The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1912, Image 3

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He is a Broad-Guage Man Who Uses His Brains to Promote His
Business and Hires Well-Trained Help to do the Hand and
Foot Work, and is the Store that will Survive the
Present Evolution in Merchandising Methods
If (he retail catalogue concerns
arc correct in their contentions,
the retail trade of this country
has reached a point where it is a
case of "each for himself and the
devil take the hindmost."
These concerns urge the re
tailer to adopt the hoggish "grab-it-all"
policy of the big mail-order
houses and get all the trade pos
sible in every line.
This plan is squarely opposed
to the association idea of build
ing up each village and town into
a commercial center of value and
importance to the community
which each serves. In other
words, making each town the best
possible market town, prepared to
buy everything the farmer has to
sell as well as to sell him every
! thing he wants to buy.
Any town that has been proper
ly developed as a market town
that buys and sells to the best
possible advantage that has in it
adequate and up-to-date stocks of
dependable merchandise In mod
ern stores is not being hurl to
any appreciable extent by mail-
order or other foreign compeli
t ion.
The town thai is not worth de
veloping into a real market town
is not worthy of a place on the
map. And the present trend of
iventvs is such that a great many
villages and towns will be wiped
entirely ofT the map wilhin the
next ten years. Simply because
the storekeepers and store-tenders
in them are so far behind the
times that they never can catch
up, even if they could be awaken
ed to the dangers that beset them,
which is extremely doubtful, as
these classes of retailers will not
read trade papers and hence are
not posted.
Of course, where there is only
one live-wire retailer in a town,
he is justified in cutting loose
'from the dead ones and doing
whatever he thinks necessary to
advance his interests. Or if there
is more than one of the wide
awake kind, then let them co
operate together for their com
mon good. The time Is rapidly
approaching when live-wire re
News reached this city last
evening of the arrival at 5 o'clock
p. in. Wednesday, July 31, 1912, of
an eight and a half-pound boy
baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wliliam C. Ramsey in Omaha.
Mother and child are reported do
ing well and in tine condition. At
torney Will is also reported in fine
condition, and, of course, under
sijch circumstances, more or less
excited and overjoyed, and on first
view of the little, welcome strang
er, addressed it as follows: "May
it please Your Honor you are very,
very welcome." The Journal ex
tends congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Ramsey, to their baby boy
and to Judge and Mrs. B. S. Ram
sey, who now rejoice over the ar
rival of their first grandchild.
Negotiated Sale of Farm.
William McCaulIy and wife and
son, Charles, returned from
Monticello, Arkansas, (his morn
ing, where they went some davs
ago to improve their farm and
erect a dwelling preparatory to
putting in a crop. But while mak
ing preparations lo go ahead with
the improvements they received
an offer on the farm which was
almost double the amount paid
for the land, and they concluded
to sell and invest again. The con
tract is all signed up and a part
of the money paid, so that the
deal will undoubtedly go through.
Are Ever at War.
There are two things everlast
ingly at war, joy and piles. But
Bucklen's Arnica Salve will banish
piles in any form. It soon sub
dues the itching, irritation, in
flammation or swelling. It gives
comfort, Jlnvites joy. fireatest
healer of burns, boils, ulcers,
cuts, bruisos, eczema, scalds,
pimples, skin eruptions. Only
25c at F. O. Kricke A Co.
Thomsen, Dentist, Wescott Blk.
'Ill I Mil
tailers will hae to Ihrow oil' the
load imposed upon the retail trade
by carrying a lot of dead-in-l he
shell storekeepers ana worse than
dead store-lenders. Rut the ef
forts of the live-wire retailer will
always be directed tlrst toward
making his store the best possible
store of its kind and then toward
making his town the best possible
market town, regardless of the
"dead ones" there may be in it.
Most people are able to discrim
inate nowadays between the
"quick and the dead," so that no
live-wire retailer need hesitate to
show enterprise for fear that some
"dead one" will benefit. The
"dead ones" now in the retail
trade are headed for oblivion just
as surely as anything can be.
