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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1911)
bisaranteed Hosiery We offer to the trade the best proposi tion ever offered in the Hosiery business 4 pair for $1.00 We guarantee that 4 pair, if worn alter nately, will not have to be darned or mended in the toe, heel or sole for four months from date of purchase. They come in ladies', gen tlemen's, girls' and boys'. Ask to see them. A ZUCECWE1LER&LUTZ WAGNER i5 RELEASED in ON A BONO OF SiQOO BaMtr Charged With Forgery Is Gi.3n Old Job Sack nothing Known of His Past. Hnry Wagner, the baker, who is pharged pa..s:iif? a forced check for .) aKinsl the H:loy bar, p.ppt'Hivii before Judge Travis in district ccui t luday. His bond was fixed at $300, C. L. Herger and Adolph Giese going on the bond. While he is out on bond he will be given his old job back by his former employer, G. L. Herger. Herger and fiiese believe that Wagner is not a bad man and would not have given a worthless check had he not been drunk. In soing on his bond they are giving him the benefit of the doubt, as nothing is known of his past record. He iiad said that he had a father who was a baker in Seattle, but inquiry there failed, to confirm this statement. His friends here believe that a proof that Wagner did not know what he was doing when he gave the cheek is the fact that he sent a telegram from St. Joseph asking his former em ployer, Mr. Herger, to give him his job back, and thereby reveal ing to the authorities where he was. Sheriff Qninton believes, however, that Wagner was drunk er when he sent the telegram than when he passed the check. Wagner has promised Mr. Her srer that he will conduct himself m the future so that he (Herger) will not regret having aided him. Mr. ami Mrs. Miles doyle, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. fieorge Dodge for some time, left Friday evening for their home in Harrisburg, I'a. GIVE MORE POWER et Least Cost and Last Longest .r - i" ' -fr Why experiment when $011 can be sure. The I H C line offers of "TtrnnapHC,.ty- !' doe?,n,t take fln PXPrt t0 see the m-nv great advantage ZiJ instruction You ran reedily see how I II C cylinder construction gives more power with less gasoline-how the I H C style of governinir Kive steadier power and economizes fuel-how the I HC cooling system prevents deterioration-how in every way I H C construction is simplest, strongest and best. Through years of service everywhere, under every condition. I. H. C. GASOLINE ENGINES have stood the test. They have demonstrated by actual experience that for every u e they are just the kind of engine you want. exl,er,ence thttt r Teey are made in various Btyles and sizes from 1 to Ahorse power for theTouse andiafy griz,linfi: threshirifir and operating machines about Call and let us show you why the I. H. C. engine will give you most service mota satisfaction with least attention and at least expense. Tell uf what you ntXXk! ''ndWer:llhelP,0tt Nelt'Ct ki"d f Come in the next time you are In town. August order Plattsmouth, Nebraska "The Wolf. I.a.l ni j hi witnessf Hi. peil- on at The nm Hi' tin' I heat ileal sea l'ekin's popular play hiue. production of "The Unit" was given its initial performance in Pekin. The company giving the play under the manager' nt of Jones & (Irani", put on the Kugene Walter great romantic drama in an excellent manner. It was not only the first time the play was product d here, but it was also the first time (hat the company pro duced the play, (iuy Caufnian as Jules Reaubien, Miss Constance Caufmaii as Hilda. Mr. Crane as Cieorge Huntley and Franklyn Hawkins as the American en gineer, easily carried off the honors, although the whole cast was very good and far above the average. A large audience was present to witness the play and everybody was more than pleased witli the performance. If the local management will continue to put on plays of this character a suc cessful season will be assured. The days of Hie cheap clap-trap dramas have passed ami the theater-goers are looking for something better than the old hackneyed and rehashed stories. Peoria (III.) Journal. At the Parmele theater Satur day night, September Ifi. te inember the date. Attended Committee Meeting. Dr. J. S. Livingston, member from Oloe and Cass counties, at tended a very enthusiastic meet ing of the democratic state coin in in Lincoln I a - I week. At that time a democratic state club was organized and the outlook was very promising fm- demo cratic success in Nebraska. Demo cratic headquarters, in all prob ability, will be removed from Columbus to Lincoln, the latter being more accessalile to all in terested. kiii a! 442? Vl i iv ,e IMS.)1' f w .j-t. .