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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1913)
i .' k '. mmotatb VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1913. NO. 92. Platte al. i ' - i If- '! v ANOTHER PIONEER LADY RESIDENT PASSES AW Mrs. Jane A. Dovey Died at Home of Her Son, H. N. Dovey, Last Evening at 5:20. From Fri.lny's railv Las. 'Vi'iiiny at.. "::? of I In pioneer residents city wiis called home. Jain Aim liovey vjiuk i ;wiol her r litis' is .Mrs. ICefuIlv inl the sleep llial knows ii" ;iu;iki'ii!ii;r mi this earth, an. I a life that during ln-r titty years' residence here, lias I n tilled Willi XmI deeds aili helpfulness. was brought to a close, aini tin n of In-r passing va itl" fell by he entire community, where Mrs. I ov ev was mi well known aiil .- univrr.-allv loved and respected, ami the relatives r I In- departed laly will receive tin sympathy of everyone in I In city in Iln-ir l-reav emeut . Jan' Ann Johnson was born al .fciil I e-on-l lie-Thames. l"nr- laml. on September ir. 1SJ7. ami llii'ir in Iht home she j:revv lo womanhood ami im-l ami was vooe. by Edward (I. lovey. who lalT cam. lo I In- I" n i t -! Slates, with Hi.- promise lo semi for his promised wife as mih ;is fortune smiled I'll his rll'orts to create a liium in tin new world, ami in tin fall of IX IT, she sailed for America. arri inpr at Jersey City. New -ler.-ey. win-re, on November S. ixjr. he was united in mar riage lo Mr. liovey. win. had ii-ra:-red in the pottery business in that city, an.l after a short resi ili'iicc in Jersey City they removed to East Liverpool. Ohio, where Mr. liovey enacreil in the man agement of a larjie pottery works until Jr.'J. wIh'ii Mr. am! Mrs. Iovey removed In Nashville. Tennessee, where four children carm to bless their hmne as fol lows: Mary .lane. Tennessee, ;.-.. rye I'., ainl Oliver ('.. Here in the southland the family passed several happy years until the iM-i-at conflict between the norlh an.l -oulh besan to threaten, ami as hoih Mr. liovey ami his part ner in the commission business. Mr. Henry Amison. were sli-onsr -uiioil ei- of Iht Union cause, they were sin, n Compelled to leave the south, ami moved to Cincin nati. Ohio, in ixiil. where the two little daughters of Mi-, and Mrs. l'ey died, and lln husband and fill her decided to seek a Ilollle in the Ih'-n practically unknown wet. and he came to Piatt. s inouth in lxt"i2 ami hepan the esfaMi-hinp Mf his lusjnes in terests that today is a splendid monument to his industry and thrift. After Mr. Iney was con vinced of the desireahility of a home here, he sent for the fam ily, and on F.asli-r mr.rnin-. April .". lx"i.'. Mrs. Iovey and Ihe chil dren arrived in this city to make thejr home, and since that lime Platl sin, ml h has had Ihe pleas ure of seeing her family prow up lo manhood and to witness the changes hal time has mad? in this locality, then a small river town with steamhoal s a a means of travel, into a lively little city w ith a prreat traiis-eont inental railroad running lhrou-rh it. To Mr. and Mr. Dovey here was horn their third son, Horatio N. Mrs. Dover in early life joined Ihe Episcopal church in 1'npland and until Ihe day of her death was a faithful and devout mem !'( of thai faith, and her help fulness toward the church work will he sadly missed, as there was not hi nsr she would leave undone that niiplit help her church. The hiisliand preceded Mrs. Dovey in death some thirty-two years apro. havinjr died July 2i. 1881. while on a visit t his old home in England, an.l since that I imp Mrs. Dovey has made her home with her children, and for I ho past few years at Ihe home of her son, H. N. Dovey, whore she passed away. The funeral of Ibis worthy lady will be held from St. Luke's church Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Will Spend Winter in the South. From Saturday's Dallv. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Kirkfiat rick of Nehawka. and Mrs. Oliver Harmon, from roar Avoea, were in Plaltsmoulh over last niht. neiii-.' pii.-is at th. home f Mr. .lid Mrs. J'. -:. Jin truer. Mrs. Iluirner lieiny a sjs,T to Mis. Kirkpatrirk. After remaining In the city over niuht they ...,k th" i'urlinyfon train for Char;lon. r-.wa. win-re they will ni:K a luief visit wilh relative-;. j-'iom l.'l. re they In SI. Mj- Miuri. where Mr. and Mrs. h k pi'trick hae a son. for a -iiorl isit. After the S. Joseph visit Mis. Harmon will return home, while Mi-, and ?di s. Kit kpal ji-k will i:o to San Aiitonia, l'.-as. where they will spend the winl.r. ! Mrs. Harmon i- a sister ,.r M Ki: k palrick. ihe ma ens LARGE BASE Bill BAT FRDM THE IVOCI CLUB The lie hast. hall fans of Avoca. who are I horouphlneds in eery way ami admirers of the -Teal national ame from larl to linish. a short time a fro de cided to send to Ihe manairer of the world's champions. Connie Mack, a testimonial of their de light over the outcome nf the preat has,. ,all contests, and Ihey had a lai-fre hat some live feet in length turned out of a "Ci tim ber an.l this jiowerful weapon was s.-nt to Mr. Mack, with the compliments of the fans of our iieiphl'oririfr town, who hy the way. have some hase hall team of their own. which has made a splendid record during the past season, ami a few days afro Mr. J. 1'. Rasmussen. Ihe manager of the team received the following letter from Mr. Mack, and it is very highly valued by the Avoca team ami their rustli'iitr manager: '"Mr. J. P. Hasmussen. Avoca. Nebraska: . "Dear Sir Some time afro T received a base ball bat, one of the bifrpesl that T have ever bundled, and I want to assure you mat ine same is liifrtuy ap preciated. While the bat is at the present time at my residence, will have the same taken here to Ihe otlice. where it will be on ex hibition durinpr the summer. Am afraid it is a trifle larger than the bat that Daker uses, but should he fail lo knock out his usual home runs, we will try to per suade him to use the bat that you so kindly sent. Thanking you auam for tins lavor, I remain. vour verv truly. 'Connie Mack." JURORS FOR THE DECEMBER TERM OF THE DISTRICT COURT The follow infr resident of the county have leen ciosen ,or ine jury panel for l ne oecemuer ierm of district court and will be jriven an opportunity to labor for the best interests of justice: John II. Albert. Louisville: William Heil. Ei-rlit Mile C.rove: A. C. ited. Tipton: .Tames Alloway, Louisville; Will Hulfish. S.toe Creek: Levi Kalradl. Oreenwooii: Hen Letler. Ml. Pleasant; William A. Clcfrhorn. Louisville; Watson Howard. Salt Cr.-ek; Charles Spohn. Avoea; John Wehrehejn, Plattsmoulh; I'hilijt Albert. Eiplit Mile drove; Hi.y Hovvnnl. Plaits month; J. W. Mafrney. Nehawka; W. M. Philpot. V. M. Coalman. Ceorse SI oner, Weepiiifr Water; Henry Knahe, Nehawka; Wilson Cilmore. Ml. Pleasant; J. C. Lemon. Sail Creek; Fred Majors. First ward. Plait smouth: J. C. Peters, Fourth ward, E. P. Lulz. Third ward. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. . I have now an extra fine stallion, the best in the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Gilmonr, Plattsmouth, Neb. II. F. D. No. 1. A DASTARDLY OUTRAGE AT CEDAR GREEK A Beast in Human Form. Who. If Reports Are True, Should Be Severely Punished. From Saturday Dally. A very peculiar case lias de veloped in the villafre of Cedar Creek that is very balllinfr lo tin residents there, as the stories l.dd b Miss Nellie Svveem an very straupe. and ii would seem that she was a 1 1 empl inir to sup press some of Ihe fads in IIh case. The case is in Ihe nature of an attempted assault made up on. Miss Sweem by one James Hiddlecomb. who has been eni- ploved