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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1914)
Slat,. Hi rho-utb 5ourn VOL. XXXIII. PL ATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1914. NO. 2. Platte al. ANOTHER FORMER CITIZEN OF CASS COUNTY DIES r Vtm. J. Hesser, Well Known to Many Cass County People, Passes Away in California. From Friday's Daily. Another of the men who in early times was among the most prominent in this section of the state, has been summoned to ttie Great Heyond, in the person of William J. Hesser, who passed away at his home in Pasadena, California, on December 13. The news of his death was conveyed here in a letter from parties re siding: there who had known Mr. Hesser well when they were resi dents ill this county, but the mes sage failed to grive the full par ticulars of the demise of this worthy man. Mr. Hesser was quite well advanced in years and had not been in the best of health for the past few years and his death was not unexpected by the inembers of his family. For many years the deceased resided south of this city, where he conducted a preen house for the raising, of plants of all kinds, and his reputation as a florist was quite extensive throughout this section of the state, and there was no one in this part of the state who was more widely known for his splendid ability along: this line, and for which Mr. Hesser showed a wonderful tal ent, and it was with great regret that he was compelled to close out the - business. wb4eh he had conducted here for nearly forty years, and shortly after that, in 1901, he, in company with his family, removed to the Pacific coast, where they have since made their home. The death of this worthy man will prove to be the source of great sorrow to the many old friends here who had in the past known him so favorably and well, and in their hour of grief the family will receive the deepest sympathy of all in their loss of the grand, good man who has gone home. WHIST CLUB SPENDS A DELIGHTFUL EVENING AT THE BAYLOR HOME From Saturday's Dally. The Whist club held a most pleasant gathering at. the charm ing home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Uaylor on New Year's eve, and the event proved to be one of the most delightful of the winter's program. The house was decorat ed in a very artistic manner, there being streamers of green and red, the holiday colors, frestooned throughout the rooms, and the scene was most appropriate for the jolly gathering which, as sembled under this hospitable roof. There were several hours spent in the- playing . of the fascinating game of whist, and in the contests R. W. Clement captured the club prize and Mrs. Caspar Thygeson of Nebraska City carried off the visitors' prize for the largest number of games won. During the course of the evening a most tempting four course luncheon was served, that greatly aided in making the oc casion a most complete success in every way. Those who par ticipated in the pleasures of the evening were: Messrs. and Mes dames R. W. Clement, C. G. Fricke, F. L. Cummins, W. A. Roberson, C. W. liaylor. Miss Ada Hicks, Fremont; Mrs. Eva Reece, Mrs. Caspar Thygeson of Ne braska City, Mrs.' J.. A. Donelan. Residence Property for Sale. The I. S. White residence properly in Murray is offered for sale. This is an excellent piece of property and will be sold right. For' particulars call at the Murray State Bank, or Mark .White. Files for First Papers. From Saturday's Ially. Today Carl Knieke- aged 20, of Avoca. this county, made applica tion in th office of the district clerk for his first papers, in order to become a citizen of the United States. He was born in Hanavor, Germany, September 2; 1887, and came to America July 2, 1911, and since that time has resided at Avoca. Secures Doll in Contest. From Saturday's Dally. The beautiful doll which was given away by E. G. Dovey & Son for the Round Ticket Hosiery contest, was awarded to little Dondhy Saltier. The dull was deliered to Miss Dorothy this morning, much to her delight. The doll stands two feet high and is dressed beautifully, having, in addition to her silk coat, a set of furs and fur cap. No doubt the doll will give Dorothy manv hours of real pleasure. TREATS RAIL WIIHJONTEMPT M. P. Railroad Company Seems to Have an Unkindly Regard for .the Patrons in Cass County. From Saturday's