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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1913)
A- s , - t . t . 41. i-t-taikA PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1S13 -ULC D. , . . .- ri I! i! '!! i; 1 1 - i ; s "5 'i IN WOMAN'S BREAST ALWAYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP AS THISand ALWAYS POI SO NSDEEPGLANDS IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY IWiLLGIVESiOOO If I Faillo CL'REany CANCER OrTUMOR I Treat Before It Poisons Bone or Deep Glands SUREPAINLESS PLASTER CURE lose no itieep uihia PayWhenCured Written GUARANTEE Ctarrr oerrr paios until it polmjnMdeep. IOO-Page Book nt free ; tet liiiou ia! of ttiounauua cured. WRITE TO SOME CANCER the BREAST, LIP, FACE or body always begins a small tumor, lump or ore full of jwiUoti an.l cTUta death. I itwear we havecured 10,OuOoaer and refutie tbou MiuU dying scared too lata. Write to DR.&MRS.DR.CHAMLEE&CO. DR. HURFORD-2 lady aasiatants AB36 WEST RANDOLPH STREET. CHICAGO. ILL Thla May SAVE A LIFE. Sand it Horn AMONG THE READERS . OF THE JOUURNAL. J. W. .F. I'hilpol, fi'Mii near Weepinir W ater, was in I In city a f-v hours one day last week, an. I of course paid Ihe .loiirual oili.c a brief visit, renewing his subscription to Hit paper. W. i:. Ileiinings uit.l family, from near Cedar Creek, 1 1- in from their home to. lay ami trading with IMat t smoul h mer rhanls. While here .Mr. Ilen nings called at llii olliee to re new his subscription to the .loiir ual. James stone and f. C. West, of Xeliawka were IMal I snioul h visit ors Tuesilay afternoon, coming up via the auto route for a short i-it with friends and to look af ter ome Juiciness mailers. While here Mr. Stone paid the .Journal ot'ice a brief call, win-re he is al ways a most welcome caller, at alj limes. W in. Jiornemeier, of F.Imwood. Herman Itoriieiueier, of Murdock. and It. .1. Kissinger of Clenvillc. .el.. were Platlsinouth visitors Tuesday of I his week, and were plea-ant callers al this otlice. The former rent leinan renewed his subscript in for another year. They made the trip in the auto. Mr. Kissinger has been visiting at lb TSoinemeier homes for Ihe past, few days. Anion II. Walliugcr of Stewart, Nebraska, armed in I ho cit Ibis lin'i'iiiii:.' for a few days" iil with old Ca-s voiinly friends and relative. lie came to South Omaha with some .-lock and took advantage of the opport unity l make old Plat I smoul h friends a vi-it. Mr. Wallinger moved from this county to Stewart nine years ago. ami ibis is his second visit back to old Cass, although lie has always kepi posted on his many old friends through the columns of Ihe .Journal, for which he has been a continuous reader for mally years. J(. called at Ibis olliee while here to renew for an other year. A Night of Terror. Few nig his arc more terrible lhan I hat of a mother looking on her child choking and gasping for breath during an attack of roup, and nothing in Ihe house lo relieve it. Many mothers have passed nights of terror in this .situation. A litlle forethought will enable you to avoid all Ibis. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Keep if al hand. For sale by all deal ers. Blank books of all kinds at the Journal office. ip.-t.n.,.,,..,.,,.,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,..,. . Ml w ravoriie ' of all men who appreciate a fine old mellow whiskey OLD I.W.HARPER WHISKEY For half a century it has led V; the field.. TD EGENBERQER '111": Local News From Tuesday's ranr. Dan Kclley oT (Ireenwood was in Ihe eily today for a few hours looking afler some matters at Ihe court house for a short time. Mrs. luck Osborne of Omaha, who has been here for Ihe past few days as a guest of Mrs. John V. Hall, returned this morning lo her home in the metropolis. Mrs. Charles Dann of Omaha arrived lasl evening on No. 2 for a short isil. here with her mother, Mrs. 'J'. W. Carter an. I family, for a few days. County Attorney C. II. Taylor departed Ibis morning for Ne bawka, where tie was called l look alter some matters of busi ness for t be county. Rudolph Ramsey of Hanover, Oermauy, is spending Ihe week al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cor nileus I'.engen, near Mynard. Mr. Ramsey arrived here last Satur day. Jesse lliner relumed this aft ernoon from Walthill. Nebraska, where he had been for Ihe past ten days visiting at Ihe home of his son in Ibal place. Father William Higgins of Mauley, who has been here since Sunday assisting in the forty hours deotion at St. Johns Catholic church, departed this afternoon for his home. W. 1'. Wells of Red Oak, Iowa, came over this morning on No. !." from his home and spent the day here with friends and