wild the franfr of men who have been work infr in Ihe vi- cinily t(f Cedar Creek for the Ne braska Liphlinfr company.. l.v ery smce I he men hav e heeii making their headquarters in Cedar Creek at the hotel, where Miss Sweem is emploved, Biddle conih has repeatedly tried to pel hep to po out walkinfr with him and to allow him to pay her at tentions, which she resented and refused to po with him. and also lold the other members of the pauir of linemen of the incident. Tin men bepan to 'roast" Hid dlecomb on account of his beini: turned down by the pill, and this preally anpered him. so much so that on Tuesday while the men were ealinfr dinner he resented the jokinp- by cursinp', and Ibis led to his beinp ordered lo leave the hotel, and h1s to his hcinp discharged from the service of the company. After this he pro ceeded to Omaha, where be re mained until Thursday nipht. when he returned to Cedar ("reek, and al a lale hour went to the hotel, where he remained with a friend over nipht. Yesterday niorninfr Miss Sweem went up stairs in the hotel to secure a lamp she desired to clean, so she. slates, and had just entered one of the rooms in the third slory. when Hiddlecoinb suddenly came into the room, closinp and lock infr the door. and exclaimed: "Now I have pot you where I wanted you." ami advance,) lo word the pill. who. altlmuph preally friphlene.l. claims she re sisted his advances and tried lo wrestle with him to prevent his overpowering" her. luddlecomb finally pot the best of Ihe pirl and after lyinp" her lower limbs with a pail of Ihe sheet which he tore from the bed he came al her armed with a razor, and she says attempted to cut her throat, and on Ihe side of her neck appears a lonp scratch to bear out this part of Ihe story. The woman says she knocked the razor from his hand before he could inflict a more serious wound, and that he then applied some sort of a liquid lo her face and neck that seems to have burned her. as I here are sev eral places badly burned there, and a quantity of the liquid was found in a cup in the room, as was also the razor with which he did the scralchinp of he woman's face. The peculiar part of the case is in the statement made to the authorities who were called to the scene by the pirl. who says she wailed until Ihe man could pel away before she bepan screaminp". which caused the other persons around the hotel to come to her rescue and release her from her bound condition. Hiddlecomb had also tied a piece of the sheet around Ihe pilTs neck, as Ihouph to choke her. al Ihouph she says she never lost consciousness durinpr the strur ple with Hiddlecomb. As soon as the sheriff was notified In hastened lo the place of the trouble, but several hours had lapsed before sendinp for him and ample opportunity piven for the man to make his escape, as the parties at that place were slow in sending word of the' out rape to this 'city. Suhseribe for the Journal. Hold Social Meeting. From Saturday's Dall. The Christian Kmleavor soeiely of the Presbyterian church held a deliphtful social meelinp at the home of .Miss Crete Bripps las eveninpr, there beinp thirty ymm; people in attendance. The mem bers of the social committee had planned a number of panics, which furnished plenty of amuse ment for the jolly company and consisted of a number of old fashioned panics. About :.' lipht refreshments were served, and a half Imur or so spent in more panics, and then all dis persed, very much indebted to tl.e hostess f, ip the kind hospitality and the social committee for the enjoyable entertainment alforded Ihem. The social committee will plan a social meelinp" to be held nee a month, and al! yoiinfr peo ple are invited. ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO BURGLARIZE A RESIDENCE Another attempt to burplarize one of the homes of Ibis city was made early yeerday niorninp sometime between the hours of 1 and T o'clock, when some party r parties attempted lo lot-re an entrance into the residence of C 11. Closscn. The noise or hain merinp. or tryinpr to pry open a rear window of the house awak ened Mr. Clossen. ami as this at- nipt to pet in did not produce the desired results, the parly was heard walkinp around I In house and tryinp a front, window. Hy this time the doir belonpinp t the place had been aroused and proceeded lo make an alarm that awoke Ihe in si of the family. As soon as Mr. Clossen awoke be called lo his brother-in-law. who was sleepinp in an adjoininp room upstairs, and asked him if he heard the noise, and he an swered thai he had. and asked for the revolver of Mr. Clossen. and armed wilh this, and in company with Mr. Clossen, arme, with a shotpun. I hey pr oceeded dow n lairs, but by this time the party had made their pet away and there was no trace of anvotie. Who the party was is a deep mystery, nut n he values his nie he will remain awav from this mine, where there js such an as oiltiienl of arlillerv. HANDSOMELY REMBERED ON GOLDEN WEDDING DAY Saturday afternoon the many friends of Mr. ami Mrs. Henry J. Streipht decided to pive them a surprise on the occasion of their fiftieth weddinp anniversary, ami I hey proceeded lo the Streipht home to assist this worthy couple in the celebration of the happy event. The affair was certainly a surprise in every way ! the puesls of honor, as the parly, which had been arranped by Mes danies P. K. Huffner ami Apnes Chapman, had been kept a pro found secret from Mr. and Mrs. Streipht and they were unaware that Ihere was anythinp doinp until Ihe company bepan to pour in upon them. There were some sevenly-two persons called dur inpr the afternoon to wish Ilieir old friends many happy returns of Ihe day. As a remembrance of the day, fifty years before, when I hey had joined their lives to pel her. Mr. and Mrs. Streipht were presented with a purse of pold and many other tokens of love and esteem from their friends and neiphbors wilh whom they have spent so many years. Durinpr the afternoon delicious refreshments were served to th company and the whole event is one that will lonp" he remembered with preat pleasure by all who were fortunate enonph to be present, and especially by the puests of honor. Mrs. Robert Sherwood and lit tle grranddauphler -departed this morning" for Omaha.' where they will "v isit for the day and look afler business mailers. - MASKED WHO WERE HOT STRANGERS Masked Men and Woman Attempt to Perpetrate Dastardly Deed Upon an Old Citizen. John Ossenkop. ; well-known farmer livinp soiilheal of Louisville, telephoned to I W II Wednesday eveiiinp staliup thai a band of masked men had sur rounded his hose. When he opened Ihe door they attempted to throw a rope about hjs neck. but he sprank back and closed the do..r. Securiiiir a shotpun he puarde.l Ho door and "phoned f!.r help. A posse was soon mad up and securinp arms of every description they slatted for the scene of the attempted rob bery in autoinohil.-s. They found Ihe aped fenlleuian. uu in hand. n puard. His .-lory is about a follows; He was sjtijun hy the fm-side alone, his s..n. I'd. lie. with whom he keeps bachelor quarters. .e inp" in Omaha. He a he heard a noise at tin- door, and Ihinkinu! it was m- ..f the neighbors 1 1 iliP I" spend tile evenillfr. hej arose and opening the .loop step ped out on tin- porch saw three persons. tv a woman, with masks Her. be l inen and over their faces. one of them carried a lope with which he attempted t.. capture the astonished man. Af ter esfapinp into the house Mr. Ossenkop sas the invaders look ed in at the windows, but sewtnp him well armed thev did not at tempt to force an entrance. When help arrived the bandit escaped