Daily. The Missouri Pacific, with its usual kindly regard (?) for the interest of the residents of this county, have prepared a change in the time-card of the Louisville line of that road that will do away "with any benefit"- that t he residents from the western and central part of the county might secure by being given connections with the Burlington at Louisville for this city. The change pro jected is that of the train that now leaves Omaha at 3:30 in the afternoon and reaches Louisville at 5 o'clock to make connections with the Schuyler train of the Burlington from the east, and which carries the passengers from this city out to their homes in t tie county. Under the new schedule the train will leave Omaha at 2:i5 and arrive at Louisville at 4:15. making it im possible for the passengers from the Schuyler to make connections at that point for the south. This change projected is an outrage and the matter should be called to the attention of the state railway commission to see if justice cannot be secured for the people of this county from the railroad. The change, it is reported, was made without con sulting the state commission. which recently ordered the Mis souri Pacific to make connections at Louisville for the passengers to and from this city over the Burlington, and the commission ers should bring the railroad to time and see that they continue to force the present running time of the trains, which, at best, is only a make-shift and far from what the traveling public throughout the county deserve at the hands of the Missouri Pacific. The Burlington has shown a great deal more consideration for the people traveling over their road in the way of train service than the Missouri Pacific, and if that corporation cannot be pre vailed upon to do justice to the people then the state commission hould be petitioned to take some steps in the matter. i. James Society Elects Officers. From Friday's Dally. The St. James society, one of the leading Bohemian lodges in the city, has elected their officers or the ensuing year as follows: President Joseph Jelinek. Vice President Anton Koubek. Corresponding Secretary C. E. Gradoville. Financial Secretary Frank Konfrst. Treasurer J. M. Jirousek. Watchman John Nashal. Trustee John J. Svoboda. Blank books of all kinds at the Journal office. WAY COMMISSION JOHN GILHE 01U1E PASSED AWflYJfESTERDAY After Several Years' Suffering From That Dread Disease, Tuberculosis. From Friday's Dan. Yesterday morning at an early hour, alter months of suffering from the dread malady, tuber culosis, Gilmore OTbuirke pass ed away at the home of his sis ter, Mrs. T. E. Parmele, in this city. Mr. O'Rourke was born and reared to manhood in this city, being the soil of the late Captain John O'Rourke and wife, and he was possessed of a host of warm friends, who have sor rowfully watched during the past few monlhs his fading away as the ravages of his affliction made its inroads upon his health, and all that loving hands or medical attention could do was given him in his hours of sulfering, but without avail. Mr. O'Rourke was stricken with the malady several years ago, and for two years resided in Colorado,- where his health great ly improved and he seemed cured of the trouble, but returning to Chicago to resume his duties, the confinement of the oflice work proved too much for his health and he suffered a relapse and came here about a year ago. hoping to find in the pure coun try jir relief, but without avail, and he slendily grew worse until he was called to his final reward yesterday lnrninsr. - Ho leaves a wife and two children, as well as one brother and two sisters to mourn his loss, as follows: Mr. John O'Rourke. Spokane, Wash ington: Mrs. T. E. Parmele of Plattsmouth, and Mrs. George R. Bird of Chicago. The funeral . of Mr. O'Rourke will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the St. John's Catholic church and the body liad to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. FUNERAL OF THE LATE JOHN GILMORE O'ROURKE THIS MORNING From Saturday's Daily. The funeral of the late John Gilmore O'Rourke was held this morning at 10 o'clock from St. John's Roman Catholic church, the requiem mass being celebrat ed by Rev. Father Shine, rector of the church. There were a large number of the old friends pres ent at the church to pay their last tributes of