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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1913)
1 The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb. IV. A.. MA I'ICH. I'lidllnlttir Entered at the Pttstoffice at PlattsmoiP.h. Nebraska a ieeoud-claii matter : $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE - THOUGHT FOR TODAY. .J. 2- Health is the first of all J- liberties, ami happiness J is the energy which is the J J basis of health. Amied's J Journal. I The weather seems capable of frazzling about everything but Old King Corn. This has been hard weather on the ice inaif hard for him to make the rounds. ::-- A Plattsmouth man is so con trary he claims cucumbers will cure dyspepsia. When you are asked, "Is it hot enough for you?" just haul off and knock him down. Bonds that are taxable but not negotiable are for sale on I he matrimonial market only. There is slill plenty of work in I'lallsmoulh for I hose who desire lo make a living by honest toil. Those who refused lo swat Ho lly early in I he liglil are now com pelled to swat I hem whether I hey wan I to or not.- An oplomist is a pent , who hopes lo catch lish enough to make his tackle an investment in stead of an expense item. :o: From the senatorial invest ga llon reports it appears that the lumper strike belweeu the two republican parlies is still on. :o : I'lattsmoulh is to have u new steel water wgon. Then, per haps, the streets will be sprinkled nvith more regularity, (lood! :o: ' At least the puff rage parades Rive the lady of I he house an op portunity to experience the dig nity of inarching behind a band. r :o: On the I henry lhat no one pays any altenliou to newspaper ad vice, we urge on to drink all the ice water you can Ibis hot weather. The Commoner can be made much stronger as a monthly than it was a weekly, if Mr. Bryan does all the edilioial writing. Every one should know that. The business men of I'latts moulh, generally speaking-, are in favor of some kind of a fall entertainment. You can bet your bottom dollar on lhat, and win. - , MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS - - BGrossJ iJ.MPWHwy.M,,, U wkc Hti-fT NW coST HWe peu to Vj; JLJ L- i i bi sail M'-a1 p, j While j is no physical de I fortuity, the trade-mark of suc j cess is the "hump." ; Foot ball must seem soft to the youth who has spent the summer 1 feeding wheat to a rapid-running I threshing- machine. France is objecting lo Jack Johnson's coming. Anything that sporty France would object t'o must be awful. The proper place for Johnson is Darkest Africa. The east fears that the new tariff will be the means of many of their manufacturing establish ments coming west. This is where they gel the most of their raw material, anyway. Come on, boys! We note from the metropolitan journals lhat another "biggest battleship" is about to be built. And after that another. Those w bo come late can keep their seats; this is a continuous per formance. Kansas has i.'.'Oil churches abandoned on account of lack of interest in The Kan sas people are probably too busy raising whiskers and polit ical dis turbances to keep their mind on bouses of worship. Mr. Ilryan's honesty j well dis played when be sa. lie cannot live in Washington on I 2,0(ii) a year, ami no one has the right lo criticise him for his manhood in saving- so; and also, for his cour age in taking up Chautauqua work lo make up .the delleiency in the living expenses of one who is so prominent in the affairs of gov ernment as Secretary Hryan. Cold storage eggs must hereaf ter be branded with date of stor age, tinier the new law which goes into effect today the stale food commissioner must inspect storage houses at least once ui three months and the inspection fee is paid by the owners of the bouse. The law requires the branding of containers of food products when they are placed in storage and the date of entry and withdrawal from storage. This will prevent the sale of storage goods under the guise of fresh food products. The packages when stored are numbered so that the stale inspector can identify them and ascertain who had them in storage. The meat packers of the stale have decided not only to comply with lhat part of t lu law which requires a re port to the state food commis sioner every three months, but w ill report monthly. The Central Citv (N.b. Nun-j'nii'-l, one i1 i la leading repub ! i i t-;t 1 1 papers of tin stale, lias the 'honesty to speak right out in meeting in giving credit to jwllo deserve credit, whether i I 1 1 1 ii'i at r republican. In speaking of President Wilson tin; ; Noiipariel says: "No, we're not a democrat. We merely admire the nerve of a president who will defy precedent and come down to U'i-day ways of doing business, ways of transacting his affairs lhat any business man drawing th" same .