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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1912)
M J'KEI'AKtiD IN Tilt: INTERESTS OK THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY 1 any of tlie readers of the Journal know of a w.vil vent or an item of interest 'e want all Hons of interest. Editor Jour ml. DC Murray State Bank y n MURRAY, Capital SI0.000 Surplus $5,000 CHAS. C. PARMELE, President F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier Wc Solicit Your Banking Business taTOur Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran tee Fund of the State of Nebraska. a Interest Paid on 'I'll r" -li i ami ram i mil. mix much heller l hail nil ami water. Mis Kli.alicl h Oliver .spent Sunday with friends at Mynard. 1 Frank ami Levi Single were J'lall.xiiinnlli visitors Wednesday. II. C. dreamer was InokiiiK afler business in Hie county seat Mon day. Miss Hose Mac dreamer was a fniest of Miss Mae Lewis this week. Mrs. K. . Oiieen was transael iiiK business in I'lattsiuout li Monday. Mrs. V. V. Monro was looking afler business in l'laltsinoulli Monday. L. V. Filch and wife spent Sun- lay with Hubert Filch and family Jit Kenosha James Tinner was taking in the carnival at Plallsmouth Thurs day evening. Mrs. Mary Carroll .spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John Camp bell, at Murray. Dr. J. W. Mrendel and L. J., Marquardt of Avoca were Mur ray visitors Sunday. A. F. Nickels and family and Miss Merllia Nickels motored to Nebraska City Thursday. William Nickels ami daughter, Miss F.I I a, made a business trip lo Plattsmouth Friday morning. Dave Slanle, who has been hero from Monlana settling the estate of Thomas Slagle, left for his homo Friday. Lee ami Oeorgo Nickels drove lo I'lallsnioulli Saturday after noon and transacted important business. John Smith, living live miles Southwest of Murray, is the proud possessor of a now Ford car. Mrs. Philip Kiel and children were spending Saturday and Sun 'day with relatives at Cedar Creek. Misses Lena and Clara Young were guests of Misses Mary and Wella Monro Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. A. SchafTer and daughter, Rosa, were Sunday visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas, Friodricli. A. P. Chriswisser drove a now Flanders' car through Murray Monday. Park is agent for this car and it looks good. Several of ,nur republican friends journeyed to Weeping Water' Wednesday In attend the republican county convention. Mr. Everett Yost, son of Dave Yost, an old-lime Cass county boy, is working hero in the in terest of an pastern nursery. WANTED A span of mares i or 5 years old; gentle, well broke, good pullers and weight 1,000 to 1,150 pounds. Win. Nickels. Hay-making, corn-plowing, grain-cutting and threshing and few hands for the work niako it exasperating for the farmer with push. H. R. Nickels and family drove lo Plattsmouth Friday, where Mr Nickels bought a fine gasoline en gine, which ho will use for fur nishing ' water in the now bath room recently built. array Department DC NEBRASKA Time Deposits. 0 3 C M3 CmUmMiuI Lloyd ami Wayne Lewis were Sunday evening callers at Murray. Mrs. Allison ami Mrs. Duell were I'lallsnioulli visitors Tues day. Will Wherliein and family were Kui'sls of Waller Sans ami family Sunday. Joe Campbell and family were railing on Murray merchants Monday. Robert Shrader of west of Mur ray was visiting relatives in (his vicinity Sunday. Mrs. A. I,. Maker went to Oma ha this morning, returning via Plallsmouth in the evening. liomer Yardley was calling on friends and looking after busi- rtess in Union Saturday evening. Postmaster A. L. Maker and Or. M. F. Mrendel were business visit ors in the metropolis Wednesday. John llohschiedt and Miss Klhel Sherwood were visiting w ith friends jit Union Sunday evening. Mrs. Henry Ost of Nehawka was visiting friends and looking after business mailers in Murray Sat urday. Mrs. Amy Oliver Craves and little son of Rock Springs, Wyo., are visiting at the home of their uncle, Will Oliver. Dave Amick and wife of Platts mouth visited at the homo of Theodore,, three miles northwest of Murray, this week. Mrs. Fred Ranigo, sc., and daughter, Edith, of Plallsmouth, spent the week at the homos of Will Oliver and A. O. Itaingo. Miss Oraco Jameson came over from Weeping Water Friday to spend a week or ten days with her sister, Mrs. Dr. J. F. Mrendel. Misses Edith and Eva LaRue