in look ing afler some matters in the county court. Ray Chriswisser of Osmond. Neb., came lo South Omaha yes terday with a carload of sheep, and in company with his brother. Charles, of Xeliawka. was a pas senger for Omaha, where Charles will try and secure a carload of feeders. Mrs. C. A. Peterson of Caspar Wyoming, who is in the city for a short lime visiting with friends. departed this afternoon for I'.elleviie. where she will isil Willi her mother before returning home. I'.dil.u- C. I.. Craves of the Fnioii Ledger came up lasl even ing from his home to spend, the evening and a few hours here today wilh his many friends, re turning home this noon on the St. Louis Flyer. W. 11. Mark, one of Ihe leading farmers of the vicinity of Fnion, came up last evening and was a passenger on the early Ittirling ton train for Omaha, where he was called on some mailers of business. Mrs. William Cilmonr return ed last, evening from Sioiiv City. Iowa, where sin bad been visiting for the past lew weeks with her daughter. Mrs. F.. Miller. Mrs. Miller accompanied her mother home for a short visit. S. W. Copenhaver and C. F. Harris of I'nion drove lo this city today to attend to some im portant business matters. While here they Were pleasant callers at this olliee and ordered some sale bills for Mr. Copenhaver for his sale, which will be held on December ill. A. C. Mnnn and sister. Mrs. V.. Wolfe, and Miss l)oia Kempke, all of the vicinity of Avoca, motored to Ibis city this morn ing anil spenl Ihe day attending to important. business mailers. in. I sin iimiii'' Mr. Miiimi was a rtleasanl caller at I his olliee. and while here renewed his subscrip tion lo i nis paper. Mrs. l'bilio Horn and Mrs. I.ouis Horn were passengers Ibis morning on No. !." for Omaha. where I hey will visit for the day with Mrs. Cliarles Sloehr fit Im- mannel hosmlal. Mrs. Sloehr is gelling along nicely, according lo last reports and her family is feeling very much pleased over the outlook for her recovery. Best results are secured by ad vertising in the Journal. FOR SALE My residence on Main and 81 h streets, with 88-foot frontage on Main street. New hard-wood floors in all rooms and closels. New hot water heating plant, new high-grade plumbing throughout, with connection to city sewer. 250-barrel cistern. Cellar under entire house, wilh largo laundry, furnace room, fruit cellar, etc.; all concrete floors. Large garage; concrete walks; everything complete and in lirst class condition. Can give possession by Janu ary 1st or sooner if desired. Inquire of T. H. POLLOCK Telephone No, 11. You may rely upon your sales being properly looked after by AMOS 1SKE AUCTIONEER who has had many years ex perience in the ring, and has always maintained the reputa tion of securing the high-dollar for all goods and stock placed in his care. Numerous sales have been successfully conducted in this county. Dates can be made at this of fice or by writing A. C. ISKE, LaPIafie, lleb. fall I'anillUm Kxeliaiw. Chestnut. I .HI ANOTHER BIG EXCURSION TO SUNNY TEXAS The Party to Leave Here on Tues day, December 2, for Trip to Texas. On next Tuesday, December C, W. F. Roseneruns, ,,. real eslale man, will depart for the famous lower Rio (Jrande valley of Texas, taking wilh him a large parly of land-seekers who have been greatly impressed with what they have seen and learned of this wonderful country that is .just now being opened up, and which is being rapidly settled up, as the wonderful fertility of the soil and Ihe ideal climate is be ing understood by those who re side in he "nort hern and astern stales. The railroad rates to Ihe points where Ihe lands are located are very reasonable, be ing only s:ir, from l'lattsmouth lo Hrownville. Texas, on the Ri (irande river. near wln-re Die, lands owned bv Ihe International Land and Investment company are located. The service of the private sleeping cars' and dining car service will be only per day during the trip, and Ibis will afford all who desire a splendid chance to see this rich region of the great slate of Texas at a very reasonable rale, and all who lesire to lake advantage of it should notify Mr. Roseucrans be fore Saturday in order that all arrangements can be made for llieir accommodation on Ihe trip. which will be one thai is seldom given lo anyone lo make. The parly will slop at Sail Anlonia, both going and returning, and the parly will enjoy a side I ri p to Crpus Christi and allow the party ample opportunity to enjoy the famous southern resort. This is a dip that would be greatly en joyed by the wives or daughters of anvone and they can be easily accommodated on this splendid winter lour lo Ihe southland. The climate in this section is ideal. being mild and pleasant the year around, as the gulf breezes in the summer holds Ihe temper ature down to nof over i8 de grees, which is one of Ihe highest ever recorded, and it is generally in Ihe neighborhood of 75 de grees, fief busy now and join Ihe party and take advantage of Ihe low rales offered. A Deserved Penalty. Fvery crime deserves punish ment. Those breaking Ihe laws of nature by over-indulgence in eating and drinking, by neglect ing physical exercise and proper rest, are punished severely with the clogging of the intestines with waste 'matter, which fer menls in the body and tills it with poison. II, causes the so- c a I le. I auto-intoxicalion. 