One thing the live-wire retailer
will never do, however, is to en
courage mail-order buying, be
cause that is opposed to I he idea
of making the retail store the
most convenient, the most
economical, the most satisfactory,
and, in short, the best place for
supplying merchandise wants in
its line. That is just what the re
tail store should be and when
that standard of excellence is
reached and maintained, the retail
store is beyond injury by mail
order or any other foreign com
petition. The retail store that survives
the present tremendous evolution
in merchandising methods will be
of this type arid its proprietor will
be a broad-gauge man who uses
his brain to promote his business
and hires cheap but well-trained
help to do the hand and foot work.
The average retail store of ten
years hence will be equal to or
even better than the very best re
tail stores of today, while certain
types of retail stores now quite
common will be found then only in
the remotest backwoods regions.
Retailers who are intelligent
enough to read trade papers and
study trade questions know that
the next decade will bring forth
wonderful changes and they are
preparing for them as they go
along. '
B. F. Crook of this city this
morning received the sad intel-
;linrence of the death of his uncle,
1). J. Crook, a pioneer citizen of
Kails City, Neb., who was burned
to death yesterday morning in a
gasoline stove explosion. It ap
pears that Mr. Crook had entered
a room where the gasoline stove
I was located and struck a match to
; light it, when the match ignited
'the gas in the room and,an ex-
plosion followed. The deceased
was one of the leading citizens of
Kalis City and had been postmast
er there at one time. He leaves
a wife and five children, four sons
and one daughter, all grown and
having families of their own. He
was about 65 years of age.
Attend Avoca Picnic.
Frank Gorton, Ed Donat, C. D.
Quinlon, William Weber and Joe
Zimmerer were occupants of
Krank florlon's car, which rolled
out of the city early this morning
bound for Avoca and the I. O. O.
K. picnic. Mr. Zimmerer return
ed from (he Grand Island demo
cratic convention last evening and
was an over night visitor in the
county seat, returning home with
the picnic party.
Depart for the West
Mrs. T. H. Roberts and daugh
ter, Doris, of Cleveland, Ohio, who
have been guests' of the Harry
Bart hold home for a few days, de
parted for - Lincoln, Ncb and
Sheridan, Wyoming, this morning
for a visit with relatives. They
were accompanied by Miss Millie
Eichorn of Aurora, Illinois, who
also has been a guest of Platts
niouth friends for a short time,
and Mrs. John Schulhof, who went
lo Lincoln with the parly.
C. A. Rawls was a passenegr lo
Lincoln on Ihe morning train to
day, where profesisonal business
called him.
Prohib Orators Miswd Train.
A. S. Watkins, prohibition can
didate for vice president of the
United States, and Mr. Gilbert,
chairman of the prohibition state
central committee, who were to
have addressed the public at the
corner of Main and Kourth streets
last evening, failed to show up in
the city until (he arrival of No. 10
at :.' a. m. today. The gentlemen
failed to connect with their train
at Louisville yesterday and in
consequence disappointed the
people who expected to hear them.
J. R. Ruiiimerlield, who is paint
ing the interior and frescoing the
walls of the M. V. A. building, is
rapidly Hearing the end of his
job. The large hall is completed,
except a coat of oil for (he floor.
The room presents a flue appear
ance and will be an ideal one in
which lo give a grand ball on any
occasion. The electric light
fixtures are in place in many of
(he rooms and will be installed
in (he ball room as soon as they
arrive. Mr. Rummerfield was
working on the stairway and lower
hallway this afternoon. He will
have the entire building com
pleted by the first of next week so
far as (he painting and varnish
ing is concerned. The building
will be ready for occupancy, with
all its modern apopinlnicnts,
some time next week. ' It is
rumored that the tennis ball, to
be pulled ofT next week, will be
fhe first fund ion of the kind in
the new hall. There could be no
finer place to hold it than in the
new M. W. A. hall.
The Methodist Sunday school
picnic will be held in the Eiken
berry grove, about half a mile
south of the Burlington shops in
stead of the Schweinker grove as
announced. The date remains the
same, Kriday, August 2. Those
desiring to go are requested to
meet at the church promptly at 9
o'clock. Bring a lunch, a napkin,
a cup and a lemon. A good ball
ground is available just across the
road. Boys are asked to bring
balls and, bats. 7-3t-2td.
Indian Killed on Track.
Near Rochelle, III., an Indian
went to sleep on a railroad track
ami was killed by the fast express,
lie paid for his carelessness with
his life. Often its that way when
people neglect coughs and colds.