into a corn field near b . It is hell. -Veil by those who Visjte.j the place that the object of Hie invaders was to capture Mr. Ossenkop if posiide. bind him securely an. then search the bouse for money or other valua bles. t is probable. however. thai but for the presence of a telephone in callinp assistance another scene such as the Matt Akeson murder of a few years apo niipht have resulted, for the persistence shown by tin pan;: was most remarkable. It is -aid that afler the . which went nit from town bad returned, af ter scimrinir the place f.,p a mile in every direction, that the ban dits returned a second time and were fired upon by J'.ddie Osen kop. who by this lino- had re turned from flu city. Mr. Ossenkop is quile confident that his visitors were n..t strang ers in the community. Louis ville Courier. WALTER RAKOW RECEIVED A KNOCK OUT BLOW AT THE SHOPS YESTERDAY Last I inp til Waller ci.hnt him to as the that h evenillST jllst before quit lie at Ihe Hurlinplon shops Itakovv met with an ac that came near ausjni; ose tin (op of hi head, result of a larte jack" was usinu" slipping and ll in; up. strikinir him on the jaw. and Waller took the "count." beinp knocked uncon scious, and he was c.invee. into She freight car department otVn-e. w her e lie w as rev iv ed sit Hicjeii I ly to be sent down ! have a sur peon make an examination of the injuries. It is very fortunate thai lie was not killed by IIh blow, bill as it is he will remem ber for several days the force of the blow that laid him out. Thanksgiving Dance. fSeorpe Nickels and Nick Fried rich wish lo announce lo thejr friends that they will pive a dance at Jenkins hall. Murray. Neb., on Wednesday eve. Novem ber Everyone is cordially in vited to come nut and njoy a pleasant cveninsr. Jacobs' or chestra of Omaha will furnish lh mush. Has a Tine New Boy. Tlii in. imi,:: James ,.-ia-.-'n appeared .u th. 'in-.-i wtii-ilin-' a very mrr tune ami wilh a -mile that s-i! p;i-s.-,i ,.. hi!- ! I.I 1 1 " ' ot the N"VenlM' -llll-tllllj in il bri.-ht lies, ami ihere w a - J a mitillv po.,t reason if. ai ! i that was that a tii-e i i ; i .--i. . , ! d j hoy ha. mad.- his appea'-ai.e at. the .ewa-ek llollte .-l.fdai Mi. Mi mi.', and this tilb-d lb- t ..f j..v ..f the parent- t. M'-n-illf; and they are willing I.. !! that lie Is the tilie.l t that eef cattle to l'!al I sniollt tl. Dance Thanksgiving Eve. Tin Cosmopolitan lul of this City will piv- a dance ori Wednes day eveniriP". November '. :f Coates hall. This vv l ! in ihe nature of a harvest dance ar.d will be s iv en i'ii Tlia:ik-2!V ir:r ev e. MRS. DOVEY'S FUNERAL LARGELY ATTENDED SUNDAY Tile i ll lief a i -erv i -es late M i s. Jane Ann I ..v ev day afternoon a! t. church, were ; 1 1 -1 . !-. I ..f the -1 e r -l.nk."-a lar- number pat lief e. -pec- I. f Hie .. mend to pav their la-lln- Iln lad. I from their mel-t w h. fe, v. t,. aft IIh w a a called n ir an I U-eflii !lf.. r h u re h wa- led laru. eltol, h to accoiiimodaJe Ho- ho-t ..f -..-row -in' friends who look tin- i.o-a;; of -hovvm-z 'h'-ir -rie' at tier ( mi; taken fr..;u Ib.-i i. and Id1 ma- of 1 1 r t; -M l ' k - e v i . ! ! -tioiiu-r than wot-l- the f.'.'liii.- f ib-ep prief a' Ih-c ,-alh. The M'!' I Wel'e lo!. ! tlV Itlllt R.. Arthtii" L. Willia ii- ..f iMita ha. bi-bop ..f .e,ra-ka. i;-n:i: I lo beautiful an.) impre--ne funeral i ritual of the Lpi-.-opa! ctiin lt. The choir -an:: .I'if iMi; the -.-rv -ice at the church, and the -a-k--i wa- borne to beautiful Oak Hi!! cemetery, where it wa- on i lo-.i t. the earth to aw.u! the !i when .b-atli and uriel' -ball have ni I awa. Ther-e u-re a 'a:-ue numle-r from out of the cilv pr en to pav their !,-" tri;e:te !.. tin- departed pioneer- la.tx. w bo had lived in Ibis c..r mm n :l y for so man unr. and ! km-w wlioui vv a al ..nee :.. Jeru I" love ainl respect ef. ud Iot life. so full of kindly act- and helpful deeds. VV1 be ail I II p 1 ! i ' I ; 1 i' lo-r faiiii!v in the Vn' to me. CONSTRUCTION W03K ON LIGHTING PLANT II The construction work of the Nebra-ka Lii:hln,ir r..n pa;i .. : their line from Fled Oak to l.oui-ville j- ;u n-ul shape ami in ab.