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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1914)
MONDAY. MARCH 16,-1914. PLATTSnOUTH 8ZI3I-WEEKLY JOURNAL. rxcz &. ! 4 WITHIN TIE LAW By MARVIN DANA FROM THE PLAY OF BAYARD VEILLER Copjrlfiht. ICli by th II. K. Tly company. CHAPTER XV. Within th Toil, f 1 "Mr jrvlns: of Garson left the Irooiu deathly still. Pick turn ed to Mary and too Ler hand iu hi. Ills arm swept about her lu n protecting embrace just Ju tliue or s'ao would have fallen. A whisper camo from iicr gulvcriug Hp. Her face was close to Lis, else I.o wuM not Lave caught tbe uucertaia luuriuurln- The muscles of her face twitched. She rested suplm-ly atminst him as If loreft of any s:rcnlh of body or of soul. Yet, lu thd Intensity of her utterance, Iho feeble whisper struck like a shriek of horror. l I never saw any one killed be fore r tteforo he could utter the sooth Ins words that rose to his lips. Pic was Interrupted by a !:;rlit sound at the door, lustantly ho was all ulcrt to meet the exigencies of the situation. He stiKHl by the couch, bcnlius for ward a little as if in a post jrc of Inti mate fondness, lie heard the noise spile proseutly. now so near that he mud suro of being overheard, so at cn.v he spoke with a forced cheerful ness iu his Inflection. "1 tell you. Mary," he declared. VT erythlrs's kcIii to bo all right for you and ne. It was bully of you to come here to in UUe this." The slrl made no resioni. Pick, la nervous apprehension as to the Issue, ouht to brlns her to realization ct the new need that had coui upon thcux. "Talk to me." ho coiuunuded very ofily. "They'll lo hero in u uduuto. When they eotuc lu pretend you Jut-t camo hero ia ordei to meet me. Try. Mury. You must, dearest!" Then ucda hU voice ro to loudnesses ho loutlnuod: "Why, l'v Uva trying all day to se you, Aud juow hero we ero together, Jat as 1 was Utaulu to et really UKoour.tired. I Luov my fa ther will eventually" lie was interrupted by tho swift ftwtiuttti; epen of the hallway door. HurWe Mood Just within tbe library, a revolver pointed menacingly. "Hands up, all of you:" The inspec tor's voice fairly roared th command. The belligerent expression of his face vanished abruptly as his eyes fell on Pick sdaudtutr by th couch and Mary rvcltntnx there in limp helplessness. "What are you doing la this house at this time of tiicht?" Pick demanded. "1 recognlw you. Inspector IUirk. Put you must understand that there rc limits even to what yon can dv It seems to me, sir, that you exceed your authority by such nu iutruslon as this." Hurke waved tls revolver toward Mary. "What's she doing here?" he nsked. "You forget yourself. Inspector. This Is my wife. Sbo has the right to be with me her husband!" "Where's your father?" he questioned roughly. "In bed. naturally." was the answer. I ask you cgain. What are you dotes here at this time of nlghtV "Oh. call your father, Burke di rected. "It's late," Pick objected. "I'd rath er not disturb him. if you don't mind." Suddenly ho smiled very wiuninsly and spoke wifa a good assumption of ingenuousness. "Inspector," ho said briskly, "I see I'll have to tell you the truth. It's this: I've persuaded my wife to go away with me. She's goins? to give all that other sort of thlus up. Yes, we're going away together. So. you see, we've got to talk it over. Now, then, inspector, if you'll come back in tho morning" As he spofce V2 white brnra of the CasLIns searchlight frotu the tower fell Wtween the undrawn draperies of the octagonal window. Tho light star tled the Inspector again, as it had done once before thut same night. His gare followed It Instinctively. So within tbe second ho saw the still form lying there ou the floor. Thero was no mistaking that awfaU motionless, crumpled posture. The In spector leaped to tho switch by the door and turned on the lights-of the chandelier. Ip the next moment he had reached the door of the passage