Don't risk your life when prompt
use of Dr. King's New Discovery
will cure them and so prevent a
dangerous throat or lung trouble.
"It completely cured me, in a
short time, of a terrible cough
that followed a severe attack of
grip." writes .L R. Walls, Floyda
da, Tex., "and I regained 15
pounds in weight that I had lost."
Quick, safe, reliable and guaran
teed. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot
tle free at K. (i. Kricke & Co.
Return Home.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bales re
turned from I heir Illinois trip to
day, and report a most pleasant
visit. Besides visiting their uncle
and aunt at Clinton for a week
(hey also visited their aunt, Mrs.
J. B. Barnett and daughter, Miss
Fannie, and son, Tom, and also
other friends in Effingham. They
return home much refreshed from
the trip.
' Flying Men Fall
victims lo stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles just like other peo
ple, with like results in loss of
appetite, backache, nervousness,
headache, and tired, listless, run
down feeling. But there's no
need to feel like that, as T. 1).
Peebles, Henry, Tenn., proved.
"Six bottles of Electric Bitters,"
he writes, "did more to give me
new strength and good appetite
than all other stomach remedies I
used." So they help everybody.
It's folly to suffer when this great
remedy will help you from the
first, dose. Try it. Only 50 cents
at F. G. Fricke & Co.
.Just received on track, car of
extra choice Midland Hay from
the Loup river country, and while
It lasts we will sell It at $16.00 per
ton. This Is a hay of excellent
color, fine quality, at the very low
price of $16.00 per ton from our
hay shed. Come and supply your
wants before It Is all gone.
Cedar Creek Lumber Co.,
Cedar Creek, Neb.
Place Cards, Score and Tally
Cards of every description at the
Journal office.
Arrangements Being Made to
Entertain Visitors In Fine
Style and Interest.
The city tournament now being
over,' all attention and interest
turns to our second annual inter-
county tourney. All men from
any adjoining county are eligible.
The secretary now has live paid
entries from out of town and ex-
peels several more before Satur
day afternoon at (5 o'clock, when
the entries close. These, along
with about twenty entries from
the city, will make a very in
teresting tournament.
In the doubles there will he
about a dozen entries, and the
fans anticipate a very exciting
schedule, owing to the fact that
the (itle to the city championship
was taken over by Kalter and Lar
son. This year the prize list has
been increased and there will be
offered for singles an 58 Ward &
Wright racket to the winner. In
the doubles two $5 leather racket
cases will be given. As a prize for
the winner of the consolation
singles a racket press has been
Socially, we are going to be even
better able to take care of our
visitors than last year. On Mon
day night, through the courtesy
of Miss Koster, county superin
tendent, our players will attend in
a body the reception tendered the
teachers. Tuesday evening our
second annual tennis dance will
hold the attention of the public,
and on Wednesday the regular
smoker and business meeting of
the association will be held. The
annual election of officers will be
had on that evening.
The title holder, Paul Morgan,
who won the inler-counly cham
pionship last year, will defend his
title this year; and Staats and
Morgan, who won fhe doubles last
year, but who lost the city title
this year, will be on hand with
blood in (heir eyes. Let everybody
watch (he doubles.
. At this time the annual city
tournament for girls will be play
ed on the same court and much
interest is being shown here.
Drawings have been made and
will appear in the papers tomor
row night. Suitable prizes are up
for the winners.
Everybody boost. This is a city
enterprise. It involves an ex
pense of about $150 and not a cent
goes out of (he city. Our results
will be found in the Omaha papers
next week, and will put our city
on the tennis map. Through the
courlesy of Mr. Shlaes we are now
able to provide seats for spectat
ors. Everybody come. Seats are
free. Play starts Monday after
noon at 4 o'clock.
Shocking Sounds
in Ihe earth are sometimes heard
before a terrible earlhquqake,
(hat warn of the coming peril.
Nature's warnings are kind. That
dull pain or ache in the back
warns you (he kidneys need alien
lion if you would escape those
dangerous maladies, Dropsy, Dia
betes or Bright's disease. Take
Electric Hitlers al once and see
backache fly and all your best
feelings return. "My son received
great benefit from I heir use for
kidney and bladder trouble,"
writes Peter Blondy, South Rock
wood, Mich., "it is certainly a
great kidney medicine." Try it.
50 cents at Rynolt & Co.
' Putting In New Mat.
