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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1913)
y - PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1913. The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter ..Q PER YEAR IN ADVANCE r . r . The price f meals are oar ing skyward. J5y tlie lime snow Hies it will take a dollar to pur chase a good sirloin steak. . :o: ; When i-wps are .short and priire.s f-" "1 H takes a good calculator t slate the financial side of the case. But the ultimate consumer catches it going: and ruining". :o: : The curbing and guttering- pro portion started a few months si'-n .'.'mi io !.' hanuintr lire and who'll. 1 b" pushed before the WMlIici' gVl loo cold lo do llie rvork, a il will add wonderfully to the appearance of lie town. . :o: "Yhen a man even inlimales ill it there is no corn in Cass county, don't call him a liar, but jut intimate- t him that h" is badly mi-lak.-n. Take the couut oer there will be more than a half crop. :o: Under a new law Arkansas will have this year !? I, I Go. OS i for the improvement of public roads and bridges. This sum ought to se cure some important results and the people of the state would be remiss not to insi:?t on getting them. :o: The slate railway commission will hear the complaint on the poor train service on the Missouri Pacific on Friday, September l'J. l.el everone interested who can, appear before Ihe commission and add their voire to the protest I hat comes from all over the county. :o: Harry Thaw is ..till in the Canadian jail and will remain I here iudeliuilely. Heller let him join Jack Johnson in Curope and give us a rest from Ihe ile loin mrof. that lias tilled Ihe papers tor the last three years about Ibis weak-minded young man and his legenerate operations. :o: l lie at lack on Premier Aspiith I Kngland by Ihe suffragettes bile he was engaged in playing ;-olf with his daughter would i.eer have been permitted in this ouniry. The American women have advanced far greater along this line than in England and 'vithout any riots or violence. :o: The republican papers, that is Hie stand-pat element, continue to berate Secretary Bryan. It is that element, however, who never did h ive a kind word to say for him, no mailer how deserving. Mr. lirvaii is used to Ibis kind of work, and il never hurts a man who is doing bis duty at every turn in tin; road. :o: An Ohio judge suggests thai .women should furnish samples of their cooking when applying for marriage licenses. (Jood idea. Ami bl the prospective groom present a bank book showing a sub-l anl ial deposit or a reililicale from a trustworthy source that be is industrious and has remunerative employ ment. :o: A iniddh;-uged Plattsmouth man was considerably shocked one day last week over what he saw. ii was only a young woman who got between him and llie 'igit,' who ,did not wear enough td jl les I ; J i i ? e h e r i I d u e ; j a r I e r s . Alts awail," he said.' That''de- pends upon who you are. and .w hat kind of an, entertainment you are looking- for. To say the least, we do not or cannot understand what mothers mean by letting their daughters go upon the streets in jpucn garbs at Plattsmouth, Neb.: Senator Poindexler of Wash ington has grown quite wratlifu over the statement in oite of the Seattle papers that he had secured government positions for eleven of his relatives. This is certain ly a hard world for the poor, down-trodden United Stales sen ators with the revelations, and in vestigations that have been stir ring; the national capital. . :o: This country has the race problem, the social problem and many others but none are worse than the hobo problem. An ar my of idlers, men who absolute ly will not work, is a canker on society that must soon be dealt Willi. It must be treated as a contagion. The strong arm of the government must find the remedy that cures. :o: Governor Moreliead will soon is' ue his road proclamation. Then we will see if the men of Nebraska are as much in favor of good road. as they are in Missouri. Then there must be less talk and more work if the gxod roads ad vocates mean business. The gov ernor promises to take the lead, the same as Governor Major did in Missouri. :o: The republican metropolitan papers of the St. Louis Globe Democrat stripe are predicting all kinds of disaster to the demo cratic party in consequence of the tariff. Such scares are gotten up for a purpose, and these papers do not believe one half they sav in this direction. We would sug gest to these wiseacres to do a lit lie missionary work in their own ranks before howling loo loud about. Ihe troubles that are to overtake Ihe democrats. :o: Several farmers report that there is a very plainly marked letter "Ii" on the blades or oats. This they say