across the room, and It's whistle sound ed shrill. H's voice bellowed re-enforcement to the blast. "Cassldy! Ctsjidr!" Cassldy came rushing in with tho other detectives. "Why, what's it all mean, chief?" be questioned. "They've got Griggs!" Hurke answer ed. There was exceeding rsgo In voice ns he sitoke from his kneeling post 'ire beside tho body, to which ho had hurried after the suiimons to his aids. Til break you for this. Cas sldy." he declared tlcrecly. "Why tlidn't you get here cva tbe run when you heard the shot?" "Hjt thern wnu't any shot. I tell you. ctief. tbeie hssa't beeu a sound. Kurke rose to his feet Ills heavy face was set lu Its Meruest mold. "You could drive a hearse through the hole they made in him. said Cas sldy. nnrke wheeled on Mary and Pick. "So," he shouted, "now It's murder! Well, hand It over. Where's the gun?" lie nodded toward Dick as he gave his order. "Search hliu!" Pick took the revolver from fcls pock et and held it out. At this Incriminating crisis for tbe son the father hastily strode into the library. He had been aroused by the Inspector's shouting and was evidently greatly porturUxl. "What's all this?' ho exclaimed. Iurke lu a tuomeut like this was no respecter of persons. "You can see for yourself." he said grimly to the dutnfoundod magnate. Sv no went cn, with soiuIkt men ace ta his voice. you did It, young man." He nodded toward the detec-, tire. "Well. Cns&idy, you can take 'em both downtown. That's l" Th command aroused Pick to re- TV-- f d "Hands upt All of youl monstrance against such Indignity t ward tie woman he loved. "Not her!" he cried imploringly. "You vlou't want her, inspector! This is all wron;'" "Pick " Mary advised quietly, "don't talk, please. "What do yon expect? Hurke la qnlred truculently, "As a matter of fact, the thing's simple enough, young man. l!lther you killed tfrtfgs or M divk" Tho ir.s;ecior with his charge made a careless ;estui towaixl the cone of th murdcrwl Mool pigeon. Kdward Glider KH'ked and saw the jthastly, i: animate heap of CesU ami bene that had one beeu a man. He fairly reeled 5 "You could drive a htarsa through tho holo thoy made in him." at the spectacle, then fumbled with en outstretched hand until he laid hold on a chair, into which Le sank helplessly. "Kit her you killed him," the voice repeated gratiugly, "or 6he did. Well, iiiiu. roving man. did sho kill him?" "Good God, not" XsiCk. shouted, aghast "Then it was you!" "No. no! He didn't!" Mary's words came frantically. 2'urke reiterated the accusation. "One of you killed Griggs. Which ono of you did it?" He scowled at Pick. "Pid sho kill him?" "I told you no!" "Well, then," he blustered to the girl, "did he kill him?" The nod of his Lead was toward Pick. Then as she remained silent, "I'm talking to yeu!" he snapped. "Pid he kill him?" The reply camo with a soft distinct ness that was like a crash of destluy. "Yes." Pick turned to his wife in reproach ful amazement. "Mary!" he cried incredulously. "You'll swear Lo killed him?" Durke asked briskly. "Why not?" she responded listlessly. At this intolerable assertion as Le deemed it Kdward Gilder sat rigidly erect in his chair. "God!" he cried despairingly. "And that's your vengeance!" "I don't want vengeance now!" she sold. "But they'll try my boy for murder," the magnate remonstrated, distraught. "Oh, no, they can't!" camo the re joinder. "What's tho reason we can't?" Burke stormed. "Because ray husband merely killed a burglar. He shot him in defense of his home!" In his ctfice next morning Inspector Burke was fuming over the failure of his conspiracy. He had ho pod thjOliSLU this plot toTlndicate his au . , :v. r7 y r A thority, so sadly flaunted by Garson and Mary Turner. Instead oX this much to be desired result from his scheming the outcome had been noth ing less than disastrous. Some one had murdered Griggs, the stool pigeon. The murder could not go unpunished. The slayer's