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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
PAGE 4. PLATTSKIOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly K. A. BATES. HitbUnher Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter in PER YEAH IN ADVANCE : WINTER OF CONTENT. In this age of so-called high cost of living, many of us are confronted with the old question: "What have we done with our summer's wages?" We are not prepared for the cold that is to come and it is not a prospect of contentment. How foolish and unwise we have been. We cry high eot of living, but do noth ing to circumvent the avaricious beastie. Ashamed to admit it, but we are not as wise as the in sects of the fields and jhe little animals of woods and stream. The bee points the way and lays in a .supply for winter use. Part of this labor in product food supply is stolen by man andyet there is enough and to spare and winter is not feared. The cost of living is reduced by being fore handed and taking advantage of nature's bounty. Is there not a pretly illustration in the busy bee back to the garden, chick ens and fruit patch? The squir rel gathers a bountiful supply and man is compelled lo be on the ground under the hickory nut tree before daylight if he gets ahead of the enterprising and energetic little animal. The cute chap will turn the tables on the mit hunter. An interesting slory is the stealing by two city squir rels of nuts from a town roof. The boy had gathered a goodly supply of nuts and placed them upon the roof to dry. Imagine his surprise to iind the nuts all gone and nothing- but the'outside covering lo tell the tale. A track clear across the garden and a deep burrow full of shelled wal nuts completes the slory. The field mice are careful of their food supply, but are careless with the house construction. Too much like many men, not fully prepared. The little rodent buries itself in deep grass or close to a stump and falls an easy victim to dog and wild ani mal. The muskrat builds a warm house and banks it securely. There are many examples of the thrift by instinct of the little creatures of nature. They are content because well prepared have saved for the bad days of winter. What have you, intel ligent man, with education, knowledge and brain, accomp lished in comparison? :o: The chiropractors of the slate are just now getting theirs in allopathic doses because they have failed to secure licenses from the medical board. It will be noticed, however, that every new cult has this same sort of procedure lo go through until some fellow secure an amend ment to the stale law admitting the cull to practice in the state. The case of Mrs. Armour in Wis consin, however, demonstrates that any of them are liable to be, mistaken, as she, after having doctored for twelve years for in digestion, was relieved by a surgeon who was handy with a knife of a seven-inch lizard from her stomach that was alive and enjoying his little home and wax ing fat on what she had eaten for herself. The incident simply demonstrates that there is al ways something ahead for us to learn if we do not yet the swell head so bad that we fail to take advantage of opportunity. :o: The man .who believes in thir teen being an unlucky number certainly has some reason for his belief when this year is con sidered, at least from a corn pro duction standpoint, the country-over. at Plattsmouth, Neb.: If we were a member of the state poaru or education and nau cast our vote in favor of the re- ...o,a ui a ..r i. i.-..,.... o i .. I u,-..t ox jYuamtr; otaLcu.u.ct. school,, that vole would have to stand as cast. The state board of ncient cause, and if me reputa- ficient cause, and the reputa- uons or tne members or trie board are wnat iney are represented loiuead H anu men gel uusy. be. we cannot see any reason ror censure for doing what they did. I chants who see a heading like Thomas perhaps has a hostoflthe one of this article, read the friends in Kearney and vicinity, where he has made his home for a number of years, and they are setting up a terrible howl in his ,1 . r., .... . ISi .... nitik . v. wr I a.,u tc, neaven and eartu ror ins reien- tion. But will they succeed? c shall soon see. i :o; I r..v;,o i,n- .e.i..i one lo take a hand and "straight-I .... ii. j ... i " r.. l.n- ,r..,.H The country has been in such a turmoil that no one could be safehhp opportunity, but because they I and nothing of the natural re- sources of the country could be developed. The hesitation on the part of the United States to inter fere has largely come, we believe, from a fear that much of the tur moil in Mexico is being incited by speculators who control large in terests in that country and know their holdings will redouble in value if the United Stales will step in a lid