is a singular occur rence which Jias not been noticed for o3 years. Those who have lived long" enough to observe say that this is. .seen only in war times. Whether the letter "LP means bullets, ballots, bonds, bailies or bone-yards, no one seems to know to a certainty, but all seem very positive as to the appearance of t lie sign. iou know the old saying' is, "all signs fail in dry weather." So there you are. Unless uu see your way clear to cop a poslofiice or some other sinecure of the state, don't expect much of the government. Primarily the province of a government is to govern, and business of making a living and other luxuries must continue to be a matter oi -Individual effort for most of us, regardless of what party of the people is tri umphant at the polls. Which is as il should be, and the patriot who lakes that for granted and makes hay and other useful commodities while Ihe pun shines, is apt to have little dilli cully in excluding the wolf front his moated grange or other hap py habitat. A lot of time is wasted in grumbling about con ditions which should be devoted to sawing wood and other use ful pursuits, . and to spend your spare moments cussing the country is a sign of shiflless ness. ; A little. thrift and industry for- home ? consumptions will t get inore . than' marching' in! the par- a d e o i '' J o i n i i i g t h e s o ei a 1 i $ C p a r - ty. Work at . jfair wages can usually be found by 4 the man who isn't afraid of it, and those who are aren't entitled to much consideration- Is it hot enough for you? Now don't shoot! :o: Every day brings its full quo. la of fatal automobile accidents :o: September will have to go some to smash the AuRust rec ord. : :o:- We will' at least .have two big days this fall German celebra tion October 18 and l'J. ':o: While honesty is the best pol icy, freciuentlv you find a man who is from Missouri. :o: Next Monday school begins and parents should see that their children are in attendance the very hrst day. :o: Anyway, relief from the droiuh may be expected about Septem ber 21. An cquinoxical storm is slated for that dale. :o: Canadians are showing so much sympathy for Harry Thaw, perhaps it would be just as well to let them keep him. :o: Mows never effectively adjudi ale contention between men, and nations may be premature at it in the same way. :o: It may be consoling to know- that in five or six weeks we n-obably will be lighting up a fire in the furnace. :o : The slate fair is not as big a success as luiu ol a year ago. The attendance will not be as arge by over i 0,non. -:o: A German scientist claims that man can live to be one hun dred years if- he eats chalk. Hut most men are too busy walking it. :o: When Teddy ltoosevclt goes lo South America, he should study the fauna of that tropic territory to see if it does not produce some tardier specimen of the Hull Moose uibe than found in our own land of the free. :o: Friday. September li is the date of Ihe big picnic at 'ehaw- ka. Plattsmouth should send big delegation. Neliavvka has been awful good to PlatJsmoulh, and now we have d he opportunity lo return the favor. :o: There is a poslofiice ruling which imposes a fine of $300 or year's imprisonment on anyone who through carelessness or otherwise takes mail from the poslofiice not belonging lo him and fails to return it immediate ly. This applies to newspaper! as well as letters. :o: The moral atmosphere has been made a'lillle clearer by the conviction of one of the two men in California indicted for violat ing ihe Mann act. When two men of education and of good social position abandon their wives and children and run away with girls, it is far more demor alizing of social morality than when an ignorant negro like Jack Johnson outrages- the moral sense of the nation. To whom mvre has been given by society, of them more Is demanded. :o: Illinois is about to follow the example of Colorado and employ its convicts in making good roads. Forty men are to be sent out at once to work ninety days. It is not a fad. Home practiced it 2,500 years ago and some of the roads made by convict labor under her direction exist lo this day. LaFayelte Young of the Des Moines Capital, who is now traveling. In England, says that Ijiepold jnoniau .roads -in jtfiat isi land.