identity must bo determined. To the discovery of this identity, the inspector was at the preseut moment devoting himself by adroit questioning of Pacey and Chi cago Bed. w ho had been arrested in one of their accustomed haunts. "Come across now!" he admonished. His voice rolled forth like that of a bull of Bashan. He was on his feet, facing the two thieves. His head was thrust forward menacingly, aud his eyes w ere savage, "I don't know nothlnT' Chicago Bed's voice was between a snarl and a w hlne. "Ain't I beeu telling you that for over an hour?" Burke gave Pacey. who chanced to be the nearer of the two. a shove that sent the fellow staggering halfway across the room under Its impetus. "Pacey, how long have you been out?" "A week." "Want to go back for another stretch?" "God, no'. "Who shot Griggs?" The reply was a chorus from the two: "I don't know honest, I don't!" In his eagerness Chicago Bed moved toward his questioner. "Honest to Gawd. I don't know notb in about it!" The inspector's Cst shot out toward Chicago Bed's Jaw. The thief went to his knees under the blow. "Now, get up und talk!" Burke's voire came with unropontaut nolsiuess against the stricken man. Crlngingly Chicago Bed obeyed as far as the getting to his feet w-as con corned. While he got slowly to his foot he took care to keep at a respect ful distance from the c'tkial. Cassldy entered the Inspector's ofllce to announce the arrival of the district attorney. "Send lra in." Burke directed. He made a gesture toward th doorman and added. "Take Vm back." "I eauie as S'ou ns I got your mea age," the district attorney said as ha seated himself in a chair by the desk. "Aud I've sent word to Mr. Glider. Now, theu. Burke, let's have this thing quickly?" The inspector explanation was con cise; "Joe Garson, Chicago Bed aud Pacey, along with Griggs, broke into Kdward Glider'a house nlsht. I tuew the trlv k was going to be pulled off, and o I plautcd Cassldy and a couple of oth er ineu just outside the room where the haul was to bo trades Thru went away, and after something bk half an hour I came back to make th arrests myself. When I broke into th room I found young Glider alone with that Turner woman he married, and they were just talking together. "I found Griggs lying ou the floor dead! The Turner womau Kays young Gilder shot Griggs because he broke into the house Ain't that the limit?" "What docs the boy say?" "Nothing. We've got Chicago Bed and Pacey. and we'll have Garson be fore the day's over. And, oh. yes! TheyVe picked vp n young girl at the Turner woman's place. And we've got one real clew for once!" He opened a drawer of the desk and took out Gar sou's pistol, to which the slleucer was still attached. "Yon never saw a gun like that be fore, eh?" he exclaimed. Deuiarest ad mitted the face "I'll bet you never did! That thing on the end Is a Maxim silencer. There are thousands of them in use on rifles, but they've never leeu able to use them on revolvers before. That thing Is absolutely noiseless, I've tried it. Well, yon see, it'll be an easy thing easiest thing in the world! to trace that silencer attachment. Cassldy's worklug on that cud of the thing nowT (To be Continued) Disordered Kidneys Causa Much Misery. Willi pain and misery by day, sleep-disturbing bladder weak ness at niht, tired, nervous, run-down men and women every where are glad to know thai Foley Kidney Pills restore health and strength, and the regular ac tion of kidneys and bladder. For sale by all druggists. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine, stallion, the best in the state for sale. Well broke for botl harness and saddle. Win. Gilmour, Plattsmoutb, Neb. R. F. D. No. f . You may need an AUCTIONEER and we want to inform you that dates can be made at tlus office for GOL. Wfl DUNN the Weeping Water Auctioneer Careful Attention to Public Sales Rates are Reasonable rmiTvmi vvvw i"'V rv"T"i J h WEEPINQ WATER. 