establish a sound government over the nation. Whether this fear Is well ground ed will eventually develop, in case the United Stales is now forced to take this step. :o: The time for burning the leaves is now here and it is desirable in the interest of health and safety alike that the burning be done mornings instead of the evening. The morning air dissipates the smoke and fumes arising from the burning leaves which are in jurious lo health. There is also more danger from conflagration and accidents from night bonfires than those in the morning. :o: This nation interfered in Cuba and the Philippines "in the cause of humanity." The situation ent than m Mexico. But if the time has arrived when the same cause of humanity" demands inlerference on our part we are wining mat our nation snail not I - i shrink the task either from fear oj its magnitude or because of adverse criticism. I Jack Auburn pointed Auburn Voline, editor of the Herald, has been ap poslmasler of South The Herald is the only democratic paper in Xcmaha county, and the Auburn Repub- lican commends Mr. Maguire veryl i.:..ui.. . .1 ...... highly for recognizing the value of the Herald from a political standpoint. The Journal extends congratulations to Bro. Voline. :o: The man who pays cash for what he buys should get the dis count, and the man who buys on time should be charged interest, and in that way things might be evened up in these times of high cost. As it is, the man who pays cash has to pay for the man who hnvs on lime mwl never nnv :o: Mrs. Pankhurst's lour hasn't J helped the suffragette cause in this country, and probably hasn't hurt it much, so little attention has it atlracted. There are more ways than one of offering an argument in rebuttal. Keeping her out would have given the frage its real boost. CHRISTMAS IS COMINGI If we could get close to your - - - . ear with a megapnone mat is 1 . - . . uai we suouiu snout 10 yuu jusi now, says the Omaha Trade Ex hibit. While you are taking advant- age of this fine weather so early! in the season, getting our your winter goods and making early sales, when you are making preparations for a good season's business in staples and novelties, don't forget for a day that: Christmas is Coming! I ...... . .1 We nave lalkea- before about the buying power of this trade territory this year, shown that it ,s anotiier article in this issue, too, some place, that presents the evidence even more grapniciy. rsow, mere are some mer- I first few lines, maybe, and then sniff with the thought, "Doesn't that fool editor think we are alive and know when Christmas rv mnc That's all right, of course, but i nevertheless we actually know of a lot of retail merchants in towns an over ;eurasKa ana iowa wuo . II 1 1 V twin make me rignt kiuu oi "I i : r i-ii : i . i " 1 11 11 IUI "isimas uusi ness every year, and it isn't be use they haven't the capital, or . nl lHe !iOCm "ougn ready come lo market and bought lai consignmenls of holiday These merchants arc oods ready. They are ready to get the first rush of the business, they are also ready to gel tne imai hll-m business, and tney are ready to clean up on that busi ness so as not to be left with a big stock half sold. Getting ready for the holiday- business doesn t always mean buying a big bill of goods and having them in your warehouse two months before the holiday w-ek. It means a lot more than that. It means making arrange- nients with the right wholesalers in the rijjht way petting all the jielp possible, not only in financ ing, but in displaying, in ad vertising, in selection, etc. That's all, only let us remind you again, that: Christmas is Comingl :o: The Daughters of the American Revolution have protested against the Philadelphia Liberty Bell be- ing taken to the Panama-Pacific exposition. The protest is on the ground that it is too badly dam- sicreil l )n ninvpil Tho fuel Hint ' w the tradition connected with it Kvas born of the fancy of a writer seventy-two years after the i'm- mortal declaration and revived while Philadelphia was arousing ii t,.i ih rninnii ha - - i nothing to do with the protest. A I search of contemporary literature show Ihnl Hie itmiiir of I he I ..... v . . f ..... - ' I declaration was not published on I I July S and no bell was run. Last year (iovernor Foss. as the deniocialic c-imli.lnle in as the d.moeial.c cand, late " aiassacnuseits, polled ...I.... .1.: . n, . ,. . ,,. iiiis 3-cr. ct.H iiniem-iiu-1 -"'"- ' -"""., 00 nnn a ....... ..1... ,.1 r.. ii man nun iiiaiirs in-?i politics every change of. the moon can't expect nothing better. :o: - Don't worry about women get ting there fast enough. A wife in the western part of Nebraska has installed a time clock in the hall, and her husband has to punch it when he comes in at night. She is truly an