-need only a top dressing and they are.' as ' good today: as they- ever! were. 1 ; Every, convict who works on the roads in that state will "have his sentence shortened ten "days in. every thirty. : New York slate has two gov ernors, and it is yet very doubt ful which one is going" to win out :o:- Will the diaphanous skirt last? asks ii fashion paper. IS'ol if it is sent lo the laundry very many limes. :o: So great is the competition among automobile manufactur ers for feature machines, that without, doubt, the It) 15 model will be a rig that can aiomatie ally determine the age of a chic ken before killing it by the chauffeur. -:o: A town on Ihe border of Vir ginia and Tennessee lias built an imposing monument com memorating Ihe palriotism of American soldiers in all wars from Ihe Vinie of Ihe revolution. The men of '(" deserve (he high est tribute and all the volunteers of laler dale have been chips off Ihe old block. :o: When about seven millions of dollars' worth of claims are filed by the farmers along tin Platte river against the government for the wwinton destruction of grow ing' crops, the interior iepari- ment clerk who proclaimed .thai water wasn't good for growing corn and poiatoes. win pro bably sit up and lake notice. :o: STAY AT HOME. Willi the reading of President Wilson's message to congress a b'linite line of action toward Mexico has been presented to the world. And it gives to ine worm new method of handling dilli- culties and crises between na tions. Summed up, the policy is this: Children gather up jmir plav things and conie home; ou must noi associate longer with those naughty neighbor children. We will have nothing to do with ihe family until they quit their roughness and their disregard for common decency. And why is this not beiler than for the parents to go over into Ihe neigh bors' yard and pick a tight, with Ihe oilier parents? 11 lakes .wo lo make a quarrel, and he is tru ly brave, who, knowing his strength, refuses lo notice the snarls of an inferior. Ameri cans, under Ihe guise of enter prise, go into far countries and commercially exploit the resourc es of '.he land. Capital is invest ed in all kinds oT wild cat schemes bearing foreign corpor ation names, and then il is ex pected Ihe Stars and Stripes to guarantee the same protection and conditions that exist at home. Up iO fi certain point this is. the American citizen's right, but it has loo long been made the basis for wars and the fearful cost that il entails., in the move ment for universal arbitration and peace, properly riglus and property loss should be eliminat ed as giving any nation an ex cuse for war. In urging- the American citizens still in Mexico to leave lhat country, President Wilson lakes another advanced stand in the diplomatic relations bCiWeen nations lhat may lead to a new epoch in-Ihe responsibili ties of governments. In our do mestic life we youbl do the same thing get. out of llie danger zone. v liy not in revolution in fested Mexico? There i loo much buncombe about patriot ism and national honor being in volved in these irfiernational dis putes. Nine limes out of ten nei ther is at the bottom of the trou ble. Selfish interests, mercenary exploitation are the factors mostly in evidence. President Wilson's course in the Mexico difficulties is a .wise one, and vvill ret'iye'tlie; hearty,- support and commendation 1 from the people as a whole. Tin; outcome will be watched with interest by every nation on the globe if it succeeds a great step will have been taken in the march toward a higher in ternational civilization. GOD WILL LAUGH AT HAN PRIDE An Old Prophecy Is About to Ba fulfilledf Says Pastor Russell. i . HAS DOUBLE APPLICATION. It Applied to Jesus Personally, but ; Also to tho Body of Christ, the- Church Tho Kings of trie Earth. ' Tho Rulers Amongst God's People. Their Coalition Vain God Will Laugh at Them Jesus Will Deride Them Tho Breaking as a Potter's Vessel Will Follow Those Who Put Their Trust In Him Will B Blessed. On the Atlantic, September 7. Psis tor Russell's text for t o it .i y was: "He tiiat sitteth in the Heavens slia'I lansh; the Lord shall have them in derision." (Psalm 2:4.) lie said: The vast ocean, on which this lately ship is hut a toy, rorai n tl s me of fJod's mercy, like PASTOR. RUSSEtl tho wideness of the sea," anl also of the vastness of Divine Power, ami hu man insignificance in comparison. Hu manity may justly feel i ncoura::el ly the progress made in the past century. Mighty ships of steel, a thousand feet long, carrying thousairds of passengers, have replaced, the wooden dories of a century ago. Propelled by steam, they are Indeed leviathans of the deep. The oceans have been underlaid with ca bles of steel, carrying intelligence to the ends of the earth. AnU this majes tic steamer is outfitted with a wireless system of telegraphy, by which she Is continuallv in touch with sister vessels and with the world. And these fro only a few of the many avenues of progress being trodden in our day. Those not guided by tike Word of tho Ijnt are puffed wilh pride, and dis posed to feel that our grandparents a little way back w ere mere monkeys. (JcmI's people, guidcl by their Fa ther's Word, and by the spirit of a sound mind, are ,'ield back from such