$-"! J-M-X 't-X- !-' ' X Mi!.V. Mi. il. '. .'Jr. ; r,r Yn. -i' I. Ml-s l.otll Wot Point, i 'pled a posj I'd l.-.ia fur she ha-i ac- Icill'lier of I lie vv here ! inti a- fifth grade. Attorney l. K. Hai r has l, the ho;ital in Omaha the week taking treatment. .n al. past Mrs. M. Petersen has sold her rental property on Railroad ave nue to Rev. J. 1 l.lllldliel'il. John iakeuieier left Tuesday for Hibaux, Montana, to look af ter his farm in that ieinity. Rev, Henry (ire ft' and son were ; here from olwa this week, visiting i his hrot her-in-law. Re, Theodore Hart man. blisses Naila and Daisy Sehlaler hae relumed home from Denver, In-ill:.' called home by the illness of tehir fat her. Henry Joehini and wife visited at I lie home ol ,lipve Conilsli, in .Lincoln. Thursday and Friday, ami took 111 tin' state fair. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hichey. Kii'iuons Ricliey and Mrs. I'd i Ih Rot'hford motored to Lincoln Thursday to attend the fair. Miss Ida Younublad is ill with lypohiil fever at her home in Lin coln, the result of having nursed a patient through a siege of fever. Mr. and Mrs. F.dward Toll of Plattsiinuilh. and Miss Margaret Felzer of Lincoln, formerly of Plattsinoulh, visited at the home of Charles Feter over Sunday, Wendell Heil and. wife. Mrs. Kd Heil ami little daughter. Henry Heil, jr., and daughter motored to Omaha Monday, where they went to call on Msr. Henry Heil. who is still in Immaum'l hospital. There seems to lie but little tloing in Cass county politics. It seems to be the opinion of a great many that the main battle will be between the two candidates for county treasurer. One fellow said to us sarcastically, "Let 'em light it out. They are both from Plaltsnioutli." So go to it, gentle men. Home From Long Trip. Uncle Isaac. Pollard and his daughter. Mrs. Wallace an. I Har num, returned Saturday night from tln ir long trip to the land of tin- Midnight Sun. Tln-y left Alaska about the middle of Aug ust ami were on the water for over a week on their way home. Mr. Pollard has been busy since his arrival home selling out the trees that be shipped in ahead of hint, but says he enjoyed I lie' trip, had the best of health and saw a great many tilings ,,f jn" res jn It'ttt far-oT and. Nehawka Entertained Friends. M''-. A. J. Knnl.a enl'Tl a ;ued a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J t i I" friends Saturday al her ll'iMc on Wist Mil ill street. A three-course luncheon was served, rni.l the afternoon was devoted to he.-h live. The vii.sts declared tin' affair a most -m s.-ful and enjoyable one. Mrs. J. W. fdeiisvooil this rM'.vai'd morning. went tu in 1111: nis i Kit t rtti it r nit; HU NT! or V.hh, NKIIIIASKA. 111 tii. iiiiiti-r or tin. Apiiiii i.tiuii of The I'liiltsmmitli Auto uml VVaxmi Itrlilse Ciiinimny of lNiitlsmoutli, NVlirUHku, lor tot tinli-r of fnin-i ricscii hlnif tlie lailf.s of Toll to lii' t'liami'il hv Said Comiiiniy for I'l osMiiiK 1 1 h Hi IiIki). Vulrr of lli nrliitf on iill-Nl Ion fur Si'hrilnlc of l illinium inirM of Toll lor CroMNliiK S11I (I llrl.lur. TO Al.l, I'KU.SiiNS INTKUKSTKO: Notice in hereby Kiwi, t lui t on tln until '' "f AliKltwt, A. I)., lHU, The I'liitlH moutli Auto iohI Whkoii HcIiIkh t'oin I'.tiiy of I'luttsinoiitli, Ni'l.rnska, tiled it petition the I I h t r I ' t Court of the County of Cush, NehiHHku, reiiieHtlii)j naiil Court to enter un orili-r uml ilenreo IiresiMlliinn Hie maximum nite.s of toll f hliriri'M for i-iuui...r i.u .... 1.1 , ..t , . 1 " , "m un mini oruiD, ereiti'il arroHN the I'lntte rtv..r n.. r 1 liittumouth between the Couiitlen of tas uml Sarpy. In the State of Ne liianka, alleKliiK tlie following Hcheilule of toll lati-H to ho reiiMoiiHlile, to-wit: Steiitn or taiHoilnn Tniclion i:n Klni'B not to lm allowed to croHH Hahl hrlilxe. Kacli iiermin on foot, on bicycle or In vehicle 05 Children under twelve yearV of, nife, when tici'iirmiiuilf d by piiretitH or Kuardluu Free Horse and rlili.r Motor cycle ami rider One-horae vehicle and driver'" vehicle and driver... 