-ul i w-eK i; i- expecte.l thai the hlo- tlo.'ll Lolli'VllIe Will be coinplele.l li.l" Ibis city, wbej-e I lo- i-onio-. ! i.-; with lb eastern lno-s wiil ! made in a hort lime. The w..i! of strmiiiv: I lo wire -u Ibis Ihh is b'-in-t pti-lie.! bv the io.i a:i as to make the completion of their new line a -'...n a- p"--sjble. The line is p.. p:-. eressjnu as rapidly a- that the Neiraka si.J.-. having .pi.te a distance vet to l.e put up before thev reach the river ;.i tin- place. Tin rros-insr ..f th.- river will l.e made on two !ari;e ee t..v. r-er-cl.-.l ju-l south of the ISurlmZ lon brid-e tiere. tin- ow-r o-i the low a s,e Will be "lie fn:i:d:e. feet ill height, while llial oil l.'ll si.e (,f the river Will be f o r t V fe- hih. and from the... Hie wires will swim.. The tow.r bad b-eti ordered for tiine. bul hae jn-t arrived from the iron work- at fima'ia. and the work of puMici: flier i up will ! started al once. The lower, will resj fn a .tid iMTi-ti tn -e some five feet .rpia-e. which f i i n I turn u is built on a pilmp of thirty I, which w ill make m vry .olid 1 feet structure and ample lo carry the wirs tha will brim; Ihe irrnl from Red Oak ! tbs citv. i 10 8 ARRESTED MID HOW III JAIL Arrested at Saloon at Ninth and Douglas Streets. Omaha. Saturday Afternoon. Jn w t. a I ' d M - - - a .! a I llo l t..-;. W tl. I r ii- Willi .1 m : ! , I II-.' b...i ' !i -tamii;-- o W ti- f o;i : te i . w.i- b :..!;) a f i -!-.. mi !.. ?b- a III d to . : i w a - plai'v.l i , ,. j. i.'i i ; i ! i 1 w a - j I !. I III.- n j t o Iff; a . : I . W 1 1 r j foi - -",.! to I . j .-f e ,.. tl i, I i "" . !.-.! a- I 1 1 : a ' ; e bad I ... : i i tl . ! I Ho- o -d I-. ;e-;. I.r't s, -be, ;-r I' I I : : I - I i mi.ib.t ! i-.:.m: I he ...V e t ! tat f ... I in Ii" I I lit I b be d I till I e -. :. t i " ll a ' b - I I : i. a. t ..ll .4! ihe !; -la- -!!e p;.i" ed i .; ,ai! A i an . I I. o : ..f be r i :T ! ::. -far ?e.t rf. !.. lb- ! I ' r f l I !iii ;i . ..'i.r'l,u e v - j. i i ... . . b- i - - a f i.i;! I ; v a ' " a ' i ' 1 " Ti e r e...r . b- b a a J I a "e. . '. . ''.- b - -li A - L a . a ,i : ' . . m'!- ! . I -i.e J b - i i - . ! t pa per- f ; b.- ,.r i ' , , llllV- ,ee 4; fe.. ! ! oV ! ' I !e .(.. .,', ..f !., -er ,.f from l!f i ! " i - I ,i ,f !-.. ' . - '!- I Il C .1 . ea I -e. :i r i- ! e 1 1 i I . ,- pol Ml -e oi.d .. r-- I p t W U '.' t fa. .i'I II h! !.. I '.-.o.l .. d t'o- .1 I- d 1 1. I V . I t f . I I w ! .). RICH TREAT FOR INMATES OF THE MASONIC HOME HERE SUNDAY AFTERN jQS . . i.iv 'i - r m '. ..f l!.e Va-.t-a- ! i : . I If We;, IV e-l .1 V ! - . ! m.-mb. Me! ho, Ji.i:r . I l! ' IPO.! ..e' f: f J....! ...rue f of tbe p. -I b . - b. v b- r.-- tbe the a.-d I" be 'f ..f .1' I f .1 ' 1 b 1 1 1 - and ' . !d !n t If d .!; r tb- !i i: !:ir'iie -.. Tl- i . e , ' ... r - o II.. and .', w i ' b i- o-e of f !t b' fa-1 v ., . s,, ;. I J . and Wife. Tb.- e ", - ! ' e I t be;-- " l a ' a I -a a , ' i i. s I., f ti-ir b-a" ne a! th.- Hoi"" Willi I he i r 1 1 -1, a 1 pr-- r a i . be w . - l-ie;a I : Paul OAT tor California. I'.l'.! ladell(j l. ,epar! t terdav io;:l,''Z "H it e e - ' Iii;..;i train f r .i'.ii. . ...1 . V e - . ft r. . ' ( I !. e - Wile re lie ..K Id- ir..o- r-!"s. la 1 1 f-.r i; , a . v-lope, t fo -pe ). )te vi-if with a -1 I e r tv bo t-r be le I.V-. t hat be p! ce. ?'a.; tu. Sr. -u familiar 1 :2ri r.r t'l t h-t 1 ho. n i be mill be ! . i -. i i ho have l;i..Mn b ; t ori. tmt al! wit Ire. I lb; ! Hiav enjMr lo Ih- i,tn,...l t.i- !r, at the .ta- in 1 1 f. .rn a.