-alary would use. As a business man President Wilson does lliings iii a businesslike way, a Her Ibe fashion of modern men in positions of responsibility." A ONE-SIDED QUESTION. j The Journal is not so bitterly, j lilttuuml lik t nni'i ii ii (Ti''l rra n j I might be supposed, but we are op posed to giving them the right lo vote when one-half of them in Nebraska don't want it. It is not (he farmer's wife or the wife sur- rounded by a family of nice chii-1 drcn, and who takes great pleas ure in their home, that wants suf frage. The matter is simply con fined to those who think they are better able to look after the af fairs of government and make themselves conspicuous. We w ant I lie women lo decide the mailer among themselves, and if Hie majority favors it we will say amen. Let's have an election to settle it, where none but women are allowed lo vole. That's the, only proper manner of settling it. I'lallsiuoulh Journal. In I he first part of the above item there is considerable sound sense, but none whatever in the latter part. To refer the whole quest ion to the women is simply l'i mean its adoption, because those women who are anxious lo secure the suffrage would be Ibe lirsl ones at the polls ami vote early, and I hey would see thai their friends also voted. Money would be raised in large amounts lo secure as many voles as-po.C sible. The women who do not want l vote nor lake any in leri'sl in he question would re main at home, and the result would be lhat (he suffragists would win the election almost unanimously. Nebraska City News. We cannot see where the "one sided question" comes in. If is a well known fact that there is a growing organization among the women in many stales that are opposing the suffrage, and if the women were allowed lo settle the question among themselves by Ibe ballot you would see, Mr. News man, that, the opponents of suffrage would have all the money I hey needed to carry on a cam paign in Nebraska if Hie ballot could le resorled lo to settle the question, and every woman op posed to giving equal suffrage would turn out and vole against it. The News' idea that home women would not vide does not reflect very much credit upon the true and homo-loving womanhood of Nebraska. Ha.Mnaking may be limited to sun-bine, but the rule doesn't ap ply to (lie rest of the farm work. Hereafter the world over a caret will be 200 mulligranis. A turnip will continue to be a tur nip. :o: Reports from Kansas are to the effect that Monday the thermom eter went up to 112 degrees, with hot winds blowing at the rate of 23 miles an hour. Poor old Kan sas 1. Stand up for Nebraska, the state that has helped Kansas be fore and will be able to do it auain this year. I'eople ask us every day if we are going to have anything going on here before cold weather. We tell them lhat that is our under slanding. We have been talking about a fall festival, but the Com mercial club has made no move in that direction as yet. When they will we know not. Fx-Oovernor Shallenberger, in an interview, lakes issue with the Worbl-llerald with reference to the democratic tariff program as lo heel sugar, and is sorry thai I lie proposed tariff law does not pul sugar on the free list at once in order lhal (be "high cosl of living" may be reduced somewhat. :o; The Journal's idea of a fall festival is to arrange for three days Thursday, Friday and Sat urday and include Ibe exhibition of slock of all kinds and a poultry show. Also, a base ball tourna ment each day. Have a few well selected amusements each day. Make it a genuine home-coming evenl for all former residents of I'lallsiuoulh and Cass county. :o: Tin- Syracuse Journal is boom ing present Secretary of Slate Wait for governor. seems that most inivoue can be boomed for governor, in Nebraska. Wait is ait OImc fount) man, and a verv phasant gentleman, but would it. no I look teller lo "wail" until his! present term oT secretary of stale expire- before you want lo shove hini into another ollice? W. S. fttdgvll, deputy fin- com missioiirr is pleased lo inform Iho public thiit the lowest fire loss on the Fourth of July in the state of Nebraska was this year. Reports from all over- the stale show but IM'.tO damages and no lives lost by lireworks on the recent Fourth. He trusts that before another Fonifth every city in the state will pass ordinances prohibiting the of fireworks. According to I he special report on the ocrnlition of the crops, which has been issued by the de partment of agriculture, the count ry will probably harvest fewer bushels of grain this year than it did in 11)12. It is too early lo tie sure of the yield of corn and oats, however, or spring wheat. One cheerful fact is that the grain already harvested winler wheat makes a large gain over the yield of last year. I'eople always expect a banker lo lie rich, and of course it nat urally upsets them to hear of one going broke. :o: The country has reason to count upon the farms for their usual great contribution to the weallh and prosperity of the na tion. This from 'John Tanner's South Omaha democrat: "It is reported lhat there are eleven