respect to his memory, and following the 'services at the church the casket was borne to Oak Hill cemetery, where it was consigned to its last resting place beside his father and mother, who preceded him in hath several years ago. Election of Officers. From Fridv Dallv. The Catholic- Workman lodge of this city yesterday selected their new officers for the year 1914, and the following were chosen for the different offices: Rector and Councillor Rev. John Ylcek. President Joseph Jelinek. Vice President Anton Kan ka, sr. Corresponding Secretary C Gradoville. F i n an e i al Sec re I a ry Joseph Rochak. Treasurer John V. Svoboda. Trustee Frank J. Libershall. Watchman John Hiber. Mortgages Filed and Released. From Friday's Dally. During the year 1913, accord ing to the figures in the office of County Clerk Morgan, there were filed 555 chattel mortgages amounting to 300,743.41, and during the same length of time 39 4 were released amounting to $232,080.08, which leaves a bal ance of some $130,000 in favor of the number filed. Jesse Perry Is Sick. From Saturday's Dally. The many friends of Jesse Perry, the barber, will be "sery sorry to learn that this gentle man is confined to' his home and feeling qdite badly with an attack of stomach trouble. He was taken sick two days -ago and since that time has been unable to be down town, but it is thought thai in a few days he will be able to be up and around. Chicago Mail Will Be Earlier. From Saturday's Daily. Owing to the change in the Burlington train service. No. 7, the mail train from Chicago, will arrive in Pacific Junction at 12:30 noon in the future and the peo ple here can receive their Chicago mail at 1:58. instead of al 3:30, as at present, which will prove quite a convenience to the busi ness men of the city who hae business with the Chicago houses. E IN THE COURT COURT Which Entails Estate of the Late William J. O'Brien, in Which the Wife Comes In. From Saturday's Daily. The matter of the estate of the late William J. O'Brien, who died here several months ago, was given another inning in the coun ty court yesterday. A few months ago the two sons of Mr. O'Brien tiled a claim against the estate for personal property which they claimed had been given them by their father during his lifetime, but the court refused their claim. The present case is that of the widow of Mr. O'Brien, who has filed her election to take under the law instead of the will, which did not allow her anything. The case is one that is quite badly complicated, as the husband and wife did not live together for sev eral years preceding his death, and during t li i time his jiiece, Mrs. William Morley. of this city, had the care of him, as he was blind and unable to help himself. At the time of the separation there was a settlement, made be tween them of the proceeds of the sale of the farm south of this city, and after this the widow re moved with her sons to Illinois, and later to Missouri, where they reside at present. The case occupied the greater part of the morning in the hear ing of, the testimony, there being several witnesses on both sides, and the court was then adjourn ed until 4 o'clork in order to have Attorney William C. Ramsey of Omaha, who was one of the at- attoiney at the time of the settle ment, to testify. Mr. Ramsey gave his understanding of the con versation between the parlies, which was held in his office at the time of the sale of the farm in the early part of 1910. He stated the incident of the giving of the $3,000 to Edward O Brien for his mother, but was unable to recall the exact words used by the parties at the time the settlement was inane. The case ran until nearly 5 o'clock, when, by agreement of counsel it was laid over until Monday morning, when the at torneys will make their argu ments and submit them to the court. Real Estate Mortgages for 1913. The record for the mortgages in Cass county in the year 191J in the oflice of Register of Deels Snyder shows that during the year there were filed 185 farm mortgages, amounting to S700, 938. and city mortgages to the number of 1 48, amounting to $152,237. There were released 18 4 farm mortgages, amounting to $540,340. and city mortgages numbering $90,942. 