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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
EISS MAUD NICHOLS RECEIVES FATAL SHOT Hcp Former Lover and Brother-in-Law Fires tho Shot That Wounds Her. l'lii' I'nl low inn sliirx of the ii 11 -fni (tin. ilr love all, or r two .mhiii women who were former residents of this i ininl appears in Hie Ne braska Cily .News of l;i (. evening, 'l'lii' 'inm ladies were horn near Uniiiii, where 1 1 1 1 1- parents re sided fur miiiic ears. .Miss Maude Nirlutts. I lie victim of Hie .sliiinU inn all'ray. lias heen leaching school in Florida fur some lime, ami while (here liei-ame i n k ;i k I lo II. Perry Jones, an attorney, nf Fort Myers. The story nf Ihe false love ami Ihe shoolinn I hat took place there is (old in ihe following sieeial In Ihe .News: "Fort Myers, Florida, Decem lie.r II. Miss Maude Nicknls was shot and fatally wounded this moniiuK my her brother-in-law, H. Percy Jones, u prominent at torney of this city, after u quar rel. From what can 1m learned and from the slatcmen! of Miss Nichols, who has lieen teaching school here for some lime, she was- to have married Jones, ami hr sister, Miss Mahel Nichols, came here, in company wilh Miss Florence Wn'uht, from Nebraska (lily to attend Ihe wedding. Junes met the sister and was at once infatuated with her and courted her fast, ami furious, with Ihe re sult that they were married a few days since ami were on I heir honey moon, when I lie sister, Maude, informed Mabel of Ihe true .situation of things and how that Jones had jilted her. Jones, on lieiiiR upbraided by his wife of a few days, became furious and churned Maude wilh having taken his money and a wordy war fol lowed, in which Ihe attorney pull ed a revolver ami shot Maude, fa tally wounding her. She was at once taken to a hospital. There is little hopes of her recovery. Jones was arrested ami placed in jail, where he is held without bail." The parents of Ihe young wom en, J. W. Nichol ami wife, reside in Nebraska CI i I v. where they are very highly esteemed by all who know I hem. The father is a re tired farmer and has been an in valid for a number of years, hav ing been a 'sufferer from loco motive ataxia. ROSENCRANS RECEIVES FINE ORANGES FROM TEXAS1 W. K. Hosencrans, the luisllmn real estate dealer, has just re ceived Ihree very Hue large nr. nnges that were grown near Faal furris, Texas, where many Cass county citizens own land, and the oranges speak well for the soil and cliiiiale there, as they are as large as any California oranges. They were sent lo Mr. Hosencrans by William ii. Schul., who re moved lo thai country a few months ago and who is delighted with his new home and the splen did counlry in which he has locat ed. The land on which the orange grove is located is about Iwo miles from the home nf Mr. Schul. and Ihe trees from which Iho oranges were picked are unlv six years old ami the owner will have about -(Ml bushels for this year's crop. The land near Fal- furris has been handled by Mi Hosencrans and he is very much pleased wilh lliese splendid specimens of Ihe fruil that can be grown in thai productive country. The oranges are on ex hibition in the window at Mr Hosencrans' olllce and those de siring to see some line fruit should slop ami look at them. 14 HAS SEVERAL ACCIDENTS llurlinglon train No. 1 J, which is due to arrive here af t:ir. p. m., had a iimsl exciting trip last night in its run from Lincoln In this cily. The first accident to mar the trip occurred near (iretua, where the train struck a team and wagon on a crossing and kill ed the horses ami the driver of flic, team was thrown out, break ing his. arm, but fortunately escaping with his life. When the (rain reached Pappio they ran into a railroad velocipede which was on the track and completely demolished it, but Ihe parties on the. cur got. olT in lime, so there was no lives lost in either ac cident. The train was delayed so that il did not arrive here until 10:30 last night, after its wild lrii. Automobile Crippled. Yesterday morning while tlhas. Chrisw is-er was driving to this city from his home near .Whawka, in his louring ear lie had Ihe mis. fortune lo break Ihe axle of one of Ihe rear wheels and il was ne cessary In have Ihe machine brought lo I'lal I sinniil