1 hree-home vehicle and driver ronr-home vehicle and driver.. IIoihcm and tattle, led or driven each Calves. heep, Koatn' or iiiK,' ieii or driven each Huckster, "live i.onlt rv" " 'V"..'.." medicine and grocery peddler each, waifon and driver 11 00 I'-mUrant waiton. with driver. . li on I;or each additional, pemon . . 05 AutomoblleH ami chaurreiir r.O TlireNhcr neparator, team and ' "river R0 forn Hheller. team and driver.' '. ll 50 ror each additional vehicle or Implement drawn hv team or perm.n ' . nnd an order of Court ' Wa, ' entered flxlnir the t, day of f.ctober. A I , ', M,.a dlHtrlct' i ',,., J c 1 ,"y "r 1 '"tixmout i, (unity of Ciian. Nebranka, an the time Place of hearing upon .aid pctl lo and that at RH1 time and p,,V lurh orrtera will h made and entered ,,re. Hcrlbl.lB: maximum rate,, of t II c arvei for the use or d hrldKe to fh" Court may appear proper and Just All objection., to said mhe.lule a. ovi' aented munt be filed before said h,!r of said day nf hearing: of all of V, .h you will take due notice f hl,!h IJy the Court. Hnrvey n Travh. lu'r--ior GOD'S KINGDOMTO TO? ALL OTHERS. Hsssiaii ta B3 King of Kings and Lord of lords, THE CAY OF GCRiST AT RUD. Paitor Russell Says That Grat Day Will Witness ths Overthrow of Sin and Daath Satan Shall Oo Bound nd Divine Justic Will Bs Executed In tho Earth A Sermon to Bible Students A Great Crowd as Usual. fr"r- -vim m rr-f .Mt. Lake Turk. Md.. Si'pt. lOtll. The liui'i'tiatliiiml iiilile SI mle.ns As iri itiuu ti:e- hecii luilili::K it (Vnvcii lion lier. for more t li a u it week; many able speak ers h a v e t' e e n heard Higher Criticism In at a discount ntiion:t these Bible Stu dents. Tliey clii Iiu btiruionlea of the ... 1t. I A that the internal Bible attest Its Mvlne autlieutlclly. Amongst those earnest students are many who at one time were, intldels. They profess greater faith than ever lu the lilhle as the resul of reading raster Uussell's books, to which mini v of them were led through his sermons. Castor Russell was the principal speaker at the Convention today. He arrived during the week, and is being entertained some distance from the Turk, at the Weber mansion. Hun dreds visit him every evening. Pastor Kussell sskt. twice today In the large Auditorium. He delivered one of bis discourses from the text, "In the last days the Moun' tln of the Lord's House shall be established in tlie top of the mountains. and all people shall flow unto It" (Isaiah 11, 2). He said in pert: Our tett tells of great events In the "lust days." it would be a mistake, however, to suppose that ttiese words Imply the end of time or the end of the world. In the ordinary sense. The Dible declares that "the earth abldeih forever." and It tells of the wonderful blessings of Restitution, when the Lord's footstool shall blossom as the rose ru rail Ise restored. All this is to come In the "last days." The Jews understood that the seven days of the week, six of labor and the seventh of rest, were typical of seven ri eater days of a thousand years each. In harmony with this thought, some of them tell us that we are living In the Friday night of the world's history -which mentis that the great Sabbath of Ue;it Is about to begin--the thousand years of Messiah's reign (the Jewish day beginning In the evening). The Nee- Testament writers seem to have hud the same thought. Thus our Lord declared, "My Word shall Judge you in l he Last Day." Similarly, Mar tha declared her faith In the resurrec tion of her brother, saying. "I Know that he shall rise ngiiln in the renrree tioti, at the Last Iny"-the Millennia; Day, the Day of Chrlst-tbe. great Day v hi "h will witness the overthrow of sin ami death and the uplifting of hu manity, nf that great Day we rend. "In His Day shall the righteous (lour Ish, aud evil-doers shall be cut off." This Seventh Dvy Is freipienMy spo ken of as "th'it Day." as indicating the time when Divine power wiil no longer permit the reign nf sin amongst men, but Messiah's Kingdom will actively Intervene. The overthrow of Sntau, in and all unrighteousness will then '.aUe place. It Is during this Day Messiah will put down all