departed Monday for Trainor, Iowa, where they will visit rela tives and friends for a week or ten days. Charles Countryman and Utile daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth and Miss Oraco Countryman of Weeping Water visited Sunday at . the h oino of William Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Maker entertained the following guests at dinner Sunday: Mrs. Minnie Wood and two children of Lincoln, Mrs. Mary McDaniol and two chil dren and Miss draco Jameson of Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rainge entertained the following at din nor Sunday: Mrs. Amy Craves and little son of Rock Springs Wyo.; Kliabeth and Will Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rainge am daughter, Edith, of Plattsmouth Mr. and Mrs. James Lough. ridge, accompanied by their daughter, Mae, were Omaha visitors the first of the week. Mae remained in Omaha, where she will undergo an operation on one of her eyes for granulation. A party of young folks drove to King Hill Sunday and had a picnic supper at Rivorview park Those in the party wore; Misses Lena and Clare Young, Mary and Nellie Moore, Pearl Dugay, Mar garot, Vera and Francis Moore Harry Medlor and Walter Sauls berry of Cedar Creek. AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY I in this vicinity and will mail same to this Colonel, Earl and John Jenkins .pent Sunday in Omaha. Dick Pitman and Bent Root were Sunday visitors in Omaha. Dr. ;. II. dilmore and family spent Sunday at the homo of F. M. Massie of ML Pleasant pre cinct. S. O. Pit man trained dow n to No hraska dity Monday morning, re turning with Troy Davis in his auto in I lit? evening. J. D. Mramblet and daughter, Nellie, of Union, and Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Pit man Sunday. Harry Todd aul.oed to Platts mouth Tuesday on a business trip. lie was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown ami their guest, Mrs. Hammond. Ora Davis was a business visitor in Omaha Wednesday, driving to Plattsmouth to catch the early morning train, return ing on the noon train and driving home. Mrs. Minnie Woods, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary McDaniol, for a week, re turned to her home in Lincoln Wednesday morning. Misses Hazel and Clare Dovey uid .Miss Tillie Valb-ry of Plaits. mouth were guests of Miss Mar gie alKer and -Mrs. Dr. (i. II. dilmore this week. Frank Yallory was in town Monday on his way from Union. where he had sold his threshing machine to Wos Clark, taking an lutouiohilu as part payment. At the democratic precinct pri mary Saturday evening All Nick- was nominated for assessor and Men Meckman was renoniin- iled for road overseer. Morn, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tignor, four miles south of Mur ray, Wednesday morning, July 2 5, a line baby girl. The parents are very proud of their new arrival." Mr. McDonald, father of John McDonald, the stock buyer, is here visiting his son this week. He is a very pleasant gentleman and wo hope his trips to Murray will be often. William Maldwin, while at work or Alex Rhoden at pulling up hay had his thumb badly injured in the pully of the hay-fork. Dr. dilmore dressed the injured mem ber as soon as possible and it is gelling along nicely. Delegates to the county demo crat ic convention at Plattsmouth from West Rock Mind's precinct are as follows: T. W. Vallery, Men Meckman. Ed Tutt, D. C. Rhoden. H. L. Oldham, J. R. Yal- ery, Lee Allison, Oeorgo Mutz and Dr. (i. H. dilmore. Wo visited the new home of Mrs. and Dr. J. F. Mrendel Wed nesday and John Kinsor was busv plastering. When I he house is finished I ho doctor and his estimable lady can have I ho com fort of their lives, if a line, mod ern house will give them the pleasure. We candidly believe t ho arrangemeits of the rooms is about as near perfection as any new house erected in this section of Cass county in recent days. Serious Runaway. Last Wednesday Mrs. Phillip 11 ild, living seven miles northwest of Murray, received nuile a serious injury in a runaway near J. R. Yallery's farm. Her little son was driving the team, when they became frightened and ran, upsetting the buggy, throwing them out and dragging Mrs. Ilild several rods. Mesidos serious in jury lo the. muscles of the right arm, she was otherwise badly bruised. The last report from the 11 ild homo was that she was able to sit up and getting along as well as could bo expected. The