A. F. Hedenirern. master car
penler of the Burlington, was in!
the city this morning looking af
ter company work on Ihe other
side of the river. The company
is building a new mat about 500
feet in length, south of where they
put in the mat last winter. The
river has began to cut on the
bank about 80 rods north of the
grove on the opposite side of Ihe
river, northeast of Ihe Platts
mouth station. Mr. Hedengren
put twenty-five men to work on
that bank yesterday morning, and
they will continue until the mat is
completed. The company is
working about sixty men on the
bank near Folsom, where it has
Ihe cave-in under control, but
they do not know just how long
they can control Ihe situation.
The Trials of a Traveler.
"I am a traveling salesman,"
writes E. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire,
VI., "and was often torubled with
constipation and indigestion till I
began lo use Dr. King's New Life
Pills, which I have found an ex
cellent remedy." For all stom
ach, liver or kidney troubles they
are unequaled. Only 25 cents al
F. O. Fricke & Co.
Marshall, Dentist, Coates blook.
New Notion Store.
W. D. Mordock of Nebraska
City, who will, next week, open a
ariety store in (he building south
of the Kricke drug, i pul
ling his sloek on (he shelves. Mr.
Mordoel; will eiUTy ;u-e line of
notions and goods usually car
ried in a variety store. He is a
successful merchant, having a
store of (he same character at
Nebraska City, with which he is
doing well.
The pleasant country home of
Mr. and Mrs. V. l. eil was the
scene o(" a delightful occasion
Sunday, it being in honor of his
birthday anniversary. Mr. and
Mrs. Heil had gone to church and
during their absence the relatives
and friends assembled at the Heil
home. W hen Mr. and Mrs. Heil
returned home they were greeted
with "Surprise" on every hand,
there being a large number of
relatives and friends present. Mr.
Heil was completely surprised.
The hours were very pleasantly
whiled away, there being several
piano and violin selections by
Miss Mayme Heil and Mr. Stefan.
A number of friends in attend
ance rendered some very pretty
vocal selections. A delicious sup
per was served and other refresh
ments were had during the after
noon and evening. There were
about seventy preesnt. The out-of-town
guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Stefan of Omaha, Miss
Heenetta Heeler of Chicago, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ivrenka of Denver.
Almost Lost His Life.
S A. Slid of Mason, Mich., will
never forget his terrible exposure
lo a merciless storm. "It gave me
a dreadful cold," he writes, "that
caused severe pains in my chest,
o was hard for me to breathe.
A neii:hbor gave me several doses
of Dr. King's New Discovery
which iu-ought great relief.. Ihe
doctor said I was on the verge of
phenuinonia, but to continue with
Ihe Discovery. I did so and I wo
bottles completely cured me." Use
only this quick, safe, reliable
medicine for coughs, colds or any
I hi oat oi lung (rouble. Price 5('c
and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Guaranteed by Rynott & Co.
f Acorn Brand Waists, one
f of the best on the market, 4
4 worth from $1.50 to $5.00, 4
Summer Clearance Sale 4
price, 75c to $3.50. 4
Staats and Morgan "Requiescat
All hail the new champs Lar
son and Falter.
Everybody come to Ihe tennis
benefit tonight at the Gem. We
need the money.
Paul Morgan is the new city
champion, having defeated Ralph
Larson, 6-4, (5-3, 0-4. Larson was
in poor form and did not play his
usual stellar game.
The court is now being put in
diape for the inter-county meet,
which is to bo held August 5, 0
and 7, and which promises lo he
the best ever held here. The fol
lowing gentlemen from Nehawka
have registered: I). C. West, A.
D. Hall, Charles Adams and J. W.
John Falter and Ralph Larson
put Ihe kibosh on the champion
ship aspirations of Morgan and
Staats yesterday, defeating these
high-class players after a long-drawn-out
battle. Fuller and
Larson took the first two sets by
a score of (5-2, 0-3. They showed
a complete reversal in form, how
ever, in the next two sets and
were defeated by a score of 1-0,
1-0. In the late and deciding set
some fast and furious playing was
seen, every point being hard
fought, Falter and Larson finally
nosing out by a score of C-4.
White Plymouth Rock Cookerals
for Sale.
I have for sale a limited num
ber of White Plymouth Rock
cockerels, selected breeders, on
reasonoble terms. Call and see
them. W. L. Austin,
Eighth and Rock Streets.