132, amounting to Buy your stationery at the Journal office. Ill A 1THE OLD YEAR OUT AND THE NEW YEAR IN Leaguers Gather at "Sunnyside" and Enjoy a Happy and Pleas ant "Watch Meeting." From Friday's Daily. To watch the passing into memory of the year 1913 ami to welcome the coining of the new vear. 1914. the members of the I'pworth League gathered at "unnyside," the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. WesCott, on Wed nesday evening fr their annual 'New Year's reeept ion, which for the past twenty years they hae held at the hospitable We-a'ott home. A very pleading program had been arranged f"r the event, con sisting of several vocal numbers by A. O. Moore. Mrs. llaney lloweiter. Miss Llh-n 'indharn and Mrs. R. B. Hayes responded to the demand of the gathering with a very pleasing number, which added to the excellent se lections furnished by the other vocalists made this feature of the program a very pleasing one. Mrs. A. O. Moore and Miss Mina Thierolf gave two very delightful instrumental numbers that aided greatly in making the pleasure of the auditors complete. Hon. R. B. Windham, in keeping with the spirit of the occasion, read a New Year's poem that wa very pleasing to everyone present. The members and guests, num bering some eighty, were served with dainty refreshments of ice cream and cake during the course of the evening, which aided greatly in rounding out the suc cess of the reception, which was one of the largest ever held by the society, and the fun and sociability was enjoyed by iti young people until a late hour, and between the different num bers on the program the com pany was entertained with a num ber of selections on graphophne and everyone at the close depart ed feeling that it was a mo-t de lightful occasion and trusting they would all be able to be to gether on next New Year's day. THE MEAT MARKET OF KUNSMAN 8 RANGE TO CHANGE MANAGEMENT From Saturday's Dally. The meat market of Kunsmann & Uanige, which has been one of the leading establisnments of its kind in the city for the past few years, will, on Monday, January 12, change hands, as Mr. Oeorge W. Thomas, who has been con nected with the establishment f"r several years back, will assume charge of and conduct the busi ness, tl is expected by Mr. Thomas to continue the policy that has brought the meat mar ket to the front and he will en deavor to give the public just what they want. Mr. Rainge will remain in the market for the present at least and will assist in the business for a few weeks. Mr. Kunsmann will enjoy a rest from his duties and enjoy himself, as it is the first time in several years that he has had the opportunity to take a vacation, hainc been closely confined to the meat mar ket. Mr. Thomas is tin. roughly familiar with every detail of the business and the public can rcl assurred that they will receive the best of service and courtesy from him. For Sale. Good 100-acre farm, 31 miles southeast of Greenwood. Neb.: 125 acres in winter wheat, 30 acres meadow. Also good 1C0 acre farm lli miles west of Greenwood, Neb.; 70 acre in winter wheat, 12 acres alfalfa. Call on or write, A. D. Welton. or Farmers State Bank, Greenwood. Neb. Missouri Pacific Train Earlier. The Mi-soi. n Pacific Ilaihoa company has j -o i j ! make change m th-ir pas-. traini service on unday. J. on; ary iiti i The only train through this c:'j atVecte.J is til- Tioft h-b d J - .-liter No. IK!, which uj.'i'-r tto-j new schedule will rrr :e h r.- at j 4:40 p. m. iii-tea. of 5 o'clock, a-j at pie-cut. The tram will i t v . Kansas ihty .:.. a. in. and i: will make a tine train f- r the pa--enters b ?w'ii K.i:;-a- I.' and Miiaha. Terms of the District Court. District Judge );.! ha- r:-! notified :b-r of the I;-'i . ! Court Robert-Hi of the term- of court for the di-trict f. . r the is suing year a- follow-: arpy county, Febiuaiy 2. p f i n b-r 1 : Olcc county . March .. May 11. Oi fob.-r H; Ca-- coijiiiy. April 13, June S, Noemi' r to. EAGLES CELE BRATE DEPARTURE OF 0L0 YEAR The Eagles and Their Families Enjoy Nice Social Time New Year's Eve. The members of th- ! at aerie: of Laglfs. together with tie families, hel.i one of !he delightful social gathering the delightful good ti:;.e. Th they certainly had th-- go -d tirr.e and e cry one f-'t that it wa michty goo, J to be jr-n?. Progressive high f.e wa- t te chier feature of the eer:ir.g. and there were s-ral tatd-s cupird by the men, hers and !li,,.r friends cor.te-1 in.g f -r the r of the "occa-ion. and th-re w.i much enjoy::irn! d-riwd in tr playing of this came, a- w ) a i;i the di-eu-i"ii "f 'he supper win h had i prepared for th ee:;t. a:i there was a pleased up -n the faces of eVeTV' ;,e j .;--.'; as they 1 the -pie:,.;,,! arra- of g I things t ea' prepare. f r their.. a:;d th" w. rk of th- rr. v nimrods who --cured tf.e , I. -f feature r.f the -erir:g was v,Tr,. in the gathering. T.'i- hall n club rooms were .J. c.ira' d ry;'""r hy .h 1 1. I ; A. -. 