4 J Republican. lI,I"II) I"X,"2""J'2 "W!"! Paul Sitznian came over from Plattsmouth Monday and will work on the farm this summer for George Towle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spangler and children, Mr. and Mrs, Philip Spangler and George took Sunday dinner with John puugler near Louisville. Paul Wurl is moving onto the farm of T. L. Wiles, east of Grand View church, this week, which he has rented. His sister. Miss Theresa, wilt keep house for him. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wiles, Miss Lula Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiles and children made an all lay visit at the Leslie Wiles home Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Livings ion spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tchirren, near Plattsmouth. Their children were H at home, making a family re union. Mr. Patrick of Omaha and a 'ivil engineer of the Missouri Pa :illc were in town Saturday morn ing making arrangements for the spur track to be put in at the Olson quarry for the new crusher. A seven and ono-half-pound liltle daughter arrived Friday, March 0. to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Rugha, liv ing southwest of town. She has been named Kunice Jcanette. Miss Jennie Hitchmau, who re signed her position as teacher in he Wabash school last Saturday, look up the first grade work at our school Monday morning, which has been in charge or Mrs. T.. L. Hunter for several weeks since Miss Grew has had to re main at home on account, of siek iess in the family. Last Friday morning Mrs. A. L. Marhall had a fall, wrenching the ligiments loose on her left foot. In the afternoon it had swollen very much, with intense ain. She called 1M M. M. Hut ler. .ho dressed it. giving great relief, but the doctor thinks it will be many weeks before she can use il igaiu with safely ami comfort. V UNION. Ledger. -:-:k::-m"2-h Miss Carrie Panning went n Ihe Wednesday evening train for a visit with some of her friends in Lincoln. Mrs. Will A. Frans of Omaha ame Tuesday to spend a few days visiting her parents and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Harry Oravos and daugh ter, Helen, of Syracuse, came in Wednesday to spend several days visiting relatives and Mark and Graves families in this village. W. 11. Dodson, a resident of this place some years ago, arrived from Magnet yesterday for a visit vith his old-time friends, and he finds a great many of them, all pleased to meet him again. Perry Dukes was called to Lin coln Tuesday evening by a mes sage informing him of the serious illness of his father. Mrs. Dukes and the children went out on the Wednesday evening train. James llaker came in last week from Thurston county and is visiting his relatives and friends iu this village. Mr. llaker was a resident of this vicinity for many years and a visit here is a great pleasure for him, as well as for his friends. Will IHevins, who has been the baggage and express man at the depot for several months, resign ?d and will probably secure a position ns brakeman. Krncst Anderson is now the local bag gage and express man in place of Mr. lUevins. Charles McNameo of Hrush. Colo., arrived last Saturday to -pond a few days visiting his mother ami other relatives and friends. He brought a shipment of stock to the South Omaha mar ket, and being so near he could not miss the chance to see his old home town. A sore headed bear and foreign horn master furnished amuse ment for Frank llauer, Jim Lewin and n crowd of other children on Wednesday evening. An effort was made to have n pugilistic bout between Frank aud the bear, hut Frank's pedal extremities got chilly. EAGLE. '! neacon. ir Jim South of Plattsmouth visited the fore part of the week at the home of his sifter, Mrs. Hen Muenchau and family. We are glad to report that the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Pur baugh is improving, and bright hopes are entertained for Its re covery. Kdna, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Caddy, fell in such a manner last Friday as to break one of the bones of her left shoulder. A. 11. Vaulandinuham is able to be out and around again after having been confined to the house for two weeks with a badly bruised leg caused by a fall ou the ice recently. George Oberle and family moved in from the farm Tues day of this week and are occupy ing the Fd Wachter property. We understand that George will ta.e charge of the Eagle garage .Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Albright or lied Cloud, Neb., spent Monday nisiht with their uncle, J. C. Henz, departing for Lincoln on the 11 o'clock train Tuesday. Word has been received telling of the arrival of a seven and one-half-pound little daughter, on Friday, March 0. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rugha, living near Weeping Water. She has been named Eunice Jeanette. Mrs. A. J. Anderson departed Thursday of Ia?t week for Seattle, Wash., after an extended visit with her son, o. S. Anderson, and her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Venner and their families. O. S. Ander son and wife aud Mrs. Venner and Mabel accompanied here as far as Lincoln. A deal was consumatcd the fore part of the week whereby C. S. Trumble became owner oT the J. A. Talkington building on the west side of main street, former ly occupied by Wall's restaurant. The consideration was Sl.ioo. Mr. Talkington taking a team of horses as part payment. ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. Mrs. Z. A, London of Hutler, Mo, arrived Sunday for a viit with her daughter, Mrs. Goo. A. Miller. We are pleased to see George Hall atKl family back from South Dakota to again establish their residence among u. Miss Kiltie Fae Worley of Omaha was an over Sunday guet at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Worley. Mrs. Clara Cow or and sou. of Lincoln, came Tuesday toviMt the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hetlriek. Miss Martha Stolz returned Tuesday to her home at Mil ford, after an extended visit with rela tives and friends. Charles West moved his family last week into the property last occupied by him joining the office of Dr. List-on, and which he has purchased. George Kunz will move into the Mail's' residence, vacated by Mr. West. Win. W. Aldrich. wife and two sons, of Modesto, Cal., were visit ors this week at. the homo of Mr. Aldrich's brother, Capt. C. S. Aldrich and family. Mr. Aldrich has just moved from his Cali fornia home to Lincoln. Considerable activity is already noticeable among the farmers, who are getting roaly for spring work. It is a little early for this, but the very spring-like weather prompts many to do now what would add to the heavy burdens of spring work later on. Cecil Hird was brought home from Lincoln Tuesday afternoon, having successfully undergone an operation for rupture at the state orthopedic hospital, ami we are pleased to note that he is now- doing nicely and on the happy road to recovery. NEHV.VKA. A. W. Piatt, the peace officer secured by the Commercial club, has moved in. John J. Lone: returned to Vesta Wednesday after a month's visit to his son, the editor and family. Blair Dale is finishing up the good work he began last week aud is painting the outside of Shel don's store. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bronson of Avoca visited Andrew Piltman on their way home from Plattsmouth Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Fries left Wednesday evening for their new- home in Omaha. They leave a host of friends in this community who are loath to see them go. W. E. Rosencrans, one of the C Children Cry The Kind You Have Almys Conht, and it hlch fca. hern in use for over UO years, lus home the lcn-itare o ojicI lias been nude tzntier hi prr m -jFj' sonul euptrrlsiun lnc it Inlancy. 'vSy Allovr no ono to ilelve yoa la tliU. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jut-a-ooa' are bot Experiments that triflo "with and rndangcr the bcultii ct Infants and Ciiildrtn LLxperienoe against llxpenrncr.U What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless euhstitntd for Cator 03. Parr poric. lrop and Soothing jrni It L pleasant. IS contains mither Opium, .MorpLino nor ctb-r .Narrwtio subs-taneo. Its ago is its jtiaraatec It destroy Worms and allays I-VrriIincss. For ciore than tlilrty jrar it lias In-ca in constant use for tli rrlicf of Constipation, I'lituleney, "Wind CoIi., aill Teething TroubW and l'iurrlmM. It regulates the- Stota-uh and lion rL, assimilates the Food, giving haltiy and natural lie a. Tlie Children's lanacea The Zlothcr's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years C F CAteV. VO C.W be.t fellows vvlio vv liwol in l'laltiniuth. came v. r il";;iav afterno.m f r the K. of l. L!w-! out Monday niht. Mrs. Charb's C.hrisw ;,-r and the tw children were ''.is-.. r..-'r t l'latttuouth Fr;.iay oi'iii!:; where they expected t. viit a few days, Mr. I'.hrt-vv ier is u Tea ou a ian.l-eekinu j'-,j;t nn. Mrs. A. L. felt f.-..,i: a hors-' Monday eveuinsr a:'.. I 1 r-ke her collar Her a;ul .Mr. :d: were returning fr iu town !i. re !ack when the t:ore Mr. :.': was ridm-r shied at .!ii.'tlui and threw her. The editor and L uie returned from liivl Oak Monday, after hav ing been there since Friday nsht. His father-in-law. Jame A. Oray. died Saturday morninc and va buried Sunday afternoon. He had been a sufferer for several month with cancer f the .t u ach, and his condition had b-en hopeless for w tk. Mi.-, l.oi, and the la!y returned Wednes day. vww wv. LOUISVILLE. Courier. i i - I . . . . i . . Horn Sunday. March S. to Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Snndtroin. a! boy. Frank Schmader. the LouisiUe wrestler, gos to ltealrice March 17 to wrestle J. M. Lenz. At the people's primary held last week K. !. Twiss, i:. palmer ami T. H. Wilsn were nominated for village trustees. Miss C.elia ('roup, who is at tending the Stat Normal at Peru, came home Saturday for an over Sunday visit with her parent. Chester Fairer went to Omaha Monday to consult a stomach specialist. It is possible that lo may have to :;o to the hospital for treatment in the near future. ELECTRIC SHOE REPA!P.i!1G SlQll Like to TRY A PAIR OF OUR WORK SHOES. Every pair guaranteed and all New ijt;k. Take a look in our uriudovr. AVARD & HcLEAH, for Fletcher's Signature cf J Ai'-lrrw .;:-i-r.':! l-'ft l!t:- - f- r i-ri-.;. vt.-r L- - .. t. n th- f :. i- irz hi h- w.l'i d i-!;l- r. Mr. ;-:t . rdAiii: d fa:, .'x. 11. v. u d Mr. Fi-- I Frw.a T Aiioi-ti. vt:- h.ive t"- s; viit:;: r !ati :.: L- ui II.- t it three uvi, .N..- d t ! ae h-T if t!;- can t:. i a to-u.-. We are ..rr t.. r-;- 'i t t!:a- :r old fri-nid. 'e..r-e M t-r a; d :. w ife have befit fi'ii'M''.!) if I- r th.' weather, t u we li - t - w.A the i--':inr.- of pri. th.-j :. a U'-K . f.'vl l..'ti.r. I'ratik lelu a-r-cAl.: .r pned i"ha:Ie a ' t r- 1; . - hart t!u w.-k 1 ;: !..- th ; i J hi.ndrel-pou-.!d t'" . f freli v x er l:erri::g fr:it K.i.fe U.vr. M;:vi. The tl.o.ri.-r v:L. to than', the f. .- a I : v .f t!i-:a and t ai.r-- o.r f r !. ! 1'uv. thut th- v wi:e i.. : -oeii-nt. AVOID STUFFY WHEEXT BREATHING. Take Fotev IW : a: J Tar Coi;:pound for an r.-.ilamej :.d cor.-eted cor.d.tion f tht air passages ar.d! t .t-e. A cold develops ;t;:ck.: if t. t checked and br t:v!i:ti. la-r:; pe arid rr.i'i:::, T.u are r.ero-; p"Ml'ihties. Har?lj. ra.-k.r.c cor.shs weaken the rter;!. I it Fidey's Honey arid Tar i pure and c -ta;n in reult. C-a-tams no cp;ate. l r alc by all druggists. I'OU SALK A number f de sirable eottazt an 1 pre tentious honi"s. at bargain t:-'urrs. Al oiii.' vacant l-d. Windham Investine'. JL Loan t.o. c-i.;-tfi Yale Motorcycle for Sale. Fully e.juipped and - od a new. Inu:re at the J iurua! olTiee. SOLES est j Gome to Us Riley Black,