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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1912)
PARCELS POSTS IN OP ERATION ON JANUARY I F J - j S f ii i i hr 'C xsJh v" Uk IB J :8;mtmtnntnnnn,Vll"-'lj ;?f4 (JL IfLJgr '4 VI ' Your home can be perfectly heated with 'r r.rc - healthful- ever changing - constantly tewed warm air-free from dust -gas and and the good dependable HOUND OAK FURNACE and Round Oak Methods will do it. Investigate ! 4 "tnoxe The heating proposition is our specialty this Fall, and we now have the contracts for placing five heating plants before the Winter sets in. We also handle hot waterjand steam heating plants. See us now. IreoIilGS" retbof8 Plaiisrncuth Nebraska L mm A Largo Crowd Witnessed Basket Ball Games at Coates Hall. the of Ilic seniors. After Hi! panics some of the yoiniK people engaged in dancing until a late hour. This was sep arate from Hi' school part of the entertainment. From Saturday's Dally. Although umlt'r th' pan-els pot law, which goes into cll'i't't January I, l'li cries will lit; made lo the houses, those sending par cels will have to post them, tak ing I hem to th' postollice or to I he stations which are to be designated by the postmaster as receiving stations for such mat ter. However, persons living on a rural route may give their par cels to the carrier to In; mailed. Another repiirement is that special stamps will have to be used on (he fourth-class mail mailer after the law goes into ef fect at the first of the year. Par cels post packages mailed bearing ordinary postage slumps will ho held for postage, according to in formation sent in a bulletin just issued by the postmaster general. This, it is believed, will probably cause some delay and confusion at first until the patrons become familiar with Hie regulations. Another requirement is that all parcels must boar the return card of the sender, otherwise they will not be accepted for mailing. Shortly before January 1 each postmaster will be furnished with one or more copies of the official parcels post map of the United States, showing the unit area in which his postofflce is located, and also the eight postal zones, in dicating the distance on which the rates are based. The special parcels post stamps will lie placed on sab; after January 1. I GLEN EDWARDS INJURED WHILE WALKING IN SLEEP MISS ANNA HASSLER DE PUTY RECORDER 0. OF H. From Saturday's Dally. Last evening the four classes of tho High school came together at Coatcs' hall for their annual basket ball games and it resulted in many surprises. In tho opening game between the juniors ami the freshmen, the freshmen sprang a surprise on their opponents ami hung a large, sized defeat on them, winning by a Hcore of 28 to 18. The young sters had evidently practiced a great deal more than the juniors, as they lead the light all the way "through the game. Tho BcnloVs badly outclassed the sophomores in their contest and were able to throw baskets at w'H, the sophs being unable lo stop their clever plays. Arrios ami luncan of the senior team are very clever basket ball play ers and had no trouble in gelling the ball into Hie baskets at all limes. The Until score of this game w as 2 to 2 in favor of I he seniors. In the championship gain' be tween the seniors and the fresh men there was considerable feel ing displayed by the players on the freshman side and the referee. The game was hard fought, both sides playing a good game. The dual score was 48 lo no in favor From Saturday's Dally. The many friends of Miss Anna Ilassler will ho greatly pleased to learn that she has been appointed deputy in the otllce of Miss Etta Hrooks, grand recorder of the De gree of Honor at Lincoln. Miss Ilassler is well qualified for tho position, having served in that capacity in I he otllce of Miss Hem, pie, and will make a most valuable assilant lo Miss Brooks. It is a matter of regret that Miss Ilas sler will be compelled to reside in Lincoln and that she will be great ly missed by I he large circle of friends in Ibis city, but all will join in wishing her all the good luck in. I he world in her new posi tion. mm :0mmmr pipi CHICAGO Ml oats From Saturday's Dally. Word has been received in this city by relatives informing them of an accident that befell Glen Ed wards, formerly of this city. (lien has always been troubled with walking in his sleep and last week while traveling on a train he drop ped off to sleep, ami while in that condition stepped off the traii at Aburn, California, receiving a very severe cut on the head and numerous bruises, lie. was taken to a hospital in Hint oily and several stitches taken in his head and will be forced to remain in the hospital for about a week yet before he can get out. This will be sad news to Glen's friends