bath rooms in the caslle 'Met' will occupy as governor of the State of Panama. Well, hasn't 'Mel1 been struggling wilh the 'unwashed' crowd for the last seventeen years without even get ling a look-in? He can now make up for lost time." A former Platlsinoulh boy, Sam Patterson, now of Arapahoe, stands a good show to succeed W. S. Andrews as auditor of the treasury department at Washing, Ion. ft is believed by many of the Nobraskans who have recent ly visited Washington that Sam is surely slated for the position. The Journal w i II be pleased lo learn of his success, as he is a line gentleman and well qualified for ho position. Insurgent Modern Woodmen are advised in a circular letter being sent out by James V. Bogh lol, president of the M. W. A. federation of insurgents, to take no pari in a vole on the rate question proposed in order to de lerinine whether or not the ma jority of the members of the order are in favor of the raise of rales of the Chicago convention. The insurgents declare the vote is not being taken in good faith, bill is intended o divide I heir forces and thus defeat them. :o: In several Nebraska cities re cent ly the question of securing a change of venue from police court, in cases of arrests by the roliee departments,' has arisen, iii.d il appears to be the law, as s'aletl in one of these outside rases, that for violation of city fdmances changes of venue are o provided for, but lhat there j ;s no question about this privilege for the defense in the mailer of lale cases. However, the re ports upon which Ihis comment is based do not indicate lhat the oonlf-Tition has been tested. :o : If the people, or ralher, the voters, have not the power lo re move an offensive oflicial under the commission form of govern ment, then the law is an entire failure, as in the case at Ne braska City. The law is intended for the regulation of good gov ernment in cities adopting this form of government, and if the recall cannot he enforced by the people directly ' interested, then why call it a reform measure? Let the people directly interested rule. If Mayor Houston has not done his duty properly, the peo ple of Nebraska City have the power, according to this law, to remove him without the interfer ence of any court. Fifteen miles an hour is plenty' fast enough for speeding an auto on the public highway. If one wants a higher speed let him re sort to the race track. The streets ;and public highways are not the j proper places to show off the swiftness of cars. It is not only dangerous to the driver himself, but endangers the life of others who have as good a right to the road as he has. :o:- BLOSSOMS AND BON-BONS. With the wisdom born of judicial temperament a Chicago jurist, posing as peacemaker, lately advised the man in the case to semi his wife a bunch of American Beauty roses and a box of chocolates every week or oft ener in the interest of harmony and tranquility. The answer as to whether that is good advice or bad isn't disclosed in the dis patches, for the gent involved scorned the judge's best judgment and was soaked for regular ali mony instead. The peacemaker may be blessed, but there are. limes when he has a large, pear shaped job. And it might not have been very good advice after all, depending a good deal on the woman. If some men we know should use such a system, they would bo charged wilh being crazy with the heat, or the victim of a new de parture jag. Others would be ac cused of extravagance, and in formed that the children need shoes, or lhal the crying demand of the household was real gru. Slill others, sad to say, might be quizzed in an effort to learn if they hadn't forwarded the frills to the wrong flat. More would be suspected of an effort to square, accounts for past shortcomings, which wouldn't he so bad. Yet, in I lie main, the judge's advice was all right, and to be commeud ed Co those wishing to promote marital felicity, and the joy of living. Of course that isn't to en courage extravagance, nor foot ling (hat there are many worthy men who can't afford hothouse flowers and hand-made choco lates. But there are a thousand little' attentions and kindnesses lhat cost no money, but are ne glected a good deal, which might help some, and there are pleas ing treats cheaper than the ones suggested by the able Chicago jurist. Also it is a fact that many men neglect these matters a good ileal: many worthy men who are good providers and have no time fr a double life or the other frenzied frivolity. It is thought lessness, mostly, and while it may have no part in paving the path lo Reno or other realms of free and easy divorce, it works against the joy of home life, and causes many a woman to neglect the children in search of society. Only a few men want to he idle husbands, and those are so hen pecked they have to, but more of them should be good sports and remember a woman married would need a good deal the same consideration she received in the sweetheart days. V f