tilings op ; .isod to rlghteoiisnes": "The Inst en "iuy that shrill be destroyed Is de-ith." Throughout that glorious Day the resurrection process will be In opera tion; mankind will be rlsln;: out of Its neanness, sin, sickness nnd death, back to nil that wns lost In Kdeti and redeemed by way of the Cross. In tho (ml of these days, or "after tlmr ihnjn,'' of the relgu of sin, Gixl promises to make a New Covenant with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah. through which they shall be uplifted; nnd the blessing will (low from them to all nations t.leremlnh xxxl, .11). It will be nflrr these days also that "God will pour out His Spirit upon air flesh." as says the Prophet Joel (Joel II, "N. . Our lext Is to be considered from lids Hlaiidpolnt. In the end of these days. In the promised Day of Mes siah, the Mountain of the Lord's louse shall be established, fixed. Il the veiy top of the mountains above all other kingdoms. This is In full accord vltti the entire tenor of the Scriptures. A mountain symbolizes a kingdom; and ns the Prophet declare. God's Kingdom will be the highest Mountain; it will be over the top of all other kingdoms. It will be es tabllshcd or fired permanently above ill others. Messiah, the great King, with nis Fleet P.rlde ami associate with Him, will exercise His Divine power, Satan shall lie bound for a thousand years, and sin will no lomrer be permitted From the Invisible plane of glory and malesty, Justice will be executed In the enrth; every smod word, thnueht and deed will lie rewarded, nnd every evil thought, word and deed will be punished - swiftly - snrelv. Perhnpn paralysis of the tongue will be the means by which evil speaking, false words and deceptions will lie punish ed, rerhaist paralysis of the arm or flayer will be the means employed to stop tbe crime. Certain it la that "Not him; shall hurt or destroy la all Soil's Mirfy Kingdom" tlitis esuttillslicj. How sMt,sliiy tin' world will t!:cu letini rUhteousiii'ss! Xovv It. (totibt.4 the very existence of Cut, anil d claivs l hat If lie exists He pay :it:le or no heed to wrong-doers. 'Now the wi.-ked nourish; yea, they that tempt (!o'l tire even exulted," as the S Tl; tut'es declare, liut the New lity wW elitstm'!' nil tills. McNHiuh "will lay rl!ileousiiesj to the tine and Justice to the plummet, and the hail Truth rhiill sweep away the refuge of lies, luUrcprcsctiuition.s.nilsutidcrstuiitl lun" (lsalith xxviii. 17. IS). "The blind shall see out of obscurity, uml the deaf ears shall be unstopped;" "The knowledge of the i;lory of the Lord shall fill the whole e-irth." until "None shall need say to hl.s neighbor, 'Kn.iw the Lord.' for all shall kuow Him." Gravitation Reversed The present tendency Is to j;ravitnte downward, but titir test tells of a re vefsnl of tMs- order. All tuitions sluill ! then tlow or gravitate upward -toward ! the righteous Kingdom of Messiah: M'tny people shall sav. 'Let us go up.'" The Kingdom, In Its original establishment, will be Israelltlsh Abraham. Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets will be made Princes In all the earth (Psalm xlv. Pi). The Jews, naturally, will rally to their standard and begin to recognize the fullilment of the prophecies of old. Other nationalities will begin slowly to realize the Import of the great, New Jewish Dispensation. Their Ideas and Ideals will be antagonistic for a time. Gradually they will Bee the Ucntltu tlon blessing coming to Israel, lu har mony with the Divine arrangements of the Kingdom. Then, as our context declares, "Mauy people will say. 'Come, let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; He will teach us a well as the Jews) Ills ways and we (as well as they will learn to walk In Ills paths.' " Roth Spiritual and Natural Israel are In the picture. ML Zlon Is the higher, the Spiritual Jerusalem; the lower, the earthly. The Law shall go forth from Mt. Zlon Spiritual Zlon, the Messiah-Head nnd Rody-Rrlile-groom and Rrlde) while the Word of the Lord the directing aud Instruct ing will go forth from Jerusalem the Patrlnrctuil Princes, who will repre sent the Kingdom. Judging Among the Gentiles The context tells us that the new King, Messiah, will Judge amongst the natlons-amongst all the people.. It will be a getiernl Judgment first, an