delusion. They see that there are not many great or miuhty today, as coin pared with the rotables of the past. They see Hint Cod is behind the won derful developments of today; for wc are living In "the day of His prepara tion'' (Xabum 2:3) for Messiah's King dom, and tho Peign of a thousand voar These perceive that 'led is gradually lifting the veil of ignorance and superstition; and that, according to Ills promise, men are now seeing out of obscurity. Withal, our blessings are coniinu- in a most natural way. The printing press, present day mail service, tele graph systems and telephones, and world-wide education, are bringing the thinkers of rartji in close touch the world over. Scarcely is a discovery made of any kind, anywhere, that Is not known world-wide within a week. A million minds engage upon the same project, with the result that tliere are still further improvements, still more wonderful Inventions and all these procedures repeated! Surely tho only explanation is that God is back of the present Intelligence now coming to the world. His time has come t bring blessings to mankind, instead of tte curse which, so long has prevailed. Kings of Earth Set Themselves. The kings of the earth, in a broader sense, include financial kings and cap tains of industry, as well as politi al chieftains. These wise men of the world have grasped tho situation only in part. They perceive the blessings and the riches rolling in upim tin? world through human invention, and are fortifying themselves in luxury and power beside tho golden streams they have corralled. Thus they have "set themselves," according to our text. Moreover, the rulers of the people the ecclesiastical rulers and princes are alliliatel with them. Together they take counsel. Their next step will be to put their counsels Into practice. "Let Us Break Their Band3." For centuries past kings and govern ments have been more or less restrain ed by tho peoples they governed. And the peoples have been more cr less guided by tho Bible, and its spirit of liberty. The new conditions of our day, however, have evaded many of tho regulations and restraints of the past The restraints are necessarily unequal to tha new conditions. And the people are intent upon making new regulations to cope with the Trusts and the wealth of the financial kings, and with the great power of political kings, as represented in modern mili tary armaments and organizations. The Bible Is the great stronghold of liberty. Through it the masses of civ ilization Lave learned that kings and peasants, rich and roor, must all even tually stand before the Judgment Scot and be judd by one Law. r Thisame IJible pprtijvs to tbe public tbe.'I ine Plalit the .roming Jubilee of PestiM; tion the roii'lng away ot the curse and the installation of God's : blessing, through Median's Kingdom. It that the Messianic Kingdom is near, and that it will be inaugurated in the midst of a great Time of Trouble, symbolically represented by St. Peter as a conflagration, a? respects eccle ft?" Vs'S in siastical Interests, and subsequently the social interests of the world. Thus the Bible stands; and the spirit if hope and liberty which it inculcates Is the Divine restraint, tbe "bands," tho "cords," of our context. "The ings of the earth set themselves; and :he rulers take counsel together against Jehovah and His Anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast lway their cords from us." The form which this opposition will assume toward the Bible and its spirit 3f liberty, the spirit of tbe New Dis pensation, is difficult to detail in ad cance. We see, however, under the luldance of the New Testament, that this prophecy Jiad a very limited ful aimcnt at the First Advent; and the fulfilment there may give us h. clue to ihe larger fulfilment now nigh at hand. Jesus the Head, the Church His Body. Tho Lord's Anointed is The Christ of glory Jesus the Head, tho overcom ing Church the Body. This prophecy jlfc-is fulfilled in respect to Jesus when fllate and Herod, as representing the worldly powers, took counsel with, the chief priests, Scribes a nd I'harisces, as representing the rulers of the people of (IoL Tho religious rulers were lead ers, prime movers. In the opposition. What happened to the Master Him self in tho way of opposition from the religious rulers and, under their insti gation, from the political rulers, is what we sbotrid expect shortly as the fulfilment of this prophecy. The op position that will arise will be against the Lord and against those who are particularly His representatives and mouthpieces in the world. The feder ated religious interests, fearful of the Truth, and with cherished plans op posed to it, will shortly denounce it as Caiaphas denounced Jesus. His dec laration