1 ! iianijsomeiy in now it a:i i eT greens and streamer-, which made the -cere a ry pretty f !c- most congenial p'.nc- f r the happy gathering. The members and tl.eir fa-.-ilies -pent the time, in ad l.ti-'-i ! the card grimes nri i:pp r. ir, having a social time ain-.m Ihern seies. and i? wa- a la? h.-ir when they dejarte.' fir tt.-ir homes, fr. ln.g that th" g.itheri:: ha.J been one of the r:.ot pleas ant in their recol i. ar;.J hop ing that the f'agl"- won'. gi another -miliar -enf in th- future in or,j..r that they all gather together t njoy cinlbility. Gives Away Prizes. From FrlJajr' IiaUT The award of the prizes gi-i awav at t!i- rand !!i-jh-r Pv i .Manager iiru'-v was r:a- on Wedne-dav - ard attract-, wh. n II-: r- i .. Kh --" ! -t d a creat d-al of at ', :;' i- v.. a i.r.i-'M- a Mw.l I . Uore had b-en kc-n i:tcr--J ;;.,(. r a: d !,- i i !!;-'. -shown in who -fi.a.'d ee;;re tti-:V..r.. j i.. th- . . f .- valuable d dl ofTeretl by the n ir - j... k. Th '. :y g r.i- e a a agernent. a::d in thi- r.iyd" l:r;t-1 if ";-e t ir ' tain sucreete. in rapturing tb , th-' .: g j prize d-dl. which is .i!;i"l at j h d -some .r. w?ii!e Hu-dett 1 1 r ; g g j -r. t w..-.: f tak was awarded the 1 w.-rih "fij.-.t th-r- - j ticket- as aecond priz. g - ; - r r.z : ; .' . ., r y : -'-: f- r 'h- For Sale. --t r. ; o . f- !. Th A complete Eastman" Photo-; r !v - ':..! W -. graphic outfit f.-r ab- cheap: ixZ , - - v ' - a J camera. J. .ch. Murray. Vb.:tr;-.r h t.-r t ' th- ? far b-a-f. Thev are all k-r; Buy your stationery at the b :-v ro:r. it r T;?r:i! .;!. Journal offlee. jf. n ,,f th'.r frr-r.-ls. THE METHODIST HI CALE JLAST NIGHT One of the Most Enjoyable Musical Events Ever Given by the Young People. I'ri n St jri! a: ' la';. The r-.n-.e I la-t .Mr.:-.-' at J'.- M' i. : .' . , ;: h by th.- ; . - I-.!, and th- V' . M- :.' - I'.!.. pr. e.J t p- a e; . - a 1.1 - i i;- a: S t . . - f . . - . - e.J j.y ! h- .: g I j- w a - ; 1 tin- hi-!i -tar !.( t . x - I w hi.-h h.ts . ira. !:. i t.-.r feri:. in th.. fa-:. Tt - i: -pe i:: - !, . !- , - it-. . - : t U- Mn-ie-I j-. i city J. their v.o-k. '' th- ft,'.' :i. and the v.-.- .-!..:.- ,- . cii.i. a- i : - a i e -i j a- j: i- p ?.. :.' i .i: y ' : - i'i with t!.-i- Tt." r.,-. :: Ih- .r . -h--w.d 1- rf .1 .. i-i tt.-ir -.- -;:.g 1 ? h- - train... g y a-e --. . . rapidly i r.- - ;-.g tl ' j fr- : I . - ..f I- a : - i. .--.a: . f :: - j ar.d tt.ey : ..- ; r- i : ;.iihn::i'' i- ..! they ..- r i -i t h- : r '"a:, i if :; .i year ago. and ;f tf -v . :.'. I get her f-.r ar.ofhe- w a- :h-- " . j l.iiif a g'e- .. .; a- - '. - : in lit- as f,-- sr- a ' . Il-r T i d.d e tr." .... j The :;:,a! r.'.': : r f , : i g: "It . . i a. I' a; .a. t -I - 1 1 hor-.uahly t'" by t i . er. !. ar ! as i. dh '!,:- j . t h" r.-r. :.' ,.r. of t h ; " i ;'.f .1 - ! j n it..' fT-r : ti, . b-a-iif .!. W .'... -t - - : - '. . a large : : a . : a- f. gt-3'. I- ' :; : r : " p-oi ran: wi- t; . - - -; g f 'I..' .- , ; i g. "J- - . . r. - My." 1 ; a T . i"'- - ' M---r-. I' ' k. -. . r.r. j il-'C -x f - r , , ; v Mr. r. H. We-.- :. . . ! ?-.e -. i- -r.-r in !!-" t!-e -'.g s;rr-d to. a-:d.--.-". t . he ! ; f!.s . f t'-.r t" ir'- n- ; w ere a v !, w,-',e I f ; i' ; h '-.! 1 h cv e -m w: t -..j t r-.-:;tv to b- a- fa- r--;:. -).. - d t . e. V. .;. .: T: - d g i-.- e ' t - : I -h'f r-'!:::- : - ; - -" i:. . d th:- - ' ' '" i-ir-g f- at of i';.. .;.--,-. T - ' . r. . ' -b-r by I'.h. -'e- T . y - .- -x- . i - : d t !. y . g r i ' -hows iT-lt ?.i-t i:- ' .- I. w .ru a: 1 tt i. ..' ..' th tuli flak- 'o- " ar ' o- futn-e !.v ; liv . . t ; s ,n-t ru:;e'.?. r,e ,-. .r-r.- a tt !i v. r i be well sa. 1 t.. J. r." a p '-a - t! . g " ". a .d t h- re W is .''"- e-! . fel- g th- a'.d.e- who a"- --d-d .--r tt.-- , ; ; .-.i-i - : TWO COUPLES OF PUTTSMOOTH PEOPLE KAHHiED i:i oyri Fr rr' UVm I-ii T.h-r - w - a a'. a Wet ; , .4- . i i; 5 e - : ! t. .. .. i . -