Individual one subseuent1y. The na tional Judgments will mean calamities upon the nations. The demonstra tions of the great dreadnaughts and great armies will prove that they are not to be the peacemakers of earth. On the contrary, those trusting In these devices will suffer most severely. All most learn the lesson that Messiah's Kingdom comes not by human might nor power, but is the Lord's Institu tion, iu i,i:t own appointed time. The lesson will be so thoroughly learned In that Day of Trouble that war will forever cense. The Prophet David tells us that the mighty army of the Lord, through Messiah's Kingdom, will work havoc with present Institu tions. Then "He will make wars to cease unto the ends of the enrth." Our context tells us that thereafter "They shall beat their swords Into plow shares and their spears Into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they le.nn war any more." Kven Roys" Riigades, etc., ther'afi'T will be at a discount. Human energy nnd activity will find better employment In conquering self, sin-sickness nnd death. Hiding In the Rocks The description here given by the Prophet Isaiah of the Day with which this Gospel Age will end. the great. Day when Messiah's Kingdom begins, agrees very closely with a description of the same given lu the book of Reve lation. Isaiah tells us that Idolatiy to gold and silver shall lie brought to au end, and the great Iroeble of Day will cause many to bile themselves In the rocks, for fear nf the Lord and for the glory nf Ills Majesty (Isaiah II, 10, 1. "The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and their haughti ness shall lie bowed down and the Lord alone shall be exalted In thnt Day" (vs. Oil). Tho Idols lie shall utterly abolish, and those who worship them "shall go info the rocks and Into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord and for the glory of ITU Majesty, when He ariselh to shake terribly (he enrth" (vs. 18 21). The same picture 1 set before us lu Revelation vl. 1.1-17. Here tho great ones of earth are represented as call .ig upon the mountains to fall on them and to hide them from the pres ence of the Lord. The thought Is to fall oirr mi, bide us, protect us. The Prophet Mulachl asks, "Who shall abide In the great Day of the Lord?" "Who ithall lie able to stand?" Let us coiistru t a picture before our minds. Let us suppose the vast ccans, constituting three-fourth of Hie enrth' surface, to represent the masses of mankind unsettled, unat tached, without property, with little hope or prospect, with Illimitable longings, but no power fo satisfy them "wit hunt God and without hope lu Ihe world." Let us consider the land Lehlnd and before us to repre sent Hoclety, fixed, established, desir ous of peace, having something whlcb It doe not wish to lose, which It does not wish the "sen" class to wash away. Aa In the sea we And shallow and mighty depths, so on the land we find ow places, higher place and niouo- tiin peaks, and parh of these repre sents u ccrt:tln decree of prosperity or adversity. The uuuiutain beitrbcs : Would represent the princes of stn iety, . tner.-liaat prmi es. bunkirs, as weh Am jpolilicul powers. As from time im l Uieumi ial t hi-re lias lieeu a eoutliet ihv ; tvvcea the land and ttie sea, the latter, I In storms, violently attacking tue former ami seeking to capture It. so heien the two classes here repre j iK'iitud the "sea" class, lu'lplesH aud j without property, is envious of the ! "earth" class, those who. under tn i liroNiMlt order. M.ti'e uml iiniiui K. chief lilessings. The iiiotinlaiua. the rocks of aindety social Institutions, lodges, flnaueiai lustltutioiis, capitalists, coiubiualious, uatlonal treaties, etc., will all fail la that great lay of trial and judging aud testing; the shaking and over throw of every human Institution Is lu full juvonl with the Divine require ments of Justice, Uighti'oiisness. Who Shall Then Stand? My dear hearers, where la your treasure? Where Is your security? ! This long foretold Day of the Lord Is i nlKh. The great time of Trouble 1m- : I'euils, a time "such as was not aiuco thei'o was a nation" (Daniel xil, ll. If our treasures are upon the earth aud our confidence rests in human or ganizations, the time Is near when we may be crawling Into these holes, fbeso social