h, where it was placed in Ihe Warn a v Cecil garage for repairs. II is very for. lunate for Mr. Olirisw isser thai he was in if running fast, as he might hac I u killed. REMAINS TO BE BROUGHT HEBE FOR INTERMENT Frank Severin, father of Mrs. John J. Toman nf Ibis city, pass ed away Monday evening at the home of his son, Frank Severin, in Omaha, after a short illness with pneumonia. The deceased was very highly respected by all who knew him ami his loss will be greatly felt by his many friends. The wife of Mr. Severin died about two years ago and she was buried in this city, where the body of the husband will be brought for interment. The de ceased leaves six children to mourn his loss, as fololws: Jos eph Severin, Frank Severin and Julius Severin, Omaha; Mrs. Mary Toman, Plaltsmoulli; P. J. Se verin, Fdminton, Canada; J. II. Severin, Calgary, Canada. The funeral will be held here either Saturday or Sunday, the interment being delayed until the two sons can gel here from Canada. DEATH OF 0. G. OF NEBRASKA CITY A special from Nebraska Cily, under date of December 11, con tains the following account of Ihe death of one nf Nebraska City's must prominent citizens: Kx-Mayor Otoe Clay Morton, one of Ihe leading men of this city, died at. his home here to night after an ailment lasting over nine months. lie was the only son of the late Thomas Mor ton, founder and publisher of the Daily News of this cilv and for many years was its manager and one of its publishers. For a time he published a stock paper in Denver, ami reluming lo this city he look over his father's in terests in the News. lie was presidenl of Ihe Cniuinercial club for years, member of the cily council and served one term as mayor, lie was prominent in all public alVairs. Mr. Moilon was taken ill in March and since thai lime has been unable to do any work or at tend to any of his affairs. lie is survived by his widow and one son. As yet no arrangement s have been made for the funeral. lie was a member of Ihe Masonic lodge, the Woodmen of Ihe World, ncjenl Order nf I'niled Workmen and had been a tlreman sinci manhood, lie was interested in every public enlerprise in t lit cily. DEATH OF MRS. CHAS. SUL LIVAN IN OMAHA HOSPITAL The news was received in this cily Ibis morning of the death at the Wise Memorial hospital in Omaha last evening of Mrs Charles Sullivan. The funeral will be held here tomorrow from Ihe I :l.r Murlington train and the in terment made in the Fikenbary cemetery, southwest of this city, The deceased lady was Ihe wife ol Charles Sullivan, who formerly resided here, being Ihe son ol Judge A. N. Sullivan. Mrs. Sul livan was well known to many ol the residents here ami during her visits here had made many warm friends, who will learn with great regret of her death. She has been sick for some lime ami gradually grew worse until Ihe llual sum uions came. COUGHING AT NIGHT. One bad cough can keen lb whole family awake at night, Phil. Disorneau. SchalTer, Mich., says: "I could not sleep on account of a bad cough, and I was very weak, f used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and soon Ihe cough left and I slept soundly all night." For sale by F. (i. Fricke A; Co. V). M. (iodwin and son. Albert, were in the city yesterday after noon attending to business mat ters, having driven up from the farm near Murray. Stoves of nil kinds at reduced prices. Seo Eastwood. HELP 10 5I0P THE HOLIDAY DISASTERS C. A. Randall, Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner, Warns People in Penty of Time. The following timely sugges tions from Chief Deputy Randall nf l be slate lire commission, if heeded, will ae many disasters which usually occur about ChrislnuM time, in arranging Christ mas trees at churches and school houses, and also at the homes of private families. Head and closely observe the good ad vice extended for your special benelll : Christinas will soon be cele brated by the people of Ibis slate ami Ihe Christinas tree and public entertainments in crowded churches and halls and home will be used lo emblish Ihe occasion. fn order that, nothing will oc cur to mar the occasion and cause a life-lime of regrets,,. I earnestly urge those having these matters in charge to observe the following rules: Do not decorate your Christmas tree