was, It is expedient that one man perish, rather than our whole na tion. (John ll:rx.) As Jesus was cru cified "for the good of the cause," as seen by the religious rulers, so we may expect that the last saintly members of the Body of Jesus will similarly suffer for tho supposed good of the cause, as viewed by tho Scribes and Pharisees of our Day. God In Heaven Shall Laugh. When Jesus was crucified,. His ene mies supposed that His influence would bo gone, and that their projects would flourish. But God laughed at them, for they were really accomplish ing His will. It was necessary in har mony with God's arrangement that Christ should suffer. Similarly, it is necessary that the last members of the Church, the Body of Christ, should suffer with Him and enter into His glory, by tho resurrection "change." Then, too, instead of succeeding, the plans of the rulers all failed. Under Di vine disfavor they entered tho time of trouble, which culminated in the com plete overthrow of their polity. Here we are to expect the same. The Di vine purposes, instead of being thwart ed, will be helped onward by human opposition to the Divine Plan. The plans of 'these kings and rulers will be measurably carried out because (soo verse 1) tho heathen, the Gentiles, Ihe irreligious, will rage, will be In tumult, striving for liberty and bless ings in their own strength, not know ing of the Divine arrangement for the inauguration of tho new Kingdom, which is to bless all the families of the cart h. Genesis 28:14; Galnti.ins 3:10,29. The declaration further is that "the people the favored people of God, nominal Christendoml will imagine a vain thing." They will be deceived, as they are at present, into the expecta tion that thnj will be able to convert the world and bring in tho Messianic Kingdom, or into believing, as some do, that Messiah's Kingdom has al ready come and has ineffectually been attempting the control of the world un til now. They are waiting now for a few millions to bo poured into the missionary treasury to ctlect tne world's conversion and to insure God's will being done on earth as in Heaven. The picture of God's laughing at the poor human pride which will thus vaunt itself is a, forceful one. The failure that vvill come both to the pro fessed people of God and to the world will be a great lesson in humility never to be forgotten. The absurdities of the position would make all laugh if they could strip themselves of thei: pride and realize that, without Divine interposition, God's will could never prevail on earth as In Heaven. A Haughty Spirit Before a Fall." The Lord's next step will be to pro duce the Time of Trouble, which will teach mankind the great lesson they have declined to learn otherwise. "Then shall He speak to them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore dis pleasure." That will be the Time of Trouble so prominently mentioned I'iroughout the Bible, "a time of trou ble such as never was since there was a nation," "no, nor ever shall be'' aft erward. Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21. Human pride, human schemes, which have Ignored the Divine Program, will all in that time of troublo show their weakness. Tbe result will be as describ ed by the Prophet. But "when the judg ments of tbe Lord are abroad in the earth, the inhabitants of tho world will learn righteousness." (Isaiah 2C:9.) Hu manity's heartaches and disappoint ments will eventuate in blessings,, as they shall realize God's great and wonderful Plan, with its length and breadth and height and depth of in finite Love, in the Kingdom of Mes siah. "The desira of all nations shall come." (Haggai 2:7.) The iron rule will compel obedience, while the Mes sage of God's grace will, as promised, go forth as the Sun of Righteousness. inaugurating the New Day. The concluding verses of this pro phetic rsalm clearly indicate that the trouble under Messiah's Kingdom will burn against those persons and those Institutions whica are unjust, un- rinleous, unholy.' Oa flie contrnr, all who love righteousness aud hate 'in iquity will be welcomed to associate themselves under Messiah's standard, whether they bo rich or poor, influen tial or otherwise. As Seen In Former Times. ' However strange it may appear to us now, a serious misinterpretation of this very prophecy of the Second Psalm was made by our wcll-intent'on-ed forefathers. And that misinterpre tation brought into the world a vast amount of trouble and persecution. ; It t-arne to be generally believed that the Redeemer would not come 1o set up His Kingdom, to bind Satin and fo bless the world. A new theory rose, gradually culminating in the year 800 A. D. It claimed that the Church, be foro experiencing the resurrection "change" at tho Second Coming of