1 lie blood force will gradually weak en, you become bilious, dull anil nervous. In such cases Trincr!s American Elixir of Hitler Wine should be recommended. It will thoroughly clean out. the body and restore the digestive system to its normal activity. II is a very good remedy in diseases of Ihe stomach, the liver and Ihe in testifies. It will assist, in purify ing the blood and in sf lengthen ing the nerves. At drug stores. os Triner, Manufacturing Chem isf. 1.T33-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Tils. Whenever you should need a medicine for rub bing the body, use Triner's Lini ment. Try if in rheumat ism. The name Doan's inspirf confidence Doaii's Kidney Pills for kidney ills, Do an' a Ointment for skin itching. Daan's Regulets for a mild laxative. Sold at all VERY BUSY TIME IN COUNTY COURT From Tuesday's Dally. The county court ; was quite busy yesterday with Ihe trans action of quite a great deal of business in the probate line, there being several cases lo come before Ihe court. In Ihe estate of Charles Stoelir, deceased, a hear ing on linal sefllenienl was had ami an interesting point of law developed, which was taken under consideration by Ihe court. 11 seems I hat some fen years ago (ieorge Sloehr, a son of the de ceased, borrowed several large amounts of money from his brother, 1'hilip, giving notes as security, and was unable to pay Ihem, ami later made an assign ment of his interest in his lather's estate lo his brother to cover the amount of the notes, and this assignment was ap proved of by the lather in writ ing. Later Ihe father made a will which has been admitted to pro bale giving an interest in the estate lo Ihe children of (ieorge Sloehr. who has since died, and these heirs reside in Illinois, Fu ller the will Ceorge was cut out of his share and the amount, some sr00, given lo the children, and whether this amount can be considered as belonging to (ieorge Sloehr is Ihe question. A linal settlement was also had in the estate of I'eler and Caro line Haucn. and the administrat or, Frank Rauen. of Ibis city, dis charged from his duties and the matters belonging to the estate sell led up. In the trusteeship of L. C Todd. jr.. who has charge of a fund set aside by his mother. Mrs. Lydia Todd, deceased, for the education of her grandchil dren, the report of the trustee was received bv the court. . MURDOCK. (Special Correspondent.) Miss L. Sutherland was visit ing in Lincoln Friday. Sam Long of South Bend was in town Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Cillespie returned from Omaha Saturday evening. Eva Sorick was visiting friends and relatives here Saturday ami Sunday. Lewis Ilornbeck and II. A. Tool motored to Lincoln Thursday af ternoon. Daisy Halka and friend attend ed Ihe dance at I Ireenwood Friday evening. Harold Tool returned Sunday from a short visit with his broth er, Howard, in Kansas. Mrs. (Ieorge Mills and son at tended the foot ball game al Weeping Water Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Heal at tended a funeral of their friend at Springfield Thursday. The dance held at Mauley lasl Tuesday evening was attended by a number of our young folks. Charlie Schafer, Paul (ioehry and Mui'el Cillespie attended the dance at Elmwood Thursday evening. Lacey McDonald and Charlie Long attended the fool ball game a I. Weeping Water, which was be tween Hlair and Weeping" Water, Ihe score being C2 to 0 in Weep ing Water's favor. Cause of InsomnTa. The most, common cause of in somnia is disorders of Ihe stom ach and constipation. Chamber lain's Tablets correct these dis orders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all dealers. The Modern Woodmen of America will give another of their pleasant dances Saturday even ing at their hall. A good time assurred to all that attend. Try the Journal Want Ads. It Will Stick to you always, of course it will, because it's a Hazol-Menthol Plaster made to ntk-kou until it drives out the pain of Nt'urulghi, Lumbago, Itheumatiaui, etc. Yard rolls $1.00; regular size 25c. At all druepistfl or direct ly mail from lavi fe Lawrence Co., New York. Sample mze mailed on requesi. oc. piampi. ALLEH'S COUGH BALSAM used when attacked by a Cough prevents dangerous bronchial and pulmonary ailments such as Croup, Asthma, etc. Contain no harmful drug. 25c. BOo. and $1.00 Bottles. DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO. New York. I I 1 ' ' ' " I I m !