with paper, cotton, celluloid or any other inflammable ma terial. Use metallic tinsel and other non-inflammable decora lions only, ami set the tree se curely so that il cannot lip over. Do not use cotton to represent snow; if you must have snow use asbestos liber. If I here is any oilier possible way lo light Ihe tree do not use candles. The tree ilself is very inflammable and will burn when the needles become dry. Where electric, lights can be obtained small bulbs of different colors can be slrung around over the ll'ee, bill Ibis work should only be done by someone thoroughly un derstanding electricity. Large lamps with relleclors so arranged as lo I brow Ihe light on the I ree will give the tree a beautiful ap pearance and will not endanger the lives of I hose in t a I tendance. Do not. permit Sanla Clans lo wear an inflammable beard or wig. Usually Ihe presents that are placed upon Christmas trees are done up in tissue paper that is very inflammable, ami llaxen- haired dolls and Teddy bears ami such presents an1 inflammable and a spark from one of the little amlles is liable lo start a tire and I here is alw ays someone present, ready lo scream ami yell "Fire," and then the trouble lakes place; a rush is made for Ihe door and there are enough grown people in Ihe audience lo trample Ihe life out of the lillle children who are present ami who are tilled with expectancy at receiving the gifts that ar i the tree, but instead of receiving a presenl I hey are liable to re reive either painful or fatal in juries and an occasion of merri iiieiil will he turned into mourn ing. All aisles and evils should be kepi absolutely clear, so I bat if an accident should happen all of Ihe occupants can retire from the building ipiickly and miin jured. I hope Ihe bulletins I have is sued has implanted in Ihe minds nf those who will have thesi enlcrlaininenls in charge a de termination lo prevent injury and loss nf life of nil I hose who al lend Ihese Christmas entertainments Prompt and Certain. The main demand of a sick person on a medicine is. to act promptly and certainly, lie ex perts also I hat the lasle w ill be agreeable (hat the remedy will not cause any pain or any habit. A remedy combining all these xir lues is Triner's American Flixir of Killer Wine. Yon can alwavs rely upon prompt and certain re. lief when using this agreeably biller lasting remedy. II is a safe pleasant medicine for a thorough cleaning-out of the system and for strengthening all organs through which food on its journey through the body must pass. This explains why it is of such great help in many seemingly very dif ferent diseases, which may prove, upon thorough invest igal ion. to bave Ihe same origin or the same symptoms. If these symptoms are ons ipal inn. poor appetite or weakness, use Triner's American F.lixir of Miller Wine. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, I ;t So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111. John Meisinger and wife xvere lifought in (his morning by their son. (i. I Meisinger, jr., from his farm, where they had been visit, ing for several days. Wntch for our Xmas ad. You w ill stay nl home and buy nt F.nst-wood's. smssz 1 1 l m i..-. . Palmar the two best and oldest PERFUME manufacturers in theU. S. Our new stock has just ar rived. Better take a look now and get your first choice 10c to $5.00 Manicure Sets Traveling Cases for ladies and gentlemen of Ebony, Rosewood and genuine PARISIAN IVORY all made very compact and of the latest design $1.00 to $9.50 k O l t:ui i ocuis, ruuuuns, arm in sen only Dennison s because they are the best. 0! Yes! each. W-MH"IHK"WiMMI ! iiiuinni -t. ! Ledger. .J Will Clark of Kansas City came yesterday to make a visit with his brothers, Wes and Fred, and his numerous friends here. Attorney Thaddeus S. Meeker of Mancrofl,, Idaho, has been here the past week visiting his mother and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Kate Smith spent a few- days here with her sister, Mrs. M. II. Shoemaker, and went to Omaha on the Tuesday evening train. .J. I). Cross arrived home Wed nesday from Akron. Colo., where he spent several days visiting and al lending lo business affairs. Karris departed Tuesday for Oklahoma Cily to spend a few das visiting ami looking after