Christ, was already the Kingdom of God and fully authorized to reign. Un der this theory, missionary work was carried on with a vengeance. The sword, the thumb-screw, the rack and the stake, as well as the national wars, were all considered proper agencies for the enforcement of the Christian faith. This Second Psalm was espe cially appealed to as the authorization for such vnchristian conduct. It was claimed that, although Jesus was absent, His Church was author ized to reign over the kingdoms of the earth, and to bring them into subjec tion. All kinds of intrigue and schem ing were considered to be Justifiable to the accomplishment of the Divine purpose; that Messiah through the Church should conquer the world, that the nations might be broken with a religious sceptre of Iron and dashed to pieces, or plotted against and torn In pieces by their subjects, as might be possible. The kings and the judges of the earth who recognized the Church as Messiah's Kingdom were accounted wise. They must serve with fear and literal trembling. On many occasions verse 12 was quoted as a warning to kings and to princes that they must keep in linn with the be hests of the Church kiss the eon, a claimed viee-gcrent of Christ lest be be angry a nd they perish by the way. As Revelation 20:1-5 tells us tbat th Reign of Messiah's Kingdom Is to be for a thousand years, and that during that time Satan Is to be bound, so It was claimed that this ecclesiastical system must thoroughly bind and dominate Satanic power, as represented In every thing that opposed it. In full harmony with this misinterpretation were tome of the facts. For exactly a thousand years Ec clesiasticisui prospered and ruled the world from A. D. 800 to A. D. 1790. The spell which had held Kurope and much of tbe world for ten centuries was broken by Napoleon. When be carried the Tope a prisoner to France, the world wondered. Could it be that tho spiritual power of Christ's King dom was ineffective against the great General, Napoleon? What did it mean? The answer eanio promp.tly enough that this was merely another fulfil ment of Scripture tbe loosing of Sa !n at the end of the thousand years, (itevelation 20:7-10.) The prediction vas made, and fully believed, that very soon tho adverse conditions would pass . away, and the ecclesiastical throne be re-established in greater rtower and glory than ever before. But instead, Ecclesiasticism has 'waned. In September 1S70 its last support gave way in the French defeat of Sedan. Forthwith the King of Italy took away the last vestige of temporal power. Awakening of Bible Students. Since then, Bible students, and in deed tho whole world, are awakening to the fact that no real Millennium of blessing was enjoyed during the thousand years nf the rast. We see instead that it was a period of great darkness, superstition and Ignorance. Furthermore, the whole world is be coming convinced that tho blessings that have come to us during the past century are not of Satan, but of God. Indeed, wo are learning more awt more to appreciate the fact that all these wonderful things of steam pow er and electricity, with their hundreds of applications for tbe advancement of science ail the blessing of humanity, are foregleams of the true Millennium. More and more we are realizing tbit we are in the dawning; of that New Day, and that the present time of sel entific development and enlightenment is but a preparatory epoch, making ready for the coming blessings of Mes siah's Kingdom. The Scriptures indeed describe the present as "tbe day of Hi preparation" preparation for the thousand years of Messiah's Reign ami tbe blessing of mankind. It is not for us to say dogmatically how soon these blessings will burst upon the world in fullest measure. Some Scriptures indeed seem to Indi cate that they are rery close impend ing; but the great Time of Trouble Mth "which these blessings will be in augurated is almost upon us. Tbe dis content prevalent everywhere Is lead ing on rapidly toward tho trouble. How much need we hare to remem ber our text! How much the kings and princes of the world need to be in struct ed and to be wise to servo the Lord with fear, and to rejoice with hope and yet with carefulness! now much all men need to remember th closing words of the Psalm: "Blessed are all that put their trust In Him." The glorious. Head of the Kingdom was exalted more than eighteen cen turies ago. The First Resurrection will soon complete the Body of Christ, the Church, through which God hA3 designed-. '.that reconciliation shall be extended to the world. - Soon the King dom will take to Itself Its great power. Under the Headship of The Messiah. it will ero forth conquering, for the par. pose of blessing, uplifting humanity, for whom Christ died.