little son was uninjured. A Genuine Surprise. Mrs. Margaret Mrendel, wife of Dr. J. F. Mrendel, was most hap pily surprised at the home of the parents of Dr. Mrendel on Satur day afternoon last. The Ladies Aid society and the Sunshine band of the Christian church treated Mrs. Mrendel to a tin shower. Mrs. Mrendel was taken complete ly by surprise when the ladies un cernioniously entered the house, loaded down with packages of all sorts and sizes of tinware, from a tin cup to a dish pan, just what Mrs. Mrendel will need when she gets into her now home. A large number of lady friends were there and many remained away on ac count of.the rain. It is unneces- OR THE JOURNAL READERS. oice it Kill appear under this lieadin sary to remark that Mrs. Uremic was very happy to receive her friends ami also delighted to re ceive the many presents they left. The surprise was genuine and all -pent a pleasant afternoon. Food and Health. That food has much to do with our health is a well known fact, but We must keep in mind that the same food acts dill'erently on dif ferent people. Some food is a delicacy to one person, while it is repulsive to the other. A sound minded man will naturally refuse lo eat food which does not agree with him and will, even in the slightest discomfort after meals, employ Triner's American Elixir of Milter Wine to regulate the di gestion. This remedy has a very energetic efTeot on the digestive organs and is a valuable remedy in troubles of the stomach and of the intestines, as also in nervousness and weakness, in pains and colics, in sudden at tacks of rheumatism and neuralgia. II contains no in jurious ingredients, consisting only of bitter herbs and red wine. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1 333 l: TM So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Taken Up. On my farm, four miles south of I'lallsinoulh, a dark bay mule. Owner can have same by calling, proving property and paying for this notice. Julius Pilz. If you are a Housewife you can not reasonably hope to ho healthy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night.' You must got out into the open air and sun light. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Cham berlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Col Good Farm for Sale. Eighty acres in same Section in which Murray is located; good improvements; 20 acres in native pasture, with plenty of water; some alfalfa, and balance under cultivation. Known as the Mor row place. For particulars ad dress Mrs. A. Morrow, Seward, Neb. For Sale. lfifl acres improved land be tween Murray and Nehawka. Write Miss fieri io M. Pittman, Fort Klamath, Oregon. 7-20-lmo-wkIy. To Those Interested. The notes and accounts due the late llrm of Edmunds &, Brown are left at the State Pnk of Mur ray tor the convenience of those who may desire to settle. This is done because I will not bo in Murray all the time, having busi ness on my farm. J. W. Edmunds. J See the Kiniona at 69c in our Summer Clearance Sale. E. O. DOVEY & SON. The Cass County Teachers' In stitute will be held in this city at the High school building, August 5-10. County Superintendent Miss Foster is arranging an excellent program. After a hearty meal, take Doan's Regulets and assist your stomach, liver and bowels. Regulets are a mild laxative. 25c al all stores. Everybody's friend Dr. Thom as' Eclectric Oil, the great house hold remedy for toothache, ear ache, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at all drug stores. 25c and 50c. Dysentery is always serious and often a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy has cure It even wnen mali gnant and epidemic. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Muy i now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and be praperad for such an emergency. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. MERRIAM STICKS TO COLONEl Omaha Man Rfuses to Act on Tafi Notification Committee. Omaha, July 25. Nathan Merrian of Omaha, one of the delegates at large at the Republican convention al Chicago, has been notified by the sec retary of the convention that he was designated as the man to represent Nebraska on the committee appointee to notify President Taft of hisrenomi nation. Mr. Merriam has declined tc serve on the committee. ' In a lettei to Secretary Cb ason of the Republic an national convention, Mr. Merriam said, in part: "I was elected a dele gate at large by the people of Ne braska to the national convention on account of the strong position I took against Canadian reciprocity, Mr Taft's favorite policy. I was elected a Roosevelt delegate. I was one ol the large number of delegates who re fused to vote for the president at the Chicago national convention on account of existing conditions. I participated In the Orchestra hall convention at that time, which nominated Theodore Roosevelt for president. I was strong or Mr. RoospvoH then, and have not since charged my mind for one ma ment. My actions at Chicago met the hearty approval of the people of Ne braska. I have fully appreciated the bigh honor of being elected by the Re publican nationnl convention as a member of your honorable committee; and in declining to serve I fully real ize that T am foregoing what other wise might have been a great pleas ure to me." PRESBYTERY OUSTS WEDGE AS PASTOR Fighting Minister Must Face Charges at September Meeting. Kearney, Neb., July 23. Rev. J. W. Hill, clerk of the Kearney presbytery of the Presbyterian church, returned to the city from Grand Island bearing the official proceedings of the investi gation of Rev. F. R. Wedge, the Genoa minister, whose hearing was com pleted concerning a fistic encounter In which ha recently participated. The following resolutions were adopted: "That for good and sufficient rea sons the pastoral relation existing be tween the Rev. F. R. Wedge and the Genoa church be dissolved, to take ef fect immediately. Owing to the seri ousness of the situation, to his ac knowledged guilt of conduct unbecom ing a minister and on account of his renunciation of all allegiance to the presbytery at the meeting and In pub lic utterance, therefore, be it "Resolved, That formal charges be presented against him at the Septem ber meeting of the body and In the In terim that the presbytery require him to refrain from exercising the duties and functions of his office as a minis ter in the Presbyterian church pend ing the outcome." Rev. N. IV Johnson was appointed to see that the foregoing resolutions were carried Into effect Humphrey Man Killed by Can. Columbus, Neb., July 25. Just as the Norfolk passenger on the Union Pacific road was starting to leave Platte Center I. W. Zavadll of Humph rey, a passenger on the train, fell be tween the two passenger cars and was cut In two. Several who witnessed the accident were unable to say whether he slipped or was overcome with the heat. Zavadil was about fif ty years of age and leaves a family. Hog Cholera Epidemic at Stella. Stella, Neb., July 25. Genuine hog cholera has made Its appearance In this locality and Is pronounced by an expert In this matter to, be entirely different from the disease so disas trous to hogs In this locality last sum mer, the disease then being diagnosed as of a lung affection. W. E. Pitts has been one of the heaviest losers at the present time, loosing over 100 head. MOB WHIPS GIRL Georgia Father's Vengeance Falli Heavily on Hit Son's Sweetheart. Mason, Ga,, July 25. Essie Carter, a young white girl, was whipped at Dawson, Ga by a party of prominent men, headed by W. S. Cozier, clerk of the superior court. She Is in a Macon hospital and Is believed to be near death. The at tending physicians express little hope of her recovery. The girl's body Is so swollen that she Is in constant agony. There Is hardly an inch of flesh on her body that Is not cut or discolored. Two Macon lawyers have been en gaged to piosecute W. 3. Dozier, Clyde Dozier and Pope McClung, whom the girl and her sister, Mary Carter, charge with the whipping. The pro ceedings will implicate' a dozen other men. Essie Carter was whipped because W. S. Dozier's twenty-one-year-old son was Infatuated with her, and because she refused to swear she would never meet the young man again. Belgium to Have Big Strike. Brussels, July 25. A general strike in favor of electoral reform has been fixed for the spring. It is calculated that the men will be able to hold out for six weeks. Forbids Saloon Free Lunch. Los Angeles, July 25. Free lunches were formally abolished from saloons In Los AnReles by the city council. The law will take effect In thirty days. NEW RAILROAD GOMPANYFORMED Proposes to Build from Hastings to Gibbon, Thirty Miles, INCORPORATION ARTICLES FILED Promoters of the Proposed Line Ari AH Officers of the Union Pacific Railroad Company Pardon for Charles Allen