inventor. Xow M'e how 8""n 'our Nvifo has -f the same kl'lld :o: The big hankers of t he country wero in Chicago some few days ago and, expressed themselves as being very much put out over the proposed currency bill. Well, that was expected when they went there. They can't always have uf-ltheir own way. that's one thing certain. It is claimed that 3,000 Methodist preachers' get only $500 a year each. But think of I . . .. ine suppers and motto cards pre- . . ... - ... I seiui-u uy me auminng pur- Ishioners. :o: Many people question the right of a newspaper to express any opinion, notwithstanding; that it has been the custom ever since printing became general. And I some people Question that right without knowing it :o:. The democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts, yith 53 GOo Dluralu carried the .i,,.....:. K,i nrtp. with him. It was in reality a . . ... (Sovernop Fot.s Bol ,ss lha1 30 00Q Maybe he will , .... . himself noii tically now :o:- A man down in Marshall coun ty, Kansas, had been divorced from his wife some three years 'ago. He came to her place last week, crawled into her barn, set it afire and himself perished in the namesjust to spile bei ...... i mat nas no way to spile hcr- he ought to have married another woman. :o: It will take some time to be- come accustomed to buying all dry measure article by weight. u, hfth p,.U(luCl.r am, Consuim.rj will be benefited in the long run. The farmer will get paid for lh total amount he oilers for sale and the buyer will fiot get cheat- led by false boxes, incorrect measure or pay for the air spaces. A bushel of potatoes sold by- weight is sure lo be a bushel. Potatoes sold by the bushel meas ure may cheat the seller or the buyer. The same is true of ap ples, and almost all products which have usually been sold by the quart, peck, half bushel or ibushel. Buyers will soon become! familiar with weights and Ihe "lumping it off" plan will be abandoned. Then trade in such products will put on as accurate a basis as figuring interest on a loan. In a few years the peck measure will be a relic HKe me cradle or the spinning wheel. :o : THE PRICE OF PANKHURST. Collecting coin and currency for the Cause may be Mrs. Pank- hurst's life work, and inspired by- noble impulses, but her energy in extracting the elusive lucre sug- pests the possibility that part of the profits mav cro to her and linger there regardless of the ri . ..,:..:., aut-VVAWii' iviiiiiliou iiio voi. in, i At Indianapolis she insisted on passing the olale in addition to the fixed charges for her forensic L. - niorv TWm.c r.f whiel, n.e papers sav her engagement was i.i n. T...i: ...ilr..i hoi. fhev m-e not 44lhe w-liolel i fiiit.riT'ii. fiiiu i ill i 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii I. annul i musts truggle on without know- jng what it has missed. It is the ........... ..,. .o.. r 0...1 ,r I 111 lp UI1U l'UJ U1IU I'll, I a certain nlavwrisfhl nuts it. " ' - M. " - - - C M 7 I but he overlooked the fact thai en nl.iv a nail in niodiicinir the ... ... ... Inee, wnicn siinuw console ine I.. . . ... ..... I Uoosier nouseiiolders mat tney - e .... coming of .1 hard whiter. It. s 'J said that Mrs. Pankhurst has . . . been known to collect as high as i a uiiiinreii mousami uoiiars at a single meeting, which we lake the liberty to doubt, despite the ap- rw., of .,,,1, iai,.nm,,i in the nnhlic. mints But she cer- lainly takes enough to pay for the privations of hunger strikes, and ..iiw.n 1 ...... iw..,.. nivofi iuiurr I methods. If she collects a coni- fnn. ih.. r.wne.u of her u i.A h n ii fiino i oiiu-auuu. iiu """ her? Rather blame those who fonh-iimii. u-iih on v n vatrne notion of.what it is for or where it is going, and let it go at that, There are silver-tongued orators among the men i neither do they spin anything but ... . . . ancient anece dwell on easy ancient aneceuoies, anu t- cr..f nH Ippv, a fal lerrncv lo Mieir issue. And is not Mrs. Pankhurst demanding onoai riffhia rUUUf4nwvwr 1 EQQSACTLY. Uo you eat eggs for breakfast .. . . .. tnese mornings? namer ex- i pensive fodder at 35 cents per dozen. The hens have a bad habit of curtailing the output along about this time of the year and the dealers are unfeel ing enough to raise the price ac cordingly. What's become of the produce under the new demo cratic tarni, anyway? ine re duced tariff on eggs cannot lower the price of hen fruit. During the fiscal year that ended June 30 last, 20,409,390 dozen eggs, valued at ? i, 391, 653, were ex ported from the United Stales to other countries, besides 07.85i worth of yolks and canned eggs. The exported eggs went to nearly all parts of the world, but the bulk of Ihem to Canada. Cuba. Mexico and Central America. If the laying hens averaged 150 cgfjs each during the year, it would lake 