O. R. Olson, the photographer,
was a passenger to Lincoln yes
terday afternoon on No. 33.
III goillg til MtllTHV Vl,.lp.i:iv
the Journal reporter had thu
pleasure of riding down with Park
Chriswisser in his "Flanders"
auto, and we were in Murray in a
little less than no time. The car
rode so easilv that, it
sliding on the ice with a sled. Park
iormeriy was connected with the
agency of the Ford in this county,
but through a misunderstanding,
the agency fell into the hands of
Park's former partner. He have
had Ihe pleasure of riding in bolh
cars, and for our use we greatly
preier i ne i landers to that of the
Ford. It is simple to handle and
easily cared for and one of the
most comfortable and easv-ridintr
cars we ever sat in. The car is
also handsomely finished nn.l will
compare favorably with any car
manuiactured. Kop family use it
is simply a dandy, and it will pay
any person contemplating th
purchase of a cur to examine the
Flanders and have Park show
them its fine qualities and give
them a ride. They will no doubt
then see its manv excellent final
ities. Another thing, (he price is
w it inn reach of all.
Notice I
There will be n meetino- r th
members of (he Farmers' Mutual
Fire and Live Stock Insurance
company of Cass County on Wed
nesday, August 7th, at i:30 p. m.,
for Ihe purpose of electing ollleers
and transacting such other busi
ness as may legally come before
tne meeting.,
Jacob Trilsch, President.
J. P. Falter, Secretary.
Blamed a Good Worker.
"I blamed my heart for severe
distress in my left side for two
years," writes W. Evans, Danville,
Va., "but I know now If was in
digestion, as Dr. King's New Life
Pills completely cured me." Best
for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, constipation, headache
or debility. 25c at Rynott & Co.
The Greenwald Studio will be
closed from July 15th to August
6th. 8-1-itwkly.
WANTED A span of mares 4
or 5 years old; gentle, well broke,
good pullers and weight 1,000 to
1,150 pounds. Wm. Nickels.
Horses for Sale.
Have recently purchased a load
of western horses which I will sell
at reasonable prices. They are
good horses and from 3 to 0 years
ol'L Perry Marsh.
A Scientlflo Achievement.
Modern sicence has produced
no such effective agency in Ihe re
lief of indigestion, dyspepsia, con
stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia,
slipalion, biliousness or impure
bl I as Tonic Digestive,
Ihe result of Ihe best minds of
(he American Drug and Press As
sociation, composed of druggists
ami newspaper men all over the
country. Try Ibis great remedy.
For sale by Weyrich A Hadraba,
Association Members.
Of l'latt9mouth, Nebraska, on the
30th day of June, 1912.
Kind, moruaifp loans '..... fcc'tnt hi
Stock loans 2.7lrt 00
Heal estate ii'i-i t
' ash i.kja
IMIminent Interest, premiums and
anil II 1 1 itii n
Other assets, taxes advanced IW a
Total h7.778 1
Capital stock Paid up fctt.OM 09
id-serve mini I.fnio oo
1 7 IK 1 1 r !' 1 profits 2-J4 17
Dividend declared I2.MW 97
Matured stock 7.ii'Jrt (H
Ullli payable ... . i.m 00
Total : JUT.:: is
for the year endlnir June 30, IUI2
Malance on hand July I, lull rtjs at
I Mich 20,7411 o
Interest., premiums and Ones tt.wo m
loans repaid tUH'37.
Heal estate til mi
Taxes repaid 43 Vrt
Mills payable 7,2uO W)
Total .i0.7S) a
Ixians I30.K.M Oft
Expenses 7s:, ni
Stock redeemed 12.323 in
Cash on hand 1.01 it) 1
Keal estate ZV II
Taxes advanced 25 M
Dills payable 5.4t) UN
Total i tCA.TSHM
State of Nebraska.!.,
Secretary of the aliove named Association, do
solemnly swear that tho foregoing statement
of the condition of said association, Is true and
correct lo the tiest of my knowledire and belief
T. M. 1 atteiison, Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to hufore me. this 31st
day of July, lull Vbrna Hatt.
IS E A L Notary Public.
E. P. T.tTTJ! I
Khiii T. Kamiii Directors
John Si. Letda I