nnd (lnancial protective arrange ments, calling upon tbenio cover us, protect us, but there will be no pro tection iMisslble. The Apostle declare respecting that Day that everything that can be shaken will be shakeu everything that Is not In full alignment with the Divine standards will go down. In the language of the Scrip ture, we should set our affection. oo thing above, not on earthly things. The Master counsel further, "Lay up for yourselves treasure In heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth cor rupt, nnd where thieve do not break through and steal." If wo have been careless In this tnat ter In the past. It Is high time for us to Invest what little we have of time. Influence, talent and money in the service of tho King of kings In laying up treasure In heaven, In promoting the interest of the groat Kingdom wherein we trust, and of whlcb we hope HMiu to be members, sharers with our dear Redeemer. We are not counseling foolishness the throwing away of money, of time and Influence. On the contrary, we counsel the spirit of a sound mind, that every hour, every talent, every penny lie used, not a our own, but 89 the Lord's; not according to our selfish, desires, but according to the Divine will, so far as we are able to under stand It; thnt we may glorify God la our bodies and spirits which are Ills. Every talent we jsissess 1 that much of our stewardship, of which we must shortly give account. The Lord's serv ants, the consecrated, Pplrlt-Regotteu, will he called to account before that great Day of trouble upon tho world. Jesu said, "Watch ye, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all those things coming upon the earth, and to stand before the Son of Man." Our watching Is In respect to our talent, our faithfulness In their use. In one of Ills parables the Lord tells us that on Ills return to establish Ills Kingdom, before beginning to deal with the world at all. He will deal with Ills servants. The Inquiry will be. How have we used the pounds and talents given to it by our Mnster? All those who use their opportunities faithfully will be accounted worthy of a share In the Kingdom, as Illustrated In the parable. "Enter ye Into the Joys of your Lord:" "You have been faith ful over a few things. I will mako you ruler over many things;" "nave dominion over (wo cities," "live cities," etc. - .... .i.Jtng- There will, Indeed, be some of Ood's people who will pas through the trou ble with the world. Those who are too fenrfnl of the weight of tho cross will Iniry their talent In the earfh. They will fall to have their portion with the Lord and Ills saintly few In the Kingdom and. Instead, will have their portion with the hypocrite. In the great trouble of that Day. The Catastrophe Cannot Be Averted It 1 Impossible for us. or for any one, to avert the great catastrophe which Is surely bearing down upon tho world. The Lord's people are to hnve nothing whatever to do with bringing about the great catastrophe, any more than had the Prophets, whose words we are using. It Is for ns to make our own "calling and elec tion sure," and a fae a possible to send on; the Divine Message In no uncertain tone to all of God's people, that each and all may be found faith ful In the use of their pounds and tal entsretrieving each possible loss of opportunities, or, a the Apostle says, "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil" and unfavorable. Our day witnesses the world gone pleasure-mud "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." The spirit nf the world surrounds us, threnten h engulf us nnd destroy our spiritual ity. There never was a greater need than now for the soldiers of the cross to arise and "put on the whole armour of God." to "watch and pray," and fight b good fight against their owu weaknesses and against the dart and snare of the Adversary, Many dittr Christians realize that we are living In strange times, but do not realize that we are In the trsnsl tlon period between the reign of sin, slckne and death, and the reign of Messiah's Kingdom of righteousness and light. Lot each one whose eyes of understanding hnve opened to bet tor appreciation of God's great Book be on the alert to "show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out j of darkness Info His marvelous light"