1,080,000 of them lo supply tne foreign demand. Of the total exported 12,000,000 dozen went to Canada, or morejeents, so says the Trade Review, than one-half: nearly 6.000.000 dozen to Cuba; 750,000 dozen to Panama; and about the same number to Mexico. Some i 1,970 dozen to Scotland. We imported 1,217,765 dozen during the last fiscal year, in their natural state; yolks, 227,547 pounds; dressed eggs, 20,284 pounds. The aver- age price at which the 21,000,000 dozen eggs exported in the fiscal year, iui3, was l'ts cents a 1913, was 21' cents a dozen and the average price at which the 1,250,000 dozen eggs that were imported was .15 cents a dozen. October and November are the months of largest expor- fations, the exportations for October, 1912, having exceeded 2,000,000 dozen and those of No - vember 2.250.000 dozen, while the average for the year was about 175,000,000 dozen a month, That the rapidly improving facilities for trade with the West iiwiin ;wi;oi,i qm.i r.r.nipni nmi omiu i. i.i iiii'i - South America, the chicken and ' i '' business in i-ior.da, wim only a few Hours in reacning Cuba, will soon become a great industry. The winter demand, caused by the inflow of tourists, is already so large that the price of eggs keeps up to 40 cents and higher a dozen in those places. o: Four Amei-ie.m lmf I leshins at Vera Cruz are to be relieved by four others. It is not a good time for enemies of the navy and they have nothing to say :o: Mrs. Pankhurst says the suf- IfraErists must nnt I i no willl ailV - Political party. Here's where the old lady gels in a piece of good advice. But will the head-trong Women of America heed the ad- vice? We know of some who will - - - - - r " - . . . cheese" by a long shot. :o: The local nances are having . " M . considerable to say about the awful cost of printing the mail order catalogues mail order It ...1 4 -u nu,,u, ...c mj onuus is so uuip a(lvertisin. is 1.. TV'. .11.: : l. .. I,lx.. I - . ine cneapest means 01 publicity, . Let the people know it when you L . .. ... n.l nave someming to sen, is me . Mail order houses do that, uuea T ..,! he nice in he n .liHafor like Butcher Hueita of Mexico, and even though the constitution forbids il, yet run yourself for president and then compel your 1 . . ... ... commanding omccr lo cast me ,.f th Cohi;e,.. foe voorself W IF I j XJ a LIIV. o m. 7 - v. . ff that soldier had any stamina I ... 1 at ai i rwrR wiiu m Di a cuiiununu-i 1 ing officer put to sleep and Huerta wjuid no longer ue a factor in Mexico. That kind of constitutional government is the worst kind of a farce and mere La - ill alaav he reliellions in the Presi- face of such conditions .i... Ai-ii.... nni.i .r. hie utm o.-uo lx0.. ... i inand for constitutional govern- I .... .... ; '!..: j. ii....... fan hu llieilt in Mexico. Alld me .Vineri- I . i :.i.thn ......w,o- o lr.i r.f i p ;i 1 1 1 1 1 1 can people are unanimous u the president. The Chicago thief who was ro cently stabbed with a hatpin has died of his injury. But arrests of women for carrying deadly wea pons are few. :o:- Theolliceof vice president does not enjoy proper respect. While the president has recently been given sweet potatoes and 'possum. Mr. Marshall received nothing but turnips. :o:- ;o relief in sight, was a tanding headline during the re J cent hot weather, and now they are hastily gathering their ap- - J pies to keep them from freezing on the trees. :o: Make way for Beilis, the Jew, who has just been released from the charge of. murder in Russia, He will want an engagement on some lecture course, and his friends in America are able to push him right to the front. :o: luiKeys nave declined one cent, being quoted now at 15 That's all right so far as it goes, but will " the price be a few cents higher before Thanksgiv- ling, when they reach the con- I sumer through Hie local market?! :o: J'he people of Plattsmouth are hot going to wait much longer to get a better lighting system. If the present company does not get a move on them, something is going to happen. It should be borne in mind that the present company does not possess an ex- elusive lighting franchise in this I city- ; :o Former Congressman W. D Jamison and Hodge Jones, editor . of the Shenandoah (Iowa) World, have been sued for libel and (damages in the sum of $50,000 for the publication of an article, in which the. plaintiff in the suit says there is not a particle of ni i. A irood leal of money for newspaper men to "fork over." -:o:- v nai you near now is mis: If the October rains had come the latter part of July and Aug- ust. what a wonderful coin crop we would have raised." Yes; and if Eve hadn't eaten the apple in the mythical Garden of Eden, poor sinners wouldn't have lo be hoppinff around like a spavin- ed horse seeking salvation. Much depends on "if." :o: If the United States goes to ... . - . . war wilti Mexico it cannot oe charged to President Wilson, who I has all alone- maintained an at- i - titude of peace. The only thing that could induce this govern- inent lo resort to arms at this time would be the necessity of doing so in order to .maintain the honor of this country and con- tinue in force the great Monroe doctrine. :o: 1 Vtiiei-iea lliioiiirli Mrs. Pank- hurst, is furnishing the suf- . .... .1 irageues 01 r.ngianu vm ium-i- hv uhinli fi coniimic their cam- - -- nn im r.f nvenn fttiil letno IIIOI1 OIISCII SailSIICU IIIUL Hi: L.UIl ie: i--" property; Creat Britain has fur- ....,...., . ,1. t iiisnt-u uu-ah--, t... ........ i. Cowdry, who is at me bead oi a t:i ...iii. onnith, In! ..unan, continue the Mexican govern- menf, at least another month. It seems to be a fair exchange; but Miss Peace Movement lias a rigni lo shriek and to explain lo us that she has stubbed her toe -:o:- tin... annual convention of i" the Illinois Equal Suffrage as- - socialion at -Peoria last weeK 111 . .l,w,:,l,..l wrr; n fhlh;il (.TXlltlf i 'I I M I f 1 1 11 II I V WOllM mei c i ucuuiu 7i""' i i ranks over the election oi . ceedings of some former fusion conventions that wouldn't fuse, xnis is uui i tional fights among the suf- fragists in the Sucker stale, .Je-lWomen are more jealous man - - men are of their aspiring pany nit-mis, anu ..o- -'"""e " " women. BUSINESS BOOSTING. "Boost don't knock!" is a motto which is frequently seer, on the walls of business ottiees. The visitor to the usually gives thi vva ueCoralim a casual glance and no particular thought. But the sentiment thus forcefully, even if crudely ex- pressed, is worthy of a place on the walls of every home, every business establishment. every - 1 church in the land It is altogether loo easy to knock" to find something to fault in our family, our church, our community. Ninety per cent f the "gossip" one hears and fully 100 per cent of what is objectionable, is nothing but 'knocking" pure and simple. "Cut out" the "knocking" and J women, or men, might gossip all they please and no one will object. mere is no borne, no com niunny, about wnicn those in- timately acquainted with condi j lions cannot find much to eriti- cize many things on which to "knock." In many instances, j perhaps, the things to "boost" are far less easily discernible. But it is the people who can and do find the things to boost who constitute valuable members of the home or community. The people who lake up the "business of boosting" are the people we want in our town every time and all the time. Suppose father should per sistently advertise to the world, Yes, Mary can be very sweet and pretly when company is around, but really she is shiftless and lazy ami careless and bad I em- . . . pered ami generally undesirable Even if it was all true, father is making a bad mistake of his ad- 1 vertising, for ten chances lo one he will have Mary around home the rest of her natural life as the result of his "knocking." On the I same principal, suppose mat I - - - John Smilh goes back to his old home in Iowa or Illinois, or pays a visit lo some neighboring town and spends his time putting out Ibis line of talk: "es, we ought I to have a good town and com- munily, but we have the bummest roads and the poorest schools and the worst buildings and the meanest people you can find in tne west. no one is going 10 spend very much money to get acquainted with such acorn- munity, and properly values are not going to advance very much I 11. i . i i r irom me mg uemuuu jrom uui- side buyers. There are migtify few lowns or I communities which do not need a lot of improving. ine peopn who can see these needs and are willing to get busy and help rem- edy them are altogether desira bie. nut ine one way to make this remedial work a success is 1 . . .... to carry it on witiiin me com- munily not by crying aloud to the world. "We are me worst people and live in the worst con- .... . t. ; 11. ..o...... 01 ... .... world, and we are so smug and ' ., ..,... .... persuaded to do otherwise than n,e We .lon'l. waf nnvlhii.g - oeuei. u,y i.o.,, j- . woiilil from a n acne districi. . .me cnies anu unwi ue anxious enough to make progress to pay a man to advertise their commuiinj uuu u ....... Suppose this man should devote his time to hunting up the pos sible objections to his community land then advertise them to the. world by continually meaKing in- to prim wiui his "knocking. " - . . . , . . continue ,. , - , more fit subject for a coat of tar and learners, or ,or ucenuam , - -.... (Jet busy yourselves and rem- edy the objectionable - point: arouna your nome or jour uome on-,.. uovui. im, .... ....n u. ,-m.i. ili( nii.1 iii voiir relations with 1 1 c world outside boost donl knock.'