-. ' .... ' Sampling Mother's Doughnuts HUNGRY kids are sampling them today just aa they did in your doughnut days. Our artist has taken the old familiar story and brought it up to date. He has given Mother a modern up to date Acetylene cooking range. It may surprise you to learn that such ranges are actually bong used by the women folks in over two hundred thousand country homes. As you will note from the picture, they are duplicates of city gas ranges used throughout the woild. They furnish heat on tap and have the high ovens with glass doora and all other modern features. If you feel that your folks would appreciate the conven ience of fcas for lighting and cooking if you feel that they have battled long enough with kindling, oil, coal, ashes and soot, you should without delay look into my home made Acetylene proposition. I am the representative for this district, of the largest manufacturers of country home Acetylene plants in the world namely, the Oxweld Acetylene Co. manu facturers of the famous Pilot Acetylene Light Plants. Pilot plants are different from any of the other hundreds of American Ace tylene machines. They work on a different principle. They are not storage systems they are automatic taey make gas a little at a time, while the stove or the lights are in use. At other times the plant stands idle. Pilot lighting plants ore built upon lifetime. They ore permanent features which they are installed. o o o In fifteen years only two accidents have been charged to the misu-.e and abuse of Pilot plants. While during the same period over one hundred thousand fires taid ac cidents have been charged to other i'.luminants. CITY COUNCIL HOLDS REGULAR SESSION Continued From First I'ac.l council lo the iift'd of soiiii til- inir on West l.ocu-d li'-l. near the residence of .James Seiv !, ind as Hie work hail been order ed once before, desired to have Ihe si reel commissioner instruct ed to place the tiling al once, which was so ordered. Council man Slreifrht asked that some pradinfr be done in front of the residence of Albert Schublicc on Oak street in order lliat be milil put down a permanent walk, and the work was ordered done al once. Councilman Patterson reported lhal bis attention had been call ed by the contractor for Ihe curb ing ami jiulteriujr on .N'orlli Sixth street, (o an open sewer at the residence of Sirs. John Plak and that it had made Ihe ground so sofjjry and wet that it would be impossible to do anything with Ihe work as lonfr as it was used and the owner will be notified to . . . frl. cease usuiff this sewer. ine llisbt. of steps leading lo Sixth si reel from Ihe 11 ak residence was also ordered repaired by the street commissioner as soon as possible. Councilman Uullery asked that Ihe sidewalk on the north side r Vine street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, lie placed in propei- shape by having a num ber of the concrete blocks raised so as lo allow Ihe water to. run off instead of standing1 on the walk, as it did at present when ever it rained. Mr. Tin 1. 1 cry also staled lhal he had interviewed Commissioner Pitz in regard t the mailer of Ihe old tumbled down house on Washington avenue, which is oc cupied, by a county charge, and they had discovered no taxes bad been paid on Ihe property since 18U5, and he thought that either the (iernian Home, which adjoins Ihe place, should purchase it and fear it. 'down or 1 hat the cily should lake the mailer up. The mayor and city attorney both ad vised the council that the county had agreed to hold another scavenger tax sale next year to clear up the property in the city and hen the properly could be secured without all -the legal i PILOT LIGHTING PLANTs" j - HOME MADE SP ACETVlXNE 7"or LIGHTING j? COOKINO- honor to last a of the horn ok in formalities necessary lo clear the title. The cily attorney al-o ave the council an opinion mi the mat ter of the opening up of Mercer avenue, and in il staled that iihuI of the ground belongs to the cily. as a street bad been fenced in since IS'.mi and that il was illegal, as the law of nine year-.' posses sion bad been 'repealed in lf'.! by the legislature, and Ibis ave the city a peiTecl right to open up the street if they so desired. The linance committee of the council reported favorably upon the following claims and they were ordered paid by the council: James Hobertsoii. transcript in cave of City vs. We-, -oil. -10.Sr: II. A. Hates, printing. r(i.'i: Joe Libel-shall, special police Cerman day. sj; V. IS. Ili-hel. sprinkling and sweeping si reel , ?id.?a: Mike I.ut. si reel commissioner. $."; If. C. McMaken & Son. three crossings. si'.J.oS; Al O'Neill, street work, si; Charles Mcliride. same. $ I J. NO; Jesse Cre.