here, hut it was very fortunate he was not killed in the fall, and he should be careful to slay awake hereafter while traveling. vera BY EXPRESS As a result of early selling we were obliged to express from New York City a large shipment of men's and young men's overcoats. They are beauties. They embody the very latest ideas in overcoat make and are brim full of style and snap. Rough mixtures of gray and brown, fancy back and lined; belted and plain. Don't buy old styles. Look at these new ones. $10, $12, SI5, SI8, S20, S25 Men's Slip-On Coats $5 Up C. E. Uoscott's Son Always the Home of Satisfaction I0WAN TELLS OF WHITE ESKIMOS Or. Anderson Corroborates As sertions Made by Partner. FOUR YEARS SPENT IN NORTH Men Have Light Hair and Eyes, While Some of the Women Have Fair Skin and Rosy Cheeks, With Dark Hair. Origin of Natives Uncertain, there is fidelity as a trlfiuT character istle. "Stcffansson had seen about 2T.I more of these people in hts sunimei trip. He found the conditions aboul the same as those I observed. Th( people we discovered are extrenielj primitive, having no modern Imple merits of any kind and no modern weapons. They hunt with a crude bow and arrow and spear fish through holet in the ice. ' They cook their food. In kindling a fire they strike two crystal ized stones together." Dr. Anderson brings back hundreds of specimens of animals, birds, fishes and minerals. Profitable Farming. Irrigated land which produces more than its cost in a single year. Near railroad, which is no .' being doulile-t racked in order to handle the constantly increasing farm business. Agreeable, health fill climate. liny now while prices are reasonable for they will sure, ly increase four-fold in the next live years. Local agents wanted Tor further information call on, telephone or write 0. I,, llochslet,. ler, Nebraska City, Neb. 10-f t-81-wkly Journal for fancy Stationery. ' Porto Rico's New Wonder. From far away l'orlo Rico come reports of a wonderful new dis covery mat is iielievetl will vastly beiietit the people. llanion T. Marchan, of Harceloneta, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is do ing splendid work here. It cured me about live times of terrible coughs and colds, also my brother of a severe cold in his chest and more than 21) others, who used it on ii i y advice. We hope this great medicine will yet be sold in every drug store in Porto Ilico." For throat and lung troubles it has no equal. A trial will convince you of its merit. 50c and $1.00. Trial bollle free. Guaranteed by F. ( Fricke & Co. 1 Th Arctic Th Kenwood Tht Hyde Pork V Acodems The Strand The English One thing certain, cold weather will come. Be ready. Have your overcoat "enlisted and "ready for service." You'll surely need it. The greatest stock we've ever shown many models, colors, patterns better values. Special displays at $15, $18, $20, $22.50 and $25 ' Others Up to $35 Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats San Francisco, N'ov. 2. Corroborat Ing in every essential detail the story of the discovery of blonde Kskimo tribes recently given the world n I... HM't. CtQT'jnit;r.n V.I IIJ ,v I tn ja 1 1110 I 11 uuo.J'.'ii, partner In Arctic-'exploration, Di. ItJ dolph Martin Anderson of Forest City la, arrived here on the whaler Helve dere, aftei four and a half years lu the north. He was accompanied by l'rofessor R. !e Koven fjcRingwell ot Pasadena, (,'al., who has spent three and a half years making observations in the vicinity of the Flaxman islands "It w"s over in the Cape Hexley ter ritory that Stcffansson first got In touch with th blonde aborigines," said Ui. Anderson. "In the spring of I'JIC we lost most of our dogs while at Cape Harry, where we had wintered. Stef fansson and I parted company, hf leaving with two Eskimos for the east while I pushed on to the Mackenzie delta for supplies. Wo met ugaln nt !ington hay in the autumn of 191t and he '.old me of the queer tribe be had discovered. Hard Journey Accomplished.. "In December we started out and were thirty-one days crossing 300 mllet of the worst strip of land we ever en countered. We explored the little known Morton river and made records and compass calculations. This is one ot the largeFt rivers flowing Into the Arctic. We were going through the bnrren grounds and putting In a sup ply of caribou for our dash for Corona tion hay in the spring. From Deast river to the Dismal lake country and to the Coppermine river and Corona tion bay was our course, the last sev enty-flve miles over the Ice, before we found these strange people. "First we came on a deserted sno !tt.A t.n.l flnallv fnnni nn I nh a lit ( orl ! village with a population of forty souls "Many of the men had light mus tnehes and benrds and light hair cov ering their heads. The