Whitney. Lincoln, July 23. Articles of incor poration of a new railroad, to be known us the Hastings and North western Railway company, were filed in the office of the secretary of state. The roud will run from Hastings to Gibbon, about thirty miles, and will cenii'Mt at the latter place with the 1'nion Pacific. The Union Pacific Is supposed to be back of the move. The capital stock of the company is $100,000 ad the in corporators are A. L. Mohler, presl (ient of the Union Pacific; V. B. Scott, general manager; R. L. Huntley, chief engineer; N. H. Loomis, general attor ney; II. J. Sterling, auditor; W. H. Sanford and Edson Rich, attorneys. The survey was made some years ago. The state received $51 for the filing. Pardon for Whitney. Charles Allen Whitney, sent to the penitentiary on a charge of bigamy committed in Plattsmouth and other places, and Who had his trial before Judge Travis, has been granted a par don by Governor Aldrlch on recom mendation of the judge who sentenced him. Whitney deserted his wife and two children and went to Nebraska City, where he married a Mrs. Backu3. He lived with wife No. 2 at different places until his arrest. The applica tion for a pardon was made by wife No. 1, she claiming that the family needed his assistance and that If a pardon were granted Whitney would come back and sin no more. Would Leave Cipso Ward. Albert Paulson of Pierce and W. A. Simmons of Cass county were before the county judge of this county on an applieation to be released from the asylum. Both men are serving short terms in the dlpso ward and claim that they have been obliged to occupy the same ward with Insane patients. It was shown that the dipso ward was used to put some of the harmless pa tients In during the crowded condition of the hospital and that the members of the dipso family were not in danger therefrom. The application of the men for release was denied by Judge Ris er. Highlanders Appeal. The Ryal Highlanders hare ap pealed to the supreme court against a decision cf the district court of Webster county, which gave judgment against the order in favor of Sarah A. Smith, wife of Rufus E. Smith, who held a policy in that organization and afterward died. The judgment was . for $1,500. but the organization claims that Smith committed suicide and therefore the policy was void. The Jury decided that there was no e?i dence that Smith committed suicide and rendered its verdict according to the terms of the certificate. Papers Print Amendments. The governor gave out the balance of the printing of the county amend ments for the four counties taken un der advisement when the list was giv en out the first of the week. The pa pers alerted ar as follows: Boone county, Albion News and St. Edward Sun; Uincaster county, State Journal and Trade Review; Lincoln county, North Platte Journal; Dixon county, Ponca Journal. Custer county reported to the board of assessment, leaving but one county now to complete the state. Custer shows a falling off from last year of $17,765 The assessment for this year was $7,295,484, against $7,313,249 last year. PROGRESSIVES IN SADDLE Control Delegation From Lancaster to State Convention. Llnco'n, July 25. The Lancaster county Republican convention adopted resolutions indorsing the state, con gressional, senatorial and county tick ets, leaving off mention of the national ticket. The fight began on the selection of a permanent chairman, George A. Adams representing the progressives, and W. A. Selleck being the the candl date of the Taft delegates. Confusion reigned throughout the taking of the ballot, which resulted in the selection of Adams by a vote of 329 to 236. When the convention adjourned the Taft delegates organized another, electing Judge Holmes chairman. A committee was appointed to select fifty delegates to the state convention. Bcyd County for Taft. Butte. Neb.. July 25. The Boyd county Republican convention In structed Its delegates to the state con vention to support President Taft. The Roosevelt men were unable to securu control of the convention and held a separate meeting and elected a con testing set of delegates to the state convention. Wheat Movement to Omaha Heavy. Omahn, July 25. The movement of Nebraska wheat Is becoming very heavy and that received to date Is of excellent quality. The Union Pacific handled sixty-nine cars of wheat into Omaha, as against twenty-one carlonds on the corresponding date of last year.