-n. same, t.40; August Colder estate, re pairs. s'..r0: Murl l'armele. street work. -Si. The claim of I. N. Cummings for burying one dog was referred to the claims corn mill ee. The claims committee brought in their report mi a number of bills lhal had been hinted over ! them, and recommended llieir payment as follows: Lincoln Telephone i Telegraph company, rents for October and November, s I 1 ; Cass county, boarding cily prisoners, $ti-S..": Cass county, same. $!.."r: Cass county, same, . '.r; Fred Patterson, surveying, .?.'(; O. llilbeil, helping survey. $7; O. V. Unman, same. .'J: Ceo. Verhiile, same. .". This matter was discussed by the roiincilnien and it was decided lhal the en gineer should make a more com plete report f his work and ind leave so much for surmise. After the consideration of Ihese matters the council ad journed and wended their way fhomeward. O. Sandin, P. V. M.. graduate of Ihe Kansas Cily I Veterinary College, is per- manenlly located in Platts- J mouth. Calls answered J day or night. 'Phone 25T. OHice COi) Main. For these reasons you should not judt Aretyln until you have seen it made by a Pilot plant. The Pilot i tl.c one plant that is mechanically perfect. Th i proven ly the fact that there are over sixty thousand of them in actual use today. At your convenience I can ca'l at your home with a portable demonstrating plant and show you how thr P.Ujt works how it generates Lome made Acetylene ho it automatically mixes the Union Carbide and water to maita this gas. I can show you also how this home made Acetylene is used to produce the moit brilliant and beautiful l-.i-.t known how it is used in cooking range which do a- with the work and bother of handling fuel and ahes. If you wish. I can send you also the Oxweld Acetylene Company's advertising books. These books tell how Acety lene is used for over a hundred different purposes hw the government uses Acetylene machines, on account of their reliability, to light the of Alaska and the whole Panama canal. With these books I will gladly furnish you free estimate of the ctt of a Pilot lighting plant with rapacity to tit your requirements. Just wrira me how many rooms you have and also how many barns and outbuildings you would light. J -it aJei C. E. BALDWIN 2839 Cass Street, OMAHA Mamciaa- Ssle.msa OXWELD ACETYLENE CO. . CHICAGO YOUR HAIR MAY BE YOUR FORTUNE Pieautiful hair ha-, made the fortune of many a woman, bv ad ding chairm and l",!ni',- Jo an otherwise plain face. ...nnu mean more lo go..d loos lhan beautiful hair. Il adds to (be at. I laet iv elie-S of every feature. Without il oii can't b beauti ful; with it oti will be al b-a-t pi el I y. To have beautiful hair, u-e Harmon) l!a:r I'.eaut iiier. It will illlpl'oye the beauty of uir luir. taking away the dull harshness and sirinuiness, softening and polislijnu: every hair in mir head and making it -oft. ilky. easier to pill ll a. id keep in place, and at Ihe same tune inir it a rich and lasting rose fra'-'iauce that will delight I...1I1 you and those around oii. Very easy to apply imply sprinkle a little on vur hair errh lime before hiuhing it. It con tains no oil. and will riot cban-e the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep your hair and a!p dandruff-free and clean. 11 -e Harmony Shampoo. This pure liipiid shampoo gives an in stantaneous rich lather thai im mediately penetrates o evetv part of hair and -ealp. insuring a quick and thorough cleaiisin-. Washed oil just as ipii.kly. the entire ipernt ion takes only a, few moments. Holh preparations come in odd shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler lops. Harmony Hair ISeautifier, I.nn. Harmony Shampoo. r0c. IJoth guarjn: I to satisfy you in eery wav. your money hack. Sold m this community only at our stnre The Hexall store iie of t. more lhan 7. 000 leading 1't. store of the I'nited State,. Can ada and Oreat llritain. which own the big Harmony laboratories in ISoston. where Ihe many cele brated Harmony Perfume and Toilef Preparations are made. F. C Fricke Co., I'nion :b-k. Platlsmmilh, Neb. Farmers, niechanirs. railroad er?, laborer?, rely on Ir. Thoma- Eclectic Oil. 1'ine for cuts. burn-, bruises. hulj be kept in eveiv home. 25c and 50r. 1! il il f druff stores.