eyebrows ol these men were light and their eyes were lUht. Some of tho women not rtll had fair skin and rosy chocks, bul their hair was dark, oily and tangled "There were none of the flat nosed Eskimos of the true Mongolian typt among these people. Their features bore the characteristics of the Cnu caslan rnce. They do not know when they enrnn from and no one else known Tribes Keeps No Records. "They have no records, no history no legends and their langungo, a p cullar trlbnl dialect, was extrenielj hard to understand. As to their origin there can he only a guess. They mnj be survivors of tho expedition of SIi John rrnnkl!n, Inst to the east of their present locality In 1840 or thereabouts or they mav he descendants of the In habitants of nn early Icelandic colony "Amcng these people there Is n hope, no thought worth registering, nc ideals, no rtnrtlrular purpose In life INTERPRETS PRIM LAW otj Nebraska Supreme Court Sub mits Formal Opinion. ' NOTICE TO CHKDITOHS. In County Court. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cbhs County, ss. In the Matter of tho Estate of Nicholas Halmes, Deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executor of said estate, before me. County JudKe of Cass County Ne braska, at the County Court room In rlattsmouth, In said County, on the Cth day of November, 1912, and on the 6th day of May, 113, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of present In their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims, and one year for the Executor to settle said estate, from the 5th clay of November, 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at 1'lattsmouth Ne braska, this 10th day of October," 1912. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. D. O. DWYER, Attorney. . : . . r . , and Holds Thtt Presidential Electors An Nominated at Primaries to Vote foi Candidate Whom Party's Conventior May Name. Lincoln, J3V. 2. The Nebraska su pretne court Interpeted the state prim a.y law in various decisions for in all) rendered. An opinion was handed down in the suit denying the right o, the Roosevelt electors to preferential place on the ballot; also in the case of A. M. Morrissey, who sought ii vain to prevent the Progressives fron going on the ballot at all. The syllabus in the ease won by th( Taft electors Is as follows: "Persons nominated by a political party al a primary election as candi dates for presidential electors, are nominated, not as electors to vote foi any particular candidate then known but to vote, if elected, for the persons who may subsequently be nomlnatec by the national convention of suet, party as candidates for the offices ol president and vice president. "It Is a well settled rule at coinmor law that if a person, while occupying one otllce, accepts another Incompati ble with the first, he Ipso facto vacates the first otllce. and his title thereto is thereby terminated without any other act or proceeding. . "In such a case one of the tests ol lncompatibllltv Is whether the nature! and duties of the two offices are such as to render it Improper, from consid erations of public policy, for the In cumbent to retain both. "Where It appears that acts or events have occurred rendering an of fice vacnnt, the authority having the power to fill such vacancy may treat the ofllco as vacant and proceed to elect or appoint, according to the form of law. another to fill It. "Dy tho sfcittttes of this state every voter has the right by a single cross, or by one manipulation of the lever ol a voting machine, to vote a straight ticket for the candidates of his party. And It Is the right of the governing body or committee of a political party to appeal to the court to enforce such right. "Under the statutes of Nebraska. the national convention of a political party, or, when the convention Is not in session, its national central com mittee Is the supremo governing body of such pnrty, as to national affairs, FVr six mont!s of the yenr they slmplj nd hns full authority to decide which exist, living In snow houses and eatlnn of rival conventions or committees In seal men. In the summer time thej the state Is the regular and duly au niovo to the main lnnd and subsist otijthorlzed convention or committee of caribou meat. They have no rcllglor such party.- . and no marriage ceremony, although We are now handling a complete line of coal. Call and let us quote you priceB for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oats, corn and chop of all kinds. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Co. ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be made at 'he Journal office. WILKINSON & IIALU Real Estate Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Best Companies! Farm Loans and. Rental Agency Virgil Mollis i