the farm he owns near thai city. Miss Kiunia Wiseman returned home Sunday from Omaha, where she made a Thanksgiving visit wilh her mother, Mrs. A. Wise man. W. A. Wains ley ami wife of Kails Cily spent several days wilh John K. Iloback ami family north east of town, and returned home on Monday. Mrs. M. I,. Thomas oT Palmyra came last Friday for a few days' visit with her son. Harry. Thomas and family and oilier relatives and friends here. Mrs. John H. llliodd.v, south west of town, has been very seriously ill for several days, but we are pleased to report that there is some improvement in her condition. Miles Slandish, a former citizen of the Murray neighborhood, went through here on Ihe Saturday noon liver, returning lo his home al (larnetl, Kansas, having been here for a visit with his Cass county relatives and friends. King Clark, who has been working as night operator in the Missouri Pacific olllce at Plaits mouth, has been transferred to ltaker, Kansas, lie was here Sat urday to x isit his parents, and left Sunday to begin work at his new location. Mrs. Alex Kalon, residing ea.-l of town, was painfullv injured in a peculiar manner last Saturday afternoon. She was carrying a large jar, and the bursting of the jar resulted in Hie sharp edge coming in contact with her loft arm and severed an artery. Mrs. K.atou was rendered very weak from loss of Mood, and will have the care of a very lame arm for awhile. T. N. Mobbitt of the vicinity of Alvo was attending to some busi neri mailers in this city today and was a pleasant cnller nt this olllce. He returned to his home this afternoon. rj vs. fm SUGGESTIONS! mraStfugra MAUUNfcKY 10c to $5 per box Our this year's stock of gift stationery has never been excelled in the city. We give you the best for less money. Hudnet's Perfumes Liggett's Chololates 1 FRIK Dennison' Xmas Supples Palmer's Perfumes HE a XMAS c p . .... met everytning to make your Oeorge J. Meisinger and Her man Crahani of Mynard were passengers this morning on No. 15 for Omaha lo look after some business matters. Do your Xmas shopping early. See Eastwood. -The Pacific Coast Tour- Grandest Railroad Journey in the World There are more than one hundred different ways to go or to come, but the all-year way to California, the way in one direction at least, is through' the Den ver gateway, with Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake along the way. If you desire a more southerly route in Winter, go via Denver and the Santa Fe Grand Canyon Route, through New Mexico-the way of sunshine. If this is not far enoughsouth, go through Kansas City and Texas, returning through Salt Lake and Scenic Colorado. But to realize the maximum possibilities as to scenery, cities, agricultural landscape and "travel education" of this compre hensive tour, you should include the Shasta Route and the Pacific Northwest the Portland. Puget Sound and Spokane regions. n !" ''Seejn& Amer'ca First" you see its mighty and magnificent half on a I aciftc Coast tour. You should not only "See America" First" but vou should aaa oil rvf if t . n i i 1,1 juui W. L. WAKELY, wan! . Seconds Decide Napoleon's re-enforcements arrived an hour late and Waterloo was lost In business, as in war, seconds decide issues. Lincoln Telephone &. Telegraph Com pany's prompt service has saved the day in many critical situations. Napoleons of finance, commerce and the professions by the use of the local and long distance telephone lines transact business in minutes that otherwise would require days to decide. Do not allow your competitor to make better use of these ad vantages than you do. ' Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager 7 I ZT All Sizes! All Prices! for men who KNOW! Special attention given to lady purchasers. Candies! 80c-Liggett's Chocolates-80c You could not find any better if you looked over the United States. Our Holiday Boxes are excellent 60c -Fenway's Choco!ates-60c gifts more attraction. We Red Cross Stamps too lc Get your seats now for "Bought and Paid For." Isaac and I.. W. Nelson, two of the prosperous farmers from south of this cily, were in town today attending to some trading with Ihe merchants. - mi a mm a nuTiington tram. R. W. CLEMENT, Agent, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Issues