precinct, for the oflice of sheriff of Cas county, subject to the will of tbe demo cratic voters at the primary elec tion on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. John Wunderlich, of Nehawka precinct, is a candidate for sheriff of Cass county, subject to the de cision of the democratic voters of the county at tbe primary elec tion to be held on Tuesday, Aug ust is, 1914. Carroll P. Ouinfon, the present sheriff", is a candidate for tbe nomination of said oflice, subject fo fho decision of fhe republican voters at the primary election, held on Tuesday, August 18. 1914. County Commissioner. We are authorized to announce Charles R. Jordan, of Alvo, as a candidate for Commissioner from tbe Third district, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at tbe primary election on Tues day, August 18, 1914. C. F. Ileebner, presrnt commis sioner from the Second district, is a candidate for re-election, sub ject to the decision ot the re publican voters at the primary ejection to be held on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. Henry Snoke, of Tipton pre cinct, will be a candidate for the oflice of Commissioner from the Third district, subject to the de cision of the democratic voters at the primary election on Tues day, August 18, 1914. We are authorized to announce D. Koester of Weeping Water pre cinct as a candidate for commis sioner from the Third district, subject to the wishes or tbe de cision of the democratic voters at the primary election Tuesday, August 18: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the oflice of county com missioner from fhe Second com missioner district, subject to the wishes of Hie democratic voters at fhe primary on Tuesday, Aug ust 18, 1914. Your support will be appreciated. F. W. Young. PROTEST FILED BY WISHART Driver of Mercer Car Says Not Given Lap Entitled To. Sioux City, la., July C. Spencer Wishart, who finished second iu the 300-mile automobile race here, filed a protest against the scoring with oflV cials of the Sioux City Speedway inscciation. The driver of the Alercet car alleged be had not been eivt-n a lap he was entitled to, which would land him in first place, thus putting Eddie Rickenbacher, the winner, In Keeond place. So strong was Wishart's protest that Referee Kneedler ordered a recount of the laps. Wishart's protest as to being short a lap was not sustained, but Ricken bacher, driver of the winning Duesen. Lerg, seeing an endless controversy :n sight, consented to move his second car, driven by Ralph M. Mtilford, from third to sixth place. Cyrus Patschke was moved from fifth to third and Billy Knipper from sixth to fifth, (lil Anderson held on to fourth place. By the agreement the winners of third, fourth and sixth poitions pooled their money, each taking down 1.7u0. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yea Hare A!ajs Bought Signature of idJJ